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hi nice to meet you


Hello dear good morning

my Name is Tracy Mascot
I am from the United States of America and which country are you from?

I'm a US soldier working as a United Nations peacekeeping troop in Syria on war

against terrorism at the 48th Infantry Regiment


What's your name and occupation ?


Thanks and you have a nice job, I'm a Single girl with no boyfriend, and I am an
orphan, what about you, are you married or single.?


You are blessed. I live in a military camp in Damascus Syria where I work as a
military Nurse. I am 32 years old and how old are you. ?


Alright i have a special reason why I contacted you and it is very urgent, I do not
know your country very well because I have not been to your country I only heard a
lot of good things about your country economy that is why I want you to help me
introduce a business which will be good in your country to start with the money we
made here in Syria military camp when I retire soon and can you also teach me your
language when I come?


I want to tell you about a secret that is very important to me and I need your
help, I want our friendship to be very loving, with trust in my heart and
sincerity, if love progresses we will make a lot of money together..



Few days ago our soldiers had an encounter and exchanged bullets with unknown
gunmen. Eventually three of our soldiers were injured in the process while over
sixteen of the gunmen were killed, As a Medical Corp Officer in the Army, I and my
Unit rushed to give medical attention to our injured men.


Am well impressed by your kind of person and I feel I have found the right person,
which I know the success of this deal will depend on our total mutual trust please
I want you to read very careful, so you will understand me very well how I got the
money I want to invest in your country or any where you will suggest for me


At the spot where the sixteen gun men were shot dead I saw two trunks and showed it
to my fellow Medical Corp Officers we decided to force the trunks open and
discovered huge amount of dollars in it, We did same to the other trunk and saw
same amount, We quickly took the trunks rushed into something like a safe and
counted the money and shared it among ourselves, Mine amounted to $1.7 Million
dollars which i wish to invest in your country.

Due to the United Nations policy on Syria, there is a plan to move some troops out
of Syria, I will be among the soldiers that will be moved out. I can't take this
money to the United States because I'm known as a military personnel, they will
want to know how I come about it. Due to this I want you to help me receive the
money in your country through a shipping company.


Now that you are very close to me as a good friend, I believe I can trust you to
keep the secret about the funds, that's why I want you to help me receive the money
in your country through Diplomatic service which will be more safer for us to ship
the box of money to your country because this is really urgent now that is exactly
why I need your help because here in Syria is a war country and the bank is not


All I want right now is to live a peaceful life, I've seen enough bloodshed
already. I don't want to lose my life here in the hands of this wicked terrorist
killing innocent people and children in Syria.


As a soldier in the United state army I will guarantee you that you will not stand
any risk in this as I have mapped out the strategy to have this box moved out of
here safely Through Diplomatic means. you have to keep everything confidential till
you receive the fund as a consignment to your location. because it is the only
option to send the money for you to receive it for me since it's a much more secure
and fastest procedure of moving money out of this country.

You are going to stand as my partner to receive it from the diplomatic agent who
will come and deliver the box to you over there. Honestly, if I fail to move this
money soon before I leave this country I will lose this money that I have suffered
for all these years I was assigned here.


My share of the money, which is 1.7 million dollars, I would lock with a security
code in the money box and send it as a special immunity delivery that will bring it
to you without interruption, so you have nothing to worry about. follow The
shipping agent's instructions to bring the box to you.



You are the beneficiary to receive the fund and keep it safe so that as soon as I
come to your country, you will assist me to invest it in a good profitable venture
or I will use my share of the money to build an hospital in your country, I will
give you 30% of the total money for the assistance and also pay you back any money
you spent too after you have receive the money. I believe I can trust you


Where we are now we can only communicate through our military communication
facilities, where only chat is secured and the use of calls and cam is restricted
because of the United Nation policy on Syria anti Terror so nobody can monitor our
chat, then I can explain in detail to you.


like I told you I will only reach you through chat, because our calls might be
monitored I just have to be sure whom I am dealing with. Please if you can handle
it, let me know so that i will furnish you on the way forward


I will try to go and send the Box today or tomorrow when ever am free from duty, I
will inform you when I complete it once it gets to your country the diplomat will
call you to inform you that the parcel has arrived to your country please send your
information so that I will provide you on the modality to follow so that the
Delivery agent will deliver the box to your home Address


You need to send me your contact details because it is going to help the shipping
company deliver my safety box to your doorstep without stress.

Send your information to me for shipping

1,Your Name: ___
2,Your Country ___
3,Your Phone Number __
4,Your home Address__
5,Your Nearest Airport __
6,Your Email Address __


OK my love I have received your information thanks for your cooperation and once i
send the box to your destination i will inform you and please don't let anybody
hear about this issue for security purpose

I really trust you and I believe you will keep the money safe for me. Please do not
betray me when you get the money and I promise to give you 30 % of the money when I
visit your country.


Yes, I want you to be honest with me because I have been entrusted and God will
make our plan to invest the money in your country to work. I believe that I can
always trust you and remember that the only way to keep the money safe is to make
everything secret


I will start making arrangements with the diplomat immediately that will deliver
the money to you. As soon as everything is set, I will let you know please my dear
i want you to understand the nature of my job please be patient with me not always
online okay

And you know this is a secret transaction because of the amount of money in the box
do not tell anybody about it to secure the money when you get the box

Hello dear i am so happy to inform you that I have sent out the Box to your country
through the United Nation Diplomatic Service as I promise you, according to
delivery agency the box will arrive in your country in 1 or 2 days and the parcel
is weighing 20.5 kg all you have to do is to keep your phone on to avoid mistakes
because they will call you on the point of delivery to inform you the delivery
method so try to handle everything with care and keep the transaction confidential
for security reasons. Please let me know when you get the bag because all the
discussion right from here will be between you and the delivery agent so remember
to follow the diplomats direction to get the box, I will keep in touch with you,
thanks for your help.

( photo of the box and the air bill)

This is the air waybill (Receipt), Please take care of the box and make sure you
get the bag sealed without delay. please Do not disappoint me when you get the
package because I believe in almighty and trusted you my good friend... Follow the
advice of the diplomat when he comes to your country and do everything he tells you
to do because I don't want them to know the content of the box and Make sure that
you get the box of money without any problems or delay. Remember to keep everything
secret so nobody will know about the money in the box

I want you to know that the box is locked with 6 security code so once you get the
consignment just let me know so that I will give you the unlock pin and the
delivery agency does not know the actual content of the box because I instructed at
no time the box will be open or search so you pay for clearance tax in the transit
country once it arrives in the airport. The diplomat shall make use of his
diplomatic immunity to ensure that the box is delivered to you as a diplomatic
package which shall be free from any form of check at the airport. so please do
whatever the diplomat said you should so that the box will arrive safely to you I
want you to assist him very well

have you read my message very well,

My love, please don't go anywhere tomorrow, stay at home because my box will be
delivered to you at home.

do you understand it


My love i don't know the amount for now all you have to do is wait for the
diplomatic agent to contact you so that you can follow their instructions

2nd day after shipping

Now that your information has been submitted to the shipping company, most of the
communication will be between you and them because you are now known as the owner
and the recipient of the consignment box, while you must follow the instruction of
the diplomat until the consignment box will be delivered to you.

So when the diplomat arrive your country he will contact you to inform you the
procedure for the clearance of the parcel from the airport Authority and after that
he will deliver it directly to your address or any place you want it because he
have all your information I don't want the box to be search in airport that's why I
instruct the diplomat to handle the delivery with care because the box will be
search if you go to the airport Please do not go the airport because you are not a
diplomat you will not be allow to go to the Consignment Clearing wings. Meanwhile,
keep me posted properly on any further developments now and try to follow up with
the delivery company as instructed for direction.
Now our full partnership has started and i pray the lord to protect us to live
long and in peace am happy to have you as my partner please let me know as soon as
you receive the money box l without an delay



What is the time in your country now?

I will try to be online tomorrow morning during the delivery time according to the
delivery company they said that the box will arrive your country tomorrow morning
so try and keep your phone on to avoid inconveniences reaching you when they arrive
so that you will receive the box successfully and inform me when you get it so that
I will give you the security code to count the money and keep it safe.

Please take care of the box when it arrives in your country and make sure you get
the bag sealed without any delay do not disappoint me when you receive the package
because I believe in God and trust you my good friend, I do not want the agent to
know the content of the box and make sure you get the money box without problem or
delay. Do not forget to keep everything confidential even from your friends and
family so that nobody will know about the money in the box.


We are almost at the end of this which is certainly going to add value to our lives
so please am pleading to you to make sure that you handle this matter very well and
fast to stand for the success of this deal to the end of this transaction. Help me
and pay for the tax because here in Syria is a war country and the bank is not
working so there is no way of sending money. make the payment so that when you
receive the box you will take the money you paid for the charges and your 30
percent share of the total money that I promised you

My dear I want you to understand that the consignment is special diplomatic cargo
listed for non-custom inspection at the airports and therefore it must be cleared
under Diplomatic Yellow Tag Immunity on arrival before the box will be cleared from
the custom. So that the box will not be searched please you have to complete the
payment before the box will be delivered to you, to enable the diplomat to clear
the cargo at the destination airport.
Again the diplomats charged us to pay US$3,800 for there security handling charges
and delivery fees which I have already paid them here in Syria but the Company said
that there maybe also some charges in your country airport for custom diplomatic
immunity so you should take care of other expenses in your country and make sure
you receive the sealed parcel without any delay.

From my discussions with the diplomatic company they have assured me of delivering
the consignment box safely to you, they said there will be a small customs
clearance and landing permit charge which will not be more than 2000 United States
dollar depending the weight of the parcel according to your country custom policy
the diplomat will call you on arrival to inform you about the payment method in
your country before the package will be cleared from the customs and the diplomat
delivers the box to your address. Please follow the instruction of the delivery
agent when they contact you because I do not know the actual amount

I would have paid for it here but they said it has to be paid in your country on
the arrival of the package, please honey and i will like you to assist me in making
that payment and take back your money once you receive the box, the payment must be
made at the customs check in your country international airport for the box to be
able to be cleared from the customs. Honey, do not let the customs find out that
the content of the box is money because it was declared as family valuables,
remember to always keep this secret and confidential OK.

the diplomats charged me to pay US$4,500 for there security handling charges and
delivery fees which I have already paid them here in Syria but the Company said
that there maybe also some charges in your country airport for custom diplomatic
immunity so you should take care of other expenses in your country and make sure
you receive the sealed parcel without any delay.

This is my line id mascot902 add me now

i use translate

why are you silent

do you want me to send the parcel to you in Thailand

stop asking me too much question if you are willing to help me you let me know

Stop asking me too much question if you are willing to help me Send your
information to me for shipping

when you get the box i want you to open and take your share of the money and keep
the rest for me, i will use it build a hospital in your country

Try to keep your Phone on company will contact you

I'm making arrangement for the box

Send me the address I will deliver my consignment box all I need is my box to move
out from this Syria camp

my dear, as a military nurse, i will register the box as an hospital equipment and
family valuables so as to be free from scars and all kinds of search, send me your

I've heard about them before. But I don't know if such a thing still exists.

Honey, the person who posted my picture is a scammer.

Block all those people because they are trying to scam you, okay?

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My love, please I'm sorry to have contact you over again, please as i told you that
in here in our military base that all our chats are must been monitored, and i just
find out that some of my teams are trying to monitor our last chat which is why i
had to contact from here, Please we will talk from here on.

My love trust me am a humble woman with sincere heart I have never done such a
thing in my life and I will be cheat or betray anyone am honest trust me

I am actually communicating with you from our server room because of my position
here in the camp we are been restricted from many things because of security
purpose.You know I'm in a war zone camp and some communications here are being
monitored.The phones we use here are military radio phones which we use to
communicate with our fellow Army officer's. we are restricted from making calls off
camp because of security purposes so for that reason it will be difficult for me to
communicate with you through phone calls and that is why I must work very hard
toward ending my assignment here so I can come to meet you.Please always take very
good care of yourself honey.I love you so much.

Hello dear i am so happy to inform you that I have sent out the Box to your country
through the United Nation Diplomatic Service as I promise you,The Total money in
the sealed box is $1.7 Million dollars and he will be traveling this morning being
Sunday (28/08/2022) to Thailand and he will be arriving on Monday to your Country
being (29/08/2022) and he will call you on phone immediately he arrived the
airport. After that, he will deliver the luggage directly to your address or any
place you want it and the parcel is weighing 20.5 kg all you have to do is to keep
your phone on to avoid mistakes because they will call you on the point of delivery
to inform you the delivery method so try to handle everything with care and keep
the transaction confidential for security reasons. Please let me know when you get
the bag because all the discussion right from here will be between you and the
delivery agent so remember to follow the diplomats direction to get the box, I will
keep in touch with you, thanks for your help.

I am ready to go to the office now. Will talk later

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