Oil Base Mud

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The most important feature of any drilling fluid is that there no interaction between the fluid and the drilled formation
which if present will affect the mechanical properties of the formation.
If a water based system is used the water will enter into the formation causing change in its mechanical properties and
thus cause instability of this formation (this can be minimized by using a system like Kcl-polymer mud).
However, the only way to prevent the water wetting of the pores of the rock is to contact the formation with a fluid that
will not wet the rocks and thus will not enter the pores and cause a change in the mechanical properties of the rocks.
These fluids having oil to be the continuos phase of the drilling fluid.

 Shale stability and inhibition.  High initial cost per barrel.
 Temperature stability.  Mechanical shear required.
 Lubricity  Reduced kick detection ability.
 Resistance to chemical contamination  Pollution control required.
 Gauge hole in evaporate formations.  High cost of lost circulation.
 Solids tolerance.  Disposal problems.
 Reduced production damage.  Solids control equipments based on centrifugation does
 Reduced tendency for differential sticking. not work effectively.
 Drilling under-balanced.  Hole cleaning.
 Re-use.  Rig cleanliness.
 Reduced cement cost  Special skin care for personnel may be required.
 High penetration rate.  Hazards vapor.
 Flexibility.  Effect on rubber.
 Reduced of stress fatigue.  Fire hazard.
 Reduced corrosion.  Special logging tools required.
 Gas stripping.

Oil Based Drilling Fluids are of Two Types:

1. Oil Base Fluid :

This type does not rely on entrained emulsified to drive the basic properties of rheology and fluid loss control.
Normally these formulated without water. Generally contain less than 10% water (usually from 1%-5%by volume of
water). This formulated with refined oils such as diesel fuel.
NB: Crude oils can be used (they contain high levels of air blown asphalts).

2. Invert Emulsion Fluid :

It has a continuous exterior oil phase but must have water into interior phase to provide same of the rheological
properties and fluid loss control. This type may contain from 10% - 50% water by volume with the continuos oil phase
which can be oil or diesel.

OBM is mainly composed of

1. The oil phase (mainly diesel): Which is the continuous phase into which everything is mixed.
2. The brine phase: (Ca Cl2 + H2O)
It exists in the drilling fluid in the form of extremely small droplets ranging in size form submicron to a few microns in
diameter. These droplets acts as solids in the fluid and impact the basic viscosity. Usually Ca Cl2 not Na Cl is used as it
gives greater flexibility in adjusting the activity of the system.
3. The solid phase (barite):
This consists mainly of the weighting agent that is mainly barite. Also having fine drilled solids, which must be
minimized by removal as much as possible. This done by adding lime.

The main advantages and reasons for using OBM:

1. Protection of producing sands :

As some producing formations have clays in their pore, spaces that swells when contact with water base mud due to water
mud filtration. These swelling results in partial to complete blockage of the formation, which by turn prevent the passage
of formation fluids.
The oil filtration of an oil muds does not swell formation clays and therefore does not reduce permeability.
Even on drilling clean sands with water, base mud may cause water blocked because of the interfacial and surface tension
properties of water mud filtrate.

2. Drilling water sensitive shales :

Some shale formations that slough when contacted with water mud drilled readily with oil mud. The external phase of
the oil mud is oil and does not allow water contact the formation, the shales thereby prevented from becoming water wet
and dispersing into the mud or caving into the hole. The result is closer to gauge hole, this have a great advantage on
drilling deep wells or deviated wells and thus prevent and relieving stuck pipe.

3. Drilling deep hot holes :

Oil mud do not undergo any chemical changes at high temperature, which cause solidification of water muds, and thus
this advantage make oil muds an excellent drilling for deep hot wells.

4. Drilling soluble formations :

The drilling of water-soluble formations such as salt, potash and gypsum by using water base muds can present a
difficulty in controlling viscosity, gel strength, yield, filtration and density. Also the problem cavities in massive salt
Oil muds aids in overcoming these problems, as the external of an oil base mud is oil and none of the normally
encountered salts are soluble in the mud.
NB: Two exceptions are calcium chloride and magnesium chloride, which will dissolve in the emulsified water, but have
no adverse effect on oil mud properties. Usually none of the soluble salts acts as contaminant in oil muds.
NB: The non-polar nature of the oil muds ensures that the system is in generally insensitive to the chemical
contamination that affect water base systems, such as contamination with salt, anhydrite, cement, carbon hydroxide,

5. Coring fluid for oil producing zones :

When water mud is used as a coring fluid, invasion or flushing may destroy the reliability of the data obtained from the
core. The total amount of core which is recoverable may be reduces when water mud is used. For these reasons oil muds
is used as a coring fluid.
As oil muds have a low oil filtrate, which allow cores to be cut with only slight invasion and flushing.
NB: The water in the oil mud that is squeezed into the core by the high pressure under core bit will slow upon distillation
of the core, as connate water. For this reason its desirable to prepare either oil fluid have a very low percentage of water or
water free system to avoid any damage to the core, but this is quite expensive.

6. Spotting to free differentially stuck pipe :

Because of lubricity property of oil and oil muds, it have been used to prevent and relieving all types of stuck pipe.
Two things are always present when differential sticking occurs:
 A permeable zone exposed in the open hole.
 A mud with sufficient solids, and a sufficient high filtration rate under down hole conditions, to deposit a thick filter
Therefore, to relive differential sticking, it is necessary to effect some change in the cake already deposited. In addition,
to prevent differential sticking it is necessary to prevent deposition of a thick filter cake. Because of the ability of an oil
mud to penetrate the water mud cake and because the inherent lubricity of oil muds they are quite successful in freeing
pipe that was differentially stick while using water mud. It is well known that oil muds have low filtration rate and head
thin cakes at elevated temperature and pressure.

7. Plastic flowing shales :

Gumbo shale is unique in that it contains low concentrations of hydratable clay (10% - 25%) and a large amount of
relatively fresh water (20% - 30%).
When water base mud is used to drill this (gumbo), the shale immediately disperses into the mud. The mud becomes so
thick that drilling must proceeds at controlled rate or the mud will plug the annulus. Bit and collar balling , stuck pipe ,
also shaker screens become plugged because of cutting are soft and gummy.
Oil muds overcome all gumbo drilling problems but only solid control problems .
NB : By incorporating a fairly highly concentration (10-15 lb../bbl) of Ca Cl2 into the water phase of an oil mud a
dehydration of this wet shale would occur and make it drill and act like firmer shale type . The mechanism of this
dehydration appears to be osmotic because of the difference in salt concentration in the shale and in the water phase of
the oil mud.

8. Casing pack and packer fluids :

It was found that oil muds have a long term stability and non conduct nature which make them useful in
casing packs and packer fluids in completion and workover situations. The requirements for a fluid that is to be
placed in the casing tubing annulus are relatively simple. This fluid should be :
a- Provide density required to assist in maintaining the packer seal and prevent burst or collapse of pipe. There
should be no compacted settling of solids and slugging and top oil separation should be minimized .
b- To be non – corrosive .
c- To be fluid enough to permit placement a small annulus, or a good clean displacement in a large annulus .
d- To be stable in down hole conditions of temperature and pressure .
e- Have a very low filtration rate to avoid significant loss of volume or change in composition.
f- Be sufficient gelled to prevent migration of fluids into the annulus .
g- Protected casing from corrosion by formation fluids .
It is not difficult to prepare an oil mud to meet these requirements . But if the fluid to be used in an open hole
annulus , so to migrate corrosion attack , or to facilitate recovery of the casing later, it must be meet much
higher standards .

9. To obtain proper pressure control via formation pore pressure :

10. Can be stored and reused :

Thus having the advantage to reduce cost comparing with water base mud which can be only used in one well.

11. Low solids oil muds :

a- Diesel oil 85% as fast as water base mud and the same factors that reduce drilling rate whether oil or water is the base
b- Diesel oil is less dense than water .
c- Solids does not disperse in oil readily as in water .
d- Diesel oil is relatively non – corrosive .
Requirements for preparing OBM :

1. EMULSIFIER Primary and Secondary :

These two products combines to form a very tight film of surfactants at the interface between brine droplets
and oil phase , and thus ensures the emulsion stability in the presence of high temperature and high pressure.
These two products are high molecular weight sodium and calcium shapes, having a slow acting and
requires high shear for dispersion to obtain a highly stable water in oil emulsion.
NB : Since no fatty soaps are employed , so there is no instability introduced at low alakalinities introduced
by H2S and the system will not react adversely with high levels of magnesium contamination .
Also Emulsifier acts as an effective oil wetting agent, this helps to make the fluid resistant to contamination
from drilled solids and salt.
Emulsifier also imparts the basic filtration control properties to the drilling fluid, upon addition of this
product it requires the presence of lime but after the initial reaction the presence of lime is no longer
required .
2. Lime :
 Gives alkalinity to mud.
 React with H2S gas
H2 S + Ca(OH)2   CaS +H2O .
 Help to give gel mud stability (leak of lime will cause high viscosity, high YP, high PV).
3. VIS :
It is an organophilic clay which is a viscosity agent which give the drilling fluid an excellent rheological
properties (viscosity and carrying capacity) this product also aid in filtration control.
4. TON :
Is an asphaltic HTHP filtration reducer . It also functions as a thinner and deflocculant for high density
fluids in high temperature environment.
5. WET :
This product is an extremely powerful oil wetting agent developed to give the drilling fluid extra stability
when drilling extremely wet formations .
It also acts as a thinner when substantial quantities of solids are present .
NB : While adding barite add WET slowly at the pit to wet barite and keep it always in suspension and
prevent its settling .

Mixing OBM :

Diesel H2O
+ +
Emulsifier (MUL or CON)  Ca Cl2
1. Fill tank with required volume of diesel .
2. Add emulsifier (15 lb.,/bbl) and mix thoroughly .
3. Dissolve required salt in a separate tank in the required H2O. Add brine slowly under maximum shear to the diesel
MUL mixture .
4. Simultaneously add the Lime and the CON .
The mud color will darken with shear and time . Shear for maximum stability .
5. Add required VIS (5lb./bbl) and shear until required rheology is achieved .
6. Add required TON (8lb./bbl) and shear until required rheology is achieved .
7. Add all Barite if high densities are required a small dose of WET (1-2 lb./bbl)is recommended .
8. Agitate and shear the system as large as possible to get the maximum stability .

Precautions :

A. Make on water addition while adding Barite, or vice versa. I-e Barite addition should never be made in the presence
free H2O .
B. Vigorous agitation while adding (high shear)is necessary when adding materials to give stability to the mud .
C. Do not increase mud weight when the mud has a higher percent water then that desired at the final weight.
D. When oil is added , MUL + VIS + TON + WET, should be added so that the overall concentration of these materials
in the mud is not reduced .
E. Determine the oil/water ratio and add proportionate amounts of oil and water. For example if O/W ratio is 75/25, then
add the volumes of diesel oil and volume of water per time period(hour) .
F. The amount of each oil mud product to be added in maintaining the mud is based on the total volume of new mud
prepared .
The suspension additives can usually be omitted from new volume unless large volumes are prepared, or weight
materials is settling from the mud.
NB : This emulsion is generally adequate for bottom hole temperature up to 300 F 0 , with respect to filtrate control , and
have good rheology if the proper O/W ratio is used and maintained based on final mud weight .
NB : The treatments required to maintain an oil mud will vary widely depending on several factors :
 Drilling rate .
 Type of formation .
 Temperature.
 Weight.
 Type of solid control program being used.
 Water contamination .
 Extremely high bottom hole temperature .

Properties of Brine :

Mix brine slug pit or small tank .

Preparing 100 bbl of OBM with O/W ratio 80/20
80 bbl diesel / 20 bbl H2O
Put 20 bbls of H2O over dead volume of tank (EG: dead volume = 10 bbls)
1. From drill program needed brine with 30% Ca Cl2 by wt .
2. From CaCl2 chart. 30%CaCl2 by wt  149.95 (ppb/H2O)
3. Ca Cl2 (ppb/H2O) * volume of H2O = 149.95*30 = 4498.5lb.
# Weight of one sack of CaCl 2 = 110 lb.
# No of sacks to be added to 30 bbl of H2O = [4498.5/110] = 41 sx.
NB: Keep always an excess lime of 5ppb in the initial emulsion.
I.E : If dead volume in the mixing tank = 30 bbl. For mixing 100 bbl of OBM 0f O/W ratio 80/20.
5 lb./bbl lime * 130 (total volume) = 650 lb.
Total volume =30 bbl dead volume +80 bbl diesel +20 bbl brine.
Weight of one sack of lime = 55lb.
No of lime sacks =650 /55 = 12 sx.
NB : On adding VIS (5 lb./bbl).
130 * 5 = 650 lb. /bbl.
Weight of on sack of VIS = 55 lb.
No of VIS sacks = 650 / 55 = 12 sx.
Add VIS very slowly, add one sack from 10-15 min, and keep gun together with mixing agitator on all the time .
NB : Still the new emulsion will not give the maximum good performance except when handling at least one
complete cycle as the maximum shearing will be at the bit together with the help of bottom hole temperature .
NB : Brine activates in OBM are most commonly adjusted using common salt (sodium chloride and calcium chloride)
sodium chloride is most often used when salt sections and high activities are expected .
For lower activities calcium chloride is most commonly used .
In general for all adjustments to activities for sections calcium chloride is preferred because the greater versatility it offers
Oil Mud Calculations :

To determine and calculate the amount of materials required to prepare a given volume of
Preparing 100 bbl of OBM :

 15 lb./bbl MUL
 8 lb./bbl TON (To be mixed in diesel.)
 2 lb./bbl WET

1. Determine density of oil/water mixture being used.

If O/W ratio is 75/25 for example,
Set up the following material balance ?
0.75(6.7) + 0.25(8.3) =1 x
x = density of mixture PPG .
6.7 = density of oil PPG.
8.33= density of water PPG.
x = 7.1 PPG.
This is the initial density of oil/water mixture.

2. Determine the volume of liquid and amount of barite needed to prepare 100 bbl of mud ?
Using the starting formula :
SV = [ (35.4-W2) /(35.4-W1) ] * Diesel volume(bbl)
SV =starting volume.
W1 = initial density of oil/water mixture.
W2 = desired mud weight (EG : 16 PPG)
SV =[ (35.4-16) / (35.4-7.1) ] * 100
SV = 69 bbls of liquid.
Of this 69 bbls , 75% or 51.7 bbls is the volume of oil required, and 25% or 17.3 bbls is the volume of water required
to make 100 bbls of mud of weight 16 PPG.
The amount of barite is found by :
Diesel volume – required volume.
X no of sacks of barite to make one bbl by volume(15 sx) = no of sacks to be added to rise up volume to 100 bbls.
(100 – 69 ) * 15 = 465 sx

3. Determination of amount of other oil mud materials .

Determine the amounts of other materials by multiplying the concentration of additives times the number of bbls to be
 15 lb./bbl ( MUL) * 100 = 1500
 8lb./bbl ( TON) * 100 = 800
 2 lb./bbl ( WET) * 100 = 200
NB: The mud weight will approach 16 PPG before all the barite is added because of the volume and density contributed
by OBM materials . About 900 lbs of these materials will occupy one bbl of volume.

4. Determination of oil/water ratio from retort data :

The significance of the O/W ratio has been previously started . To determine the O/W ratio it is first necessary to
measure oil and water percent by volume in the mud by retort analysis .
From the data obtained the O/W ratio is calculated as follows :
% oil in the liquid phase = [% oil by volume / (% oil by volume+H 2O by volume)] * 100 .
% water in the liquid phase = [% H2O by volume/(%H2O by volume +% oil by volume)]*100
The O/W ratio = % oil in liquid phase / % H2O in liquid phase .

For example :
Retort analysis :
51 % oil by volume .
17 % H2O by volume .
32 % solids by volume .
So % oil in liquid phase = [51/(51+17)] * 100 = 75 %
% H2O in liquid phase = [17/(17+51)] * 100 = 25 % .
NB :
# To change O/W ratio :
It may become necessary to change the O/W ratio of an oil mud while drilling. If the O/W ratio is to be increased add oil,
if it is to be decreased add water.
To determine how much oil or water is to be added to change the O/W ratio, the following calculations are made :
a. Determine present O/W ratio as mentioned before .
b. Decide whether oil or water is to be added.
c. Calculate how much oil or water is to be added for each 100 bbls of mud .
To increase O/W ratio 80/20:
O/W ratio = 75/25
51 % oil by volume
17 % water by volume
32 % solids by volume
Using base of 100 bbls of mud . Here are 68 bbl of liquid (oil & water). To get the new O/W ratio we must add oil.
The total liquid volume will be increased by the volume of oil added but the water will not change. The 17 bbls of water
now in the mud representing 25 % of liquid volume , will not represent only 20 % of the final new liquid volume.
Therefore :
New liquid volume – original liquid volume = bbls of liquid (oil in this case)to be added.
0.2 X = 17
0.2 = new % of water volume.
17 = old % of water from retort.
X = new total final liquid volume.
So X = 17 /0.2 =85 bbls.
85 – 68 = 17 bbls of oil to be added.
Check the calculations as follows :
If the calculated amount of liquid is added what will be the result O/W ratio ?
% oil in liquid phase = [(original volume of oil + new oil added) / (original volume + new oil added)] * 100 .
= [(51+17) / (68+17)] * 100 = 68/85 * 100 = 80 %
so 100- 80 = 20 % water in liquid phase .
New O/W ratio =80/20
To decrease O/W ratio 70/30:
O/W ratio = 75/25 .
51 % oil by volume .
17 % water by volume .
32 % solids by volume .
using base of 100 bbls of mud .
There are 68 bbls of liquid in 100 bbls of mud . In this however water will be added and the oil volume will remain
The 51 bbl of oil representing 75 % of the original liquid volume will now represent only 70 % of the final liquid volume .
Let X = final liquid volume .
0.7 X = 51.
X = 51/0.7 = 73 bbls
New liquid volume – original liquid volume = amount of liquid(H2O in this case)to be added.
So 73 – 68 = 5bbl of H2O to be added.
% of H2O in liquid phase=[(original H2O vol.+H2O added)/(original liquid vol.+H2O added)]*100
[(17+5) / (68+5) * 100 = 30 % water in liquid phase .
100 – 30 = 70 % oil in liquid phase .
So the new O/W ratio = 70/30 .
For example : If the total volume to be changed from 75/25 to 80/20 is 585 bbls, multiply the amount of oil to be
added(17) by 5.58 to give the total bbls of oil to added to charge the whole volume.

5. Determine the amount of weight material due to effect of liquid additions on mud weight ?
When oil or water is added to change the O/W ratio, the density of the mud will change .
(Mnd density PPG)(mud volume bbl) + (density of added liquid PPG)(volume of added liquid bbl) = [mud vloume bbl +
liquid volume bbl)(new mud density PPG).
Using 17 bbl of oil to be added to 100 bbl of 16 PPG mud.
(16 PPG)(100 bbl) + (6.7 PPG) (17 bbl) = (100 +17 bbl) X
X = new mud density PPG .
X = (1600+114) /117 = 14.65 PPG.
The same calculations can be made for any liquid or solid which may be added to the mud as long as the material balance
takes from
V1 D1 + V2 D2 = VR DR
NB : The volume and density units must be constant .
NB : V1 + V2 = VR.
Example : If we have two fluids of known volumes and densities .
The resulting volume and density can be calculated as follow :
Fluid # 1 Fluid # 2
Volume = 210 bbl Volume = 150 bbl
Wt =16 PPG. Wt = 14.5 PPG.
(16) (210) + (14.5) (150) = VR DR
VR = 210 +150 = 360 bbl.
[16] [210] + [14.5] [150] = 360 DR
DR =[3360 + 2175] /360 = 15.375 PPG
The volume of the mud of known density required to change of another mud to a desired value can be calculated as
follows :

How much 13.6 PPG mud must blended with 410 bbls of 16 PPG mud so that the resulting mixture will have a density of
15.2 PPG?
[410][16] + V2[13.6] = [410 + V2][15.2]
6560+ V2[13.6] = 6432+ V2][15.2]
6560-6232 = V2[15.2-13.6]
V2 =328/1.6 = 205 bbl .

Displacement procedures:

1. When ever possible displace the water base mud with OBM whilst in the casing.
2. If allowable , the OBM should have a density heavier than the water base fluid to be displaced.
3. Decrease the viscosity of the water base fluid if in casing dilution and treatment with a deflocculant (such as
ferrochrome lignosulphonate) FCL can be used . If the hole is open, heavier treatments with (FCL) will be necessary
in general the weight reduction from a large dilution can not be treated .
It is desirable the gel strength and yield point of the water based fluid be as low as possible to provide for the cleanest
and sharpest interface between the two fluids .
4. With about 20 bbls of OBM prepare a viscous spacer and pump this first .
5. Pump the OBM slowly (5 bbl/min) to produce the least inter merging of the two fluids .
6. Rotate the drill pipe at +,- (60 RPM) while displacement. This will prevent the water based fluid from gelling and
will also aid in removing the water based fluid from all parts of the hole.
7. If the spacer has not been contaminated it may be incorporated back into the OBM .
NB : If the changeover of fluid has taken place in the open hole the filter from the water based fluid may plug the shale
shaker during the first circulation . If this happens the screens should be with oil and brushed .
Also the OBM should be carefully observed for signs of water wet solids and treated with WET if required.

Recommended Properties and Control :

Rheological Control :
The polar interaction between charged clays and polymers that take place in a water based fluid are absent in the non polar
oil phase and only the relatively weak hydrogen bonding can occurs. These weak forces are readily broken by heating the
medium. So the viscosity tends to be substantially reduced by temperature increases.
NB : The optimum range of the factor of a properly maintained OBM is normally in the range of 0.75 – 0.85 .
The plastic viscosity is affected by
1. Quality of oil and water
2. Quality of solids , and size of the solids
3. The temperature
High values of PV and YP are mainly due to excessive solid concentrations or an unfavorable O/W ratio.
The solids may be removed by fine screens or centrifugation . If this have no effective results dilution with either diesel or
fresh volume of OBM is recommended .

The YP is less affected by temperature than PV , but is related to the solids content and water content.
Very high values of YP may be due to water wet solids in the drilling fluids. This will result in high yield and high gel .
Oil wetting agents used to reduce the YP. derived from water wet solids.
Dilution may also be required to lower YP .
Settling of barite may also occur , this is treated by adjusting gel strength with oil wetting agent (WET). Also temperature
will have an effect on suspension properties.
Separation of the lighter oil to the surface of emulsion fluid might occurs need to add emulsifiers with presence of good
mixing and maximum shearing.
NB : Always density is measured of the top and bottom halves of the fluid .
The settling factor is (SF) given by the following formula :
SF = (Wt of the bottom half) / (Wt of the bottom half + Wt of the top half)
If no settling is taking place the value will be within 0.5
The values of less than 0.55 are satisfactory for packer fluids and value of 0.55 is acceptable for drilling fluids.
Gel strength of 4-5 lb./100 ft3 initial and 6-8 lb./100 ft3 10 minutes gel will suffice normally for barite suspension in most
mud densities. These vales can be obtained by addition of E VIS (3-5 lb./bbl)
The viscosity effect on oil base mud depends on several factors :
1. Concentrations of emulsifiers .
2. Emulsion stability .
3. Mud density.
4. Solid distribution.
NB : Emulsifiers or oil wetting additives should be added at the same time while adding VIS to obtain the required YP .

Hydraulic Control :

The effects of temperature and pressure on the rheological properties of the OBM, have to be taken into account before
the normal equations are used;
To calculate the critical velocities , swab and surge pressures, and pressure losses in the drill string and annulus .
As a first approximation is assumed that the viscosity changes of diesel oil with temperature and pressure can be applied
to the oil based emulsion. This assumption has a more accurate applications in systems with high O/W ratio and low solid
concentrations .
The relationship between viscosity and temperature and pressure is given in figure 7.
From this data a correction factor can be calculated that can be applied to the rheological data determined at the flow line .
To do this the down hole temperature and pressure have to be estimated .
 Maximum circulation temperature = {[(BHT – Ambient temperature) * 3] /4} + Ambient temperature.
 The hydrostatic pressure at the point of highest temperature occurs three quarters of the way down the hole.
Hydrostatic pressure at maximum temperature = depth(ft) * Mwt(PPG) * 0.039  psi
Or = depth(ft) * Mwt(kg/l) *0.075.
This data of temperature and pressure is then used with figure 7 to obtain the viscosity of the diesel oil at these
conditions .
Average viscosity of diesel oil = [flow line viscosity +down hole viscosity] / 2
This average viscosity of diesel oil is then compared with viscosity of diesel at the temperature at which the
measurements were taken to drive the correction factor.
Correction factor =average viscosity of diesel / viscosity of diesel at measurement temperature.
EG : Flow line temperature = 75 C o (167 Fo).
Bottom hole temperature = 182 Co (360 Fo).
Ambient temperature = 20 C o (68 Fo).
# Step 1 Maximum circulation temperature = (182-20)*0.75 +20 =141.7 Co (287 Fo).
# Step 2 At depth 20,000 ft (6096 m)
the mud density = 18 PPG ( 2.16 kg/l).
So pressure at a maximum circulation temperature = 20,000*18*0.039 =14,040 psi.
Viscosity of diesel @ 141.7 Co = 14.04 psi.
From figure 7 = 1.3 cps .
# Step 3 Rheology determined @ 50 C o (122 Fo).
viscosity of diesel @ 50 Co = 1.9 cps .
from figure 7 viscosity diesel at flow line.
From figure 7 @ 75 Co and o psi =1.25 cp
Average viscosity = (1.25 + 1.3) /2 = 1.28 cps.
Correction factor for VG data =1.28 / 1.9 = 0.67

Trouble shooting:
One of the most important parameters of a drilling fluid is the rheology .
However it is affected by many other parameters such as solids, O/W ratio and oil wetting of solids.

Solids :
solids do not present such a problem with OBM as in water based fluid for two main reasons :
1. The solids in OBM can not be hydrated and thus soften and disperse into the fluid .
2. In an oil continues fluid ,polar interactions between charged solid particles can not take place because the medium
will not polarize or conduct electricity .
Solids behave as essentially inert and OBM has a higher tolerance to solids than water based fluids.
Operational aspects :
In general the contamination of any mud with solids will cause :
1. Increase drilling fluid maintain cost .
2. Difficulty in maintaining proper rheological properties.
3. Reduce penetration rates .
4. Decrease bit life and increase wear of pump parts .
5. Increase frequency of differential sticking .
6. Increase circulation pressure losses .
Effect of Solids on PV:
The increase of solids increase PV due to mechanical friction between solid particles in the drilling fluid . PV depends
primarily on size shape and number of solids in the fluid.
Effect of Solids on YP and Gel Strength :
As YP and gel strength the degree of attractive forces between particles in the fluid. These attractive forces are related to
the distance between the particles . Therefore the increase of solids increase YP and gel strength .
However chemical treatment , dilution , and mechanical removal of solids are done to overcome the continuos of PV and
YP and gel strength due to build up of percentage of solids.
The removal of very fine particles produces a greater reduction in viscosity than does the removal of an equivalent volume
of coarser solid due to the difference area.
NB :
1. The smaller the particle size the more pronounced the effect on the fluid properties .
2. The smaller the particle size the more it is to remove or control its effects on the fluid.
NB : In general high PV , YP and gel may result in thick filter cakes which by turn will result in over pulls in trips . Also
high pump pressure due to high pressure losses. High annular pressure losses may result in severe hole erosion.
NB : The drilling fluid has a tendency to thicken when left for a long time period without circulation .


A. By mean solid removal equipments remove drilled solids as soon as they are generated .
1. Use small shaker screens (120 mesh if possible) it is recommended not to use small mesh screen for a long period.
2. Desilter .
3. Desander .
4. Mud cleaner .
5. Centrifuge .
B. If excessive solids do build up then the whole mud volume must be diluted .

Water wet solids :

 The OBM drives many of its advantages from the fact that the formations only contacted with oil.
 A rule of thumb : the vapor pressure of the emulsified water droplets is also adjusted so that the water remains in the
emulsified fluid .
 However , sometimes drilling formations with very high porosity and at the same time impermeable and keeping in its
pore spaces high percentage of water . That kind of formations will produce water wetted cuttings , that can interact
into mud if there is any lack in the percentage of emulsifiers or oil wetting agent in the mud .
This result in polar interactions between water wetting particles and associated brine droplets in the mud .
That will give rise to :
1. Viscosity , YP and gel strength.
2. Decrease emulsion stability .
3. Increase filtration .
4. Mushy structure of cuttings which will cause blinding and plugging shaker screens .
5. Severe settling fills after trips .
6. Mud have a dull lock .
7. Thicking of the fluid may occurs depending on solid concentrations .

Treatment :
1. the problem can be overcome addition of higher levels of emulsifiers (E MUL + E CON) which increase combination
between diesel and water , also make an oil film around wetted cuttings , thus retain stability of fluid and give rise to
the basic filtration control of the drilling fluid.
2. Add oil wetting agent to give the drilling fluid extra stability and surrounds (wet) the water wet particles resulting
from wet formations . Also oil wet the formation itself and thus decrease the invasion of water wet particles from
getting into drilling fluid. It also acts as a thinner and thus helps the dispersion and suspension of invaded water wet
particles . thus retain good rheology to drilling fluid .
Electrical stability:
The inert nature of the fluid is derived from the fact that the water present is tied up in the form of droplets , stabilized by
a complex layer of surfactants . The stability is affected by the size of the droplet which in turn is related to the
concentration of emulsification reagent and the shear imparted into the system. The smaller the droplet the greater the
stability and resistance to coalescence of drops. The stability is measured by application of a DC voltage across two
terminals immersed in the fluid to pass a certain current.
The stability is often measured in volts. A value of 400 volts is generally considered adequate , but higher are easily
obtained and characteristic of the strong emulsification system .
The emulsification stability can be increased by addition of E MUL and E CON either single or together in conjunction
with mixing under maximum shear conditions .

Filtration control:
The emulsified water droplets acts as colloide sized solids that combines with the other solids in the fluid to form a very
effective filter cake. The good filter cake and filtration control are highly affected by :
1. The strength of emulsion .
2. Type and nature of solids .
3. Viscosity of oil emulsion .
To obtain a measurable quantity of filtrate , this is done under high temperature(300 F o) and high pressure (500 psi).
The HT HP fluid loss should be free of water or traces of emulsion and is usually low .
The filtration rate will be lowered by addition of E CON and filtration reducer (E TON)
However this product is used when required an extremely low filtration for low density fluids

The alkalinity of drilling oil fluids should be kept in the range of 2-4 cc. Is important to maintain this range , regardless of
the other parameters required due to ionic nature of the various electrolytes and because of different additives especially E
CON emulsifier which functions more effectively in that range .
This is maintained by adding lime .
Drilling different salts , KCl, Na CL, Mg Cl 2, Ca Cl2 and encountering brine water flow :
Effects :
1. Decrease stability .
2. Salt is very hygroscopic and tends to coagulate the water droplets which in turn accelerates water wetting of barytes
and certain other mud constituents .
3. Salt also affect the oil –mud emulsion chemistry .
4. Lower viscosity
5. HT HP fluid loss may increase and water show up in the filtrate .
Treatment :
1. Add emulsifiers which ensures that the oil emulsion show a good resistance to salt contamination.
i-e, Higher levels of MUL and TON may be required and attention should be paid to removal of salt crystals by
screening .
2. If a brine flow is encountered the O/W ratio should be restored by addition of diesel oil and further emulsifiers .
3. Lime additions may be required to counter the acidity of the brines .

Cementing / Cement Contamination :

Can only be a problem if large of wet cement are drilled.
Effects :
1. Viscosity (PV & YP) increases .
2. Water wetting .
Treatment :
Addition of MUL + TON + WET .
Cementing Procedures :
Cementing with an oil mud in the hole requires special precautions as the mixing oil mud and cement slurries can
produce a highly gelling un pumpable mass .
This problem necessitates a neat separation of these two systems , and that is done by an effective spacer which have two
main properties :
a. separate completely between OBM and cement .
b. Remove the oil film on the casing and convert the surface to a water wet state, and thus improving the cement bond .
 The soccer can be mixed from fresh ,sea, or brine .
 The viscosity can be adjusted to produce a turbulent flow if required .
 The cement should be replaced at the maximum possible pump rate (regardless of whether turbulent floe can be
achieved ). Reciprocating and rotation of the casing will also significantly improve the displacement efficiency .

H2S contamination :
An oil base fluid is normally suited to accept invasion of H2S .
In water base fluids . Such invasion creates a problem due to hydrogen sulfide embrittlement of steel work and drastically
changes to chemistry of the fluid due to reaction of alkalis .
In OBM the steel work is protected by the continuos oil phase and H2S dissolve in oil phase (to be removed by degaser) .
Side Effect :
1. Darkening of the mud .
2. Decrease alkalinity due to the acidic nature of H2S and its reaction with lime .
3. Possible decrease emulsion stability .
Treatment :
Addition of lime to maintain alkalinity above 2 cc .
CO2 Contamination :
Effect :
1. Decrease in alkalinity .
2. Decrease emulsion stability .
3. Continuos intrusion will increase viscosity (YP & Gel strength) .
Treatment :
Addition of lime to maintain alkalinity in the optimum range .

Gas Cutting :
Effect :
1. Settling of barytes .
2. Weakening of the emulsion stability .
Treatment :
1. Addition of MUL + CON .
2. Addition of TON .
3. Addition of WET .
4. Replace by degaser .
NB : Overtreating with surf-cote can destroy viscosity beyond repair. Prior to treatment pilot testing is imperative .

Problems, Indications, Causes and their Solutions:

Problems Indications Cause Treatment

Low emulsion Dull grainy appearance of 1. Low emulsifier 1. Add CARBO-MUL. Add CARBO-TEC
stability mud High HTHP fluid loss 2. Super-saturated with and lime if CARBO-TEC system
Free H2O in HTHP filtrate CaCl2. 2. Dilute back with fresh H2O and add
Barite settling out 3. Water flows CARBO-MUL.
Blinding of shaker screens 4. Mixing mud at 3. Add CARBO-MUL. Can also add
Extreme cases can cause mixing plant CARBO-TEC and lime if CARBO-TEC
water wetting of solids system.
4. Maximize shear. Check electrolyte
content(the higher the content, the harder
the emulsion is to form)

Water wetting Flocculation of barite on 1. Inadequate emulsifier 1. Add CARBO-MUL and SURF-COTE,
of solids sand – content test 2. Water-base mud and diesel
Sticky cuttings contamination 2. Same as 1.
Blinding of shaker screens 3. Super-saturated with 3. Dilute with H2O and add CARBO-MUL
Settling of barite CaCl2
Dull, grainy appearance of
Low ES
Free H2O in HTHP filtrate
H2O Weight drop, change in O/W Add diesel, CARBO-MUL HT, barite
contamination ratio
High filtration High HTHP filtrate with 1. Low emulsifier 1. Add CARBO-MUL. Add CARBO-TEC
increasing free H2O. low content and lime if a CARBO-TEC system
ES. Fill on connections and 2. Low concentration of 2. Add CARBO-TROL A-9
trips. Sloughing shale fluid loss control 3. Add more CARBO-MUL. Add CARBO-
additives. TEC and lime. Convert to CARBO-TEC
3. High bottom hole system. Add more CARBO-TROL A-9 and
temperature CARBO-TROL

High viscosity High PV, high YP, 1. Low emulsifier 1. Dilute with oil, maximize solid control
increasing funnel viscosity content equipment
Increasing retort solids 2. Water contamination 2. Add emulsifiers. If severe, also add
Increase in water content 3. Over treatment with SURF-COTE.
emulsifiers, especially 3. Dilute with oil

High solids Retort analysis, calculations 1. Reduce of shaker screens, dilute with
Oil separation Oil on surface 1. Agitation, add CARBO-GEL or CARBO-
Emulsion Water in filtrate, low 1. Add CARBO-MUL, CARBO-MUL HT,
breaking electrical stability. lime.
Low alkalinity Low stability 1. Maintain 5-7 lb./bbl lime.
CO2 & H2S intrusion
Sloughing shale Fill on connections and trips 1. Drilling under- 1. Increase mud weight
Torque and drag balanced 2. Add emulsifiers. Add CARBO-TROL A-
Increase of cuttings across 2. Excessive filtrate 9 and/or CARBO-TROL.
shaker 3. Inadequate hole 3. Add CARBO-GEL to increase YP
cleaning 4. Adjust CaCl2 content of internal phase so
4. Activity too low match formation activity
Barite settling Low YP and gels 1. Poor oil wetting of 1. Add emulsifiers and/or wetting agents.
Settling of barite in heating barite Slow addition of barite.
cup or viscosity cup 2. Inadequate suspension 2. Add CARBO-GEL or viscosifying
3. Low ES, high HTHP polymer
3. Add emulsifier.(i.e.; CARBO-GEL,
CARBO-VIS or water )
Drilled solids Shale cuttings absorbing 1. Increase salinity to 350000 PPM with
appear gummy water by hydration forces CaCl2.
Un-dissolved Drop in ES 1.Add H2O to dissolve Salt, then add
CaCl2 or NaCl high Cl content in H2O CARBO-MUL + CARBO-MUL HT + lime
phase 2.New mud without salt in H2O phase may
be blended
Lost circulation Pit volume decrease 1. Hydrostatic pressure 1. Add mica or plug. Never add fibrous or
loss of returns. is greater formation Phenolic-resin materials
pressure 2. If possible, reduce mud weight
3. Add MILFIBER, or calcium carbonate.
Problem mixing Poor emulsions stability. 1. Inadequate shear 1. Maximize shear
mud at mixing Barite settling. Dull, grainy 2. Very cold 2. Lengthen mixing time
plant appearance to mud. Mud 3. Poor wetting of barite 3. Slow additions of barite. Add CARBO-
very thin with no yield or gel 4. High electrolyte MUL if severe, add small amount of SURF-
strengths. content. Normally COTE.
greater than 350000 4. Dilute back with fresh H2O. once
PPM. emulsifier is formed, can add additional
5. Surface contamination CaCl2 to obtain desired activity .
possible if using CaCl2 5. Pilot test with known CaCl2 brine to
brine that has been used determine if problem does exist.
as completion or work
over fluid

Lost Circulation :
Lost Circulation material like mica or nut plug (fibbers in the worst case)can be added directly to the mud.
Lost circulation materials weaken the emulsion and cause water wetting tendencies . Therefor it is required to add a
sufficient of emulsifiers (MUL + CON) and oil wetting agent (TON) to a system containing lost circulation materials .
Diesel M plug :
prepare a slurry of 50-60 bbls (8-10 m3) with flowing materials .
A. Diesel M barite plug :
Mixing order is as follows;
Diesel, Diesel M, Barytes, and TON (SG of barites 4.25) .

B. Diesel M-Siderite plug :

Consideration concerning the pay zones , may require an acid soluble weighting material, a siderite (Fe CO3) .
The mixing order is as follows;
Diesel oil, Dwate and MUL +CON .
In both system s, ensure that adequate mixing has taken place before either weighting agent is added .

Spotting the Pill :

1. Determine the thief zone .
2. The pipe should be pulled to the casing while mixing the pill if possible.
3. The pill is mixed to the desired weight .
4. The slurry is pumped into the open hole or above the thief zone .
5. Allow a setting time for pill .
6. The blow out preventers are closed and a slight squeeze press is applied [200-400 PSI (13.5-25 atm)] .
7. By pumping slowly and hesitating for press build-ups and bleed-off a successful squeeze can be accomplished .
8. After a pack pressure sufficient withstand proposed mud wt is obtained and held for 2-4 hours .
9. Drilling can be resumed , circulation should be restored with a very slow pump rate after getting back to bottom .
NB : This technique is used where partial or complete losses are occurring to induced fractures .

Blow Out / Flow :

Setting of a Barites in oil plug :
This technique is used in oil mud against underground blow outs or to plug the bottom of a hole quickly without cement .
1. Calculate the volume(bbls or m3) for 300 ft or 100 m receptively of settled barite in the oil plug including estimated
hole wash outs .
2. If it is flowing down hole use E MUL + ECON as oil wetting dispersants .
3. Barytes is added to increase the weight of oil plug up to 21 PPG (2,52kg/l)
Preparation of oil plug slurry :
In bbls :
MUL Oil wetting agent Barite Slurry volume
(Lb.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (bbls)
2 2 1060 1.52

In m3 :
MUL Oil wetting agent Barite Slurry volume
(Lb.) (lbs.) (kg) (m3)
5 5 3025.24 1.52


Whole Mud Alkalinity :

1. Add 100 cm3 of 50/50 xylene /IPA solvent to a 400 cm3 beaker or titration vessel.
2. Fill 5 cm3 syringe with whole mud past the 3 cm3 mark .
3. Displace 2 cm3of whole mud into the titration vessel .
4. Swirl the mixture until it is homogenous .
5. Add 200 cm3disttled water .
6. Add 15 drop Ph Ph indicator solution .
7. While stirring rapidly , slowly Titrate with O.I.N sulfuric acid until pink color just disappears . continue stirring and
if no pink color reappears within one minute , stop stirring .
8. Let the sample stand for five minutes. If no pink color reappears , the end point has been reached . Record the volume
of acid used. If oink color returns , Titrate with acid a second time .If a pink color returns after the second titration ,
Titrate with acid a third time and call a total volume of acid used for all three titrations the end point .
9. Calculate the whole mud alkalinity :
Pom =0.1 N sulfuric acid, cm3 / mud sample cm3
= 0.1 N sulfuric acid, cm3 / 2 cm3
To convert this volume to lb./bbl , Ca (OH)2 lime multiply by 1.295 .
If CaO (quick lime) is used to activate the emulsifier, the conversion factor to lb./bbl is 0.98 .

Whole Mud Chloride :

1. Using the same sample that used for the alkalinity, procedure, make sure the mixture is acidic by adding 1-2 or more
0.1 N sulfuric acid.
2. Add 10-15 drops of potassium chromate indicator solution .
3. While stirring rapidly , slowly Titrate with o.282 N silver nitrate until a salmon pink color remains stable for at least
one minute. If a question exists as to if the end point has been reached , it may be necessary to stop the stirring and
allow separation of the two phases to occur .
4. Calculate the whole mud chloride using the volume of 0.282 N AgNO 3 :
Clom =10,000(0.282 N AgNO3 , cm3) / oil mud sample, cm3 .
= 10,000(0.282 N AgNO3 , cm3) / 2 .

Whole Mud Calcium:

1. Add 100 cm3 of 50/50 xylene /IPA solvent to a titration vessel.
2. Fill a new 5 cm3syringe with whole mud past the 3 cm3 marsh .
3. Displace 2 cm3 oil mud into titration vessel .
4. Cap the jar tightly and shake vigorously by hand for one minute .
5. Add 200 cm3 distilled or deionized water to the jar .
6. Add 3 cm3 1N sodium hydroxide buffer solution .
7. Add oil to 0.25 g caliver 2 to indicator powder .
8. Recap the jar tightly, shake vigoursouly again for two minutes, set jar a side few seconds . If a reddish color appears
in the aqueous phase (lower) calcium is present. Continue the test.
9. Begin stirring without mixing upper and lower phases .
10. Titrate slowly adding EDTA (versenate). When a distinct color change from reddish color to blue-green color occurs ,
the end point is reached. Read the volume of EDTA titrated.
11. Calculate the whole mud calcium using the volume of EDTA :
Caom = 4,000(0.1 M EDTA cm3) / oil mud sample cm3.
= 4,000(0.1 M EDTA cm3) / 2 cm3



0.1N sulfuric acid, cm3 0.1N sulfuric acid, cm 3

Po m = = (1)
Mud sample cm3 2 cm3


10000 (0.282 N silver nitrate, cm3 )

Clo m = (2)
Oil mud sample

10000 (0.282 N silver nitrate, cm3)

Clo m =
2.0 cm3


4000 (0.1 M EDTA cm3)

Ca o m = (3)
Oil sample, cm3

4000 (0.1 M EDTA cm3)

Ca o m =
2.0 cm3

1. Total lime content:

The total lime content represented as lime hydrate , Ca (OH) 2, is :
Lime lb./bbl = 1.295 (Po m) (4)
If quick lime, is CaO is used to activate the emulsifier, the total quick lime is:
Lime lb./bbl = 0.98 (Po m) (4a)
2. Total calcium content:
The total calcium content is:
Ca o m = 4000 (VEDTA) (5)
Ca o m = mg Ca++/ L
VEDTA = cm3 0.1 Molar EDTA/cm3 of mud.
3. Total chloride content:
The total chloride content is:
Clo m = 10000 (VSN) (6)
Clo m = mg Cl-/L
VSN = cm3 0.282N silver nitrate/cm3 of mud.
4. Total CaCl2 and NaCl content:
The chloride ion associated with CaCl2 based upon the Cao m analysis is:
Cl CaCL2 = 1.77 (Cao m) (7)
Cl CaCL2 = mg Cl/L of mud from CaCl2
NOTE: If CaCl 2 ≥ Clo m then assume that only CaCl2 is present in the mud and no NaCl is present, proceed
to Eqn. 13 and skip Eqn. 8 through 12.

CaCl2 o m =2.774 (Cao m) (8)

CaCl2 o m = mg CaCl2/L of mud
CaCl2 salt = 9.17 X 10-4 Cao m (9)
CaCl2 salt = lb. calcium chloride per barrel of mud
ClNaCl = Clo m – ClCaCl2 (10)
ClNaCl = mg Cl/L of mud from NaCl.
NaClo m = 1.65 (ClNaCl) (11)
NaClo m = mg NaCl/L of mud
NaClsalt = 3.5 X 10-4 (NaClo m) (12)
NaClsalt = lb. sodium chloride per bbl of mud.
Omit Eqns. 13& 14

If the test Eqn. 7 indicates that all of the chloride ion occurs from CaCl2 , the following equations are used:
CaCl2o m = 1.57 (Clo m) (13)
CaCl2o m = mg CaCl2 / L of mud.
CaCl2 salt = 3.5 X 10-4 (CaCl2 o m) (14)
CaCl2 salt = lb. CaCl2 per bbl of mud.


Accurate salt calculations prevent the super saturation of the brine with CaCl2, which can lead to severe water
wetting. The percent by volume solids, as determined by the distillation retort, should be adjusted for the
calculated salt volume which will be retained in the retort assembly. This correction can be accomplished with
simple calculations, assuming that accurate chloride and reading data are used.
The following equations are designed to calculate the quantity of NaCl and CaCl2 in the aqueous phase of the

100 (CaCl2 o m)
Wc = (15)
CaCl2 o m +NaClo m + 10000 (Vw)

Wc = wt % CaCl2 in brine.
Vw = volume % retort water.
CaCl2 PPM = 10000 (Wc) (15a)

100 (NaClo m)
WN = (16)
CaCl2 o m +NaClo m + 10000 (Vw)

Where WN = wt % NaCl in brine.

NaClPPM = 10000 (WN) (16a)
Check mutual solubility of NaCl and CaCl2 or use Figure 2.
WN max = 26.432 – 1.0472 (Wc) + 7.98191 (10 -3) (Wc)2 + 5.2238 (10-5) (Wc)3 (16b)
WN max = maximum wt % NaCl in CaCl2/ NaCl brine at 25C (77F)

Check figure 2 or Eqn 16b to determine the weight percent of sodium chloride, W N, that is totally soluble in the
CaCl2 /NaCl brine solution at 25 C (77F). if the calculated W N is not totally, the results a portion of the NaCl is
a solid in the oil base fluid.
Also, if the WN is not totally soluble. The results of the Eqn 15 and 16 are not correct. They must be
recalculated using a fraction of W N as the NaCl o m , until the ratio of WNmax / WN is greater than 0.95. the
following steps are used to determine more accurate salt solubilities .
Calculate the NaCl ratio to determine the accuracy of W N :
WN max
NaCl ratio = (16c)
NaCl ratio = the ratio of the maximum wt % NaCl to the calculated wt % NaCl in the brine.
If NaCl ratio is greater than 0.95 proceed to Eqn. 17. Otherwise, the value for Wc (Eqns. 15 & 15a), W N (Eqns.
16 & 16a). and WN max (Eqn. 16b) must be recalculated using the value NaCl o m as a new value calculated by:
NaClo m n = NaCl ratio (NaClo m) (16d)
NaClo m n = the new NaCl o m to be used in Eqns. 15 through 16b.
After substituting the new NaClo m n in Eqns. 15 through 16b, recalculate the NaCl ratio (Eqn. 16c) using the
new values. If NaCl ratio is still less than 0.95 the above procedure must be repeated, as shown in the example
on page 334.
Use only the soluble NaCl portion from the graph or equation iterations as the value of WN in future equations.
The remaining salt will be calculated as a solid in the following analysis:
P B = 0.99707 + 6.504 (10-3) (WN) + 7.923 (10-3) (Wc) + 8.334 (10-5) (WN) (Wc) + 4.395 (10-5) (WN)2 + 4.964 (10-5) (Wc)2 (17)
PB = brine density, g/cm3 .

The density of single -salt brine can be found using the values or equations found in the engineering data
chapter, section 4 (salt tables)
a. mg/L salt
weight percent units are based upon the density of the brine, as well as the salt content. The salt concentration ,
expressed as mg/L is:
CaCl2mg/L = 10000 (Wc) (PB) (18)
NaCl mg.L = 10000 (WN) (PB) (19)

As mentioned previously, the solids content, measured from the retort distillation procedure, must be corrected
for the salt content of the brine that remains in the retort assembly.
The corrected volume % brine is:
100 (VW)
VB = (20)
PB [ 100 – (WN + Wc)
VB = volume % brine
The corrected volume % solids is:
Vs = 100 – (VO + VB) (21)
Where VS = volume percent % corrected solids.
VO = volume retorted oil.
The solids in CARBO-DRILL Systems consist of low density solids, usually drill solids, and high density
solids, generally MIL-BAR or DENSIMIX.

[ 100 (MW)] – [(VO) (PO) ] – [ (VB) (8.345) ]

PS = (22)
8.345 (VS)
PS = average density of solids, g/cm3
PO = oil density, lb./bbl
MW = drilling fluid density, lb./gal.
The average density of suspended solids can be divided into the volume and weight of high density and low-
density solids.
The volume % high-density solids is:

VHDS = X VS (23)
VHDS = volume % high density solids.
PHDS = destiny of high solids, g/cm3
P LDS = density of low-density solids, g/cm3

The concentration of high density is:

MHDS = 3.5 (P HDS) (VHDS) (24)

MHDS = high density solids lb./bbl
The volume of low-density solids is:

V LDS = VS - VHDS (25)

V LDS = volume percent of low density solids.
The concentration of low-density solids is:
M LDS = 3.5 (P LDS) (V LDS) (26)
M LDS = low-density solids, lb./bbl.


The oil/water ratio relates the oil and fresh water fractions as a percent of the liquid retort fraction. The oil/brine
(salt-content corrected water) ratio relates the liquid fraction of the mud as ratio of oil and brine fractions. The
oil/brine ratio is the most meaningful ratio. Since it relates more closely the liquid fractions of the drilling fluid.
Oil/brine ratio is important when engineering most CARBO-DRILL Systems, in that it can have a major effect
on viscosity and/or filtrate loss.
The oil/water ratio is calculated as follows:

100 (Vw)
WR = (27)
VO +Vw

WR = water % in the ratio.
OR = 100 – WR (27a)
OR = oil % in the ratio.
The more accurate and useful ratio is the oil/brine ratio . the oil/brine ratio is calculated as follows:

100 (VB)
BR = (28)
BR = brine % in the ratio.
OR = 100 – BR (28a)

1. Changing Oil/Brine Ratio:

it may be necessary, at some time , to change the oil/brine ratio of the CARBO-DRILL System. The simplest
calculation to make is increasing the oil/brine ratio , since only oil is added.
To increase the oil/brine ratio with additions of oil:

RO [ VO + VB ] - VO
FO = X Vol sys (29)

FO = volume of oil, bbl.
RO = required oil ratio.
RB = required brine ratio.
Volsys = system volume.
To decrease oil/brine ratio with the addition of brine:

RB [ VO + VB ] - VB
FB = X Vol sys (30)

FB = volume of brine, bbl.

Addition of fresh water will increase the controlled activity of the system . if brine is not available , CaCl2 salt
should be added to the drilling fluid when decreasing the oil/water ratio with fresh water . the quantity of
calcium chloride necessary to maintain a constant activity when adding fresh water is as follows:

H2O, gal/bbl X FB
FW = (31)

CaCl2 add = CaCl2 , lb./bbl X FB (31a)

Where ,

FW =volume of water, bbl.

H2O, gal/bbl = water gal/bbl for given %
CaCl2 (see calcium chloride table in the engineering data chapter, section 4)
CaCl2 add = additions of CaCl2 to system volume.
CaCl2, lb./bbl = CaCl2 concentration of wt % from the calcium chloride table in the engineering data chapter ,
section 4

1. How do you mix OBM?

Diesel tank: - Brine tank
Diesel as OWR - Water as OWR
Lime - CACL2 depend on WFS
Primary emulsifier (Invur-Mul – Versa-Mul)
Fluid loss reducer (Carbotrol-Duratone)
Secondary emulsifier (Versa Coat – NFS350)
Transfer the brine to the diesel tank very slowly
Mix it for 2 hours
Add Viscosifier and weighting material (VG-69-GELTUNE)
(This Recipe can be changed since it is not in order as per Aramco)

2. Why we are using water while mixing heavy barite mud?

To prevent settling and prevent flocculation
3. What is the important factor in OBM?
Electrical stability (ES).
4. Why do you use emulsifier?
To make the emulsion between the oil and the water to be homogeneous phase
5. What are the types of emulsion?
Emulsion : oil in water , water phase is cont. water ratio is higher than oil, ex 60 w/40 oil , 70 w/30 oil, 80 w/20 oil
Invert emulsion : water in oil , Oil phase is cont. water ratio is higher than oil, ex 60 w/40 oil , 70 w/30 oil, 80 w/20 oil
6. What are the function & Types of Emulsifiers?
Mix un mixed heterogeneous phases into one phase
Types are Primary emulsifier (ex, versamul, invermul) & secondary emulsifier (ex, versacoat, EZ mul )
7. What are the tests which give indications about emulsion ?
Electric stability (high reading more than 700 refer to good emulsion)
Lime content. (constant high result more than 4 refer to good emulsion)
HPHT ( all filtrate is diesel refer to good Emulsion)
8. What are the Functions of lime CA(OH)2 in OBM? Why excess lime must be kept in OBM?
Provide the OBM with calcium soap which responsible for emulsifying
React with gases contamination
9. What is mechanism of CA soap?
To decrease the surface tension between 2 immiscible phases
10. What is the ES?
It is the measure of the emulsion stability.
11. What is the mechanism of ES ?
Measure the conductivity of the mud or It detect resistivity of mud for electricity
Decrease conductivity ………… increase ES
Increase conductivity …………. decrease ES
ES for diesel is 2000 volt that means it needs 2000 volt to break bond and connect with electricity
ES for water is zero that means it don't need volt to break bond and connect with electricity.
12. How can you check any drop in ES without ES meter?
From HPHT test, all filtrate should be oil, if you find water that mean ES decrease.
13. Why do you use Cacl2 not NaCl with OBM?
Because CaCL2 give salinity (355000 mg/l) more than NaCl (189000 mg/l) to control the osmosis pressure
The water activity of Ca (0.4) less than Na (0.75)
14. What is the maximum salinity of CACL2 and NACL?
CACL……………….... 355000 mg/l
NACL………………... 189000 mg/l
KCL………………... 133000 mg/l
15. What is the osmosis pressure?
The pressure results from transferring the fluid from low salinity to high salinity.
79- Osmosis effect from shale to mud to avoid swelling. ?
Osmosis effect from shale to mud is related to salinity of formation and mud it have to in balance together
if the mud salinity is less than shale salinity the fluid will transfer to the shale and
it will make shale swelling if the opposites happen we will get Caved shale
80- why use barin in OBM?
Due to osmotic pressure which decrease fluid transfer from fluid to formation
81 - What are the OBM tests?
-Add 1 ml OBM
-Add 25 ml Isopropyl Alcohol
-Add 25 ml Xylene
-Mix for 30 seconds
-Add distilled water to reach 100 ml
-Add 10 drops of Phenolphthalein (Pink Color will appear)
-Titrate with 0.1N H2SO4 till Color disappears.
-No of H2SO4 ml = POM (mud alkalinity)
-Excess Lime = POM * 1.295
-To Same Sample add:
-10 drop potassium Chromate (Yellow color will appear)
-Titrate with silver Nitrate 0.282 till red Brown color appears.
82- What is the equation of cacl2% wt in OBM?
- Whole Chloride Mud (mg/l) = ml of Silver Nitrate * 10000
- CaCl2 Mud (lb/bbl) = ml of Silver Nitrate *5.48
- CL% / WT =
(15.65*ml of Silver Nitrate *100)
((15.65*ml of Silver Nitrate) + (Water factor*1000))
83 - What is the effect on the hole if you have emulsion breaking?
- Shale Swelling.
- Barite and solid settling in the hole.
84- What is the contamination in OBM?
Solids, water Water Contaminations treated by dilution with Oil and using emulsifier and Limeand gases treated with
85- How do you displace the hole fromOBM toWBM?
hi-vis obm *Surfactant pill to clean the casing*Hi –Vis Pill of wbm and dump it on shaker*I`ve to attend the all
displacement on shaker
86 - How do you displace the hole from WBM to OBM?
use spacer hi-vis water then hi-vis obm
87- What is The advantage Of OBM?
Well bore stability
Good lubricant
Low in contamination
Low corrosion and can we use it again many times
88- What`s the Dis-Advantage Of OBM ?
It`s environmental hazardous
If we have formation losses it`s so expensive
Hard to clean it while displacement
Effect on LWD and wireline to detect a reservoir formation containing oil
89- Why The Hole Clean Is Poor In OBM ?
Because there are many factors in OBM affect on Rheology because the O/w ratio is high in Obm so
the Viscosifire is Organophilic Clay need water so it`s work ad it`s affect into rheology also Obm Affect
from Temperature that will effect defiantly on Mud Rheology .
90- how to perform good hole cleaning in case of OBM?
good vis ,yp ,pv. gel, control ROP .high possible GPM good emulsion
91- How we Can Adjust O/w Ratio In OBM ?
By adding Oil or water as a dilution to the Active system to maintain the O.W Ratio in whole mud .
and we do that by calculating the Current o/w ratio and desired O/w
92- How to optimize 3 & 6 readings in OBM.?
The basic is by the viscosifier and by making pilot test and to maintain the Rheology and 3,6 reading
But Aramco have a new products for 3&6 reading is RM-63 they prefer us to USE it while drilling
93- What you do to increase Gel & YP
in wbm prehydrated bentonite // in OBM used RM-63 while drilling by first make piolt test .
94- What is the wetting agent?
- It is a chemicals used to wet the solid and the treatment chemicals by diesel.
95-Why use wetting agent
To make solids oil wetting, decrease viscosity and separate drilled solids @ shaker.

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