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Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No.

7 (2023) 2175–2193 2175

MYU Tokyo

S & M 3315

Effect of Combinations of Sensor Positions

on Wearable-sensor-based Human Activity Recognition
Yuhao Duan1 and Kaori Fujinami1,2*
1Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering,

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan
2Division of Advanced Information Technology and Computer Science, Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University

of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan

(Received April 7, 2023; accepted June 19, 2023)

Keywords: activity recognition, wearable sensors, accelerometer, on-body sensor position

Human activity recognition (HAR) has attracted widespread attention in areas such as
human–computer interaction, work performance management, and healthcare. Owing to
advantages such as continuous monitoring, reduced cost of deployment, and ease of privacy
protection, wearable-sensor-based HAR is preferred over the traditional approach of using
external sensors. In this study, the influence of different combinations of seven body-worn
accelerometer positions on the classification of 23 complex daily activities was examined. A
conventional machine learning model, namely, RandomForest (RF), and two deep-learning (DL)
models, convolutional neural network (CNN)-long short-time memory (LSTM) and CNN-
transformer, were used to understand the impact of using different models on the classification
performance. The results showed a strong correlation between the classification models
regarding the combinations of sensor positions and classification performance (F1-score).
Additionally, the combination of the four sensors from the left and right wrists, right upper arm,
and right thigh was determined to be the best. This study also showed that, owing to feature
calculation, the RF model took a longer processing time than the DL-based models and that the
CNN-LSTM model would be preferable to RF if plenty of data were available for training it. The
results can provide a reference for application designers in choosing appropriate combinations of
sensor positions based on requirements for wearability and classification performance.

1. Introduction

In recent years, several studies have been conducted in the field of human activity recognition
(HAR), which has been widely used in human–computer interaction,(1) work performance
management,(2) and healthcare.(3) Data acquisition methods in HAR can be divided into two
types: external-sensor-based HAR and wearable-sensor-based HAR (WHAR).(4) In external-
sensor-based HAR, system designers arrange cameras in the locations where users perform
activities(5) or sensors in the environment,(6) for example, on furniture and floors. However, the
approach inherently has three drawbacks: 1) external sensors are usually large and power-
consuming, which may incur high costs for installation and maintenance; 2) external sensors are
*Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected]

ISSN 0914-4935 © MYU K.K.
2176 Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023)

not suitable for long-term, continuous recording of human activities, because the activities
cannot be recognized once the users leave the place where the sensors are installed; and 3)
devices such as cameras and microphones can infringe on the user’s privacy. In WHAR, sensors
are attached to the user or carried by the user, which allows for the continuous recording of
human activity. In addition, with the popularity of smartphones and smartwatches equipped
with inertial measurement units in daily life, WHAR system designers can use user-owned
devices in their systems, which reduces the cost of system deployment. The WHAR system also
has little impact on the feeling of privacy violation because the user can take control of the
sensors and applications that use their data. The user can remove the sensor or turn off the
application if they do not want their activities recorded. Owing to these advantages, WHAR
systems have been favored by many researchers in recent years.
In recent studies, in the field of WHAR, accelerometers have been shown to be effective in
determining behavioral characteristics.(7) Therefore, accelerometers have been used in many
WHAR systems. However, the positioning of an accelerometer on the user’s body remains
unresolved. As mentioned in Ref. 8, significant differences exist in the amplitudes of the
acceleration signals at different positions of the body, even in the same activity. Wearable-
sensor-based application designers often follow experience or subjective judgments to decide
sensor placement locations for a particular set of activities. However, this approach may fail if
ineffective positions are selected, in which case, ineffective motion or posture signatures might
be recorded, resulting in poor system performance. The difficulty in sensor position selection is
that the best placement of the sensor is not necessarily where the movement is most apparent, as
discussed in Ref. 9. In a study on gait detection in limb injuries, the results showed that the head
provided the best classification feature for gait rather than the legs,(10,11) which demonstrates the
difficulty for a system designer to find the best location for the sensor based on subjective
judgment. For activity recognition, the selection of number of sensors and their positions
remains unresolved and requires further research.
In addition, almost all studies have considered only conventional machine learning (ML)-
based sensor position placement strategies. The classification accuracy of each position is highly
dependent on the features employed by the researchers, and the manually determined features do
not generalize the classification performance of each position, which may affect one’s judgment
of the importance of the sensor position. Deep learning (DL) can extract the deep features of a
sensor, which can reduce classification inaccuracies caused by insufficient information from
manually designed features and better reflect the differences in information between the
positions themselves. However, a performance comparison between DL and conventional ML
using the same position may be worth exploring.
In this study, we evaluated the classification performance of different combinations of sensor
positions by conducting experiments using daily life activity data. We applied and compared
three types of classification model: a conventional ML-based model with classification feature
engineering and two DL-based models with feature learning. The processing performance and
processing time were compared. The results are expected to contribute to the determination of
appropriate positions and combinations of sensors and to the selection of a classification model
for the complex activities of daily life.
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2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Overview of experiment

We performed an offline experiment that aims to provide wearable-sensor-based application

designers with useful information to choose an appropriate classification method and specify
both desirable and undesirable sensor positions for complex daily activity recognition. In Sect.
2.2, a dataset consisting of 23 complex activities of daily life (CADL) collected from 14 young
adults who wore seven accelerometers is described. Three classification models were used: a
conventional ML-based model (Sect. 2.3.1) and two DL-based models (Sect. 2.3.2). These three
models were compared in terms of their tendency toward effective sensor-position combinations,
classification performance, and processing time per window.
The classification performances for all the sensor combinations were obtained, in which 127
( = ∑ i =1 7 Ci ) combinations of sensor positioning were tested. For the performance measure, we

used the F1-score, which is the harmonic mean between recall and precision.
To implement the conventional ML-based method, we utilized the Weka 3.10 machine
learning toolkit. In contrast, scikit-learn 0.24.2 and PyTorch 1.10.1 were used to implement the
DL-based methods. The evaluation was run on an 11th generation Intel Core i9-11900K CPU
with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX3080Ti GPU.

2.2 Dataset

A dataset collected from the laboratory of the authors was used. The dataset consists of three-
axis acceleration data for 23 daily life activities from seven positions on the bodies of 14
volunteers (five females and nine males between the ages of 22 and 25 years, all right-handed).
Figure 1 shows (a) the sensor placement and (b)–(x) snapshots of the activities. Six of the seven
sensor nodes (ATR Promotions Inc., TSND151) were attached to the upper arms, wrists, and
thighs for symmetry, whereas one node (TSND121) was placed on the chest. All the sensor
nodes were securely attached to the body with a band. The sensor nodes on the upper arms and
wrists were worn such that they could be on the outside of the body. Each sensor node has a real-
time clock (RTC) synchronized using the clock on a data-collection personal computer. The
major difference between TSND121 and TSND151 is the six-axis motion (accelerometer and
gyro) sensing unit, that is, the Invensense MPU-6050 and MPU-9250 for TSND121 and
TSND151, respectively. In this study, we only used accelerometers by setting the measurement
range to ±19.62 m/s2 and believe that the effect of this difference is minimized by the placement
of the same sensor, TSND151, in symmetrical positions on the body. Note that the main reason
for using the TSND series is that the data collection experiments, including synchronization of
time between sensor nodes, can be managed on a single personal computer using dedicated data
recording software. This allowed rapid data collection and subsequent analysis.
The activities included not only simple activities such as walking and running but also
complex upper-limb activities such as making coffee and vacuum cleaning, which are frequently
performed in daily life. The subjects performed various activities for approximately 12 min each
2178 Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023)

Fig. 1. (Color online) Sensor placement and activities in the dataset: (a) placement of three-axis accelerometer on
the body, (b) brushing teeth (BT), (c) washing dishes (WD), (d) washing face (WF), (e) washing hands (WH), (f)
going down stairs (DS), (g) going up stairs (US), (h) having a drink while sitting (DK_SIT), (i) having a drink while
standing (DK_STD), (j) eating food while sitting (ET_SIT), (k) eating food while standing (ET_STD), (l) making
coffee (MC), (m) setting table (ST), (n) walking (WK), (o) running (RN), (p) riding a bike (BK), (q) reading a book
(RB), (r) typing on a keyboard while sitting (TY), (s) using a smartphone while sitting (SP_SIT), (t) using a
smartphone while standing (SP_STD), (u) wearing and taking off a jacket (WJ), (v) vacuum cleaning (VC), (w)
erasing figures on a whiteboard (EW), and (x) writing figures on a whiteboard (WW).

in the way they usually do. Note that this does not indicate a continuous 12-min session but the
total time of several separate sessions. The acceleration signal sampling rate was 50 Hz. Data
were collected for approximately 64 h (12 min × 23 activities × 14 persons). Notably, the dataset
was balanced for both activity classes and individuals, with 10268.3 s [standard deviation (SD):
333.9 s] per activity and 16871.1 s (SD: 332.9 s) per individual. Therefore, the training of a
classifier is less likely to be affected by specific activities or individuals regarding the bias in the
number of data sets.

2.3 Experimental methods

2.3.1 Conventional ML-based method

Conventional ML comprises two parts: feature extraction and a classification model. The
features that could characterize the motions of various activities were calculated from the raw
acceleration signals. In addition to the three axes of an accelerometer, i.e., x, y, and z, we
introduced the magnitude of the acceleration signal (m) as the fourth dimension [Eq. (1)], where
i ∈ {1, ..., N}, and N indicates the number of samples in a calculation window.

mi = xi2 + yi2 + zi2 (1)

Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023) 2179

A total of 39 features were defined by the four axes of the acceleration signal in the time and
frequency domains of each sensor, as summarized in Table 1. These features are frequently used
for on-body HAR and device localization.(9,12–15) A window size of 256 (N = 256) was selected.
The importance of the features at each position was then evaluated using RelieF(16) that evaluates
the worth of an attribute by repeatedly sampling an instance and considering the value of the
given attribute for the nearest instance of the same or different classes. We confirmed that, for
each position, adding more features did not significantly improve classification performance
when the number of features exceeded 19. Thus, 19 features were used for each position to
examine the combination of positions, as listed in Table 2. The table also shows the effective
features for each position. Among them, F3, F10, F15, F19, F30, and F38 were selected at any
position and are thus effective features regardless of the position.
For each sensor combination, an activity was characterized by 19 × K features when K
sensors were used. We used RandomForest (RF) as the classification algorithm for the
conventional method because RF has been shown to exhibit good classification performance in
WHAR tasks.(17,18)

2.3.2 Deep-learning-based methods: CNN-LSTM

Several WHAR studies based on DL models have emerged in recent years. The most
frequently used network layers are convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural
networks (RNNs), and long short-term memory (LSTM). Recently, hybrid models have also
been used. CNN and LSTM have been used in combination to outperform CNN alone.(19–22) In a

Table 1
Candidates of classification features.
Feature Description and definition
1 N
F1, F2, F3, F4 Mean value in time domain data, i.e., a = ∑ai
N i =1
1 N
∑ ( ai − a )
F5, F6, F7, F8 =
Variance in time domain data, i.e., va
N − 1 i =1
F9, F10, F11, F12 Standard deviation in time domain data, i.e., va
F13, F14, F15, F16 1st quartile (1/4 smallest value) in time domain data
F17, F18, F19, F20 3rd quartile (3/4 smallest value) in time domain data
F21, F22, F23, F24 1st quartile (1/4 smallest value) in frequency spectrum data
F25, F26, F27, F28 3rd quartile (3/4 smallest value) in frequency spectrum data
N /2 N /2
F29, F30, F31, F32 Frequency entropy, i.e., −∑ pa ,i × log 2 pa ,i , where pa ,i = f a2,i / ∑ f a2,i
i =1 i =1

N /2
F33, F34, F35, F36 Sum of energy spectrum, i.e., ∑ f a2,i
i =1
Pearson’s correlation coefficient of signal from two axes s and t, i.e.,covst/vsvt, where
F37, F38, F39 F37, F38, and F39 correspond to the values between axes x and y, x and z, and y and z,
Note: a ∈ {x, y, z, m}. fa,i indicates the value of the ith smallest frequency component for axis a. The four features in each
feature category, e.g., F1, F2, F3, and F4, correspond to x, y, z, and m in this order. The term covst indicates the covariance
between signals from axes s and t.
2180 Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023)

Table 2
Selected 19 features in each position; the number indicates the order (relevance) of adding to feature subset.
F1 11 6 11 9 F21 19
F2 5 1 1 7 F22 16 14
F3 8 5 7 4 3 3 1 F23 16
F4 F24 13
F5 F25 14 10 10 19
F6 F26 7 19 18 6 9 5
F7 F27 18 16 18 8
F8 F28 6 17 5 8 10
F9 9 13 14 F29 12 18 19 2 17 17
F10 9 17 16 12 15 15 9 F30 15 13 11 3 17 18 18
F11 16 14 17 19 14 F31 3 15 14 13 19 15
F12 10 12 9 16 7 F32 17 12 8 1 16
F13 15 10 7 10 F33
F14 1 4 19 5 4 F34
F15 2 9 5 11 4 11 2 F35
F16 F36
F17 14 4 12 13 F37 3 2 7 6 4 13
F18 4 6 2 6 F38 11 7 3 18 2 8 11
F19 10 8 13 15 5 12 3 F39 2 1 8 1 6 12
C: chest, LT: left thigh, LU: left upper arm, LW: left wrist, RT: right thigh, RU: right upper arm, RW: right wrist

study using multiple sensors,(22) multiple convolutional subnetworks were used to collect
features from each sensor, which were then integrated into the depth concatenation layer. Finally,
classification was performed in the output layer after collecting the temporal features through
the LSTM layer. A similar CNN subnetwork design was also applied in Ref. 23 and was shown
to be effective in separately extracting the information provided by multiple sensors. Because
the DEBONAIR model proposed in Ref. 22 achieved a higher accuracy of 83% on the CADL
dataset, the CNN-LSTM model in this study was built with reference to the architecture of
DEBONAIR, as shown in Fig. 2. For each sensor, a convolutional subnet containing three
convolutional and three pooling layers was used to extract information, which was integrated
into the depth concatenation layer and subjected to a convolution operation. Then, the time
features were extracted from the data using a two-layer LSTM, and finally, classification was
performed using a softmax function on a fully connected layer.
A preliminary experiment showed that the optimizer and learning rate affected the
classification performance among the other hyperparameters. These hyperparameters were
tuned for each sensor combination. The hyperparameters considered are listed in Table 3.

2.3.3 Deep-learning-based methods: CNN-transformer-based method

The transformer model based on multihead attention has been proven to be highly
advantageous in recent years for handling sequence analysis tasks. Shavit and Klein used the
transformer encoder for WHAR tasks(24) for the first time, and the results showed that the
Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023) 2181

Fig. 2. (Color online) Architecture of CNN-LSTM-based classification.

Table 3
Hyperparameters considered and used in the implementation of CNN-LSTM classifier. The hyperparameter
names with ‘_’ are the ones used in PyTorch. The underlined values represent the chosen values in a preliminary
Layer Hyperparameter name Range or candidates value(s)
First CNN out_channels 5, 6, 7
First CNN kernel_size 7, 9, 11
First CNN activation function ReLU
First CNN Max pooling kernel_size 2
Second CNN out_channels 14
Second CNN kernel_size 5, 7, 9
Second CNN activation function ReLU
Second CNN Max pooling kernel_size 2
Third CNN out_channels 28
Third CNN kernel_size 3, 5, 7
Third CNN activation function ReLU
Third CNN Max pooling kernel_size 2
CNN dropout rate 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5
Concatenation Concatenation CNN out_channels 40, 50, 60
Activation function PReLU
LSTM hidden_size 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
Optimizer SGD, Adam, RMSprop
General Learning rate Log domain in ranging from 0.00001 to 0.1
Batch size 64, 128, 192, 256

transformer encoder improved classification performance. In this work, the CNN-transformer

model was adopted to examine the sensor position combination with reference to the model
proposed by Shavit and Klein.
2182 Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023)

Figure 3 illustrates the architecture. First, each sensor data point was integrated using the
time dimension, and then token embedding and position embedding operations were performed
on the data. Subsequently, the self-attention value was calculated for each vector using the
transformer encoder, and the class token embedded in the token embedding was used to classify
the data using a softmax function on the fully connected layer. The hyperparameters are listed in
Table 4 and are based on the specific values or calculation methods used in the model of Shavit
and Klein.(24)

2.4 Evaluation method

Classification performance was evaluated by cross-validation (CV) of the training and test
data. We chose leave-one-person-out (LOPO) CV as the primary CV method, which was
performed by testing a dataset from a particular person with a classifier that was trained without

Fig. 3. (Color online) Architecture of CNN-transformer-based classification.

Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023) 2183

Table 4
Hyperparameters used in the implementation of CNN-transformer classifier. The hyperparameter names with ‘_’
are the ones used in PyTorch. The values are the same as those used in Ref. 24.
Layer Hyperparameter name Value
All CNNs in_channels 64 (= latent dimension “d” in Ref. 24)
All CNNs out_channels 64 (= d)
Information Embedding Position embedding 256 (= window size “k” in Ref. 24) + 1
num_layer 6
n_head 8
First fully connected (FC) in_features 64
First FC out_features 16 (= d/4)
Output Dropout ratio 0.1
Second FC in_features 16 (= d/4)
Second FC out_features 23

the data from that person. Training and testing were repeated with different combinations of
participants. Because the trained classifier did not contain data from the test participants,
LOPO-CV was regarded as a fairer and more practical test method.
In addition, n-fold CV was applied in two ways: against a dataset containing data of all
participants (n-fold CV_all), and averaging the results from n-fold CV against datasets consisting
of each participant’s data (n-fold CV_each). The n-fold CV utilizes (n−1)/n of the dataset for
training a classifier and 1/n for testing the classifier. The n-fold CV_all represents the average
classification performance because the classifier knows the participants from (n−1)/n of their
data. In contrast, n-fold CV_each has an optimistic performance because each classifier knows
nothing except the test participant. We set n to 10. Section 3.3 utilizes three evaluation methods.
Otherwise, LOPO-CV is used to understand the lower bound of the performance.
The classification performance is evaluated using a macro-average F1-score. An F1-score is a
harmonic mean between recall and precision. Equations (2), (3), and (4) define these metrics for
class i, respectively, where N correcti , N testedi , and N judgedi represent the number of cases correctly
classified into class i, the number of test cases in class i, and the number of cases classified into
class i, respectively. A macro-average F1-score is an average of F1-score over 23 classes.
Hereinafter, we simply refer to a macro-average F1-score as an F1-score.

F1- scorei = (2)
1 1
recalli precisioni

recalli = N correcti / N testedi (3)

precisioni = N correcti / N judgedi (4)

2184 Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023)

3. Results

3.1 Classification performance comparison in the three methods

The differences among the three classification algorithms were analyzed. Figure 4 shows the
maximum classification performance (F1-score) for different numbers of sensors in the three
classification models; the sensor combination is also presented. The CNN-LSTM model
obtained the highest score for single-sensor usage. When the number of sensors was greater than
one, the RF outperformed the two DL models. Comparing the three algorithms for the 127
sensor combinations, we found that the RF model achieved the highest F1-score for 119 sensor
combinations. The CNN-LSTM model achieved the highest F1-score for the remaining eight
combinations, and in seven of these eight sensor combinations, one sensor was used. Although
the CNN-LSTM model outperformed the RF model when only one sensor was used, the
degradation in the classification performance of the CNN-LSTM model was most pronounced
when the number of sensors exceeded four. The number of trainable hyperparameters of the
model increased by 1400 per sensor because the CNN subnetwork structure was used to extract
the features of data from each sensor. In contrast, we did not use a subnetwork structure in the
CNN-transformer model but instead integrated different sensors into one dimension; this
increased the number of hyperparameters by only 192 per sensor. Such a difference in the
number of tunable hyperparameters made the CNN-LSTM model susceptible to overfitting

Fig. 4. (Color online) Highest F1-scores for three classification models on one to seven sensors in LOPO-CV (LT:
left thigh, LW: left wrist, LU: left upper arm, C: chest, RU: right upper arm, RW: right wrist, RT: right thigh).
Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023) 2185

when noisy data were passed in, which led to a decrease in the F1-score. We believe this is
especially applicable to LOPO-CV, where the providers of training and test data are different. In
contrast, in the RF model, we performed feature selection for each position, i.e., dimensionality
reduction, such that only valid features would be used in the training for each position. This did
not significantly degrade classification performance, even when useless sensors were added.
The CNN-transformer model did not achieve high F1-scores. In this model, we used the
hyperparameters provided in Ref. 24, which might have led to such results. Another reason
could have been the lack of data. The multihead self-attention mechanism in the transformer
encoder can focus on the information at any one position in the data; however, this also requires
an extensive dataset for support. As mentioned in Ref. 25, where the transformer structure was
applied for image processing, transformers lack some of the inductive biases inherent to CNNs,
such as translation equivariance and locality, and therefore do not generalize well when trained
on insufficient amounts of data. In WHAR, collecting large amounts of data with labels is
challenging. Although the sample size of our dataset exceeded that of most large publicly
available datasets,(26–28) the results showed that conventional ML still had an advantage. The
collection of large amounts of high-quality ADL data is a major future challenge.
To determine whether classification performance for a combination of sensors varied with the
classification model, we examined the strength of the relationship using the F1-scores of all 127
combinations under the three classification models. Table 5 shows the Pearson’s correlation
coefficients between different pairs of the three models, where values closer to 1.0 indicate a
stronger relationship between the pairs of classification models. The table shows strong
correlations among the three pairs, indicating that trends in the effectiveness of the sensor
combinations were stable against changes in the classification models. Therefore, the averages of
the F1-scores of the three classification models per sensor-position combination are presented in
the following sections, unless otherwise noted.

3.2 Effect of sensors’ positions on classification

Figure 5 shows a heatmap representing the overall trend of the F1-scores per combination of
sensors, grouped by the number of sensors and sorted in ascending order. In the figure, the check
marks in the sensor position columns indicate the use of the sensor position. In the activity
columns, the darker cells indicate higher F1-scores. In the rightmost columns, the macro
averages are presented as bar charts and numbers. The figure suggests that the sensors’ positions
and combinations affect not only the average classification performance but also the
classification per activity. Note that Table A1 in Appendix shows concrete values.

Table 5
Processing speed by the number of sensors (ms/window).
RF CNN-LSTM CNN-Transformer
RF 1.0 0.924 0.937
CNN-LSTM — 1.0 0.978
CNN-Transformer — — 1.0
2186 Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023)

Fig. 5. (Color online) Heatmap representing the trend of F1-scores in LOPO-CV, grouped by the number of
sensors and sorted in an ascending order per activity. The abbreviations for the columns of sensor position
correspond to left upper arm, left wrist, left thigh, chest, right upper arm, right wrist, and right thigh, respectively.
The symbols for the columns of activity correspond to the ones in Fig. 1. The concrete values are shown in Table A1
in Appendix.

A larger number of sensors was not necessarily better, as F1-scores lower than the largest
value in the group with a smaller number of sensors were obtained with a larger number of
sensors. For example, the highest value was obtained from one sensor (No. 7) worn on the right
wrist, whereas only five of the 21 combinations yielded higher values when two sensors were
used: Nos. 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28. This is not surprising because activities that show differences
in the upper body, such as brushing teeth (b) or washing dishes (c), cannot be distinguished using
sensors attached to the left and right thighs. Furthermore, in several cases, the use of fewer
sensors was better than the use of all seven sensors. These were Nos. 62, 63, 95, 96, 97, 98, 116,
117, 118, and 119, among which the sensor combination of the left wrist, right upper arm, right
wrist, and right thigh (No. 98) was the best. In all cases, except for case 117, no sensor was worn
on the chest. The differences in the posture and movement of the chest showed little difference
between activities with different hand use, which could be seen from the fact that the value
obtained from the chest was the lowest in the case of one-sensor use. This suggests that the
information obtained from the chest-mounted sensor was noisy when discriminating between
activities that differed in hand or arm movements. In fact, comparing the intensity of the
heatmap for each activity in combination Nos. 98 and 127, we found that the cells for standing
tasks such as washing dishes (c), washing hands (e), and eating food while sitting (j) appeared
Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023) 2187

darker in No. 98 than in No. 127. Table A1 in the Appendix concretely shows this fact by
indicating a higher F1-score of No. 98.
The right wrist made the highest contribution among the seven positions. For each sensor
group, the combination that included the right wrist was the top-ranking. This may be because
all of the subjects were right-handed, although the participants in the data collection were not
instructed to hold objects such as toothbrushes with their dominant hand. As watches are often
worn on the opposite side of the dominant hand, the usefulness of the left wrist must be verified
when considering a smartwatch as a practical implementation of the sensor. In the case of single-
sensor use, the left wrist ranked second in usefulness, behind the right wrist (No. 6). When two
sensors were used, the left wrist appeared first with the right upper arm (No. 23), followed by the
right thigh (No. 21) and left thigh (No. 20), with the exception of the right wrist (No. 26). During
yoga, a smartphone can be “worn” in a holder attached to the upper arm. Although the degrees
of freedom of movement are greater than those under the current data collection conditions, a
sensor can be attached to the thigh by keeping a smartphone in the front pocket of the pants.
Therefore, we believe that these three pairs represent the classification performance for activity
recognition under practical conditions; however, they were 0.066, 0.071, and 0.072 lower than the
best pair (No. 28).

3.3 Individual user differences

The relationship between the number of sensors and classification performance under
different user data distributions is discussed next. Here, we focus on the RF model because it
proved to be the most effective, as discussed in Sect. 3.1. The three evaluation methods presented
in Sect. 2.4 were used. Figure 6 shows the relationship between classification performance and
number of sensors under the three evaluation methods. Each bar indicates the average F1-score

Fig. 6. (Color online) Average F1-scores per number of sensors on the three evaluation methods.
2188 Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023)

of the results of 7Cm combinations in the case of m sensors, and the error bar represents the range
between the highest and lowest values.
With respect to the maximum value, the three evaluation methods appeared to be saturated
with four sensors. The trend in the mean values was LOPO-CV < 10-fold CV_all < 10-fold CV_
each with LOPO. As expected, LOPO-CV and 10-fold CV_each indicate the lower and upper
bounds of the classification performance, respectively. The F1-score of LOPO-CV was much
lower than that of 10-fold CV_all and 10-fold CV_each because the methods used to perform
CADL can vary considerably among individuals. Thus, misclassifications can occur. The results
of 10-fold CV_all showed that an average F1-score of more than 0.82 could be achieved using
more than three sensors if even a small amount of the user’s own activity data was included in
the training data. Furthermore, an average F1-score of more than 0.95 was achieved for 23
CADL using only two sensors if the training data were obtained exclusively from a particular
user (10-fold CV_each). To improve the classification performance in the LOPO-CV, that is,
when testing on data from an unknown user, data should be collected from more participants to
increase the heterogeneity of the training data, which would increase the possibility of including
people whose data are comparable to those of the unknown user. In other words, it creates a
situation that is similar to including the user’s own data.

3.4 Processing speed comparison in the three models

Table 6 summarizes the processing speeds in milliseconds per window, in which the DL-
based models were evaluated with and without the GPU (using only the CPU). This table
presents the following three facts: First, the RF model required a much longer time than the two
DL-based models. This is because the processing time in the RF model includes feature
calculations requiring approximately 2.70 ms/window. Second, the processing times of the RF
and CNN-LSTM models increased linearly, whereas that of the CNN-transformer model was
nearly constant. In the RF model, because the feature calculation time with K sensors was almost
K times longer, even though the optimal feature subset varied by position, the time required for
feature calculation had a greater impact on the overall processing time than the classification
time (0.015 ms/window per sensor). In the CNN-LSTM model, as shown in Fig. 2, the number of
sensors, K, affects even the concatenation layers, which we considered increased the processing
time linearly, although not significantly. By contrast, because K appeared only at the input of the
convolutional layers, as shown in Fig. 3, the computational cost for subsequent processing is

Table 6
Processing speed by the number of sensors (ms/window).
Number of sensors
Classification model
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
RF (CPU) 2.711 5.213 7.713 10.178 12.721 15.127 17.627
CNN-LSTM (CPU) 0.222 0.266 0.288 0.314 0.309 0.361 0.348
CNN-Transformer (CPU) 9.200 9.195 9.204 9.078 9.139 9.245 9.191
CNN-LSTM (GPU) 0.019 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.029 0.034 0.036
CNN-Transformer (GPU) 0.170 0.169 0.169 0.174 0.169 0.174 0.174
Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023) 2189

independent of the number of sensors. Therefore, the processing time in the CNN-transformer
model was almost constant. Third, GPUs were more than 10 times faster than CPUs when the
CNN-LSTM model was processed and 50 times faster for the CNN-transformer model, as
expected. In Sect. 3.1, the RF model exhibited the best classification performance; however, its
processing speed was the lowest among the three models. Thus, overall, the CNN-LSTM model
is the best classification model for both classification performance and processing speed if a
large amount of labeled data can be obtained.

4. Conclusion

In this study, we examined the effect of different combinations of seven body-worn

accelerometer positions on the classification of 23 CADL. One conventional ML model (RF) and
two DL models (CNN-LSTM and CNN-transformer) were used to understand the differences
between the classification models. A total of 127 combinations using the three classification
models were tested. The findings are as follows:
• A strong correlation between combinations of sensor positions and classification performance
was found.
• A larger number of sensors did not necessarily yield better classification performance.
• The sensors placed on the right sides of the subjects exhibited better classification
performance than those on the left side and center because of the effect of the dominant hand
(all participants were right-handed).
• The combination of four sensors placed on the left and right wrists, right upper arm, and right
thigh was the best.
• Assuming that sensors could be integrated with smartwatches and smartphones, practical
combinations where a smart watch was worn on the nondominant wrist (left) and a
smartphone was kept in the left or right trouser pocket were ranked 85th and 87th
performance-wise in the 127 combinations, lower than the best combination by 0.147 and
0.149, respectively.
• A comparison of the three evaluation methods showed the lower, average, and upper bounds
of classification performance. Training a classifier using a small amount of data from the test
participants significantly improved classification performance.
• The RF model required processing time for feature calculation, which caused a significantly
longer processing time per window than DL-based models. Thus, the CNN-LSTM model
would be a better choice than RF if a large amount of data is used for training the model.
The findings of this study enable application designers who use activity information to
choose a combination of the sensor positions based on the requirements for the wearability of
sensors and classification performance of activities according to their interests. In the future, we
plan to apply active learning,(29) a machine-learning method that engages the user in the labeling
process, to adapt the decision boundary of a classifier to the data distribution of a particular user.
Furthermore, we will investigate a method to determine the best combination for a new set of
activities without evaluating all the combinations.
2190 Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023)


This work was supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (Grant
Nos. 18H03228 and 21K11992).

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About the Authors

Yuhao Duan received his B.E. degree in software engineering from Century College, Beijing
University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, in 2017, and his M.E. degree in computer
and information sciences from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Japan,
in 2022. His research interests are in activity recognition, artificial intelligence, and wearable

Kaori Fujinami received his B.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical engineering and his Ph.D.
degree in computer science from Waseda University, Japan, in 1993, 1995, and 2005,
respectively. From 2005 to 2006, he was a visiting lecturer at Waseda University. From 2007 to
2017, he was an associate professor in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at
TUAT. Since 2018, he has been a professor at TUAT. His research interests are in machine
learning, activity recognition, human–computer interaction, and ubiquitous computing.
([email protected]).
2192 Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023)


Table A1
(Color online) Concrete values (F1-scores in LOPO-CV) of the heatmap presented in Fig. 5. Unlike other tables, the
F1-scores are rounded off to two decimal places for readability. The numbers in the leftmost column correspond
to the ones in Fig. 5, representing combinations of sensor positions. The symbols in the first row correspond to the
activities in Fig. 1.
Sensors and Materials, Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023) 2193

Table A1 (Continued)

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