Unit 3 Assignment As Applied ICT

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AS Applied ICT

Unit 3: Data Handling (IT03)

Assignment title Unit 3: Data Handling

Evidence Required • a description and justification of how a computerised relational database could
be used by a particular client
• evidence of consideration of data types, formats, structures, input, processing
and output requirements for a relational database solution to meet the client
• a database containing two related tables that has been created to meet the
identified client needs
• annotated queries and reports used to search for and present information to
meet the client needs
• evaluation criteria and a test plan
• results of testing, which will be used to evaluate the database against the clients
• an evaluation of work
• an evaluation of own performance
• evidence of use of standard ways of working
• evidence of appropriate written communication throughout the
• portfolio.
Date Set
Submission Date
Grading criteria
The unit is marked out of 70. This is scaled by the exam board to be out of 100. Grades
awarded from A to E and U will be based on this scale. The specification mark scheme
is on page 54 of the specification, however the marking will be done using the
following marking grid: http://www.aqa.org.uk/qual/pdf/AQA-8751-IT03-MG.pdf
Also at:
P:\1st Place for Coursework\NPRI\Applied ICT AS & A\Unit 2\Unit 3 Marking Grid
In the document below there are references to sections in this marking grid (eg A04/5
refers to A04, row 5). Use this to ensure that you gain high marks.
Choose an appropriate subject for your database. This should be for a real client (or for
a suitable person who can act as your client). Ensure that you have the approval of your
teacher before you proceed.

Decide what useful outputs the database will produce, then decide what must be stored
to produce these outputs. The items will be stored in fields in tables in the database.

Create an initial table and relationship design. This can be done on paper and could
resemble the MS Access Relationships window in style. There should be at least 2
tables. For example your design could look like this:

Name: Data Handling - Page 1 14/10/2008

Candidate Number: The Henley College Centre Number: 62441
You can now proceed to create the database in MS Access:
• tables with field properties:
data type, length/format, default value, validation rule & text
• relationships (all one-to-many, enforce referential integrity)
• queries for the forms
• forms
• enter some test data eg 5 records per table
• queries for the reports
• reports
• main menu, buttons on forms
• password protection (Set Database password)
• enter more realistic data eg 20-50 records per table

Now create your report:

All pages must be numbered and candidate name, centre number, candidate number in
the header or footer

Suggested sections:.
1. Cover Sheet
2. Contents page
3. Time plan & evidence of managing work (AO1/6, AO4/2)
4. Describe client, organisation and end user(s) (AO2/1)
5. Problem, solution required, how suitable for situation, task list (AO2/2)
6. Evaluation criteria (test plan) for database solution (AO4/3 – and see part 16)
Test number, Description, Data used, Expected result
and Actual result & Pass/Fail (leave these 2 blank until part 16)
7. Software selection & justification (AO2/3)
8. Input needs & sources (AO3/1 – and see part 11)
9. Table design & relationships:(AO1/1, AO3/6, AO3/7)
- Relationships screen shot
- Justify structure
- For each field: field name, data type & format, why appropriate
- Table design & table datasheet view (with real data) screen shots
10. Validation done (AO3/2) & error messages used (AO3/3 – and see part 11)
11. Screen shots of data input forms in use (AO3/1), showing error messages when
input invalid (AO3/3)
12. Select queries: (AO1/3, AO3/5)
- single table: design & datasheet screen shots
- multi table: design & datasheet screen shots
- how these meet user needs
13. Processing of data & how it meets the needs of user (AO1/2, AO3/4)
- totals queries & grouping
- update queries

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Candidate Number: The Henley College Centre Number: 62441
14. Reports (AO1/4, AO3/5)
- customised design screen shots
- printed output samples
- how meet user needs
15. Security: (AO1/5)
- password
- backup
- explain why needed
16. Do tests in test plan (AO4/3)
17. Review of your actions during this project (AO4/1)
18. Review database solution that you have created (AO4/4)
- include strength, weaknesses, areas for improvement in the database solution
- draw conclusions & explain changes that you have made as a consequence

Name: Data Handling - Page 3 14/10/2008

Candidate Number: The Henley College Centre Number: 62441

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