Pectin Extraction From Orange Peels by U

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International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends

Volume 7, Issue 1, Jan-Feb-2021, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

Pectin Extraction from Orange Peels by

Using Organic Clay
Dr. Supriya Pratap Babar
Department of Chemistry,
The Institute Of Science University of Mumbai,
Mumbai -32, India
[email protected]

Abstract- The present work addressed to the development of the method which is the part of the process needed for the
extraction of biopolymer like pectin from the orange peel, which is the waste of orange juice processing industry. Pectin is used
by pharmaceutical industry, food industry and also widely used in cosmetics, herbal medicines, manufacturing of soaps. In this
method we have used the organic clay as mineral acid instead of strong concentrated acid. These results demonstrated, that the
pectin yield was affected by pH. At the low pH for red clay (4.3) maximum yield (4%) of pectin was obtained.

Keywords- Pectin, Orange peel, Acid extraction, pH, Organic clay.

I.INTRODUCTION yield is poor and require the chemical aids. This method
use high pressure boiler so it needs high steam
Oranges are now commonly enjoyed by many in the form consumption[4].Microwave heating builds up considerable
of orange juice which is one of the most widely-consumed pressure inside a material and gave higher rate, amount of
beverages today. With increase in production of processed extraction [5] In acid extraction method commonly used
fruit juice, fruit waste generated is increasing which acidifying materials are mineral acids including,
consist of fruits peels, seeds and membrane residues. hydrochloric, sulphuric and phosphoric acids. We have
Orange is also used for other purposes other than general selected the acid extraction method for pectin extraction
consumption. Orange is a fruit which has significant because it is new technology, simple to construct and
history, and will remain popular choice as source of operate at minimum cost [6]. The industrial processes
vitamin and to aid in health maintenance. Orange peel generate the liquid waste and to treat this strong acidic
contains pectin[1] which is natural biopolymer.This waste high cost requires [7, 8] The development of
biopolymer is finding increasing applications in the environmentally benign methodologies [9] are necessary
pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. From many due to the environmental regulations and safety concern.
years pectin is used in the food and beverage industry as The strong acids are corrosive and also harmful to the
thickening agent, a gelling agent, and a colloidal stabilizer. health. Taking this into consideration, we have used
organic clay as mineral acid instead of the concentrated
In food application the pectin is used in dosage between acids.
0.5 -1% and also used in cosmetics products [2]. Pectin is
gelatinized in the presence of saccharine and small II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
quantities of organic acids and this property is exploited
by agro chemistry and pharamaceutical industries for All the chemicals and reagents used were of analytical
pectin isolation. An orange specifically, the sweet orange grade. Natural red clay was collected near panvel region.
peels are good source of pectin. Pectin is widely Black and white clay was collected near satara region. The
distributed in the cell walls of the roots, stems, leaves and raw material used for extraction of pectin is orange peel.
oranges of higher plants. As orange waste, pectin is Orange peels [10] were collected from juice house.
present in the high levels in orange peels and can be used Materials used during laboratory work was knife, beaker,
as raw material for pectin extraction [3]. filter paper, digital oven, water bath, pH meter, grinder.
Centrifuge model used was Eppendorf 5101R.
Recently developed extraction methods like Acid
extraction method, Direct boiling (hot water) extraction 1. Sample preparation:
method, Thermo mechanical extraction method, Fresh orange peels were cut by knife into small pieces
Microwave extraction method has been used for pectin then dried in oven on 55˚C for 48 hrs. Dried orange peels
extraction. In direct boiling extraction method a very low were made into fine powder by grinder.
yield of pectin obtained from dried orange peel was
reported using distillation apparatus as extracting at 85-
90%. In thermo mechanical extraction method obtained

© 2021 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 7, Issue 1, Jan-Feb-2021, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

III. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Here, we have developed the new method to extract the
pectin from orange peels by using organic clay instead of
1. Method to check the pH of Organic Clay: strong concentrated acids.
Weighed the 10g of red/white /black clay into the
containter. Added 50 ml of distilled water to the clay. The V. CONCLUSION
ratio taken is 1:5 for clay:water. Shaked the container for
about 2-3 min then allowed the clay to settle for 2 minutes. It is concluded that the process in which acid extraction
Measured the pH value of the water above the clay in the technique is most suitable for industrial production. The
container by using pH meter. The pH of red clay, white result of analysis of variance showed that the effects of
clay and black was found to be 4.3, 7.2 and 5.2 pH, on the yield of extracted pectin were found to be
respectively. significant. These results demonstrated the successful
extraction for pectin production with Organic red, white
2. Procedure of Experiment: and black clay, providing potential benefits to industrial
10g of orange peel powder was added into each of 125 ml extraction of pectin from an economic as well as an
of double distilled water containing 0.5g each of organic environmental point of view.
red clay, white clay, black clay in three conical flasks. The
conical flasks was capped with the help of rubber plugs. REFERENCES
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© 2021 IJSRET
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
Volume 7, Issue 1, Jan-Feb-2021, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X

Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. 3,

Issue 10, October 2012

© 2021 IJSRET

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