B2 Rephrase

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1. You must do exactly what the manager tells us. (CARRY)

You must ..................................................... instructions exactly.
2. We had to finish all the work before we could leave. (UNTIL)
We had to stay ............................................................... all the work.
3. Tim had not expected the concert to be so good. (BETTER)
The concert .......................................................... expected.
4. If Mary doesn’t train harder, she’ll never get into the swimming team. (DOES)
Mary will never get into the swimming team .................................................. more training.
5. ” Do you realize what the time is, Steve?” asked Chris. (WHAT)
Chris asked Steve ............................. it was.
6. The company has decided to advertise the job in a national paper. (PUT)
The company has decided to ........................................ the job in a national paper.
7. At the end of the speech, the winner thanked his parents. (FINISH)
The winner ............................................................ his parents.
8. I applied for the job a month ago. (MONTH)
It ................................................... I applied for the job.
9. They received many letters of support after they had appeared on television. (FOLLOWING)
The received many letters support .............................................................. on television.
10. A very friendly driver drove us into town. (DRIVEN)
We ............................................................. a very friendly driver.
11. My views on this subject are exactly the same as yours. (DFFERENCE)
There .............................................. my views on this subject and yours
12. Sara knew that her brother had to leave by 5 o’clock. (NECESSARY)
Sara knew that ........................................................ her brother to leave by five o’clock.
13. “What’s the height of the mountain?” Lee asked his father. (HIGH)
Lee asked his father ..................................................................... was.
14. The secretary said that they had run out of paper for the photocopier. (LEFT)
The secretary said that there wasn’t ............................................................. for the photocopier.
15. I wish I had done more to help. (HAVING)
I regretted ....................................................................... more to help.
16. They will be selling tickets for the concert during lunch hour.
Tickets for the concert will ............................................................................ during lunch hour.
17. We played tennis despite the cold weather. (EVEN)
We played tennis ......................................................................... cold.
18. The manager had respect of everyone in the office. (UP)
Everyone in the office ........................................................ the manager.
19. You must do exactly what the manager tells you. (CARRY)
You must ................................................... instructions exactly.
20. I regret not contacting Brian when I was in Dublin. (TOUCH)
I wish that I ............................................... with Brian when I was in Dublin.
21. In my opinion, these two kinds of music are completely different from each other.
In my opinion, there ........................................................................... two kinds of music.
22. I don’t know why Sarah left the party so suddenly. (MADE)
I don’t know ......................................................................... the party so suddenly.
23. Could you look after my cat while I’m away on holiday? (CARE)
Would you mind .................................................... my cat while I’m away on holiday?
24. We discussed the problem but nobody had a solution. (CAME)
We discussed the problem but ................................................................. with a solution.
25. Claire was not allowed to stay out late when she lived at home with her parents. (LET)
Claire’s parents ................................................................... stay out late when she lived at home.
26. I arrived late because I missed the10.30 train. (TURNED)
If I’d caught the 10.30 train, I ..................................................................... time.
27. Floods meant rescue workers could not get through to the village. (PREVENT)
Rescue workers ......................................................... through to the village by floods.

1. Today’s meeting is postponed and it will be held next week. (PUT)

Today’s meeting has ........................................................... until next week.
2. According to the report, the driver of the car was a policeman. (BEING)
According to the report, the ............................................................ by a policeman.
3. Nobody spoke for about five minutes. (BEFORE)
It was about five minutes ............................................................... anything.
4. Mr Johnson continued to get up at 6.30 even after he retired. (CARRIED)
Mr Johnson ................................................... at 6.30 even after he retired.
5. I prefer eating sandwiches to a cooked lunch. (RATHER)
I ......................................................................... sandwiches than a cooked lunch.
6. “I’m sorry I behaved so badly,” said George. (APOLOGISED)
George ............................................................................... so badly.
7. There’s no chance of Jenny getting here on time. (POSSIBLE)
It won’t be ................................................................................. here on time.
8. “We really don’t need to leave early,” said Elena. (POINT)
“There’s really .................................................................................... early,” said Elena.
9. John is interested in knowing more about astronomy. (LIKE)
John ................................................................. more about astronomy.
10. Because of the parade, we weren’t allowed to park in the High Street. (LET)
Because of the parade, the police wouldn’t ...................................................... in the High Street.
11. “Did you see that film on television on Saturday?” Susan asked me. (SEEN)
Susan wanted to know .......................................................... that film on television on Saturday.
12. “I’m afraid these jeans have a hole in them,” Tania told the shop assistant. (THERE)
“I’m afraid that ................................................... these jeans,” Tania told the shop assistant.
13. Dan never takes any notice of my advice. (ATTENTION)
Dan never ............................................................. my advice.
14. “Can I borrow your bicycle, Sarah?” asked Frank (LEND)
Frank asked Sarah ........................................................................... her bicycle.
15. Maybe Peter forgot that we changed the time of the meeting. (MIGHT)
Peter ................................................................... that we changed the time of the meeting.
16. All the children enjoy themselves at this summer camp. (FUN)
Every ....................................................................... at this summer camp.
17. While I was on holiday, a lot of interesting things happened to me. (MY)
During ....................................................... a lot of interesting experiences
18. It was careless of you to leave without locking the door. (OUGHT)
You .............................................................. the door before you left.
19. “Is Pete likely to change his mind?” Rob asked. (CHANCE)
“Is there ......................................................... changing his mind?” Rob asked.
20. Paul is the only person who has replied to the invitation. (NOBODY)
Apart .................................................. replied to the invitation.
21. Are you familiar with his teaching style yet? (USED)
Have you ........................................................... his teaching style yet?
22. It was such a sunny day that none of us wanted to do any work. (FELT)
None of us ............................................................ any work because it was such a sunny day.
23. Barbara couldn’t sing or dance. (UNABLE)
Besides ...................................................., Barbara couldn’t dance either.
24. Dinner will be served immediately upon our arrival at the hotel. (SOON)
Dinner will be served ................................................ at the hotel.
25. That’s the strangest film I’ve ever seen! (STRANGE)
I’ve ............................................................ film before!
26. A very friendly taxi driver drove us into town. (DRIVEN)
We ........................................................... a very friendly taxi driver.
27. My aunt was determined to pay for our tickets. (INSISTED)
My aunt ........................................................... for our tickets.
28. The manager failed to persuade Karen to take the job. (SUCCEED)
The manager ..........................................................Karen to take the job.

1. “I’d rather you didn’t use that mobile phone in here,” said the librarian. (MIND)
“Would ............................................................. that mobile phone in here?” said the librarian.
2. John impressed his new boss by setting down to work quickly. (GOOD)
John ................................................................... his new boss by setting down to work quickly.
3. Tony regrets lying to his teacher. (WISHES)
Tony ................................................................................................... his teacher the truth.
4. I found it difficult to follow the instructions. (TROUBLE)
I ............................................................................................................... the instructions.
5. “Don’t sit in front of the computer for too long,” our teacher told us. (WARNED)
Our teacher ......................................................... in front of the computer for too long.
6. We got lost coming home from the leisure centre. (WAY)
We couldn’t ........................................................................... from the leisure centre.
7. Mary didn’t find it difficult to pass her driving test. (DIFFICULTY)
Mary had ..................................................................................... her driving test.
8. I always trust Carla’s advice. (SOMEBODY)
Carla .................................................................................. advice I always trust.
9. We appear to have been given the wrong address. (AS)
It .............................................................................. we have been given the wrong address.
10. I couldn’t understand the instructions for my new DVD player. (SENSE)
The instructions for my new DVD player didn’t ............................................................. me.
11. It’s a pity we didn’t do more sport when I was at school. (COULD)
I wish that .................................................................................. more sport when I was at school.
12. He described the hotel to us in detail. (DETAILED)
He .............................................................................................. of the hotel.
13. The TV programmes was so complicated that none of the children could understand it. (TOO)
The TV programme was .............................................................. the children to understand.
14. Luke knocked over the old lady’s bicycle by accident. (MEAN)
Luke ..................................................................................... knock over the old lady’s bicycle.
15. I’ve already planned my next holiday. (ARRANGEMENTS)
I’ve already ............................................................................... my next holiday.
16. They say the ice in Antarctica is getting thinner all the time. (SAID)
The ice in Antarctica ................................................................... getting thinner all the time.
17. We didn’t enjoy our walk along the seafront because it was so windy. (PREVENTED)
The strong wind ................................................................................ our walk along the seafront.
18. It looks as if Susan has left her jacket behind. (SEEMS)
Susan ........................................................................................... her jacket behind.
19. A newly qualified dentist took out Mr Dupont’s tooth. (HAD)
Mr Dupont ...................................................................................... by a newly qualified dentist.
20. Antonio only lost the 100 metre race because he fell. (NOT)
If Antonio had ..................................................................................... won the 100 metre race.
21. The teacher postponed the theatre trip until the summer term. (OFF)
The theatre trip ........................................................................ the teacher until the summer term.
22. “What is the width of this cupboard?” Rebecca asked her sister. (WIDE)
Rebecca asked her sister ............................................................................................... was.
23. George spent ages tidying up his room. (TOOK)
It ........................................................................................... up his room.
24. A famous architect designed Dr Schneider’s house for her. (HAD)
Dr Schneider ............................................................................... a famous architect.
25. “Peter, you’ve eaten all the ice cream!” said his mother. (ACCUSED)
Peter’s mother ..................................................................................... all the ice cream.
26. Jim fell off his bike because he wasn’t looking where he was going. (PAYING)
If Jim........................................................................... to where he was going, he wouldn’t have
fallen off his bike.
27. We might not find it easy to book a seat at the last minute. (COULD)
It ................................................................................. us to book a seat at the lat minute.
28. It was wrong of you to borrow my jacket without asking. (OUGHT)
You ....................................................................................... before you borrowed my jacket.

1. As a result of the strong wind last night, several tiles came off the roof. (BECAUSE)
Several tiles came off the roof .......................................................................so strong last night.
2. Mary last wrote to me seven months ago. (HEARD)
I ................................................................................ Mary for seven months.
3. I don’t recommend hiring skis at this shop. (ADVISABLE)
It’s ............................................................................................ skis at this shop.
4. Mike’s father started the company that Mike now runs. (SET)
The company that Mike now runs .................................................................................. his father.
5. The number of car owners has risen over the past five years. (RISE)
Over the past five years, there .......................................................... in the number of car owners.
6. Naomi said that she would never talk to anyone else about the matter. (DISCUSS)
Naomi promised never ............................................................................... anyone else.
7. “This is the best hotel I’ve ever stayed in,” my colleague said. (NEVER)
“I’ve ...................................................................................... hotel than this,” my colleague said.
8. There were very few people at the concert last night. (CAME)
Hardly .................................................................................................. the concert last night.

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