Optical Express Brochuresep18

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It’s a wonderful world.

We’ll help you see it that way.

04 Introducing Optical Express
06 A wealth of experience
08 Expert, impartial advice
10 A comprehensive eye test
12 Utilising technology
14 Laser eye or lens surgery?
16 Significant investment
18 Experienced team
20 Commitment to aftercare
22 Freedom from glasses
24 An ethical approach
26 Life-changing
28 What our patients say
30 Your journey
A Wonderful Achievement

The first laser eye surgery

on a human eye was
carried out in 1988 by
Dr Marguerite McDonald,
a current member of the
Optical Express International
Advisory Board.

Opening the eyes of the world to corrective eye surgery.

First there were glasses.

Then contact lenses.
Followed by a small miracle.
Laser eye surgery. And
correcting poor eyesight
has never looked back.

04 05
Offering Wonderful Futures

So many people treated.

So many lives improved.
Yes, it’s true that more people choose
us than any other provider. In fact, more
than all the other providers put together.
But what’s more important is that we treat
everyone as an individual. With personal
care and attention to achieve the best
possible results.

Top left to bottom right:

Ed Borgnis,
Laser eye surgery
Lauren Vasey,
Laser eye surgery
Jeanne Simpson,
Lens surgery
Stuart Hunt, In the UK, only
Laser eye surgery Optical Express provides
Anthony Hay, complete eye care for all the
Laser eye surgery
family. Everything from eye
Jack Maddix,
Laser eye surgery tests to glasses and contact
Matt Jones, lenses to corrective eye
Laser eye surgery surgery, cataract surgery
Sally Cross, – and even treatment for
Lens surgery
dry eyes.
Nabeel Khan,
Laser eye surgery
Gemma Baker,
Laser eye surgery
Andy Nash,
Laser eye surgery
Hollie Puttock,
Laser eye surgery

06 07
Full of Wonderful Opportunity

Our advice at your Free advice is great. Free, expert,

comprehensive advice is even
initial consultation better. And hearing the truth is best
of all. So for a ‘no strings attached’
is free, expert, recommendation, all you have to
spend is a little time with us. Simply
comprehensive make an appointment for an initial
consultation to see one of our
and impartial. highly qualified optometrists.

Charlotte Supria, Andy Nash,

Optometrist Patient

08 09
A Wonderful Eye Test

Exclusive to Optical Express,

you’ll receive a personalised
iScan report. It gives detailed
information about your test
results and recommendation
– it even includes an x-ray and
3-D map of your eyes.

An eye test that

tests more than
your eye sight.
All eye tests aren’t equal. Using the latest in
clinical technology we’ll carry out a number
of tests, most of which you won’t have
experienced during a routine eye exam.
These tests allow us to see the characteristics
and imperfections of the surface of your eye
as well as your prescription and health. Only
by attending a consultation will you know if
you’re suitable for corrective eye surgery
and which treatment plan is best.

10 11
Using Wonderful Technology

We can measure your

eyes over 1,200 times.

You can choose the advanced technology of
iDesign to further enhance your surgery. iDesign
takes over 1,200 microscopic measurements in
just seconds, delivering twenty-five times more
accuracy than a standard prescription for glasses
or contact lens. It creates a 3-D map of each
eye that’s as distinct as a fingerprint, making it
possible for your surgeon to create a treatment
plan that’s precisely custom-fit just for you.

12 13
Leading to Wonderful Treatments

If you’re suitable for laser eye If you’re over 50, lens surgery
surgery you can say goodbye may be best for you. But
to glasses and contact lenses whether its laser or lens, the
and see the world the way common goal is true vision
you want to see it. transformation.

Ed Borgnis, Sally Cross,

Laser eye surgery Lens surgery

Laser eye or lens surgery?

14 15
In Wonderful Environments

We have the same

technology in every
Optical Express clinic
that led NASA to approve
laser eye surgery for
their astronauts.

Over £400 million

has been invested
in our clinics and
advanced technology.
This investment has resulted in clinics you’ll
feel comfortable in. Advanced technology that
makes life changing treatments possible and
takes just minutes to perform. Combined with
our expert surgeons, you’re in safe hands.

16 17
From a Wonderful Team

Our clinical team has performed

over two million surgeries. But
they never forget it’s your first.

The more surgeries they perform the greater a surgeons

experience and expertise. But we ask for more. Our
surgeons will support you with an extra special compassion
that will make your experience as positive as the results. Troy Scott,

All of our surgeons are

regularly assessed to
make sure they are
maintaining the highest
possible standards.

18 19
And Wonderful Commitments

Aftercare starts the day

of your treatment.
It’s important to remember that corrective eye surgery is no
different from any other kind of surgery. That’s why we’re just
as committed to your immediate and longer-term aftercare.
Before you leave the clinic we’ll advise you on what you should
– and shouldn’t do – to make sure of a speedy recovery. You’ll
see us the next day for a review appointment to check on your
progress. You’ll have further post-op appointments as you need
them too, just to make sure you’re healing well and ready to
start enjoying life to the full.

Anthony Hay,
Laser eye surgery

20 21
A Wonderful Promise

We receive a huge
amount of positive
feedback, but the most
common comment from
our patients is “I wish
I’d done it sooner.”

The freedom of glasses-free vision.

Being at one with nature.
A sense of freedom with all of the
underwater sights, crystal clear.
The world is your oyster.

22 23
With Wonderful Principles
Today, the majority of people who come to us
can benefit from corrective eye surgery. But if
you’re not suitable for this type of treatment we’ll
always be honest with you. We’ll explain what
we consider to be your best option and make
sure you leave your consultation feeling positive
that you’ve received the best possible advice.

We’ve advised over

250,000 people not to have
corrective eye surgery.

24 25
With Wonderful Results

…but for the people

we have treated the
results have been Sally Cross,
Lens surgery
Stuart Hunt,

Laser eye surgery

The number of people who choose Optical Express

is growing every week, every month, every year. That’s
because over 99% of those treated achieve 20:20 vision
or better1. And it’s only natural that word of mouth
travels fast. These personal recommendations lead to
greater confidence and trust in our standards of
service and expertise.
In a study of 177,555 Optical Express patients with the most common prescriptions

we treat, 99.1% achieved 20:20 vision or better following treatment.

26 27
And Wonderful Outcomes
“Singing is very important
to me. As my eyesight
deteriorated it was so
disheartening not being
able to perform to the
best of my ability. The
biggest change for me
is being able to read
music and see the
conductor in the choir.”
Jeanne Simpson,
Lens surgery

“Laser eye surgery really was

the ideal solution for me. I can
now stay out later and live my
life without having to worry
about contacts drying out. For
me this is truly life-changing.”
Nabeel Khan,
Laser eye surgery

“Being able to play netball

without my glasses “Breaking my glasses was
getting in the way has the push that I needed.
Laser eye surgery had been
definitely improved on the radar for years. For
anyone who hates wearing
my performance.” glasses or contacts then this
is a wonderful alternative.”
Lauren Vasey, Jack Maddix,
Laser eye surgery
Laser eye surgery

28 29
A Wonderful Journey

Your consultation
To make sure corrective eye surgery is right for you we offer a free, no
obligation consultation. And with the largest number of private clinics Our vision is to
completely eliminate
in the UK and Ireland, you’ll be sure to find a clinic near you.

the need to put up

Meeting your optometrist
A specialist optometrist will discuss your reasons for considering surgery
and, if you’re suitable, recommend their best treatment for you. The final
decision will rest with your eye surgeon.

Meeting your surgeon

with poor eyesight
You’ll have a discussion with your surgeon at least two days before
your surgery day. In a small number of cases they may recommend
that a different treatment is best suited to you. – and it’s something
Your surgery that we truly believe
is achievable.
Your surgical care team will do everything possible to make you feel
at ease. It’s normal to feel a little anxious, but your team will make sure
you’re comfortable with all aspects of your surgery.

After your surgery

Before you leave the clinic we’ll talk to you about caring for your eyes
and what you can expect over the next few days and weeks. You’re
then free to rest and recuperate in the comfort of your own home.

Planning your aftercare

Your aftercare is as important as the surgery itself. We’ll see you the
day after your surgery to check on your recovery and tailor several more
post-op appointments until you’re discharged.

Book your FREE

Book Now

If you want to join the conversation on all

things eyes, come and make friends with
us on our social media channels.

@opticalexpress @opticalexpressuk

@OpticalExpress Optical Express

0800 023 20 20

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