6398773-Class 7 - PMT - Science - Set 1 - Vikrant - QP

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PRE-MIDTERM (2022 - 23)

Class: VII Sub: SCIENCE Max Marks: 30
Date: 22.05.2022 Set - I Time: 1 hour

General Instructions:
i. All questions are compulsory. Marks are indicated against each Section.
ii. The question paper comprises of 4 pages and 15 questions in 5 sections A, B, C, D & E.
iii. Q,1 to Q.3 in section A MCQ carry ONE mark each. Write the correct answer along with option
only in the answer script .
iv. Q.4 to Q.6 in section B ASSERTION AND REASON carry ONE mark each.
v. Q.7 to Q.9 in section C CASE STUDY/PARAGRAPH carry THREE marks each.
vi. Q.10 TO Q.12 in section D are Short Answer Type Questions and carry TWO marks each.
vii. Q.13 to Q.15 in section E are Short Answer Type Questions and carry THREE marks each.
viii. Write the same question number as given in the question paper.
ix. Ink killer or whitener should not be used in the answer script .
x. Diagrams should be drawn using pencil.

SECTION - A (3 X 1 = 3)
1. Which structure in a green plant controls the opening and closing of stomata?
(a) Chlorophyll (b) Xylem
(c) Phloem (d) Guard cell
2. Which of the following type of nutrition is exhibited by the organism in the figure given below?

(a) Parasitic nutrition (b) Saprotrophic nutrition

(c) Autotrophic nutrition (d) Symbiotic nutrition

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3. A copper ball at 60˚C is dropped in a mug containing water at 60˚C. The heat will –
(a) Flow from copper ball to water.
(b) Flow from water to copper ball.
(c) Not flow from copper ball to water or from water to copper ball.
(d) Increase in temperature of both copper ball and water.

SECTION - B (3 X 1 = 3)
For the following questions, two statements are given- one labelled Assertion (A) and the other
labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (i), (ii), (iii), and
(iv) as given below

(i) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of assertion.
(ii) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(iii) A is true but R is false.
(iv) A is false but R is true

4. Assertion (A): The green pigment present in the leaves of plants is called chlorophyll.

Reason (R): The only function of chlorophyll is to provide green colour to the plants.

5. Assertion (A): Woollen clothes keep the body warm in winter.

Reason (R): There is air trapped in between woollen fibres and air is a bad conductor of heat.

6. Assertion (A): All hot bodies radiate heat.

Reason (R): When heat falls on an object, a part of it is reflected, a part is absorbed and a part

may be transmitted.

SECTION - C (3 X 3 = 9)

Read the following passage /case study and answer the questions given below -
7. Plants absorb the mineral nutrients, especially nitrogen from the soil. Therefore, there is a
depletion of nitrogen in the soil over a period of time. Manures and fertilisers contain plant
nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus needed by plants for healthy growth.
These nutrients need to be added time to time to enrich the soil. Rhizobium bacteria, living
in the root nodules of leguminous plants, takes the atmospheric nitrogen and converts it

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into a soluble form which can be absorbed by the plants. Farmers grow leguminous crops
in alternation with other crop plants to maintain the fertility of soil.
a) Farmers spread manure or fertilisers in the field or in garden. Why are these added to the
b) Write the importance of Rhizobium bacteria for the farmers.
c) Can plants use nitrogen in the manner they use carbon dioxide?

8. The thermometer used to measure human body temperature is known as the clinical
thermometer. A clinical thermometer is made up of a long and narrow glass tube. One end
of this tube is sealed and the other end has a glass bulb filled with mercury. The normal
body temperature of a healthy person is 37°C. If a person has fever, the temperature goes
up. However, it never goes above 42°C or below 35°C. So, the range of a clinical
thermometer is from 35°C to 42°C. Jerks are given to a clinical thermometer before using
it to settle down the mercury level below 35°C so that the measurement taken be accurate.
Mercury is preferred in the thermometers because it expands equally for every degree of
rise in temperature, it does not stick to the glass tube and is a shiny liquid, thus easy to see.
a) State any two reasons why mercury is very commonly used in thermometers?
b) Why is a jerk given to the clinical thermometer before taking a new reading?
c) A clinical thermometer has the range between 35˚C to 42˚C. Give reason.

9. The transfer of heat in solids take place through conduction. When you heat one end of a
steel spoon by keeping it over a Bunsen burner, you find that its other end also becomes hot
after some time. In this case heat is transferred from the hot end of spoon to its cold end by
conduction. Conduction is the process of transfer of heat from the hotter end to the colder
end without any actual movement of the molecules of the material. Heat can be conducted
from one body to another only when they are – i) in solid state, ii) in contact with each
other, iii) at different temperatures. The materials which allow heat to pass through them
easily are called good conductors of heat. The materials which do not allow heat to pass
through them easily are poor conductors of heat or insulators.
a) Define conduction.
b) Cooking utensils are provided with handles made up of plastic. Give reason.
c) What are the conditions necessary for heat to be conducted?

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SECTION - D (3 X 2 = 6)

10. a) How do fungi and algae benefit each other?

b) Pitcher plants are green in colour and can photosynthesise but still it feeds on insects. Give


11. a) What is the role of ‘kink’ in a clinical thermometer?

b) State the reason why room heaters are placed on the floor of a room.

12. a) In places of hot climate, it is advised that the outer walls of houses be painted white. Explain.

b) Why it is preferred to use two thin blankets rather than one thick blanket.

SECTION - E (3 X 3 = 9)

13. Draw a neat labelled diagram to show the process of photosynthesis and give the word equation

for it.

14. a) Why do we consider ‘cuscuta’ as a parasite?

b) What are stomata and mention its role in plants?

c) How do saprotrophs derive their food?

15. a) Explain the phenomenon of land and sea breeze.

b) Give any two precautions to be taken while working with a laboratory thermometer.

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