B1 U1 Extra Grammar Practice Challenge

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Extra grammar practice: challenge Unit 1

Present simple and present continuous, 3 Find and correct the mistakes. Some of the
sentences are correct.
State and action verbs; Articles
1 ‘Hello, where are you?’ ‘Sorry, I can’t talk now. I’m
1 Complete the sentences with the present simple going into the office. Bye.’
or present continuous form of the verbs in
the box.
2 ‘Are you liking your sister?’ ‘Yes, I do. We don’t have
many arguments.’
argue • ​have • ​help • ​knock • ​not realise
see • ​switch off • ​think
3 His Spanish is not perfect, but he improves.
1 ‘Someone at the door.’ ‘Oh, I know
who it is. It’s Peter.’
4 My parents believe family dinners are important but
2 Laura and Tom a very hard time at I don’t enjoy them.
work at the moment.
3 Physical exercise teenagers with 5 My nephew is never accepting my advice.
concentration in school.
4 ‘What’s the matter?’ ‘The children
about who is a better footballer.’ 4 Rewrite the sentences with a/an or the in the
5 I the expert’s advice on retirement is correct place.
very helpful. 1 About 30% of my classmates come from country
6 He his parents every week. outside of Europe.

7 Dad that I am not a little child any

more. 2 My cousin and I are almost same age.

8 Julian always the music

when he studies? 3 I always feel very nervous before class presentation –
I don’t like speaking in public.
2 Choose the best answer (a, b, c or d) to complete
the sentences.
4 My brother is at university and my sister works as
1 My aunt speaks too fast. I her. nurse in a hospital.
a don’t understand b doesn’t understand
c am not understanding d aren’t understanding
5 We have class discussions in English all the time, but
2 I it’s important for teenagers to have a private I don’t always have confidence to speak.
a am thinking b think
c thinks d are thinking
5 Cross out the ten extra words.
3 Do you usually to music at a reasonable volume?
a listening b listen The grandparents can be very important in the life
c are listening d listens of a teenager. They have more an experience and
4 People to treat senior citizens respect. more time than parents and can help teens make
a are not needing b not need the right choices. Teens are often think their parents
c need d are needing don’t understand them and that their grandparents
understand them better. A study being called ‘My
5 Do you a positive contribution to your family life?
second mum and dad’ says that there are currently
a make b making
14 million grandparents in the UK and that the number
c makes d aren’t making are is increasing. The study also says that many
6 My niece with her friends right now – she’s at grandparents help teenagers with a school work and
home alone. go to the school events when their parents are being
a not plays b doesn’t play busy. More than 25% of teenagers say they talk to
c aren’t playing d isn’t playing their grandparents about problems they can’t discuss
with their parents. Experts say that this generation of
grandparents has a the better relationship with today’s
teenagers because many grandparents are younger.
One grandmother says, ‘We are probably the only
generation that are likes some of the same music our
grandchildren like.’

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