HTWSPS2023 - VCMNA185 Resource

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RANGE - 1.5-5

Phillip WANG
Geoffrey QIU
Samantha ORTEGA
Frederic HUMBLE
Use problem solving strategies

Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve
Number and Place Value
problems (VCMNA185)

1. How many 5 seater cars would be needed to take 28 3. If Larry makes 14 tennis rackets a day, then how many
people to the park? tennis rackets can he make in 1 week?

2. If 135 people attend school by catching a 12 seater bus, 4. Sarah scored 17 points playing basketball tonight. If she
how many trips will the bus need to take? scores this number of goals in each match of the
12 game season, how many points will she score in

1. Mary ordered a large pasta for $8.50, 2. This year Barry’s Sports Store sold 123
garlic bread for $2.25 and a small tennis rackets, 534 pairs of shoes, 242
orange juice for $3.10. How much jumpers and 203 basketballs.
change will she get back from $20? a) Estimate to the nearest 50 the amount of items
they sold this year.

b) Use a calculator to work out the exact total.

c) What was the difference?

Problem Solving
1. The speed limit along the Old Geelong 2. How long would it take the Miller family to travel
Highway is 80 km/h. How far would you 400 km if the average speed of their car is 90 km/h for
travel in 2.5 hours? the trip?

1. Sally is using a cake recipe that uses 2. An egg and bacon pie contains 5 eggs, 4 rashers of
4 cups of flour and 3 eggs for 6 people. 𝟏𝟏
bacon, 1 cup of milk and cup of flour. Kate wants to
However, tonight she is baking for 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 the ingredients as she is having guests over
18 people. How many eggs and how tonight. Work out the amount of extra ingredients she
much flour will she need to use? will need.

© Essential Assessment 2012-2019

The Victorian Curriculum F-10 content elements are © VCAA, reproduced by permission. The VCAA does not endorse or make any warranties regarding this resource. The Victorian
Curriculum F-10 and related content can be accessed directly at the VCAA website.
Use problem solving strategies

Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve
Number and Place Value
problems (VCMNA185)

1. How many 5 seater cars would be needed to take 3. If Larry makes 14 tennis rackets a day, then how many
28 people to the park? tennis rackets can he make in 1 week?

6 98

2. If 135 people attend school by catching a 12 seater bus, 4. Sarah scored 17 points playing basketball tonight. If she
how many trips will the bus need to take? scores this number of goals in each match of the
12 game season, how many points will she score in

1. Mary ordered a large pasta for $8.50, 2. This year Barry’s Sports Store sold 123
garlic bread for $2.25 and a small tennis rackets, 534 pairs of shoes, 242
orange juice for $3.10. How much jumpers and 203 basketballs.
change will she get back from $20? a) Estimate to the nearest 50 the amount of items
they sold this year.
$6 . 15
b) Use a calculator to work out the exact total.
c) What was the difference?

Problem Solving
1. The speed limit along the Old Geelong 2. How long would it take the Miller family to travel
Highway is 80 km/h. How far would you 400 km if the average speed of their car is 90 km/h for
travel in 2.5 hours? the trip?

4 hours and 27 minutes

1. Sally is using a cake recipe that uses 2. An egg and bacon pie contains 5 eggs, 4 rashers of
4 cups of flour and 3 eggs for 6 people. 𝟏𝟏
bacon, 1 cup of milk and cup of flour. Kate wants to
However, tonight she is baking for 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 the ingredients as she is having guests over
18 people. How many eggs and how tonight. Work out the amount of extra ingredients she
much flour will she need to use? will need.

9 eggs and 12 cups of flour 15 eggs, 12 rashes of bacon, 3 cups of milk and
1½ cups of flour

© Essential Assessment 2012-2019

The Victorian Curriculum F-10 content elements are © VCAA, reproduced by permission. The VCAA does not endorse or make any warranties regarding this resource. The Victorian
Curriculum F-10 and related content can be accessed directly at the VCAA website.

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