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History 11 Paper 2 - Steps To Follow

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History Grade 11 (2022 - 2023)

Paper 2 Steps to follow

• Your answers for question 1 to 4 must include the following: Valid Inference,
Support, Contextual Knowledge and Cross Reference.
• Do not change any word in the source when giving Support.
• Test reliability of sources from question 2 to 5.
• For photographs, cartoons and pictures do not give face value or surface
• For the last question: Do not group the Sources, treaty each source
separately and use all the sources. Look out for sources that both supports
and reject the statement and use them to your advantage.

Question 1: What can you learn from the source?

• Make a valid inference.

• Support from the source.
• Use of contextual knowledge.
• Cross reference with other sources.

Question 2 / 3: Do sources agree?

• Make a choice i.e., Sources Agree

• Make a common valid inference (based on similarity)
• Support from both Source

• Make a choice i.e., Sources disagree.

• Make a valid inference on the first source (based on difference)
• Support from source.
• Make a valid inference on the second source (based on difference)
• Support from source

• Testing of reliability of both sources

Stanley Stan-hd Lionga History Grade 11 Paper 2 (2022 – 2023) Zambezi Region

Question 2 / 3: Why was the Source Published / What is the Message of the

• Make a valid inference (Small message) / Identify the purpose.

• Explain the small message (Big Message) / Explain the purpose.
• Support from the Source.
• Use contextual knowledge.
• Cross reference with other sources.
• Testing of reliability

Question 4: Which source is more useful.

• Make a choice i.e. More useful

• Valid Assertion developed into purpose (useful to who and for what)
• Support from the Source

• Make a choice i.e. Less useful

• Valid Assertion developed into purpose (Limitations – No author and/or date,
Author biased, long date i.e. published many years after the event)

• Use contextual knowledge.

• Cross reference with other sources.
• Testing of reliability

Question 4: Are you surprised / Do you Trust the Source / How reliable is the

• Consider both sources (if they are two)

• Make a choice i.e. Yes / No OR I am surprised or I am not surprised / I trust
Source D or I do not trust Source E / Source D is reliable or Source E is not
• Valid Assertion developed into purpose.
• Support from the Source

• Use contextual knowledge.

• Cross reference with other sources.
• Testing of reliability

Stanley Stan-hd Lionga History Grade 11 Paper 2 (2022 – 2023) Zambezi Region

Question 5: Study ALL source

• Make a choice (Source A support the statement OR Source A does not
support the statement)
• Support from the source (Provenance or direct quote).
• Test reliability of two (2) sources

Example of Cross reference

Source A
Everybody [was] fed up with the Tsar because they felt he was weak. When he
abdicated, there was great rejoicing. Everybody thought things would be much
Margot Tracey, the daughter of wealthy Russian capitalists, describing her feelings towards the Tsar
in 1917.

1. Study Source A.
What does this source tell you about the Tsar’s reign? Use the source and
your knowledge to explain your answer. (6)

Russian people were not happy with the Tsar. This is supported by Source B, which
states, “Everybody [was] fed up with the Tsar because they felt he was weak.” Many
Russians especially the workers and peasants were tired of the poor living and
working conditions they went through during the Tsar regime. They wanted reforms
but the Tsar was not responding positively to their plea. When they marched to the
Winter Palace to handover their petition, the officer fired at then killing over 200. The
Tsar did not punish the officers for the ruthless act. Cross reference with Source C
which shows that Tsar was influenced by Grigori Rasputin to make decisions.
In Source C, the cartoon shows the Tsar, and the Tsarina were in Rasputin’s
Example of Testing of Reliable
Source C

A Russian cartoon, the caption reads: ‘The Russian Tsars at home.’

Stanley Stan-hd Lionga History Grade 11 Paper 2 (2022 – 2023) Zambezi Region

Study Source C. What is the message of this cartoon? Use the source and
your knowledge to explain your answer. [8]

The message of the cartoon was to show that the Tsar and Tsarina were weak and
were manipulated by Rasputin. The cartoonist was criticising the Tsar by showing
that he was able to make decisions on his own, but rather depended on Rasputin to
make decisions for him. This is why the cartoonist drew both Tsar and Tsarina in the
hands of Rasputin. The cartoonist was exposing the weakness of the Tsar and
Tsarina and the fact that they were unable to lead the country, so that people would
start to distrust them. The cartoonist depicts this by showing the Tsar and Tsarina as
small and being cuddled by a giant Rasputin.
The cartoonist wanted to convey the message that there was a need to change the
regime, as the current regime was too weak to make decisions. From my knowledge,
I know that the Tsar was the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian army during World
War I. he left the country’s leadership in the hands of his wife, Tsarina, who was
manipulated by a drunkard peasant, Grigori Rasputin.

Source C is not reliable because the author is not known. It could have been
published by someone who was opposing the Tsarist regime with the intention of
tarnishing the image of the Tsar by portraying him as a weak leader who is failing to
govern his own country properly. The author was targeting the Russian people to
brainwash them to hate the Tsar and turn against him. The fact that the year of
publication is not indicated makes the source to be unreliable, since it can be
assumed that it was published during the time of the Russian revolution and was
meant to unite the Russian people against the Tsar and get rid of the Tsarist regime.

OR (if the source had an author and date of publication)

Source C is reliable because it was published by a peasant who experienced the

hardship during the Tsar regime, and he wanted a change. The author was targeting
the Russian people to encourage them to oppose the Tsar and turn against him.
The source was published in 1905 during the time of the Russian revolution and was
meant to unite the Russian people against the Tsar and get rid of the Tsarist regime.

Stanley Stan-hd Lionga History Grade 11 Paper 2 (2022 – 2023) Zambezi Region

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