Updated Draft Course Structure and Syllabus For Upcoming Batches (2022-2026)

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Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering






[AY 2022-23]

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Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


S.No Chapter Title
General, Course Structure, Theme & Semester-wise credit
1 1
A. Definition of Credit
B. Total number of credits
C. Minimum Number of contact Hours Per week
D. Course Code and Definitions
E. Structure of Program
F. Semester Wise Credit Distribution
2 2 Semester Wise Structure of Curriculum
3 3 Detailed syllabus of 4-year curriculum
(i) Basic Science Courses
22MA1101:Differetial Equations and Multivariable calculus
22PY1101: Engineering Physics
22PY1111:Engineering Physics Laboratory
22EE1102: Introduction to Latest Technical Advancements
22MA1201:Mathematical Methods
22EE1281: Computational Lab
22EE1202: Introduction to AI/ML
22MA2101:Probability& Random Variables
(ii) Engineering Science Courses
22CE1114:Engineering Graphics and Computer Drafting
22EE1101:Electrical Technology
22EE1181:Electrical Technology Laboratory
22EC1102:Introduction to Latest technological Advancements
22CS1108:Programming and Data structures
22CS1188:Programming and Data structures Laboratory
22EC1201:Electronic Devices & Circuits
22EC1281:Electronic Devices & Circuits lab
22CS2109:Object Oriented Programming
22CS2289:Object Oriented Programming Laboratory
22EC2285:Robotics Laboratory
22EE2182: Internet of Things Lab
Humanities and Social Sciences including Management
22EG1281: English-Language Communication skills Lab-1
22EG3182: English-Language Communication skills Lab-2
22EG3283: English-Language Communication skills Lab-3
22MG31XX:Product Design and Innovation

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Mandatory Courses
22HS3102:Indian Constitution
22BE4101:Environmental Studies
22MC3101:Career Development Course
(iv) Program Core Courses
22EC2102:Digital Logic Design
22EC2182:Digital Logic Design Laboratory
22EE1201: Network Theory
22EC21XX:Signals and Systems
22EC2101:Analog Electronic Circuits
22EC2181:Analog Electronic Circuits Laboratory
22EE2101:Electrical Machines
22EE2181:Electrical Machines Lab
22EE2201: Power Systems-I
22EE2204: Machine Learning
22EE2202:Control Systems
22EE2282:Control Systems Lab
22EC2203:Linear Integrated Circuits
22EC2283:Linear Integrated Circuits Laboratory
22EC31XX: Digital Signal Processing
22EE3101: Power Systems-II
22EE3181: Power Systems Lab
22EE2203: Power Electronics
22EE2283: Power Electronics Lab
22EE3102: Introduction to Electrical Vehicles
22EE3182: Electrical Vehicles Lab
22EC31XX: Embedded Systems
22EC31XX: Embedded Systems lab
Program Elective Courses (The list will be updated after
finalizing the electives)
22EEXXXX: Electrical Distribution System
22EEXXXX: Smart Grid Technology
22EEXXXX:Power System Protection
22EEXXXX: Power System Operation & Control
22EEXXXX: Non Conventional energy Sourses
22EEXXXX: EV Batteries & Battery Management System
22EEXXXX: Fundamental of Electric and Hybrid
22EEXXXX: Switched Mode Power Conversion
22EEXXXX: Electric Drives
22EEXXXX: HVdc Transmission Systems
22EEXXXX: High Voltage Engineering

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

22EEXXXX: Industrial Electrical Systems

22EEXXXX: Digital Control Systems
22EEXXXX: Digital Signal Processing
22EEXXXX: Control Systems Design
22EEXXXX: Computer Organization and
22EEXXXX: Advanced Digital Signal Processing
22EEXXXX: Artificial Neural Networks
22EEXXXX: Bio Medical Signal Processing
22EEXXXX: Digital Image Processing
22EEXXXX: Estimation of Signals and Systems
22EEXXXX: Medical Image analysis
22EEXXXX: Pattern Recognition and Applications
22EEXXXX: Analog IC Design
22EEXXXX: Digital IC Design
22EEXXXX: Digital VLSI System Design
22EEXXXX: Electronics Systems Packaging
22EEXXXX: Embedded System Software Testing
22EEXXXX: FPGA based System design
22EEXXXX: Low Power Circuits and Systems
22EEXXXX: MEMS and Microsystems
22EEXXXX: System Verilog
22EEXXXX: VLSI Physical Design
22EEXXXX: VLSI Testing and Verification
(vi) Open Elective Courses
22EEXXXX: Artificial Intelligence
22EEXXXX: Computational Science and
Engineering using Python
22EEXXXX: Linux programming and
22EEXXXX: Robotics Operating System: Drones
(vii) Seminars/Mini Projects/Projects
22EEXXXX:Mini-Project I (Socially Relevant Project)
22EEXXXX:Mini Project –II
22EEXXXX:Summer Internship
22EEXXXX:Project-II & Dissertation
22XXXXXX:Product Design & Innovation
(viii) Courses being offered to other Departments
22EEXXXX: Electrical Technology
22EEXXXX: Electrical Technology Laboratory

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

22EEXXXX: Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering

22EEXXXX: Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering lab

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


General, Course structure, Semester-wise credit distribution

A. Definition of Credit:
1 Hour Lecture (L) per week 1 credit
1 Hour Tutorial (T) per week 1 credit
3 Hours Practical (Lab)/week 1.5 credits

B. Total number of credits: 160

C. Minimum number of contact hours/weeks per semester: 15 weeks of teaching
For 1 credit course: 15 contact hours per semester
For 2 credit course: 30 contact hours per semester
For 3 credit course: 45 contact hours per semester
For 4 credit course: 60 contact hours per semester

D. Course code and definition, Abbreviations

Course code Definitions
L Lecture
T Tutorial
P Practical
EC Core Courses
ECEL Program Electives
ECP1 Project Stage-I
ECP2 Project Stage-II
ECMP1 Mini Project Stage-I
ECMP2 Mini Project Stage-II
ECSI Summer Internship
BS Basic Science
ES General Engineering Courses
HS Humanities and Social Sciences including
Management Science
OE Open Electives
MC Mandatory Courses
PCC Program Core Course
PEC Program Elective Course
OEC Open Elective Course
BSC Basic Science Course
HSC Humanities and Social Sciences including
Management Science Course
PROJ Mini project/Project

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

E.Structure of Program
S.No Category Credits
1 Basic Science Courses 20
2 Engineering Science Courses 24
3 Humanities and Social Sciences including Management courses 8.5
4 Program core courses 65.5
5 Program Elective courses 15
6 Open Elective courses 12
7 Project work, Miniproject work, Summer internships project 15
8 Mandatorycourses - 03 (non- credit)
[Indian Constitution, Environmental Studies, Career Development
Total 160

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

F. Semester-wise Credits Distribution

TOTAL E1-S1 E1-S2 E2-S1 E2-S2 E3-S1 E3-S2 E4-S1 E4-S2

BSC 20 10.5 6.5 3 0 0 0 0 0
ESC 24 12.5 5.5 5 1 0 0 0 0
HSC 8.5 0 2.5 0 0 2.5 1.5 0 2
PCC 65.5 0 9.5 15 23.5 17.5 0 0 0
PEC 15 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 3
OEC 12 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 3
MINI PROJ 12 0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 4 6
INTERN 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
160 23 24 23 24.5 21 14.5 16 14

Total number of Mandatory Courses (MC): 03 (Indian Constitution, Environmental Science, Career
Development Course)
*Mandatory Induction Program completes before the start of First year Semester-I.


E1-S1: Engineering first year first semester

E1-S2: Engineering first sear second semester
E2-S1: Engineering second year first semester
E2-S2: Engineering second year first semester
E3-S1: Engineering third year first semester
E3-S2: Engineering third year second semester
E4-S1: Engineering fourth year first semester
E4-S2: Engineering fourth year second semester
SUM INTERN: Summer Internship program

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Chapter – 2

Semester-Wise Structure of Curriculum

Mandatory Induction Program

3 Weeks Duration
Physical activity
Creative Arts
Universal Human Values
Proficiency Modules
Lectures by Eminent people
Visit to local areas
Familiarization of Dept./Branch Innovations

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


1 Differential Equations and
BSC 22MA1101 3-1-0 4
Multivariable calculus
2 BSC 22PY1101 Engineering Physics 3-1-0 4
3 BSC 22PY1181 Engineering Physics Lab 0-0-3 1.5
4 Engineering Graphics &
ESC 22CE1114 1-0-2 2.5
Computer Drafting
5 ESC 22EE1101 Electrical Technology 3-1-0 4
6 ESC 22EE1181 Electrical Technology Lab 0-0-3 1.5
7 Introduction to Latest Technical
BSC 22EE1102 1-0-0 1
8 Programming & Data
ESC 22CS1108 3-0-0 3
9 Programming & Data
ESC 22CS1188 0-0-3 1.5
Structures Lab
Total Credits 23
Total contact hours : 28 hours


1 BSC 22MA1201 Mathematical Methods 3-1-0 4
2 PCC 22EC2102 Digital Logic Design 3-1-0 4
3 PCC 22EC2182 Digital Logic Design Lab 0-0-3 1.5
4 BSC 22EE1281 Computational Lab 0-0-3 1.5
English Language
5 HSC 22EG1281 1-0-3 2.5
communication skills lab 1
Electronics Devices and
6 ESC 22EC1201 3-1-0 4
Electronics Devices and
7 ESC 22EC1281 0-0-3 1.5
Circuits Lab
8 PCC 22EE1201 Network Theory 3-1-0 4
9 BSC 22EE1202 Introduction to AI/ML 1-0-0 1
Total Credits 24
Total contact hours : 30 hours

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


Probability & Random
1 BSC 22MA2101 2-1-0 3
2 ESC 22EE2182 Internet of Things Lab 0-0-3 1
3 PCC 22EC2101 Analog Electronic Circuits 3-1-0 4
4 PCC 22EC2181 Analog Electronic Circuits Lab 0-0-3 1.5
5 ESC 22CS1209 Object Oriented Programming 3-1-0 3
Object Oriented Programming
6 ESC 22CS1289 0-0-3 1
7 PCC (To be filled Signals & Systems 3-1-0 4
after ECE BOS)
8 PCC 22EE2101 Electrical Machines 3-1-0 4
9 PCC 22EE2181 Electrical Machines Lab 0-0-3 1.5
Total Credits 23
Total contact hours: 31 hours


1 ESC 22EE2281 Robotics Laboratory 0-0-3 1
2 PCC 22EE2201 Power Systems-I 3-1-0 4
3 PCC 22EE2204 Machine Learning 3-0-0 3
4 PCC 22EE2202 Control Systems 3-1-0 4
5 PCC 22EE2282 Control Systems Lab 0-0-3 1.5
6 PCC 22EC2203 Linear Integrated Circuits 3-1-0 4
7 PCC 22EC2283 Linear Integrated Circuits Lab 0-0-3 1.5
8 PCC 22EE2203 Power Electronics 3-1-0 4
9 PCC 22EE2283 Power Electronics Lab 0-0-3 1.5
Total Credits 24.5
Total contact hours : 31 hours

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


1 PCC (To be filled Digital Signal Processing 3-1-0 3
After BOS)
2 PCC 22EE3101 Power Systems-II 3-1-0 4
3 PCC 22EE3181 Power Systems Lab 0-0-3 1.5
English Language
4 HSC 22EG3182 0-0-3 1.5
communication skills Lab-2
5 PCC 22EE3102 Electrical Vehicles 3-1-0 3
PCC 22EE3182 Electrical Vehicles Lab 0-0-3 1.5
To be filled
7 PCC Embedded Systems 3-1-0 3
After BOS

8 PCC To be filled Embedded Systems Lab 0-0-3 1.5
After BOS
9 PROJ 22EE3190 0-0-2 1
(Socially Relevant Project)
Product Design &
10 HSC 22MG32XX 1-0-0 1
Total Credits 21
Total contact hours: 31 hours
*Mini Project-1 workload not included in above workload calculation

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


English Language
1 HSC 22EG3283 0-0-3 1.5
Communication skills lab-3
2 PEC 22EE32XX Elective-1 3-0-0 3
3 PEC 22EE32XX Elective-2 3-0-0 3
4 OEC 22XX32XX Open Elective-1 3-0-0 3
5 OEC 22XX32XX Open Elective-2 3-0-0 3
6 PROJ 22EE3290 Mini Project-II 0-0-3 1
Total Credits 14.5
MC MC3201 Career Development Course 2-0-0 0
MC MC3101 Indian Constitution 1-0-0 0

Total contact hours : 21 hours

*Mini Project-2 work load not included in above calculation


1 PEC 22EE41XX Elective-3 3-0-0 3
2 PEC 22EE41XX Elective-4 3-0-0 3
3 OEC 22XX41XX Open Elective-3 3-0-0 3
4 PROJ 22EE41XX Summer Internship Project 0-0-6 3
5 PROJ 22EE4190 Project – I 0-0-8 4
Total Credits 16
MC 22BE4101 Environmental Science 2-0-0 0
Total contact hours : 11 hours
*Project-1 work load not included in above calculation
*Summer Internship Project will be after completion of Engineering Third Year Semester-2

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


1 HSC 22HS4299 Community Service 0-0-4 2
3 PEC 22EE42XX Elective-5 3-0-0 3
5 OEC 22XX42XX Open Elective-4 3-0-0 3
6 PROJ 22EE4290 Project-II & Dissertation 0-0-12 6
Total Credits 14
Total contact hours : 6 hours
*Project-2 and Community Service work load not included in above calculation

** Completion of courses through MOOCs is subjected to the regulations and guidelines of the
University/Institute from time to time.
** At least two courses must be taken from Open Elective Courses

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


Basic Electrical and Electronics MME, CE,
22EEXX09 X-X-X X
Engineering CH, CSE, ME
Basic Electrical and Electronics MME, CE,
22EEXX89 0-0-3 X
Engineering Laboratory CH, CSE, ME

CHE: Department of Chemical Engineering

CE: Department of Civil Engineering
CSE: Department of Computer Science and Engineering
ME: Department of Mechanical Engineering
MME: Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering



Differential Equations and

22MA1101 BSC 3L:1T:0P 4 credits
Multivariable calculus

Course Learning Objectives

● Discuss the solutions of first order differential equations.

● Discuss the solutions of higher order linear differential equations.
● Power series representation of functions and its validity.
● Understand continuity and differentiability of multi
variable functions and its applications to
discuss maximum and minimum.
● Discuss the convergence Improper integrals and apply Leibnitz rule.
● Setup double and triple integral volume and surface area.

Course Content
Unit – I (08 hours)
Differential equations of first order and first degree
Basic concepts, Variable Separable method, homogeneous differential equations, Exact differential
equations, Integrating factor, Differentiable equations Reducible to exact, Linear differential
equations, Bernoulli differential equations.

Unit - II (13 hours)

Linear differential equations of higher order
Homogenous differentiable equations, Non
homogeneous linear equations of higher order with
constant coefficients with RHS term of the type polynomials
in Method
hod of variation of parameters, Euler Cauchy

Unit - III (8 hours)

Sequences and Series
Sequences and their limits, Convergence of series, Comparison test, Ratio test, Root test, Absolute
and Conditional convergence,
nvergence, Alternating series, Power series, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series.

Unit - IV (16 hours)

Functions of several variables
Limit, Continuity and Differentiability of functions of several variables, Partial derivatives and
an their
geometrical interpretation, Differentials, Derivatives of Composite and Implicit functions, Chain
rule, Jacobians, Derivatives of higher order, Homogeneous functions, Euler's theorem, and Harmonic
functions, Taylor's expansion of functions of sever
al variables, Maxima and Minima of functions of
several variables - Lagrange's method of multipliers.

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Unit - V (5 hours)
Beta and Gamma Function:
Beta and Gamma functions - elementary properties, differentiation under integral sign, and
differentiation of integrals with variable limits - Leibnitz rule.

Unit – VI (10 hours)

Multiple Integrals
Rectification, Jacobians of transformations, double and triple integrals, computations of surface and
volumes, change of variables in double integrals - integrals dependant on parameters - applications.
Learning Resources

Text book
Erwin Kreyszig, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, 9th Edition, Wiley-India.

Reference books
Tom M. Apostal, ‘Calculus’, Volume II, Second Edition, Wiley-India.
R. K. Jain And S. R. K. Iyengar, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, 3rd Edition, Narosa
B.S.Grewal, ‘Higher Engineering Mathematics’, 42nd Edition, Khanna Publishers.

Web resources
Dr. Srinivasa Rao Manam, NPTEL-IIT Madras, ‘Introduction to ordinary differential equations’.
URL: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111106100/12
Prof Sudeeptha Dutta, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, ‘Differential Calculus of Several Variables’. URL:
Dr S K Gupta, NPTEL-IIT Roorkee, ‘Multivariable Calculus’.

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Solve first order differential equations
CO 2 Solve higher order linear differential equations
Check the convergence of infinite series and discuss the power series representation
CO 3
of a function at various points
Explain limits and continuity, differentiability and partial derivatives of functions of
CO 4
multivariable and find the extremum of functions subjected to constraints.
CO 5 Apply Leibnitz rule and beta gamma functions to evaluate improper integrals
CO 6 Find surface area and volume by using double and triple integrals,

Assessment Method

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total

Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


22PY1101 Engineering Physics BS C 3L:1T:0P 4 credits

Course Learning Objectives:

● To impart basic knowledge on the concept of vector and scalar fields as well its physical
significance in all 3D coordinate systems. To integrate knowledge on vector calculus and its
applications to transform 1, 2 and 3 dimensions.
● To enable the student in detailed knowledge on Gauss's Law in electrostatics and
it’sapplications how to calculate electric field associated by different symmetrical charge
distributions. And also impart basic fundamentals on dielectric materials and induced
polarizations associated by the presence of external electric field on dielectrics.
● To impart basic idea on solving problems by using Poisson’s and Laplace equations of
different electrical charged bodies and also create knowledge on boundary conditions of
electric fields and potentials.
● To enhance in detail knowledge on magnetic force due to current carrying charged bodies
and Amphere’s law as well its applications. To integrate in detail knowledge on magnetic
materials and its properties as well applications.
● To get physical ideas contained in Maxwell’s equations, and how the symmetry between
changing electric andchanging magnetic fields explains Maxwell’s prediction of
electromagnetic waves in different medium.
● To gain fundamentals on band theory of solids, semiconductors materials its classification by
Fermi energy level and band gap. To get basic knowledge on electronic devices fabricated
with semiconductors, i.e. P-N diode, LED’s, Photo diodes and solar cells and its working
principle as well characteristics.

Course Content:

UNIT - I: Introduction (09 Hours)

Coordinate system: Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate system transformations,
Differential Calculus: Gradient, Divergence, Curl and their physical significance, Integral Calculus:
Line, Surface, and Volume Integrals, Integral theorem: Gauss and stokes theorems, Curvilinear
Coordinates, second derivatives: Laplacian.

UNIT-II: Electrostatics -1 (09 Hours)

Gauss's Law and applications, electric Potential, Gradient relationship between E and V, Electric
Dipole, Energy Density in Electrostatic Fields, Fields inside Perfect Conductors, Polarization
Dielectrics, Dielectric Constant, capacitance, Dielectric break down.

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

UNIT-III: Electrostatics -2 (09 Hours)

Current density, Ohm’s law, Poisson’s and Laplace equations. Boundary conditions of electric field
and electrostatic potential, method of images (with one example), energy of a charge distribution and
its expression in terms of electric field.

UNIT-IV: Magnetostatics (10 Hours)

Magnetic Forces, Biot-Savart's Law, Steady currents, Ampere's Law, Magnetic Vector Potentials,
Magnetization, Permeability, Para , Dia, Ferro-Magnetic material properties, Magnetic Energy,
boundary conditions, Scalar & vector fields.

UNIT-V: Time varying fields (9 Hours)

Faraday’s Law, Lenz’s law, EMF, Displacement current, Maxwell’s equation in vacuum and non-
conducting medium and conducting medium, Energy in an electromagnetic field; Flow of energy,
Poynting’s theorems and conservation Laws.

UNIT-VI: Semiconductor physics (14 Hours)

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: De Broglie matter waves, Uncertainty Principle, Wave
function& it’s probability interpretation, Postulates of quantum mechanics, Time independent
Schrodinger Equation and its Applications, Particle in a box (1-D and 3-D)
Semiconductor: Electron in periodic structures, Band theory of solids, Density of states, Fermi level,
Band theory of semiconductors, effective mass, Direct and indirect band gap, carriers in intrinsic and
extrinsic semiconductors, Charge densities in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor, Law of mass
action, Hall Effect, Generation and Recombination of charges, Diffusion, the continuity equation,
Injected minority carrier charge, Potential Variation within a graded semiconductor, P-N diode,
LED’s, Photo diodes and solar cells.

Learning resources

David J. Griffiths ‘Introduction to Electrodynamics’ HPI Publications, 3rd edition
Elements of electromagnetics by Mathews N.O. Sadiku , 3 rd Edition

Reference Books:
1. S.L. Kakani, Subhadra Kakani ‘Engineering Physics’, CBS Publications, 2nd edition
2.Arunkumar ‘Introduction to solid state physics’ HPI Publications, (30 January 2010)
Iswar Singh Tyagi ‘Principles of quantum mechanics’ Pearson Publications; 1st edition (25
September 2012)
Donald Neamen ‘Semiconductor devices’ McGraw Hill Education; 3ed edition (25 August 2006)

Web resources:
Prof V. Ravi Shakar, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, ‘Engineering Physics-II’ URL:

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Prof. D. K. Ghosh, NPTEL-IIT Bombay, ‘Engineering Physics-II’

URL: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/122101002/

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO 1 The student will have capacity to integrate knowledge on

vector and scalar fields using mathematical del operators, and also solve
the problems in integral calculus.
CO 2 Student will have capacity to describe the electric field and potentials
associated various symmetric charged bodies by using Gauss Law. And
also understand the applications of
dielectric materials in real life.

CO 3 Student will be able understand different electrical charged

body fields, potentials, energy density and boundary conditions by
solving Poisson’s and Laplace equations.
CO 4 Student will have capacity to distinguish different magnetic
materials such as Dia, para and ferro (Ferri) materials and its
CO Student will have capacity to describe Maxwell’s equation
5 in vacuum and conducting and non-conducting media.
CO 6 Student will have capacity to describe classification of solid state
materials in band theory, semiconducting materials
and its significance in basic electronic devices.

Course Nature Theory

Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Total

Weightage 10% 30% 60% 100%



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22PY1181 Engineering Physics BSC 0L:0T:3P 1.5 credits


Course Learning Objectives

● Hall Effect: To determine the hall coefficient, carrier density and carrier mobility of a given
● Frank Hertz: To verify the postulates of Bohr’s theory and Quantization energy.
● Photo electric Effect: To study the photoelectric effect and Determine the value of Plank’s
constant value.
● Energy gap of Semiconductor: Determine the energy gap of a given semiconducting material.
● Susceptibility of Para Magnetic Materials: Determine the susceptibility of a given
paramagnetic solution by Quinck’s tube method.
● Magnetic hysteresis curve tracer: Determine the Coercivity, Saturation magnetization and
Retentivity of a given Ferro magnetic material using a Hysteresis loop tracer.
● Dielectric Constant measurement: Determine the Dielectric constant of a given dielectric
● Viscosity of water Measurement: Determine the co-efficient of viscosity of given oil by
falling sphere method.
● Verification of I-V characteristics of Zener Junction Diode and Determination break down
voltage of Zener Diode.
● Determine the parameters in common emitter configuration in pnp and npn Transistor
● Determine the efficiency of Solar cell

List of Experiments
Exp-1: Hall Effect
Exp-2: Frank Hertz
Exp-3: Photo electric Effect
Exp-4: Energy gap of Semiconductor
Exp-5: Susceptibility of Para Magnetic Materials
Exp-6: Magnetic hysteresis curve tracer
Exp-7: Dielectric Constant measurement
Exp-8: Viscosity of water Measurement
Exp-9: Verification of I-V characteristics of Zener Junction Diode and Determination break down
voltage of Zener Diode.
Exp-10: p-n-p and n-p-n Transistor parameters in common emitter configuration
EXP-11: Calculating the efficiency of Solar cell

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Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Student will able to understand hall coefficient, carrier density and carrier mobility
CO 1 of a given semiconductor.
CO 2 Student will able to understand Quantization of energy
Student will able to understand the photoelectric effect and calculation of Plank’s
CO 3 constant value.

CO 4 Student will able to understand the energy gap of a semiconductor

Student will able to understand the susceptibility of a given paramagnetic solution
CO 5 by Quinck’s tube method.
CO 6 Student will able to understand the Magnetic hysteresis curve tracer
CO 7 Student will able to understand measurement of dielectric constant
CO 8 Student will able to understand the co-efficient of viscosity of given oil by falling
sphere method
CO 9 Student will able to understand the I-V characteristic of Zener diode and Zener
CO 10 Student will able to calculate the transistor parameters
CO11 Student will able to calculate the efficiency of solar cell

Assessment Method

Assessment Tool Experiments Record Viva-Voce/ Total

Quiz/MCQ/Lab project
Weightage (%) 25% 5% 10% 40%
End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%


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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering



22CE1114 Engineering Graphics ESC 1L: 0T: 3P 2.5 credits

and Design

Course Learning Objective:

● To know about emergence of Engineering Graphics as a refined communication tool and to

be aware of International and national standards of practice for uni
form presentation of
● To adopt the projection of three dimensional object orthogonally on a set of vertical and
horizontal planes and obtain the views of the frontal and the top surfaces.
● To describe the position of a point and position of the lin
linee with respect to all the planes of
projection and obtain itsviews.
● To learn orthographic projections of various simple plane surfaces in simple and inclined
● To know about orthographic projections of right and regular solids in simple positions, when
their axes are perpendicular to one reference plane and parallel to theother.
● To learn about types of cutting planes and to obtain views of simplesolids.
● To learn about different methodologies to be used for obtaining the two dimensional layout
of thee lateral surfaces of uncutsolids.
● To learn about computer aided drafting techniques and to be familiarize with one of the most
powerful Software Auto CAD

Course content:

Unit-I (7 hours)
Introduction to Engineering Drawing
Introduction toEngineeringdrawing Tools and Standards, Geometric Constructions, Scales, Conics
and Special Curves - ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, cycloids,Involutes.

Unit-II (6 hours)
Orthographic projections
Introduction to Orthographic Projections, Projections of Points, Projection of Lines.

Unit-III (8 hours)
Projection of Solids
Projection of Planes, Projections of Solids cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone and sphere.

Unit-IV (8 hours)
Section of solids
Sections of Solids - cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone and sphere. Development of Surfaces

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Parallel line method and Radial linemethod.

Unit-V (8hours)
Introduction to AutoCAD
ComputerAidedDesign Introduction to AutoCAD, Co
ordinate System (UCS) and their Commands,
Basic Commands of Drawing and Editing, Dimensioning andText.

Unit-VI (8 hours)
Computer Graphics
Drawing practice with AutoCAD CrCreating
ting 2D Drawings of Objects from Isometric views, Creating
Isometric views form Orthographic views and Introductions to 3D drawings.

Learning Resources Textbooks

1. Bhatt N.D., Panchal V.M. & Ingle P.R., (2014), 'Engineering Drawing', Charotar
arotar Publishing

Reference books
Shah, M.B. &Rana B.C. (2008), 'Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics'
Graphics',, PearsonEducation.
Agrawal B. & Agrawal C. M. (2012), 'Engineering Graphics', TMHPublication.

Web resources
Prof Anupam Saxena, NPTEL-IIT IIT K
Kanpur, 'Engineering Drawing'.
Prof Anupam Saxena, NPTEL-IIT IIT Kanpur, 'Computer Aided Engineering Design'.

Course outcome: After the completion of this course, the studen

student will be able to

CO 1 Student will be aware of International and national standards of practice.

CO 2 Student willbefamiliarwith obtaining the views of the frontaland the top surfaces
of an object
CO 3 Student will be aware of orthographic projections of right and regular solids in
simple positions, when their axes are perpendicular to one reference plane and
parallel to the other.
CO 4 Student will know about computer aided drafting techniques and will be

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Assessment Method

Assessment Tool Experiments Report/Viva-Voce/ Quiz/MCQ/Lab project Total

Weightage (%) 25% 15% 40%

End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%


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22EE1101 Electrical Technology ESC 3L: 1T: 0P 4 credits

Course Learning Objectives

● To make understand the concept of discrete electronics & electrical components and
fundamental laws associated with it along with circuit laws.
● To make understand the concept of the DC circuits using theorems
● To make understand the concept of Single Phase and Three phase circuits
● To make understand the concept of DC machines

Course Content
Unit-I (12 hours)
Circuit Concepts, R,L,C Parameters & Elements, Voltage and Current Sources, Independent and
Dependent Sources, Kirchhoff’s Laws, Network Reduction Techniques – Series, Parallel, Series
Parallel, Star–to-Delta or Delta-to-Star Transformations, Nodal Analysis, Mesh Analysis, Super node
and Super mesh for DC Excitations. (Only with Independent sources)

Unit-II (8 hours)
Tellegen’s Theorem, Source Transformations, Superposition Theorem, Thevenins, Norton and
Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.

Unit-III (10 hours)

Introduction to AC, calculation of R.M.S and average values. Steady State Analysis of R, L, C
elements (in Series, Parallel, Series-Parallel Combinations) with sinusoidal excitation. Concept of
Reactance, Impedance, Susceptance and Admittance. Phase and Phase difference, concept of Series
Resonance. Concept of Power Factor, Real and Reactive powers. Complex and Polar forms of
representation, Complex power.

Unit-IV (10 hours)

Phase Sequence- Star and Delta connection-Relation between Line and Phase Voltages and Currents
in Balanced Systems-analysis of Balanced Three Phase Circuits – Phasor Diagrams-Measurement of
active and reactive Power in Balanced Three Phase Systems. Two Wattmeter Method of
Measurement of Three Phase Power.

Unit-V (10 hours)

Introduction to simple series magnetic circuits, Construction and Principle of Operation of Single
Phase Transformers, on no load. Ideal and practical transformer equivalent circuits, transformer
losses, transformer testing: sc and oc testing, efficiency and voltage regulation.

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Unit-VI (10 hours)
Principles of electromechanical energy conversion and basic concepts of rotating machines. Principle
of Operation of DC Machines, DC Motors, Types of Motors, Characteristics-Losses and Efficiency.
Speed Control of DC Shunt Motor, Flux and Armature Voltage Control Methods. Applications of
DC motors.

Learning Resources

Text Books
Charles Alexander and Matthew Sadiku, 'Fundamentals of Electric Circuits', McGraw-Hill
Education; 5th edition ,2012
WH Hayt JE Kemmerly and S M Durbin, 'Engineering circuit analysis', McGraw-Hill Book
Company Inc, (8th Edition), 2013.
Reference Books
DP Kothari and I.J Nagrath, 'Basic Electrical Engineering', McGraw-Hill
Education (3rd edition) 2010.
Vincent Del Toro, 'Electrical Engineering Fundamentals', Pearson 2ndEdition.
Hughes, 'Electrical and Electronic Technology', Pearson 10/E 2011.

Web resources
Prof U Umanand, IISC Bangalore, 'Basic Electrical Technology'.
URL: http://nptel.ac.in/courses/108108076/
Prof S Aniruddhan, IIT Madras, 'Basic Electrical Circuits'.
URL: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc16_ee03
Prof Anant Agarwal, Masuchussets Institute of Technology, 'Circuits and Electronics'.
URL: https://6002x.mitx.mit.edu/courseware/6.002_Spring_2012/
Prof N C Jagan, RGUKT Video content, 'Electrical Technology'.

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Use ohms laws, Kirchhoff’s laws on passive elements
CO 2 Analyze circuits made up of linear lumped elements. Specifically, analyze circuits
containing resistors and independent sources using techniques such as the node
method, superposition and the Thevenin’s method
CO 3 Analyze the Single phase AC circuits
CO 4 Analyze the Three phase AC circuits
CO 5 Analyze DC and AC machines and
CO 6 To understand speed control techniques and power electronic applications.

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Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
tests/Assignments (in a semester)
(in a semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%

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Electrical Technology
22EE1181 ESC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits

Course Learning Objective:

To get a hands-on experience on the concepts in Electrical Technology theory course and thereby
developing practical knowledge in analysis of electrical equipments like motors, generators etc.

List of Experiments
● Familiarization with supply panel (AC & DC), all measuring instruments, auto transformers
(1-φ and 3- φ), Name plate specifications of all machines.
● Verification of KVL and KCL.
● Verification of network theorems. (Superposition and Thevenin’s Theorem)
● Calibration of Single Phase Energy Meter.
● Study the behaviors of series RLC circuit.
● Characteristics of lamps
● Three phase power measurement by two Wattmeter method.
● Speed control of D.C Shunt Motor using Field and Armature control.
● O.C. and S.C. tests on a single phase transformer
● Lab project

Course outcome
After the completion of this laboratory course, the student will be able to
CO1 Understand the AC and DC power supplies and their measurement practices
CO2 Analyze the circuits using Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws
CO3 Understand the working of Energy Meter, Power measurement techniques
CO4 Analyze the working principles of motors and generators
CO5 Understanding the concept of loadline by experimental analysis
CO6 Able to understand and analyze the real-time problems of Electrical Technology

Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Experiments Record Viva-Voce/ Total
Quiz/MCQ/Lab project
Weightage (%) 25% 5% 10% 40%
End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%

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22EE1102 Introduction to latest technological advancements BSC 1L: 0T: 0P 1 credit

Course Learning Objective

● To know the emerging technology trends related in the Electrical & Electronics
Engineering domain.
● To know the other interdisciplinary domains connected with Electrical & Electronics
● To gain knowledge on the recent Industrial advancements

Course content

Exercise-I: ICT in Engineering Education (MOOCs), Interactive Education tools, Social networking
for Education, ICT for societal development.

Exercise-II: Understanding the latest Mobile Phone Hardware system: Study of sensors, display,
memory, processor functionality and other features.

Exercise-III: Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT), Emphasis on Electrical & Electronics field in
IoT, challenges and applications.

Exercise-IV: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, robotics and Machine learning applications and

Exercise-V: Advancements in power systems such as smart grid technology etc.

Exercise-VI: Advancements in power electronics and drive, electric vehicles, etc.

Exercise-VII: Recent advancements in VLSI and Signal Processing domains, others.

Note: Invited talks by industry experts may be arranged as part of this course.

Learning Resources
Electrobits magazine.
DRDO/ISRO/NASA Newsletters and magazines.
Industry newsletters and magazines.

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Web resources
Flipboard apps/TED app/ Educational apps etc

Course outcome: After the completion of this course, the student will be able to

CO Understand the scope of Electrical & Electronics Engineering in real-time applications


CO2 Understand the various available resources so as to get updated with the current
technology trends

CO3 Understand the current technology trends across different domains – Government sectors
and Industries

Assessment Method
Assessment tool Seminar Report submission (End Semester) Total

Weightage (%) 75% 25% 100%

1. The topics in the course may vary as per the recent technical trends of the Industry.
However, the changes are subject to the approval of the Institute competent authorities.
2. Industry personnel/People from ISRO/DRDO/Research Center are recommended to engage in
this course.
3. In the Assessment Method, during one of the monthly seminars, the student is supposed to submit
a video recording of the seminar and the same should be played in the classroom.


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Programming and Data

22CS1108 ESC 3L: 0T: 0P 3 credits

Course Learning Objectives:

● To deduce adequate knowledge in programming language and problem-solving techniques.

● To develop programming skills using the fundamentals of C Language.
● To recognize the effective usage of arrays, structures, functions, pointers.
● To implement the memory management concepts.
● To illustrate the usage of pointers and dynamic memory allocation.
● Explore Data Structures and its applications.

Course Content
Unit- I (5 hours)
Computer Hardware, Bits and Bytes, History of Programming Languages, Character Set, Variables
and Identifiers, Built-in Data Types. Operators and Expressions, Constants and Literals, Simple
Assignment Statement, Basic Input/output Statement, Simple 'C' Program, Conditional Statements
and Loops.

Unit – II (6 hours)
One Dimensional Arrays, Array Manipulation, Searching, Insertion, Deletion of An Element from
An Array; Finding the Largest/Smallest Element in An Array; Two Dimensional Arrays,
Addition/Multiplication of Two Matrices, Transpose of square Matrix, Inverse of Matrix, Character
Arrays, Multi-dimensional arrays.

Unit – III (8 hours)

Function Declaration, Function Definition, Function Call, Call by Value, Call by Reference,
Recursion, String Fundamentals, String Handling Functions.

Unit - IV (8 hours)
Structure & Union
Structure Variables, Initialization, Structure Assignment, Nested Structure, Structures and Functions,
Structures and Arrays: Arrays of Structures, Structures Containing Arrays, Unions.

Unit - V (8 hours)
Pointer Type Declaration, Pointer Assignment, Pointer Initialization, Pointer Arithmetic, Functions
and Pointers, Arrays and Pointers, Pointer to Pointers, Dangling Memory, Dynamic Memory

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Allocations, Storage Classes.

Unit – VI (10 hours) Data

Linked List, Double Linked Lists, Stack, Stack Implementation Using Arrays, Stack Implementation
Using Linked List, Queues, tree traversals.

Learning Resources
Text book
ReemaThareja, ‘Data Structures using C’, Oxford Higher Education,2nd Edition.

Reference Books
W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, ‘C Programming Language’, Prentice Hall India Learning Private
Limited, 2nd Edition.
Balagurusamy, ‘Programming in ANSI C’,McGraw Hill Education India Private Limited; 7th Edition.
Yashavant Kanetkar, ‘Let us C’, BPB Publications,14th Edition

Web resources
Prof Satyadev Nandakumar, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, 'Introduction to Programming in C', URL:
Dr P P Chakraborty, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, 'Programming and Data Structures'
URL: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105085/4
URL: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Illustrate the flowchart and design an algorithm for a given problem and to
develop one C program using Operators.
CO 2 Develop conditional and iterative statements to write C Programs.
CO 3 Describe C Programs that use the arrays and its usage.
CO 4 Exercise user defined functions to solve real time problems.
CO 5 Describe C Programs using pointers and to allocate memory using dynamic
memory management functions.
CO 6 Explore different data structures and understand.

Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly Monthly tests End Semester Total
tests/Assignments (in semester) Test
(in semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%

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Programming and Data

22CS1188 ESC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits
Structures Laboratory

Course Learning Objective

● Understand the basic concept of C Programming and Data Structures, its different modules
that include conditional and looping expressions, Arrays, Strings, Functions, Structures,
Files, Stacks and Queues.
● Acquire knowledge about the basic concept of writing a program.
● Purpose of programming language and its application in problem solving.

List of Experiments

Exercise-1: Introduction to C, Conditional Statements and Loops

C Program to calculate the sum of Natural numbers.
C Program to generate multiplication table of a given number.
C Program to display Fibonacci sequence (Up to given number).
C Program to Check whether a given number is prime or not.
C Program to make a simple Calculator using switch case.
C Program to check whether a number is palindrome or not.
C Program to display factors of a given number.
C Program to print Pyramids, Triangles and various patters using loops.

Exercise-2: Arrays and Sorting

C Program to find second largest Element of an Array.
C Program to add two matrix using multi-dimensional arrays.
C Program to multiply two matrix using multi-dimensional arrays.
C Program to find transpose of a matrix.
C Program to Sort Elements of an Array using Bubble sort.
Using Insertion Sort, Selection Sort.
Using Counting Sort, Bucket Sort 8. Check whether two strings are anagram of each other or not.

Exercise 3: Functions and Recursion

C Program to check whether given number is prime or not using user-defined function.
C Program to swap two integer values using call by value and call by reference.
C Program to find the factorial of a given number using recursion.
C Program to calculate length of string without using strlen() function.
C Program to print all permutations of a string (abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba).
C Program to sort elements in Lexicographical order (Dictionary order) using in built string

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Sorting using Merge Sort.

Sorting using Quick Sort.

Exercise-4: Structues and Unions

C Program using structures to read and display the information about a student.
C Program to read, display, add and subtract two complex numbers.
C Program to read and display the information of a student using nested structure
C Program, using an array of pointers to a structure, to read and display the data of students.
C Program to demonstrate arrays of Union variables.
C Program using structures to maintain a book library (Book is a structure) which has following
operations print various types of books along with their count, author details, search a book by author
name or book name or publisher.

Exercise-5: Pointers and File Handling

C Program to demonstrate, handling of pointers in C.
C Program to access array elements using pointers.
C Program to find the sum of n numbers with arrays and pointers.
C Program to swap two numbers using pointers and function
C Program to find sum of n elements entered by user. To perform this allocate memory dynamically
using malloc() function.
C Program to read and write a file.
C Program to count number of lines and words.
Write a c program to copy a data of file to other file.

Exercise-6: Introduction to Data Structures

Write a program to create a linked list and perform insertions and deletions of all cases. Write
functions to sort and finally delete the entire list at once.
Write a program to create a doubly linked list and perform insertions and deletions in all cases.
Write a program to perform push, pop and peek operations on a stack.
Write a program to implement a linked stack.
Write a program to implement a linked queue.
Write a program to implement binary search tree insertion.
Write a program to implement binary search tree traversals (pre-order, post-order, in-order).

Lab project

Course outcome: After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Apply and practice logical ability to solve the problems

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CO 2 Understand C programming development environment, compiling, debugging,

executing a program using the development environment
CO 3 Analyzing the complexity of problems, modularize the problems into small
modules and then convert them into programs
CO 4 Understand and apply the in-built functions and customized functions for solving
the problems
CO 5 Understand and apply the pointers, memory allocation techniques and use of files
for dealing with variety of problems
CO 6 Understand and apply the structures and unions concept and solving problems on
the same
CO 7 Understand the basic concepts of stacks, queues and applying the same for basic

Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Experiments Record Viva-Voce/ Total
Quiz/MCQ/Lab project
Weightage (%) 25% 5% 10% 40%
End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%


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22MA1201 Mathematical Methods BSC 3L: 1T: 0P 4 credits

Course Learning Objectives:

● The objective of this course is to introduce vector spaces and linear transformation.
● Discuss Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a matrix and various properties.
● Setup double and triple integrals to find volume and surface area.
● Discuss directional derivatives and application of Green’s, Stokes and Gauss theorems.
● Discuss numerical methods to find the roots of transcendental equations and Interpolation.
● Evaluate integrals by using numerical methods and solving IVP.

Course Content:

Unit – I: Linear Algebra: (12 hours)

Vector Spaces, Linear Combinations of Vectors, Linear dependence and Independence, Basis and
Dimension, Linear Transformations, Matrix Representations of Linear transformation.

Unit – II: Eigen values and Eigen vectors: (8 hours)

Solving system of Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous equations by using Gauss elimination
method. Characteristic roots and Characteristic Vectors of a matrix - Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
(without proof); Finding inverse and power of a matrix by Cayley-Hamilton Theorem.

Unit-III: Multiple integrals: (10 hours)

Double and triple integrals, computations of surface and volumes, Jacobeans of transformations,
change of variables in double integrals, Change of Order of double integrals, integrals dependant on
parameters - applications.

Unit–IV: Vector calculus: (12 hours)

Scalar and vector fields, level surfaces, directional derivative, Gradient, Curl, Divergence, Laplacian,
line, surface integrals and Volume integrals, Green, Gauss and Stokes theorems (without Proof) and

Unit – V: Root finding Methods and Interpolation: (10 hours)

Roots of polynomial and transcendental equations – bisection method, Regula-falsi method and
Newton- Raphson method, Finite differences, Newton's forward and backward interpolation

Unit – VI: Numerical integration and numerical solution of IVP: (8 hours)

Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's 1/3rd rule and 3/8th rule for numerical integration, Solution of IVP by
Euler and Runga-Kutta method.

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Learning resources Text book:

1. ERWIN KREYSZIG, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, Wiley-India, 9th Edition.

Reference Books:
R. K. Jain and S. R. K. Iyengar, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, Narosa Publishing House,
New Delhi, 3rd Edition.
B.S.Grewal, ‘A Text Book of Higher Engineering Mathematics’, Khanna Publishers, 43rd Edition.
Gilbert Strang , ‘Linear Algebra and its Applications’, CENGAGE Learning 4th Edition.
Web resources:
RGUKT content

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Write Matrix representation for transformations.
CO 2 Find Eigen values and Eigen vector for a Matrix.
CO 3 Setup and evaluating double and triple integrals.
CO 4 Apply Green’s Stokes and Gauss Divergence Theorems.
CO 5 Approximate the roots of polynomial and transcendental equations.
CO 6 Approximate the Integral value by numerical methods and solve IVP using
numerical methods.

For Theory courses only:

Course Nature Theory
Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total

Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%


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22EC2102 Digital Logic Design PCC 2L: 0T: 0P 4 credits

Course Learning Objective

● To discuss the concepts of Number systems and representations used in the computers,
combinational design, sequential designs and complete system design at gate-level
● To discuss the important features of IC design like area, power and delay.
● To design a simple digital system at gate-level as per the design specifications.

Course Content

Unit-I (6 hours)
Number systems-Representations-Conversions, Boolean constants and variables, basic gates:
operation and truth tables, describing logic gates algebraically, evaluating logic circuit outputs,
implementing circuits from Boolean expressions, universality of gates, Boolean theorems,
Demorgan’s theorems, alternate logic gate representations, IEEE/ANSI standard logic symbols.

Unit-II (12 hours)

Combinational circuit minimization using Boolean laws and Karnaugh maps, multi-level synthesis,
timing hazards, logic levels and noise margins, Fan-out, Fan-in. Single bit adders and subtractors,
multi-bit adders, BCD adder, multi-bit subtraction using adders, signed multiplier, unsigned
multiplier, code converters, parity bit generators/checkers, magnitude comparator. Delay, Area and
Power analysis in combinational circuit designs. Conversion of real-time statements into Boolean
expressions and design of gate-level logic circuits.

Unit-III (10 hours)

Bistable elements, Latches and Flip-flops : S-R latch , S’ – R’ Latch, S-R latch with enable, D latch,
Race-around condition and elimination methods. Edge triggered D flip flop, Edge triggered D flip
flop with asynchronous inputs, master-slave flip-flop, edge triggered J-K flip-flop with asynchronous
inputs, T flip-flops. Excitation tables, Characteristic equations.
Flip-flop timing consideration: set-up time, hold-time discussion using positive edge-triggered D-Flip

Unit-IV (14 hours)

Frequency division and counting. Design and analysis of asynchronous counters, Delay
considerations and limitations on maximum clock frequency, Design and analysis of synchronous
counters. BCD counter, Ring counter, Johnson counters. State diagram overview (Present States,
Next states, Present outputs, Present inputs). Serial / Parallel data transfer registers: PIPO register,

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SISO register, PISO register, SIPO register.

Unit-V (10 hours)

Decoders: Binary decoder, synthesis of logic functions using decoders, cascading binary decoders,
seven-segment decoders, applications.
Multiplexers: synthesis of logic functions using multiplexers applications.
Demultiplexers: Realization, 1-4 and 1-8 line demultiplexers, demultiplexer tree. Encoders: Priority
encoders. Implementation of functions using programmable logic devices: PAL, PLA, PROM.

Unit-VI (8 hours)
Memory – Structure and Timing: Static RAM, Dynamic Ram. Architecture: CPLD, FPGA
Design and analysis of Digital circuits: Digital Clock, Digital calendar, Traffic light controller,
Mobile number sequence generators and other relevant topics

Learning Resources
Text books
Ronald J Tocci, Neal S.Widmer, Gregory L.Moss, 'Digital systems' Pearson 10th edition.
John F.Wakerly, 'Digital Design' , Pearson 4th edition

Reference books
Stephen Brown, Zvonko Vranesic, 'Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design', TMH, 2nd

Web Resources
Prof. Shankar Balachandran, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Digital Circuits & Systems'
URL: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117106114/
Prof. S Srinivasan, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Digital Circuits and Systems'
URL: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117106086/

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Apply the knowledge of simplification in obtaining optimal digital circuits
CO 2 Study and examine the SSI, MSI, LSI and Programmable elements
CO 3 Analyse the operation of synchronous and asynchronous state machines
CO 4 Design any combinational or sequential digital circuits to meet the given
CO 5 Analyze any digital circuit and to debug such circuit
CO 6 Prototype a real time application on EDA tool

Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
tests/Assignments (in a semester)
(in a semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%

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22EC2182 Digital Logic Design Laboratory PCC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits

Course Learning Objective

● Expose the student to the concepts of Digital System Design and itsapplications
● To understand the practical aspects of combinational and sequential circuitdesign
● To design a prototype digital logic designsystem
● .
List of Experiments

● Familiarization logic gate levels understand the concept of noise- margin. Troubleshooting
● Design of code converters and comparators (8-bit) on breadboard.
● Adder related experiments: Half adder , full adder , half subtractor, full subtractor , ripple
carry adder, BCD adder, carry look ahead adder usingIC.
● Design of a binary multiplier and displaying its inputs and outputs on seven segment
● Design and verification of SR, JK, D, T latch/flip-flops. Verification and elimination of Race
● Flip-flop conversions and Design of frequencydividers.
● Design of synchronous counters (Up and Down) and displaying result on seven segment
display unit
● Design n counter design (total 8 states design of mod 6, 7 with clear)
● mod7 with clear).
● Design and IC verification of Decadecounter.
● Cascading of counters.
● Synchronous counter design and displaying result on seven segment display unit
● Random sequence.
● Ring counter/Johnsoncounter.
● Familiarization with multiplexer, decoder, encoder. Design of Half adder, full adder,
magnitude comparator and other examples using above familiarized components.
● Design of a mobile number sequence generator in synchronous state machine design and in
asynchronous state machine design.
● Design of a digital clock in synchronous state machine design and in asynchronous state
machine design

Design of gate level circuit for generation of complement and sign-magnitude form of a given 4-bit
signed number.

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Design and submission of term project

1. It is mandatory to perform experiment on any one of the EDA Tools (Multisim) before the
experiment is done on hardware. All experiments must be unique, design specifications should not be
common in thelab

Course outcome: After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to

CO 1 Understand the practical aspects in working of discrete digital components

CO 2 Utilize the ICs of Decoder, Multiplexer, Seven segment display unit in
combination circuit design
CO 3 Utilize the ICs of suitable Flip-flops in sequential circuit design
CO 4 Utilize the Programmable Logic devices in digital design
CO 5 Understand the concepts of setup time, hold time, propagation delays
CO 6 Design circuits with optimal features of Area, Power and delay
CO 7 Design and implement prototypes of complete digital systems

Assessment Method

Assessment Experiments Report/Viva- *Term End Total

Tool Voce/ Quiz/MCQ Projectand SemesterLab
Viva-Voce Exam
Weightage 15% 15% 30% 40% 100%

*Term Project may be hardware implementation or on EDA (Multisim) platform


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22EE1281 Computational Laboratory ESC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits

Course Learning Objective

List of Experiments

Exercise 1: Python as a tool for computation

Exercise 2: Introduction of data visualization softwares such as Power BI, Tableau, Tensorflow
Exercise 3: Introduction and familiarization with MATLAB tool
Exercise 4: MATLAB for simulink and signal processing
Exercise 5: Simulations in LTSpice
Exercise 6: Simulations in MultiSim software

Design and submission of lab project

Note: Any other trending softwares related to EE can be introduced.

Learning Resources


J. Michael Fitzpatrick and AkosLedeczi,' Computer Programming with MATLAB',

Hanspeter langtangen, ‘Python scripting for Computational Science’, Springer publications
Reference books
Misza Kalechman, 'Practical MATLAB-Basics for Engineers', CRC Press.
Burkhard A.Meier, ‘Python GUI Programming cookbook’. PACKT publications

Web Resources

J. Michael Fitzpatrick and AkosLedeczi, 'Introduction to Programming with MATLAB'. URL:

Dr Sudarshan Iyengar, NTEL-IIT Ropar, ‘Joy of Computing using Python’.
URL: https://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/106106182/

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Course outcome After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to
CO To learn the MATLAB environment, python scripting and its programming fundamentals

CO Ability to write Programs using commands and functions


CO Able to simulate and visualize the data of various formats


CO Able to understand perform operations on applications related to different fields


CO Able to perform simulation of a simple prototype design project in Electronics and

5 communication and relevant fields

Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Experiments Report/Viva-Voce/ Quiz/MCQ/Lab project Total

Weightage (%) 25% 15% 40%

End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%


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22EG1281 English-I Laboratory HSC 0L : 1T : 3P 2.5 credits

Course objectives:
● To facilitate computer-aided multi-media instruction enabling individualized and independent
language learning
● To sensitize the students to the nuances of English speech sounds, word accent, intonation
and rhythm
● To provide opportunities for practice in using English in day to day situations
● To improve the fluency in spoken English and neutralize mother tongue influence
● To train students to use language appropriately for debate, group discussion and public

Course Content:

UNIT-I: (06 Contact Hours)

Theory: An Ideal Family by Katherine Mansfield
Spoken Skills: Situational Dialogues – Role-play – Expressions in various situations – Self
Introduction – Introducing others – Greetings – Apologies – Requests – Giving directions

UNIT-II: (06 Contact Hours)

Theory: Energy -Alternative sources of Energy
Panel Debate on “On-grid & off-grid support to public participation in the production of solar energy
in India”, Reading the Wikipedia content on “The Green New Deal”. Reflective session on the
prospects of “The Green New Deal in India”
Writing Skills: Letter Writing (Formal & Informal) and Hands on Session on Letter Writing

UNIT-III: (06 Contact Hours)

Theory: Transport - Problems & solutions
Group Discussion on “The Future of Bullet Trains in India”
PPT on “The Dedicated Freight Corridors & the Future of Indian Economy” – Introduction to Speech
Spoken Skills: Sounds – Vowels, Consonants and Diphthongs – Pronunciation Exercises (Basic

UNIT-IV: (06 Contact Hours)

Theory: Technology - Evaluating technology
PPT on “3R: Reduce, Recycle, Reuse” - Solo Debate on “Can Block Chain Technology Mitigate the
Issue of Cyber Crimes and Hacking?”
Presentation Skills: JAM –Description of Pictures, Photographs, Process, Talking about wishes,
Information Transfer

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UNIT-V: (06 Contact Hours)

Theory: Environment - Ecology versus Development
Listening Skills: Listening Activity on YouTube video on “Greening the Deserts” - Students’
seminar on “Waste to Wealth: Examples from around the Globe”.

UNIT-VI: (06 Contact Hours)

Theory: Industry - Selling products
Reading Skills: Reading the material on “4Ps: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion” Role play on
“How to sell your product and services”

Non – Detailed Text Book: Panorama – A Course on Reading published by Oxford University Press,
English for engineers and technologists by Orient Black Swan
A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students 2nd Ed T. Balasubramanian. (Macmillan), 2012.
Speaking English Effectively, 2nd Edition Krishna Mohan & NP Singh, 2011. (Macmillan).
A Hand book for English Laboratories, E.Suresh Kumar, P.Sreehari, Foundation Books,2011
English Pronunciation in Use. Intermediate & Advanced, Hancock, M. 2009. CUP
Basics of Communication in English, Soundararaj, Francis. 2012.. New Delhi: Macmillan
English Pronouncing Dictionary, Daniel Jones Current Edition with CD.Cambridge, 17 th
edition, 2011.

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO 1 Understand the issues affecting the economy and environment in India and across
the globe
CO 2 Develop the instinct for problem solution

CO 3 Develop the ability to collect materials on various socio-economic- technological

issues and prepare PPT for presentation
CO 4 Improving listening skills

CO 5 Inculcate speaking as a behaviour by repeated practice and exposure


Internal Assessment (40 Marks) External Assessment (60 Marks)

Record Writing– 10 Marks Reading Comprehension 15

Attendance – 10 Marks Writing30

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Continuous Assessment (Listeningg – 10 Speaking (Viva-Voce) 15

Marks + Oral Presentations – 10 Marks) Marks

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Electronic Devices &

22EC1201 ESC 3L: 1T: 0P 4 credits

Course Learning Objectives

● To make the students understand the fundamentals of Electronic Devices and Circuits.
● To design simple Electronic circuits understanding the concept of design specification and
design requirements.

Course Content
Unit-I (6 hours)
Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi Level in Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors.
Mobility and conductivity, Diffusion currents and drift currents, Injected minority carrier charge,
contact potential, currents in forward and reverse biased junction.

Unit-II (10 hours)

The open circuited p-n Junction, Current components in a p-n diode, Volt-Ampere characteristics
(Forward Bias and Reverse Bias and temperature dependence of the V/I characteristic, Diode
Resistance (Static and Dynamic), Diode as a circuit element ,diode models, Load line concept, Small
signal analysis of diode, Transition capacitance and Diffusion capacitance, Junction diode switching
times; Zener diodes, Zener breakdown and Avalanche breakdown, Zener voltage regulator and its

Unit-III (10 hours)

PN Diode Applications
Half Wave, Full wave and Bridge rectifiers (their operation, performance calculations), with Filters
(RC, LC, RLC), Ripple factor calculations, Clippers (two level) Transfer characteristics, clampers;
Diode as a switch; Diode as a analog gate, Voltage Multipliers (Doubler and Tripler).

Unit-IV (18 hours)

MOS capacitor, MOSFET construction, Types of MOSFET (Enhancement type and Depletion type),
derivation of current equation, Regions of operation, second order effects (Channel-length
modulation, body effect), MOSFET characteristics and operating point including load line analysis,
MOSFET as a switch (inverter). Biasing of a MOSFET.

Unit-V (8 hours)
BJT Characteristics
BJT construction, Transistor Junction formation (Collector-Base, Base-Emitter Junctions), Current
components; Modes of Transistor operations; Early Effect, BJT input and output characteristics in

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different configurations, BJT as an inverter.

Unit-VI (8 hours)
Transistor Biasing and Stabilization-BJT
Biasing techniques-different types of biasing , Transistor as an amplifier, Thermal runaway, heat
sinks, Thermal stabilization, Operating point stabilization against temperature and device variations,
Stability factors, Bias stabilization and compensation techniques.

Learning resources

Text book
Jacob Milliman, Christos C. Halkias, and Satyabratajit, 'Electronic Devices and Circuits' McGraw
Hill, 3rd Edition,2012.
David A.Bell, 'Electronic Devices and Circuits', Oxford University Press, 5th edition, 2008.

Reference Books
Ben G.StreetMan, Sanjay Kumar Benerjee, 'Solid State Electronic Devices',6th edition.

Web Resources
Prof K Radhakrishna Rao, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Electronics for Analog Signal
Processing-I'. URL: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117106087/
Dr. Mahesh B Patil, NPTEL-IIT Bombay, 'Basic Electronics'.
URL: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108101091/
Dr. Chitralekha Mahanta,NPTEL - IIT Guwahati, 'Basic Electronics',
URL: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117103063/

Course Outcomes : At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Apply the knowledge of basic semiconductor physics and understand the working
CO 1
CO 2 Analyze the characteristics of various electronic devices like diodes, transistor etc
CO 3 Classify and analyze the various circuit configurations of transistor and MOSFETs
CO 4 Designing circuits for different applications using diodes
CO 5 Analyze the concept of stability and biasing of transistors
CO 6 Troubleshooting circuits which utilizes diodes, transistors

Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
tests/Assignments (In semester)
(In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%

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22EC1281 Electronic Devices & Circuits Lab ESC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits

Course Learning Objective

To get a hands-on experience on the concepts present in Basic Electronics Theory course and thereby
developing practical knowledge in analysis of electronic circuits using Diodes, BJTs and MOSFETs

List of Experiments

1. Introduction to Lab Components and Electronic instruments.

2. Soldering/De-soldering of components on PCB.
3. Characteristics of PN junction Diode, Zener Diode.
4. Characteristics of LED, Photodiode.
5. Design of voltage regulators using Zener Diodes.
6. Design of Half wave Rectifier, Full wave, Bridge wave rectifier with and without LC, RC
7. Design and analysis of Clippers and Clampers.
8. Design and analysis of Voltage Multipliers.
9. Design and analysis of analog gate and digital gates.
10. Transfer characteristics of MOSFETs.
11. Characteristics of Common Base, Common Emitter, Common collector configurations of
12. Stability analysis and biasing of BJT Circuits.
13. Design and submission of lab project

Note: It is mandatory to perform experiment on any one of the EDA Tools before the experiment is
performed on hardware. All experiments must be unique, design specifications should not be
common in the lab.

Course outcome:
After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Experimental verification of transfer characteristics of diodes and transistors
CO 2 Design voltage regulators using diodes
CO 3 Design multilevel clippers and clampers using diodes
CO 4 Design and troubleshooting circuits which utilizes diodes
CO 5 Experimental analysis of different configurations of transistor circuits
CO 6 Design of BJT circuits considering stability and biasing practically
CO 7 Implementing and analysing a practical prototype of Diode/BJT application

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Assessment Method
Assessment Experiments Report/Viva- *Term End Semester Total
Tool Voce/ Project and Lab Exam
Quiz/MCQ Viva-Voce
Weightage 15% 15% 30% 40% 100%

*Term Project may be performed either on hardware or on any EDA tool (LT spice preferred)


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22EE1201 Network Theory PCC 3L: 1T: 0P 4 credits

Course Learning Objective

● To make the students capable of analyzing any given electrical network
● To equip students with network analysis tools like two port networks, Laplace
transformations, and transient analysis.

Course Content
Unit- I (10 hours)
Basic concepts of Networks
Ohm’s Laws and Kirchhoff’s Laws, Open circuit and Short circuit, Current and Voltage division
rule, Network Reduction Techniques – Series, Parallel, Series Parallel, Star–to-Delta or Delta-to-
Star Transformations, Nodal Analysis and Mesh Analysis. Network theorem and applications. (Both
Independent & Dependent sources).

Unit- II (10 hours)

Transient analysis of First order Circuits
Initial conditions (analysis & Problems) Natural and forced response of RL , RC Circuits, Transient
analysis with different Excitations viz Step, Impulse and Sinusoidal.

Unit-III (10 hours)

Transient analysis of Second order Circuits
Initial conditions (analysis & Problems) Natural and forced response of RLC Circuits, Transient
analysis with different Excitations viz Step and Sinusoidal.

Unit- IV (10 hours)

Circuit Analysis Using Laplace Transform
Introduction to Laplace transform, Circuit element models, Circuit Analysis using Laplace-
examples, Transfer functions, Solution of circuit differential equations using Laplace transforms.

Unit-V (12 hours)

Two Port Network parameters.
Relationship of two port variables, Open circuit Impedance parameters, Short circuit Admittance
parameters, Transmission Parameters, Hybrid Parameters, Relationship between parameter sets,
Reciprocity and Symmetry, Interconnection of two port networks, Reciprocity Theorem.

Unit- VI (8 hours)
State Space Models For Electrical Networks
Concept of state, State equations, Equivalent source method, State space model and evaluation of
state transition matrix, Application to electrical networks.

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Learning Resources

Text Books
Charles K Alexander, Matthew N O Sadiku, ‘Fundamentals of Electric Circuits’,
Mc Graw Hill – 5th edition.
William H. Hayt, Jack Kemmerly, Steven M. Durbin, ‘Engineering Circuit
Analysis’, Tata Mcgraw – Hill, 8th edition.
Reference Books
Valkenburg M.E. Van, 'Network Analysis' , Prentice Hall.
N. C Jagan, CLakshmi Narayana, 'Network Theory', BS Publications

Web Resources
Prof S.C Dutta Roy NPTEL-IIT DELHI, 'Circuit Theory'
URL: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108102042/
Prof T K Basu, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, 'Networks, Signals and Systems'
URL: http://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105065/

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Analyze the electric circuits using network theorems
CO 2 Deduce transient response for circuits
CO 3 Apply Laplace transformations for solving electric circuits problems
CO 4 Apply graph theory to obtain network theory solutions
CO 5 Analyze electric circuits using two port networks and relevant theorems
CO 6 Apply state space models for electric circuits

Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly Monthly tests End Semester Total
tests/Assignments (in a semester) Test
(in a semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%

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22EE1202 Introduction to BSC 2L: 0T: 0P 1 credits


Course Learning Objective

Course Content

Unit-I: Introduction to AI, part-1

Concept of AI, history, current status, scope, agents, environments, Problem Formulations
Unit-II: Introduction to AI, part-2
Random search, Search with closed and open list, Depth first and Breadth first search,
Heuristic search.
Unit-III: Introduction to ML, part-1
Basics of Linear Regression, Logistic regression,
Unit-IV: Introduction to ML, part-2
Introduction to Support Vector Machine, Principal component analysis.
Unit-V: Artificial neural networks
Multilayer Neural network, neural network and back propagation algorithm, deep neural
Unit-VI: Python Exercises
Python exercise on neural network, PCA and random search algorithm.

Learning Resources
Peter Norvig and Stuart Russel, Artificial Intelligence- A Modern Approach (3rd edition)
Deepak Khemani, A First Course in Artificial Intelligence

Reference books
Burkhard A.Meier, ‘Python GUI Programming cookbook’. PACKT publications
Andreas C. Müller, Sarah Guido, Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
Web Resources
Course outcome: After the completion of this course, the student will be able to

CO Understand the scope of AI and ML in real-time applications


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CO2 Understand the various available algorithms in AI and ML so as to get updated with the
current technology trends

Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total

Weight age (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%


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22MA2101 Probability and Random variables BSC 3L: 1T: 0P 3 credits

Course objective:

● To provide mathematical background and sufficient experience so that the student can read,
write, and understand sentences in the language of probability theory, as well as solve
probabilistic problems in signal processing and Communication Engineering
● To introduce students to the basic methodology of “probabilistic thinking” and to apply it to
● To understand basic concepts of probability theory and random variables, how to deal with
multiple random variables, Conditional probability and conditional expectation, joint
distribution and independence, mean square estimation.
● To understand the difference between time averages and statistical averages.
● Analysis of random process and application to the signal processing in the communication
● To teach students how to apply sums and integrals to compute probabilities, means and

Course Content
Unit - I (08 hours)
Permutations and Combinations, Probability introduction through Sets and Relative Frequency,
Experiments and Sample Spaces, Discrete and Continuous Sample Spaces, Events, Probability
Definitions and Axioms, Mathematical Model of Experiments, Probability as a Relative Frequency,
Joint Probability, Conditional Probability, Total Probability, Bayes’ Theorem and Independent

Unit - II (07 hours)

Definition of random variable, discrete and continuous random variables, independent random
variables. Distribution function and its properties, probability mass function, probability density
function and their properties. Expectation of a random variable and its properties. Variance of a
random variable and its properties. Definition of bivariate random variable, discrete and continuous
bivariate random variables, distribution function of a bivariate random variable, joint probability
mass function, joint probability density function, marginal probability mass function, marginal
probability density function, conditional probability mass function and conditional probability
density function.

Unit-III (10 hours)

Discrete distributions: Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Negative Binomial, Geometric and hyper
geometric distributions (Find their mean, variance and problems). Continuous distributions: Uniform,
Exponential, Normal, Beta and Gamma distributions. Covariance, Correlation coefficient (Karl

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Pearson), Functions of Random variables.

Unit –IV (05 hours)

Linear regression and Curve fitting: Fitting a straight line and parabola.

Unit – V (07 hours)

Markov’s inequality, Chebyshev’s inequality and Cauchy-Schwartz’s inequality (with proofs).
Generating functions: Moment generating function (M.G.F) and its properties, characteristic
functions (C.F) and its properties, Cumulant generating function (C.G.F) and its properties,
probability generating function (P.G.F) and its properties.

Unit – VI (08 hours)

Order statistics, Sequence of Random Variables, Convergence of a Sequence of Random Variables,
Convergence Theorems: WLLN (weak law of large numbers), SLLN (strong law of large numbers)
and Central limit theorem.
Learning resources

Text book
Peyton Z. Peebles, ‘Probability, Random Variables & Random Signal Principles’, TMH, 4th Edition,

Reference Books
George R. Cooper, Clave D. MC Gillem, ‘Probability Methods of Signal and System Analysis’,
Oxford,3 Edition,1999.
S.P. Eugene Xavier, ‘Statistical Theory of Communication’, New Age Publications, 1997.
Athanasios Papoulis and S. Unnikrishna Pillai’, Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic
Processes’, TMH, 4th Edition.

Web resources:
Prof M. Chakraborty, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, 'Probability and Random Variables'. URL:
Prof M Dharmaraja, NPTEL-IIT Delhi, 'Introduction to Probability Theory and
Stochastic Process'. URL: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111102111

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Apply Simple probabilities using an appropriate sample space.
CO 2 Apply Simple probabilities and expectations from probability density functions.
CO 3 Apply problem-solving techniques to solving real-world events.
CO 4 Apply selected probability distributions to solve problems.
CO 5 Apply Mean and covariance functions for simple random processes.
CO 6 Interpret and clearly present output from statistical analysis.

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Assessment Method

Assessment Weekly tests Monthly End Semester Test Total

Tool tests
Weight age (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%


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22EE2182 Internet of Things Lab ESC 0L: 0T: 3P 1 Credits

Course Learning Objectives

● To assess the vision and introduction of IoT.
● To understand IoT Market perspective.
● To implement Data and Knowledge Management and use of Devices in IoT Technology
● To indulge in designing of prototype hardware for different IoT application

Course Content

Exercise – I
Introduction & Overview of Internet of things
The Internet of things today and tomorrow, IoT architecture outline , Functional blocks of IOT ,
industrial IOT, IOT enabled Smart devices in market, Application areas for IOT, Challenges in IOT.
Hardware and Software tools required for IOT application development, Overview of IOT based on
Particle Hardware platforms and IDE’s for development.

Exercise - II
Exploring the arduino board and its software IDE
The Arduino board, The command area, text area and message window area. Setup function,
Controlling the hardware, loop functionality, verifying your sketch, uploading and running your
sketch and finally modifying your sketch according to your requirement.

Exercise - III
Introduction to sensors and displays
Interfacing sensors to Arduino boards about the sensor, the circuit connections, sketch (software
program), Application.And interfacing displays to arduino board

Exercise - IV
Wireless communication, introduction to Bluetooth module, interfacing to Arduino in both one way
communication and two way communication, controlling an LED in wireless mode, interfacing wifi
module with arduino controlling things by using local network.
Exercise - V
Introduction to NodeMCU (ESP32 Wi-Fi SoC)
Controlling the things with Nodemcu using wifi communication in both ways and interfacing
nodemcu with various peripheral devices. Compare Esp8266 with other arduino boards

Exercise – VI
Introduction to Cloud platforms

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IOT device to cloud storage communication Model, need of Cloud services in IOT, different Cloud
storage services available today, Cloud Data processing and frame format, Role of Smart phones in
IOT, Examples on Home automation and Smart city development, Introduction to clouds like
Temboo, Blynk, Pubnub etc.
Exercise -VII
Introduction to GSM, GPS Module
Interfacing Arduino (uno) with Gsm, Module 2G communication and interfacing GPS module for
tracking location.

Exercise –VIII
Interfacing to External devices
Interfacing Arduino with External storage, Ex: SD card (reading,writing)Handling Interrupts and
memory management and Ethernet communication.

Exercise –IX
Introduction to Rasberry pi
Features, Comparison with Arduino, Hardware details and Programming.

Exercise –X
App Inventor
Create apps with coding, Designing apps and interfacing with Arduino.

Exercise –XI
Any one of the project from the list below
Project -I
Home Automation with blue tooth and wifi and controlling the things with Mobile Apps
Designing water level controller.
Project -II
Designing women safety system with GPS and GSM module
Designing secured car parking system using GPS and GSM module
Project -III
Uploading sensor information to cloud, operating and Monitoring
Designing Smart Hospital with IoT devices.

Design and submission of lab project

Learning resources
Text Books:
Cuno Pfister, ‘Getting started with the Internet of Things: Connecting sensors and Microcontrollers
to the Cloud’, O’Reilly Media Inc. Publications
Daniel Kellmereit, Daniel Obodovski, ‘The Silent Intelligence: The Internet of Things’, DND
Ventures LLC Publications

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Reference Books:
Pethuru Raj and Anupama C. Raman, ‘The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms and
use cases’, CRC Press
Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, ‘Internet of Things: A hands-on approach’, Universities Press

Web resources:
1. Prof Sudip Misra, NPTEL-IIT Kharagpur, 'Introduction to Internet of Things’
URL: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105166/

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will

CO1 Understand and analyze concepts of Internet of Things
CO2 Familiar with arduino board and its software
CO3 Interfacing sensors with arduino board and its working
CO4 Analyze basic protocols in wireless sensor network
CO5 Understand NodeMCU arduino board for global communication
CO6 Understand cloud platform to operate our devices through controller
CO7 Design IoT applications in different domain and be able to analyze their

Assessment Method:
Assessment Tool (Internal Exam) End Semester Lab Examination Total
Hardware Project

Weightage (%) 40% 60% 100%


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22EC2101 Analog Electronic Circuits PCC 3L: 1T: 0P 4 credits

Course Learning Objective

To make the students understand the concept of amplifier designs using BJTs and MOSFETs and
comparison between similar designs

Course content

Unit-I (10 hours)

MOSFET Biasing and Its Small Signal Analysis
Regions of operation of MOSFET, Biasing, Large signal and Small signal models, Channel length
modulation, Design of MOSFET amplifier in Common Source, Common Gate and Common Drain
configurations. Calculating small signal resistances of different MOSFET circuits.

Unit-II (12 hours)

Multi-Stage Amplifiers & Differential Amplifiers of MOSFET
Cascade Amplifiers, Millers theorem, and Cascode amplifiers, Frequency Analysis of Multi Stage
Amplifiers, Calculation of lower & higher cutoff frequencies.
Operation of Differential Amplifier, Transfer characteristics of Differential amplifier, Biasing of
Differential amplifiers, MOSFET differential amplifiers using resistive loads, Calculations of
Differential gain, Common mode gain and CMRR. Step response of a Differential amplifier.

Unit-III (8 hours)
Current mirrors in MOSFETs
Design of various configurations MOSFET (CS,CG,CD) amplifiers using current mirrors. Design of
a differential amplifier with MOSFET using active load using current mirrors. Design of Single
stage and two stage opamp.

CMOS circuits (12 hours)
NMOS and PMOS inverter, NMOS inverter using active load; CMOS inverter, Pull up network and
Pull down network (PUN and PDN), logic gates using CMOS, static power and dynamic power,
noise margin. Pass Transistor Logic, Transmission gates. Bistability principle, Latches, Flip flops.

Unit-V (8 hours)
BJT- Configurations and Multi stage amplifiers
BJT - small signal analysis, Comparison between Large signal models and small signal models. and
amplification and small signal resistances in different configurations (CE,CB and CC) and multi
stage amplifiers.

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Unit-VI (10 hours)

BJT- Differential amplifiers and Current mirrors
Design of various configurations BJT (CE,CB and CC) amplifiers using current mirrors. Design of a
differential amplifier with BJT using active load using current mirrors. Design of Single stage and
two stage opamp.

Learning Resources
Behzad Razavi, 'Fundamentals of Microelectronics',Wiley Publications
Sedra and Smith, 'Microelectronics Circuits', Oxford Publications,6th Edition.

Reference Books
Boylestad R. L. and L. Nashelsky, 'Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory', 10/e or
11/e, Pearson, 2009.
Millman J. and C. Halkias, 'Integrated Electronics', 2/e, TMH, 2010.
Neamen D., 'Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design', 3/e, TMH, 2006
Spencer R. R. and M. S. Ghausi, 'Introduction to Electronic Circuit Design', Pearson, 2003

Web Resources
Prof.K.Radhakrishna Rao, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Electronics for Analog signal processing - I', URL:

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the small-signal analysis and large-signal model for BJT circuits
CO 2 Design of BJT and MOSFET amplifiers in different configurations
CO 3 Design and analyze of multi-stage amplifiers
CO 4 Design and analyze differential amplifiers with active and passive loads
CO 5 Design and analyze feedback amplifiers in different configurations
CO 6 Use these engineering abstractions to analyze and design simple electronic
circuits using EDA tools

Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%


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22EC2181 Analog Electronic Circuits Laboratory PCC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits

Course Learning Objective

To make understand the concept of single stage and multistage amplifier design using BJTs and
List of Experiments

1. Characterization of MOSFET.
2. Design and Analysis of Single stage amplifier using MOSFETs
a. i.Common Source configuration.
b. ii.Common Gate configuration.
3. iii.Common drain configuration.
4. Design and Analysis of Multi Stage Amplifier using MOSFETs
a. i.Cascade Amplifier.
b. i.Cascode Amplifier.
5. Design of amplifiers using Current mirrors.
6. Design and analysis of Single stage amplifier using BJTs
a. i.Common Emitter Configuration.
7. ii.Common Collector Configuration.
8. iii.Common Base Configuration.
9. Differential amplifiers with passive load (Designing a specified value
a. of CMRR).
10. Step response of a differential amplifier and designing for a rise time.
11. Single tuned amplifier design.
12. Design of Class-B power amplifier.
13. Design, build and test Public addressing system.
14. Design and submission of lab project

Note: It is mandatory to perform experiment on any one of the EDA Tools (LT spice tool) before the
experiment is done on hardware. All experiments must be unique, design specifications should not be
common in the lab

Course outcome
After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Determine the characteristics BJT amplifiers in CE,CB,CC configurations
CO 2 Determine the characteristics of MOSFET amplifiers in CS,CG,CD
CO 3 Determine the characteristics of Cascade and Cascode amplfiers
CO 4 Designing feedback amplifiers with different configurations

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CO 5 Design of differential amplifiers with active and passive loads

CO 6 Design and testing of public addressing system
CO 7 Design of a simple electronic circuit which uses multistage amplifiers

Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Experiments Report/Viva-Voce/ Quiz/MCQ/Lab Total
Weightage (%) 25% 15% 40%
End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%


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22CS1209 Object Oriented ESC 3L: 1T: 0P 3 credits


Course Learning Objectives

● Gain knowledge about basic C++ language syntax and semantics to write C++ programs and
use concepts such as variables, conditional and iterative execution methods etc.,
● Understanding the fundamentals of object-oriented programming inC++, including defining
classes, objects, invoking methods etc. and exception handling mechanisms.
● Understand the principles of inheritance, packages andinterfaces.
● Understand the principles of Multithreading and Appletprogramming
● Course content

Unit-1: Review of C: strings, arrays, pointers, Programming in C++ : Build and execute a C program
in C++, Write equivalent programs in C++, C++ as Better C : Procedural Extensions of C

Unit-2: OOP in C++: Classes and basic Object-Oriented features (encapsulation), Overview of OOP
in C++: More OO features, overloading, namespace and using struct and union

Unit-3:Inheritance : Generalization / Specialization of Object Modeling in C++, Polymorphism :

Static and Dynamic Binding.

Unit-4: Type Casting &Exceptions : C++ cast operators; C++ Exceptions & standard exception

Unit-5:Classes Templates& STL - Function and Class templates and using STL like containers,
Unit-6: File handling, streams, Interfaces and Multithreaded Programming. References:
C++ Primer, Stanley Lippman, 5th edition.
Object-Oriented Programming with C++, E.Balagurusamy, McGraw-Hill Education (India)

Web resources:
:: Computer Science and Engineering - NOC:Programming in C++
Object Oriented Programming in C++ - GeeksforGeeks

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


22CS1289 Object Oriented ESC 0L: 0T: 3P 1 credits

Programming Laboratory

Course Learning Objective

● To build software development skills using C++ programming for real-world applications.
● To understand and apply the concepts of classes, packages, interfaces, arraylist, User defined
Linked List, File Handling, exception handling andMulti-threading.

List of Experiments

Lab No 1: Basic Programs in C++.

Lab No 2: Programming Assignments on Arrays and Strings.
Lab No 3: Programming Assignments on Classes, Objects and Encapsulation. Lab No 4:
Implementing the concepts of Inheritance and Array Objects.
Lab No 5: Implementing the OOPS Concepts of Abstract, Interfaces and Polymorphism. Lab No 6:
Programming Assignments on File Handling.
Lab No 7: Programming Exercises on Exception Handling. Lab No 8: Working with List Operations.
Lab No 9: Implementing the concepts of Multi-Threading.
Design and submission of lab project

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO 1 Understanding the control structures and conditional statements in C++

CO 2 Understanding the arrays and String handling in C++
CO 3 Understanding the difference between class and object and providing security
for objects
CO 4 Understanding the reusability of objects and working with multiple objects
CO 5 Understanding about hiding the data, getting multiple inheritance through
CO 6 Understanding the data processing from files
CO 7 Understanding about handling run time abnormal program executions
CO 8 Understanding about creating user defined linked list and dynamic objects
CO 9 Understanding the multi-threaded programming and inter thread

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Assessment Method

Assessment Experiments Report/Viva-Voce/ Quiz/MCQ/Lab Total

Tool Project
Weightage (%) 25% 15% 40%

End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%


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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


22ECXXXX Signals and Systems PCC 3L: 1T: 0P 4 credits

Course Learning Objectives

● To understand the fundamental characteristics of signal and systems.
● To understand signal and systems in terms of both the time and transform domains, taking
advantage of the complementary insights and tools that these different perspective provide.
● To develop mathematical skills to solve problems involving convolution, filtering,
modulation and sampling.

Course content:
Unit - I (10 hours)
Mathematical representations of a signal, Common signals in Engineering: Exponential and
Sinusoidal signals, singularity functions- unit impulse function, unit step function , Transformations
of the independent & dependent variables, size of a signal, absolutely integrable & square integrable
functions, Characterization & Classification of Signals, Modeling of systems: input-output
description, typical examples of systems, Characterization, Classification and properties of systems,
Interconnections of systems

Unit - II (10 hours)

System Response to Internal Conditions, The representation of CT signals in terms of impulses, the
CT unit impulse response, system response to external input: convolution for CT LTI systems,
Properties of Convolution, Properties of CT LTI systems: memoryless systems, stability,
invertibility, causality; unit step response, Differential equation models & Solution of differential
equations: Natural & Forced responses, ZIR & ZSR, stability in terms of natural response, System
response to complex exponential inputs

Unit- III (12 hours)

Signals and Vectors, Signal comparison: correlation, Signal representation by orthogonal signal set,
Trigonometric Fourier series, Wave Symmetry, exponential Fourier series, Convergence of the
Fourier series and Gibbs Phenomenon, frequency spectra, Properties of Fourier series, Power
representation using Fourier series, LTI system response to periodic inputs.

Unit- IV (10 hours)

Development of CTFT of an aperiodic signal, Convergence of CTFT, CTFT of some useful
functions, Magnitude and Phase representation of CTFT, The CTFT of periodic signals, Properties of
CTFT, Frequency spectra of signals, Signal bandwidth, System bandwidth, Frequency response of
LTI systems, Energy and Power Density Spectra.

Unit-V (12 hours)

The Laplace Transform, Region of Convergence, Laplace transform of elementary functions,

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Properties of Laplace Transform, The Inverse Laplace Transform, Response of LTI systems, System
Functions, Relationship between Laplace Transform and Fourier Transform, Solution of differential
and Integro-Differential Equations

Unit-VI (6 hours)
Periodic sampling, Sampling theorem, Pre filtering to avoid aliasing, Frequency domain
representation of sampling, Reconstruction of a band limited signal from its samples, Sampling of
band pass signals.

Learning Resources
Text Books
Alan V Oppenheim, Alan V Willsky, S. Hamid Nawab, 'Signals and Systems', 2nd edition,
Pearson/PHI, 2015
B P Lathi, 'Principles of Signal Processing and Linear Systems', 1st edition, Oxford University press,

Reference Books
Simon Haykin, Van Veen, 'Signals & Systems', 2nd Edition, Wiley Publications, 2007.
Mahamood Nahvi, 'Signals and Systems', McGraw Hill Publishers, 1st edition, 2015.

Web Resources
Prof. Alan V. Oppenheim, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), ‘Signals and System’. URL:
Prof. K S venkatesh, NPTEL-IIT Kanpur, ‘Signals and Systems’.
URL: http://nptel.ac.in/courses/117104074/
Prof. V.G.K. Murti, NPTEL-IIT Madras, ‘Networks and Systems’.
URL: http://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106075/

Course outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO 1 Analyze the spectral characteristics of continuous-time periodic and aperiodic signals

using Fourier analysis.
CO 2 Classify systems based on their properties and determine the response of LSI system
using convolution.
CO 3 Analyze system properties based on impulse response and Fourier analysis.
CO 4 Apply the Laplace transform for analyze continuous-time and discrete-time signals and
CO 5 Understand the process of sampling and the effects of under sampling.

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Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total

Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%


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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


22EE2101 Electrical Machines PCC 3L: 1T: 0P 4 credits

Course Learning Objectives:

● To make understand the concept of AC rotating machines.

● To make understand the concept of the Induction motor
● To understand the concept of synchronous generator and motor
● To get knowledge about applications of induction and synchronous machines

Unit-I: (10Hrs)
DC machines: DC generators, commutation, methods of excitation, characteristics of DC
generators and motors, starting and speed control of DC motors.

Unit-II: (10Hrs)
Transformers:Review of single-phase transformer, Polarity test, Sumpner’s test, auto
transformer. three phase transformers- Connections - ∆-∆, Ү-Υ, ∆-Y, Y-∆, V-V – vector
groupings Yy0, Dd0, Yd1, Yd11, Dy1, Dy11, Scott connection – three winding transformer –
tertiary winding.

Unit-III: (10Hrs)
Induction machines: construction, flux and MMF waves, equivalent circuit, speed-torque
characteristics and testing- No Load and Blocked Rotor Tests, cogging and crawling, induction
Unit-IV: (10Hrs)
Starting Methods and Starting Current and Torque Calculations Speed Control-Change of
Frequency; Pole Changing and Methods of Consequent Poles; Cascade Connection. Single
Phase Induction Motors: Single phase induction motor – Constructional features - Double
revolving field theory – Elementary idea of cross-field theory – split-phase motors – starting
methods of single-phase induction motors.
Unit-V: (10 Hrs)
Synchronous machines: basic synchronous machine model, synchronous reactance, armature
reaction, synchronizing to infinite bus bars, operating characteristics, power flow equations.
Unit-VI: (10 Hrs)

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Salient pole machines, parallel operation, hunting, synchronous motors, V and inverted V curves,
starting of synchronous motors. The theoretical concepts will be supplemented using numerical
Learning Resources:

Text Books:

I J Nagrath and D P Kothari, “Electric Machines”, McGraw Hill Education, Third Edition, 2004.
P S Bimbhra, “Electrical Machinery” Khanna Publishers, Seventh Edition, 2011.

Reference Books:

M G Say, “Performance and design of AC machines”, CBS Publishers, Third Edition, 2002.
A E Fitzgerald and C Kingsley, "Electric Machinery”, McGraw Hill Education, Seventh Edition,
J B Gupta “Theory and performance of Electrical Machines”, S.K.Kataria & Sons Publishers 14th
Edition, 2009.

Web resources:
Prof. P. Sasidhara Rao, NPTEL, IIT-Madras, Electrical Machines-II
Prof. Tapas Kumar Bhattacharya NPTEL, IIT-Khragpur, Electrical Machines-II,

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand Induction motor operation, construction, and applications

CO 2 Understand the starting and speed control techniques for induction motors

CO 3 Understand Synchronous generator operation, construction, and applications

CO 4 Analyze the parallel operation of alternators

CO 5 Understand the principle of operation of Synchronous motor

CO 6 Understand the applications and starting methods of Synchronous motor


22EE2181 Electrical Machines PCC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits


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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Course Learning Objectives:

● To make understand the concept of Induction motors in real-time

● To make understand the concept of the speed control of the Induction motor
● To understand the concept of voltage regulation of Alternator in real-time
● To get knowledge about the operation of Synchronous and induction machines
● To get familiar with AC electrical Machines

List of Experiments:

1. Torque-speed characteristics of squirrel cage Induction Motor

2. Speed Control of wound rotor Induction motor using rotor resistance control
3. Parameter estimation of squirrel cage Induction motor using Blocked rotor & No-load test
4. Determination of voltage regulation of Synchronous generators using EMF & MMF method.
5. V and inverted V curves of Synchronous motor.
6. V and inverted V curves of synchronous generators.
7. Speed Control of Induction motor using rotor using V/f control method
8. Determination of voltage regulation of Synchronous generators using ASA method.
9. Equivalent circuit diagram of 1-phase Induction motor
10. Parallel operation of Alternators
11. Sumpner's test on two single phase transformers
12. Scott connection of single phase transformers
13. Determination of OCC & Load characteristics of D.C. generators
14. Swinburne’s Test on DC Machine
15. Brake test on D.C. Shunt motor
16. Design and submission of lab project

Note: Instructors should cover at least 9 experiments from the above list. Apart from this, instructors
can choose more experiments if time permits.

Course Outcomes At the end of the course: The student will be able to
CO 1 Analyze Torque-speed characteristics of induction motor

CO 2 Analyze no-load, blocked rotor, and speed control of induction motor

CO 3 Analyze the voltage regulation of Alternators

CO 4 Analyze the Parallel operation of Alternators

CO 5 Understand the principle of operation of AC machines

CO 6 Understand the Phasor and equivalent circuit diagrams of induction motor and Alternators

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Assessment Method

Assessment Experiments Report/Viva-Voce/ Quiz/MCQ/Lab Total

Tool Project
Weightage (%) 25% 15% 40%

End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%


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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


22EE2281 Robotics Laboratory ESC 0L: 0T: 3P 1 credits

Course Learning Objectives:

● To differentiate different types of robots.
● To analyze the components of robots, sensors, actuators.
● To be exposed to coordinate transformations, I/O logic, wireless and wired communication.
● To explore the applications of Arduino and Raspberry pi for Robotics
● To get familiarization with aerial robotics: Drones

Course Content:

Exercise- I
Introduction to Robotics
What is robot and robotics, already designed robots, Manual and Autonomous robots, Different types
of industrial arm robots, and arm design, Coordinate transformations for more motor moments,
Electrical connections of different boards and modules: How to connect closed circuit, digital and
analog pins connections.

Logic design, Actuators and sensors
Logic and binary math conversions: OR, AND, XOR, XNOR gates, binary and hexadecimal
conversions, Introduction to Arduino, Actuators, Sensors, Wired and wireless communication, I/O
communication through USB cable, Bluetooth HC05, RF modules, DTMF module, Xbee modules.

Basic robots and Raspberry Pi
Line follower: Line follower robot design and control with Arduino board, Obstacles avoider:
Obstacle avoider robot with IR sensors and Arduino board, Mobile controller: Mobile controller
robot with DTMF module and HC05 module, Introduction to Raspberry pi: What is raspberry and
differences between Arduino and raspberry pi, Applications of robotics.

Exercise – IV
Introduction to Aerial robots and Drones

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List of Experiments:

1. Introduction to Robotics: Study of different parts of a robot.

2. Study of various aspects with respect to on-board sensors, actuators, drivers and other
3. Familiarization with 8051, 8052 micro-controller board.
4. Familiarization with Arduino Boards along with Actuator Testing.
5. Building Line Follower Robot.
6. Enhanced Line Follower Robot design using state machines and coding for state machines.
7. Introduction to Bluetooth, Wi-Fi module, DTMF and building a Mobile Controller Robot.
8. Introduction to Raspberry Pi.
9. Usage of GPIO and Raspberry Pi Camera Module on Raspberry Pi board.
10. Colour Detection and Segmentation and building colour tracking Robot.
11. Introduction to Aerial Robots (Drones, UAV etc.)
12. Introduction to Pixhawk Auto-Pilot.
13. Calibration of Drone and Flight Test.
14. Team Project.

Text Books:
John J. Craig, ‘Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control’, Pearson Publications, 2005.
Siegwart R and Nour bakhsh I.R, ‘Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots’, Prentice Hall
India, 2005.

Reference Books:
Murphy Robin R, ‘Introduction to AI Robotics’, MIT Press, 2000.
MykePredko, “Programming Robot Controllers” – McGraw-Hill, 1st edition, 2003.

Video Reference:
Prof. Khatib, Stanford University, ‘Introduction to Robotics’
URL: https://see.stanford.edu/Course/CS223A

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Learners will be able to differentiate different types of robots.
CO2 Learners will be able to analyse the components of robots, sensors, actuators.
CO3 Learners will be able to explain the coordinate transformations, I/O logic, wireless
and wired communication
CO4 Learners will be able to analyse the Arduino and Raspberry pi usage in robotics
CO5 Learners will be able to design and control basic two-wheel robot model

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Assessment Criteria:

Assessment Tool (Internal Exam) End Semester Lab Examination Total

Hardware Project

Weightage (%) 40% 60% 100%

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering



22EE2201 Power Systems

Systems-I PCC 3L: 1T: 0P 4 credits

Course Learning Objectives

● To understand the different types of Conventional pow

powerer generating stations.
● To understand different Non
Non-Conventional Energy sources
● To understand and concepts of the economics of generation
● To evaluate the transmission line parameters calculations
● To understand the performance of different types of Transmis
Transmission lines.
● To understand the concept of underground cables and distribution systems

UNIT-II Conventional power generation (08 hours)

Structure of power system: Generation, Transmission and distributio
distributionn systems; Conventional sources
of electric energy, Thermal, Gas power plant model, power generation, hydropower generation,
Nuclear power generation.

UNIT-IIII Non conventional power generation (10 hours)

conventional sources of electric energy, Wind energy conversion: introduction, types of wind
turbines, wind generation and control. Solar energy: Solar photovoltaic cells and generation. Block
diagram models of wind and solar energy generation systems.

III Economics of power generation (10 hours) Definitions of
connected load, maximum demand, demand factor, load factor, diversity factor, and load duration
curve. Baseload and peak load plants, tariff. Problems on diff
different factors.

UNIT-IV IV Transmission line parameters (12 hours)

Transmission line parameters: Types of conductors, calculation of resistance of solid conductors and
effect of resistance on solid conductors,
uctors, calculation of inductance for single
phase and three-phase,
single and double circuit lines, the concept of GMR, GMD, symmetrical and asymmetrical conductor
configuration with and without transposition, Skin and Proximity effect, corona; Calculation
Calculatio of
capacitance for 2 wire and 3 wire systems, the effect of ground on capacitance, capacitance
calculations for symmetrical and asymmetrical single and three
three- phase, single and double circuit

UNIT-V V Performance of Transmission lines (12 hours)

Performance of short and medium
length transmission lines: Classification of transmission lines,
short, medium, and long line and their model representations, nominal
nominal-T, nominal-Pie,
Pie, and A, B, C,
D constants for
or symmetrical and asymmetrical networks, mathematical solutions to estimate
regulation and efficiency of all types of lines, Performance of long transmission lines: Long
transmission line, rigorous solution, evaluation of A, B, C, D constants, representat
ion of long lines,
T and equivalent Pie network models; Ferranti effect, charging current, effect on the

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

regulation of the transmission line, surge impedance and SIL of long lines, wavelength and velocity
of propagation of waves.

Under Ground Cables, EHV and HVDC Transmission (8 hours)
Underground cables: Types of cables, construction, types of insulating materials, calculation of
insulation resistance and stress in insulation, the capacitance of single and 3core belted cables,
grading of cables, capacitance grading, numerical problems, description of inter-sheath grading, HV
cables. Need of EHV transmission systems, types of DC links, comparison of AC and DC
transmission, the advantage of DC transmission, HVDC systems in India.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

C L Wadhwa, “Electric Power Systems”, New age publications, New Delhi, 9th Edition, 2007.
Singh S N, “Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2002.
Solanki, “Renewable Energy Technologies: Practical Guide for Beginners”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,
Reference books:

M.V. Deshpande –Elements of Electrical Power Station Design, Third Edition, Wheeler Pub. 1998
H.Cotton& H. Barber-The Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy, Third Edition, Hodder
V.K Mehta and Rohit Mehta, “Principles of Power Systems”, S. Chand& Company Ltd, New Delhi,
D.Mukherjee: Fundamentals Of Renewable Energy Systems, New Age International publishers, 2007
Gilbert M. Masters: Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.

Web resources:

Prof. D.P. Kothari, NPTEL-IIT Delhi, ‘Power System Generation, Transmission and Distribution
(Encapsulated from earlier Video) URL: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/102/108102047/

Course Outcomes At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the concepts of power systems.

CO 2 Understand the operation of conventional generating stations and renewable sources of

electrical power.

CO 3 Determine the electrical circuit parameters of transmission lines

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CO4 Understanding the performance of transmission lines

CO 5 Understand the underground cables and High Voltage transmission

CO 6 Understand the basics of Distribution systems

Assessment Criteria:

Assessment Tool (Internal Exam) End Semester Lab Examination Total

Hardware Project

Weightage (%) 40% 60% 100%

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


22EE2204 Machine Learning PCC 3L: 1T: 0P 3 credits

Course Learning Objectives

To provide a broad survey of approaches and techniques in machine learning.

To develop a deeper understanding of several major topics in machine learning.
To develop the basic skills necessary to pursue research in machine learning.

Course Content
Unit- I (6 hours)
Introduction, Different types of Learning, Hypothesis space and Cross-Validation, Linear
Regression, Introduction to decision trees, learning decision trees, over fitting, Python exercise on
decision trees and linear regression

Unit- II (7 hours)
K-Nearest neighbour, feature selection, feature extraction, collaborative filtering, python exercise on
Knn and PCA.

Unit- III (8 hours)

Bayesian Learning, Naïve Bayes, Bayesian Network, Python exercise on Naïve Bayes

Unit- IV (8 hours)
Logistic regression, Introduction to Support Vector Machine, SVM: The Dual formation, SVM:
maximum margin with noise, nonlinear SVM and Kennel function, SVM: solutions to the dual
problem, Python exercise on SVM.

Unit- V (8 hours)
Multilayer Neural network, neural network and back propagation algorithm, deep neural network,
python exercise on neural network.

Unit- VI (8 hours)
Introduction to computational learning theory, sample complexity: finite hypothesis space, VC
Dimension, Introduction to Ensembles, Bagging and Boosting, Clustering, means clustering,
agglomerative hierarchical clustering, python exercise on clustering.

Learning Resources:

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Text Books
Tom Mitchell, ‘Machine Learning’, McGraw- Hill, 1997, 1st Edition.
EthemAlpaydin, ‘Introduction to Machine Learning’, Phi, 2nd Edition.

Web resources
Prof Sudeshna sarkar, NPTEL- IIT Kharagpur, ‘Introduction To Machine Learning’. URL:

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1 Understand the fundamental issues and challenges of machine learning like data,
model selection, and model complexity.
2 Understand strengths and weaknesses of many popular machine learning approaches.
3 Design and implement various machine learning algorithms in a range of real world

Assessment Method:
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester) Test

Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%


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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


22EE2202 Control Systems PCC 3L: 1T: 0P 4 credits

Course Learning Objective

● To explore the modeling of linear dynamic systems via differential equations and transfer
functions utilizing state- pace and input-output representations.
● Analysis of control systems in the time and frequency domains and using transfer function
and state-space methods.
● Study of the classical stability tests, such as the Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist criterions, and
design methods using root-locus plots and Bode plots.

Course content
Unit – I (6 hours)
Introduction-Open loop and closed loop control systems- Transfer functions- Block diagrams and
their reduction - Signal flow graphs - Mason’s gain formula.

Unit – II (6 hours)
Mathematical modeling and transfer functions of electrical circuits and mechanical systems.
Principle and operation of Servo motors and Stepper motors.

Unit – III (8 hours)

Standard test signals, step response of first and second order systems – Time response specifications
– steady state error – static error and generalized error coefficients – response with proportional,
derivative and integral controllers.

Unit – IV (8 hours)
Concept – characteristic equation – location of roots in the s-plane for stability – Routh- Hurwitz
criterion –– Root locus – rules for the construction of root locus- construction of root locus diagram.
Unit – V (8 hours)
Introduction -Bode plots – Gain margin and Phase margin - Polar plots - Nyquist stability criterion –
Need for compensators - Lag and lead compensators in frequency domain.

Unit-VI (9 hours)
Concepts of state, state variables and state model, derivation of State models from block
diagrams,Diagonalization ,Solving the Time invariant state Equation, state transition Matrix and
it’ s Properties ,Concepts of Controllability and Observability.

Learning Resources

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Text Books
B.C.Kuo, ‘Automatic Control systems’, John Wiley and Sons, 8th edition,2003.
K.Ogata, ‘Modern Control Engineering’, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 5th edition, 2010.

I.J.Nagrath and M.Gopal,‘Control system Engg’, New Age International (P) Limited
Publishers,5thedition, 2007.
Norman S. Nise,‘Control system engineering’, Wiley India, 5th edition 2000.

Video Reference links:

Prof. MadanGopal, NPTEL- IIT Delhi, ‘Control Engineering’, URL:
Prof. S.D. Agashe, NPTEL-IIT Bombay, ‘Control Engineering’, URL:
Prof. MadanGopal, NPTEL-IIT Delhi, ‘Control Engineering’, URL:

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
CO 1 Analyze controllability and observability of linear systems.
CO 2 Design state-space controller and appropriate (deterministic) observer.
CO 3 Design controller with frequency design methods.
CO 4 Apply root-locus method for analysis and synthesis.
CO 5 Apply pole placement controller design approach.
CO 6 Design linear quadratic regulator for discrete-time systems.

Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%

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20EE3104 Control Systems Lab PCC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits

Course learning objective:

The objective of the lab is to design a system and calculate the transfer function, analyzing the
stability of the system (both open and closed loop, with positive and negative feedback) with
time domain approach and frequency response analysis, using MATLAB and also developing the
system which is dynamic in nature with state space analysis approach.

List of Experiments:

1. Time response of Second Order systems using MATLAB

2. Characteristics of Synchros
3. Programmable Logic Controller-Study and verification of truth tables of logic
gates, simple Boolean expressions and application of speed control of motor
4. Effect of feedback on DC servo motor
5. Transfer function of DC motor
6. Effect of P, PD, PI, PID Controller on second order systems.
7. Lag and Lead compensation - Magnitude and phase plot
8. Position control of DC motor.
9. Temperature controller using PID
10. Characteristics of AC Servo motor.
11. PSPICE simulation of of P, PD, PI, PID Controller using Op-Amp for second
order systems
12. Stability analysis (Bode, Root Locus, Nyquist) of Linear Time Invariant systems
using MATLAB.
13. State space model for classical transfer function using MATLAB

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to

CO1 Recognize the symbols for the different parts of a block diagram: functional
blocks, summing blocks and branch points
CO2 Model a mechanical (masses, dampers and springs) and electrical system
(inductors, resistors, capacitors) in the form of a transfer function
CO3 Determine the impulse, step, and ramp response of a system, given a transfer
function model

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CO4 Perform Routh’s stability criterion and root locus of a system to determine
CO5 For systems with unknown values, determine the range of values for which the
system will be stable and explain how adding a pole or a zero affects the stability
CO6 Analyze feedback control systems in the time and frequency domain to use state
space concepts to describe systems
CO7 Recognize the “type” of a system (based on the number of free integrators) and
discuss the expected error characteristics as related to step, ramp, and acceleration
CO8 Interpret design criteria as related to the closed loop pole location on the complex
CO9 Draw the Frequency response plots like Bode, Nyquist and Polar plots
(magnitude and phase) for a given transfer function
CO10 Design feedback compensators to achieve a set of desired closed loop system
characteristics and design a compensator in the frequency domain to meet specific
design requirements using a lead compensator, lag compensator, or lead-lag

Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Experiments Report/Viva-Voce/ Quiz/MCQ/Lab Total
Weightage (%) 25% 15% 40%
End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


22EC2203 Linear Integrated Circuits PCC 3L: 1T: 0P 4 credits

Course Learning Objectives

To study the basic principles, configurations and practical limitations of op-amp.

To understand the various linear and non-linear applications of op-amp
To analyze and deign op-amp oscillators, single chip oscillators and frequency generators
To understand the operation of the most commonly used D/A and A/D converter types and its

Course content:

Unit-I (10 hours)

Feedback Amplifiers
Feedback concept, General characteristics of Negative feedback amplifier, Different feedback
amplifiers (Voltge-series feedback, Current-series feedback, Current-shunt feedback, Voltage-shunt
feedback), Effect of negative feedback on input and output impedances, gain & bandwidth

Unit-II (10 hours)

Operational Amplifiers
Ideal op-amp parameters, non-ideal op-amp, opamp in negative feedback, bandwidth and slew rate
on circuit Performance.
Op-amp applications- summing amplifier, integrator, differentiator, Instrumentation amplifier, V to I
and I to V converter, comparator, precision Rectifier, log and antilog amplifier. Active filters.

Unit-III (12 hours)

Wave shaping circuits & Oscillators
Postive feedback concept, Barkhausen criterion and design of RC phase oscillators, Wien Bridge
oscillator. Ring oscillator, LC oscillators and crystal oscillators, Multivibrators – Astable,
Monostable and Bistable Multivibrators, Schmitt trigger, square and triangular waveform generators.

Unit-IV (8 hours)
DC-DC Converters
Introduction, Performance parameters of DC-DC converters, Frequency limiting parameters, Types
of converters: Buck, boost and buck-boost.

Unit-V (10 hours)

Basic PLL topology and principle, Major building blocks of PLL- analog and digital phase detector,

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VCO, applications of PLL.

Unit-VI (10 hours)

Data Converters
Analog vs discrete time signals, Sample-and-Hold circuits, ADC architectures (Flash ADC,
Successive Approximation ADC, Dual slope ADC. DACs( Binary weighted resistors, R-2R DAC
and current steering DAC). INL & DNL

Learning Resources

Behzad Razavi, 'Fundamentals of Microelectronics',Wiley Publications
Sedra and Smith, 'Microelectronics Circuits', Oxford Publications,6th Edition.
R Jacob Baker, ‘CMOS Mixed Signal Circuit Design’, Wiley Publications

Reference Books
Boylestad R. L. and L. Nashelsky, 'Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory', 10/e or 11/e, Pearson,
Millman J. and C. Halkias, 'Integrated Electronics', 2/e, TMH, 2010.
Neamen D., 'Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design', 3/e, TMH, 2006
Spencer R. R. and M. S. Ghausi, 'Introduction to Electronic Circuit Design', Pearson, 2003

Web Resources
Prof D Nagendra Krishnapura, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Analog Integrated Circuit Design' URL:
Prof K Radhakrishna Rao, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Electronics for Analog Processing-II', URL:

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Infer the DC and AC characteristics of operational amplifiers and its effect on
output and their compensation techniques.
CO2 Elucidate and design the linear and nonlinear applications of an op-amp and
special application ICs.
CO3 Explain and compare the working of multi vibrators using special application IC
555 and general purpose op-amp.
CO4 Classify and comprehend the working principle of data converters.
CO5 Illustrate the function of application specific ICs such as Voltage regulators, PLL
and its application in communication.

Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%

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Linear Integrated Circuits

22EC2283 PCC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits

Course Learning Objective

1. Experimentally demonstrate the frequency response of amplifiers
2. Practical knowledge on different types of multivibrators and their applications
3. Introductory designs on Analog to Digital Converters
4. Practical exposure to CMOS circuit design especially operational amplifiers
5. Familiarization with CAD tool for analog circuit design

List of Experiments

1. Design and analysis of Feedback amplifiers.

2. Frequency response of inverting & non-inverting amplifier.
3. Design of an Instrumentation amplifier.
4. Schmitt trigger & Noise suppression using Bistable multivibrator.
5. Monostable & Astable multivibrator using opamp.
6. Design of amplifier using CMOS inverters.
7. Two – bit flash ADC design.
8. Design of a typical CMOS inverter(sizing) using EDA tool and finding transfer
characteristics & finding the propagation delay.
9. Design of a two input CMOS NAND & NOR gates (sizing) using EDAtool.
10. Design of a fully differential single stage opamp using resistive loads using EDA tool
11. Design of a single stage opamp using diode connected load using EDA tool
12. Term Project(Designing Public Addressing System).

*EDA tool may be Mentor Graphics/Synopsys/Cadence tools

Note: It is mandatory to perform experiments (1-7) on LTspice tool before the experiment is done on
hardware. All experiments must be unique, design specifications should not be common in the lab.
Course outcome:
After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to
CO 1 To analyze the frequency response of amplifiers
CO 2 Experimentally know the noise suppression in bistable multivibrators
CO 3 Utilization of IC 555 timer
CO 5 Design of Analog to Digital Converters
CO 6 Design of CMOS circuits using CAD tool
CO 7 Design of operational amplifiers
CO 8 Design of a prototype project using the concepts of analog electronic circuits

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Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Experiments Report/Viva-Voce/ Quiz/MCQ/Lab Total
Weightage (%) 25% 15% 40%
End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%

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20EE3101 Power Electronics PCC 3L: 1T: 0P 4 credits

Course Learning Objectives:

1. To introduce the concept of semiconductors devices for high power supply and their
2. To understand the need for Power Electronics Devices and Circuits and their basic

Course content

Unit-I: Introduction (10 hours)

Introduction to Power Electronics, Power Semiconductor Devices: Power Diodes, power
Transistors, power MOSFETs, IGBTs, GTOs, Thyristors, Basic theory of operation,
characteristics, Ratings, Protection and cooling, line commutation and forced commutation

Unit II: Converters (10 hours)

Power Electronic converters: 1-phase / 3 phase rectifier circuits, 1-phase / 3 phase phase-
controlled converters (Semi-converters, full–converters and Dual converters) using IGBT.
Analysis and performance with passive and active load, Harmonics and power factor,
Introduction to power quality.

Unit III: D.C converters (6 hours)

D.C-to-D.C converters (choppers): Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost type and various chopper

Unit IV: A.C converters (8 hours)

A.C-to-A.C converters: A.C voltage controllers, Cyclo-converters, Introduction to matrix

Unit V: Inverters (10 hours)

D.C–to-A.C converters (Inverters): 1-phase VSI in half bridge and full bridge configuration, CSI,
Frequency and voltage control, Line-commutated inverters (LCIs).

Unit-VI: APPLICATIONS (8 hours)

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Power system applications- Static AC circuit breaker, interconnection of renewable energy

sources and energy storage systems to the utility, Industrial applications -Switch mode welder,
Voltage source series resonant inverters in induction heating, solid state relay. Applications for
DC-DC converters, fully integrated voltage regulators.

Learning Resources
Text Books
1. Daniel W Hart, Power Electronics Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Issah Batterseh, Power Electronic Circuits, Wiley.
3. N. Mohan, T.M. Undeland & W.P. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converter, Applications &
Design, John Wiley & Sons, 1989
4. Muhammad H. Rashid, Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices, and Applications, Pearson, 2009

Reference Books
2. Bimal K Bose, Modern Power Electronics and AC motor Drives, Pearson Publishers.
3. Joe H. Chow, Alex M. Stankovic, David J. Hill, Power Electronics and Power Systems
Springer Publications.

Web Resources:
1. Prof. G. Bhuvaneshwari, NPTEL-IIT-Delhi, Power Electronics.

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to

CO1 Understand the need for Power Electronics Devices and Circuits and their basic
CO2 Perform an analysis of driving and control and triggering circuits for Power Electronic
CO3 Perform an analysis of AC to DC converters (Single phase and three phase, controlled
and uncontrolled), A.C Voltage controllers, DC to DC converters(choppers), and single
phase D.C to A.C converters (Inverters) in square wave mode.
CO4 Perform Fourier analysis and knowledge of Power Quality issues associated with
power electronic circuits.

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CO5 Understand different applications of power electronics.

Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%


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20EE3102 Power Electronics Lab PCC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits

Course Learning Objective:

The course is introduced to the students to enable laboratory scale practical knowledge about
power system operation and performance analysis of both hardware and software.

List of Experiments:

1 To study the characteristics of Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) and to find

its holding and latching current
2 To study the switching characteristics of IGBT.
3 To study the switching characteristics of FET.
4 To study the full wave bridge rectifier circuit and understand its effects on
power quality
5 To study single phase inverter with different loading conditions.
6 To study three phase inverter with different loading conditions
7 To study Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation
8 To study high frequency switching
9 To study the performance of DC-DC buck converter circuit at different duty
10 To study the performance of single phase full bridge inverter circuit
operating in square wave mode using IGBT
11 To study the performance of DC-DC boost converter circuit at different duty

Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, student should be able to

CO1 Understand the basic concepts of device characteristics and triggering

CO2 Understand the operation of different type of rectifier/converter
circuits with different loads
CO3 Understand the operation of choppers, AC voltage controllers and

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Assessment Method
Assessment Tool Experiments Report/Viva-Voce/ Quiz/MCQ/Lab Total
Weightage (%) 25% 15% 40%
End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%

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22EC31XX Digital Signal Processing PCC 3L: 1T: 0 P 3 credits

Course Learning Objectives:

● To understand the mathematical approach to manipulate discrete time

signals, which are useful to learn digital telecommunication
● To study the transformations on digital signals.
● To understand the concepts of digital filters

Course Contents:

UNIT- 1 Introduction (10 hrs)

A basic review of Signals and Systems, Basic elements of digital signal processing, Time domain
representation of discrete time signals, Basic Operations on sequences including Sampling rate alteration,
Classification of sequences. Discrete time systems, Time domain characterization of LTI DTS:
Convolution sum, Impulse & Step Responses, Simple Interconnection schemes, Linear Constant
Coefficient Difference Equations (of Finite- dimensional LTI DTS), Classification of LTI DTS: FIR &
IIR, Recursive, & Non- recursive.

UNIT-II Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) (10 hrs)

Introduction, Fourier Transform Representation of aperiodic Discrete-Time Signals,

Periodicity-convergence of DTFT, Properties of DTFT, Signal Transmission Through

UNIT - III Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) (12 hrs)

Sampling of DTFT, Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) and its Inverse, DFT as a Linear
Transformation, Properties of DFT, Linear Convolution Using the DFT, Filtering of Long
Data Sequences Using DFT, Spectrum analysis Using DFT.
Fast Fourier Transform(FFT)
Introduction ,Computational Complexity of the Direct Computation of the DFT ,

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Decimation- In-Time (DIT) FFT Algorithm, Decimation-in-Frequency (DIF) FFT

Algorithm and their comparison, Inverse DFT using FFT Algorithm, A Linear Filtering.
Approach to Computation of the DFT-The GoertzelAlgorithm ,The Chirp-z Transform

UNIT- IV (10 Hrs)

Z transforms

Introduction ,Bilateral (Two-sided) Z-transform , Relationship Between Z-transform and

DTFT,Z-Plane, Region-of-Convergence for Z-transforms and their properties, properties
of Z-transform, Z-Transform of Causal Periodic Signals, Inversion of the Z-transform,
Analysis and Characterization of LTI Systems using theZ-transform.
The Unilateral (One-Sided) Z-transform, Properties of unilateral Z-Transform. Transient
Response and Steady-State Response Block Diagrams Representation. Applications of Z-
Transform in Signal Processing

UNIT - V (8 Hrs)

Filter Concepts

Introduction, Frequency Response and Filter Characteristics, Zero-Phase Filter, Linear phase Filter, simple
FIR and IIR Digital Filter, All pass Filters, Minimum-Phase, Maximum-Phase and Non-minimum
(Mixed) Phase Systems, averaging filter, comb filter, Notch filter.


Realization Of Digital Filters (10 Hrs)Introduction, FIR Filter, IIR Filter, Non-recursive and
Recursive Structures, FIR Filter Structures, Basic Structures for IIR Systems , Lattice Structures for FIR
and IIR systems.

Learning Resources:

A.V.Oppenheim and R.W. Schaffer, Discrete Time Signal Processing , 3rd edition,
Pearson Education/PHI,2014.
John G. Proakis,Dimitris G.Manolakis,Digital Signal Processing, Principles,

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Algorithms, and Applications , 4th edition, Pearson Education / PHI,2007

Reference books:
Sanjit K Mitra, Digital signal processing: A computer base approach ,4thedition, Tata
McGraw Hill,2013
B.P.Lathi, Roger Green, Essentials of Digital Signal Processing, Cambridge university press.

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO 1 Interpret ,represent and process discrete/digital signals and systems

CO 2 Understand the spectral analysis of signals

CO 3 Design &analyze DSP systems like FIR and IIR Filter etc

CO 4 Familiarize with multirate signal processing

CO5 Familiarize with applications of Digital Signal Processing

Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%


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22EE3101 Power Systems-II PCC 3L: 1T: 0 P 4 credits

Course Learning Objectives:

● Interpret the entries of bus impedance and admittance matrices using the singular
transformation method, step by step method to obtain primary data of load flow analysis.
● Build the algorithms to form the bus impedance and admittance matrices for various
configurations of primitive networks.
● Outline the conditions of a power system to undergo steady-state, dynamic, or transient
stabilities studies.

Course Contents:

UNIT- 1 Per Unit System of Representation and Power System Network Matrices (10 hours)
Per Unit system of Representation: Necessity, Advantages, Applications in Power Systems and
Calculations. Single line diagram– Impedance diagram of a power system–Graph theory definition –
Formation of element node incidence and bus incidence matrices – Primitive network representation,
Y bus formation by direct and singular transformation methods.

UNIT-II Power Flow Studies (10 hours)

The necessity of power flow studies – Derivation of static power flow equations – Power flow
solution using Gauss-Seidel Method – Newton Raphson Method (Rectangular and polar coordinates
form) –Decoupled and Fast Decoupled methods – Algorithmic approach – Problems on 3–bus system
only. Merits and demerits of different load flow techniques.

UNIT - III Symmetrical Components and Symmetrical Fault Analysis (10 hours) Symmetrical
Components: Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Phasors from their symmetrical components, symmetrical
components of unsymmetrical phasors, Power in symmetrical components, Sequence impedances –
Synchronous machine – Transmission line and transformers – Sequence networks.
Symmetrical fault analysis: Short circuit current and MVA calculations, fault levels, application of
series reactors.

UNIT- IV Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis (10 hours) Unsymmetrical fault analysis:

Unsymmetrical Faults in power systems, Single Line to Ground Faults, Line to Line Faults, Double
Line to Ground Faults, and Open-conductor Faults.

UNIT - V Power System Stability-I (10 hours)

Power System Stability Analysis Elementary concepts of Steady-state– Dynamic and Transient
Stabilities– Description of Steady-State Stability Power Limit–Transfer Reactance–Synchronizing
Power Coefficient – Power Angle Curve

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UNIT-VI Power System Stability-II (10 hours)

Determination of Steady-State Stability –Derivation of Swing Equation, Multi-Machine stability
studies, Determination of Transient Stability by Equal Area Criterion–Applications of Equal Area
Criterion–Methods to improve steady-state and transient stability.

Learning Resources:

John J Grainger, W.D. Stevenson, “Power System Analysis”, McGraw-Hill (India) Pub. Third
Edition, 2011.
Kothari D. P. and I. J. Nagrath, “Modern Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill Education; Fourth
edition, 2011.
J Duncan Glover and M S Sarma, Thompson, “Power System Analysis and Design”, Third Edition

Reference books:
C.LWadhwa, “Electrical Power Systems”, New Age International, Sixth Edition, 2012.
Hadi Saadat, “Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill, Second Edition, 2002.
S.S. Vadhera, “Power System Analysis & Stability”, Khanna Publishers, Fourth Edition, 2005.

Web resources:
Dr. B. Das, Computer-Aided Power System Analysis, IIT Roorkee NPTEL URL:
Prof. AK Sinha, Power System Analysis, IIT Kharagpur. NPTEL URL:

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO 1 Able to draw impedance diagrams for a power system network and to understand per unit
CO 2 Able to form a Ybus for power system networks.

CO 3 Able to find the fault currents for all types of faults to provide data for the design of protective
CO 4 Able to analyze the steady-state, transient, and dynamic stability concepts of a power system.

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Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%


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22EE3181 Power Systems Laboratory PCC 0L: 0T: 3 P 1.5 credits

Course Learning Objective

1. To learn the hardware components in the PS lab and get to know functioning
2. To perform experiments such as creating faults and see the response of CB and relay.
3. To perform experiments and testing and finding equivalent circuits etc.

List of Experiments

1. Calculation of Efficiency and Regulation for a Long Transmission line with R and RL Loads.
2. Calculation of ABCD Parameters for Short, Medium and Long Transmission Lines.
3. Characteristics of Percentage biased of Static/Electro Magnetic differential Relay.
4. Characteristics of Static Relay under Voltage/Over Voltage.
5. Measurement of % ratio error and phase angle of given current transformer by comparison.
6. Determination of Equivalent circuit of a 3‐winding transformer.
7. Determination of positive, negative and zero sequences of a 3‐winding transformer.
8. Determination of sequence impedances of a cylindrical rotor Synchronous Machine.
9. Fault Analysis on a Three Phase Transmission Line Model.
10. IDMT Characteristics of Over Current Relay.
11. Measurement of % ratio error and phase angle of given current transformer by comparison.
12. Measurement of % ratio error and phase angle of given potential transformer by comparison.
13. Simulation of String Insulators for Determination of Voltage Distribution and String

Course outcome After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to

CO 1 To get the exposure of various components in a PS lab

CO 2 To experience the happening of faults and observe how the response systems are working

CO 3 Able to do experiments on finding wiring, finding relay faults etc.

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Assessment Method

Assessment Tool Experiments Report/Viva-Voce/ Quiz/MCQ/Lab project Total

Weightage (%) 25% 15% 40%

End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%


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22EG3183 English-II Laboratory HSC 0L: 0T: 3 P 1.5 credits

Course objectives:
● To improve group discussion skills of the students
● To help the students to write their CV and Internship application
● To improve the telephonic etiquettes of the students
● To help the students to take decision on their career

Course Content

UNIT-I: (06 Contact Hours)

Group Discussion - How to think and analyze - How to initiate a topic - How to continue a topic
- How to support or reject a point-of-view - How to defend your position - Managing distractions and
mediating between contenders - How to summarize & conclude

UNIT-II: (06 Contact Hours)

Telephonic conversation & Etiquettes - How to introduce oneself - How to introduce the main issue -
How to keep the other person engaged - How to convince the other person - How to complain
without irritating. - Giving assurance and asking for clarification - How to end a formal telephonic

UNIT-III: (06 Contact Hours)

Career Planning & Job-Skill Analysis - ASK: Talking about one’s Attitudes, Knowledge, & Skills
- SMART goals - Reading & Analysis of Job Advertisements

UNIT-IV: (06Contact Hours)

CV & Resume Writing - Difference between CV & Resume - Writing CV - Writing Resume -
Writing Cover Letter

UNIT-V: (06 Contact Hours)

Application for Internship - Application for internship in Academic Labs - Application for internship
in Industries - Follow up the Application with reminders and requests

UNIT-VI: (06 Contact Hours)

Interview Skills - Preparation for the Interview - Frequently asked questions - Dress Codes,
Appearance, and Etiquettes. 6.4 Facing the Interview

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Business Communication Today,, 12th Edition, Courtland L Bovee & John Thill, Pearson
British Council Material on Career
er Planning & Interviews
Master the Group Discussion & Personal Interview - Complete Discussion on the topics asked by
reputed B-schools & IIMs by Sheetal Desarda, Notion Press
Group Discussion and Interview Skills by Priyadarshi Patnaik , Cambridge University
sity Press India
The Ultimate Guide to Internships: 100 Steps to Get a Great Internship and Thrive in It
by Eric Woodard
Telephone Etiquette by Robert DeGroot

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

Get used to a variety of GDs to understand the principles, finer nnuances,

uances, and
CO 1 intricacies of the art

Get exhaustive information on how to prepare for internship and interview

CO 2

CO 3 Write his/her CV to remain well

well-prepared for the interviews

CO 4 Take decision on his/her career goals and plans

Attain professional speaking skills to enhance his/her

CO 5 employability skills.

Assessment Method:

Course Nature: LABORATORY

Internal Assessment (40 Marks) External Assessment (60 Marks)

Record Writing– 10 Marks Reading Comprehension – 15 Marks

Attendance – 10 Marks Writing–

30 Marks
Continuous Assessment (Listening – 10 Speaking (Viva-Voce) – 15 Marks
Marks + Oral Presentations – 10 Marks)


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22EE2203 Introduction
uction to Electrical Vehicles PCC 3L: 0T: 0P 3 credits

Course Objectives:
● To get familiar with EV ecosystem
● To understand Energy and EV subsystems
● To get familiar with Batteries
● To gain knowledge about Battery pack and get introduced to design parameters
● To familiarize with EV motors and controllers
● To get familiar with Chargers and charging stations

Overview of EVs,Batteries, Chargers. EV Subsystems, Forces acting on a moving
vehicle,Aerodynamic drag, Rolling Resistance and Uphill Resistance, Powe
Powerr and Torque to

Concept of drive cycles, energy used per cycle. Design of EV subsystem

Introduction to Battery Parameters, Need of Li
ion batteries, Batteries in future, Li-ion
Li battery
cells. Concept and Estimation of SoC,SoH. Battery pack development, Battery charging

Fundamentals of Battery pack design, Introduction to Thermal, Mechanical and Electrical
design. Introduction to BMS design. Swapping.

EV Motors and Controllers - Understanding Flow, Po
wer and Efficiency, Torque Production in
PMSM, architecture,Speed and Back EMF. Building blocks of thermal circuits.

EV chargers: slow and fast chargers, Public chargers,Introduction to protocol,Location of

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Course outcomes:
● Familiarize
ze with EV ecosystem
● Energy and EV subsystems
● Concept of Batteries
● Understand about Battery pack and design parameters
● EV motors and controllers
● Chargers and different charging stations

Text / References:
1. M. Ehsani, Y. Gao, S. E. Gay and A. Emadi, “Mode“Modern
rn Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel
Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory, and Design”, CRC Press, 2004.
2. T. Denton, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles”, Routledge, 2016.

Web resources:

Fundamentals of Electric vehicles: Technology & Economics, IIT Madras

f. Ashok Jhunjhunwala Prof. Prabhjot Kaur Prof. Kaushal Kumar Jha Prof. L Kannan


Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%


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22EE2283 Electrical Vehicles Lab PCC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits

Course Learning Objective

1. To learn the hardware components and their maintenance, working principles etc.
2. To check the working and diagnose the condition of ignition and check the relay operations.

List of Experiments

1. Battery testing
2. Alternator testing
3. Starter motor testing
4. Diagnosis of ignition system
5. Diagnosis of automotive electrical wiring
6. Fault finding of relay & fuses in car using Off Board Diagnostics Systems (OBDS)
7. Relay & fuse Fault diagnostic of a car using OBDS
8. Simulation of equivalent circuit of a lead
lead-acid and Li-Ion battery.
9. Simulation of battery parameters measurements and estimation
10. Passive battery management systems simulation
11. Active battery management systems simulation
12. Charging and discharging characteristics of a battery
13. Closedd loop implementation of BiBi-directional DC-Dc
Dc converter with two batteries
14. 2s, 4p battery pack design with passive BMS circuit
15. 4s, 4p battery pack design with active BMS
16. Simulation of battery charging by using non
non-isolated DC-DC converter
17. Simulation of battery
ttery charging by using non
non-isolated AC-DC converter
18. Simulation of battery charging system to analyze its impact on power distribution systems
19. Design and submission of lab project

Note: All the simulations must be performed and at least 6 experiments must be conducted in the
hardware part.

Learning Resources
Mary Murphy, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, Principles, DesigDesign and Technology,, 2nd Edition
Reference books
Ioniq, I-Pace,
Pace, Soul, Leaf, Zoe, Tesla S, X, 3, and ee-Golf,
Golf, Joining the Electric Vehicle Revolution

Web Resources

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Course outcome After the

he completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to
CO To learn the MATLAB environment, python scripting and its programming fundamentals

CO Ability to write Programs using commands and functions


CO Able to simulate and visualize tthe data of various formats


CO Able to understand perform operations on applications related to different fields


CO Able to perform simulation of a simple prototype design project in Electronics and

5 communication and relevant fields

Assessment Method

Assessment Tool Experiments Report/Viva-Voce/ Quiz/MCQ/Lab project Total

Weightage (%) 25% 15% 40%

End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%


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To be filled
Embedded Systems PCC 3L: 1T: 0P 3 credits
after bos

Course Learning Objectives:

● Students shall learn about evaluation of embedded systems

● Students shall learn about PIC Unit
● Students shall learn about ARM processors
● Students shall
hall learn about DSP processors
● Students shall learn about software limitations in embedded systems
● Students shall learn about networking of embedded systems

Course Content

Unit I (6hours)

Overview of Embedded Systems, Embedded System Architecture, Processor examples: ARM, PIC
etc, Introduction to Embedded Hardware, Overview of micro controller and micro
micro- processor,
Vonnueuman Architecture, Hardvard Archi
tecture, Advanced Hardvard Architecture, Introduction to
PIC microcontroller.

II (10 hours)
Instruction format, Addressing modes, Instructions, Data tratransfer
nsfer instructions, Arithmetic and
Logical instructions, Bit oriented instructions, Control instructions, Assembly language
programming, Interrupts in PIC, Interrupts timing, PIC input output pins, PIC timers, Watchdog
timer, PWM mode in PIC, PIC periphera
peripherals, PIC examples.

III (10hours)
History, ARM Architecture and its versions, Basic ARM organization, Registers and its organization,
Processor modes, Memoryory Organization, ARM Instruction set, ARM Data types, ARM interrupt
processing, Stack organization, ARM input output system, Pipeline operation in ARM, Simple ARM
based systems.

IV (8 hours)
Features of digital signal processors, DSP applications and DSP algorithms, DSP memory,
Instruction sets and parallel instructions, System on chip, Memory, Memory organization, Virtual
memory, Memory management Uni Unit,
t, BUS structure, Serial interfaces, Power aware architecture.

V (6 hours)
Requirement and features of software for embedded systems, Usage of C and jjava
ava and its limitations,
Fundamentals of embedded operating systems, Scheduling policies, Resource management,
Embedded OS.

VI (5 hours)

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etwork embedded systems, Distributed embedded systems and its Architecture, Multi-
Multi processor
networks, Ethernet and its features, Hardware modules, Protocols.

Learning Resources:


Wayne Wolf, ’Computers as components: Principles of Embedded Com

puting System Design’,
Morgan Kaufman publication, 2000.
Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals – A. K. Ray and K. M. Bhurchandani, TMH, 2nd Edition

Reference books:

Microprocessors and Interfacing, D. V. Hall, TMGH, 2 nd Edition 2006.

Web resources:

Dr. Santanu Chaudhury, NPTEL-IIT IIT Delhi, 'Embedded Systems', URL: URL:

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO 1 Understand
stand evaluation of embedded systems
CO 2 Analyse the PIC Unit
CO 3 Analyse the ARM processors
CO 4 Analyse the DSP processors
CO 5 Understand the software limitations in embedded systems
CO 6 Understand the networking of embedded systems

Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Tool (In semester) (In semester)
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%


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To be filled
Embedded Systems Lab PCC 0L: 0T: 3P 1.5 credits
after bos

Course Content
1. Introduction to ARM Cortex M3 Processor
2. Introduction to Microcontroller Micro Controller


1. ALP to multiply two 16 bit binary numbers.

2. ALP to find the sum of first 10 integers.
3. ALP to find the number of 0’s and 1’s in a 32 bit data.
4. ALP to determine the given 16 bit number is ODD or EVEN.
5. ALP to write data in RAM.
6. Interface a simple Switch and display its status through Relay, Buzzer and LED.
7. Interface a Stepper motor and rotate it in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.
8. Display the Hex digits 0 to F on a 7-segment LED interface, with an appropriate delay in
9. Interface a DAC and generate Triangular and Square waveforms.
10. Display Hello World message using Internal UART.
11. Demonstrate the use of an external interrupt to toggle an LED On/Off.
12. Using the Internal PWM module of ARM controller generate PWM and vary its duty
13. Interface and Control a DC Motor.
14. Interface a 4×4 keyboard and display the key code on an LCD.
15. Measure Ambient temperature using a sensor and SPI, ADC IC.
16. Interface 12 bit internal ADC to convert the analog to digital and display the same on
17. Design and submission of lab project

*ALP= Assembly level Program.

Course outcomes: On successful completion of the course students will able to
CO 1 Understand the Architecture of ARM processor & its Registers
CO 2 Understand the Architecture and Interfacing of a Microcontroller
CO 3 Introduced to Assembly level programming and can implement basic operations
CO 4 Interface few basic devices with Micro controller.
CO 5 Control and Interface to devices to get a desired output.

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Assessment Method

Assessment Tool Experiments Report/Viva-Voce/ Quiz/MCQ/Lab project Total

Weightage (%) 25% 15% 40%

End Semester Examination weightage (%) 60%


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Mini Project -1 (Socially

22EE3190 PROJ 0L: 0T: 3P 1 credits
Relevant Project)

Course Learning Objective

● To introduce the student to the existing real-time societal problems

● To make the student to identify a problem with the help of staff members
● To see that students can propose elaborately and try attempting to solve the problem to great

List of Experiments
1. Identifying real-time societal problems
2. Idea proposal of multiple-solutions for the problem identified and discussion
3. Prototype design for an optimal solution

Note: The student is supposed to use the latest advancements of IOT/AI and general understanding
on science and technology for identifying solution to a problem

Course outcome: After the completion of this Laboratory course, the student will be able to
CO 1 To understand the problems the society facing at present specifically at
university/institute/ locality etc level.
CO 2 Shortlist some of the problems and do an exercise to choose a problem to solve
CO 3 Form a group with classmates and peers (worldwide), local authorities and
understand deeply the roots of the problem and start initiation of solving it.
CO 4 Propose a solution method and prepare either hardware or software models
depending upon the problem demands
CO 5 See his/her solution impact on the society and see or submit/suggest the models to
the authorities for further implementation after approval satisfying he IP rights of

Assessment Method
Assessment Literature Seminar on Hardware/Software Final
Tool survey observed case- prototype development for Presentation
(Internal) studies identified problem and Viva-Voce
(Internal) (External) (External)
Weightage 20 % 20% 40% 20%


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22HS3101 Constitution of India MC 1L: 0T: 0P 0 credits

Course Learning Objectives

1. The basic objective of the course is to provide knowledge about institutions

2. It help to understands the processes to governing the society in a systematic way.
3. It helps to establish social Justice, Liberty, Equity and Fraternity.
4. The course will introduce the idea of political system in general
5. It provides idea about working process of constitutional institutions.
6. To create awareness about the functioning of the judicial system in India.

Course Contents

Unit-I (2 hours)
Introduction-Constitution’ meaning of the term, Indian constitution sources and constitutional
history, Features: Citizenship, Preamble, Fundamental Rights and duties, Directive Principles of
State Policy.

Unit-II (3 hours)
Union Government and its Administration-Structure of the Indian Union: Federalism, centre-state
relationship, President: Role, power and position, PM and Council of ministers, Cabinet and Central
Secretariat, Lok sabha, Rajya sabha.

Unit-III (2 hours)
Election commission- Election commission: Role and functioning, Chief Election Commissioner and
Election Commissioners, State Election Commission: Role and functioning, Institute and Bodies for
the welfare of SC/ST/OBC and women.

Unit-IV (2 hours)
State Government and its Administration- Governor: Role and position, CM and Council of
ministers, state secretariat: Organization, structure and functions.

Unit-V (3 hours)
Local Administration-District’s Administration head: Role and importance, Municipalities:
Introduction, Mayor and role of Elected Representatives, CEO of Municipal Corporation, Panchayati
raj: Introduction, PRI: Zilla Panchayat, Elected officials and their roles, CEO Zilla Panchayat:
Position and role, Block level: Organizational Hierarchy (different departments), Village level: Role
of elected and appointed officials, Importance of grass root democracy.

Unit-VI (3 hours)

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Union Judiciary-Establishment and constitution of Supreme court, Appointment of Judges,

Establishment of State High court, Establishment of common High court for 2 or more states,
WRITS, PIL(Public Interest Litigation).

Learning resources
Text books
1. Durga Das Basu, Constitutions of India, 23rd ed, LexisNexis Publication.

Reference Books
Indian Polity by Laxmikanth
Indian Administration by Subhash Kashyap
Indian Administration by Avasti and Avasti
Government and Politics of India by W.H.Mrrison Jones
Constitution of India by J.C.Johari

Web Resources
1. https://unacademy.com/

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 The students will understand their fundamental rules and duties.
CO 2 The students will learn the political system and the system of elections in India.
It is to provide the students the institutions and processes to govern themselves in the
CO 3
manner they prefer.
CO 4 Students can also be able to utilize the laws and facilities provided by constution
CO 5 It will provide over all idea about our legal system.
CO 6 It will enable students more strong in terms of law and practice in day to day life.

Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Weightage (%) 0 0 100% %100

** PASS/FAIL course

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22EG3283 English-III Laboratory HSC 0L: 0T: 3 P 1.5 credits

Course objectives:
● To improve interpersonal skills of the students
● To help the students to write professional letters and reports
● To practice the etiquettes to be used at workplace
● To reward hands on experience on managing meetings
● To imbibe leadership qualities in the students

Course Content

UNIT-I: (06 Contact

Professional Presentation - Collecting & Reading the materials to be presented - Analyzing the main
points - Summarizing & concluding - Developing PPT - Delivery of the Presentation

UNIT-II: (06 Contact

Report Writing & Writing Professional Emails & Applications – Routine Reports – Investigative
Reports - Professional Emails - Formal Letters and Applications

UNIT-III: (06 Contact Hours)

Agenda, Meetings, & Minutes - Setting the agenda for a meeting - Managing a meeting - Keynote
address & vote of thanks - Publishing the minutes

UNIT-IV: (06 Contact

People skills and small talks (2 minutes) - Talking to professional executives - Talking to colleagues
- Talking to the boss - Talking to your team - Talking to the media delegates

UNIT-V: (06 Contact Hours)

Corporate Etiquettes - How to introduce & greet - How to raise a question - How to clarify a doubt -
How to say “yes” or “no” - Rapport building - Dining & winning - Counseling somebody - How to
influence & motivate

UNIT-VI: (06 Contact

Life Skills - Leadership communication - Interpersonal communication - Stress management - Time

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Business Communication Today, 12th Edition, Courtland L Bovee & John Thill, Pearson
British Council Material on communication
Training in Interpersonal Skills: Tips f: Tips for Managing People at Work by Robbins and
Soft Skills for Everyone, with CD Paperback –by Jeff Butterfield
Communication for business by Shirley Taylor, Pearson

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

CO 1 The art of professional presentation

CO 2 Write professional reports and letters

CO 3 Conduct a formal meeting

CO 4 Develop people skills and corporate etiquettes

Gain the basic knowledge about leadership

CO 5 communication, stress management and time management

Assessment Method:

Course Nature: LABORATORY

Internal Assessment (40 Marks) External Assessment (60 Marks)

Record Writing10 Reading Comprehension –

Marks 15 Marks
Attendance 10 Writing–
Marks 30 Marks
Continuous Assessment (Listening – 10 Speaking (Viva-Voce) – 15 Marks
Marks + Oral Presentations – 10 Marks)


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22BM32XX Product Design and Innovation HSC 1L: 0T: 0P 1 credit

Note: Will be updated after dept of Management BOS.

Course Learning Objectives
1. To make awareness of the product design process.
2. This course will give an understanding of methods, tools and techniques applied
3. in product design.
4. This course will enhance the overview of innovation, product design process.
5. It will help to understand competitive benchmarking, aspects of human factors in
6. product design, tools for creative concept.
7. one of the objective of this course is to explain lectures including case studies and
8. hands-on exercises.
9. It will help students to generate creative ideas in to product design, considering
10. human factors aspects.

Course Contents
Unit I (2 hours)
Need for Innovation and design ,user Innovation , introduction to product and Product design,
difference between Product development and product design.

Unit II (2 hours)
Need Problem Identification, user study by contextual enquiry, questionnaire study, Interview
techniques, Persona and scenario mapping, product study and market study, design brief.

Unit III (2 hours)

Importance of human factors in product design, physical ergonomics, principles and issues,
ergonomic assessment tool, Cognitive issues in product design.

Unit IV (3 hours)
Creative techniques and tools, concept generation, concept evaluation, concept design and

Unit V (4 hours)
Product prototype, model making work flow for prototype, tools and techniques for model making
and prototyping, introduction to prototype driven innovation.
Unit VI (2 hours)
Overview of materials and processes, Evaluation tools and techniques for User- Product interaction

Learning resources
Text Books
1. Eppinger, S., & Ulrich, K., ‘Product design and development’, McGraw-Hill Higher Education,

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2. Green, W., & Jordan, P. W. (Eds.), ‘Human factors in product design: current practice and future
trends’. CRC Press, 1999.

Reference Books
1. Sanders, M. S., & McCormick, E. J., ‘Human factors in engineering and design’, Mcgraw-Hill
book company, 1993.
2. Roozenburg, N. F., & Eekels, J., ‘Product design: fundamentals and methods’ (Vol. 2). John
Wiley &Sons Inc., 1995.

Web resources:
1. Dr. Debayan Dhar, NPTEL-IIT Guwahati, ‘Product Design and Innovation’.

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 A student will be able to understand basic of production design
This subject will provide implication facilities of methods, tools and techniques of
CO 2
production design.
Students can be able to correlate human factor and competitive benchmarking in
CO 3
product design.
CO 4 Students can have practical experience by implementing theory in case studies.
CO 5 They can enhance their creativity in product design.
They will be able to create their own product design with implementation of
CO 6
available theoretical knowledge.

Assessment Method
Assessment tool Monthly Report submission (End Semester) Total
Weightage (%) 75% 25% 100%


1. Industry personnel/start company founding personnel may be included in this course.

3. In Assessment Method, among one of the monthly seminars, the student is supposed to submit
video recording of seminar and the same should be played in the classroom.


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22MC3201 Career Development Course MC 2L: 0T: 0P 0 credits

Course Learning Objectives:

1.To enhance holistic development of students and improve their employability skills
2.To instill confidence in students and develop skills necessary to face the challenges of competitive
exams and placements

Course Contents

Unit I (1.5 hours)

Number system: Base System, Exponents, Factorials, LCM & HCF, Properties of Numbers,
Remainders, Successive Divisions
Sequence & Series: Arithmetic Progression, Harmonic Progression, Geometric Progression
Programming in C

Unit II (8 hours)
Arithmetic: Averages, Clocks & Calendars, Simple Interest & Compoud Interest, Mixture &
Alligations, Percentages, Profit, Loss & Discounts, Ratio & Proportion, Speed, Time & Distance,
Time & Work
Algebra: Binomial Theorem, Complex Numbers, Functions, Higher Degree Equations,
Inequalities , Linear Equations, Logarithm, Quadratic Equations
Programming in C

Unit III (6 hours)

Geometry: Mensuration, Lines & Angles, Circles, Polygons, Triangles, Co-ordinate Geometry,
Probability & Statistics: Mean, Median & Mode, Permutation & Combination, Probability Set
Theory & Venn Diagram
Programming using Data Structures

Unit IV (7 hours)
Logical Reasoning: Logical Sequence, Premise, Assumption & Conclusion, Binary Logic, Blood
Relations, Linear & Matrix Arrangement, Seating Arrangement, Coding & Decoding, Statements
& Assumptions Puzzles.
Analytical Reasoning: Course of Action Fact, Inference & Judgement, Logical Deduction,
Statement & Assumption, Strong & Weak Arguments, Syllogism
Programming in Python

Unit V (4.5 hours)

Data Interpretation: Charts (Column, Pie & Bar), Tables Graphs (Line & Area), Venn Diagram,

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Data Sufficiency.
Programming using JAVA
Reading Comprehension

Unit VI (3 hours)
Verbal Ability: Cloze Test Error Spotting, Fill in the blanks, Sentence Correction, Word Usage,
Para jumbles, Paragraph Completion, Paragraph Summary
Programming using JAVA
Learning resources
Text book
Sarvesh K Verma, 'Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT', arihant publications
Arun Sharma, Meenakshi Upadhyay, ' Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension' , McGraw Hill
Arun Sharma, 'Data Interpretation', McGraw Hill publications
Arun Sharma, 'Logical Reasoning', McGraw Hill publications

Reference books
Nishit K Sinha, 'Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation', Pearson publications
Arun Sharma, 'Quantitative Aptitude', McGraw Hill publications

Web resources

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO 1 Improve aptitude, problem solving skills and reasoning abilities
CO 2 Improve Verbal ability skills, Data interpretation skills
CO 3 Understand the basic techniques required for solving Reading Comprehension
CO 4 Familiarize with the written tests of competitive exams, campus placements and PSUs
CO 5 Collectively solve problems in teams and group
CO 6 Adopt and acquire new techniques in solving problem

Assessment Method

Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total

Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%

** Pass/Fail course.
Note: All examinations will be only of objective type. CDPC team assistance is to be taken in
preparation of question papers. For Monthly tests, negative marking may also be introduced

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22BE4101 Environmental Studies MC 2L: 0T: 0P 0 credits

Course Learning Objectives

● To provide knowledge about multidisciplinary nature of environment, various sources of

natural energy.
● Understanding of ecosystem structure and function etc.
● Knowledge of biodiversity and conservation
● Understanding of problems caused by pollution and its impact
● Understanding about the various social issues related to environment.
● Awareness for the Environment and human health

Course Content

Unit-I (5 hours)
The Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies: Definition, scope and importance; Need
for public awareness.

Natural Resources: Renewable and Non Renewable Resources:

Natural resources and associated problems.
a) Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction,
mining, dams and their effects on forest and tribal people. b) Water resources: Use and over-
utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and
problems. c) Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using
mineral resources, case studies. d) Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by
agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water
logging, salinity, case studies. e) Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non
renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources. Case studies. f) Land resources: Land as a
resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification. Role of an
individual in conservation of natural resources. Equitable use of resources' for sustainable lifestyles.

Unit-II (5 hours)
Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem, Structure and function of an ecosystem, Producers,
consumers and decomposers, Energy flow in the ecosystem, Ecological succession, Food chains,
food webs and ecological pyramids, Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and
function of the following ecosystem:-a. Forest ecosystem, b. Grassland ecosystem, c. Desert
ecosystem, d. Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries).

Unit-III (5 hours)
Biodiversity and It’s Conservation: Introduction – Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem
diversity, Biogeographical classification of India, Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive
use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values, Biodiversity at global, National and local levels,
India as a mega-diversity nation, Hot-sports of biodiversity, Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss,

Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - AP
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts, Endangered and endemic species of India, Conservation
of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.

Unit-IV (5 hours)
Environmental Pollution: Cause, effects and control measures of:-a. Air pollution, b. Water
pollution, c. Soil pollution, d. Marine pollution, e. Noise pollution, f. Thermal pollution, g. Nuclear
hazards, Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial
wastes, Role of an individual in prevention of pollution, Pollution case studies, Disaster
management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.

Unit- V (5 hours)
Social Issues and the Environment: From Unsustainable to Sustainable development Urban
problems related to energy, Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management,
Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Case Studies, Environmental
ethics: Issues and possible solutions.• Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer
depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust. Case Studies. Wasteland reclamation, Consumerism
and waste products, Environment Protection Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,
Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, Wildlife Protection Act, Forest Conservation Act,
Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation, Public awareness.

Unit-VI (5 hours)
Human Population and the Environment: Population growth, variation among nations, Population
explosion – Family Welfare Programme, Environment and human health, Human Rights, Value
Education, HIV/AIDS, Women and Child Welfare, Role of Information Technology in Environment
and human health, Case Studies.

Learning resources
Text book
1. Erach Bharucha, ‘Textbook of Environmental studies’, UGC

Reference Books
Clark RS, ‘Marine Pollution’, Clanderson Press, Oxford (TB).
De AK, ‘Environmental Chemistry’, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Well understanding about their surrounding natural resources and their conservation
CO 2 Able to understand the ecosystem food chain and habitat.
CO 3 Develop the practices for conservation of biodiversity
CO 4 To well understand the pollution courses, impact and prevention from pollution
CO 5 Able to bring about an awareness of a variety of environmental concerns.
CO 6 It attempts to create a pro-environmental attitude and a behavioral pattern in society
that is based on creating sustainable lifestyles.

Assessment Method
Assessment Weekly tests Monthly tests End Semester Test Total
Weightage (%) 10% 30% 60% 100%

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering



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