Water Shortage New Template
Water Shortage New Template
Water Shortage New Template
Table of figure
Water is one of the most important elements responsible for life on earth. It is not only vital for
sustenance of life, but equally essential for socio-economic development. Water is the unique gift of
God and the basic requirement of life. Due to the high indulgence and exploitation of human beings
with nature, the global environment is changing every day. As a result, the water resources are
depleting gradually. Water Scarcity is a growing threat to our global economy, society and even to the
survival of human beings. The crisis that we face today is mainly due to water pollution, especially
in the field of agriculture. Pollution can be anything from oil, to carcasses, to chemicals and to fecal
matter, whatever the cause it majorly affects the global population. The global freshwater shortage
and food security issues related to the teeming billions of populations necessitated the shifting of fresh
water from agriculture to other more pressing uses. The country has been facing the worst ever crisis
of water shortage for the last many years, as water available for any given use has become increasingly
scarce. The rapidly growing population, expansion of irrigation areas, and growing urban &
Industrialization are putting more stresses on water resources. The problem of water shortage,
particularly in Sindh is crucial as being the end user and lower riparian on the Indus basin irrigation
Although large scale water resources development has been taking place in the world, but until vast
majority of people do not have enough potable water for drinking and canal water for irrigation.
The distribution of water supply for drinking purpose is quite appalling in modern times, Mean time
the downstream people are not suitably protected against flood or disaster hits due to the improper
management. Water is a precious resource which is gradually getting scarcer although it is a basic
element for the eradication of poverty and hunger. More than half of the world population will be
living with water shortage within 50 years because of a worldwide water crisis, according to a report
issued by the United Nations Environment Program. It is clear that water resources have played a
very important role in the development of land and water storage systems. More than half of the
world’s population lives in developing countries and the poorest of these communities depend heavily
on exploitation of local water resources for their livelihood.
Figure 1 Water
There are many causes of water shortage but the main are:
1. Very less downpour, The Hydrological cycle determines the set of processes that maintains
the flow of water through the system. The hydrological cycle depends upon evaporation, due
to high contamination of wetlands, oceans, rivers the process is affected badly.
2. In-sufficient water storages
Pollution of water
Water pollution is a huge problem, especially when you’re looking at areas that don’t necessarily
have a good sewage system. Pollution can be anything. Water pollution affects the entire biosphere.
plants and organisms living in these bodies of water. Water pollution is a major global problem which
requires ongoing evaluation and revision of water resource policy at all levels. In view of population
increase, the demand for freshwater for all the uses will be unmanageable.
Reducing the Water Scarcity
The water supply is going to be a serious challenge due to various reasons. The most serious concern
is the growing population which is likely to increase to 1.66 billion by 2050. With the increasing
population, the annual food requirement in the country will exceed 250 million tons. Increasing the
water storage capacity has been one of the ways to mitigate water scarcity. Rainwater harvesting is
one of the key features to overcome this problem.
Multiplying the farm ponds, percolation tanks, water reservoirs and construction of small and medium
size dams and rivers can ensure the ground water as well as surface water. The prime important
elucidation is to entwine of rivers will help in forestall floods while enhancing water distribution in
the country and reforestation of degraded forests and development of wastelands through
afforestation will help in soil and water conservation.
1. Increase in water storage reservoirs.
2. Preparation of effective water policies
3. Planning and preparation of water budget
4. Management for harvesting seepage as well runoff.
5. Proper use of Irrigation water.
6. Re-use of wastewater for irrigation
How can we solve the water scarcity problem?
A correct estimate of available water for irrigation is a pre-condition of success. In addition, quality
and quantity of water has to be assessed before its utility. The water supply available for agriculture
is derived from freezed ice, surface storages and ground entrapment. But the actual and only
recharging source is rainfall. Rainfall is normally inadequate to sustain more than a very low level of
agricultural production, particularly in semi-arid regions. This requires effective watershed
management for harvesting the surface and sub-surface runoff and preparation of water budget from
all sources.
The irrigation water is becoming a diminishing source in Pakistan and the whole world. It is clear
from the global facts that for sustainable and further development of the agriculture sector, storage is
must at proper places with proper planning and management.
• Food and fiber are the pressing need of everyone, therefore proper management of water
resources is necessary.
• Statistics of yearly water budget will help in effective planning of water resources.
• A one century old irrigation system is now posing the serious problem of water wastage
through seepage, it requires proper rehabilitation at required level.
• The water users be awarded properly for the importance, availability and effective use of water
through social mobilization.
• Institutional management, effective planning and wise use of water is the requirement of time.
• Furrow as method of cultivation and trickle as method of irrigation be implemented
• Water rights, rules and policies be framed to control wicked problems like tampering of
modules, water.
theft and pilferage etc.
• Instead of land tax, now Tax be fixed on water quantity
Management becomes important when the productive resource is water and depleting day by day and
attempted to investigate and discuss the details about water scarcity and its problem and how to
overcome this problem because the world, has an alarming situation due to this problem. Within this
concern this paper highlights the alarming situation of water scarcity, particularly the developing
sector like industries, agriculture productions go down due to water shortage. It will create a huge
impact on the country’s economy. Sustainable action and strong polices are emergently needed to
overcome this situation. So only we will be able to save our future. In this current scenario,
appropriate action is needed to prevent this crisis by making the best use of innovative technologies
and resources to conserve the remaining water sources. Agriculture, industry and domestic are the
major sectors that consumed more quantity of available water. So, the regulatory bodies such as
governments and organizations are forming the strong regulatory measures should prevent the misuse
of water and introducing rewards and punishment to encourage judicious use of water, will be helpful
to conserve water. Finally, create awareness and conduct the various programmes can be able to
understand the real situation of water scarcity, So, the people are able to manage the situation and
change their lifestyle.
A national policy is necessary to achieve sustainable agriculture growth. The problem of water
shortage be investigated up to its grassroots, then on the basis of that an effective solution be produced
and implemented. Growing urban concentration and industrialization along the rivers on one side led
to the significant abstraction of fresh water and on other side put negative impacts on water quality.
Therefore, water balance, water quality and water accounting are must for sustainable water supply
for all possible uses.
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