Com Res 10933

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Republic of the Philippines

Intramuros, Manila


FOR THE CONSTITUTION, INTING, Socorro B., Commissioner
MEMBERS OF THE MACEDA, Emesto Commissioner
BARANGAY BOARD OF CELIS, Nelson J. Commissioner

Promulga 1sd; June 27, 2023


WHEREAS, on 12 April 2023, the Commission on Elections (Commission)

issued Minute Resolution No. 23-0239, approving the Operational Plan for the Pilot
Testing of the Automated Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections in
Barangay (BSKE) Zone 11, Poblacion and, Paliparan lll, Dasmarifias City, Cavite;
and in Barangay Pasong Tamo, Qluezon City-6th District;

WHEREAS, on 24 May 2023, the Commission on Elections (Commission)

issued Minute Resolution No. 23-033 1, approving the Revised Budget to cover the
expenses for the conduct of the Pilot Testing of the Automated BSKE;

WHEREAS, there is a need to provide rules and General Instructions for the
Constitution, Composition and Appointment of the Electoral Boards (EB), EB
Support Staff, Department of Education Supervising Officer (DESO), DESO
Support Stafi Barangay Board of Canvassers (BBOC), BBOC Support Staff,
members of the Reception and Custody Group (RCG), and Consolidation and
Canvassing System Operator (CCSO) in pilot areas;

NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to
its authority under the Constitution,
theomnibus Election Code,Republic Act Nos. 91641 ,93402,93693, 106324,
107425, 107566, and other election laws, the Commission on
Elections RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, to promulgate the following
General Instructions on the Constitution, Composition and Appointment of the
members of the Electoral Boards and Barangay Board of Canvassers.


SECTION 1. The Automated BSKE shall be pilot tested in the following


1. Zone Il, Poblacion, Dasmarifias City, Cavite, Region IV-A;

2. Paliparanlll, Dasmarifias City, Cavite, Region IV-A; and

3. Pasong Tamo, Qluezon City-6m District, National Capital Region.

SECTION 2. Scope. - This Article shall apply to the Constitution, Composition,
and Appointment of the EBs, DESO, and their respective Support Staff.

SECTION 3. Electoral Board. - There shall be an EB for every clustered precinct.

SECTION 4. Authority to Constitute and Appoint the Members of the

Electoral Board. - The Commission, through the Election Officers (EOs) of
Dasmarifias City and 6m District of Quezon City, shall constitute and appoint, not
later than 09 Septcmber 2023, Saturday, the EBs for every clustered precinct in the
concemed barangay or city, in a form prescribed by the Commission (CEF No. ,{5
and A5-A- copies of Appointment and Oath).

Copies of CEF No. 5 and A5-A shall be distributed as follows:

I An Act Providing for Synchronized Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections, Amending Republic Ac1No. 7160, as Amended, Otherwise
Knoun as the "Local Govemment Code of 1991", snd for Other Purposes.
, An Ad Amending Republic Act No. 9164, Resetling the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan El€ctions, and for Other Purposes.
An Act Amending Republic Act No. 8436, Entitled "An Act Authorizing thc Commission on Elections to Use an Automated Election System in
the May I I, 1998 Nalional or tncal Elections and in Subsequ€nt National and Local Electoral Exercises, to Encourage Transparency, Credibility,
Faimess and Accuracy ofEl€ctions, Amending fot the Purpose Batas Pamrarra BIg. 881, as Amended, Republic Act No. 7166 and Other Related
Elections Laws, Pmviding Funds Th€refor and for Other Purposes".
{ An Act to Postpone the Sangguniang Kabalaan Eleclions on October 28, 2013, Amending for the Purpose Republic AclNo. 9340, and for Other

An Act Establishing Reforms in th€ Sangguniarg Kabatarn Creating Enabling Mechanisms for Meaningful Youth Panicioalion in Nation-Building,
and for Other Purposes.
An Act Rcndering Elcction Scrvice Non€ompulsory for Public School Teachcrs, Authorizing the Appoinqnenr of Olhcr Qulifrcd,
Providing for Compensarion and Oth€r Benefits-

2lI" ":"
a) The first and second copies shall be retained by the EO. One copy shall be
for filing and the other shall be attached to the payroll for payment of
honorarium ofthe EB; and

b) The third copy shall be issued to the Chairperson and members of the EB

SECTION 5. Composition of the Electoral Board. - The EB shall be composed of

a Chairperson, Poll Clerk, and Third Member.

In allcases, the EO shall ensure that at least one (1) member of the EB is an
Information Technology-capable person trained for the purpose, and certified as
such by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) during the last 2022
National and Local Elections.

As far as practicable, women EB members may not be assigned in areas with security
concerns or areas likely to cause gender-based violence or to result in physical,
sexual, or psychological harm.

SECTION 6. Right of Preference. - In the appointment of the members of the EB,

the EO shall give preference to public school teachers who are qualified, willing,
and available to render election-related services.

For this purpose, the highest DepEd official, in Dasmarifias City and Quezon City
shall submit to the EO a certified list of public-school teachers and substitutes who
are qualified, willing, and available to render election-related services within five
(5) days upon request, based on the Project ofPrecincts (POP). The EO shall give
preference to those with permanent appointments and those who served rn the 2022
National and Local Elections (see Annexes "A" and "A-1'). The request shall be
accompanied by a copy ofthe POP.

The number of substitutes shall be 20Yo of the total number of members of the EBs
to be appointe d (i.e., l0 clustered precincts x 3 :30 xZo%o:6. Hence, there should
be 6 substitutes for 10 clustered precincts).

In the preparation of such list, the DepEd officials shall exercise due diligence to
ensure that the persons appearing in the said list are indeed public-school teachers,
who are qualified, willing, and available to serve as members of the EB. The list
is for recommendatory purposes only.

Within three (3) days from receipt of the list, the EO shall immediately conduct
verification on the qualifications of the persons appearing in the said list based on
the qualifications set forth in the immediately succeeding section.

Public-school Teachers not included in the list, who are qualified, willing and
available, may apply directly to the concerned EO.

SECTION 7. Qualifications of Members of the Electoral Board. - No person
shall be appointed as a Member of the EB, whether regular, temporary, or as a
substitute. unless such person is:

a. Of good moral character;

b. Of irreproachable and impeccable reputation;

c. Of known integrity and competence;

d. A registered voter;
e. Has never been convicted ofany election offense or ofany crime punishable
by more than six (6) months of imprisonment, or has no pending Information
for any election offense; and

f. Able to speak and write Fiiipino and/or English.

Preference shall be given to individuals who are fully-vaccinated and without


SECTION 8. Disqualification of Members of the Electoral Board. - No person

shall be appointed as a member of the EB if said person is related, within the fourth
(4th) civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, to any member of the same EB, or to
any candidate to be voted for in the polling place of assignment, or to the said
candidate's spouse.

SECTION 9. Notice of Disqualification. - The Chairperson or any member of the

EB who is disqualified to serve for any reason shall immediately notifu, in writing,
the concemed EO.

SECTION 10. Posting of the List of the Constituted Members of the Electoral
Board. - One (1) day after the constitution of the EB, the list of the constituted
members and substitutes shall be posted for five (5) days on the bulletin boards in
the Office of the EO (OEO) and concemed barangay hall.

The procedure for Opposition to the Designated Members of the EB under Section
11 of Resolution No. 107277 shall be observed if there is any such opposition with
respect to the qualification of any member of the EB.

SECTION 11. Appointment of Public School Teachers as Substitutes. - In case

of disqualification of a member of the EB, the concemed EO shall appoint a
substitute who is qualified, willing, and available.

In the appointment of substitutes, the EO shall observe the procedures in Section 10

of this Resolution.

Promulgated on 10 November 2021

Ifthe designation ofpublic-school teachers as substitutes is no longer feasible, other
qualified substitutes as enumerated in the succeeding Section may be appointed.

SECTION 12. Grounds for the Appointment of Qualified Substitutes. - In case

there are not enough public-school teachers who are qualified, willing,, and available,
other qualified substitutes may be appointed by the Commission, through the EO, in
either of the following cases:

a. There is a lack of public-school teachers to be constituted as members of the

EB based on the certified list submitted by the DepEd official to the EO vrs-
a-vls the number ofclustered precincts in the involved barangays; or

b. One or more ofthe public-school teachers in the certified list has or have been
disqualified by the EO and there are no other public-school teachers in the
concerned locality who are qualified, willing, and available to be appointed as

Substitutes shall be on-call on Election Day. The EO shall cause the deployment of
a substitute in case any member of the EB fails to report in his/her designated polling
place. Except in the following instances when there is a need to fill in a temporary
vacancy, the members of the EB who are present, may appoint a qualified non-
partisan registered voter, who shall serve until the regular or substitute member

a. There is considerable distance between the residence of the substitute and the
location ofthe polling place;

b. Lack or difficulty of means of transportation; or

c. Inability of the EB to inform the EO of the non-appearance of any of the


SEC. 13. Order of Preference. - In case any of the circumstances mentioned in the
preceding section exist, the EO may appoint the following persons based on their
order of preference, who shall likewise be qualified, willing, and available to render
election related service, to wit:

a Private school teachers, giving preference to:

a.1. Those employed in private schools being utilized by the Commission as

voting centers. If the voting center is a public building, private school
teachers whose place of employment is within the vicinity may be appointed
as members of the EB in that particular area.

a. 2. Those teaching in high school or college level, holding regular positions

who have previously served as member of the EB.

For this purpose, the highest private school official shall submit to the EO, within
five (5) days upon request, a certified list of private school teachers who are
qua1ified, wil1ing, and available to render election-related service (see Annex "B"

b. National government employees;

b. 1. DepEd non-teaching personnel;

b.2. Other national government otficials and employees holding regular or

pernanent positions, excluding uniformed personnel of the Department of
National Defense @NfD), all its attached agencies, and the Philippine
National Police (PNP), except as provided under Section 32 of Resolution
No. 10727;8

c. National Citizens Movement For Free Elections (NAMFREL),, Parish Pastoral

Council For Responsible Voting (PPCRV), Members of the Commission-
accredited citizens' anns or other Civil Society Orgaaizations (CSOs) and
Non-Govemment Organizations (NGOs) duly accredited by the Commission;

d. Any registered voter of the barangay, of known integrity and competence,

who is not connected with any candidate;

d. 1 . Connection with any candidate shall mean:

relationship within the fourth (4th) civil degree of consanguinity

d. 1 .1 .
and affrnity, including the spouse ofthe candidate;

d.1.2. supporter;

d.1.3. contributor, donor; or

d. 1 .4. other analogous cases.

For this purpose, the following persons shall endorse a certified list of their
respective personnel, who are qualified, willing, and available to render election-
related services, based on the POP to the EO within five (5) days upon request, to

1. The highest official of the private school in the district, city or municipality,
in case of letter (a) above. In case there are two or more private schools in
the city, the EO shall send a request simultaneously (see Annex "C");

2. The DepEd offrcial mentioned in the 2nd paragraph (b.1.) [see Annex "D"l;


3. The highest official of other national govemment agencies in the district or
city in case of lefter "b.2." above, if any; or

4. The highest officer of authorized representative of the local chapter of the

NAMFREL, PPCRV or other citizens' arns or other CSOs and NGOs duly
accredited by the Commission in the district or city, in case of letter "c" above.
In case there are two or more organizations in the district or city, the EO shall
send the request simultaneously (see Annex "E");

In cases of numbers I and, 4, the EO shall observe the policy on first-come first-
served basis.

The endorsement of the heads of the agencies shali serve as an authority for their
respective employees who shall render election-related services to be on official
business for purposes of attending trainings or seminars relative to their
appointments as members of the EB.

In the preparation of the list, the aforementioned officials shall exercise due
diligence to ensure that the persons appearing therein are indeed qualified, willing,
and available to render election-reiated services.

Private school teachers, national govemment employees, DepEd non-teaching

personnel, other national govemment officials, and employees holding regular or
permanent positions, excluding uniformed personnel of the DND and all its attached
agencies, and members of the Commission-accredited citizen arrns, or other civil
society organizations, and non-govemmental organizations duly accredited by the
Commission, not included in the Lists, who are qualified, willing and available, may
apply directly to the concemed EO.

With regard to letter "d" of this Section, the Commission shall provide, free of
charge, an application form, which shall be made available at the concerned OEOs
for any registered voter who intends to be appointed as a member of the EB. The
Information Technology Department (ITD) of the Commission shall ensure that the
said form may be downloaded from its official website for easy access thereto.

SECTION 14. Posting of Notice of Date, Time, and place of Filing of

Application of Qualilied Substitutes; Posting of the List of Applicants and
Filing of Opposition. - For purposes of posting of the Notice of Date, Time, and
place of filing of application of Qualified Substitutes, and the posting of the List of
Applicants and filing of opposition thereto, the procedures enumerated under
Sections 15 and 16 of Resolution No. 10727 shall be observed.

SECTION 15. Authority to Administer Oath. - The concerned EO shall have the
power to administer oath, free of charge, in all cases where said oath is required.

SECTION 16. Oath of the Chairperson and Members of the Electoral Board. -
Before assuming office, the Chairperson and Members of the EB shall take and sign

an oath using CEF No. ,{5 and A5-A before an officer authorized to administer oath
or, in the absence of said officer, before any other member of the EB present, or in
case no one is present, before any voter.

SECTION 17. Relief and Substitution of the Members of the Electoral Board. -
The members of the EB shall not be relieved unless disqualified as provided in this

SECTION 18. Prohibition on Political Activity. - No member of the EB shall

engage, directly or indirectly, in any political activity or take part in the election,
except to vote and to discharge election duties.

SECTION 19. Powers and Functions of the Electoral Board. - In addition to the
powers and functions prescribed by law or by the rules and regulations issued by the
Commission, the EBs for the Automated BSKE shall:

Conduct the Final Testing and Sealing of the VCM;

b. Verifl, the identiry of a voter using the EDCVL;

c. Conduct the voting in the polling place and administer the electronic counting
of votes;

d. Act as deputies of the Commission in the supervision and control of the

conduct of elections in the polling place;

e. Maintain order within the polling place and its premises to keep an open and
unobstructed access thereto;

f. Prohibit the use of cellular phones, cameras, or any recording device by the
voters during voting;

g. Implement minimum public health standards and to enforce obedience to its

lawful orders.

If any person refuses to obey the lawful orders of the EB or conducts in a

disorderly manner in its presence or within its hearing and thereby intemrpts
or disturbs its proceedings, the EB may issue an order in writing directing any
peace officer to take such person into custody until the adjoumment of the
meeting, but such order shall not be executed as to prevent such person from

In the absence of any peace officer, such order may be executed by any other
competent and able person deputized by the EB in writing. A copy of such
written order shall be attached to the Minutes;

h. Fumish copies of the Certificate of Votes (C.E. Form No. l3) upon request of
the watchers; and

Perfom such other functions prescribed by law or by the rules and regulations
promulgated by the Commission.

SECTION 20. Proceedings/Meetings of the Electoral Board. - The meetings of

the EB shall be public and held only in the polling place authorized by the

The EB shall act through its Chairperson, and without delay, decide by majority vote
to all questions that may arise in the performance of its duties.

The minimum public health standards issued by the IATF-EID and other health
protocols shall be strictly observed during these meetings.

SECTION 21. Support Staff of the Electoral Board. - The concerned EO shall,
during the period for the constitution and appointment of the EB, appoint one ( I )
Support Staff to assist the EB in the performance of its duties.

The Support Staff need not be a registered voter of the barangay/city but must
possess all the other qualifications and none of the disqualifications for the
appointment of the EB.

The numbers of additional Support Staff that may be appointed per EB are as

Number of Established Precincts in Number of Additional EB Support

the Clustered Precincts (for both Staff
Barangay and SK)

1to3 0

4 I

5 or more 2

The EB Support Staffcannot participate in the deliberation of the EB or vote on any

issue or question that may arise during the proceedings.

In case ofabsence ofany ofthe Support Staffon the day ofthe election, the EB, by
majority vote, may designate a substitute who need not be a registered voter of the
barangaylcity, but possesses all the other qualifications and none of the
disqualifications for the appointment of support staff.

SECTION 22. Department of Education Supervisor Official and Support Staff;

Composition, Qualifications and Functions. - The concemed EO shall, within the

period for the constitution and appointment of the EB, constitute one (1) DESO for
Automated BSKE and one (1) DESO Support Staff, for every Voting Center.

The DESO and DESO Support Staff need not be registered voters of the
barangay lcity where they are assigned but must possess all the other qualifications
and none of the disqualifications for the appointment of the EB.

The DESO, in coordination with the EO, shall:

a. Plan, organize, lay-out, and supervise the sefting up of a Voters' Assistance

Desk (VAD) for Automated BSKE at the voting center to assist voters in
locating their polling places or precinct assignments;

b. Supervise the strategic posting of the layout of the Voting Center indicating/
showing the location of the polling places of the clustered precincts for
Automated BSKE in the Voting Center, as well as the posting of other
signages, which shall guide the voters in the voting process;

c. Plan, organize, and supervise the crowd management at the ingress and egress
areas of the polling places;

d. Maintain a list of technical personnel, well as Philippine National Police

(PNP) and Armed Forces of the Philippines (AIP) personnel, assigned in the
voting centers for efficient coordination;

e. Serve as the contact and point person of the concemed EO in the polling place
or Voting Center;

f. Supervise the implementation of the minimum public health standards in

Voting Center;

g. Serve as COVID Marshal;

h. Supervise the VCM Technicians in the exercise of their duties and functions;

Perform such other functions prescribed by law or by the rules and regulations
promulgated by the Commission.

SECTION 23. VCM Technicians and Technical Support Personnel; Additional

Qualilications and Functions. - There shall be one (1) VCM Technician per Voting
Center. For voting centers with multi-clustered precincts, an additional one ( 1) VCM
Technician for every ten (10) clustered precincts.

The VCM Technician must be an IT-capable person and has undergone the basic
training in installation, operation and troubleshooting of the VCM. The duties and
functions of the VCM Technician are as follows:

a. Report during the scheduled Final Testing and Sealing and on Eiection Day
in the Voting Center where they are assigned;

10 1-age
b. Remain in the assigned Voting Center for the entire duration of the Final
Testing and Sealing; and on Election Day, until all the activities are

c. Report to the Command Center for the Automated BSKE during the conduct
of the Final Testing and Sealing and on Election Day the following:

I . Date and time of arrival at the Voting center;

2. Date and time of successful installation of the VCM of the clustered

precincVs under his/her j urisdiction;

3. Date and time of the start of voting of the clustered precinct/s under his
j urisdiction;

4. Date and time of the close of voting of the clustered precinct/s under
his jurisdiction;

5. Missing items in the VCM box of the clustered precincts under his/her
jurisdiction, if any;

6. Defective SD card and/or VCM for replacement; and

7. All other information or reports that may be required of them;

d. Assist the EB in the installation of VCM, if so required; and

e. Troubleshoot the VCM in case of technical issues and provide solution.

SECTION 24. Technical Support. - The Commission shallassign Technical

Support from the Information and Technology Department in every voting center -
one (1) in Barangay Zonell and four (4) in Barangay PaliparanIII, Dasmarifias,
Cavite; and seven (7) in Barangay Pasong Tamo, Quezon City. The Technical
Support will provide technical assistance and support to the VCM Technician in case
the technical issues cannot be resolved by the latter on the ground.

SECTION 25. Reportorial Requirements. - The concemed EO shall, within three

(3) days from the constitution, appointment and designation of the (a) members of
EB and their support staff, and (b) DESO and their support staff, shall submit to the
Office of the Regional Election Director (ORED), the following:

a. List containing the names of the appointed members of the EB and their
respective designations;

b. List containing the names of the appointed support staff of the EB, arranged
by precinct; and

c List containing the names of the appointed DESO and their support staff,
arranged by polling/ voting center.

11 l-r::st
The Regional Election Directors (REDs) of NCR and Region IV-A shall, within
three (3) days from receipt of above enumerated documents, submit the lists to the
Finance Service Department (FSD) and Election and Barangay Affairs Department
(EBAD) through the fastest possible means. Soft copies in PDF format are likewise
to be submitted through email
at [email protected] and ebad@comelec.

The concerned RED shali likewise copy furnish the AES-BSKE Committee.


SECTION 26. Entitlement of Honoraria, Allowanceso Service Credits and

Other Benefits. - Persons rendering election-related services shall be entitled to the

a. Honoraria. - The Chairperson and members of the EB, the DESO and their
respective Support Staff shall be entitled to the corresponding honoraria:

Chairperson of the EB P10,000.00

Member of the EB P 9,000.00

DESO P 9,000.00

Support Staff P 5,500.00

b. Travel Allowance. The Chairperson and members of the EB, the DESO for
the Automated BSKE, and their respective support staff shall be entitled to a
travel allowance for the conduct of the Final Testing and Sealing, of One
Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) each.

c. Communication Allowance. - The DESO for the Automated BSKE and

VCM Technician shall be entitled to a communication allowance of One
Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P1,500.00) each.

d. Service Credit. - A minimum of five (5) days service credit shall

accrue to
all government officials and employees serving as EB, DESO, and Support

SECTION 27. Period of Payment. - The honoraria and allowances mentioned in

the immediately preceding section shall be paid within fifteen (15) days from the
date of the BSKE.

SECTION 28. Delay in the Payment of Honoraria an Allowances; Effect. - Any

officer, employee, or person who makes or causes delay in the payment of honoraria
and allowances due to persons who rendered election-related service beyond fifteen
(15) days from the date ofBSKE shall be liable for an election offense.

12 lr::er:
SECTION 29. Other Benefits. - Persons rendering election service shall be entitled
to the following:

a. Death Benefits - The amount of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (P500,000.00)

shall be awarded to the beneficiaries of persons who died due to election-
related risk.

b. Medical Assistance - An amount not exceeding Two Hundred Thousand Pesos

(P200,000.00) shall be awarded to the person who rendered election-related
service and suffered election-related injury or illness.

SECTION 30. Legal Indemnification Package. - An equitable legal

indemnification package for persons who rendered election-related service and have
been a party in any administrative, civil, or criminal action, suit or proceeding, by
reason of or on the occasion of performance of their functions or duties as such is
hereby established in the form of:

a Legal assistance;

b. Lawyer's fees;

c lndemnification for legal costs and expenses reasonably incurred; and

d. Other forms of legal protection.

The Legal indemnification shall not cover any action or suit initiated by the claimant
in the latter's personal capacity or on behalf of the Commission, unless such action,
proceeding or claim was authorized by the Commission.

SECTION 31. Funds for Legal Indemnification Package. - The amount of Fifty
Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) as legal indemnification package shall be made
available to each claimant,

SECTION 32. Committee on Claims and Assessment. - Claims for other benefits
and legal indemnification package shall be filed with the Committee on Claims and
Assessment (CCA) through the concemed EO.

SECTION 33. Legal Assistance. - A person who rendered election-related service

is hereby authorized to engage the services of a govemment or private lawyer
immediately upon receipt of a notice that a civil or criminal action, suit or
administrative proceeding relating to any election service has been filed against said

SECTION 34. Lawyer's Fees. - In the engagement of the services of a government

lawyer, no claims for lawyer's fees shall be awarded.

Should the claimant prefer to engage the services of a private lawyer, the
Commission, upon the recommendation of the CCA of the concemed national
13 lo:""
government agency shall bear the reasonable lawyer's fees of the counsel of choice,
which, in no case, shall exceed the maximum limit of the legal indemnification
package herein provided, otherwise, the former shall bear the excess.

ln the event that private lawyers accept the case "pro bono," no claims for lawyer's
fees shall be awarded.

SECTION 35. Legal Costs and Other Reasonable Expenses. - Legal costs shall
constitute the expenses directly incurred by reason ofthe case, such as but not limited

a Filing fees, if applicable;

b. Mailing;
c. Notarial fees; and

d. Gathering ofand photocopy ofevidence.

A reasonable amount from the legal indemnification package shall be allocated by

the Commission for the payment of the actual expenses incurred for legal costs and
other reasonable expenses.

SECTION 36. Other Forms of Legal Protection. - The claimant may avail of any
legal protection and remedies available under existing laws by filing a request for
legal protection with the CCA.

If, upon evaluation, the CCA finds the request to be meritorious due to existing or
imminent threat, violence, harassment or intimidation against the claimant or any
immediate member of claimant's family, it shall recommend to the Commission Er
Banc,the deputation of law enforcement agencies to provide security to the claimant
and/ or claimant's immediate family member within a specified period of time or
until such time that the condition for the protection no longer exists.

SECTION 37. Entitlement to Legal Indemnification Package. - The Claimant

shall be allowed reimbursement for reasonable legal expenses incurred if found not
guilty of an election offense or exonerated from civil, criminal or administrative case
filed against him, in relation to election-related service, subject to usual accounting
and auditing rules and regulations of the COA.




14 lirage
SECTION 38. Barangay Board of Canvassers. - There shall be one ( I ) BBOC in
each barangay to canvass the ERs for both the Barangay and SK elections and
thereafter proclaim the winning candidates.

The Commission through the concerned EO shall constitute the BBOC to be

composed of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Member-Secretary.

The DepEd District School Supervisor of the concerned city, or in his/trer absence,
the most senior in rank, or the Principal of the concemed school/Voting Center shall
be designated/appointed as the Chairperson of the BBOC.

SECTION 39. Honoraria of the Chairperson and Members of the BBOC. - The
Chairperson and Members of the BBOC shall receive an honorarium of Fourteen
Thousand Pesos (P14,000.00) each for services rendered.

SECTION 40. Consolidation and Canvassing System Operators (CCSO). - Each

BBOC shali be assisted by an information technology-capable person authorized to
operate the Consolidation and Canvassing System (CCS), to be known as the
Consolidation and Canvassing System Operator (CCSO). The CCSO shall be
designated by the Commission from among the deputized agencies and
instrumentalities of the national govemment holding permanent appointments.

The CCSO must not be related within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or
affinity to any member of the BBOC or to the Reception and Custody Group (RCG)
or to any candidate whose votes shall be canvassed by the BOC where the CCSO is

The CCSO shall be designated by the EO concemed. The honorariurr of the CCSO
shall be the same as that of the members of the BBOC.

SECTION 41. Reception and Custody Group ECG). - Each BBOC shall
constitute an RCG for the reception and safekeeping of the VCM main SD cards.
There shall be one ( 1 ) RCG for every BBOC.

The RCG shall be composed of three (3) members who are government appointive
officials holding pennanent appointments. They shall be designated by the
concemed Chairperson of the BBOC and shall receive an honorarium of Ten
Thousand Pesos (P 1 0,000.00).

In no case shall local govemment unit and barangay employees be appointed or

designated as members of the RCG.

SECTION 42. BBOC Support Staff. - The BBOC Chairperson shall appoint one
(l) support staff to assist the BBOC in the performance of its duties.

15 lP:ge
The support staff shall be entitled to an honorarium of Five Thousand pesos (php

Plantilla casuals, contracts of service, job orders or permanent employees may be

appointed or designated as BBOC support staff, except employees of the local
govemment unit and,/or concemed barangay regardless of the nature of appointment.

The support staff shall not be related within the fourth civil degree ofconsanguinity
or affinity to the Chairperson or any member of the BBOC, CCSO, RCG or to any
candidate whose votes will be canvassed by the BBOC.

SECTION 43. Reportorial Requirements. - Not later than 15 September 2023,

the RED of Region IV-A and NCR shall submit to the ODEDO and Finance Services
Department (FSD) the following:

IList of names of the Chairpersons and Members of the BBOC

2 List of Members of the RCG; and
J List of names and addresses of the Canvassing Venue.

SECTION 44. Insurance and Other Benefits of the Chairperson and Members
of the BBOC and RCG. - Persons serving as Chairperson and Members of the
BBOC, Support Staff, CCSO and members of the RCG shall be entitled to the same
insurance and other benefits as that ofthe EB.

SECTION 45. Powers and Functions of the BBOC. - The BBOC shall have full
authority to keep order within the canvassing room or hall including its premises and
enforce obedience to its lawful orders. If any person refuses to obey any lawful order
of the BBOC or acts in such disorderly manner as to disturb or interrupt its
proceedings, the BBOC may order in writing a peace officer to take such person into
custody until adjoumment of the meeting. In the absence of any peace officer, any
other competent and able person deputized by the BBOC in writing may execute
such order.

Further, the BBOC shall:

I Canvass the ERs as submitted physically by the EBs;

2 Generate and print the COC, COCP, and SOV;
J Proclaim the winning candidates; and
4 Perform such other functions as may be directed by the Commission.

SECTION 46. Duties and Responsibilities of the RCG. - The RCG shall:

1. Receive from the EB the envelope containing the VCM main SD card and
the envelopes containing the printed copies ofthe ERs and other documents;
2. Log the date and time of receipt of the envelopes containing the main SD
card and ERs, including the condition and serial number ofeach envelope
and its corresponding paper seal, its precinct number, and the barangay;

16 lirigr':
3. Place the envelopes containing the ERs inside the ballot box, close and lock
the same; and
4. Mark/Indicate in the Project of Precincts (POP) the corresponding precincts
of the envelope containing the VCM main SD card.

SECTION 47, Supervision and Control over the BBOC., The Commission have
direct supervision and control over the BBOC.

Any member of the BBOC may, at any time, be relieved for cause and substituted
motu proprio by the Commission through the EO.

SECTION 48. Relationship with Candidates and Other Members. - The

members of the BBOC and/or RCG shall not be related within the fourth civil degree
of consanguinity or affinity to any barangay candidate or SK candidate or to any of
the candidate's spouse or to any member of the same BBOC and/or RCG.

SECTION 49. Notice of Meeting of the BBOC. - At least five (5) days before the
meeting of the BBOC, the Chairperson shall give notice of the date, time, and place
of its meeting to all members thereof, and to each candidate.

SECTION 50. Roles of the Regional Election Directors (REDs), Assistant

Regional Election Directors (AREDs), Provincial Election Supervisors (PESs)
and Election Officers (EOs). - The REDs and AREDs of Region IV-A and the
NCR; PES of Cavite; and EOs of Dasmariftas City and 6th District of Quezon City
shall ensure the strict implementation of the provisions of this Resolution, and the
timely compliance of the reportorial requirements. Non-compliance shall be dealt
with administratively in accordance with the existing policy of the Commission.

SECTION 51. Administrative Sanctions. - Any person who violates or fails to

comply with any of the provision of this Resolution shall constitute as a ground for
administrative liability for dereliction of dufy, malfeasance, misfeasance and/ or
nonfeasance in office and, if found guilty, the corresponding administrative penatty
shall be imposed, after due notice and hearing.

SECTION 52. Suppletory Character of COMELEC Resolution Nos. 10727 and

10778. The provisions of Resolution Nos. 10727 and.10778 shall apply suppletory,
unless they are in conflict with any of the provision of this Resolution.

SECTION 53. Effectivify. - This Resolution shall take effect on the seventh (7th)
day after its publication in two (2) daily newspapers of general circulation in the
Philippines and"/or in the Commission website.

17 1:a3r:
SECTION 54. Publication and Dissemination. -
The Education and Information
Depanment, this Commission, shall cause the publication of this Resolution in two (2)
daily newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines and fumish copies thereof to all
RED, PES and EO.





Commissioner Commissioner


Commissioner Commissioner


Commissioner Commissioner


APPROVED by the Commission En Banc during its regular online meeting on 2l June
2023, pursuant to Comelec Resolution No. 10671, "Supplemental Resolution
No. 9936 promulgated March 25, 2015, Rule on the Enactment and Promulgation of
Executive or Administrative Resolutions providing for other format of meetings to include
online meetings applicable in times of the COVID-I9 pandemic and the imposition of
Community Quarantines and similar emergency situations."

Director IV
Offrce of the Commission Secretary

This Resolution can be verified at this number (02)85272987; email address

[email protected].

18 lPage

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