2D Closed-Form Solution For The Measurement of The Angle of Attack and Sideslip Angle

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2D Closed-Form Solution for the Measurement of the Angle of Attack and Sideslip Angle

2D Closed-Form Solution for the Measurement of the Angle of Attack and Sideslip Angle / Brandl, Alberto; Gili, Piero. -
ELETTRONICO. - (2021). (Intervento presentato al convegno 2021 IEEE international workshop on metrology for
aerospace nel JUNE 23 - 25, 2021).

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12 June 2023
2D Closed-Form Solution for the Measurement of
the Angle of Attack and Sideslip Angle
Alberto Brandl Piero Gili
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Politecnico di Torino Politecnico di Torino
Torino, Italy Torino, Italy
[email protected], 0000-0002-6763-4070 [email protected], 0000-0002-6868-4547

Abstract—At the beginning of 2021, the measurement of the which is funded by CleanSky 2 with the aim to provide
Angle of Attack and of the Angle of Sideslip is still mainly a modular, integrated and digital air data system with the
conducted with physical protruding probes. Although several implementation of synthetic sensors for AOA/AOS [2]–[5].
alternative methods have been proposed in literature, the at-
tention is generally focused on data-driven methods and little While the MIDAS project is based on Multilayer Perceptron
discussion is conducted on the mathematical problem. If the (MLP), Kalman filters have also been extensively applied in
formulation that allows to associate the aerodynamic angles to this topic [6]–[8]. However, the estimation of AOA/AOS is
other flight parameters has a closed-form solution is still an open still an open topic in the aerospace field [9], [10]. In 2020, a
question in the field. This paper provides a closed-form solution mathematical scheme for the estimation of AOA/AOS has been
for a restricted problem where one of the two angle is known.
Moreover, a linearized solution is provided. The result section published in [11]. While the scheme is innovative because it
gives evidence of the approach in simulated environment, showing actually shows the dependency among the flight parameters,
the advantages of the nonlinear solution with respect to the linear the resulting system of nonlinear equations has been solved
one. numerically. This paper shows a possible closed-form solution
Index Terms—angle of attack, estimation, measurement, angle of a restriction of the problem. In fact, when one of the two
of sideslip, closed form, synthetic sensor
angles is known, a nonlinear equation solvable for the missing
angle is obtained. This situation has been identified as bi-
dimensional, as it will be described later on. It is interesting to
notice that the situation of having only one angle known is not
AOA Angle of Attack unrealistic. In fact, the sensor architecture might comprise only
AOS Angle of Sideslip one traditional probe for reasons related to the Size, Weight
ASSE Angle of Attack and Sideslip Estimator and Power (SWaP) requirements or to the accuracy. Another
DOF Degrees of Freedom possibility could be a fault on the sensor dedicated to the
MIDAS Modular and Integrated Digital Probe for SAT Air- measurement of one angle, e.g. a failure happens on α and
craft Air Data System the monitoring system could use the remaining β signal to
MLP Multilayer Perceptron provide α. The solution proposed in this manuscript, in fact,
SWaP Size, Weight and Power allows to conduct a cross-check analysis of the aerodynamic
ULM Ultra Light Machine angles with a computational inexpensive set of operations.
This paper is structured as follows: Sec. II contains a brief
I. I NTRODUCTION introduction to the Angle of Attack and Sideslip Estimator
The accurate measurement of Angle of Attack (AOA) and (ASSE) scheme, Sec. III shows the restricted problem and
Angle of Sideslip (AOS) is crucial in a lot of flying vehicles. its analytical solution. Some preliminary results are shown in
In fact, these two aerodynamic angles are tighly coupled with Sec. IV and conclusions are drawn in Sec. V.
the generation of forces and moments acting on the aircraft.
At the time of writing this manuscript, the state of the art II. BACKGROUND
of the measurement of the aerodynamic angles consists on Similarly to [11], it is possible to express the acceleration
the installation of a duplex or a triplex architecture of vanes of a flying body with respect to an inertial frame I as in (1).
or multihole probes [1]. A lot of effort has been put into
the estimation of these flight parameters without using the aB = CI2B aI = v̇B + ΩB vB + CI2B ẇ (1)
protruding probes, in order to monitor the signals measured
by the probes, to detect faults or to completely substitute where ai stands for the coordinate acceleration of the flying
the usage of the mechanical probes with virtual sensors. body expressed in the i frame, CI2B is the rotation matrix
An example could be the Modular and Integrated Digital between the inertial and the Body reference frame, vB stands
Probe for SAT Aircraft Air Data System (MIDAS) project, for the Body velocity vector with respect to the surrounding
air, ΩB is the skew-symmetric matrix containing the Body III. B I - DIMENSIONAL F ORMULATION AND C LOSED -F ORM
angular rates and ẇ is the wind acceleration expressed in the S OLUTION
I frame. (1) can be re-arranged to express the time derivative From (9) the so-called 2D formulation can be obtained. In
of the Body velocity vector as follows: fact, suppposing to know α or β, the velocity vector vB results
to be constrained to a plane and it is possible to reduce the
v̇B = aB − ΩB vB − CI2B ẇ. (2) problem to a nonlinear equation in the remaining unknown
aerodynamic angle. To find a solution, it is possible to take
vB v̇B advantage of the parametric formulation for the sine and cosine
Considering the analytical derivation of V̇∞ = V∞ in (2),
the following (3) is obtained. functions.
A. AOA Solution
V̇∞ V∞ = vB v̇B = vB (aB − ΩB vB − CI2B ẇ) = Applying the following parametric formulations
:0 T (3)
T T  
= vB aB − vBΩB v B − v B CI2B ẇ.
It is now possible to express the relationship between vB sin α = (10)
1 + s2
and v̇B as follows: 1 − s2
cos α = (11)
1 + s2
Z t
vB (t) = vB (τ ) + v̇B (T ) dT (4) where s = tan α2 with α 6= π+2kπ, k ∈ Z, (12) is obtained.
which allows to write (5) 1 − s2 2s
(hτ cos β) + mτ cos β = nτ − lτ sin β ⇒
1 + s2 1 + s2
Z t Z t ⇒ (nτ − lτ sin β + hτ cos β) s2 − 2mτ s cos β+

V∞,τ V̇∞,τ = vB,t − aB dT + ΩB vB dT +
τ τ (nτ − lτ sin β − hτ cos β) = 0
Z t T (12)
+ CI2B ẇ dT (aB − CI2B ẇ)τ ⇒ V∞,τ V̇∞,τ +
The equation has the following solutions
Z t t T (5)

+ aB dT − CI2B ẇ dT (aB − CI2B ẇ)τ = mτ cos β ± ∆1
τ τ s1,2 =
T nτ − lτ sin β + hτ cos β
 Z t √ (13)
= vB,t + ΩB vB dT (aB − CI2B ẇ)τ . −1 mτ cos β ± ∆1
α1,2 = 2 tan
τ nτ − lτ sin β + hτ cos β
It is now introduced the assumption that the product ΩB vB 2
2 2
varies slowly during a small time interval as follows: with ∆1 = (mτ cos β) − (nτ − lτ sin β) − (hτ cos β)
Z t and
ΩB vB dT = (ΩB vB )t ∆t, (6) ( h i
2 2 2
τ (mτ cos β) − (nτ − lτ sin β) − (hτ cos β) ≥ 0
where ∆t = t−τ . (7) shows the basic expression of the ASSE
nτ − lτ sin β + hτ cos β 6= 0
scheme. (14)
In the hypothesis of small aerodynamic angles, (9) can be
V∞,τ V̇∞,τ + linearised and the solution α0 can be found
Z t Z t T
+ aB dT − CI2B ẇ dT (aB − CI2B ẇ)τ = (7) nτ − hτ cos β − lτ sin β = (mτ cos β) α0 ⇒
τ τ
nτ − hτ cos β − lτ sin β (15)
V∞,t îTW B,t (I − ΩB,t ∆t) (aB − CI2B ẇ)τ ⇒α0 =
mτ cos β
with mt cos β 6= 0.
The mt cos β 6= 0 condition can be further analysed
îW B = îB cos β cos α + ĵB sin β + k̂B cos β sin α (8) considering the formulation given in Appendix A. First of
all, the linearised solution α0 cannot be calculated when
For convenience, it is possible to write (7) in a more β = π2 + kπ, k ∈ Z. Such value for β is actually very rare
compact form (9) as in [11]. The terms hτ , lτ , mτ are detailed physically. On the contrary, it is worth noting that with the
in Appendix A. assumption of steady wind and null angular speed, mt 6= 0
implies aZ 6= 0. This condition has an important impact,
nτ = îTW B,t mτ = preventing the application of the 2D linearised formulation
= hτ cos β cos α + lτ sin β + mτ cos β sin α during stationary flight.
B. AOS Solution state condition at 800 m with V∞ = 30 m s−1 , corresponding
The same procedure applied to solve for α can be applied to α = 3.98°, β = −0.09° and it is subjected to a doublet on
in case β is the unknown variable. Parametric formulations the elevator surface. The entire calculation phase lasted less
adopted are: than 0.1 s independently from the formulation applied. These
numerical results have been obtained with a MATLAB© script
on a laptop equipped with i7-7700HQ CPU, 16 GB of RAM.
sin β = These computational time should be considered very low,
1 + s2
(16) compared to the time needed for the 3D nonlinear formulation
1 − s2
cos β = , described in [11]. In fact, in that case, a nonlinear solver has
1 + s2 been implemented whereas in this work the formula can be
where s = tan β2 with β 6= π ± 2kπ, k ∈ Z. Therefore, (9) directly computed.
can be factorized and then written as (17). Both nonlinear and linearized formulations proposed in
Sec. III have been applied. In case of AOA estimation, the
1 − s2 2s timeseries of the true value and of the estimated values have
(hτ cos α + mτ sin α) 2
+ lτ = nτ ⇒ been superimposed in Fig. 1. As can be seen from Fig. 1, the
1+s 1 + s2
(17) nonlinear estimation, displayed in red, cannot be distinguished
⇒ (nτ + hτ cos α + mτ sin α) s2 − 2lτ s+
from the true signal, plotted in black. On the contrary, the
+ (nτ − hτ cos α − mτ sin α) = 0 estimation obtained by linearization of (9) α0 loose of accuracy
The equation has the following solutions in several cases. Most of them are associated to stationary
flight and this provides evidence of the mathematical discus-
√ sion conducted in Sec. III where it was demonstrated that the
lτ ± ∆2
s1,2 = 2D linearised formulation cannot be applied during stationary
nτ + hτ cos α + mτ sin α flight when the angular speed is 0. The same comparison
√ (18)
lτ ± ∆2 has been conducted for the estimation of AOS in Fig. 2.
β1,2 = 2 tan−1
nτ + hτ cos α + mτ sin α The comparison can be seen from a quantitative point of
with ∆2 = lτ2 − n2τ + (hτ cos α + mτ sin α) and
2 view in Fig. 3 and 4 which provide more evidence that the
nonlinear formulation greatly surpasses in terms of accuracy
lτ2 − n2τ + (hτ cos α + mτ sin α) ≥ 0 the estimation obtained using the linearized formulation. The
(19) estimation error obtained by (12) is lower than 10−3 °, whereas
nτ + hτ cos α + mτ sin α 6= 0
(17) shows even better results, with an order of magnitude of
Also in this case, (9) can be linearised according to small 10−4 °.
aerodynamic angles hypothesis and the linearised solution β 0
can be found as

nτ − hτ cos α − mτ sin α = lτ β 0 ⇒
nτ − hτ cos α − mτ sin α (20)
⇒β 0 =

with lt 6= 0. As done for α0 , it is possible to analyse the flight
conditions corresponding to lt 6= 0. Given the expression of
lt in Appendix A, under the assumption of steady wind and
null angular speed, β 0 cannot be evaluated when aY = 0,
preventing the application of the 2D linearised formulation
for stationary flight as for (15).
Fig. 1. Timeseries comparison of the proposed estimation methods for
IV. N UMERICAL RESULTS AOA, black line is the true value, red line the signal estimated by nonlinear
Previous sections provide the mathematical background and formulation, blue line the signal estimated by linear formulation
formulations for the bi-dimensional problem of estimating
AOA/AOS. This section shows some results obtained using To better analyse the estimation error, Fig. 5 shows the
simulated data. The simulator is a nonlinear coupled 6-Degrees distributions of the absolute value of the error in a logarithmic
of Freedom (DOF) model with mass, aerodynamic, propulsion scale. The mean value of the observations is close to 10−5 °
and engine characterization based on a Ultra Light Machine in case of nonlinear formulations, while in case of linear
(ULM) manufactured in North Italy. The simulation is con- formulation the mean value is affected by the asymptotic trend
ducted with numerical integration of the model with explicit shown in Fig. 1 and 2.
Euler scheme, solved at 100 Hz and the overall simulation Although the error of the linearized formulations tends to
covers 75 s of flight. The aircraft starts from trimmed steady be higher because of the existence conditions, (15) and (20)
Fig. 2. Timeseries comparison of the proposed estimation methods for AOS,
black line is the true value, red line is the signal estimated by nonlinear
formulation, blue line is the signal estimated by linear formulation

Fig. 5. Comparison of the distributions of the absolute value of the error

(crosses stand for the mean value, NL for nonlinear, L for linear)

are still considered valid opportunities when an initial and fast

evaluation is needed to drive other estimation algorithms.

The accurate measurement of the AOA and AOS is very
important for aircraft and other flying bodies. It can lead to
improved safety when used in a stall warning device and also
it can optimize the control of the aircraft resulting in improved
path following capabilities, tracking and fuel consumption.
At the time of writing this manuscript, several estimation
Fig. 3. Estimation error comparison between linear and nonlinear formulation, methods exist but an analytical derivation of the angles is still
AOA estimation
missing. This paper provides a demonstration that a closed
form solution of the estimation of AOA/AOS can be obtained
in case of knowledge of one of the two angles. This condition
has been referred to as 2D problem, because the velocity
vector is contrained to a plane. A numerical demonstration
of the method has been given, showing evidence of the
approach. The advantage of these formulations is the very
low computational time. At the same time, these formulations
require the measurement of one of the two angles to be
implemented. Moreover, the 2D linearised formulations are
limited to unstationary flight. However, the methods shown
in this paper can be easily implemented in a more complex
architecture, for instance to provide an initial condition to other
algorithm, without adding computational burden.

The terms hτ , lτ , mτ are introduced in Sec. II to re-write
the system of nonlinear equations in a more compact form.
This appendix provides the mathematical description of these
Fig. 4. Estimation error comparison between linear and nonliner formulation,
AOS estimation coefficients, also in case of steady wind field assumption and
null aircraft angular speed.
Substituting the definition of ΩB,t , (9) can be expanded as [10] P. Tian, H. Chao, M. Rhudy, J. Gross, and H. Wu, “Wind sensing and
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  [11] A. Lerro, A. Brandl, and P. Gili, “Model-free scheme for angle-of-attack
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 
1 r∆t −q∆t
= V∞,t −r∆t 1 p∆t 
q∆t −p∆t 1
   
aX ẇX
 aY  − CI2B  ẇY 
aZ B ẇZ τ
Assuming a steady wind field, (21) becomes (22).

    
hτ 1 r∆t −q∆t aX
 lτ  = V∞,t −r∆t 1 p∆t   aY  (22)
mτ q∆t −p∆t 1 aZ B,τ

Adding the assumption of null angular rates (that is p =

q = r = 0 s−1 ), (22) eventually reduces to (23).
   
hτ aX
 lτ  = V∞,t  aY  (23)
mτ aZ B,τ

(21), (22) and (23) can be used to analyse the existence

conditions of the solutions of the scheme.

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