Emotions and Health Decision-Making Author Rebecca Ferrer, William Klein, Jennifer Lerner

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Behavioral Economics and Public Health

Emotions and
Health Decision-
Extending the Appraisal Tendency Framework to Improve
Health and Healthcare

Rebecca Ferrer National Cancer Institute

William Klein National Cancer Institute

Jennifer Lerner Harvard University

Valerie Reyna Cornell University

Dacher Keltner University of California


Ferrer, R., Klein, W., Lerner, J. S., Reyna, V. F., & Keltner, D. (in press).
Emotions and Health Decision-Making: Extending the Appraisal Tendency
Framework to Improve Health and Healthcare. In C. Roberto & I. Kawachi
(Eds.), Behavioral economics and public health. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.


The growth of a robust body of research examining emotions and decision-making (Lerner, Li,
Valdesolo, & Kassim, 2015) and an unprecedented societal focus on behavioral prevention of
disease suggests that now is the time to leverage emotion science to improve health and health
care. Extending the appraisal tendency framework (Lerner & Keltner, 2000), we predict how
emotions may interact with situational factors to improve or degrade health-related decisions.
We also discuss how policymakers can leverage emotional influences on judgment and decision-
making to improve health decisions and healthcare. Our review examines four categories of
judgments and thought processes of clear relevance to health decisions: risk perception,
valuation and reward-seeking, interpersonal attribution, and depth of information processing. By
building on prior research and theory, we illustrate ways in which a better understanding of
emotion can improve judgments and choices regarding health.

Emotions and Health Decision-Making:

Extending the Appraisal Tendency Framework to Improve Health and Healthcare

In an era of unprecedented focus on health policy and behavioral prevention of disease

(e.g., Barry & Edgman-Levitan, 2012),1 understanding the relevance of behavioral science to
health is critical. The decisions that people make about their health and the health of others
significantly affect the quality, trajectory, and length of human life. Given that many causes of
mortality and reduced quality of life, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, can be
prevented with behavioral modifications (Fisher et al., 2002; Ford, Zhao, Tsai, & Li, 2011; Khaw
et al., 2008; Pearson et al., 2002; Stefanek et al., 2009), recent findings from the field of
behavioral science specifying how emotion alters judgments and decision making (Lerner et al.,
2015) may offer a key to better outcomes.2 Specifically, contrary to the popular view that
emotions generally contaminate rational decision-making, converging evidence indicates that
they actually can improve decisions (e.g., Damasio, 1994; Lerner & Keltner, 2000; 2001;
Loewenstein & Lerner, 2003).
The field of behavioral economics has begun to make important connections between
behavioral science and systems-level interventions. Behavioral economic principles are
beginning to be incorporated into health policies and interventions at a variety of levels (see
Thaler & Sunstein, 2008). These policies have achieved varied success (see Marteau, Ogilvie,
Suhrcke, & Kelly, 2011), but are currently limited to leveraging basic research on economic
decision-making, and have not yet capitalized on research demonstrating that emotion influences
In the health domain, research suggests that global affective states – feeling good or bad –
contribute to unhealthy behaviors such as smoking (e.g., Addicott, Gray, & Todd, 2009; Perkins
et al., 2008), alcohol consumption (e.g., Kelly, Masterman, & Young, 2011; Ostafin & Brooks,
2011), and overeating (e.g., Loxton, Dawe, & Cahill, 2011). Emotions also contribute to health-
related risk perceptions (Peters, Lipkus, & Diefenbach, 2006) and health decisions made in
response to numeric information (Peters et al., 2009). However, less systematic attention has
been paid to discrete emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, or disgust (and positive discrete
emotions such as gratitude or pride), despite evidence in other domains demonstrating that
emotions of the same valence (e.g., anger and fear) can yield dramatically different decisions and
behaviors (e.g., Lerner & Keltner, 2000; 2001).
Integral emotions – those that are normatively relevant to a decision because they are
elicited by a component of the decision or would be influenced by an outcome of the decision –
can predict health decisions (see DeSteno, Gross, & Kubzansky, 2013).3 For example, worry
about a health threat may trigger preventive behavior (e.g., Hay, McCaul, & Magnan, 2006).
From a functional perspective that views the purpose of emotions as means to motivate
fulfillment of goals (see Keltner & Gross, 1999), integral emotions may produce adaptive
decisions because they highlight threats, motivate mitigating actions, or signal that a goal has

See also http://www.pcori.org/about-us/landing/
We define emotion as a relatively brief affective reaction to a specific person, situation, or sensory stimuli (see
Keltner & Lerner, 2010). Unlike moods, which tend to be viewed as less intense positive or negative affective states
that are sustained over some period of time, we use the term emotion to refer to discrete categories of feeling state
that differ not only in terms of valence but also on a variety of other cognitive appraisal dimensions (e.g., Smith &
Ellsworth, 1985). Our use of emotion is closely related to the concept of an “emotion schema” (Izard, 2007).
Research has also examined how health behaviors might influence emotions, such as with exercise and positive
affective outcomes (e.g., Hall, Ekkekakis, & Petruzzelo, 2002).

been achieved. However, these are not the only affective influences on judgment and decision-
making; consumer and decision scientists have also focused on incidental emotions – those
elicited by a person, situation, or stimuli not normatively relevant to the decision – can also
influence unrelated decisions (Loewenstein & Lerner, 2003; Loewenstein, Weber, Hess, &
Welch, 2001). For example, sadness elicited by a prior event has been found to influence eating
behavior (Garg & Lerner, in press). The influence of incidental emotions can linger, even when
decision makers face substantial incentives to avoid bias (e.g., Lerner, Small, & Loewenstein,
2004) and after the emotion experience itself has ceased (Andrade & Ariely, 2009; Schwarz &
Clore, 1983).
Sometimes the influence of incidental emotions may be overwhelmed by integral
emotions– for example, a patient’s amusement over a film may dissipate when she receives a
disease diagnosis. However, many complex emotions may contribute to affective experiences at
any given time (see Wilson & Gilbert, 2003, for a discussion), and incidental emotions may be
equal contributors even when integral emotion is powerful, particularly when the incidental
emotion is felt intensely or is the result of a very personally relevant event. Thus, the same
cancer patient could feel fear at a diagnosis, but not forget – or stop feeling – the anger she feels
over a previous argument with her spouse. Objectively, this incidental anger should not factor
into a treatment decision, as it is not normatively relevant to the decision (e.g., Han, Keltner, &
Lerner, 2007). However, that anger is still meaningful and salient, and may carry over to
influence her subsequent cancer treatment decisions. Thus, it is imperative to consider the
influence of both incidental and integral emotions on health judgment and decision-making.
Health-related interventions could capitalize on this basic knowledge of the role of
emotion in decision-making. Currently, behavioral economics interventions for population-level
health behaviors and decisions tend to take a one-size-fits-all approach. For example, some
countries have successfully leveraged basic knowledge about human decision-making and
defaults to improve organ donation rates by creating conventions where choices to donate are
“opt-out” rather than “opt-in” (Johnson & Goldstein, 2003; van Dalen & Henkens, 2014). This
suggests that leveraging defaults may be a promising direction for other behavioral economics
health interventions. However, emerging evidence cautions against treating defaults as a
panacea: in one instance, an opt-out colorectal cancer screening intervention actually decreased
screening rates (Narula, Ramprasad, Ruggs, & Hebl, 2013).
Contextual factors such as emotion may explain the varying success or failure of defaults
and other behavioral economics interventions. As it turns out, individuals lean more toward the
default choice when a decision is emotionally laden (Luce, 1998), as is presumably the case with
organ-donation decisions. Moreover, emotions such as anger may reduce (or reverse) reliance on
defaults (Garg, Inman, & Mittal, 2005), suggesting the possibility that implementing a default
that angers individuals – such as imposing a default option on a behavior that people are
extremely resistant to – may backfire. Other examples of behavioral economics interventions that
have failed or induced unhealthy behaviors (e.g., Cherney, 2011; Wansink & Chandon, 2006)
underscore the importance of understanding contextual factors such as emotion that could
predispose success or failure.
Connecting Emotion Research with Health Decisions
The Appraisal Tendency Framework (ATF; Han et al., 2007; Lerner & Keltner, 2000;
2001; Lerner & Tiedens, 2006) provides a useful framework for clarifying and predicting how
specific, discrete emotions systematically improve or degrade health-related decisions and
interventions. The ATF can identify (1) individual differences in the tendency to respond to

situations with certain discrete emotions (Ambady & Gray, 2002; Lerner & Keltner, 2001) and
(2) certain health situations that routinely evoke a particular discrete emotion (such as cancer and
fear; e.g., Holland, 2003).
We note that the influence of emotion on particular decision-making tendencies depends
on the properties of a decision (Lerner & Tiedens, 2006). For example, the fact that anger
increases risk taking may lead to increased benefits when the option associated with the most
likely benefit is also uncertain, ambiguous, or risky (Ferrer, Maclay, Rim, Litvak, & Lerner, in
preparation), as is the case with some treatments for cancer or other diseases. As such, emotions
can facilitate or hinder decision-making – or augment or degrade intervention efforts –depending
on the circumstances (Reyna, Nelson, Han, & Pignone, in press). Thus, rather than predicting
that a specific emotion is always beneficial or deleterious, the ATF may pinpoint how specific
emotions interact with certain types of health decisions, thereby shedding light on decisions that
would benefit or be hindered by particular emotions.
Our review focuses largely on research on incidental emotions, because such research
involves highly controlled paradigms and experimental inductions, allowing us to draw causal
conclusions about the general influence of discrete emotions on judgment and decision-making
patterns. Notably, some studies have targeted discrete integral emotions (e.g., fear or worry) in a
health context, but typically have not isolated the influence of such emotions on subsequent
judgment and decision-making. Rather, these inductions often occur in the context of health
behavior change interventions that are designed to intervene on many other constructs and
processes (e.g., Portnoy, Ferrer, Bergman, & Klein, 2014; Witte & Allen, 2000). When
inductions take this inclusive approach, it is not possible to infer mechanism (Suls, Luger, &
Martin, 2010).4 Thus, such studies cannot fully identify systematic ways that particular emotions
can influence patterns of health-related decision-making. For this reason, these studies are
beyond the scope of this review. Because theory (Han et al., 2007; Keltner & Gross, 1999;
Lerner, Han, & Keltner, 2007) and research (Isen & Erez, 1007; Lerner, Gonzalez, Small, &
Fischhoff, 2003) suggest that that the pattern of judgment and decision-making arising from an
emotion will be similar regardless of whether it is integral or incidental, studies of incidental
emotion allow us to infer patterns of the general influence of discrete emotions, both incidental
and integral, on health-related decision-making.
In this chapter, we consider the effects of emotion on four general categories of
judgments and thought processes relevant to health decisions: risk perception, valuation and
reward-seeking, interpersonal attribution, and depth of information processing. We discuss ways
in which emotions may improve or degrade health decisions through their influence on these
judgments and thought processes in two health decision domains: Choices about health
promotion and prevention behaviors (e.g., choices about food, tobacco, physical activity) and
medical decisions (e.g., decisions about preventive care and treatment). We then discuss broad
policy implications of these areas.
We define decision-making broadly, extending beyond single-event decisions (e.g.,
cancer screening) to include decisions and choices that contribute to behavioral patterns or
maintenance (e.g., decisions to quit smoking or food choices as contributors to a pattern of
adhering to smoking cessation or weight loss programs), given that similar underlying
psychological, affective, and decisional processes contribute to a diverse array of decisions (e.g.,
Reyna, 2008). Although maintenance choices are made over time and can require frequent

Although health researchers have advocated for small –scale experiments that isolate and control constructs in
isolation (Suls et al., 2010), in practice this has not occurred with emotion inductions.

decision-making (Rothman et al., 2004), behavioral patterns or maintenance initiated by a single

decision (e.g., whether to enter a smoking cessation program) can be influenced by emotion.
Moreover, frequently experienced emotions (e.g., those repeatedly triggered by a volatile
relationship, a frustrating job, or a satisfying friendship) can systematically influence repeated
decisions that contribute to patterns of behavioral maintenance.

The Appraisal-Tendency Framework

The Appraisal-Tendency Framework provides a useful theoretical foundation for

understanding how emotions influence health-related decisions. The ATF assumes that specific
emotions give rise to corresponding cognitive and motivational processes that are related to the
target of the emotion (i.e., the situation, person, or other stimulus that elicited the emotion),
which account for the effects of each emotion upon judgment and decision making. In contrast
to theories that predict how broad mood states (positive or negative) may influence judgment and
decision making (e.g., Bower, 1991; Forgas, 2003; Isen, 1993), the ATF offers specific
predictions for how discrete emotions will influence judgment and decision making (See Tables
1 and 2).
Emotion theorists have argued that a range of cognitive appraisal dimensions, or categorical
dimensions characterizing cognitive tendencies associated with emotion, usefully differentiate
emotional experience. In one empirical examination of appraisal dimensions, Smith and Ellsworth
(1985) identified six dimensions that categorize patterns of thinking associated with different
emotions: pleasantness/valence (whether the emotion is pleasant); certainty (whether the emotion
was elicited by a predictable stimulus); personal control (whether emotion was elicited by
something under one’s personal control); other or situational responsibility (whether the emotion
was elicited by a stimulus controlled by another person or a situation); attentional activity
(whether the emotion was elicited by a stimulus that demands attention); and anticipated effort
(the amount of effort an individual anticipates will be necessary to deal with the emotion or its
According to the ATF, patterns of cognitive appraisals along these dimensions provide a
basis for comparing and contrasting discrete emotions. For example, certainty and control are the
central dimensions that separate anger from fear. Anger is associated with appraisals of certainty
about an event and individual control for negative events. Fear, by contrast, is associated with
appraisals of uncertainty about what happened and situational control for negative events. Despite its
positive valence, happiness, like anger, is associated with an elevated sense of certainty and
individual control (Averill, 1983; Smith & Ellsworth, 1985; Weiner, 1986). Therefore, happiness, at
least in one respect, resembles anger more so than fear.
Each emotion is also accompanied by a core appraisal theme (Lazarus, 1991), which is a
mental schema associated with the emotion that summarize the specific harms or benefits associated
with the target or elicitor of the emotion. Emotion-specific core appraisal themes affect the likelihood
of specific courses of action (Lazarus, 1991; Frijda, 1986; Roseman, Wiest, & Swartz, 1994; Scherer,
1999, 2001). For example, sadness is accompanied by a core appraisal theme or mental schema of
loss; anger involves a core appraisal theme of being slighted or demeaned (Lazarus, 1991). The
ATF proposes that these appraisal themes systematically trigger a predisposition toward specific
action tendencies, behavioral patterns aimed at overcoming obstacles or meeting goals made
salient by the emotion and its core appraisal theme (Frijda, 1986). These action tendencies are
triggered when the appraisal dimensions associated with an emotion are also relevant to a

particular judgment or decision. For example, fear is associated with high uncertainty and
reflects core appraisal themes of being threatened; thus, it is relevant to judgments about risk and
triggers risk-avoidant behavior (see also Rivers, Reyna, & Mills, 2008). Sadness, by contrast, is
characterized by appraisals of experiencing irrevocable loss (Lazarus, 1991) and thus accompanies
the action tendency to change one’s circumstances, perhaps by seeking rewards (Lerner et al, 2004).
In sum, the ATF predicts that each emotion has motivational properties that fuel carryover to
subsequent judgments and decisions. The form of that carryover is termed appraisal tendencies –
where the appraisal dimension and appraisal theme are together activated by the properties of a
situation to shape behavioral action tendencies that predispose certain judgments, decisions, and
actions. Although tailored to help the individual respond to the event that evoked an emotion,
appraisal tendencies persist beyond the eliciting situation and affect both the content and depth of
thought. Broadly speaking, appraisal-tendency influences on judgment and decision making can be
divided into two categories: content effects and depth-of-processing effects.

Content Effects

The ATF specifies action tendencies that affect the actual content of thoughts related to a
decision (Lerner & Keltner, 2000; 2001). Consider the effects of sadness and anger on judgments
of blame. Sadness both co-occurs with appraisals of situational control in the immediate situation and
also triggers appraisal tendencies to perceive situational control even in new situations. Anger, by
contrast, co-occurs with appraisals of individual control and triggers appraisal tendencies to perceive
individual control. Consequently, sad people will attribute blame to situational factors, and angry
people will attribute blame to other individuals.
Here, we summarize three categories of judgments or thought patterns that are
particularly relevant to health decisions: risk perception and preference; valuation and reward-
seeking; and interpersonal attributions such as stereotyping, trust, and blame. These content
effects systematically predispose advantageous or disadvantageous health decision-making,
depending on the context.
Risk perception. Risk perceptions, or judgments about the likelihood of a given outcome,
are influenced by emotions (Lerner & Keltner, 2000; 2001; Loewenstein & Lerner, 2003;
Loewenstein et al., 2001; Slovic, Finucane, Peters, & MacGregor, 2002). Given that many
health-related decisions are made under the threat of disease (e.g., smoking under threat of lung
cancer and cardiovascular disease) and involve factors that influence risk perceptions, such as
dread and lack of control, research on emotion and risk perceptions is exceptionally pertinent
(see Rothman, Kelly, Hertel, & Salovey, 2003). Emotions associated with certainty and control
appraisals are directly relevant to risk (Lerner & Keltner, 2001), given that uncertainty about and
lack of control over a threat affect risk perception (Slovic, 1987).
More specifically, converging evidence suggests that fear, anger, and happiness can
systematically influence risk perceptions. Compared to happiness (Johnson & Tversky, 1983)
and anger (Lerner & Keltner, 2001), fear triggers more pessimistic risk judgments and risk-
averse choices. Researchers have applied these findings in attempts to determine when
persuasive messages will be most well-received. Individuals respond differently to risk
information when it is framed in terms of losses or gains (Kahneman & Tversky, 2000), an effect
that can be amplified or attenuated by emotional states (e.g., DeSteno, Petty, Rucker, Wegener,
& Braverman, 2004a; Wegener, Petty, & Klein, 1994). For example, loss-framed messages have
been found to be more persuasive for sad individuals, whereas happy individuals are more
persuaded by gain-framed messages (Keller, Lipkus, & Rimer, 2003; Wegener et al., 1994).

Policymakers may be able to leverage these findings when crafting public health messages.
Although most research on risk perception focuses on fear, anger, and happiness, other emotions
associated with certainty and control, such as pride and surprise, may also yield systematic
influences on decisions under uncertainty (see Table 1 for predictions).
Valuation and reward-seeking. A second category of thought processes relevant to the
content of health decisions involves the way estimate the value of different choice options, and
the general tendency toward reward-seeking behaviors that favor more highly valued options.
These effects are particularly relevant to intertemporal choices, or decisions that require us to
weigh smaller, immediate benefits against larger, delayed benefits. Valuation and reward-
seeking in intertemporal choice are relevant to many health-related behaviors (Critchfield &
Kollins, 2001). For example, drinking alcohol, eating non-nutritious foods, and smoking
cigarettes are behaviors that result in immediate hedonic gratification, but avoiding these
behaviors can bring a substantial delayed benefit: preventing disease and improving quality of
life in older age.
Consistent with ATF predictions, research has shown that sadness increases valuation of
reward (and reward-seeking), compared to anxiety (Raghunathan & Pham, 1999), happiness
(Chuang & Lin, 2007), and disgust (Cryder, Lerner, Gross, & Dahl, 2008; Han et al., 2010;
Lerner et al., 2004). Because of increased valuation of reward, sad individuals are willing to
forgo greater future rewards to receive immediate gratification (Lerner, Li, & Weber, 2013).
Additionally, although individuals tend to forgo delayed benefits to receive less substantial but
immediate benefits (intertemporal choice bias), happy individuals are less willing than
individuals in a neutral emotional state to forgo greater future monetary rewards in exchange for
receiving lesser rewards more quickly (Ifcher & Zarghamee, in press). Most research on
valuation and reward-seeking focuses on sadness, disgust, and happiness, but other emotions
with core appraisal themes related to valuation (e.g., envy, hope) are potential avenues for future
research (see Table 1).
Interpersonal attribution. Emotions can systematically influence interpersonal attributions
such as trust, blame, and stereotyping. Attributions influence physicians’ perceptions of patients
and patients’ responsiveness to physicians. Interpersonal attributions may also play a role in
health-related behaviors, such as overeating or smoking, particularly given that many such
behaviors are influenced by interactions with peers and others (Conner & Norman, 1996).
Because of increased certainty appraisals and subsequent reliance on heuristics, anger
increases stereotyping compared to sadness (Bodenhausen, Sheppard, & Kramer, 1994a;
DeSteno, Dasgupta, Bartlett, & Cajdric, 2004b) or fear (Tiedens & Linton, 2001). Anger also
increases perceived accountability because of its core appraisal theme of being slighted or
demeaned (Lerner, Goldberg, & Tetlock, 1998). Happiness and gratitude, associated with the
appraisal that others are in control, increase trust as compared to sadness. Anger, however,
lowers trust ratings compared to sadness, again because it is associated with an appraisal of being
slighted and demeaned, which does not engender trust (Dunn & Schweitzer, 2005).5 Moreover,
gratitude not only increases trust, but, relative to anger, also makes individuals more likely to
accept advice (Dunn & Schweitzer, 2005). Other emotions that may affect interpersonal
attributions are pride, envy, and shame (see Table 1).

Guilt and pride had no influence, perhaps because they are not associated with the other-control dimension.

Depth-of-processing Effects

The ATF also predicts the depth with which decision-makers process information (Lerner
& Tiedens, 2006). Evidence suggests there may be two distinct styles of cognitively processing
information: System 1 ( heuristic-intuitive) and System 2 (systematic-deliberative) –
differentiated by the depth with which information is processed (e.g., Chaiken, Liberman, &
Eagly, 1989; Petty & Cacioppo, 1986; but see Reyna, 2012) – and that our emotions influence
depth-of-processing (Lerner & Tiedens, 2006). For example, emotions that have a high certainty
appraisal, such as anger and happiness, are associated with heuristic processing (System 1),
because certainty leads to less motivation to systematically process or be vigilant towards details
(Weary & Jacobson, 1997; Bodenhausen et al., 1994a; Tiedens & Linton, 2001).6 Emotions such
as fear and relief, which are endemic in medical decisions, are also associated with depth-of-
processing effects (see Table 1).
Depth-of-processing effects are highly relevant to decisions about health, which typically
require individuals to process a great deal of information regarding the risks and benefits of a
procedure, screening, or treatment. Further, health communications involve conveying complex
information about health risks and preventive behaviors, and the depth with which information is
processed could affect how persuasive it is to them. For example, given that individuals tend to
be defensive against threatening information (Kunda, 1987), they may be motivated to process
the information contained in a health message more heuristically if it is personally threatening.
Heuristic (System 1) processing can also lead to decision biases, even (and here, most
prominently) among experts (Reyna, Chick, Corbin, & Hsia, 2014). Emotion-triggered heuristic
processing may be beneficial (e.g., when an individual uses heuristic cues to correctly identify
evidence-based evidence for engaging in healthy behaviors) or deleterious (e.g., when a patient
only skims an informed consent form when participating in a clinical trial), depending on the
decision and decision-maker. Indeed, research suggests that anger-facilitated heuristic processing
can be beneficial if those heuristic cues are valid (Moon & Mackie, 2007), even improving the
degree to which information is correctly extracted and maintained from complex documents such
as medical informed consents (Ferrer et al., under review).
Notably, depth-of-processing effects can co-occur and interact with content effects;
depth-of-processing can influence how risk information is processed, how information about
intertemporal choice is processed, and how that available information is processed into
attributions. For example, increased stereotyping in an interpersonal setting involve elevated
reliance on heuristic information processing strategies (e.g., Bodenhausen et al., 1994a; DeSteno
et al., 2004b).
Decisions about Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Behaviors
Guided by the ATF, the effects of information content and depth-of-processing can be
used to identify ways that emotion may systematically benefit or hinder choices about health
promotion and disease prevention behaviors. Given that many health behaviors are undertaken to
reduce the risk of disease, emotion has the potential to shape decisions about these behaviors

Research has also shown that generalized positive affect facilitates flexible thinking (Fredrickson, 2001; Isen,
2001), including by physicians (Estrada, Isen, and Young, 1997). These findings are somewhat contradictory to
findings that happiness triggers heuristic processing (Bodenhausen et al., 1994a). There are several potential reasons
for this discrepancy, including the possibility that positive affect inductions trigger discrete affective states other
than happiness (e.g., gratitude). Indeed, in certain contexts, discrete positive emotion states (hope and pride) are
associated with higher and lower levels of fluid processing, respectively (Cavanaugh Cutright, Luce, & Bettman,
2011). A complex discussion of these discrepant results is beyond the scope of this chapter.

through its influence on risk perception. Valuation and reward-seeking can be directly related to
health behaviors. Many products currently on the market could be classified as healthful (e.g.,
gym memberships) or unhealthful (e.g., fast food), and emotions influence purchasing behavior.
We also know that emotion effects on valuation influence intertemporal choice, or tendencies to
seek immediate rewards despite long-term health benefit (e.g., consumption of unhealthy foods,
inactivity, smoking, alcohol consumption). The influence of emotion on interpersonal attribution
may also play a prominent role in health behaviors, particularly when those behaviors are
motivated in part by social norms or take place in a social context. Finally, emotion-driven
depth-of-processing can be relevant to health communications and other health behavior
interventions designed to target knowledge. Here, we review research to date that addresses these
issues, and consider potential gaps in the field.
Risk Perception and Communication. Emotion influences risk perceptions for diseases
that could be prevented through healthy behaviors (e.g., Johnson & Tversky, 1983; Lerner &
Keltner, 2001). Further, research on emotion and health message framing has demonstrated that
fearful individuals are more persuaded by loss-framed messages about the consequences of
failing to eat fruits and vegetables (given that fear promotes loss averse behaviors), whereas
angry individuals are more persuaded by gain-framed messages about the benefits of
consumption (given that anger promotes approach behaviors and behavioral control),
demonstrated by an increase of self-reported intake two weeks after the message was presented
(Gerend & Maner, 2011). Thus, emotions such as anger should hinder health decisions under risk
framed as losses, whereas fear should benefit these types of decisions.
Valuation and Reward-Seeking. Sadness, associated with high valuation and reward-
seeking, increases the consumption of hedonic foods, whereas disgust, associated with trading
away or disposal, decreases consumption of these types of foods (Garg & Lerner, in press).
Individuals induced to a sad emotional state also consume higher amounts of hedonic foods than
those induced to feel happy (Garg, Wansink, & Inman, 2007; Wansink, Cheney, & Chan, 2003).
Given the high caloric and poor nutritional content in hedonic foods, food consumption is one
domain in which sadness could contribute to less healthy decision-making, whereas disgust or
happiness could improve it. This knowledge could lead to ATF theory-based interventions to
develop emotion regulation skills to decouple the link between sadness and high-calorie eating.
It is likely that emotion could systematically influence other health behaviors that involve
reward-seeking and intertemporal choice. It seems likely that sadness and disgust would
influence health decisions like smoking, inactivity, and alcohol consumption, all involving
intertemporal choice; sadness should increase willingness to risk later health outcomes in service
of immediate gratification associated with negative health behaviors, whereas disgust may
demotivate these behaviors. The effect of sadness may be exacerbated in adolescents and young
adults, where achieving immediate pleasure is a highly prioritized goal (Reyna & Farley, 2006).
Disgust has already been leveraged in smoking policy, in that many cigarette warning
labels target disgust (Hammond, Fong, McDonald, Brown, & Cameron, 2004). Although disgust
in these labels may be integrally related to smoking, some warning labels in other countries have
been effective to the degree that they elicit disgust even when the disgusting images have
seemingly no relevance to smoking (Hammond et al., 2004). Extending this hypothesis, sadness
could increase smoking, which has potentially important implications, given that some
antismoking advertisements may elicit sadness rather than fear by depicting a dying person.
Interpersonal Attribution. Individuals may be more motivated to engage in
interpersonally relevant healthy behaviors (e.g., those involving social normative influence, such

as smoking) if they are experiencing pride, an emotion involving attributions about the self in
comparison to attributions about others. Supporting this hypothesis, research has demonstrated
that pride increases perseverance on effortful and hedonically negative tasks (Williams &
DeSteno, 2008). Han and colleagues (2007) hypothesize that pride may reduce binge drinking,
because it may reduce social normative influences (Conner & Norman, 1996) by decreasing self-
other similarity. Indeed, research suggests that individuals may differentiate themselves from
peers by engaging in behavior they think is desirable but not normative, such as reducing alcohol
consumption as a function of believing that other students drink excessively (Ferrer, Dillard, &
Klein, 2011); pride would likely strengthen these effects. These effects may also generalize to
related behaviors, such as exercise, healthy nutrition, safer sex, and abstention from cigarette
smoking. As such, pride seems an important emotion to leverage in interventions. Moreover,
positioning interventions and communications in contexts where pride is facilitated by an outside
source (e.g., sporting events or graduations) may increase their effectiveness.

Medical Decision-making

Both healthy individuals and those with illness or disease are faced with many decisions
in a clinical encounter. All patients make decisions about preventive care and screening. Patients
with illness or disease also face decisions about diagnostic procedures and treatments, as well as
later decisions about adherence to treatment. These decisions, ideally, involve understanding
information about risks and benefits, and negotiating those risks and benefits in the context of
personal preference, values, and priorities. For this reason, depth-of-processing and risk
perception are intimately related to medical decision-making.
Moreover, medical decisions are often highly interpersonal. Clinical encounters can also
involve weighing multiple treatment or preventive options, relevant to valuation and reward-
seeking. The decision-maker has a team of providers and a network of invested family members,
friends, and colleagues, extending the traditional conceptualization of a simpler dyadic patient-
provider interaction. This network can actively contribute to decisions, and as such, interpersonal
attributions are crucial determinants of the decision process and outcome. As with health
decisions, the ATF may be leveraged to make predictions about which emotions may
systematically influence particular medical decisions, allowing for a broad picture of which types
of emotions help and hinder specific types of medical decisions.
Risk Perception and Communication. Because emotion influences perceptions related to
disease risk (e.g., Lerner & Keltner, 2001; Peters, Burraston, & Mertz, 2004), anger and
happiness should decrease, and fear increase, perceived susceptibility to disease risk in the
context of medical decision-making. Consistent with this prediction, basic research has
demonstrated that mammography messages framed in terms of gains are more persuasive for
happy, compared to sad, individuals (Keller et al., 2003; Wegener et al., 1994).
In practice, risks in medical decision-making are relatively complex. Screening decisions
involve weighing the risk of not detecting disease early when it is potentially easier to treat
versus the risk of a false positive or of finding disease that would not be fatal (e.g., finding
cancer in someone who will likely die of another cause before cancer could progress). Similarly,
not undergoing genetic testing means a missed opportunity to address modifiable risk factors
among those at high risk (e.g., more frequent mammograms or prophylactic mastectomy to
reduce breast cancer risk), whereas testing means a risk of physical or psychological
consequences associated with a positive result (e.g., dread associated with having the gene for

Huntington’s disease). Treatment decisions also carry risks that are difficult to equate and weigh
– risks of drug side effects versus risks of the consequences of failure to adhere (e.g., disease
progression or death). Emotions relevant to risk perception may influence these types of
decisions differently depending on which risks are salient (e.g., risk of cancer vs. risk of side
effects). Often, these trade-offs involve weighing overall risk and benefit rather than
systematically integrating such information into the decision (Reyna, 2008; 2012).
In situations in which choosing a risky option is advantageous (e.g., a risky but high
reward treatment in absence of other options), the ATF would predict that anger would facilitate
risk taking, whereas fear would hinder it. Similarly, in situations where the risk of a false
positive screening or detecting disease is salient and not screening is rendered a risk-averse
behavior, anger would be more beneficial than fear. In contrast, in situations where choosing a
risky option is not recommended (e.g., a risky treatment when other effective treatment options
are available) or the risk of disease is salient in the context of a screening decision, fear should
facilitate decision-making, whereas anger should hinder it.
Valuation and Reward-Seeking. Different types of treatment and preventive care can be
subject not only to financial valuation, but also to valuation of the treatment itself – that is, the
features of the treatment, including potential benefit and fit with personal priorities and values.
Thus, emotions that influence choices involving valuation, such as sadness and disgust, are
relevant. Sadness decreases susceptibility to the status quo bias, compared to anger (Garg,
Inman, & Mittal, 2005), ostensibly because sadness may trigger the action tendency of seeking a
reward to fill a loss – essentially, an extension of demonstrated tendencies to trade away a
current product for a new one (e.g., Lerner et al., 2004). This may have implications for
treatment-related trade-offs between the status quo (e.g., living with disability) and undertaking
treatment (e.g., having surgery). Similarly, some types of screening, such as colorectal cancer
screening, can be done using multiple methods that involve tradeoffs between invasiveness and
accuracy (e.g., fecal occult blood test vs. colonoscopy); emotion may influence the ways in
which these types of options are weighed, and decisions made in these contexts.
In decisions that involve choosing between types of treatment or screening, sadness may
hinder decision-making when the status-quo is recommended, and optimize decision-making
when there is not a status-quo option. Extending this research, disgust could bias decisions
towards refusing any treatment; as such, disgust could be anticipated to hinder treatment
decision-making (see Reyna et al., in press).
Interpersonal Attribution. Evidence on emotion and attribution suggests that emotions
can systematically improve or degrade patient-provider interactions. Anger increases
stereotyping (compared to sadness and fear; Bodenhausen et al., 1994a; DeSteno et al, 2004b;
Tiedens & Linton, 2001), and attributions of accountability (Lerner et al., 1998). Anger also
decreases trust, whereas happiness and gratitude increase it (compared to sadness). Gratitude also
increases advice-taking (Dunn & Schweitzer, 2005). Thus, angry patients may be least likely to
trust a physician and accept advice (e.g., adhere to recommended treatment) due to increased
trust; however, a competing prediction would be that angry patients may be more likely to rely
on the expertise of the physician as a heuristic. Patients experiencing gratitude or happiness
should be most poised to make the best decisions in situations where the course of action is fairly
straight-forward, given high levels of trust and increased reliance on expertise, which could lead
to adherence to physician recommendations. Conversely, sadness or fear would enhance
decision-making when recommendations are ambiguous and depend on personal values and

Emotions experienced by the provider during a clinical encounter can also bias patient
decisions. This has implications for clinical encounters involving a patient with a condition that
can be attributed to behavioral causes (e.g., lung cancer attributed to smoking or diabetes related
to poor eating behaviors). Although healthcare providers are trained to avoid conveying blame to
patients (e.g., Cegala & Broz, 2003), a provider may be more likely to attribute responsibility to
a patient if the provider enters the clinical encounter in an angry state, which has the potential to
lead to lower quality of care, poorer outcomes, and less satisfaction in the clinical encounter for
those patients. Emotion also influences perspective-taking; shame decreases perspective-taking
ability compared to guilt, perhaps because shame is more self-focused (Yang, Yang, & Chiou,
2010). Hence, guilt should enhance, and shame attenuate, a provider’s ability to empathize with a
patient’s situation or best understand the type of care or treatment plan for a given patient.
Depth-of-Processing. Given the tendency to process information more heuristically
(System 1) and less systematically (System 2) depending on emotional state (Bodenhausen,
Kramer, & Susser, 1994b; Mackie & Worth, 1989; 1991; Schwarz & Bless, 1991; Schwarz,
Bless, & Bohner, 1991; Tiedens & Linton, 2001), individuals in emotional states that predispose
processing styles influence health-related information in a clinical encounter. Although heuristic
processing can be adaptive, in that it allows individuals to integrate more perceptual and
cognitive information than would be possible with systematic processing, it can also lead to
cognitive biases (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974), which can be detrimental when a decision is
important. Thus, predisposition towards heuristic or systematic processing could have significant
implications for health-related judgment and decision-making, in that it could lead to less careful
scrutiny of risks and benefits in informed consent, biasing treatment decisions. Indeed, research
shows that emotion can induce heuristic information processing, particularly among men
(although note that anger-induced heuristic processing can actually improve understanding and
retention of information, as previously discussed; Ferrer et al., under review).
Clinical decision-making offers an interesting context for examining the systematic
influence of emotions in an ecologically valid context. For example, some clinical care decisions,
such as colorectal cancer screening, can evoke disgust, which could systematically bias
individuals in unrelated or tenuously related follow-up decisions. If screening is made salient
immediately prior to a treatment decision, and disgust is elicited, it could lead to lower uptake of
or adherence to that treatment given that disgust promotes disposal or pushing away. Similarly,
Han et al. (2010) speculate that a cancer patient nauseated by chemotherapy might be too
inclined to switch therapies, motivated by the disgust appraisal and disposal action tendency,
rather than by intolerance for the nausea itself.
Policy Implications
Given the empirically and theoretically supported influence of emotion on health
judgment and decision-making, it is critical that research on this topic be considered in public
policy. Advances in shaping health policy have recently benefited from behavioral economics
(e.g., Johnson et al., 2012; Thaler & Sunstein, 2008), and incorporating emotion research into
policy development may further these advances. In an era of rising healthcare costs, changing
healthcare policy, and increased regulation of health-related products (e.g., tobacco products),
research on emotion and judgment and decision-making needs to be incorporated into policy
development. Because of the importance of these connections combined with the dearth of
available research, we consider here possibilities for future research.
Importantly, research on emotion offers insights not only for policy development, but for
understanding judgment and decision-making among those who are contributing to policy.

Research suggests that differences in political ideology may be due largely in part to individuals’
moral judgments (Graham, Haidt, & Nosek, 2009), and that moral judgments have a strong
affective component (Haidt, 2001). As such, policy decision-making, particularly as it relates to
policies that involve moral foundations, such as universal healthcare, are likely influenced by
Risk Perception. Many policy-level decisions are informed by expert risk evaluations.
For example, experts within the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inform decisions to
approve various drugs based on evidence of efficacy and safety. Similarly, healthcare policy can
be informed by decisions made by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), a
government-appointed expert panel that makes recommendations for screening and other
medical guidelines, based on thorough analysis of risks and benefits. Although previously
summarized research demonstrates that discrete emotions influence risk perception and judgment
under uncertainty, existing research has examined such judgments in the general population.
Little is known about the role of emotion in expert risk judgments. For example, expert risk
perceptions may be vulnerable to influence by fear or anger, with beneficial or deleterious
consequences to the degree that policies are intended to be risk-averse (or vice versa).
Emotion research may also hold the key to effectively implementing regulatory policy.
The FDA’s regulatory authority over tobacco7 prohibits any use of terminology to imply tobacco
products are lower risk, given that these claims are unsubstantiated (i.e., there is no evidence to
suggest that smoking light cigarettes is less risky than smoking other types of cigarettes).
Identifying explicit terminology (e.g., the use of “light,” “low,” and “moderate” as cigarette
product descriptors) is relatively simple, but implicit strategies for conveying low risk are more
difficult to identify. Research on emotion could help to identify advertisements that leverage
visual or linguistic features to elicit emotions associated with certainty (e.g., happiness) that
decrease risk perception.
Valuation and Reward-Seeking. FDA’s regulatory authority over tobacco products also
includes a mandate for graphic warning labels on cigarette packages. Research on emotion,
valuation, and choice can lend insight into graphic labels that would be particularly effective
(e.g., disgust, reducing valuation and subsequent consumption) versus counterproductive (e.g.,
sadness increasing valuation and subsequent consumption).
Research on emotion’s role in intertemporal choice has lessons for policies facilitating
behavioral prevention by identifying which communications and interventions have the most
potential for effectiveness, as well as which modes of dissemination would work best. This could
maximize government investments such as ongoing healthcare reform efforts in the U.S.8 that
include a $15 billion fund for prevention and public health programs. Health communications
supported under this fund could be strategically matched with television programming that elicits
emotions that would potentiate the effectiveness of advertisements (Garg et al., 2007). For
example, messages promoting physical activity could be strategically placed to follow a pride-
invoking scene (e.g., a scene in which a character reaches his or her full potential professionally
or athletically). Conversely, such public health messaging may be less effective when
disseminated during television programs that elicit sadness, given that reward-seeking action
tendencies (e.g., Garg & Lerner, in press) could override any health behavior intentions
generated by health messaging.

see http://www.fda.gov/tobaccoproducts/default.htm
see http://www.healthcare.gov/

Depth-of-Processing. Given that emotion influences depth-of-processing, emotion

research could be leveraged to better communicate health recommendations and policy to the
public. For example, better communication strategies for screening guidelines could decrease
suspicious reactions to USPSTF recommendations (e.g., recommendations against screening
tests such as prostate-specific antigen tests), which could have downstream implications for how
the guidelines are implemented in policy. Particular visual cues (e.g., pictures used to prime
affective states) could be embedded in such information to trigger emotions associated with
improved processing, or such information could be strategically communicated in television
programming known to elicit these emotions (e.g., sadness, triggering System 2 processing).
Naturally, given the concern for decision autonomy, consumers should be informed about the use
of such cues.
Evidence supports the possibility that emotion influences healthcare policy decisions,
particularly as they relate to universal healthcare mandates. Sadness increases (and anger
decreases) welfare given to hypothetical recipients (Small & Lerner, 2008), an effect driven by
depth-of-processing; that is, thinking more in depth about the hypothetical welfare recipient
triggered an increased willingness to lend aid in sad compared to angry participants. Thus,
sadness and anger experienced by policymakers would be expected to influence healthcare
reform policy decisions, such that sad (compared to angry) policymakers could be more likely to
vote for policies mandating universal healthcare coverage policies.

Broad Future Directions

Broad research questions related to emotion and health-related decision-making span

prevention and promotion choices, as well as medical decision-making. This research has the
potential to inform health-related research and policy moving forward. A significant example of
such a research question involves examining what happens when integral and incidental
emotions conflict (e.g., when an individual enters an anxiety-provoking medical decision-making
situation after feeling envious of someone in the waiting room), or when emotions are
experienced in concert (e.g., sadness and fear; see Larsen, McGraw, Mellers, & Cacioppo, 2004;
Peters et al., 2004). In instances in which mixed emotions arise, both emotional states may
influence behavior concurrently or interactively (Lerner & Tiedens, 2006). However, there is a
dearth of research on mixed emotions – such as sadness and anger as a result of a cancer
diagnosis, or the meta-emotional state of being happy about the ability to express sadness (i.e.,
“to have a good cry,” Ersner-Hershfield, Mikels, Sullivan, & Carstensen, 2008). Preliminary
research has suggested that inducing a contradictory emotion subsequent to an earlier induction
is difficult (i.e., sadness blunted subsequent anger and vice versa, Winterich et al., 2008).
Moreover, research is necessary to examine how emotions interact with other social
psychological or self-related constructs to influence health behavior. For example, fear and anger
may reduce the effectiveness of health interventions that rely on bolstering self-integrity (Ferrer,
Koblitz, Klein, & Graff, in preparation). Additional research on the influence of blended
emotions on health judgment and decision-making is necessary.
In a separate line of inquiry, research is necessary to examine how emotions contribute to
habitual or repeated behaviors (e.g., eating choices, smoking, medication adherence). Health
behavior offers many promising avenues for extending the ATF to examine complex, real world
behavioral decisions potentially influenced by emotion. Further, ecologically valid health-related
decision-making research could examine whether emotions influence familiar decisions in the

same way they do novel decisions. Examining repeated choice would also allow for a better
understanding of habituation to emotional influences themselves (e.g., repeated disgusting
images on cigarette warning labels).
Another question concerns developmental differences in the influence of emotion.
Research has demonstrated that individuals rely on affective processes increasingly in later
stages of life (Peters, Diefenbach, Hess, & Vastfjall, 2008, Peters, Hess, Vastfjall, & Auman,
2007), potentially due to age-related deficits in the deliberative system that motivate increased
reliance on affect and a learned reliance on affective or intuitive processing, which may be more
efficient and advanced than deliberative processing (Peters et al., 2007; 2008; Reyna & Brainerd,
2011). Another line of research indicates that emotional influences on judgment and decision-
making may also be particularly salient in adolescence (Rivers et al., 2008; Steinberg, 2008),
suggesting that the trajectory of emotional influence on decisions may take a U-shaped pattern,
where influences are strongest earlier and later in life. Although research in these areas has
focused largely on integral affective influences, it stands to reason that age may moderate the
effects of emotion predicted by the ATF, such that emotion effects on judgment and decision-
making are stronger in adolescence and older age. Research is necessary to examine this
possibility, especially in light of research on prefrontal changes and disinhibition in adolescence
and old age. This research is particularly important in a health context, as risky behaviors and
related health consequences are common in adolescence, and diseases are increasingly prevalent
as individuals age.
A final broad future direction concerns leveraging knowledge about emotion and health
decision-making to facilitate personalized recommendations about health behaviors, screenings,
or treatments. That is, health decisions can also be guided under a decision architecture that takes
into account an individual’s emotional profile (e.g., developmental influences, individual
differences, and state emotions) currently contributing to an individual’s emotional state and the
likely patterns of judgment and decision-making that will arise in that context. Knowing whether
a person is fearful, angry, sad, or disgusted (or some combination of these) in a medical context,
and understanding judgment and decision-making implications for such emotion states, has
tremendous potential to improve outcomes by allowing healthcare providers the potential to
tailor discussions about health behaviors, screenings, or treatments based on patients’ emotional
state. This may be particularly important in pain or symptom management, where affective
beliefs substantially differentiate how patients approach key decisions (e.g., Falzer et al., 2013).
Taken together, this research synthesis indicates that systematic research on emotions and
health-decision making can improve health and healthcare. The ATF provides a useful
framework to systematically identify ways that specific emotions interact with the situation to
engage decision processes that would improve or degrade decisions. This research has
implications for understanding and motivating healthy behaviors and improving process of care
and medical decisions, with currently under-tapped future translational potential for improving
quality, trajectory, and length of life.


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Table 1. Appraisal Dimensions, Core Appraisal Themes, and Content/ Process Effects of Negatively Valenced Emotions
Anger Disgust Sadness Shame Guilt Fear
Appraisal Dimensions
Certainty High High Medium Medium Medium Low
Personal Control High High Low High High Low
Other/ situational High Medium High Medium Low Medium
Attentional activity Medium Low Low Medium Low Medium
Anticipated effort Medium Medium Low Medium Medium High
Core Appraisal Theme Being slighted Taking in or Feeling Failing to Disobeying a Facing
or demeaneda standing too irrevocable live up to an moral existential
close to an lossa ego ideala imperativea threatsa
object or ideaa
Content effects
Risk perceptions Perceive low Perceive low - Perceive low Perceive low Perceive high
risk risk risk risk risk
Valuation and Choice High Low valuation High valuation High - Low valuation
valuation and and disposal and reward- valuation and disposal
reward- seeking and reward-
seeking seeking

Interpersonal Attribution Decrease trust - Decrease trust - Increase trust -

and and and
cooperation, cooperation, cooperation,
increase increase blame decrease
blame blame
Employ Employ - - - Employ
heuristic heuristic systematic
processing processing processing
Information Processing Perceive low Perceive low Seek rewards Perceive low Perceive low Perceive high
Effects “unknown “unknown even in “dread” “dread risk” “unknown risk”
risk” and risk” presence of risk risk, Seek and “dread
“dread risk”, rewards even risk”
in presence
of risk
Note: Italics denote untested prediction aAdapted from Lazarus (1991) p. 826.

Table 2. Appraisal Dimensions, Core Appraisal Themes, and Action Tendencies of Positively Valenced Emotions
Happiness Pride Relief Gratitude Hope Surprise
Appraisal Dimensions
Certainty High High Medium Medium Low Low
Personal Control Medium High Medium Low Medium Medium
Other/ situational Medium Low Medium High High High
Attentional activity Medium Medium Low Medium High Medium
Anticipated effort Low Low Low Low High Medium
Core Appraisal Theme Making Feeling self or Achieving a Crediting Fearing the Unexpectedly
acceptable social worth goal after another with worst but having a
progress advancing due to expecting the an altruistic yearning for positive
toward being credited worst gifta bettera outcome
achieving a with a highly
goala valued object or
Content effects
Risk perceptions Perceive low Perceive low - Perceive Perceive high Perceive high
“unknown “unknown risk” high “dread “unknown “unknown risk”
risk” and “dread risk” risk” risk”
Valuation and Choice - - - - High -
valuation and

Interpersonal Attribution - Decrease trust - Increase trust Increase trust Increase trust
and cooperation, and and and
increase blame cooperation, cooperation, cooperation,
decrease decrease decrease
blame blame punitive
Information Processing Employ Employ heuristic - - Employ Employ
Effects heuristic processing systematic systematic
processing processing processing
Note: Italics denote untested prediction aAdapted from Lazarus (1991) p. 826.

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