IEEE Paper of Mobile Computing Final

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Mobile Computing

Mr. Suyash Birar, Mr. Aman Dhondge, Mr. Aditya Ghotekar, Mr. Om Kame
Department of Information Technology
MVP’s Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic, Nashik-13

Abstract—Mobile Computing defines that a device which permits the flow of transmission of data from one computer to another by
never been connected to the Physical link layers. Mobile voice communications which is in demands all over the world is having a
great increment of the user subscribers to many networks protocols from last two to three years. This concept is normally called as
the Principle of the mobile computing. This has become very interesting in the growth of the technology which allows the users to
transmit the information details of data.

Keywords:- Mobile Computing, Components, Mobile Computing Parts.

Fixed and Wireless: In Fixed and Wireless configuration,
the devices are fixed at a position, and they are connected
INTRODUCTION through a wireless link to make communication with other
Mobile Computing is a technology that provides an devices.
environment that enables users to transmit data from one For Example, Communication Towers, WiFi router
device to another device without the use of any physical link Mobile and Wired: In Mobile and Wired configuration,
or cables. In other words, you can say that mobile computing some devices are wired, and some are mobile. They
allows transmission of data, voice and video via a computer or altogether make communication with other devices.
any other wireless-enabled device without being connected to
For Example, Laptops.
a fixed physical link. In this technology, data transmission is
Mobile and Wireless: In Mobile and Wireless
done wirelessly with the help of wireless devices such as
mobiles, laptops etc. This is only because of Mobile configuration, the devices can communicate with each other
Computing technology that you can access and transmit data irrespective of their position. They can also connect to any
from any remote locations without being present there network without the use of any wired device.
physically. Mobile computing technology provides a vast For Example, WiFi Dongle.
coverage diameter for communication. It is one of the fastest
and most reliable sectors of the computing technology field. Mobile Hardware
Mobile hardware consists of mobile devices or device
The concept of Mobile Computing can be divided into three components that can be used to receive or access the service
parts: of mobility. Examples of mobile hardware can be
• Mobile Communication smartphones, laptops, portable PCs, tablet PCs, Personal
• Mobile Hardware Digital Assistants, etc.
• Mobile Software These devices are inbuilt with a receptor medium that can
Mobile Communication send and receive signals. These devices are capable of
operating in full-duplex. It means they can send and receive
signals at the same time. They don't have to wait until one
Mobile Communication specifies a framework that is
device has finished communicating for the other device to
responsible for the working of mobile computing technology.
initiate communications.
In this case, mobile communication refers to an infrastructure
that ensures seamless and reliable communication among
Mobile Software
wireless devices. This framework ensures the consistency and
Mobile software is a program that runs on mobile hardware.
reliability of communication between wireless devices. The
This is designed to deal capably with the characteristics and
mobile communication framework consists of communication requirements of mobile applications. This is the operating
devices such as protocols, services, bandwidth, and portals system for the appliance of mobile devices. In other words,
necessary to facilitate and support the stated services. These you can say it the heart of the mobile systems. This is an
devices are responsible for delivering a smooth essential component that operates the mobile device. This
communication process. provides portability to mobile devices, which ensures
Fixed and Wired: In Fixed and Wired configuration, the wireless communication.
devices are fixed at a position, and they are connected
through a physical link to communicate with other devices.
For Example, Desktop Computer.


Applications of Mobile Computing

Following is a list of some significant fields in which mobile
computing is generally applied: Today’s mobile computing technologies have gone notches
• Web or Internet access. higher in comparison to yester years. Users can nowadays
• Global Position System (GPS). work comfortably from any location as long as they are
• Emergency services. connected to a secure network. Mobile computing has become
• Entertainment services. a major part of Information Communication and Technology
• Educational services. world. Mobile functionality is available now, but performance
remains an issue that will need to be addressed. It is certain
that mobile computing will control the world’s economies in
How does mobile computing work? the near future. There is still much room to grow and much
Generally, a mobile computing system involves a mobile work to be done to get technology to the desired heights.
device, such as a laptop computer, tablet or smartphone, and
a wireless network connection based on Wi-Fi or cellular REFERENCES
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