Heparin Dose Adjustment in The Prescence of Renal Impairment

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Heparin dose adjustment in the

presence of renal impairment

A guideline is intended to assist healthcare professionals in the choice of disease-specific treatments.

Clinical judgement should be exercised on the applicability of any guideline, influenced by individual patient
characteristics. Clinicians should be mindful of the potential for harmful polypharmacy and increased
susceptibility to adverse drug reactions in patients with multiple morbidities or frailty.

If, after discussion with the patient or carer, there are good reasons for not following a guideline, it is good
practice to record these and communicate them to others involved in the care of the patient.

Version Number: 5
Does this version include
changes to clinical advice:
Date Approved: 8th July 2020

Date of Next Review: 31st July 2023

Lead Author: Emily McQuarrie & Cristina Coelho

Approval Group: Medicines Utilisation Subcommittee of ADTC

Important Note:

The Intranet version of this document is the only version that is maintained.
Any printed copies should therefore be viewed as ‘Uncontrolled’ and as such, may not necessarily contain the
latest updates and amendments.

Heparin Dose Adjustment

Renal Impairment

A guideline is intended to assist healthcare professionals in the choice of disease-specific treatments.

Clinical judgement should be exercised on the applicability of any guideline, influenced by individual patient
characteristics. Clinicians should be mindful of the potential for harmful polypharmacy and increased
susceptibility to adverse drug reactions in patients with multiple morbidities or frailty.
If, after discussion with the patient or carer, there are good reasons for not following a guideline, it is good
practice to record these and communicate them to others involved in the care of the patient.

Version Number 5 Yes

Does this version include changes to clinical Yes
Date Approved: July
Date of Next Review 31st July 2023
Lead Author: Emily McQuarrie, Cristina Coelho
Approval Group: ADTC

Important Note:
The Intranet version of this document is the only version that is maintained.
Any printed copies should therefore be viewed as ‘Uncontrolled’ and as such, may not necessarily contain
the latest updates and amendments.

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Heparin and heparin-like anticoagulants (unfractionated heparin (UFH), low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) and
the pentasaccharide, fondaparinux) vary considerably in their glycosaminoglycan composition, specifically their
average chain size (UFH > LMWH > fondaparinux). Even within the LMWH group there can be subtle differences in
average chain size (tinzaparin > dalteparin > enoxaparin). These differences have important effects both on the
antithrombin-mediated target specificity and dependence on renal clearance – smaller heparins having a higher
anti-factor Xa: anti-factor IIa ratio and a greater dependence on renal clearance. The latter is very relevant when
prescribing these agents, either at prophylactic or therapeutic doses, for patients with substantially reduced kidney
function (CrCl<30mL/min) as observational data demonstrate clinically important increase in bleeding complications
of anticoagulation in this group of patients. For this reason, in-patients in the NHS GGC renal unit with chronic
kidney disease and CrCl <30mL/min do not routinely receive pharmaceutical thromboprophylaxis when admitted for
non-operative reasons unless there are other risk factors for thrombosis.

Within NHS GGC the heparin agent of choice may vary between treatment and prophylaxis and for different
indications – please consult NHS GGC Formulary or Therapeutics Handbook for preferred agent of choice. Based
on relevant SPC guidance and limited additional literature the following recommendations are offered.

Note that this guideline is for adult non-pregnant patients only.


For dose adjustments in adult patients with very low or very high body weight,
refer to GGC guideline on Staffnet – Clinical Guideline Repository
CrCl (ml/min)
GGC CrCl calculator available here

≥ 30 ml/min < 30 ml/min

20mg once daily* if CrCl 30-15 ml/min

Enoxaparin 40mg once daily AVOID if CrCl < 15 ml/min
Use an alternative LMWH
5,000 units once daily* if CrCl 30-15 ml/min
Dalteparin 5,000 units once daily
2,500 units once daily* if CrCl < 15 ml/min
3,500 / 4,500 units once daily* as per indication
AVOID if CrCl < 20ml/min, use an alternative LMWH
2.5 mg once daily if CrCl > 50 ml/min
Fondaparinux 1.5 mg once daily if CrCl 50-20 ml/min
AVOID if CrCl < 20 ml/min, use a suitable LMWH
*If CrCl < 30ml/min and prophylactic LMWH treatment has continued for ≥10 days, re-assess anti-Xa activity after 10th dose of LMWH, to
ensure there has been no significant drug accumulation (target 4h peak level: 0.1 - 0.4 units/ml)

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If a patient with a CrCl < 20 ml/min on a therapeutic LMWH regimen, which cannot be omitted for 36-48h, is
scheduled for an invasive procedure (including small procedures such as a biopsy or central line insertion) it is
recommended that the patient is switched to an UFH regimen prior to the procedure as follows:

• IV UFH is started 20-24h after the last dose of therapeutic LMWH

• IV UFH is stopped 6h prior to the procedure
• IV UFH is restarted, assuming adequate haemostasis, 4-6h post procedure

There are different concentrations of UFH currently available – only the 1000 units/ml preparation should be used at
all times to reduce the risk of dose errors and serious clinical incidents.

If you require further advice consult Therapeutics Handbook or contact haematology.

For dose adjustments in adult patients with very low or very high body weight,
refer to GGC guideline on Staffnet – Clinical Guideline Repository
CrCl (ml/min)
GGC CrCl calculator available here

≥ 30 ml/min 30-10 ml/min < 10 ml/min

Dalteparin 200 units/kg once daily 200 units/kg once daily*

(weight-banded dosing) [max 18,000 units] [max 18,000 units]
Due to lack of evidence
Consider dalteparin Consider dalteparin suggest use of UFH#
100units/Kg twice daily in 100units/Kg twice daily in
patients with high bleeding risk patients with high bleeding risk See page 4 for
Enoxaparin VTE: 1.5 mg/kg once daily VTE: 1 mg/kg once daily* recommendations for

Consider enoxaparin anticoagulation prescribing

(weight-banded dosing) AVOID if CrCl < 15 ml/min
1mg/Kg twice daily in patients during haemodialysis
Use an alternative LMWH
with high bleeding risk or
patients perceived to be at high
risk of recurrent VTE ACS: 1mg/kg once daily*
(remains treatment of
In the Renal Unit enoxaparin
ACS: 1 mg/kg twice daily choice if CrCl < 15 ml/min)
1mg/kg once daily is regarded
Tinzaparin 175 units/kg once daily 175 units/kg once daily* as an acceptable alternative
AVOID if CrCl < 20 ml/min
Use an alternative LMWH
Fondaparinux SVT: 2.5 mg once daily if CrCl > 50 (1.5 mg if CrCl 20-50 ml/min)
ACS: 2.5mg once daily if CrCl ≥20ml/min
AVOID if CrCl <20 ml/min, use a suitable LMWH
Unfractionated heparin **Use 1000 units/ml preparation at all times**
(UFH) Loading IV dose: 5,000 units, if appropriate
(intravenous Na Heparin) Maintenance IV infusion: start at 18 units/kg/h, check APTT ratio 6 hours after
commencement of infusion, and 4 hours after any change in infusion rate, then daily
(target APTT ration: 1.8-2.6)
VTE: venous thrombosis; SVT: superficial vein thrombosis; ACS: acute coronary syndrome; UFH: unfractionated heparin
*If CrCl < 30 ml/min consider assessing anti-Xa activity after 3rd dose (to confirm therapeutic levels have been achieved) and after 8-10th
dose to ensure there has been no significant drug accumulation (target 4h peak level: 0.5 – 1.2 units/ml)

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If not on regular anticoagulation for other indications, haemodialysis patients should be considered for
anticoagulation for the prevention of clotting of the extracorporeal circuit.

Within NHS GGC the LMWH of choice for use during haemodialysis is subject to regular review. Please seek advice
from renal team before prescribing.

Tinzaparin dose regimen:

Tinzaparin 2,500 units, if dialysis ≤ 4h
Tinzaparin 3,500 units, if dialysis > 4h, or circuit clotting on 2,500 units

Dalteparin dose regimen:

If dry weight ≤ 60Kg 2,500 units
If dry weight > 60Kg 5,000 units
Please note that dalteparin dose is not dependent on duration of dialysis.

When LMWH is used for haemodialysis anticoagulation, routine monitoring of anti-Xa activity is not required.

Authors: Dr Emily McQuarrie, Cristina Coelho and Kathryn McCormick on behalf of NHS GGC Thrombosis
Committee (with input from Dr Catherine Bagot)
Approved by: Medicines Utilisation Sub-Committee, NHS GGC ADTC
Review date: July 2023

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