PREC132 Health, Nutrition and Safety

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Manila * Makati * Malolos


Course No. PREC132 Course Descriptive Title : Health, Nutrition and Safety
No. of Units: 3 Units No of Hours : 54 hours

Course Description:This course centers on the basic concepts, principles and practices of child health, food and nutrition, and child safety for children ages 0 to
8. It demonstrates pedagogical content knowledge of relevant policies, guidelines and procedures and preventive practices that provide safe and secure learning
environment (2.1.1), including ECCD in emergencies and child protection. It highlights the teachers’ responsibility in providing developmentally appropriate
strategies in teaching children about health, nutrition, and safety. It emphasizes on the importance of partnering with health professionals and building
relationships with families and communities (6.2.1) to help young children establish healthy lifestyles and achieve their learning potential

CILO Course Intended Learning Outcomes :

1 Demonstrate content knowledge and application of basic concepts, principles, and practices of health, safety, and nutritional needs of children ages 0 to 8 years
(1.1.1 and 2.1.1) (cognitive)
2 Apply developmentally sequenced teaching learning process/ strategies in teaching children about health, nutrition and safety (4.1.1) (cognitive)
3 Seek advice concerning healthy lifestyles for young children and their families by partnering with health professionals and the wider community (6.2.1) (affective and
4 Demonstrate knowledge of policies, procedures, and preventive strategies and their corresponding ethical standards that ensure safe and secure learning
environments for young children (2.1.1 and 2.2.1) (cognitive)
5 Accept responsibility in planning and implementing activities relevant and responsive (4.3.1) to the health, safety and nutritional needs of children from birth through
grade three (affective)
6 Apply teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking, and/or other higher-order thinking skills (1.5.1)
UNIVERSITY PHILOSPHY LIFELONG LEARNER The education graduates are expected to
 Learns and works independently as well as collaboratively. become:
Ciencia y Virtud (Science and Virtue)  Translates knowledge generated from research and other sources to
improve quality of life. E – Excellent teachers with high regard for
UNIVERSITY VISION  Creates new ideas to better understand society Science and Virtue (PPST Domain 1)
 Evaluates own thinking, behavior and spirituality for self-growth D – Dynamic designers of appropriate
To be the University of First choice REFLECTIVE AND CREATIVE THINKER learning environments (PPST Domain 2)

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 Thinks critically and creatively. U – Understanding educator of diverse
UNIVERSITYMISSION  Open-minded. learners (PPST Domain 3)
 Solves problems systematically. C – Creative and critical implementers of
To promote a brighter future for our  Loves art and shows artistic sensibility. relevant and responsive curriculum
students, for the Philippines and for the CARING AND TRUSTWORTHY CITIZEN (PPST Domain 4)
world.  Values people and acts in unity with others. A – Adept in various types of assessment
 Commits to social justice and principles of sustainability and respect (PPST Domain)
CEU CORE VALUES for diversity. R – Responsible partners of different
 Practices good stewardship and accountability. stakeholders in the community
V - Valuing others, caring for them and  Manifests social responsibility by helping improve conditions of those (PPST Domain 6)
empowering them who have less in life or circumstance. E – Enthusiastic and engaged lifelong-
A - Accountability, integrity and trust PROFICIENT COMMUNICATOR Learners (PPST Domain 7)
 Articulates ideas clearly for varied purposes and audiences of
diverse culture.
L - Lifelong learning as individuals and as
 Listens attentively, engages in meaningful exchange and shares
an organization knowledge, values, attitudes and intentions.
U - Unity, teamwork and loyalty  Utilizes effectively appropriate media and information technologies.
S - Social responsibility as citizens of the  Initiates, innovates better ways of doing things and accountability.
Filipino nation and of the world  Promotes quality and productivity.


1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Demonstrate high level of content and pedagogical knowledge / / /
2 Demonstrate appreciation for diversity
3 Manifest collaborative skills /
4 Demonstrate innovative thinking / / /
5 Possess critical and problem solving skills /
6 Advocate for children’s rights, equity, community, nationalism, and democratic ideas / / /
7 Pursue lifelong learning /

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Intended Learning Outcomes Content Teaching Learning Activities Time Assessment
The students can: A. Foundations for Wellness in
 Analyze the impact of the early Young Children  Discussion  Quiz on foundations for
years on children's life-long health 1. Importance of nutrition and wellness in young children
and nutritional status (1.1.1, 1.2.1) health in the early years (1.1.1, 1.2.1)
 Explain how health, safety, and 2. Current trends and  Based on researches, design an  Infographic scoring rubric
nutrition are interrelated (1.1.1, relationships between infographic on: (1.1.1, 1.2.1)
1.2.1) children’s health, safety, 1. Importance of nutrition and
 Describe current trends affecting and nutrition health (1.1.1, 1.2.1)
health, safety, and nutrition (1.1.1, 3. Factors that influence 2. current trends affecting
1.2.1) children's health safety and children’s health, safety and
 Describe the factors that influence nutrition nutrition (1.2.1)
children's health, safety, and 3. factors that influence children's
nutritional status based on research health safety and nutrition
(1.2.1) (1.2.1)
 Describe the role of culture in
children’s health, safety, and
nutrition (1.2.1)
 Explain the basics of early childhood B. Nutrition and the Healthy  Discussion  Quiz on nutrition and the
nutrition (1.1.1) Child healthy child (1.1.1)
 Develop meal plans and snacks that 1. Basics of early childhood  Preparation of simple nutritious  Snacks prepared by the
meet children's nutritional needs nutrition, including snacks for children students will be assessed
(1.1.1) nutritional meal plans and based on the following
 Analyze the quality and snacks sample criteria: nutritional
developmental appropriateness of 2. Developmentally content, taste,
meal-time environments for infants appropriate mealtime presentation, and ease of
(1.1.1) environments for infants, preparation (1.1.1, 3.1.1,
 Analyze the quality and toddlers, preschoolers, and 4.5.1)
developmental appropriateness of primary children
meal-time environments for toddlers,
preschoolers, and school-age
children (1.1.1)

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Intended Learning Outcomes Content Teaching Learning Activities Time Assessment
 Explain the nutrition standards, C. Standards, Guidelines and  Discussion  Quiz on standards,
guidelines, and national initiatives on National Initiatives guidelines and national
program and teaching practices 1. Roles of standards, initiatives (2.1.1)
(2.1.1) guidelines, and national  Interview resource persons on  Seatwork: develop
 Explain the safety standards, initiatives for children’s standards, guidelines and national program nutrition goals
guidelines, and national initiatives on nutrition, safety, and health initiatives on nutrition, health and and design a weekly meal
program and teaching practices in program and teaching safety and write about your plan (2.1.1, 6.2.1)
(2.1.1) practices insights gained from the  Paper on insights scoring
 Explain the health standards, interviews rubric (2.1.1)
guidelines, and national initiatives on
program and teaching practices
 Explain the importance of physical D. Physical Fitness and  Discussion  Quiz on physical fitness
fitness of young children (3.1.1) Movement in Young and movement in young
Children children (3.1.1)
 Design movement activities for 1. Importance of Physical  Designing movement activities for  Movement activities
young children (3.1.1) Fitness young children designed and performed
2. Development of Movement by the students will be
3. Movement Programs for assessed based on the
Young Children following scoring rubric:
inclusion of locomotor and
movements, easy to
follow, fun, etc. (3.1.1)
 Observations on current  Observation report
movement programs/activities for sheets/checklists scoring
children available in the rubric (3.1.1, 5.1.1)
Philippines (Gymboree, Little
Gym, etc)

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Intended Learning Outcomes Content Teaching Learning Activities Time Assessment
 Enumerate health policies including E. Common Illnesses and  Discussion  Quiz on common illnesses
safe medication administration Injuries and injuries (2.1.1)
(2.1.1) 1. Health policies in early  Reports will be assessed
 Describe the teacher's role in childhood settings  Report on common illnesses and based on the following
managing illness and common 2. Teacher’s role in managing injuries in young children sample criteria:
infectious diseases (1.1.1) illness and common completeness, clarity, etc
 Explain healthy practices to prevent infectious diseases (1.1.1, 2.11)
the spread of illness in early 3. healthy practices to
childhood settings (1.1.1, 2.1.1) prevent the spread of
 Describe the relationship between F. Children’s Emotional Health  Discussion  Quiz on children’s
mental health and child development and Safety emotional health and
(1.1.1)  Prepare a puppet show safety (1.1.1)
 Apply strategies in creating a pro- discussing to children ways to be  Puppet show scoring
social environment (4.5.1, 2.2.1) friendly and safe rubric (4.5.1, 2.2.1)
 Demonstrate effective responses to
aggressive behavior
 Enumerate ways to address
children's varied mental health
 Describe risk factors for child abuse G. Child Abuse and Neglect  Discussion  Quiz on child abuse and
and neglect Identify signs of child neglect (3.4.1)
abuse and neglect (3.4.1)  Prepare an advocacy poster  Advocacy poster scoring
 Explain the DSWD guidelines and against Child Abuse and Neglect rubric (3.4.1, 4.5.1, 5.1.1)
protocols for child abuse and neglect  Write a reflection on the early  Reflection paper scoring
(3.4.1) childhood educator's role in the rubric (5.1.1, 7.4.1)
 Explain the early childhood prevention of child abuse and
educator's role in the prevention of neglect
child abuse and neglect

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Intended Learning Outcomes Content Teaching Learning Activities Time Assessment
 Identify the most common types of H. Effective Emergency  Discussion  Quiz on effective
injuries in young children (1.1.1) Response emergency responses
 Explain policies and procedures for (1.1.1)
preventing and responding to  Prepare a First Aid Flip chart to  First Aid Flip chart scoring
emergencies (2.1.1) describe what to do in case of an rubric (2.1.1)
 Prepare a disaster response plan injury when a child is in your care
 Design a safe early childhood indoor I. Developing and Implementing  
educational environment Safety Practices
 Design a safe early childhood outdoor 1. Safe indoor and outdoor
educational environment environments
 Describe effective supervision in early 2. Supervision in early childhood
childhood education settings Identify education settings
food safety issues 3. Food safety issues
 Evaluate safety practices

Course Requirements:   
Grading Scheme: 2/3 Class Participation and 1/3 Periodic Exam


Prepared by: Date: Approved by: Date:

(Sgd.) Rose Aira Mae R. Tayag, LPT July 15, 2019 (Sgd.) Maria Rita D. Lucas, LPT, Ph.D. July 15, 2019
Faculty, SELAMS Dean, SELAMS

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