HAM RF Research 5 Merged
HAM RF Research 5 Merged
HAM RF Research 5 Merged
Inverter to
DC-DC Converter for Audio Isolation Amplifier
The described inverter provides two output voltages galvanically separated from each other as well
as from the power supply. I designed the inverter for an isolation amplifier from PE 7/2001, but nothing
prevents it from being used in other applications.
Description involvement
The base of the inverter is a self-absorbing double-acting transducer with transistors T1 and T2 ( Figure 1
). This connection was chosen primarily because of its simplicity, although it does not achieve peak
performance. Because of the relatively small power output it is not too much of a fault. The feedback winding n2
is used to blunt the drive. Since the voltage from the feedback winding is directed at the transistors transitions, a
negative voltage of about 1 V appears in the center of the winding. Polarity C4 is therefore in the diagram
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter
The T1 and T2 transistors alternately connect the ends of winding n1 to the ground. After the transistor is
switched on, the current of the winding, connected in the collector of the respective transistor, will increase and
at the same time the current excited in the winding n2 will increase. The transistors remain open for as long as
they just open their current to the base excited in n2. On average, this current is the same as that passed through
resistor R1. If the voltage starts to increase on the transistor, the voltage at the winding n1 decreases and the
current excited in n2 decreases. The transistor closes and the second transistor opens. On the winding in the
collector, the voltage increase is practically the same as the supply voltage. Since the secondary windings have
the same number of threads, almost the same voltage will appear on them. This voltage is controlled by Schottky
diodes D2 and D3, respectively. D4 and D5. There is also an output filter behind the rectifier, which reduces the
output voltage interference by the inverter frequency. A similar filter is also connected to the input side of the
inverter. If you do not reverse the polarity of the supply voltage, you can replace the diode D1 with the jumper.
The efficiency of the drive increases.
Fig. 2. Circuit board for inverter. Click to get the image in 600 dpi resolution
. 2. DC-DC PCB layout. Click to get 600 dpi resolution image
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter
wooden spindle. The number of threads and wire diameters are listed in the parts list. The exact number of
threads and the diameter of the wire is not so important, I wound up the coil with what was at hand. The double
windings have been wound with two wires at the same time so that both windings have the same number of
turns. The end of the first and the beginning of the second I have joined and thus created the center of the
winding. After the recovery, the inverter board was inserted into the AH-100 box. The inverter should "tighten"
the 12 V / 1.2 W lamp. If it does not deliver the required power, reduce the resistance of the resistor R1. After
the recovery, the inverter board was inserted into the AH-100 box. The inverter should "tighten" the 12 V / 1.2
W lamp. If it does not deliver the required power, reduce the resistance of the resistor R1. After the recovery, the
inverter board was inserted into the AH-100 box. The inverter should "tighten" the 12 V / 1.2 W lamp. If it does
not deliver the required power, reduce the resistance of the resistor R1.
Parts list
R1 3.3 kOhm
C1, C2 47 μF / 16 V
C3 2.2 μF (microF), tantalum. or 100 nF, ceramics.
C4 10 μF (microF) / 16 V
C5, C6, C7, C8 22 μF (microF) / 16 V
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter
D1 1N4001 (1N5819)
D2, D3, D4, D5 1N5819
T1, T2 BC639
L1 68 μH (microH), TL.68μH
L2, L3 330 μH (microH), TL.68μH
Transformer / Switching transformer
n1 15 + 15 z (Diameter 0.18 mm CuL / AWG 33)
n2 3 + 3 z (Diameter 0.18 mm CuL / AWG 33)
n3 15 + 15 z 33)
n4 15 + 15 z (diameter 0.18 mm CuL / AWG 33)
core diameter 14 mm, Al = 160, mass H12
box AH100
printed circuit board bcs29
Jaroslav Belza
12. 8. 2001
5. 3. 2002 upd.
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1/11/2018 Detector unit 1
Antenna unit 1
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With a certain value of C1, there wil be maximum power transfer from antenna to the circuit L1,C2.
Then there is maximum voltage across the coil L1, and maximum sensitivity of the receiver.
At low frequencies we must for instance adjust C1 to 100 pF, and at high frequencies to 20 pF, but these values
are depending on the (lenght of) antenna we connect to it.
For the circuit Q however, the lower the value of C1, the higher the Q.
More information about this, you wil find here.
Coil L1 is wound with litzwire 660x 0.04mm (660/46 AWG), on a polypropylene former.
This coil is described here as coil L12, only the outermost winding is removed to reduce inductance a little bit.
This reduced the total wirelenght from 15 to 14.5 meters.
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1/11/2018 Detector unit 1
Detector unit 1
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Here the description of a detector unit, this can be used in combination with an antenna unit, so that a two-circuit receiver is
An audio transformer with a high input impedance such as my transformer unit1 is connected to the output .
Coil L1 is a coil of litz wire 660x0.04 mm (660/46 AWG) and is wound onto a polypropylene coil holder.
This coil is described here as coil L13.
The tuning capacitor has silver plated plates and insulators of polyethylene, and is described here under the name C2b.
The switches S1 and S2 are reed switches which can be switched by placing a magnet on them, these reed switches with glass
housing give little dielectric losses.
When opened, the switch contacts have a capacity of about 0.2 pF.
With trimmer capacitors C2 and C3 the frequency range of the detector unit can be set.
Diode D1 is a double SMD schottky diode of the type HSMS282K, the two diodes in the housing are connected in parallel. This
type of diode also has a shield between the two diodes, the connection pins of the shield are not connected. After soldering all
solder flux is removed from the diode, as this can have a negative influence on the Q factor of the circuit.
More information about diodes can be found here .
A second diode can also be connected (D2), so that it is possible to switch between D1 and D2.
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1/11/2018 Detector unit 1
C4 is for removing the high-frequency signal behind the diode, the value is variable so that I can experiment with it.
The output of this detector unit must be loaded high Ohmig, preferably with more than 1 M.Ohm.
The detector unit is made of polyethylene plate, this gives little dielectric losses, more information can be found here and here .
Only copper screws were used, no iron because of the lower losses.
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1/11/2018 Detector unit 1
From the detector unit I measured the Q factor, once without the diode connected, and once with the diode (2 parallel) and a load
resistor of 1.5 M.Ohm.
Also the frequency shift that the diodes give is measured.
(This measurement was done with 1.12 Volt top-top over the LC circuit at the resonance frequency.)
With the formula Z = 2.pi.fL Q we can calculate the impedance of the unloaded circuit (the inductance of the coil is 230 uH):
The frequency range of the unit was first 530.65 to 2050 kHz, which was measured with the diode connected.
I wanted to lower the lowest frequency, because it is too close to the lowest medium wave frequency of 531 kHz.
If I used a different diode with less capacity in the future, the 531 kHz would not even be achieved.
I also wanted to lower the highest possible frequency to about 1700 kHz, so that the stations spread over the frequency scale, so the
stations are not so close together.
Here in Europe the highest medium wave frequency is 1620 kHz, but up to 1700 kHz there are also some pirate stations active,
which are also interesting to hear.
To limit the frequency range, I have put a trimmer capacitor parallel to the tuning capacitor.
The maximum capacity of this trimmer capacitor is 13.8 pF.
With the trimmer at maximum capacity I measured the Q of the unloaded circuit.
600 kHz Q = 1224
900 kHz Q = 1210
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1/11/2018 Detector unit 1
We see that the trimmer capacitor has little influence on the Q factor.
Two trimmer capacitors are used (C2 and C3), these are placed behind the reed switches, so each diode has its own trimmer.
Now it is also possible to eliminate differences in capacitance between the different diodes, so that the switching from one diode to
another does not cause a frequency shift.
By means of the trimmer capacitors I have adjusted the frequency range of the detector unit to 522 to 1710 kHz.
With the detector unit I can receive the following stations, in this case no external antenna is connected, I only use the coil of the
detector unit as a small loop antenna.
Freq. Station Country Location KW KM
during the day
540 Radio 2 BEL Wavre-Overijse 150 158 *
594 Hessischer Rundfunk Chronos D Rodgau Frankfurt 250 359
621 RTBF 1 BEL Wavre 300 158 *
648 BBC Worldservice G Orfordness 500 445 *
675 Arrow HOL Lopik 120 17 *
747 747AM HOL Flevoland 400 41 *
756 Deutschlandfunk D Ravensburg 100 585
927 Radio 1 BEL Wolvertem 150 137
972 NDR Info D Hamburg 100 379
1008 Radio 10 Gold HOL Flevoland 400 41 *
1053 Talk Sport G Droiwich 500 479
1062 DR P3 DNK Kalundborg 250 559
1089 Talk Sport G Brookmans Park 400 354
1134 Hrvatski Radio 1 HRV Zadar 600 1175
1179 Radio Sweden international S Solvesborg 600 763
1215 Virgin Radio G Moorside Edge 200 487
1296 BBC World Service (DRM signal) G Orfordness 70 229
1314 NRK1 / NRK 2 NOR Kvitsoy 1200 767
1377 France Info / RFI F Lille 300 227
1422 Deutschlandfunk D Heusweiler 600 341
1440 RTL LUX Marnach 300/1200 248
1458 Sunrise Radio G Brookmans Park 125 422
1467 Trans World Radio / Radio Vatican F Romoules 1000 934
1539 PROPERTY D Mainflingen 120/700 366
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1/11/2018 1-Tube AM Broadcast Transmitter
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1/11/2018 1-Tube AM Broadcast Transmitter
How it works
The oscillator section, V1-b, is a standard Colpitts oscillator using a ceramic
resonator (or a crystal). Feedback is from the cathode circuit. The output of the
oscillator section is coupled to the control grid (G1) of the pentode section. Using a
separate oscillator section, provides excellent isolation from factors which might
otherwise cause frequency drift or frequency modulation. In testing, I was not able
to detect any FM distortion in the transmitted signal.
Audio preamp section, V1-a amplifies the audio input, and the resulting signal is DC
coupled to the screen grid of pentode section V1-c through the NE-2 neon lamp. The
neon lamp drops the DC level at the screen by about 50 volts without attenuating
any of the audio. This voltage difference provides a good quiescent operating point
for the pentode while providing a higher voltage at the triode plate. The variable
resistance R1, in the triode plate adjusts the triode plate and pentode screen supply
together for the best operating point. Now, the obvious question: Why use a DC
coupled circuit? Why not use AC coupling and bias the stages separately to get the
best operating point for each stage? The first reason was simply to minimize any
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1/11/2018 1-Tube AM Broadcast Transmitter
signal attenuation resulting from all of the extra bias components. The second
reason is that I like neon lamps. The third reason turned out to be the accidental
discovery that this type of DC coupling allows for carrier control. Carrier control is
the principle of adjusting the average carrier level in a transmitter as the average
modulation varies. At low levels of modulation, the average carrier value is kept to
low values, and at high modulation levels, the average carrier level is increased.
This reduces the average power consumption of the transmitter, but allows high
peak power output when required. It also has the advantage of working as an audio
expander, and reduces problems of under-modulation and over-modulation. Once
adjusted properly, it’s very forgiving of changes in audio source levels.
The carrier control works as follows. The preamp grid and input coupling capacitor
act as a clamp circuit. The V1-a grid is biased very close to 0 volts when no audio is
present. With an audio input signal present, positive excursions of the input signal
cause a very small grid current to flow, which charges the input blocking capacitor
creating a more negative bias on the grid. Hence, the grid bias voltage follows the
peak of the input signal, and positive peaks of the input signal are clamped to
ground level. Therefore, as the audio input level increases, the grid bias goes more
negative, and the average plate current decreases. When the plate current decreases,
the plate voltage goes up, which in turn increases the voltage to the screen of V1-c,
increasing the average carrier level. The 1 Megohm grid leak resistor in the grid
circuit of V1-a provides a discharge path for the grid current and the charge on the
capacitor. The value of this resistor and the value of input coupling capacitor
determine the time constant of the carrier control. The values shown in the
schematic seem to be optimum for correct carrier attack/decay time, and give the
best sound quality.
Output from the plate of V1-c is coupled to the antenna through a pi matching
network. I used a tapped coil, because I wasn’t familiar enough with antenna
matching (especially with a random length antenna) to zero in on the best value.
Also, the optimum inductance will vary depending on the operating frequency of the
transmitter. The coil shown in the schematic covers the AM broadcast band fairly
well, when coupled to reasonably short antennas (~10 feet long).
This transmitter does have a couple of shortcomings though. The first is that it
requires a bit more than line level audio to drive it to full modulation. This could be
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1/11/2018 1-Tube AM Broadcast Transmitter
overcome by using an audio input transformer to increase the drive level, or add an
additional preamp stage. I use an inexpensive Radio Shack mixing console which
puts out enough signal to drive the transmitter quite well.
The second shortcoming is that even with three stages, this transmitter doesn’t put
out as strong a signal as you could get from a one tube circuit using a dual control
pentode with suppressor modulation. However, it has enough output when properly
matched to a 10 foot antenna to be heard over a distance of 100 feet, which is
enough to get to any radio in my house.
Wiring is point to point, using the tube socket for mounting many of the
components. This results in very short lead lengths which is good for radio
frequencies, even though it doesn’t necessarily look very neat. The toroidal chokes
shown in this picture were later found to be extremely lossy, and were replaced with
better ones. Never use mystery ferrite! Immediately in front of the tube socket is a
part of an IC socket which is used to hold the ceramic resonator, but the resonator is
missing in this photo.
Here is a view showing the transmitter with the antenna matching network, which
was built as a separate unit The audio source is from the MP3 player in the
foreground. In the background is an inexpensive passive signal strength meter,
which I used for adjusting the matching network for maximum output. Antenna
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1/11/2018 1-Tube AM Broadcast Transmitter
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This page last updated: April 6, 2017
Copyright 2009, 2015, Robert Weaver
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1/11/2018 15BD11 based AM radio
HAM page 7
1-tube AM radio
NOTE to modem users: this page has several 50K+ pictures, which may take a few moments to load. Please be patient.
This page contains photos of my homebrew, 1-tube AM radio. It's a project I did just for the sake of doing it... I
had the tube, so I figured "What can I make out of THIS?" so here we go...
(Click each picture for LARGE view. Use BACK button to return here.)
On the left, is the Regeneration control. It works by varying the B+ to the plate of the RF stage. The optimum
setting is a little below oscillation, where the audio level comes up and selectivity increases. If you increase it
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1/11/2018 15BD11 based AM radio
beyond this point, the audio will start to become "muddy" as the Q is multiplied, and bandwidth reduced.
Continuing to increase this will cause oscillation. This can be useful for SSB or CW reception, but not for
listening to AM stations. ;)
The next pot over is the volume. The yellow transformer at the right is the B+ step-up. It takes the 15VAC from
the "wall-wart" and steps it up to about 140v. This is plenty to get very good performance from this rather simple
There is a point to be careful, with pins 2 & 3! Pin 2 is the pentode plate, and 3 is the center triode's grid. In this
circuit, that would make an ideal feedback path between the output and the 1'st audio stage input, so layout is
critical, here.
The unusual-looking breadboard is homebrew. I took a piece of plain PC board, and etched the pattern with a
small, pointy file. Then I tinned it with solder, added the socket and then the components. The cathode resistor
of the pentode was done by "lifting" the tube socket's pin from the board, and putting the R between the pin &
the board. This simplified the rest of the layout, as I could use the larger foil area as a convenient ground.
Here's the backside view. The 6.3v transformer is the audio output to the speaker. The dual trimcap is the radio's
tuning and band-reject filter. Because I live only about a mile away from two AM stations on 1300 and 1340,
their signals are quite strong. This first trimcap & coil form a series-resonant ckt, to shunt those stations signals
to ground, while allowing other signals thru. The other trimcap is the tuning control for the radio. This radio is
intended to be a monitor, where you set it to the desired station and just leave it set there. It works quite nicely in
that capacity! (It needs an external wire antenna. I use a nearby metal shelf, which works perfectly.)
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1/11/2018 15BD11 based AM radio
For this bottom view, I decided to include the "wall-wart" in the picture. It's a 15VAC, 1-amp unit, which is just
about right for this application. The foil shield on the bottom is simply a piece of aluminum tape. A small piece
of wire from the component side is bent around to make contact with this shield. That helped to stabilize the
Although this is a pretty basic design, it's customized to work with this particular tube & it's unusual
"breadboard" layout. The power supply is not included in the schematic, since ANY source of 15V & 140v can
be used.
If I can get my hands on another one of these tubes (or similar) I may make a small AM transmitter out of it! :)
*ALL* Information presented here is done so without warranty or guarantee of any kind. Author assumes no
responsibility for the use or inability to use this information. Author also assumes no responsibility for the
ability or inability to complete the projects, above. This project uses potentially harmful voltage! (140VDC) If
you are not sure of what you're doing, ask an experienced friend to help. ALWAYS "pull the plug" and ground
the caps to make sure there is no high voltage when working with this unit.
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1/11/2018 15BD11 based AM radio
This information is presented as educational information only. No guarantee is made as to its fitness for any
purpose. All risk is assumed by the person who choses to use this information.
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1/11/2018 20m Loop Antenna by SM0VPO
I recently saw that my 80m (3.5MHz) loop (or frame) antenna has been really popular, and that there are loads of
other radio amateurs who have taken my design and "ran with it" to produce variations that all have some great
improvement. There have been many in-depth tests and simulations, all with exceedingly good results and
reports. This is exactly what I am aiming for with my homepages - free information for all and my designs being
improved upon. That way we all win :-)
One small point all varaitions have in common is the need for an expensive tuning capacitor and a very restricted
RF power level. Of course, you can throw money at the problem, but for me this hurts. I got to thinking that
there must be a way of adjusting the design a little and finding another technique to tune the antenna, and to
make the best use of the little radio transciever I have in Sweden, given the limited space.
As you can see there is not much opportunity for grand antennas. And to add to this, the equipment I have in
Sweden is also limited to a single 5-Watt unit. 1/8
1/11/2018 20m Loop Antenna by SM0VPO
The antenna I have created is based on my original 3.5MHz loop (or frame) antenna. This time I built it out of
scrap components. I cadged (tiggade) some plastic conduit tubes from an electrical contractor at work. The same
guy also gave me the remnants of a roll of 2.5mm C.S.A. multi-strand mains cable. That was all I needed.
In my junkbox I found no tuning capacitors, but WAIT!! Why do I need to tune the antenna? Once it is tuned I
should not need to tune it again, just set the centre-frequency to 14.175MHz. If I can get the Q-factor to around
100 then my useable 3dB bandwidth should be more than 150kHz. That will give me 14.10MHz to 14.25MHz.
Ok, I need a 1-off, preset tuning capacitor. Why not use a Gimmik Capacitor? Just twist two bits of wire together
and cut it short to get the resonant frequency I want. So I need to get the coil wound so that there is sufficient
cable length and self capacitance to give a resonance of about 14.5MHz without any extra capacitance what-so-
ever. That means I need just a few pf. That sounds like a good plan.
The 15mm Diameter plastic tube I "aquired" were 80cm long. After much trial and error I found that exactly 3
turns, with 2.5cm spacing, gives about 14.9MHz self resonance. The wire support holes are exactly 4cm spaced, 2/8
1/11/2018 20m Loop Antenna by SM0VPO
beginning 1cm from the end of each tube. The two tubes are fixed into a and X using zip-straps (tie-wraps,
buntband). The feed loop is 1/2 turn.
Note the size and position of the feed loop. Also the Gimmik capacitor.
One problem I had with the original loop antenna was that of RF coming back down the cable braid. Using on
old FT-101ZD it was possible to feel the RF on the microphone with your lips. The cure for this is to use a 3/8
1/11/2018 20m Loop Antenna by SM0VPO
I robbed the ferrite ring for the balun from an old ATX computer PSU and made a triflar wound torroidal
transformer. That is to say, twist together three lengths of 1mm x 7-strand insulated hookup wire together. Use
this to make a 7-turn coil and connect the three coils in series, with four connections. Feed connections
(numbered in the picture below) 1 and 3 are connected to to the antenna feed loop. Connect the coaxial cable
braid to connection 2, and the coax centre to connection 4. My balun is self-supported on the connection leads.
The coaxial feed cable was found to affect the resonance slightly, so I fed that through an extra bit of tube to
make it stay in one place. It works fine. 4/8
1/11/2018 20m Loop Antenna by SM0VPO
Testing is very easy. I used my GDO-2 to check the middle-turn of the loop for a dip. Twist the two tails together
to form the Gimmik capacitor and adjust the length of the twist until the centre-frequency is 14.175MHz. With
the GDO you can get it within about 100kHz to 200kHz, but then you can check the VSWR using your HF
radio. You can also sweep the band for maximum noise and get a very close approximation. 5/8
1/11/2018 20m Loop Antenna by SM0VPO
The centre.frequency of my 20m Loop antenna is 14.175MHz, and the VSWR is better than 1.05:1 (I can hardly
see any movement on my meter). The Q-factor is somewhere aproaching 100. The useable bandwidth is just a
little narrower than I would have wished, but the antenna certainly works well and meets all the other criteria.
But the slightly less useable bandwidth criterion is at the expense of better performance, and it still allows me to
use 14.070MHz, although it is a little quiter down there.
Frequency VSWR
14.010 3:1
14.095 2:1
14.130 1.5:1
14.175 1:1
14.220 1.5:1
14.260 2:1
14.325 3:1 6/8
1/11/2018 20m Loop Antenna by SM0VPO
Conclusion 7/8
1/11/2018 20m Loop Antenna by SM0VPO
No-matter how you play with the figures, the best indoor antenna cannot replace a full-size dipole antenna. But
the indoor antenna can give some extra features, such as just reaching out your arm and trimming a little, which
you cannot do with a long-wire antenna up a tree out in the garden, especially when it is raining.
This antenna gets me on the air on 14MHz, and it has a useable frequency range. The VSWR is almost perfect at
the centre-frequency, and this time I don't burn my lips on the microphone (not that I am likely to do so with just
5-Watts of power). The design uses no expensive components, in fact the only item I bought was the block-
connector for the balun. That cost me US$1.50 for a pair of 12-contact screw-terminals. The construction is
ridiculously simple and easy to build.
On the air I can hear traffic on 14.070 digimodes, and from 14.130 to 14.220MHz I have a near-perfect VSWR
aqnd good clear reception of SSB. I can also rotate the antenna to cut out rubbish, and most of all, using the
Gimmik capacitor I don't need to re-tune it: it seems temperatore-stable. The weight is less than 500g and when I
poke it out of the balcony window the reception improves, the VSWR does not change, and I can make myself
heard among the big boys.
I hope that you have some fun building and using this antenna. If you have any ideas for further improving it
then please use my forum.
Dont forget to visit my messageboard if you have any questions about this or any other project. I always look
forward to receiving feedback, positive or negative. 8/8
1/11/2018 30m QRP transceiver – Part 3 – Ernest Neijenhuis PA3HCM Homepage
I managed to put the preselector, IF filter, both mixers and the 8 MHz oscillator at a small piece of
copper clad, which measures only 7×3 cm. See the pictures how I did this! Archive
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Posted in Transmitters and receivers | Tagged 30m, 40-30, cw, manhattan-style, qrp, transceiver |
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1/11/2018 30m QRP transceiver – Part 4 – Ernest Neijenhuis PA3HCM Homepage
Before putting all modules in the case, Inside view of the radio, including all modules built
so far.
first some mechanical work had to be Tags
done. I drilled holes at the desired
locations and placed all connectors, switches and potmeters. The location of these components 2m 3d-printing 6m 10m 15m 17m 20m 23cm
was a precise job, since it should perfectly fit together with all the modules inside. After some hours 30m 40-30 40m 70cm 80m 160m
of drilling and screwing the case was ready.
antenna aprs arduino atv ax25 balun
beginners clog contest cw
kenwood kit linux manhattan-
Front panel view. Left: 3-position switch (off, Rear side, with BNC-connector to attach the Archive
on, on+marker), connectors for key and antenna, and a DC-connector for power inlet
phones. Middle: VFO dial. Right: RIT, RX- (9-14Vdc). September 2017 (1)
gain, volume. March 2017 (1)
December 2016 (2)
December 2015 (3)
October 2015 (1)
April 2015 (1)
February 2015 (2)
January 2015 (1)
December 2014 (1)
November 2014 (2)
October 2014 (1)
September 2014 (1)
August 2014 (3)
July 2014 (1)
June 2014 (3)
Inside view. I had to modify the potmeter axis to fit the May 2014 (2)
dials. April 2014 (2)
March 2014 (4)
To place all modules in the box, I made some kind of main board, which happened to be a simple February 2014 (2)
piece of copper clad. I started with cutting a rectangular board, perfectly fitting at the bottom of the January 2014 (2)
case. Then I cut away some corners/edges to allow placing and removing it without having to December 2013 (5)
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1/11/2018 30m QRP transceiver – Part 4 – Ernest Neijenhuis PA3HCM Homepage
remove all connectors, switches and potmeters from the case. The idea is that all electronics can November 2013 (2)
be “lifted” from the case to allow easy repair and maintenance. Of course, all leads between the February 2013 (1)
electronics and the parts fixed to the case have to be long enough to allow the board to be lifted. I February 2012 (1)
also made two small stand-offs to support the (lifted) main board. January 2012 (1)
December 2011 (1)
Next I placed all modules on the main board. I provided each module with some small pins (pieces November 2011 (2)
of wire, e.g. cut-off resistor leads) at one side. By facing that side down and putting it on the main October 2011 (1)
board, each module could easily be mounted by soldering the module’s pins to the board. I placed April 2011 (1)
some additional wires between the modules for extra mechanical support, to ensure the modules February 2011 (1)
can’t touch each other (short circuit prevention). January 2011 (1)
December 2010 (1)
To test the receiver, I connected all modules to the power module. Most modules require one or October 2010 (1)
more DC voltages (12, 8 and/or 5 volt). Other connections include signals going from one module September 2010 (1)
to another, and connections to connectors, switches and potmeters fixed to the case. I applied 12V August 2010 (2)
power to the box and verified the total current (about 13mA). No smoke signals, so everything was July 2010 (2)
looking good. February 2010 (1)
March 2009 (1)
I attached a small speaker to the LF amplifier module and put my finger on the input to insert some May 2008 (2)
noise; the noise came out of the speaker, so the amp seemed to work. Next I inserted a small July 2007 (1)
signal at the antenna input (using the generator feature of my MiniVNA) and tuned the VFO to hear July 2006 (1)
the carrier. I tuned the preselector, the carrier was really loud so I lowered the input signal and December 2005 (1)
turned the coils of the preselector again to obtain the best signal. October 2002 (1)
August 2002 (1)
Since the marker generator was ready too, I powered it on and turned the VFO knob, every 10kHz
a small carrier was present, proving the marker generator works nicely.
Important notice
The final test: I attached a couple of meters of wire to the antenna input and turned the VFO dial This is my personal website, it reflects my personal
again. I was able to receive a couple of RTTY and CW stations, proving that the receiver really opinion and has no relation to my job or
works. Since I didn’t have a proper antenna for 30m yet, I was not able to determine if the receiver whatsoever.
is really hot, but I was very happy I actually received some stations already. An appropriate amateur radio license is required to
own and/or build and/or use the transmitters
described on this website, depending on local
All content on this website is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
International License.
Callibrating the VFO using a commercial rig Inside view of the radio, including all
(Icom IC-718). modules built so far.
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The transmitter board, from left to right: Thanks to my compact building work
mixer with 8 MHz oscillator, first stage, enough space remains available for a PI-
second stage, final stage, TX/RX-switch. filter and future extensions.
September 2017 (1)
March 2017 (1)
December 2016 (2)
December 2015 (3)
October 2015 (1)
April 2015 (1)
February 2015 (2)
The PI-filter. January 2015 (1)
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All parts in place, all boards connected, December 2014 (1)
ready to put into the case. November 2014 (2)
October 2014 (1)
When testing the transmitter board there was no output, and it drew just a few milliamps, so September 2014 (1)
something was terribly wrong. I fired up my oscilloscope and soon found out that the 8 MHz crystal August 2014 (3)
oscillator wasn’t running, caused by a broken NE612 mixer. I replaced the chip and the oscillator July 2014 (1)
was running now. However, there was still no output… I turned around the cores and variable June 2014 (3)
capacitor many times, but whenever I touched the morse key the needle of my power meter did not May 2014 (2)
move. It was getting late so I turned of my soldering iron and went to bed. April 2014 (2)
March 2014 (4)
The next evening I did some more measuring, testing and reading. I found out that the first 2 February 2014 (2)
stages operated very nicely, but the final stage (3x 2N3866 parallel) was not waking up. I tried to January 2014 (2)
increase that input signal by slightly modifying the first 2 stages, without success. Then I read the December 2013 (5)
datasheet of the 2N3866 and 2N4427 transistors again and found out that its emitter-base voltage November 2013 (2)
is about 3.5 volts, while the 2N4427 (almost identical to the 2N3866) requires only 2.0 volts. I February 2013 (1)
immediately ordered a bunch of 2N4427’s. Two days later they were delivered and I rebuilt the final February 2012 (1)
stage. I pressed the morse key once more, looked up a bit nervously to the power meter. And yes! January 2012 (1)
About 1 watt of power was leaving the rig and heating up the small dummyload. December 2011 (1)
November 2011 (2)
October 2011 (1)
April 2011 (1)
February 2011 (1)
January 2011 (1)
December 2010 (1)
October 2010 (1)
September 2010 (1)
August 2010 (2)
July 2010 (2)
February 2010 (1)
March 2009 (1)
May 2008 (2)
Rear view of the completed electronics. The modified transmitter board, now with the July 2007 (1)
2N4427’s installed. July 2006 (1)
December 2005 (1)
October 2002 (1)
August 2002 (1)
Important notice
This is my personal website, it reflects my personal
opinion and has no relation to my job or
An appropriate amateur radio license is required to
own and/or build and/or use the transmitters
described on this website, depending on local
The box is closed! Jan PA1JT offered me this cute tiny morse regulations.
key, perfect for backpacking! All content on this website is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
The transceiver is ready now. It was a very nice project to do. The construction with all those small International License.
boards happened to be very successful. The radio can be serviced easily by lifting the mainboard
and removing/isolating one of the modules. The reception is great, the IF-filter is very nice. The
VFO is very stable, I can just power on the radio and almost immediately start operating.
Still, there are a couple of things that I might improve in the near future:
For now the box is ready to prove itself. The first occurance will be my holiday to Scotland, during a
hike in the beautiful Highlands. Maybe I will do some SOTA activation too.
I finish this final part by saying thank you to Onno PA2OHH for his publication of this great little
“NiceRig” 40-30.
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squalo-6m-10 –
Ernest Neijenhuis...
Pixie2 QRP
transceiver for 80m
30m QRP
transceiver – Part 3
Jan PA3EGH made an audio recording of my radio signal when I was on holiday in Scotland. This
recording demonstrates the stability and clear tone of the transmitter: PoRG v2 – Ernest
00:00 00:00
Posted in Transmitters and receivers | Tagged 30m, 40-30, cw, manhattan-style, qrp, repair, Station Description
transceiver | Leave a reply
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Homebrew – Ernest
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Comment squalo-6m-ve3bxp
March 2009 –
Ernest Neijenhuis...
February 2010 –
Ernest Neijenhuis...
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
Content 230Vac
1. Safety
2. Signal and Measurement
3. Working with 230Vac electronics
4. AC lightings wiring guide
1. Safety
The objective of this site is to get to know about the electronics components
that can help us control 230Vac devices. Devices like ac lamps/lightings, power
sockets/supply, heater, and many many other appliances at home. We are all
surrounded by many appliances operating directly from AC mains supply. It is
very interesting to control and work with these appliances. Learning to control
with electronics, microcontroller and computer.
Our home is typically pre-installed with 230Vac sockets. The socket where we
obtain our electrical power source. It is this basic utilities that keeps us
operating in this urbanization era. Different country implement their own AC
voltage system & AC plug. The electrical delivered to our home wall socket is
a 230Vac single phase ac power. So throughout the section, we will only talk
about single phase system and not the three phase system.
230Vac is a dangerous stuff, but when working with electronics you can hardly
avoid using it. And when we cannot avoid it, then we have to face it. Facing it,
by understanding more about it. Minimizing our chance of getting killed by
230Vac. So let us pay careful attention to this section.
- electrical safety.pdf
Remember that we will not have any chance to try again. Understanding the
danger of electrical earth path will minimize the chance of getting electrocuted.
Before touching any wire, be sure to measure and ensure that there are no "live"
voltage on the wire. You can use a multi-meter or test pen to check for live
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
Test Pen (this test pen comes in the form of a slotted screw driver.
You can see a small bulb embedded in the handle. Touch the suspected "live"
wire with the tip of the screw driver. Locate the back of the handle for a metal
plate. If the bulb inside the handle lit up, when you touch your finger to the
metal plate, it means that the wire is "live".
Electrical System around the world,
- http://kropla.com/electric2.htm
Electrical Safety,
- http://www.eng.cam.ac.uk/DesignOffice/mdp/electric_web/DC/DC_3.html or
electrical safety.pdf
- http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/worksheets/shock.html
On the left are some of the common electrical box that we may find in our
Electrical box install at home.. . home. They are the main electrical distribution point to all the other rooms.
From the power station to the sub-station and then to this box, distributing
electrical power to our rooms.
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
The MCB is found to be tripped, and some burn mark can be seen around the
place of impact. The MCD is trip almost instantly, but the 3 pin AC plug for the
automation door is still badly burned. When I open up the plug, the interior is
Power Distribution Components, MCB, RCB, Switches
completely burned out. Wire and fuse all black with carbon. I have to spent
another hour to repair the cable & plug, tied the cable in place, smoothen the
cover edges. A lesson to learn. Proper installation not only protects ourselves
and it also minimize re-work.
In this scenario, the earth wire and MCB have done their job very well. You
may have installed these protect in place, but without proper knowledge of how
they are going to protect you, you are just as vulnerable. Learning how to
protect yourself is the most important.
A normal electrical switch. (no The switch on the left may looks like MCB or RCD. It function as a simple
protection function) single pole switch, and offers no protection at all. They are typical used to
disconnect the live wire inside the electrical box, switching off the devices just
like a wall switch.
Some models comes with a lockable design, for user to tagout. This is to
minimize any chance of people unknowingly switch on the power, when the
user is doing the maintenance work.
lockable switch for tagout purpose
Surge current can be higher than steady state current, especially for
inductive/capacitive load. Eg. motors. The surge higher than the current limit
set, can easily trip the MCB. This means that it can be difficult to switch on a
motor for example, because a surge from the motor startup can easily trip the
circuit breaker.
This call for special MCB which has a wider allowance for surge current. MCB
comes in various curve type, each has its torlerrence for surge current.
The photo on the left shows 3x MCB type (red color lever) having a circuit
breaking current of 10 amphere, namely B10, C10, D10. Each of them has the
same current limit. The type B, C or D curve indicates their ability to withstand
sudden power on surge current.
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
MCB type B curve - Can withstand a surge current of about 3-5 times its rated
current limit. For this MCB B10, the rate current limit is 10A. So this means
that the MCB can withstand up to about 30-50A of surge current within the
initial millisecond time.
MCB type C curve - Can withstand a surge current of about 5-10 times its
rated current limit. For this MCB B10, the rate current limit is 10A. So this
means that the MCB can withstand up to about 50-100A of surge current within
the initial millisecond time.
MCB type D curve - Can withstand a surge current of about 10-20 times its
rated current limit. For this MCB B10, the rate current limit is 10A. So this
means that the MCB can withstand up to about 100-200A of surge current
within the initial millisecond time.
There is another single pole MCB B16 in the picture. This MCB breaks the
circuit when the current is over 16A. The MCB is of type B, meaning it can
withstand the initial surge current of about 48-80A.
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
Singapore Customized, custom made Electronics Circuits & Kits
Measuring Voltage
Measurement technique
- A Shortish Guide to Using an Oscilloscope.pdf
- Floating Oscilloscope Measurements.pdf
- Fundamentals of Floating Measurements and Isolated Input
- http://idobartana.com/hakb/oscope.htm (10x probe to measure high
graphic taken from:
Measuring the mains using digital multimeter. Reading is The most frequent used equipment for measuring our 230Vac mains
230Vrms would be the multi-meter. Portable and inexpensive. Providing us
the basic measurement for checking the wire voltage. The power is
quite reliable in urban area, always maintain it's voltage reasonably
at 230Vac. Probably a test pen can be the only measuring equipment
you need.
When we measure the ac mains from the socket using the digital
multi-meter, we will get a reading of 230Vac or 110Vac (depending
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
on the country you are in). Take special note that this reading is
effectively the rms (root mean square) voltage. The actual peak
voltage of the electrical line go up to about 325Vpeak. The 325Vp
(peak) sine wave is equal to 230Vrms.
Vrms = √2 x Vp.
Yes. Now that we get our theory clear, let's get on to the real hands
Date: 2009-08-01
This is one of the most exciting experiment that I ever done. Ever
since my first disaster measuring AC mains, my understanding of
oscilloscope and AV mains remains very unclear. Every step is
carefully think of, carefully executed. This is unlike any other new
electronics circuit that I want to experiment with. Any minor doubt
that I have, I will research on the internet to confirm my
understanding before I connect up the circuit.
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
NOTE: Click on the image for a clearer view. The picture on the left is the setup that I have prepare for the 230Vac
signal measurement.
My measurement setup for measuring the output of the zero
crossing triacs circuit. A detail connection of this setup is shown Equipment used in this measurement experiment
in the following section.
- 3 pin extension socket (protected by RCD device)
- Triacs switch circuit
- DC power supply (to activate the triacs circuit)
- AC fan (device to be controlled by the switch circuit)
- Oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS 2014) and probe.
- Some wires for connection.
My triacs switch circuit. This switch circuit is solid state relay. The circuit that I am going to measure is the output of a AC switch
Just like a mechanical relay, the circuit interface helps digital circuit presented on the left. The circuit using a triac component to
control circuit to control a 110/230Vac mains devices. There is a switch the AC power. If you are interested to find out more about
AC input and the controlled output as shown by the green wire this circuit, you can visit the following page I have put up.
terminal. Click here for further detail information on this circuit
on another page. - about Triacs circuit
1) All the equipment for the experiment is powered from the RCD
(residual current device) protected extension plug. This is to protect
myself in case I accidentally touches the live/hot wire. The RCD
will cut off the power in the case of power leakage through my
4) The reading is going to be very high, so set the voltage div for
both CH1 & CH2 to the max. In my case after adjustment to the 10x
factor on the scope, my max setting is 50 volt/div.
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
6) Ensure that all wire is properly screwed and secure. Pull
individual wire, and ensure that it does not comes off.
The oscilloscope presents the signal at the output of the triacs switch
The AC mains power is not switch on to the triacs switch circuit yet,
so no signal is detected at the circuit output..
230Vac measurement connection with oscilloscope My probe only allows me to attenuate the signal by a factor of 10. I
will need to attenuate the signal further.
You can use other resistor value but you need to ensure that the
resistor wattage is able to handle the high voltage. The maximum
voltage across the Live/Neutral is 325V. If 2x 1MΩ is used for he
Measurement with voltage divider across Live & Neutral wire. voltage dividing, the maximum current expected will be about
0.16mA. The minimum wattage required is therefore 325V x
0.16mA = 0.053W. I have used a 0.25W resistor, which is more than
enough. If you are using 2x 10kΩ resistor divider, make sure your
resistor wattage is at least 6W. There will be more current flowing
through the resistor, more energy dissipating across it, and it is
going to be hot. A lot of energy is wasted if you use lower
The left present the actual measurement setup with a voltage divider
circuit to attenuate the signal so that the oscilloscope is able to
display the high voltage.
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
Remember to multiply the voltage by 2 times while you analyze Finally a clear 230Vac waveform display with a period of 20ms. I
this waveform. This is because the voltage has been divided by finally managed to measure the 230V mains.
2 due to the voltage dividing circuit. Click on the photo to
enlarge the signal 650Vp-p at 50Hz, representing our 230Vac On the scope, the signal display about 320Vp-p, but in fact the
mains supply. signal is actually about 640Vp-p. This is because of the voltage
divider that I have added and the scope just have no idea about it. So
mentally, you need to multiply by 2 to get the correct reading. This
is about the same as what we have computed previously. 230Vrms
has the actual waveform of 650Vp-p at 50Hz. Any capacitance
component attached across the Live & Neutral wire have to
withstand at least the voltage of 325V. This is important for our
component selection.
I hope you have enjoy, and get a better understand in dealing with
230Vac measurement.
Measuring current by inserting the meter into the current path. Measuring Current
How much current is being drawn from your wall socket. You might
probably want to know how much energy your
equipment/appliances is consuming.
Do a search on,
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
"Neutral" wire has to be put through the hole located in the centre of
the sensor.
The sensor consist of fine wire coil inside. The coil is wind around
the circular core, forming a ring to sense the AC magnetic field
around the AC power cable through the hole. It is important that
only the "Live" or "Neutral" wire can be inserted through the hole. If
a mini current sensor for AC power line. both the "Live"and "Neutral" are put through the hole, the signal
Comes with 1:300, 1: 500, etc... transformer coil ratio will be minimum. This is because the magnetic field of the out
going wire will be cancel off by the returning wire.
The picture on the left is a simple setup with the oscilloscope probe
to the two terminal on the current sensor.
Note that only 1 wire (Neutral) through the hole on the current
This is a rectified signal (using diode bridge) picked from the sensor.
The power line is not powered up, no load. I thought it should be
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
flat. It could be noise generated from other nearby appliance through
the "Neutral" wire.
The signal seems weird, but I did not investigate much on this result.
Ch2 is the signal conditioned through a LPF (low pass filter) and an
op-amp comparator circuit. A clean result showing the motor being
on and off.
Ch2 is the signal conditioned through a LPF (low pass filter) and an
op-amp comparator circuit. A clean result showing the motor being
on and off.
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
This means that it cost S$0.1803 running an appliance consumption
1kW for an hour.
MSZ-FB series
Energy: 2500-5000Watt
MR-560U 560 litre Refrigerator Energy consumption for 30 days = 520Wh x 30 = 15.6kWh
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
Incandescent Light Bulb
Energy: 50W Incandescent seems to have similar wattage with the fluorescent. In fact
a 15W compact fluorescent can have the equivalent brightness of the 50-
60W incandescent bulb. Therefore using fluorescent can be cost saving.
The energy cost matches quite well with my home monthly electrical
bill. I am quite surprise that the fridge use so much less energy. Did I
make any wrong assumption? Now I also aware that the energy to turn
on the aircon for a day, is enough to operate a fan for 3 months.
End of the fun. Let us start to research more about the AC ingredients
Component suitable for switching on and off 230Vac devices. The list on the left are namely some of the
common components used for controlling
- Mechanical relay 230Vac appliances.
AC to DC conversion (Transformerless)
Our electrical system uses high AC voltage to distribute energy to our homes. Most gadgets works with DC voltage,
therefore we often see a AC-DC circuit module as part of the gadget.
Some AC-DC module are integrated into the product; for example, our computer, DVD player, radio. Some AC-DC
module comes in the form of power adaptor that supply DC voltage to the devices.
The AC-DC module is so common, it will be useful to learn about them. Most AC-DC contains a transformer to
isolate the DC voltage from the AC mains. This acts as a form of protection, so that people will not get electrocuted
when touching the DC circuit.
There is also a newer type of AC-DC using switching method. It is something similar to switching DC-DC method.
The transformer used can be alot smaller. You can see that old power adaptor was heavy and bulky. The power
adaptor nowsaday are light and small.
Another type of AC-DC module uses only resistors and capacitors, without any transformer. They are also known
as transformerless AC-DC circuit. You need to be careful when handling this type of cicuit as it is not isolated from
the AC mains. You will get electrocuted touching the DC circuits. Please refer to the section above to understand
more about 230Vac and how one can get electrocuted. Transformerless circuit is simple and cheap, and it is suitable
for application that consume low power.
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
Please click here to see the transformerless AC-DC circuit schematic.
Example: Transformerless 230Vac to Vdc (for a load of 24Vdc 20mA) This circuit converts 230Vac to Vdc
suitable for a 24V 20mA load, without
using any transformer. Please take note
that the circuit is not isolated from the
230Vac mains; ensure that the circuit is
enclosed and properly earthed to prevent
accidental electrical shock.
Another transformerless circuit 230Vac to 5Vdc that I found on the internet. (I have not tested this yet)
You can refer to the datasheet on their website for the datasheet and application notes.
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
- isolated (smaller transformer
component), VIPer12A
AC-DC switching IC
IC: LM5021
IC: IRIS4013(K), IRIS40 series,
IC: NCP1200, AND8023-D.PDF
IC: NCP1215, AND8128-D.PDF
IC: NCP1271, AND8242-D.PDF
IC: NCP1381
IC: NCP1603, AND8207-D.PDF
Ib 31.2amp
(Ib no socket 26.2amp)
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
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1/11/2018 230Vac Electricity (Working with 230Vac)
5. Ground Loop
Wall sockets, power points, power sockets, electric receptacles, electrical outlets
website: http://www.siongboon.com
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1/11/2018 Acid accumulator condition indicator - Indikátor stavu Pb akumulátoru
Description involvement
In the indicator ( figure 1 ) a double comparator with open collector LM393 is used. The supply voltage reduced
by the R2, R3 and R4 dividers is compared with the voltage of the Zener diode. The device will distinguish three
voltage levels. With these components, these voltages are up to 11.2 V (LED1 lit), 11.2 to 13.5 V (LED1 and
LED2 lit) and voltages greater than 13.5 V (all LEDs on). For other voltages, the resistors of the divider must be
changed or the Zener diode replaced. Gently adjust the indication range by changing the current flowing through
the Zener diode, ie by replacing the R1.
I used the indicator in conjunction with a maintenance-free battery and a switched source in a 12 V power source
to power the radio and the old video camera. The indicator turns on automatically when the current is being
drained. A current relay is used for this, see Figure 2. The current relay should be made by winding
approximately 120 threads with a 0.38 mm diameter wire to contact the reed relay. Then the relay switches to
about 300 mA at the current. The resistance of the coil in my case was about 0.3 Ohms. For larger streams, we
will draw less wires with a thicker wire. If, on the other hand, we have a larger number of threads with a thinner
wire, we attach two steel washers to the contact of the relay (the tube) between which the wire is wound up.
Thread the winding with a shrink sleeve. You can also turn on the test button at any time. To indicate the voltage
of the onboard network in the car, the relay does not need a button, the indicator is switched to the point where
the voltage appears after turning the starter key.
http://www.belza.cz/pwrsply/btst.htm 1/4
1/11/2018 Acid accumulator condition indicator - Indikátor stavu Pb akumulátoru
You can put the indicator on the printed circuit board according to Fig. 3. It is best for it to be energized from the
regulated power supply. We set the voltage at 11 to 11.5 volts at the source. The green LED should be lit within
the voltage range. The yellow LED should light up in the range of 13 to 13.8 V. If this is not the case and the
comparators are tilting at a lower voltage, the reference voltage is small. Without D1, we can help to reduce
resistance of resistor R1. If the comparators are tilting at higher voltages, we increase R1. For larger deviations,
you need to exchange ZD.
Inside the car, we place the indicator on the dashboard of the car in the driver's field of view. Connect the 0 V (-)
lead to the ground, the 12 V (+) terminal, eg to the outlet of some fuse on which the voltage is ON only when the
ignition is switched on. Then the tester will be automatically turned on only when driving. Contact the relay in
this case with a jumper.
Fig. 3. The printed circuit board of the voltage indicator. Click to get a picture at 600 dpi
Fig. 3. PCB layout indicator. Click to get 600 dpi resolution image
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1/11/2018 Acid accumulator condition indicator - Indikátor stavu Pb akumulátoru
Parts list
R1 1.8 kOhm
R2 100 kOhm
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1/11/2018 Acid accumulator condition indicator - Indikátor stavu Pb akumulátoru
R3 15 kOhm
R4 82 kOhm
R5 470 Ohm
NO. 1 100 nF, ceramic.
LED1 red / red
LED2 green / green
LED3 yellow / yelow
ZD 5,6 V (BZX83V005.6)
IO1 LM393
Re current relay / current relais
Tl button
Circuit board bcs13
Jaroslav Belza
25. 7. 2000
http://www.belza.cz/pwrsply/btst.htm 4/4
1/11/2018 Adapter for LC meter – Ernest Neijenhuis PA3HCM Homepage
Measuring a capacitor is about the same, except that the jumper needs to be removed before
powering the LC meter.
September 2017 (1)
March 2017 (1)
December 2016 (2)
December 2015 (3)
The LC meter with the original leads. The same LC meter, now with my adapter. October 2015 (1)
April 2015 (1)
February 2015 (2)
January 2015 (1)
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1/11/2018 Adapter for LC meter – Ernest Neijenhuis PA3HCM Homepage
December 2014 (1)
November 2014 (2)
October 2014 (1)
September 2014 (1)
August 2014 (3)
July 2014 (1)
June 2014 (3)
May 2014 (2)
April 2014 (2)
March 2014 (4)
February 2014 (2)
January 2014 (2)
LC meter adapter, front view. LC meter adapter, side view. December 2013 (5)
November 2013 (2)
February 2013 (1)
February 2012 (1)
Posted in Tools and measurement | Tagged adapter, beginners, lc-meter, manhattan-style | Leave January 2012 (1)
a reply December 2011 (1)
November 2011 (2)
October 2011 (1)
← Altoids L-tuner 5/8 Wave vertical antennas for HF → April 2011 (1)
February 2011 (1)
January 2011 (1)
December 2010 (1)
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August 2002 (1)
Important notice
This is my personal website, it reflects my personal
opinion and has no relation to my job or
Name * An appropriate amateur radio license is required to
own and/or build and/or use the transmitters
described on this website, depending on local
Email * All content on this website is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
International License.
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1/11/2018 Adapter for LC meter – Ernest Neijenhuis PA3HCM Homepage
Station Description
30m QRP
transceiver – Part 1
Pixie2 QRP
transceiver for 80m
Automatic antenna
tuner using an...
Homebrew – Ernest
arduino – Ernest
30m QRP
transceiver – Part 3
HF 1:4 balun –
Ernest Neijenhuis...
30m QRP
transceiver – Part 5
squalo-6m-10 –
Ernest Neijenhuis...
Copyright © 2018 Ernest Neijenhuis PA3HCM Homepage All Rights Catch Everest Theme by Catch Themes
http://www.pa3hcm.nl/?p=879 3/3
1/11/2018 Altoids L-tuner – Ernest Neijenhuis PA3HCM Homepage
Original circuit diagram of the Altoids Long Wire Tuner, by Steve KD1JV.
After about a month the package got finally delivered, probably delayed by the fact that I ordered
the kit just a week before the yearly hamradio fest in Friedrichshafen. The kit consists of a high
grade circuit board and all required components. No documentation was included, so I returned to
the website and downloaded the documentation. This documentation is very poor, just one page
showing the circuit and PCB layout. At the bottom of the page some URL’s are given, including a Archive
website that links to this PDF-document. This document is a comprehensive building instruction for September 2017 (1)
this kit, telling you how to wind the different inductors and where to place all components. March 2017 (1)
December 2016 (2)
Once found the instruction it was very easy December 2015 (3)
to build the tuner. I encountered two small October 2015 (1)
issues: April 2015 (1)
February 2015 (2)
January 2015 (1)
http://www.pa3hcm.nl/?p=858 1/3
1/11/2018 Altoids L-tuner – Ernest Neijenhuis PA3HCM Homepage
The switch didn’t fit, the PCB holes December 2014 (1)
were to small, so I soldered the November 2014 (2)
October 2014 (1)
switch on top of it.
September 2014 (1)
The variable capacitor leads were August 2014 (3)
too short, so I used small pieces of July 2014 (1)
wire to connect it. June 2014 (3)
May 2014 (2)
April 2014 (2)
I used superglue to fixate the capacitor March 2014 (4)
and all inductors. I drilled a hole in each February 2014 (2)
corner of the board and used bolts an nuts January 2014 (2)
to place it into the tin. Between the board December 2013 (5)
and the bottom of the tin I placed a plastic Altoids L tuner, lid closed. November 2013 (2)
sheet to ensure isolation. I skipped the February 2013 (1)
included onboard cinch connector and February 2012 (1)
screw terminals, grabbed two screwtype cinch connectors instead from my junkbox, drilled holes in January 2012 (1)
the case and placed the connectors. With some small wires I connected them to the board. December 2011 (1)
November 2011 (2)
The tuner seemed to be ready now, however I could not close the lid. This was caused by the October 2011 (1)
capacitor, the axis was too long. I cut away most of it. I browsed my almost endlessly filled junkbox April 2011 (1)
again and found a small knob which fits at the remaining part of the capacitor’s axis. February 2011 (1)
January 2011 (1)
December 2010 (1)
October 2010 (1)
September 2010 (1)
August 2010 (2)
July 2010 (2)
February 2010 (1)
March 2009 (1)
May 2008 (2)
July 2007 (1)
July 2006 (1)
December 2005 (1)
October 2002 (1)
The kit contents. Basic components placed on the board. August 2002 (1)
Important notice
This is my personal website, it reflects my personal
opinion and has no relation to my job or
An appropriate amateur radio license is required to
own and/or build and/or use the transmitters
described on this website, depending on local
All content on this website is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
Capacitor in place. The switch didn’t fit due to too small PCB International License.
The prepared tin with bolts already in place. The board and connectors are placed in the
Note the small rings to maintain distance tin.
between board and bottom, and the
isolating plastic sheet.
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1/11/2018 Altoids L-tuner – Ernest Neijenhuis PA3HCM Homepage
DKARS Magazine, September 2014
Posted in Tools and measurement | Tagged 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m, 20m, 30m, 40m, antenna, kit,
qrp, tuner | Leave a reply
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1/11/2018 AM receiver w. 4049 / Simple AM receiver with 4049 circuit
AM receiver with 4049 AM receiver with 4049
The CMOS 4049 circuitry, which works as an analog amplifier, is used in the receiver. Even though the
receiver quite surprised me, do not expect any miracles from this simple engagement.
Description involvement
The ferrite antenna signal goes through the capacitor C1 to the amplifier from the H1 and H2 inverters (the
numbering does not match the order in the housing). The operating point is set in the "analog" region by the
resistor R1 in the feedback of the first inverter. The operating point of the second inverter does not need to be
set. Since without the signal at the output H1 the same voltage as the input, this voltage is also at the input H2.
The characteristics of the inverters in one case are practically the same. In this amplifier, the entire voltage gain
of the receiver is concentrated.
Following is a demodulator (rectifier) with diode D1 and a filter element R2, C2. If the volume controller
should be used, connect the potentiometer instead of R2 and connect the C3 capacitor to the runner.
The demodulator is still an end amplifier. For listening, I used the usual "low-ohm" headphones that are
supplied for example to walkman. For silent listening, a speaker with 50 ohm impedance can also be connected
to the headphones. With a 8-ohm speaker, the receiver plays very quietly. The volume can be increased by using
an output transformer that is connected between the receiver output and the speaker. Do not use very small
speakers, have poor sensitivity. Because CMOS circuits are able to supply only a small current, all remaining
inverters are connected in parallel. The end amplifier has a gain less than 1 (more precisely -1) without load
load, set by resistors R3 and R4 in feedback. With earphones, the end stage gain is about 0.2 and the feedback is
low. Resistor R4 is required to set the operating point, R3 would theoretically replace short-circuit.
For the sample, the optimal supply voltage was 4.5 to 6 volts, even though it ran from 3 to 9 volts. The
receiver is very dependent on the supply voltage.
http://www.belza.cz/hf/rxa.htm 1/4
1/11/2018 AM receiver w. 4049 / Simple AM receiver with 4049 circuit
Udd [V] 3 4 5 6 7 9
Is [mA] 0.5 4.5 10 18 27 60
For the receiver I designed a printed circuit board according to Figures 2 and 3. The biggest problem will
probably be the manufacture of the input tuned circuit. I used a ferrite antenna and a tuning capacitor from an
old radio. On the ferrite antenna in Prague I captured ČRo2 station, with a short wire antenna (2 m) still Free
Europe and Country radio. We only use the CA capacitor for a long antenna. The longer the antenna will be, the
smaller capacity we use (50 to 1 pF). For a short antenna we will replace it with a short circuit.
Fig. 2. Printed circuit board of the receiver. Click to get a picture at 600 dpi
Figure 3. Receiver PCB layout. Click to get 600 dpi resolution image
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1/11/2018 AM receiver w. 4049 / Simple AM receiver with 4049 circuit
List of parts
R1 2.2 MOhm
R2 10 kOhm
R3, R4 100 kOhm
C1, C3, C6 100 nF, ceramic.
C2 10 nF, ceramic.
C4, C5 220 μF / 6.3 V
D1 1N4148 (KA206, KA262, ...)
L1: 80-100 of
L2: 10-20 z
http://www.belza.cz/hf/rxa.htm 3/4
1/11/2018 AM receiver w. 4049 / Simple AM receiver with 4049 circuit
Jaroslav Belza
The article was published in Practical Electronics No. 11/2000 at p. 3 under the VH brand.
Then here and here .
5. 11. 2000
22. 4. 2003 upd.
http://www.belza.cz/hf/rxa.htm 4/4
1/11/2018 Analog Electronics
Analog Electronics
Your reference guide to analog electronics for your electronics projects.
Op Amps for Everyone, by Bruce Carter and Ron Mancini from Texas Instruments.
op-amp awith offset (bias).pdf
Single Supply Op Amp Design.pdf
CH9 Paul Smith notes.pdf
http://www.siongboon.com/projects/2008-04-27_analog_electronics/index.htm 1/10
1/11/2018 Analog Electronics
1) Non-Inverting amplifier
2) Inverting amplifier
3) Unity Buffer amplifier (Voltage follower)
4) Differetial amplifier
5) Suming amplifier
6) Instrumentation ampilfier
7) Oscillator
8) Comparator
9) Threshold detector
10) Zero Level detector
11) Schmitt trigger
12) Integration
13) Differentiation
14) Rectifier
15) Logarithmic output
16) Exponential output
1) Non-Inverting amplifier
A resistor R1||R2 = (R1 x R2) / (R1 + R2) is inserted just before the +ve
terminal will keep the input current better balanced.
The added voltage divider has introduced a voltage offset to the output signal
http://www.siongboon.com/projects/2008-04-27_analog_electronics/index.htm 2/10
1/11/2018 Analog Electronics
2) Inverting amplifier
When analysing the op-amp as an amplifier (ideal op-amp), the +ve and -ve is to
be having the same voltage potential.
A resistor Rin||Rf = (Rin x Rf) / (Rin + Rf) is inserted just before the +ve
terminal will keep the input current better balanced.
The added voltage divider has introduced a voltage offset to the output signal
http://www.siongboon.com/projects/2008-04-27_analog_electronics/index.htm 3/10
1/11/2018 Analog Electronics
The voltage divider provides a voltage level which the amplification will be
based from. Signal with the same voltage level will not be shift in position,
while the rest of the voltage level will be amplified.
Vout = Vin
- high input impedance
- low output impedance
4) Differetial amplifier.
Voltage follower added in the front of the input to improve the input impedance.
This is also similar to an instrumental op-amp.
http://www.siongboon.com/projects/2008-04-27_analog_electronics/index.htm 4/10
1/11/2018 Analog Electronics
Instrumentation amplifier.
Op-amp Selection
http://www.siongboon.com/projects/2008-04-27_analog_electronics/index.htm 5/10
1/11/2018 Analog Electronics
Instruments not reach -55 to 125°C
Texas TL071 ±4V to ±15V Normal Output will -40 to 85 °C,
Instruments not reach -55 to 125°C
intersil CA741, LM741 ±5V to ±15V Normal Output will 0 to 70 °C,
not reach -55 to 125°C
Texas LMV722IDR 2.2 to 5.5V Near full -40 to 105 °C
Instruments (single swing Vout
On MC33202DR2G ±0.9V, 0V to Near full -40 to 105
Semiconductor 12V swing Vout °C, -55 to
National LMP2022MA 2.2 to 5.5V Precision -40 to 125°C unable to it make operating
Semiconductor (single
On MC33072 3 to 44V Output will -40 to 85°C,
Semiconductor not reach -40 to 125°C
Precision usually means a low input offset voltage, which is quite important for voltage comparator, or amplifying small differential input signal.
Input offset <0.5mV will be consider as precision op-amp.
Input offset guide from Analog Device "MT-037, Tutorial Op-amp Input offset voltage.pdf"
Click here for the calculator for the LC filter. frequency and Ideal analysis of the circuit
time domain results are on the fly. The signal in the DC or lower frequency signal can be fully transfered to the high impedence (open c
http://www.siongboon.com/projects/2008-04-27_analog_electronics/index.htm 6/10
1/11/2018 Analog Electronics
- http://sim.okawa-denshi.jp/en/CRtool.php (generate freq/time signal will be absorbed on the resistor (R) components.
domain graph on the fly)
- http://www.2pif.com/high-low-pass-filter.php (simple What the high frequency signal will see:
calculator) AC signal see resistor as a load, capacitor as a short circuit, while inductor as an open circuit. High freq
(C) component as a short circuit. The voltage potential of Vout is seen to be the same as the ground re
will be completely absorbed by the resistor R component. High frequency component will not be availa
Please note that the above explaination is a simplfied analysis of a filter. Ideal analysis helps us to unde
a glance without the need for detail computation. In reality, the open/short circuit represent the degree
degree of signal attenuation is dependant on the frequency of the signal and the capacitor's capacitance.
Capacitances required to attenuate or suppress signal of certain Frequency to Attenuate Attenuating Factor (Xc)
frequency. Please note that this formula and the table presented
on the right is an approximation for filtering noise from a DC 1/√2 1/2 1/10 1/100
signal. 50Hz 2200uF 6800uF 33000uF 330000uF
500Hz 220uF 680uF 3300uF 33000uF
1KHz 113uF 330uF 1600uF 16000uF
Xc = 1 / (2π f C) 10KHz 11uF 33uF 160uF 1600uF
C = 1 / (2π f Xc ) 100KHz 1.1uF 3.3uF 16uF 160uF
1MHz 113nF 330nF 1.6uF 16uF
where Xc is the reactance of the capacitor. Xc of 1.0 for the 10MHz 11nF 33nF 160nF 1.6uF
capacitor (open circuit) is possible with lower fequency signal
or lower capacitance. To attenuate the AC signal of a particular 100MHz 1.1nF 3.3nF 16nF 160nF
frequency, Xc has to be low with the correct capacitance 1GHz 113pF 330pF 1.6nF 16nF
Max frequency for capacitor (taken from "Op Amps for Everyone")
The table on the right summeries the typical capacitor value Standard Commercial Capacitor Value:
available commercially. pF pF pF nF nF nF uF uF uF uF uF
1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1,000 10,000
1.1 11 110 1.1
1.2 12 120 1.2
1.3 13 130 1.3
1.5 15 150 1.5 15 150 1.5 15 150
http://www.siongboon.com/projects/2008-04-27_analog_electronics/index.htm 7/10
1/11/2018 Analog Electronics
1.6 16 160 1.6
1.8 18 180 1.8
2.0 20 200 2.0
2.2 22 220 2.2 22 220 2.2 22 220 2,200
2.4 24 240 2.4
2.7 27 270 2.7
3.0 30 300 3.0
3.3 33 3.3 33 330 3.3 33 330 3,300
3.6 36 360 3.6
3.9 39 390 3.9
4.3 43 430 4.3
4.7 47 470 4.7 47 470 4.7 47 470 4,700
5.1 51 510 5.1
5.6 56 560 5.6
6.2 62 620 6.2
6.8 68 680 6.8 68 680 6.8 68 680 6,800
7.5 75 750 7.5
8.2 82 820 8.2
9.1 91 910 9.1
Transistor Switching
I didn't realised that transistor switching speed can be so important until I had encountered a pro
The data communication gets corrupted. Go through all the codes, and eventually found that th
The current batch of transistor is different from my previous batch; and I always thought that a
am wrong, it is not. The problem might have been due to my design as well, unable to discharge
Ch1(yellow) shows the signal input through a 1kohm resistor to the base of the npn transistor. C
collector terminal, with a pull up resistor of 560ohm. The is
The following present the various BC817 transistor's switching digital speed.
http://www.siongboon.com/projects/2008-04-27_analog_electronics/index.htm 8/10
1/11/2018 Analog Electronics
delay 2us
delay 4.5us
delay 0.25us
http://www.siongboon.com/projects/2008-04-27_analog_electronics/index.htm 9/10
1/11/2018 Analog Electronics
Effect of the signal switching without a resistor across the Vbe terminal of a npn transistor BC8
Effect of the signal switching without a 10kΩ resistor across the Vbe terminal of a npn transisto
Effect of the signal switching without a 10kΩ resistor across the Vbe terminal of a npn transisto
More than 100% improvement shortening the delay, of the inverted signal by about 1us.
website: http://www.siongboon.com
http://www.siongboon.com/projects/2008-04-27_analog_electronics/index.htm 10/10
1/11/2018 Attenuator: 50ohm/81dB 1dB step - Radio Frequency Experiment by BH1RBG
Radio Frequency
Experiment by
BH1RBG Search this site
View All
Δτ Home-brew Lab
Restoration An Tektronix 464
Tektronix 485 Attenuator
Tektronix 485 Cathode-Ray
3D Printing
Fix:under extrusion:long move or
Accessory & Collection
Dig into Radio
Antenna: Helical Ant and L-match
Antenna: before make receiver
Core: evaluate unknown core
DBM In The Frequency generator
IF.455K: Design and Improvement
IF.455K: Gain Vs Stable
IF.455K:why tap stabilize the IF Amp
Misread Comm Base Amplifer
Noise Figure Mess
PA: 27Mhz FM TX Chain Design
PA: Exploring PA
PA: TX chain PA to Antenna
RF choke: dig SRF
RF Practice: better to know
Run into Wide-Band Buffer/Amplifiers
Super Regen: Make it work
Homebrew Craft
Air Coil 4.5 Turns example
experimental board
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1/11/2018 Attenuator: 50ohm/81dB 1dB step - Radio Frequency Experiment by BH1RBG
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1/11/2018 Attenuator: 50ohm/81dB 1dB step - Radio Frequency Experiment by BH1RBG
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1/11/2018 Attenuator: 50ohm/81dB 1dB step - Radio Frequency Experiment by BH1RBG
here is all the matched pair for your start to get your ideal
resistor, after the "=" is the value i get, and I'm very happy
to get these perfect value resistor.
perfect closed
1dB: shunt: 869.548 910||22k = 868
Input RL: >73dB
series: 5.769 6.2||68=5.75
Out RL:>73dB
perfect closed
2dB: shunt: 436.212 470||7.5k = 436.4
Input RL: >78dB
series: 11.615 12||430=11.60
Out RL: >78dB
perfect closed
3dB: shunt: 292.402 300||16k =292.5
Input RL: >75dB
series: 17.615 18||1.1k=17.6
Out RL: >75dB
perfect closed
5dB: shunt: 178.489 200||1.8k =178.6
Input RL: >60dB
series: 30.398 33||430= 30.49
Out RL: >60dB
perfect closed
10dB: shunt: 96.248 100||3.9k = 96.3
Input RL: >70dB
series: 71.151 75||1.3k= 71.1
Out RL: >70dB
perfect closed
20dB: shunt: 61.111 62||3.3k =61.10
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1/11/2018 Attenuator: 50ohm/81dB 1dB step - Radio Frequency Experiment by BH1RBG
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1/11/2018 Attenuator: 50ohm/81dB 1dB step - Radio Frequency Experiment by BH1RBG
When finished all parts, put them into die cast box,
checking if the dimension is suitable. \
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1/11/2018 Attenuator: 50ohm/81dB 1dB step - Radio Frequency Experiment by BH1RBG
1. use wire to connect bottom and the top layer of the PCB
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1/11/2018 Attenuator: 50ohm/81dB 1dB step - Radio Frequency Experiment by BH1RBG
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1/11/2018 Attenuator: 50ohm/81dB 1dB step - Radio Frequency Experiment by BH1RBG
DC checking
Use a 4 1/2 digital DVM, a 50R load, a battery to check
the DC resistance and the DC attenuation. this ensure all
of them connected properly and given a low Frequency
attenuation reference.
1. resistance check
terminated by 50R, test another port resistance
1db/2db/3db/10db/20db : 50.05R
5dB: 50.10R
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1/11/2018 Attenuator: 50ohm/81dB 1dB step - Radio Frequency Experiment by BH1RBG
2. DC attenuate
few day ago i finished the 8307 Power Meter, which work
really good up to 470Mhz(which i can test by a handy
transceiver with 40dB pad attenuator) , so can verify the
high frequency performance.
10Mhz testing(pending)
dam good.
144Mhz testing(pending)
really good.
455Mhz testing(pending)
1-10dB is fine, but with 20dB, only get 18~19db
attenuation. refer following sections.
compensation the step attenuator up
to 500Mhz
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1/11/2018 Attenuator: 50ohm/81dB 1dB step - Radio Frequency Experiment by BH1RBG
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1/11/2018 Attenuator: 50ohm/81dB 1dB step - Radio Frequency Experiment by BH1RBG
compensation Version
here is the picture finished compensation:
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1/11/2018 Attenuator: 50ohm/81dB 1dB step - Radio Frequency Experiment by BH1RBG
Final Result:
below the line is compassionate version, accuracy
improved 2.x dB from 140M to 470Mhz.
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1/11/2018 Attenuator: 50ohm/81dB 1dB step - Radio Frequency Experiment by BH1RBG
Conclusion @2013/9/23
*1- 10dB attenuation and are useful up to 500Mhz, less
than 0.5dB error (up to 500Mhz).
*20dB attenuation are accuracy up to 150Mhz, error less
than 0.5dB after compensation.
*from 200 to 450Mhz error less than -1dB.
*470Mhz get +1 error attenuation.
* 1-10dB + 2X20dB is useable, but 3x20dB won't
work...... (might because signal leak?)
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1/11/2018 Automatic lamp - Automatic lamp
Automatic lamp
Automatic lamp
Lamp will switch on automatically if ambient light will be low. P1 trimpot adjust light time between 1 and
26 seconds. Lamp has a very low idle supply current. Lamp uses dual monostable flip-flop 4538. First
monostable light-on time. Second monostable blocking first when the lamp goes off and prevent restart it.
Manual switch between automatic light-on mode and pernament light-on mode. Lamp is powered from one Li-
ion cell. On PCB can be placed charger from Fig. 2.
Surely you've already happened: you're sleeping on a mountain cottage, for example, and you're going to
sleep. At the door you turn off the light and then, in an unfamiliar environment, carefully gently scrambling to
your bed and trying not to interfere with anything. In that case, you might want to use the lamp described here,
which will automatically turn on for a few seconds if it suddenly fades. The lamp responds only to the light
extinguishing, and does not light up slowly when it fades slowly. The lamp compartment is designed to have
negligible power consumption, it does not have to switch off and the lamp battery lasts without charging long.
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1/11/2018 Automatic lamp - Automatic lamp
Description involvement
The connection of the lamp is in figure 1 . Note first the bistable flip-flop with IC2c and IC2d gates. The
button switches whether the lamp lights up permanently or switches on automatically. Suppose the logic level is
now in the auto-ignition mode and at the gate exit. 0. The intensity of the light is captured by the FT
phototransistor. In case of sudden darkness, the phototransistor closes and the capacitor C1 is charged via
resistor R1. The transistor T1 opens with charging current and the first monostable flip-flop circuit (IC) in IC1 is
triggered on the collector. With slow dimming, C1 is charging slowly and the charging current is not enough to
open T1.
The monostable CMOS 4538 flip-flop circuit has a number of advantages over the 555 timer MFP: It is
switched by an edge rather than a level, and we can select an input that responds to a leading or descending
edge. It has two complementary outputs so we do not need to invert the output signal when we need it with the
opposite level. Further, for this construction, the key feature of the circuit is that it has practically zero
consumption at rest. The CMOS timer 555 has a current consumption of approximately 100 μA at a voltage of 4
V, whereas at this lamp the largest current flows through resistor R1 (about 0.9 μA); in the dark the collection is
even smaller.
When MKO1 is triggered, level H is displayed at output Q1 (terminal 6 IC1), and then level L is output at
gate output IC2b. Transistor T2 opens and LED1 illuminates. The tilting time of MKO1 can be adjusted by the
P1 trimmer. After the set time has elapsed, output L1 appears at the output Q1, at the gate output IC2b level H
and LED1 goes out. However, it is necessary to ensure that its extinction does not start MKO1 again. This is
done by the second MKO in the IC1 housing, triggered by the leading edge at the input I2 (terminal 12). During
the flip-over of MKO2, level H is reached at the output Q2 and at the output of gate IC2a level L. This signal is
applied to the zero input MKO1 (terminal 3). The MKO1 is blocked during the rollover of MKO2 and can not be
restarted. Therefore, the LED1 may also light up on the phototransistor, thus the function of the lamp is not
disturbed. MKO2 rollover time, here about 100 ms, accommodates common white LEDs, thanks to the
luminophores, can last up to several tens of milliseconds. If a bulb was used for lighting, it would be necessary
to extend the flip-over time of the MKO2 by increasing the capacity C3 and / or resistance R4.
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1/11/2018 Automatic lamp - Automatic lamp
If necessary, the lamp can be permanently lit by pressing the button. The output level of the IC2c gate will
show level H. At the output IC2a the level L will appear to reset and lock the MKO1. At the same time, the L
level appears at the output of the gate IC2b and the LED1 lights up. The lamp can be extinguished by pressing
the button again. At the same time, the MKO2 starts and momentarily blocks the MKO1 so that it does not start
again by switching off the LEDs, as in the automatic mode. Note that by double-clicking on the button, the
LED1 automatically switches off automatically because the manual illumination will reset MKO1.
I used one white LED to light up. New types of diodes have a luminous intensity of up to 50 cd when
supplied with a 20 mA current, and their illumination for the orientation is sufficient. Appropriate LEDs are sold
by, for example, AC / DC Audio or Flajzar . The LED is powered by a transistor T2, whose collector current is
dependent on the current to the base and can be changed by resistance of resistor R5.
I used a disposable Li-ion battery from the laptop battery to power the lamp. The battery has a larger
internal resistance, which does not matter when taking the order of dozens of mA. Similarly, we can use
"tightened" batteries from mobile phones. The lamp is completed with the charger shown in Figure 2 . The
battery in the lamp can be recharged, for example, by the charger from the mobile phone or from the USB port
of the computer. The charger connection is described in detail here .
Fig. 3. Circuit board with automatic lamp. If you use the right mouse button and select
"Save image as", you get a 600-dpi master template. The board has a size of 30 x 60 mm.
Fig. 3. Automatic lamp with PCB layout. Click right mouse button and choose
"Save image as" to get 600 dpi resolution image. PCB size is 30 x 60 mm.
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1/11/2018 Automatic lamp - Automatic lamp
Refreshing the lamp is easy, everything should work on the first connection. With the P1 trimmer set the
desired lighting time, check the output voltage for the charger, which should be 4.15 to 4.2 V. If the device does
not work, compare the logic signals in the function description circuit.
Since I did not have time to produce a box, I placed the flashlight in an emergency box on the parts that are
sold in GM Electronic. The component plate is bolted to the transparent lid of the box over 8 mm spacers. There
is a battery and a "carry" battery switch in the box that can turn the lamp off completely to prevent it from being
switched on or off by accidentally turning on the bag in the bag. The design of the lamp is in the photograph, I
believe you can make it more transparent.
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1/11/2018 Automatic lamp - Automatic lamp
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1/11/2018 Automatic lamp - Automatic lamp
List of parts
lamp charger
2.2 Ohm, SMD 1206 (for
R01, R02 0 Ohm, jumper (not in diagram) R11
230 mA current)
R1 4.7 MOhm, SMD1206 R12 470 Ohm, SMD 1206
R2, R3 100 kOhm, SMD 1206 R13, R17 100 kOhm, SMD 1206
R4, R7 1 MOhm, SMD 1206 R14 22 kOhm, SMD 1206
R5 22 kOhm, SMD 1206 R15 680 Ohm, SMD 1206
R6 10 kOhm, SMD 1206 R16 15 kOhm, SMD 1206
P1 2.5 MOhm, Trim PT6V R18 330 ohm, SMD 1206
NO. 1 22 nF, SMD 1206 LED2 red (orange) SMD 1206
C2 10 microF / 16 V, SMD A tantalum. T11 BCX54-16 (BD code)
C3, C4 100 nF, SMD T12, T13, T15 B C857 (code 3F)
D1 1N4148, SMD SOD80 T14 BSS138 (SS or J15 code)
LED1 white with high luminosity IC11 TL431C, SMD SO8
phototransistor L-NP-3C1,
FT K1 socket 3.8 x 1 mm
see text
T1 BC848C (code 1L)
T2 BCX52-16 (AM code)
IC1 4538 SMD SO16
IC2 4001 SMD SO14
TL1 P-B1720C
circuit board bcs55
Figure 10 shows the wiring of the lamp without a switch in case it is not needed. The lamp responds only to
the "sudden darkness".
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1/11/2018 Automatic lamp - Automatic lamp
Jaroslav Belza
2. 6. 2006
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1/11/2018 Battery tester
Battery tester
Battery tester
Tester was designed to test the primary (zinc, alkaline) cell. It contains a simple voltage converter and
level indicator. Tester is powered from tested cell. Supply current is dependent on cell voltage and at 1.5 V
is approx. 200 mA. For high efficiency voltage conversion must be a low saturation voltage transistor T1
used. The tester has a polarity tolerant input (max. 3 V).
The device serves for quick orientation of the feed cells. I built it for my children to be able to
determine separately the degree of discharge of batteries in different toys.
Description involvement
The tester is powered from a measuring cell that loads up to 200 mA. It distinguishes the "fresh" article from
the old one, which has enough free-circuit voltage, but also a great internal resistance. The maximum input
voltage is 3 V, the tester is resistant to reverse polarity. The tester is designed for primary cells. When measuring
NiCd and NiMH accumulators, the maximum LED2 is lit due to lower voltage. In the case of accumulators, the
voltage drops too slowly during discharge and the tester can only be checked if the battery is not fully discharged.
To test the articles, it would be possible to use a tester - "pincers" with a bulb, but such an amateur
electronics solution would hardly satisfy. The tester described here indicates the battery status by the number of
LEDs lit. In the connection of the tester ( Fig), two parts can be distinguished: the voltage converter and the
voltage level indicator. Since the LED needs a supply voltage of about 2 volts and the fresh battery is only about
1.55 volts, it is necessary to use the drive in the wiring. The inverter is self-deceiving and uncontrolled, the output
voltage is highly dependent on input voltage. This dependence is deliberately magnified by using the R1, R2
dividers in the base circuit. A critical part of the inverter is the transistor T1, which must have a low saturation
voltage. Otherwise, efficiency is rapidly deteriorating. A conventional radial choke is used as a transformer, to
which we turn on a secondary winding - about 30 threads with a wire of about 0.2 mm in diameter. We pull the
shrink sleeve over the winding and the transformer is finished. The embodiment of the coil is evident from the
photograph in FIG. 2 .
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1/11/2018 Battery tester
The second part is the voltage indicator. At low voltage, transistors T2 and T3 are open via resistors R3 and
R4, transistors T4 and T5 are closed. If the voltage increases, the LED1 will first illuminate. Upon further increase
of the voltage, the LED current increases until the voltage drops to R5 does not open T5 (about 16 mA).
Transistor T2 closes and voltage on LED2 increases as long as it starts to light up. If the supply voltage continues
to increase, the T4 opens at a current of about 20 mA. Transistor T3 closes and LED3 lights up. At even higher
voltages, the current is no longer limited to the stand alone indicator, but the tester is limited by the drive power.
The power of the inverter and thus the input voltage at which the LED3 lights up can be partly influenced by the
change of resistance R1.
Fig. 3. Tester circuit board. If you use the right mouse button and choose Save Image As, you will get a link
template at 600 dpi (16 KB)
Fig. 3. PCB layout battery tester. Click the right mouse button and choose "Save image as" to get 600 dpi
resolution image (16 kB)
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1/11/2018 Battery tester
I built the tester into a small box of KP32, which is also customized with the design of a printed circuit
board, which is partly fitted with SMD components. The spool is horizontal for dimensional reasons. For the
LED, first drill holes in the box, then place the LED board in the box and then light the LED into the board. I
stuck the rear lid of the box with the hot melt glue on the animated tester. Placing such a small board is harder, but
it does not prevent you from designing your own board, fitted with classical components, or using a piece of
universal board.
It is best to use a controllable power supply, you also need a universal measuring device, just the simplest
multimeter. Connect the tester to the power supply and slowly increase the supply voltage from zero to about 1.6
volts. After mounting the board, the tester can work on the first attempt, but Murphy's law is very likely to n2
winding poorly. The polarity of the winding can only be detected in advance. Therefore, if the inverter does not
oscillate, taking the tester to withdraw the current, first replace the winding ends n2. If even after this intervention
the tester did not work, brighten up its individual parts.
First connect the power supply to the capacitor C1 and slowly increase the voltage. At about 3 volts, the
LED1 lights up at about 5.5 V of LED2 and at 8 V and LED3. The power supply should not exceed 20 mA until
LED3 lights up. If the indicator does not work as described, there will be an error in it.
If the indicator is OK, check the inverter. If the supply voltage is increased from 0 to 1.6 V, the voltage
should gradually rise up to 8 V at C1. If the coil secondary coil outlets do not work, the T1 or diode may be
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1/11/2018 Battery tester
It can also happen that the tester works, but at 1.5 V does not give enough power to turn on all LEDs. Then
you can carefully change the resistance of resistor R1. If it does not help, it is still possible to increase the
resistance of R5. Turning on all the LEDs will be enough to supply the less current.
List of parts
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1/11/2018 Battery tester
Jaroslav Belza
The tester was published in Practical Electronics No. 7/03 on p. 22 under the title "Tester of Articles".
August 2, 2003
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
and decide to put them up once and for all on this website.
The IC chips, active and passive components are all connected by traces
1. PCB Trace reference or wire. The traces on the PCB are assume to be of short circuit, which
is 0Ω. This assumption is reasonable if it conduct a very small amount
of current. When the conductor starts to carry larger amount of current,
the voltage drop across the trace could be significant, causing
intermediate hardware problem.
If you are expecting a large current flowing through the traces, you have
to keep in mind to provide a wider trace to increase the conductivity of
the cable. Larger trace width means lower resistance.
For my PCB route software, the defined trace width for power is
1.27mm and signal is 0.38mm. Sometimes there is a need to route the
trace through narrow space. In this situation, I would have to use the
recommended trace width for power min, and signal min. Usually I will
keep this narrow trace as short as possible to avoid higher resistance.
On the left is the reference table to estimate the resistance of the trace
for my PCB routing. I have assume the worst case at temperature 100˚C
with the copper layer of 1oz thick. Seldom do you need to refer to this
table, unless you have encounter space restriction for your high current
carrying traces. It is my usual practise to double the current carrying
capacity. 2 times the maximum current I will be expecting. If you have
the space, make it wider.
also Download the wire gauge calculator from UltraCAD Design, Inc
Electrical Resistance Equations: I have also provide the computation for copper resistance for your
reference. Taking this opportunity to do further read up in order to
Resistance = Resistivity x Length/Area explain in a simplified form.
Area is the cross sectional area of the conductor. Just like a water pipe,
the larger the cross sectional area, the easier the current is able to flow
Question 1: Resistivity defines the resistance of the material for a unit of length at a
1oz copper PCB, Trace width 0.25mm, Trace length 0.1m, Operating temperature 25˚C certain temperature. The resistivity for the material copper at 25˚C is
found to be 1.7x10-8Ω.m
Solution 1:
Copper resistivity at 25˚C is 1.68x10-8Ω.m The resistivity changes with temperature. The resistance will increase as
Resistance = 1.7x10-8Ω.m x 0.1m / (1oz x 0.25mm) the temperature increase. The term for this changing resistivity with
= 1.7x10-8Ω.m x 0.1m / (35um x 0.25mm) temperature is known as the thermal resistivity of that particular
= 1.7x10-8Ω.m x 0.1m / (8.75nm2)
= 1.7x10-8Ω.m x 0.0114x109m-1 The material resistivity would therefore look like a graph curve. They
= 0.19Ω are obtained through test and experiment. For some material, the graph
curve could be approximated in the form of equation. This complicated
Question 2: formula describe the resistance behavior of the material under different
1oz copper PCB, Trace width 0.25mm, Trace length 0.1m, Operating temperature 100˚C temperature condition. For copper material, it can be represented from
the following equation,
Solution 2:
Copper resistivity at 100˚C is 2.17x10-8Ω.m, Copper resistivity = ρ0(1+α(Temperature-T0))
Resistance = 2.2x10-8Ω.m x 0.1m / (1oz x 0.25mm)
= 2.2x10-8Ω.m x 0.0114x109m-1 = 1.7x10-8Ω.m x (1 + 3.9x10-3Ω/˚C x (100˚C-25˚C))
= 0.25Ω
= 2.2x10-8Ω.m at a temperature of 100˚C
As you can see from the calculation on the left, the increase in
temperature from 25˚C to 100˚C has increase the 0.1m copper trace by
0.06Ω. This is about 30% increase in the resistance.
To keep the topic simple, we will not go into the details of varying
temperature. There can be other factor that can affect the resistance of
the material.
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
Recommended digital and analog circuit layout on a PCB board. Reference taken from "Op Amps for Everyone".
More PCB layout recommendation can be found in the book "Op Amps
for Everyone" from Texas Instruments.
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
NOTE: The following guideline is a brief guideline for copper ampacity (current rating or current-carrying capacity) of the
cable used for power supplying purpose. The ampacity is defined as the maximum current the cable can withstand. Any current
higher than that will generate enough heat to burn away the cable. There are many factor affecting the current capacity of the
cable, and it should be compensated accordingly. I would advise to select the cable, with at least double the current-carrying
capacity for the intended equipment. Never operate near the cable current-capacity limits. You will never know when, the current
overruns. Some of the factors that will affect the current-carrying capacity of a cable are:
- ayenbee AWG Wire Current Rating guide.pdf
- Wire Chart for 12Volt 24Volt.pdf
- A Guide to Wire and Cable Construction.pdf
230v Cable Size Selector- http://www.electacourse.com/cableselector.html
The factors involve are quite complex. The table is a simplified reference for myself to select the cables. Always allow a larger
safety margin of minimum x2 when you chose your cable. Do take careful note of what you deploy.? There are many other
factor, eg screw connections, plug contact which will affects the results. If the cable has the slightest warm, it is quite clear that
the cable will be hitting it's limit any time soon.
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
Copper Nearest
Diameter Area Nearest AWG
Wire Cable Description Resistance SWG gauge
(mm) (mm2) 20˚C.Ω/km (mm)
gauge (mm)
11.68 107.2 - - 0000
10.4 85.03 - - 000
9.266 67.43 - - 00
8.252 53.48 - - 0
7.348 42.41 - - 1
6.543 33.63 - - 2
5.827 26.27 - - 3
5.189 21.15 - - 4
230Vac power cable 16mm2
(absolute maximum 69A) 4.620 16.77 - - 5
eg. Sub Mains
4.115 13.30 - - 6
230Vac power cable 10mm2
(absolute maximum 52A)
eg. high power showers, cookers & other very high
power devices 3.665 10.55 - - 7
3.264 8.366 - - 8
230Vac power cable 6mm2 (absolute
maximum 38A) 2.906 6.634 - - 9
eg. showers, cookers & other high
power devices
2.588 5.261 - - 10
230Vac power cable 4mm2 (absolute
maximum 30A, 6.9kW) 2.305 4.172 - - 11
eg. low power electric shower
2.00 3.10 5.47 14 (2.05) 12 (2.05)
1.90 2.80 6.05
230Vac power cable 2.5mm2 (absolute
maximum 23A) 1.80 2.60 6.76 15 (1.83) 13 (1.83)
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
230Vac power cable 1.5mm2 (absolute 1.40 1.50 11.2 17 (1.42) 15 (1.45)
maximum 16A, 3.6kW)
16 strand
0.50 0.20 87.5 25 (0.51) 24 (0.51)
Multipurpose 10core
shielded. (RS232
communication, data
signal), Belden 9540,
Belden 9536 (6 core),
Belden 9534 (4 core)
Category 5E network
0.45 0.16 108 26 (0.46) 25 (0.45)
Cable Guide (typical cable type and name) Click the chart for enlarge view.
Chart and images taken from Farnell, RS components and other websites.
also Download the wire gauge calculator from UltraCAD Design, Inc
Other reference,
Refer to the most current National Electrical Code for further information on the electrical cable
3. Advance conductor
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
Special material for conductivity connection. Some references
for non-traditional or advance conductor materials.
Elastomer connector
(soft rubber strip that can conduct like a wire)
Conductive glass
Conductive paint
Conductive tapes
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
Fastener Manufacturer:
References: http://www.aboveboardelectronics.com/catalogsmain.htm
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
Self-Clinching Nut,
Standoff Guide
Self Clinching Standoff Installation Guide
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
Earphone + Microphone:
Pin 1- Left Speaker
Pin 2- Right Speaker
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
Pin 3- Mic+
Pin 4- Ground
Notes: Speaker's load is inductive. Measuring the resistivity from the pins will usually yield very low res
short circuit). Measurement by probing the pin in reverse will yield the same result.
Notes: Commonly available electret microphone contains active components. The positive terminal of
can be detected using a ohm meter. Measure Mic+ (+ve Probe), Mic- (-ve Probe) will yield a higher
probing the reverse way Mic- (+ve Probe), Mic+ (-ve Probe).
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
- The Dynamic Microphone
- The Ribbon Microphone
- The Hot-Wire Microphone
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
DIN 8 pins
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
DC barrel jack/socket
DC barrel socket
SMA RF connector (socket for WiFi Antenna) Toggle switch dimension, drill hole dimension and thread size 1/4-40 UNS-2A
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
7. Name of Connectors/Plugs
UK 3 pins Plug
EU 2 pins Plug
Product Family Crimp Terminals
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
Series 5263
Molex SPOX 5267 series connector header THT 2.5mm 4 way Physical
Gender Female
Material - Metal Phosphor Bronze
Material - Plating Mating Tin
Material - Plating Termination Tin
Net Weight 43.200/mg
Molex 5263 housing crimp receptacle 2.5mm 4 way
Plating min - Mating 0.889μm
2.54mm pitch Plating min - Termination 0.914μm
Product Family Crimp Terminals
Series 4809
Gender Female
Material - Metal Brass
molex KK 6410 series Material - Plating Gold
Material - Plating Gold
Net Weight 0.066/g
TJC8 connector (header and housing/receptacle pins) Pin Header PCB Crimp Style Cable Connector
Another name for housing is receptacle. TJC8 series(2.54mm pitch)Wire to Board Crimp style cable P.C.B conne
1. Pole: 1-40
2. Housing pins for wire size AWG28# - 22#
3. Header pins for PC board thickness: 1.6mm, 2.54mm pitch
4. Temperature range: -25C~85C
5: Voltage rating: 250V. AC/DC
6. Current rating: 3A
7. Contact resistance: 0.02
8. Insulation resistance: 800M
9. Withstand Voltage: 1000V. AC/1Min
10. Material:
Housing: PA66
Wafer: PBT
Terminal: Phos. Bronze Tin plated
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
JST ZH connectors
Connectors > Crimp Terminals / Solder Terminals & Splices > Quick Dis
Crimp terminal,
Insulated push-on,
Male tab (6.35mm or 1/4 inch tab connector),
Male bullet,
Female bullet
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
Red Insulation 0.5-1.5mm2 / 22-16 AWG
Blue Insulation 1.5-2.5mm2 / 16-14 AWG
Yellow Insulation 4.0-6.0mm2 / 12-10 AWG
Wire size for various ferrule size (color determine the size)
8. Name of Cable/Wire
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
Ribbon Cable & IDE connectors IDC connector pin rating is 1A.
Flex Jumper
9. Others
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1/11/2018 Cable, Wiring and Connector Guide
website: http://www.siongboon.com
Keyword: mm inch mil thou, tap drill size, reference guide, PCB trace resistivity computation calculator, Foot print reference, Cable wire gauge resistance, cable wire
selection, fastener
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1/11/2018 Clock power supply
Description involvement
The alternating voltage from the transformer is one-way diode D1 and limited by Zener diode to about 5.5
V. This voltage is charging a special miniature capacitor C1 (GoldCap). These capacitors are manufactured with
special technology, allowing you to reach an incredible capacity of up to 1 Farad. I got the capacitor from an
older radio where it was used to power the preset station memory. Since the radio had "forgotten" after a few
days, the capacitor was replaced by a NiCd battery that was even more strenuous. In newer car radios, as far as I
know, this method is no longer used and the memory is backed by permanent battery power. GoldCap capacitors
have a maximum voltage of 5.5 V and only currents can be discharged and charged up to several mA, otherwise
they will be destroyed. In my circuit the capacitor backs up the clock when the mains voltage drops. The voltage
from the capacitor is withdrawn through R2 and is stabilized to about 1.5 volts by diodes D3 to D5. The
capacitor is capable of feeding the clock for several hours when the power supply is interrupted. The biggest
load is the stabilizer, the actual clock collection is negligible. After the modification, it would probably be
possible to replace the somewhat exotic C1 accumulator RAM.
Source I realized from what was at hand on a piece of universal board. She has been fully satisfied for
several years.
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1/11/2018 Clock power supply
Jaroslav Belza
26. 3. 2002
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1/11/2018 C-meter - Electrolytic capacitor meter
The meter can measure the capacity of conventional electrolytic capacitors with an accuracy better than 10%.
Any power source with a voltage of 5 to 15 V can be used for the power supply. The only condition is that the
voltage does not change much during the measurement.
Description involvement
After switching on, the measured capacitor Cx is charged via resistor Rn. The voltage on the measured capacitor
is compared with the voltage on the dividers from resistors R2 and R3 by a comparator formed by the
operational amplifier OZ1. With a higher supply voltage, the capacitor charges faster, but it has to be charged at
a higher voltage to flip the comparator. Therefore, the time interval over which the comparator is overturned is
independent of the supply voltage.
During the charging of the capacitor, the comparator output is practically zero voltage and a constant current
source consisting of transistors T1 and T2 is triggered. The capacitor C1 is charged over it. The voltage on this
capacitor is proportional to the time it was charging, and thus the capacity of the Cx capacitor. The voltage at C1
indicates a handheld measuring device connected via an OZ2 tracker.
The splitter R2, R3 is connected only after the diode D1, which moves the DC voltage level. This adjustment
causes a small change in the switching time of the comparator depending on the supply voltage. In this way, the
dependence of the current source on the supply voltage is compensated, mainly due to the change of current
passing through the resistor R5. The displacement of the supply voltage is also necessary for proper operation of
the OZ2 tracker.
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1/11/2018 C-meter - Electrolytic capacitor meter
Measuring procedure
We connect the measured capacitor, select the appropriate range and turn on the device. The gauge of the gauge
will slowly increase until after about 1 second it has stabilized at a value corresponding to the measured
capacity. By switching off the device, the measured capacitor is discharged and the instrument is ready for
further measurement by discharging the capacitor C1. It is advisable to repeat the measurement several times,
especially for capacitors that have not been in operation for a long time. The first measurement will show more
capacity because some of the energy is consumed to form the condenser.
Device design
Most of the components are on the printed circuit board of Figures 2 and 3. The design of the device is evident
from the photograph. The meter does not have its own source, I use a stabilized source or battery for occasional
measurements. Resistor R1 limits the discharge current of the measured capacitor. I used a coil of wire
resistance, it does not matter much. The switching current Pr1 should also be dimensioned on the discharge
current. Considering that the measured capacitor is charged at a voltage close to the supply voltage, this current
may be several amperes. I used a meter with a 200 micrometre (0.1 V) full-wave current, for others the
resistance of the resistor will have to be adjusted so that the full deflection is at a voltage of 1 to 1.5 V. The Rn
resistors determine the range of the instrument. It is not necessary to keep their resistance exactly, the relative
ratio of the resistances is important. The Rn resistors are composed of two resistors connected in series to make
the desired set-up easier. If you use both resistors,
Fig. 2. Circuit board of electrolytic capacitor meters. Click to get a picture at 600 dpi
Figure 2. C meter PCB layout. Click to get 600 dpi resolution image
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1/11/2018 C-meter - Electrolytic capacitor meter
Device setup
If RN resistors are selected in advance, you only need to set the instrument in one range. With Cx, we connect a
capacitor of known capacity and choose the appropriate range. Rotate the P1 to set the desired gauge of the
gauge. Every time you turn the trimmer, you must always re-measure it! In some cases, it may be necessary to
change the resistance of resistor R4.
List of parts
Jaroslav Belza
The electrolytic capacitor meter was printed in Amateur Radio No. 2/1990 at p. 49. At its design I was inspired
by the involvement in [1], where it is the original source. [2]
[1] Kalás, L .: Progressive Capacity Meter . Amateur Radio No. 4/1977 p. 146.
[2] Popular Electronic, October 1976
10. 9. 2000
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1/11/2018 CMOS-TTL Logic Probe
CMOS-TTL Logic Probe Logic Probe
Approximately in 1984, the first CMOS circuits appeared in TESLA stores. The use of CMOS circuits in various
connections is very advantageous, especially for their negligible power input. The basic tool for working with logic circuits is a
logic probe. The logical probe design, which is suitable for working with CMOS circuits, is described here. This probe is one of
the first to appear on the AR site.
Activity description
The logic probe (the wiring diagram in Figure 1 ) indicates three states: logical "0" (level L), logical "1" (level H) and
indeterminate state. Short impulses are extended by monostable flip-flops. Dynamic properties are sufficient to work with
conventional CMOS circuits, the probe captures impulses from 200 ns above. It should be noted that TTL and HCMOS circuits are
able to produce pulses shorter and they will no longer catch the probe. The power supply voltage of the probe can be 3 to 18 volts and
the probe is normally supplied from the object being measured. Decision levels are approximately 30% Ucc (CMOS) and 0.8V (TTL)
for the log. 0 and 70% Ucc (CMOS) and 2.5V (TTL) log. 1. TTL decision levels apply to the 5 V supply voltage. An indeterminate
state indicates the probe also when the probe tip is not connected anywhere.
Probe circuits
The input circuit is resolved to monitor logical TTL and CMOS levels. A simple switch is used for switching, the voltages for
each decision level are fixed by resistors. The D1 and D2 diodes compensate for voltage drops at base-emitter transitions in transistors
T1 and T2. When using the TR12 and TR15 transistors, they must be selected with a breakdown voltage greater than 15 V. It is a
problem to get the correct logic level at the gate H1 when the switch is switched to the TTL position. At a supply voltage of 5 V, the
voltage at gate input is within 0 to 3 V; it changes depending on whether T1 is opened or closed. Therefore, two completely random
selected IO MHB4001 pieces were targeted in different wiring. The results are in tab. 1. If in the first case (both inputs in parallel) the
tilting level is greater than 2.9 V, this does not mean the IO is defective, but it is not suitable for use in the probe. Three identical
monostable multivibrators are connected to the logic to distinguish individual levels, which extends short pulses to about 0.2 s.
Indefinite level indications are also extended to indicate short pulses that do not reach logical levels. If this extension is not needed,
simply disconnect the C4 capacitor.
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1/11/2018 CMOS-TTL Logic Probe
Tab. 1. Retraction level of NOR gateways (MHB4001) Table 1. Treshold
level two different NOR gate
2.21 V 2.34 V
2.59 V 2.73 V
2.71 V 2.87 V
The MCU outputs control current sources for the LEDs. It is advantageous to supply LEDs from current sources, since they are
almost the same in the entire supply voltage range. The current through the diode can be adjusted by selecting a different resistance of
resistor R13 (or R15 or R17). This can compensate for the luminosity of individual diodes. I used different colors for the indication: it
will improve the clarity of the read data. The Zener diode D6 and the fuse in the power supply provide protection for the probe when
the supply voltage is incorrectly connected.
Fig. 2. Printed circuit board of the receiver. Click to get a picture at 600 dpi
Figure 2. Receiver PCB layout. Click to get 600 dpi resolution image
The components of the logic probe are connected to a printed circuit board ( Figure 2 ), the arrangement of the components is
shown in Fig. 3. I redraw and modified the original AR board. If you use the original V60 plate, you need to scratch the connection
between IO1 terminals 6 and 7 - there is an error on the original board. I made the box for the probe from polystyrene. The warning
tables served as its source; the content of the tables in this case does not matter :-)). The indication diodes are stuck in the probe cover
and are connected by thin wires. They can be soldered directly to the board here, but in this case they are already far from the tip,
which makes work with the probe uncomfortable. At the front end of the probe, a screw clamp is fastened to which either a steel spike
or wire is attached. It is possible to connect the probe to the measured location without having to keep it in hand. Resistor resistors are
designed for common LEDs. If you use a small current LED (2 mA), it is necessary to increase the resistance of resistors R13, R15
and R17 to 270 to 330 Ohms. This modification significantly changes the current consumption. When installing the board, be sure to
have three wire jumpers. The overall arrangement of the probe is evident from the photograph onFig. 4 .
We connect the finished probe over the milliammeter to the power supply and slowly increase the supply voltage - preferably
from 0V. The current to be discharged should not be greater than 3 to 10 mA plus the current of the diode switched on. We also test the
function of the probe across the entire supply voltage range. Then it is ready for use.
List of parts
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1/11/2018 CMOS-TTL Logic Probe
R3, R5 330 Ohm
R4 820 Ohm
R6 680 Ohm
R7, R8, R12, R14, R16 10 kOhm
R9, R10, R11 1 MOhm
R13, R15, R17 33 ohm (330 Ohm for LED @ 2 mA)
C1, C2 6.8 pF, ceramic
C3, C4, C5 220 nF, tantalum TE125 or foil or ceramic
IO1, IO2 CMOS 4001 (MHB4001)
T1 TR15 or other switching pnp or BC558
T2 TR12 or other switching npn or BC548
T3 to T8 any npn (BC548)
D1, D2 KA261, 1N4148 and the like.
D3, D4, D5 ICE
D6 Zener diode 18 V, eg KZ260 / 18
circuit board bcs36 or V60
Fig. 4. Logic probe with removable cover - older versions of printed circuit board (V60)
Figure 4. Logic Probe without cover (older version PCB)
Jaroslav Belza
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1/11/2018 Coaxial cable impedance - Coaxial cable impedance
The impedance of an unknown coaxial cable can be reliably estimated by its capacity. The
specific capacity of the coaxial cable, ie the capacity per 1 meter length is determined by the
where ε is the cable dielectric permit, D the diameter of the outer sheath (shield) and d the inner
conductor diameter. However, the same data also determines the characteristic impedance of the
It is not necessary to recalculate the formulas, it is sufficient to realize that the permitivity differs
according to the dielectric used, but for the conventional cables these constants are similar. The
relative permitivity of conventional dielectrics used in cables is similar and the capacity of the
cable with the same impedance is proportional to its square root. Polyethylene Permitivity (RG-
174 / U) is εr = 1.52, foamed polyethylene (by cable type) εr = 1.2 to 1.37.
Therefore, use a low-capacity capacitance meter (to avoid cable and reflection), measure capacity
and share the length of the cable in meters.
The capacity of conventional 50Ω cables is around 100 pF / m, cables with a typical impedance of
75 Ω around 65 pF / m and 93 Ω (95 Ω) cables around 50 pF / m.
You can identify a cable from old stock, out of stock or stock exchange. Interesting data on cables
and dielectrics can also be found from these links
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1/11/2018 Coaxial cable impedance - Coaxial cable impedance
75 Ω approx. 65 pF / m
93 Ω approx. 50 pF / m
Jaroslav Belza
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver for the FM band.
Set 6
FM crystal receiver.
Back to the index
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver for the FM band.
Schematic description:
The receiver has a tuned circuit made with variable capacitor C1 and coil L1.
Coil L1 is a 285 mm long copper tube, the outside diameter is 12 mm.
Via coil L2 the input signal is coupled to L1.
L2 and L1 are placed parallel over a distance of 25 mm.
The wire diameter of L2 is 0.5 mm, and the spacing with L1 is about 1 mm.
The "earth" side of L1 is via a small piece of PCB connected with the bottom plate. There must be very good
contact between bottom plate and L1, so solder it very carefully.
The copper tube (L1) must be clean and free of oxide, otherwise selectivity en sensitivity will decrease.
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver for the FM band.
With the antenna placed only 1.5 meter high, I could receive the following stations:
The output signal is fairly weak, so use a sensitive speaker, for instance a driver unit.
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver for the FM band.
Sensitivity test
On the picture below you see the test setup for measuring the sensitivity of the receiver, on the right you see a
VHF signal generator.
At an input power of -40 dBm and a frequency of 100 MHz the DC voltage over R1 is 1.6 mV.
Diode test
At several load resistor values between 10 and 100 kΩ , the rectified output voltage is measured (in milliVolt).
And from this the output power in the load resistor is calculated (in pico Watt).
The measurements are done at 100 MHZ and -35 dBm input power in the receiver.
1x 1x 2x 2x 4x 4x
Load OA95 OA95 HSMS2850 HSMS2850 BAT62- BAT62- BAT62- BAT62- BAT62- BAT62-
(kΩ) (mV) (pW) (mV) (pW) 03W 03W 03W 03W 03W 03W
(mV) (pW) (mV) (pW) (mV) (pW)
10 0.8 64 3.9 1521 1.0 100 1.7 289 2.2 484
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver for the FM band.
This graph shows the power in the load resistor as function of the load resistor value.
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1/11/2018 crystal receiver set 1
Set 1
Back to the index
The receiver must be connected to a large frame aerial, which is a loop of copperwire.
I am using a loop which measures 4x6 meter which I have suspended in my shed.
One strong local station can be heard (120 kw at 17 km distance).
The sound can be heard all over the shed.
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver set 3
Set 3
Back to the index
The receiver has a calibrated frequency dial. In receivers with a external antenna this is not possible, because de length of the antenna influences the tuning frequency.
On the coil there are several taps for connecting the diode. I got the best results with the tap in the middle of the coil.
The coil is made of litzwire 40x0.07. This wire has 40 individually insulated 0.07 mm strands.
With this wire we can make coils of high quality.
Q factor
600 128
900 146
1200 144
1500 124
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver set 3
Back to the index
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver set 10
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver set 10
Circuit diagram:
Set 10
The transformers (type: 952.431) are with the 16 Ω output windings parallel connected, this gives an impedance of 8 Ω.
The connected headphone however gives a load which is twice as high (16 Ω).
This will make the input impedance of the transformers (normally 80 kΩ) almost double.
The total input impedance of the two transformers will now be about 300 kΩ.
With this receiver I took part in the Elmar memorial crystal radio dx contest 2006, and received 4 stations:
See the Contestlog Elmer 2006.xls
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver set 10
During the Dutch BTTF crystalreceiver contest (december 2005) I received 6 stations with this receiver.
See the Contestlog BTTF 2005.xls
I measured the Q factor of the complete receiver, which was quite low (see measurement 1).
To find out the reason, first the diode was disconnected, this increased the Q quite a lot (measurement 2).
Then the two transformers were removed (measurement 3), because they were at close distance to the coil, there was
influence on Q factor.
The next measurements are done with 1.4 Volt peak-peak across the LC circuit
600 kHz 900 kHz 1200 kHz 1500 kHz
Set 10
1 Complete receiver 136 107 72 64
Loaded with headphone
2 Diode disconnected 300 264 206 182
3 Transformers removed 500 388 285 214
3x 5082-2835 diode
4 333 265 203 160
and 1M5 load
Then I connected 3 schottky diodes (5082-2835) in parallel to the receiver (measurement 4).
In measurement 4, a load resistor of 1.5 MΩ is used, because this is about the impedance of my transformator unit1.
Set 10 version 2
Then I replaced the 1.5 MΩ resistor (measurement 4) by the transformer unit 1, and connected a driver unit to it.
Both sensitivity and selectivity of the receiver was now much better then first.
With this version of the receiver, I took part in 2006 in a contest, and received 24 stations.
See the Contestlog sprint 2006.xls
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver set 11.
This receiver has a single tuned circuit, the Q factor of the tuned circuit is quite low.
The receiver can be used well for reception of local stations, for reception of distant stations it is less suitable.
I tried to give this receiver a nice "old-fashioned" look, the reception performance was in this design of less importance.
This receiver is for sale, I made a series production of these, and will build more on request.
This receiver is also for sale as do-it-yourself kit.
See the shop for more information.
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver set 11.
Circuit description.
The resonance circuit is formed by coil L1 and C1b and C1c (together 1000 pF).
Capacitor C1a and C2 provide the matching between antenna and tuned circuit.
The frame (rotor) of the tuning capacitor is carrying the RF signal, by this it is possible to tune simultaneously the tuned circuit (C1b
and C1c) and the antenna matching (C1a).
Germanium diode D1 provides the signal detection.
Transformer TR1 is loaded with 16 Ω at its 4 Ω output, through this the input impedance increases from 16 kΩ to about 43 kΩ.
At the output a headphone of 2x 32 Ω can be connected, with the two speakers parallel, the impedance is 16 Ω.
Component A1 is a gas discharge tube (also called: surge arrester) with type number: N81-A90X.
The gas discharge tube protects the antenna input for too high voltages.
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver set 11.
These high voltages can occur if the antenna picks up static charge from the air (especially occurs with long outdoor antennas from non
insulated antenna wire).
As the voltage at the antenna is higher then 90 Volt, the gas discharge tube will start to conduct and short the high voltage to ground.
As soon as the charge has flown to ground, the conduction stops automatically.
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver set 11.
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver set 11.
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1/11/2018 Crystal receiver set 12.
Set 12 is suitable for receiving local stations, which can be heard via a modern 2x 32 Ω headphone.
This receiver has two tuning capacitors.
One is for tuning, and one is for impedance matching between antenna and tuned circuit.
The Q factor of the tuned circuit, not loaded with the diode is:
600 kHz: Q=105
900 kHz: Q=108
1200 kHz: Q=95
1500 kHz: Q=84
Because of the quite low Q, this receiver is not so suitable for receiving distant stations.
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1/11/2018 David's Duodecal Delight ~ 12AE10 Compactron Tube Regenerative Radio
Hello honored visitor! Thank you for your visit. Today's radio is built with a Compactron tube. While the
compactron was the big idea of some Wunderkind at GE in the early 60's, it has become the unwanted stepchild
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1/11/2018 David's Duodecal Delight ~ 12AE10 Compactron Tube Regenerative Radio
of radio amateurs, restorers and audiophools alike. This means they are available very cheap, and hence has
grabbed my attention
The Idea
I used to sell a lot of compactron tubes where I worked. For an old school guy like me, these were somewhat
odd, with their 12 pin duodecal tube base. I never thought about building anything with them. I had seen
magazine articles that used them to build small one or two tube radios. So now is my turn.
The Circuit
The center of this circuit is the 12AE10 compactron tube. Please download the data sheet from Frank's tubes
(http://frank.pocnet.net/index.html) . Make sure to drop Frank an e-mail thanking him for his efforts. As a little tip, I would
suggest saving anything you get from Frank's set to your hard drive. That way, when you want to see it again,
you don't use the bandwidth again.
The 12AE10 is a dual section tube. One is a low power sharp cutoff pentode and the other side is a beam power
audio pentode. As logic dictates, the first section is the regenerative detector, while the other section drives the
The circuit is not really unusual. The regenerative feedback is accomplished by a tickler coil in the cathode of
the detector. A standard grid leak circuit offers grid rectification detection. The audio is recovered at the plate,
after the signal travels through the LC filter. A 25k ohm pot controls the screen voltage on the detector, which
controls the amount of regenerative feedback. The operation of this control is very smooth. You will have no
problems setting that exact point just before oscillation for maximum sensitivity.
The power supply is a voltage tripler. It starts out with a "wall wart" transformer with an output of 24vac at 650
ma. This is part number ACTX-2465 available from All Electronics (http://www.allelectronics.com/) . The center tap is
necessary to provide voltage for the tube heater, which requires 12 volts.
The full 24 volts ac then goes through a voltage tripler. The voltages ends up to be 80 volts dc under load. I have
to tell you that I did have a lot of hum problems at first with this radio. I eliminated the hum by using more
capacitors than I had expected. The B+ voltage is lower than I had hoped for, but there is enough to get moderate
volume to the speaker. There is moderate hum when headphones are used.
The audio output transformer is the famous Bogen T725. While I had speculated that this would make a nice
audio output transformer in small radios for years, this is my first time to try it. The problem is that the Bogen
has a solid iron core, rather than a laminated metal core. This means that under moderate dc current flowing, the
transformer core would become saturated. I decided to take a chance and I wasn't disappointed. It is probably
true that a true tube audio output transformer would work better, this is a good way to go. I used the black and
violet wires as the primary connections. This gave me the loudest sound.
The radio is tuned by a 540 pF capacitor. This is available from Leeds Radio (http://leedsradio.com) . It is really a dual
section 270pF with a nice 2:1 vernier drive. That added with the 6:1 vernier reduction drive gives 6 full turns of
the knob to tune end to end. You can use a smaller capacitor, such as a 410pF, but the bigger capacitor lets me
tune part of the 160 meter ham band.
The main coil, also heavily involved with the tuning of this radio is wound on a HDPE spider coil form. The
outside diameter is 3-½ inches (90 mm). The hub diameter is 1-¾ inches (45 mm). I used 40/44 litz wire to wind
all the coils. There are 51 turns on my main coil tuned with the 540pF capacitor. Using a 410pF tuning capacitor,
you should start with 55 turns. You can trim as you feel necessary to get the tuning range the way you want it. To
provide the best isolation with the tickler, the inside of this coil goes to ground, while the outside goes to the grid
leak circuit.
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1/11/2018 David's Duodecal Delight ~ 12AE10 Compactron Tube Regenerative Radio
The tickler coil is on a 2 inch form (50 mm) with 1 inch hub. I wound 4 turns on this form. The tickler is
mounted to the main coil at the center. The turns will need adjustment. You want good regeneration control
through out the band. It is best to have as few turns as possible and still get the job done.
The antenna coil has 25 turns on a 2 inch diameter form with a 1 inch center. The antenna coil is connected to a
1/4 inch (6 mm) rod that passes though a panel bushing on the front panel. Two grommets (Thanks Mike
Peebles) are used to hold the antenna coil on the shaft. Also, if someone starts turning the shaft instead of push
pulling it, there won't be any pulling of the antenna coil wires. By pulling and pushing the rod, you can control
the amount of rf that is picked up by the main coil. Some kind of front end level control is always necessary on a
regen radio. This can be done mechanically, as I have done, or it could be a variable capacitor between the
antenna and coil, or even a potentiometer. The number of windings on this coil may need to be adjusted,
depending on your receiving conditions.
There is a LED that causes a blue circle to be shown through the white dial when the radio is on. It is not shown
on the circuit, but involves a LED, rectifier diode and a 1000 ohm resistor, all wired in series and connected to
the power switch. A nice little touch.
This radio is made out of (surprise surprise) Garolite®! It is made the same way as many of my other project
panels and chassis. After the panel is connected to the chassis with a pair of small angle brackets, then the hole
can be found for the vernier. I put a pointed piece of metal on the end of the capacitor and make my mark on the
panel. A pencil connected to the capacitor shaft would also work. Then the vernier holes are drilled. After that,
the capacitor mounting holes can be marked and drilled.
Then mark and drill the holes for the controls. After that, the standoffs (made from Delrin at 2 inches long) can
be mounted. Those are all the critical holes. Now find room on the chassis for everything else. Don't forget the
solder lug mountings. You will need a couple of holes at the front of the chassis so the wires from the controls
can pass down under.
My panel is 6-½ x 9-½ inches (16,5 x 24 cm) and the chassis is 5-½ x 9-½ inches (14 x 24 cm). The reason for
this size is that the Garolite® comes in 12 inch wide sheets. The width was made to match the piece of wood
that I had previously finished.
Be prepared to reverse the tickler winding leads if the radio fails to go into oscillation. Myself, I just connect
them and see if it is right or not. I seem to get it right around 50% of the time.
This is a great project for the intermediate builder to make. I caution you that the 80 volts, while not particularly
dangerous, can cause discomfort if you grab on to it. Make sure the capacitors are discharged before working on
this set.
The performance is good with moderate volume. It sure isn't your kid's ghetto blaster, but will give you hours of
listening pleasure on a radio that you built!
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1/11/2018 David's Duodecal Delight ~ 12AE10 Compactron Tube Regenerative Radio
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1/11/2018 David's Duodecal Delight ~ 12AE10 Compactron Tube Regenerative Radio
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1/11/2018 David's Duodecal Delight ~ 12AE10 Compactron Tube Regenerative Radio
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1/11/2018 David's Duodecal Delight ~ 12AE10 Compactron Tube Regenerative Radio
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1/11/2018 David's Duodecal Delight ~ 12AE10 Compactron Tube Regenerative Radio
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1/11/2018 David's Duodecal Delight ~ 12AE10 Compactron Tube Regenerative Radio
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More by krmartin3:
3 X 1.5 volt Battery Holder
L1 RF Choke 100 micro Henries
R1 Resistor 10 Ohms
R2 Resistor 51K Ohms
Q1 PNP Transistor 2N3906
Q2 NPN Transistor 2N3904
Q3 Power MOSFET IRF510
C1 Capacitor .01 micro Farads
C2 Capacitor .047micro Farads
D1 Diode 1N4148
Look through the wiring diagram to see what components need to be connected
to what prior to soldering.
Solder components carefully to ensure there are no shorts, also ensure all
connections are made at all points.
Trim component leads and clean solder joints. Be sure to double check
connections to make sure a connection isn't left out. Hook up battery terminals
and multimeter and see what you've got!!!
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I'm interested in making this circuit however I don't have a RF choke inductor.
Can a regular one work? Also can I use a bc-547 or a 2n2222 instead of the
NPN transistor you used?
Sure, 2N2222 is a better option for Q2 because its current rating (600 mA)
is more adequate for the 10 ohm resistor (current up to 400 mA) than
2N3904 (max Ic "only" 200 mA).
Even at 100% efficiency, no one can boost 18v@8 amps (114 watts) to
[email protected] amps (250 watts): Laws of physics, as in energy can neither be
created or destroyed.
True efficiency > 100% is like a unicorn. it is nothing more mythical and
does not exist. Sure, some times we have apparent efficiency that are
over 100% but the extra energy comes from something else and was not
not accounted for in the apparent figure. thus the difference between true
and apparent efficiency
You realize that's not possible. Energy can't be created nor
destroyed. Even 100% efficiency is not possible due to some energy
being radiated out of the transistors as heat.
Over the course of an hour, a source voltage of 18v and a load that draws
8 amps will source 114 watts for each second of that hour. sourcing 114
watts * (3600 seconds, 60 seconds in a minute * 60 minutes in an hour) =
410,400 watt seconds( watt second is an expression of energy = joules).
With an impossible 100% conversion, 410,4000 watt seconds of energy /
250 watts output means you can deliver 250 watts for just 1641.6
seconds. That works out to about 27 minutes and 21.6 seconds. In a
world with perfect efficiency using pulse width modulation, one could
convert 114 watts to 250 watts with a 45.6% on duty cycle on his output,
and a 54.4% off duty cycle.
First you will need to setup a tesla coil at 8hz and a very large
capacitor (big vat of veg oil). This will be giving you that extra efficiency
you unknowingly seek ;p
Next you will need to go ahead and setup a microwave ray in order to
excite helium plasma into their "boson" particle state. Go ahead and hook
this up to the big vat o' veg oil. Please note that the built up helium boson
waves will need to be calmed in order to extract the energy in 'physical'
really dude!!! you made my day t hank you ;)
I know this is stupid question but can I put 5VDC instead of 4.5VDC?
Congratulations on the job, I would need a 12V to 80V, you can help me.
I don't know where was i(: how did i missed this. Still having problem
with my 45-0-45VAC transformer, still having a short in the primary
coil winding, no idea. I think it will be better building this one
instead if i can get a 45-0-45VDC, anyways thank you good brother for
the share.
1- Can this circuit convert 12v & 22amp to 100v and 2.64amp without any heat
sink??? Please answer if you are confident
Need to step up a 12v 300amp power supply to a 18v 300amp power supply
without changing the power supplies inside it
shomas (/member/shomas/) . Porkchop559850 (/member/Porkchop559850/)
2016-05-18 Reply
Even at 100% efficiency, no one can boost 12v@300
amps (3600 watts) to 18v@300 amps (5500 watts): Laws of physics, as in
energy can neither be created or destroyed.
seen so many posts like this today!! I am just staggered
because in my mind it felt like this was a piece of knowledge everybody
If this is a fixed object, you could also look for an old computer power
supply, from which you could power both the Arduino, motor, and pretty
much anything else, without worrying too much about amperage. These
things are not terribly mobile though and maybe a bit overkill at time...
Nevertheless, convenient.
I've been studying this circuit for a couple hours now trying to understand how it
works. I understand that the input DC is modulated to run the gate on the
MOSFET and rock that inductor, but how is the coupled transistor pair
(PNP/NPN) doing that? I imagine an astable multivibrator configuration would
do the same thing, but how does this equal that? Any links or references would
be very much appreciated!
sinas1 (/member/sinas1/) 2014-11-06 Reply
you can reduce resistance, since V=I*R, so if you reduce resistance the
current will go further than 350mA, the way you can reduce resistance is
by...well removing resistor, or by make your resistor parallel with other
resistor. since battery or other voltage source (real life) have internal
resistance, you can parallel it with one and another ( but not all voltage
source can be parallel with one and another) CMIIW
Can not get more energy out than is put in. Laws of physics and all. His
units were given in volts and amp, but it were possible to build a booster
to his specs, then for each second it runs it would create more energy
than it consumes.
you can reduce resistance, since V=I*R, so if you reduce resistance the
current will go further than 350mA, the way you can reduce resistance is
by...well removing resistor, or by make your resistor parallel with other
resistor. since battery or other voltage source (real life) have internal
resistance, you can parallel it with one and another ( but not all voltage
source can be parallel with one and another) CMIIW
Next Level impossible bro. use less resistance in your circuit and you will
get more amps out of your battery or whatever you need to do.
You can't get more power out than you put in.
You're trying to change 3.15 watts (V*A) of power into 18 watts of power
which is impossible. You'll need a power source that can supply at least
18 watts of power.
I have some question it is the thing. Can my power amp rates 16 volt can power
it by your design??? Pls answer me
capacitor inductor capacitor (pi filter) will clean up a lot of noise. The
second capacitor needs very low ESR rating for best performance from
the filter
In are if constant line? Dozens! Look more in wire two. Aloe vera.
Source: stairs.
please i made this circuit but it can only boost high voltage what if i need to
boost a small voltage like that is out of a paltier???
Your issue is two fold. One, by itself the voltage is too low. bump
it up with more in series before you boost it. two, the power produced is
extremely low and such that drawing even a modest amount of current
drops the voltage to unusable levels. You need consider this last point
when pairing it with a load, because your not going to pull 5 watts from a
device that produces less than a watt.
You can greatly increase the efficiency of a boost converter by using a fast
switching Schottky diode like a 1n5711. If it is a low voltage low current
application, you can even use a Germanium diode such as a 1n34 or 1n60 as I
did in my Instructable (Solar Powered Battery Charger) a few months ago. The
increase in efficiency is due to the lower voltage drop across the Schottky or
Germanium diodes.
I want to convert 9v to 5v with the ratio of 4.5 amp.How can i convert it,can you
please give me instructions.
All you need is a 5V regulator, 4.5 amps is lot though, you need
a 25 watt 5V regulator, or 25 i watt 5V regulators.
200 mA maximum output current. 1N4148 isn't a very good
choice for a power converter.
I want to convert 9v to 5v with the ratio of 4.5 amp.How can i convert it,can you
please give me instructions.
I need to convert 12v 7.2A lead acid battery to 450V, to charge a 450V 15000uF
cap. How can I do this?
Quick answer: With a step up booster, like what OP made, but
I was wondering if, with a diode circuit and large enough capacitor and maybe
an LED to turn on once capacitor is charged ran after a 5V 1A or 2A USB
output that has 200000mAh capacity battery source, I could make a 12-14V
output to use as an emergency car battery starter with the car battery that is
clamped in parallel? If not, how would you make such a device? Was thinking of
another back-up emergency use for the 200000mAh solar power battery bank:
Thanks in advance and awesome instructable!
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
IC product range from National Semiconductor. There
are also various brand of dc-dc regulator IC available.
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
output. Although the output is pulsing, we can't actually
see it on the LED, as the switching is quite fast.
Click the picture to enlarge.
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
Using a inductor meter to measure the inductance will
be easier. Inductance value can be observe immediately
for any modification to the coil of wire. The inductance
value can also be calculated, depend on the coil size,
number of turns, wire size used, dielectric of the core
etc... .
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
C2 Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors 1000uF 16V x1
D1 Schottky Diode (high current) 1N5822 x1
L1 Inductor 100uH x1
U1 7-40V to 5V DC-DC 3.0A LM2576T5 x1
R1 Resistor 1K x1
DS1 Typical INFRARED GaAs LED x1
JP1 Header, 2-Pin x1
JP2 Header, 2-Pin x1
PCB PCB board 60x50mm 1 oz x1
Sample of the 5Ω 50W aluminum Using various type of inductor and capacitor. The circuit
house resistor used for testing 1A is tested to draw 1A using a 5Ω 50W resistor as the
current performance. load. Current drawn can be observe on my lab power
supply current meter. It should shows 1A being drawn,
since the LM2576 supply a constant 5V to the 5Ω load.
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
A multi purpose board is created to allow me to test
various LM series IC chip. e.g. LM2575, LM2576,
LM2596, LM2678, LM2679. Various combination of
inductor, capacitor and diode can also be tested under
this board.
Some of the newly fabricated board built to support other prototype projects. It
has been tested to support a RF transceiver operating at 5V without any issue
This is the same dc-dc circuit shown above. The circuit is fabricated from photo-
resist PCB board. For more information on making your own PCB board, you
may like to visit, website "..\2005-09-07_home_pcb_fabrication".
Working on LM2575
It has been some time since I learn to use LM2576. The
circuitry is able to handle a higher current at 3A 5V
output. This translate to a higher cost and circuit size,
since all component must be able to handle that high
power capacity. These component include the LM2576,
inductor and the diode. Since most electronics kit
requires less than 1A power supply, it is wise learning
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
how to apply a low power dc-dc regulator like LM2575.
Cost can be reduce by 50%.
Isat_Irms explain.pdf
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
Bill of Material (BOM) for LM2575 circuit
click here to
Buy DC-DC Converter
Available Now at the PIC-store
Dealing with power supply noise I happen to see this very good website, teaching about
handling noise. There are many illustration which are easy to
For exact component value design, you need to the datasheet. The following component value is desig
12Vdc or 24Vdc drawing power at 75% of the current rating.
LM2575, LM2576, LM2596, LM2678
LM2575 (1A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 8Vdc to 40Vdc.
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
Part number:
- LM2575-3.3 (3.3Vdc output)
- LM2575-5.0 (5Vdc output)
- LM2575-12 (12Vdc output)
- LM2575-15 (15Vdc output)
- LM2575-ADJ (1.23Vdc to 37Vdc output)
LM2575 datasheet
Package: TO-220(T)
Component list
Symbol Component
C1 100uF (50V aluminium electrolytic)
C2 330uF (16V aluminium electrolytic, low ESR)
D1 1N5819 (schottky diode 1A)
L1 330uH, 1A <for LM2575-3.3, LM2575-5.0>
680uH, 1A <for LM2575-12, LM2575-15>
R1, R2 "for LM2575-adj IC" 5kΩ multi-turn variable resistor, set to ratio to R1=1.25k
voltage output of 5Vdc before soldering.
please refer to the table for resistors in parallel for more resistance design options.
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
Vout= , R1= , R2= where R1 between 1kΩ to 5kΩ.
LM2825 (1A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage up to 40Vdc.
Package: MDIP24
LM2576 (3A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 8Vdc to 40Vdc.
Part number:
- LM2576-3.3 (3.3Vdc output)
- LM2576-5.0 (5Vdc output)
- LM2576-12 (12Vdc output)
- LM2576-15 (15Vdc output)
- LM2576-ADJ (1.23Vdc to 37Vdc output)
LM2576 datasheet
Package: TO-220(T)
Click for LM2576-5.0 layout
Component list
Symbol Component
C1 100uF (50V aluminium electrolytic)
C2 1000uF (16V aluminium electrolytic, low ESR)
D1 1N5822 (schottky diode 3A)
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
tested working on 2007-06-26 L1 100uH, 3A <for LM2576-3.3, LM2576-5.0>
220uH, 3A <for LM2576-12, LM2576-15>
R1, R2 "for LM2576-adj IC" 5kΩ multi-turn variable resistor, set to ratio to R1=1.25k
voltage output of 5Vdc before soldering.
please refer to the table for resistors in parallel for more resistance design options.
please refer to above for design calculator for resistance value selective
LM2594 (0.5A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 8Vdc to 37Vdc (up to 60V for HV
Part number:
- LM2594-3.3 (3.3Vdc output)
- LM2594-5.0 (5Vdc output)
- LM2594-12 (12Vdc output)
LM2594 datasheet
- LM2594-ADJ (1.23Vdc to 37Vdc output) (57V for HV
Component list
Package: SOIC8, DIP8
Symbol Component
C1 68uF (50V aluminium electrolytic)
C2 120uF (16V aluminium electrolytic, low ESR)
D1 1N5817 (schottky diode 1A)
L1 100uH, 0.5A
LM2596 (3A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 8Vdc to 40Vdc.
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
Part number:
- LM2596-3.3 (3.3Vdc output)
- LM2596-5.0 (5Vdc output)
- LM2596-12 (12Vdc output)
- LM2596-ADJ (1.23Vdc to 37Vdc output)
Component list
Symbol Component
C1 680uF (50V aluminium electrolytic)
C2 330uF (100V aluminium electrolytic, low ESR) <for LM2596-3.3, LM2596-5.
180uF (100V aluminium electrolytic, low ESR)<for LM2596-12>
D1 1N5824 (schottky diode 4A)
L1 33uH, 3A <for LM2596-3.3, LM2596-5.0>
68uH, 3A <for LM2596-12>
LM2678 (5A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 8Vdc to 40Vdc.
Part number:
- LM2678-3.3 (3.3Vdc output)
- LM2678-5.0 (5Vdc output)
- LM2678-12 (12Vdc output)
- LM2678-ADJ (1.2Vdc to 37Vdc output)
Component list
Symbol Component
C1 45uF (50V aluminium electrolytic) + 0.47uF
C2 10nF (50V ceramic, low ESR)
C3 360uF (100V aluminium electrolytic, low ESR) <for LM2678-3.3, LM2678-5.
220uF (100V aluminium electrolytic, low ESR)<for LM2678-12>
D1 6TQ045S (schottky diode 6A)
L1 15uH, 5A <for LM2678-3.3, LM2678-5.0>
22uH, 5A <for LM2678-12>
LM2574 (0.5A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 4.5Vdc to 42Vdc.
Part number:
- LM2574-5.0 (5Vdc output)
- LM2574-ADJ (1.2Vdc to Vin output)
NJM2369A, NJM2374A LM2574 datasheet
Package: Wide-SOIC14
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
Component list
Please see the section for LM2574, LM2576. They are similar.
LM22674 (0.5A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 4.5Vdc to 42Vdc.
Part number:
- LM22674-5.0 (5Vdc output)
- LM22674-ADJ (1.2Vdc to Vin output)
Package: PSOP8
LM22674 datasheet
Component list
Symbol Component
C1 22uF (50V aluminium electrolytic) + 1uF (50V ceramic, low ESR)
C2 10nF (50V ceramic, low ESR)
C3 22uF (50V aluminium electrolytic) + 1uF (50V ceramic, low ESR)
D1 1N5819 (schottky diode 1A)
L1 39uH (>0.5A)
R1, R2 <For 3.3Vout> R1=976Ω, R2=1.54kΩ (1/8watt)
for Vout R1 R2 computation reference, refer to LM22676 section
LM22675 (1A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 4.5Vdc to 42Vdc.
Part number:
- LM22675-5.0 (5Vdc output)
- LM22675-ADJ (1.285Vdc to Vin output)
Package: PSOP8
LM22675 datasheet
Component list
Symbol Component
C1 22uF (50V aluminium electrolytic) + 1uF (50V ceramic, low ESR)
C2 10nF (50V ceramic, low ESR)
C3 120uF (16V aluminium electrolytic) + 1uF (50V ceramic, low ESR)
D1 1N5822 (schottky diode 2 to 3A)
L1 22uH (>1A)
R1, R2 <For 3.3Vout> R1=976Ω, R2=1.54kΩ (1/8watt)
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
for Vout R1 R2 computation reference, refer to LM22676 section
LM22676 (3A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 4.5Vdc to 42Vdc.
Part number:
- LM22676-5.0 (5Vdc output)
- LM22676-ADJ (1.285Vdc to Vin output)
Package: PSOP8
LM22676 datasheet
Component list
Symbol Component
C1 22uF (50V aluminium electrolytic) + 2.2uF (50V ceramic, low ESR)
C2 10nF (50V ceramic, low ESR)
C3 120uF (50V aluminium electrolytic) + 2.2uF (50V ceramic, low ESR)
TO-263 thin (7 pin) D1 50WQ03 (schottky diode 5.5A)
L1 8.2uH (>5.5A)
R1, R2 <For 3.3Vout> R1=976Ω, R2=1.54kΩ (1/8watt)
<For 5.0Vout> R1=1kΩ, R2=2.89kΩ
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
Vout=VFB((R2/R1)+1), where VFB=1.285V,
R1+R2 is about 3kΩ & must be <10kΩ
LM22678 (5A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 4.5Vdc to 42Vdc.
Part number:
- LM22678-5.0 (5Vdc output)
- LM22678-ADJ (1.285Vdc to Vin output)
LM22678 datasheet
Component list
Symbol Component
C1 22uF (50V aluminium electrolytic) + 2.2uF (50V ceramic, low ESR)
C2 10nF (50V ceramic, low ESR)
C3 180uF (16V aluminium electrolytic) + 2.2uF (50V ceramic, low ESR)
D1 50WQ03 (schottky diode 5.5A)
L1 4.7uH (8.5A)
R1, R2 <For 3.3Vout> R1=976Ω, R2=1.54kΩ (1/8watt)
for Vout R1 R2 computation reference, refer to LM22676 section
MC34063 (1.5A) Circuit 1: Step down dc-dc 25Vin -> 5Vout (0.5A)
DC to DC step down/up.invert voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 3.0Vdc to 40Vdc.
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
Part number:
- MC34063A, MC33063A
- SC34063A, SC33063A
- NCV33063A
Current rating can be boost by using external transistor to drive the load.
Adjustable Vout computation (very similar to LM2576, LM2575) with Vref = 1.25V
R2 = R1 [(Vout/1.25)-1)]
<For 0.5A Iout> Rsc = 0.3 / (2*Iout) = 0.3 / (2*0.5A) = 0.3Ω (0.075W), please note that Iout < 1.5A usin
Seems that the circuit can only handle 0.1-0.2A load. The
voltage regulation is quite poor. According to the document,
it is ok for the inductance to be higher. Could it be that my
R1 & R2 value being too high? I need to check it up.
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
Circuit 3: Step up inverting dc-dc 4.5-6Vin -> -12Vout (0.1A)
MC34063A-D datasheet
NCP3063 (1.5A) NCP3063 is very similar to MC34063. Please refer to MC34063 for some handy information.
DC to DC step down/up.invert voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage up to 40Vdc. Almost similar to MC34063
dc-dc ic.
Part number:
- NCP3063, NCP3063B, NCV3063
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
NCP3063 datasheet
LMZ14203 (3A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 6Vdc to 42Vdc.
Part number:
- LMZ14203TZ-ADJ (0.8Vdc to 6Vdc output)
LMZ14203 datasheet
LMZ14201 (1A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 6Vdc to 42Vdc.
Part number:
- LMZ14201H (5Vdc to 30Vdc output)
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
LMZ14201H datasheet
LMZ12003 (3A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 4.5Vdc to 20Vdc.
Part number:
- LMZ12003TZ-ADJ (0.8Vdc to 6Vdc output)
LMZ12003 datasheet
LM3102 (2.5A)
DC to DC step down voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 4.5Vdc to 42Vdc.
Part number:
- LM3102MH
LM3102 datasheet
LM2577 (3A)
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
DC to DC step up voltage regulator.
Wide input voltage 3.5Vdc to 40Vdc.
Part number:
- LM2577-12 (12Vdc output)
- LM2577-15 (15Vdc output)
- LM2577-ADJ (1.23Vdc to 37Vdc output)
LM2577 datasheet
Component list
Symbol Component
- 0.1uF
- 0.33uF
- 680uF (50V aluminium electrolytic)
tested working on 2006 - 1N5822 (schottky diode 3A)
- 100uH, 3A
- 2.2kΩ 1/4W resistor
- "for LM2577-adj IC" 20kΩ multi-turn variable resistor, set to ratio to R2=2kΩ
voltage output of 12Vdc before soldering.
Part number:
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
- MAX1708EEE
Package: QSOP16
MAX1708 datasheet
NCP1400a (0.1A)
DC to DC step up voltage regulator.
Low input voltage from 0.8Vdc
to output voltage 1.9-5.5Vdc
Suitable for battery powered circuit.
Package: SOT23-5
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Not tested.
MCP1640 (0.8A)
DC to DC step up voltage regulator.
Low input voltage from 0.35Vdc
to output voltage 2.0-5.5Vdc
Suitable for battery powered circuit.
Not tested.
LM2731 (1.8A)
DC to DC step up voltage regulator.
Low input voltage from 2.7-14Vdc
to output voltage up to 20Vdc
Suitable for battery powered circuit.
Li-Ion, Li-Po
NOTE!!! (!SHDN pin does not shutdown the output. When
shutdown pin is activated, Vout=Vin-0.2V. Vout will be close
to Vin instead of pumping up to a higher voltage when
shutdown pin is pull to low.)
Package: SOT23-5
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
5V output version
Note: The size of the inductor plays an important part in determine the load's max current.(applies to all sw
DC to DC step up voltage regulator.
Low input voltage from 2.97Vdc
to output voltage up to 40Vdc
LM3478 datasheet
LM3478 5V-12V application notes
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
Load used (Ohm) Vout with 100uF, 47uF Vout with 100uF, 47uF, 4
Input = 5V, ??A
Output = 12.4V, 12mA
Input = 5V, 2A
Output = 10.7V, 0.9A
Input = 5V, 1.5A
Output = 12.0V, 0.5A
LT1308 (1A)
DC to DC step up voltage regulator.
Low input voltage from 1Vdc
to output voltage up to 3.3V 0.3A, 5.0Vdc 1A)
Suitable for battery powered circuit.
Li-Ion, Li-Po, NiCd
Package: SOIC-8
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
LT1301 (0.12A)
DC to DC step up voltage regulator.
Low input voltage from 1.8Vdc
to output voltage 5V or 12Vdc 120mA
Suitable for battery powered circuit.
Li-Ion, Li-Po
Package: SOIC-8
Package: SOT23-5
Transformer 760390015.pdf
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
1N5817, 1N5818, 1N5819, MBR120P, MBR130P, MBR140P, MBR150, MBR160, SR102, SR103, SR1
11DQ04, 11DQ05, 11DQ06
(smd alternative to 1N5819) MBRS140T3G, SS12, SS13, SS14, SK12, SK13, SK14
1N5820, 1N5821, 1N5822, MBR320, MBR330, MBR340, MBR350, MBR360, SR302, SR303, SR30
31DQ04, 31DQ05, 31DQ06
(smd alternative to 1N5820, 1N5821, 1N5822) MBRS320T3, MBRS330T3, MBRS340T3, SS32, SS33, S
W series- Vitreous enamelled wirewound resistors offering high power, high stability and reliability. Suit f
WH series- Aluminium clad resistors for applications where high power dissipation in a small space is req
MFR series- High stability metal film resistors offering higher performance than carbon film with ver
RC series- Very high stability metal film resistors offering very high reliability and tight tolerances.
WCR series- Surface mount resistors suitable for automatic placement. Features include nickel barriers
The DC-DC converter design for the adjustable IC version, you may need the following resistor standar
for references. Long time ago, when technology is not so advance, resistor manufacturing is not unabl
value, as in today. Due to its large variation in tolerance, the resolution of the range of standard resistor va
series having tolerance of 50%, which have only resistors in decade of 100, 220, 470. There is not much
between 100Ω and 101Ω, having a tolerance of 50%. With such high tolerance, there is hardly any d
101Ω. They should both belongs to the same class of 100Ω
The standard EIA decade resistor value is group into different series. Each is grouped according to their t
tolerance, the higher the resistor value resolution will be. The common resistor value range would be the
(tolerance 1%) series.
To find the range of resistor value that is available in the industrial, multiply the normalise standard foun
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
- Example: E24 series referring to normalise value 1.0
It means that under E24 series, you should be able to find these Ω range 100Ω, 1000Ω, 1kΩ, 10kΩ, 10
Other resistor value under E24 can be determine from the rest of the normalised value in the table below.
the series as they should be in resistor package for higher wattage
1.00 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.10 1.13 1.15 1.18 1.21 1.2
1.33 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50 1.54 1.58 1.62 1.6
1.78 1.82 1.87 1.91 1.96 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.2
2.37 2.43 2.49 2.55 2.61 2.67 2.74 2.80 2.87 2.9
3.16 3.24 3.32 3.40 3.48 3.57 3.65 3.74 3.83 3.9
4.22 4.32 4.42 4.53 4.64 4.75 4.87 4.99 5.11 5.2
5.62 5.76 5.90 6.04 6.19 6.34 6.49 6.65 6.81 6.9
7.50 7.68 7.87 8.06 8.25 8.45 8.66 8.87 9.09 9.3
Resistor Colour Codes
Tolerance Codes
75Ω 82Ω 100Ω 120Ω 150Ω 180Ω 200Ω 220Ω 270Ω 330
41 54 100 61 79 59 48 67 60 70
560Ω 680Ω 750Ω 820Ω 1KΩ 1K1Ω 1K2Ω 1K3Ω 1K5Ω 1K8
56 62 48 64 132 48 67 43 89 64
10KΩ 11KΩ 12KΩ 13KΩ 15KΩ 18KΩ 20KΩ 22KΩ 24KΩ 27K
132 52 70 45 88 63 63 75 40 61
47KΩ 51KΩ 56KΩ 62KΩ 68KΩ 75KΩ 82KΩ 100KΩ 110KΩ 120K
79 39 61 39 63 48 57 122 41 47
180KΩ 200KΩ 220KΩ 270KΩ 330KΩ 390KΩ 470KΩ 560KΩ 680KΩ 820K
46 49 57 46 58 46 55 46 51 44
This resistor table is interesting. While dealing with circuits prototype, I often need to use resistor value
keep sufficient stock for all resistor range is a bit too much to manage. A larger and better storage sys
difficult to manage the wide range of resistor. This brings me the idea of forming the required resistance
resistor connecting in parallel. This means that I can keep fewer resistance range and easily stock larger qu
On the following table, the 1st row and column represents the common resistor value that I normally ke
present the various possible resistance I can obtain by having the resistance in parallel from the resp
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computation is done in the microsoft excel sheet. formula: "=($A2*B$1)/($A2+B$1)". Those value hig
useful when designing my adjustable DC-DC circuit when I do not have the stock for the resistor that is n
0Ω 10Ω 47Ω 100Ω 120Ω 330Ω 470Ω 560Ω 1kΩ 3k3Ω 4k7Ω 5k6Ω
10Ω 5
47Ω 8 24
100Ω 9 32 50
120Ω 9 34 55 60
330Ω 10 41 77 88 165
470Ω 10 43 83 96 194 235
560Ω 10 43 85 99 208 256 280
1kΩ 10 45 91 107 248 320 359 500
3k3Ω 10 46 97 116 300 411 479 767 1k65
4k7Ω 10 47 98 117 308 427 500 825 1k94 2k35
5k6Ω 10 47 98 117 312 434 509 848 2k08 2k56 2k80
10kΩ 10 47 99 119 319 449 530 909 2k48 3k20 3k59
100kΩ 10 47 100 120 329 468 557 990 3k19 4k49 5k30
1MΩ 10 47 100 120 330 470 560 1k00 3k29 4k68 5k57
(Rubycon) -> capcitor dia to lead pitch relationship (dia, lead dia, pitch) (5, 0.5, 2), (6.3, 0.5, 2.5), (8, 0
0.6, 5.0), (16, 0.8, 7.5), (18, 0.8, 7.5) -< confirm standard same as Panasonic/Vishay as well.
size dia x L in mm
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
Standard size:
website: http://www.siongboon.com
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1/11/2018 DC-DC converter using LM2576
Keyword: Buck Regulator, voltage regulator, switching mode power supply, High efficiency, voltage supply, dc-dc converter, LM2576 LM2575 IC, regulated 5Vdc output, Shottky diode, 100uH,
330uH inductor, Low cost, 1A 3A.
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