BSC Data Scienceand Business Analytics Prospectus

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Online BSc Data Science

and Business Analytics

Awarded by the University of London
Academic Direction From the London School of Economics and Political Science

The University of London – a global leader in higher education and distance

learning – now offers a BSc Data Science and Business Analytics programme
in an online format.

With academic direction from the London School of Economics and Political
Science (LSE) – ranked #2 in the world by QS World University Rankings on
their Social Sciences and Management list – this degree prepares students for
meaningful careers in data science, analytics and other fast-growing fields.

Whether you are embarking on your first degree, transferring from another
programme or returning to university, our online delivery model allows you to
study for a world-class degree without relocating.

Speak With a Counsellor

Table of Contents

Online BSc Data Science and Business Analytics 4

Programme Structure 6
Year One 7

Year Two 8

Year Three 9

Admissions 10
Application Requirements 13

Programme Fees 16

Online Experience 18
About Your Qualification 19
About the Universities 21

Online BSc Data Science
and Business Analytics

360 3-6 4
Total Credits Years to Complete Annual Start Dates

In addition to mastering essential technical skills in areas like mathematics, statistics and
computer science, you will learn how to:

• Analyse data and draw actionable insights for informed decision-making

• Leverage mathematical and statistical models to tackle real-world problems

• Navigate the intersection of business, management and data.

increase in demand for
data science professionals
(2013-2018) 2

Programme Structure
Online BSc Data Science and Business Analytics

Our programme structure guides our students to develop transferable,

compound skills – from numerical acumen to analytical problem

solving – that employers need now, and positions them for

meaningful, long-term career growth in a data-focussed world

and workplace.

Programme Structure

The online programme structure comprises 12 courses totalling 360 credits.

The maximum period of registration is six years. We suggest you aim to complete the
programme within three to four years. Students must take four courses each year to
complete the programme in three years. Each full course spans 20 weeks and each
half course spans 10 weeks.

The tables on the following pages show the course sequence for a three-year
completion timeline.


courses per year

Programme Structure

Year One

Course Description Weeks

Mathematical Methods You will become proficient with mathematical methods, 20

MT1186 explore the theoretical concepts behind those methods
and investigate applications to problems in economics,
management and related areas.

Statistics 1 ST104A This half course will introduce you to the basic 10
statistical concepts you will need to understand and
use in the other courses you intend to study in your
degree or diploma.

Statistics 2 ST104B During this half course, you will develop the concepts of 10
measurement and hypothesis testing introduced in
Statistics 1 ST104A.

Introduction to This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of 20

Economics EC1002 economic analysis and reasoning. It is the course upon
which subsequent, more specialised economics
courses are based.

Business and The course provides an introduction to business and 20

Management in a management with particular emphasis on their
Global Context MN1178 international dimension.

Programme Structure

Year Two

Course Description Weeks

Programming for Data This course will cover the main principles of computer 20
Science ST2195 programming with a focus on data science
applications. You will explore the entire data lifespan,
from raw data and databases to data wrangling and
visualization to machine learning frameworks and
software development.

Advanced Statistics: This half-course is intended for students who already 10

Distribution Theory have some grounding in statistics. It provides the basis
ST2133 for an advanced course in statistical inference.

Advanced Statistics: During this half course, you will learn methods for using 10
Statistical Inference probabilistic models to make general statements on the
ST2134 basis of an observed set of data.

Abstract Mathematics This course introduces fundamental concepts and 20

MT2116 constructions of mathematics and looks at how to
formulate mathematical statements in precise terms.

Business Analytics, This course will introduce you to new applications of 20

Applied Modeling and modeling, analytics and prediction strategies in the
Prediction ST2187 ever-widening field of management.

Programme Structure

Year Three

Course Description Weeks

Elements of This course helps you develop an understanding of 20

Econometrics EC2020 econometrics, enabling you to evaluate and conduct
most applied analysis of cross-sectional data.

Statistical Methods for The first half of this course focusses on aspects of 20
Marketing Research market research, while the second half emphasises the
ST3188 practical application of a variety of multivariate
statistical techniques to supplied datasets.

Marketing Management In this course, you will gain a broad understanding of 20

MN3141 the theoretical and practical issues surrounding
marketing decision making.

Machine Learning This course covers a wider range of such model-based 20

ST3189 and algorithmic machine learning methods, illustrated
in various real-world applications and datasets.

Online BSc Data Science and Business Analytics

We seek students who are committed to expanding their data

analysis and critical-thinking skills. Our entry qualifications and

application requirements help us determine whether your academic

and professional experiences have prepared you for our rigorous

academic standards.


Visit our Admissions page to understand the different types of qualifications we accept.
Schedule a consultation with our admissions team to learn more.

Schedule Now

Applicants must be at least 17 years of age by the registration deadline. Exceptions may be
made on a case-by-case basis.

You may still be eligible for admission even if you do not meet the following criteria. Our
Admissions Panel will consider each application on its own merits, and assess whether your
other credentials or work experience qualify you for entry.

If you are age 20 or If you are ages 21-26, If you are age 27 or older,
younger, you must have you may qualify under you may qualify under
passed qualifications that Reduced/Mature Entry Reduced/Mature Entry
satisfy the General criteria: 1 UK GCE A-level criteria: 1 UK GCE A-level
Entrance Requirements, at grade C or above or an at grade E or above or an
equivalent to 3 UK GCE acceptable equivalent (20 acceptable equivalent (20
A-levels in non-overlapping US university credits or 30 US university credits).
subjects where grade ECTS or 60 UK credits). Work experience may
EED or above is achieved, Work experience may also also be taken in to
or one year of university be taken in to consideration in lieu of or
credits (30 US credits or consideration in lieu of or in conjunction with
60 ECTS or 120 UK in conjunction with academic requirements.
credits). academic requirements.


Mathematics Requirement
All applicants are required to demonstrate competence at least equivalent to Mathematics at UK
GCE A-level (Grade A-E).

You may also meet the Mathematics requirement by having earned 6 US college-level credits, 15
UK credits or 7.5 ECTS in one or more of the following subjects (or acceptable equivalents from
around the world):

• Mathematics, Engineering Mathematics, Computing Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry,

Trigonometry, Quantitative Techniques / Methods, Statistics, Business Statistics, Business
Mathematics, Calculus, Differentials or Algorithms

This list represents a sample of the awards that are accepted for the Mathematics requirement.
We accept many awards from around the world that are not listed here, including school
qualifications, diplomas and professional awards.

English Language Requirements

You are required to demonstrate English proficiency to be admitted to our programmes.
We accept a range of evidence, including proficiency tests. If you don’t have evidence but
believe you can meet the standard, we may consider your case.

Qualifications by Country
We accept qualifications from around the world.

If your qualifications are not from the United Kingdom, visit our Qualifications for Entrance page
to learn more about the requirements for your country:


Application Requirements
To be considered for admission to the online BSc programme, you must submit the following
materials as part of your online application.

Personal Statement

Your personal statement (100-250 words) should answer the following question:

Why do you wish to study for this programme? Please include details about your education,
work experience and current responsibilities.

Complete / Incomplete Postschool Certificates or Transcripts

We need to see evidence of the relevant qualifications before we can process your application.
We may ask for further evidence after you have submitted your application.

Please note the following requirements for acceptable evidence:

• Option 1: Arrange for the awarding / examining authority to send us a statement or

transcript of your results. The statement/transcript should include your name, date of birth
and University of London student reference number (if available).

• Option 2: Have your original documents verified by an official authority, business or

organisation. Verification means that your original document has been seen and a
photocopy has been stamped and signed to be a true copy of the original.

Optional Materials

The following materials are not required, but you may submit them if you feel these items will
demonstrate your academic preparedness:

• Resume or CV
• Work references
• Standardised test scores
• Professional certificates


Application Requirements
Verified Identification

Once you’ve completed your application, you will also be required to provide evidence of your full
name and date of birth. Please submit a photocopy of one of the following:

• Birth certificate
• Passport
• National identification card
• UK driving license

If you have changed your name, you must also submit a photocopy of one of the following:

• Marriage certificate
• Deed poll
• Statuary declaration
• Affidavit

If you have any questions about the entry qualifications or application requirements outlined
here, please contact your admissions counsellor.

In-Person Examinations
Assessment of your academic work includes examinations, which are conducted in person at
one of over 500 approved centres around the world. Your tuition includes the University
examination entry fee; however, you will be required to pay an examination centre fee each time
you sit an exam.*

*Fees vary by location and are not dictated, collected or managed by the University of London.
Details of fees may be obtained directly from authorised examination centres.


Ability to Access Live Sessions

Students seeking to enrol in the programme are responsible for ensuring they are able to
connect reliably to VoIP services (e.g. Zoom) in order to participate in live sessions, which are
a requirement of the programme.

Some VoIP-based communications services have experienced service disruptions in the

United Arab Emirates (UAE) due to blocks by internet service providers (ISPs) du and Etisalat.
This means that you may not be able to participate in live sessions via video call if you are in the
UAE. You may still be able to access the live session via a non-video phone call, which may affect
your ability to meaningfully participate in the live session.

The University of London is not able to assist with navigating country-specific VoIP access
limitations. If you would like to discuss further, please reach out to your admissions counsellor.


Programme Fees
The fees below relate to students registering for the 2020-21 academic year. These may be
increased by up to 5 per cent each year.

The academic year is split into two half-year study sessions, each containing 20 weeks of
learning. In advance of each study session, you will select and pay for the courses you wish to
study. You can register for a maximum of two full courses per study session. We encourage
students to study and examine at least three full courses per academic year.

Student Type Full Course Cost Total Programme Cost

(20 Weeks) (12 Full Courses)

UK Residents £1,458.33 £17,500

Non-UK Residents £1,708.33 £20,500

You may also need to budget for textbooks (which could extend to around £300 per year) and
exam centre fees, which are paid directly to the venues where you sit your exams.

Examination Resit Fees: If you need to resit a course, you must pay a resit fee. This is currently
£302 for full courses.

*The indicative total assumes you complete the qualification without resits. It does not reflect potential annual fee

increases and is not inclusive of examination centre fees.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) The University is required to add Goods and Services Tax (GST) to registration and

module/course fees paid by students resident in certain countries. Further information can be found on our web

page. All programme fees shown are net of any local VAT, Goods and Services Tax (GST) or any other sales tax

payable by the student in their country of residence. Where the University is required to add VAT, GST or any other

sales tax at the local statutory rate, this will be added to the fees shown during the payment process. For students

resident in the UK, our fees are exempt from VAT.

Online Experience
Online BSc Data Science and Business Analytics

From live, online sessions to holistic academic and technical support

to self-paced coursework, our first-of-its kind online campus blends

the accessibility of traditional distance learning programmes with

the level of quality and engagement you would expect from a top

on-campus programme.

Online Experience

With multifaceted support, cutting-edge technology and real-time engagement opportunities, you
have the flexibility you need to study your degree in a format that complements your goals,
lifestyle and location.

Live, Online Sessions Real-Time Interaction

You’ll attend face-to-face weekly sessions The quality of your relationships should
via the online platform, which is equipped match the quality of your education.
with screen share capabilities, live annotation Our online campus offers multiple ways
tools, and breakout configurations. All tools to form lasting connections with LSE
and features are accessible on both desktop learning facilitators and fellow students,
and mobile devices. including group meetings, office hours
and message boards.

On-Demand Coursework Holistic Support

Your course materials are all available on When you apply, you will be paired with
demand via desktop, mobile or tablet, which a dedicated admissions counsellor who
means you can complete assignments, can help you navigate entry requirements
review live sessions and study discussion and provide personalised support. When you
topics at your own pace. You can view enrol, we match you with a student
materials online or download them for easy success advisor who helps track your
offline access. academic progress.

About Your Qualification

When you graduate with a degree, diploma or certificate from the University of London you will
receive two important documents: your Final Diploma (the certificate you receive on graduation)
and a Diploma Supplement.

The Final Diploma

• Indicates that you were registered with the University of London and awarded a
University of London degree, diploma or certificate.

• Gives the name of LSE as the member institution that developed the syllabus and
provided assessment.

• Features the University of London crest and the Vice Chancellor’s signature.

The Diploma Supplement

• Describes the nature, level and content of the programme you successfully completed.

• Includes the transcript of courses taken, marks achieved and overall classification.

• States the role of LSE and the method of study.


The University of London and LSE are highly respected by

employers, rankings authorities and academic communities around

the world. Through a combination of elite pedagogy and seamless

accessibility, the online BSc Data Science and Business Analytics

programme gives a new generation of learners the chance to

become part of these powerful institutions.

About the Universities

About the University of London

The University of London is the world’s oldest provider of degrees through distance and flexible
learning. Since Queen Victoria awarded the University of London its Royal Charter in 1858, its
study programmes have been accessible to students all over the world.

All University of London programmes are developed by its 17 outstanding member institutions,
which are also responsible for preparing study materials and assessing the programmes. Today,
the University of London has more than 50,000 students in over 180 countries, studying on more
than 100 degrees, diplomas and certificates.

About LSE
LSE is a world-leading university specialising in the social sciences. Founded in 1895, LSE
pioneered the study of social sciences, economics and international relations, with the aim of
contributing to the betterment of society.

LSE is ranked #2 in the world for social sciences and management in the 2019 QS World
University subject rankings. LSE alumni and learning facilitators include 37 world leaders, 18
Nobel Prize winners, seven Pulitzer Prize winners and eight Guy Medal winners. LSE also has the
highest proportion of world-class research of any UK university, according to the Research
Excellence Framework.

Explore the Data Science Opportunity: Chat to Us

To learn more about the online BSc Data Science and Business Analytics,
please contact our admissions team.

Speak With a Counsellor

We also encourage you to connect with us on social media:


1 Social Sciences and Management. (2019). QS World University Rankings. Retrieved 17 December

2 Dynamics of data science skills. (2019). The Royal Society. Retrieved 17 December 2019. Note:
Demand for workers in any given year varies, and is not indicative of future demand in the data science/
engineering sectors.

3 Dynamics of data science skills. (2019). The Royal Society. Retrieved 17 December 2019. Note:
Demand for workers in any given year varies, and is not indicative of future demand in the data science/
engineering sectors.

4 REF 2014. (2014). Research Excellence Framework. Retrieved 17 December 2019.

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