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Greece: cradle of wisdom

(Balkan - Aegean) 1,200 300 B.C.

City-States: Polis Birth of Democracy



The same language

The same religion

Hellas Commercial Expansion

Special Orography
City State: Polis


Athens Hegemony: DEMOCRACY

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Greece: Polis or city-state

- Greece was organized into small independent city states called polis. - Each had its laws, its currency, its military and government. - The city had two different parts: - The lower part: houses, shops and public buildings around the agora. - The top or the Acropolis: religious buildings. It served as a refuge for citizens in case of danger.
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Greece: government of the polis

- The first polis had an oligarchic government (government of some people) led by aristocrats (government of the best). - Male citizens formed the army. They could meet in the Assemby but their opinions were listened only. - In the s. VI B.C. there are great social uprising against the power of the aristocrats.



Birth of Democracy
- Demands for greater political participation leading to social and political reforms for the people.
- Was in the city of Athens, where these reforms become more important. - These reforms culminated with the establishment of a new form of government known as democracy, in which power was exercised by all citizens.
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Democratic Institutions

Assembly of 40,000 citizens (vote in laws, war and ostracism) Annually Chosen by lottery

10 Strategists

10 Archons - President courts and religious events

- Direct the army - Laws apply


Helie 6000 citizens - Peoples Court

Boul 500 citizens

- Preparing

the law


Democracy with limits

- Only citizens were able to participate in public

mattrer. - Citizens: free men of age, born from Athenian citizen father and mother. - Has a right to participate in political life and to be protected by law, forced into the army and pay taxes.

- They were a minority; women or foreigners (metics) and slaves had not civil rights..
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Greece: Cultural contributions I

They spread their culture by the people of the coast of the Mediterranean Sea where they founded colonies.

They created the Theater, the Philosophy and the Olympics Games.

Philosophy: Trying to explain the origin and nature of man and what surrounds us: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

Literature: Besides writing poetry, invented the theater. The Iliad and The Odyssey, by Homer. Theater: Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides.



Greece: Cultural contributions II

History: Herodotus, the father of history. Is the first to narrate historical facts.

Mathematics: Pythagoras, with his famous theorem and Euclid, promoter of geometry. Physics: Archimedes, with his principle. Medicine: Hippocratic, oath.

Astronomy: Aristarchus of Samos defended that the Earth was round and revolved around the Sun.



Greece: Architecture and Art

Architecture: Use the column as element to support the building. The material is marble. The main buildings were built were: Temples: The Parthenon (Athens). Tombs or sepulchres luxurious. Theaters, where representations were done.

Sculpture: Representations of human beings. Their characteristics were: Beauty, Proportion and Movement



Greece: cradle of wisdom

To learn more

Ancient Greece


Greek Art and Culture

The Athens of Pericles


Campaigns of Alexander the Great



Greece: cradle of wisdom

Vocational and professional guidance
(for an integrated curriculum)

Philosophy: Plato: The Myth of the Cave Psychology: King Oedipus Archeologist: The Discovery of Troy Society: A History of democracy



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