Austrade Strategic Priorities Ambitious For Australia July 2023

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Ambitious for Australia

Austrade Strategic Priorities

July 2023
Ambitious for Australia Our performance 2022-23

Introduction from Austrade's CEO Trade

We supported Australian exporters through

18,456 77,319
Austrade contributes to Australia's prosperity through Trade client Go Global
its work on trade, investment and the visitor economy. services Toolkit Digital

Austrade empowers Australian businesses to increase their exports,

works with investors to facilitate high-quality international 9,900+ Nation
investment, promotes Australia on the global stage, boosts visitor
economy growth, delivers commercial insights to inform government
EMDG clients
#10 brand
policy and execute government programs, and assists Australians
abroad through timely and responsive consular and passport services.​
Resulting in growth of Australian exports
Austrade plays an important role in diversifying Australia’s economy.
By promoting the diversification of export destinations, sectors and
exporters, we support Australia to be more resilient to geopolitical $3.8b 1,402
and economic shifts and to take advantage of emerging opportunities Export Export
in rapidly developing markets in the Indo-Pacific. ​ deals outcomes
Xavier Simonet
Chief Executive Officer We contribute to Australia’s decarbonisation transition and
transformation into a renewable energy superpower, striving to
attract $30 billion of net zero aligned investment over the next five
years. With Austrade’s contribution, Australia is better positioned to Investment
take advantage of the global transition towards net zero.​ We facilitated quality investment in Australia

Austrade is committed to equitable economic growth by deepening

our engagement with First Nations businesses and supporting the
recovery of the visitor economy to long-term sustainable growth as
the THRIVE 2030 strategy lead. ​
$9.5b 165
In Investment new projects
Austrade also improves how Australian businesses export through the
simplification and modernisation of cross-border trade and
provision of enhanced digital services. Making a real impact for our future

12,529 $5.9b
net zero
jobs created

2 Ambitious for Australia – Austrade Strategic Priorities July 2023

Ambitious for Australia

Austrade Strategic Priorities

Purpose: We deliver quality trade and investment services to businesses and policy advice to government
to grow Australia’s prosperity

Outcome 2:
What we do Outcome 1: The protection and welfare of Australians
To contribute to Australia’s economic prosperity by supporting abroad through timely and responsive consular
Australian exporters to expand internationally, attracting productive and passport services in specific locations
international investment, and growing the visitor economy overseas

Trade Investment Promotion Policy Consular and passports

Our focus areas

Diversification Net Zero Economic Security First Nations Visitor Economy Trade Modernisation
Broadening trade and Supporting Deepening our Supporting equitable Returning the visitor Improving
investment across Australia’s strategic relationships economic ownership economy to long- cross-border
markets, sectors and decarbonisation and economic and growth for First term sustainable trade and digital
business-types transition resilience Nations businesses growth services
and communities

Our aspirations
1 2 3 4
Supporting clients to deliver Attracting $50 billion in new productive investment Growing the visitor economy to Achieving a Top 10
$15 billion which supports 50,000 jobs, including $30 billion of $230 billion by 2030 as set out nation brand ranking
in new exports investment aligned to net zero in THRIVE 2030 for Australia

Operating Leadership
Our principles
Commercial and Practical • Client Centric • Agile Simplify • Empower • Take ownership

3 Ambitious for Australia – Austrade Strategic Priorities July 2023

Ambitious for Australia

Our focus areas: delivering strategic priorities

1. Diversification:
Broadening trade and investment across markets, 2. Net Zero:
sectors and business-types Supporting Australia’s decarbonisation transition

Austrade's role Austrade's role

Austrade proactively supports Austrade promotes Australia as a
Australian businesses to build a global climate leader, driving
diversified portfolio of export markets investment and trade outcomes that
and customers, provides grants to support the decarbonisation of the
exporters, raises awareness of Austrade's impact economy and position Australia as a Austrade's impact
diversification opportunities, and Austrade is working with Australian renewable energy powerhouse and Austrade is facilitating high-quality
facilitates inclusive trade and exporters to diversify their portfolios trusted partner in our region foreign investment that grows our net
investment across markets and customers. zero export industries.

Rare Foods Australia (RFA), a Western Austrade supported France’s Engie

Key priorities Key priorities
Australian abalone business with and Japan’s Mitsui & Co. Ltd who are
1. Develop trade relationships in our 1. Develop out climate leadership:
sustainable practices, is a seasoned building the Yuri green hydrogen
region: Support exporters to grow in Promote Australia’s credibility and
exporter with customers across the facility to supply Norwegian Yara’s
emerging markets in the Indo- influence as a climate leader
world. RFA already supplies over 20% ammonia export production plant
Pacific (particularly Southeast Asia 2. Transition to a net zero & renewable
of the world’s wild-caught Greenlip in the Pilbara, Western Australia.
and India) energy powerhouse: Deliver foreign
abalone but has ambitious global
direct investment and new trade
2. Unlock the benefits of FTAs: Assist
exporters and investors to maximise
expansion plans.
pathways that lower emissions and m On completion in 2024, the first phase
of the facility will produce up to 640
the benefits of existing and future support Australia’s ambition to
Austrade is supporting RFA to find tonnes of renewable hydrogen for
free trade agreements become a renewable energy
new master distributors in key export conversion into clean ammonia.
3. Target high-growth opportunities: powerhouse
markets, including Vietnam, Canada, Austrade identified new investment
Promote Australia’s capabilities to 3. Support regional partners: Support
India and the Middle East. opportunities, supported
realise new trade and investment regional partners by delivering the
introductions to government, and
opportunities related to net zero, expertise and supply chain certainty
‘Our partnership with Austrade connected Yara Australia with offtake
technology and the services sector they require for an orderly
provides support and confidence,’ says partners in Japan.
4. Share the benefits of trade and transition
Alex Wilson, RFA’s General Manager –
investment: Boost support for 4. Contribute to the APS net zero
Sales and Marketing. ‘Austrade’s broad This first-of-its-kind investment will
regional exporters through journey: Austrade will reach net zero
network and expertise across multiple help demonstrate the potential of
TradeStart, increase support for by 2030 through building internal
markets is revealing exciting, tangible Australia as a location for net zero
SMEs through EMDG and the capacity, training, reporting on
opportunities for our business. export industries.
Go Global Toolkit, and celebrate the emissions, travel offsets, and waste
diversity of exporters through the management
‘The more we work with Austrade, the
Export Awards
more we wish we’d worked with them

4 Ambitious for Australia – Austrade Strategic Priorities July 2023

Ambitious for Australia

Our focus areas: delivering strategic priorities

4. First Nations:
3. Economic Security:
Supporting equitable economic ownership and growth for
Deepening our strategic relationships and economic resilience
First Nations businesses and communities

Austrade's role Austrade's role

Austrade supports strategic Austrade is committed to the equitable,
equilibrium in the Indo-Pacific and economic growth of First Nations
builds economic resilience through businesses, peoples and communities by
strengthening existing and forging supporting their success through our
new strategic partnerships, trade, investment, promotion, and
Austrade's impact Austrade's impact
supporting trade and developing policy activities aligned to National
Austrade is supporting Australian Austrade is supporting Australian First
Australia’s sovereign capability Closing the Gap Targets and the First
businesses to deliver critical Nations businesses to grow their
Nations Foreign Policy Agenda
technologies across our region. exports.

In June 2023, ASX100-listed and Indigiearth was supported by

Key priorities Key priorities
carbon-neutral Australian data centre Austrade’s team in Singapore with the
1. Strengthen strategic relationships: 1. Shape Policy: Contribute to First
operator NEXTDC announced the Nations Foreign Policy development organisation of a series of events in
Support whole-of-government
construction of a Tier IV certified and provide ongoing policy support. 2022 introducing them to potential
efforts to build strategic
facility in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With Support the interests of First customers and retailers.
relationships via participation in the
twelve operating facilities in Australia Nations visitor economy businesses in
Southeast Asia Economic Strategy
and ten more under development broader or domestic policy Indigiearth founder Sharon Winsor
to 2040, Pacific strategies, and
globally in cities such as Tokyo and development travelled to Singapore where she led
QUAD and AUKUS initiatives, and
Auckland, this announcement signals a 2. Help more businesses: Enable an in-depth educational program,
promote outward investment and
significant commitment from NEXTDC pathways and services for First sharing her story and expertise on
infrastructure Nations businesses and clients
to expand their operations in Australia’s Indigenous produce. This
2. Build sovereign capability: Leverage suitable for targeted exporting.
Southeast Asia. The facility will was followed by a tasting event for
the National Reconstruction Fund 3. Increase businesses and
increase connectivity across cloud- Singaporean chefs and selected
and encourage investment in opportunities in export and
based infrastructure and create new retailers. The following evening,
Australia’s sovereign capability, investment supply chains
digital economy, skills development, job Sharon partnered with another
including critical minerals, critical Build capability: Partner with
creation and education opportunities in Australian chef to create a native
technology and defence innovation governments, industry partners and
both Australia and Malaysia. ingredient-inspired dinner menu for
stakeholders to grow the capability
of First Nations businesses, and representatives from Singaporean
Austrade’s Kuala Lumpur office upskill Austrade staff food and beverage companies and the
provided integral support to NEXTDC, 4. Promote First Nations businesses: media.
including valuable advice on Uplift awareness of and preference
government engagement and business, of First Nations services globally Singapore Trade and Investment
cultural and regulatory considerations. through core promotions in key Commissioner, Amelia Walsh, noted
With Austrade’s continued support, markets leveraging Australia's Nation "Her visit was inspirational and proved
further expansion in the Southeast Brand, market access initiatives and the benefits of connecting people with
Asian region is now on the horizon. missions Aboriginal culture and heritage
through native foods."

5 Ambitious for Australia – Austrade Strategic Priorities July 2023

Ambitious for Australia

Our focus areas: delivering strategic priorities

5. Visitor Economy: 6. Trade Modernisation:

Returning the visitor economy to long-term sustainable growth Improving cross-border trade and digital services

Austrade's role Austrade's role

Austrade drives tourism policy, As part of the Government’s Simplified
measures the core characteristics of Trade System reforms, Austrade
the visitor economy and delivers delivers the Go Global Toolkit to make
tourism grant and capability programs exporting simpler. Austrade also
to support growth. We collaborate Austrade's impact provides support to the STS Austrade's impact
with state and territory governments Austrade is driving growth across the Implementation Taskforce which is Austrade is making cross-border trade
and industry stakeholders to achieve visitor economy. delivering a more efficient, effective easier by using digital services which
maximum outcomes in the visitor and sustainable cross-border trade leverage its commercial insights.
economy including via the THRIVE On 30 August 2022, the Minister for environment
2030 strategy Trade and Tourism hosted the The STS reform agenda is to create a
Tourism Jobs Summit (the Summit) simpler, more effective, and
Key priorities organised by Austrade. The Summit Key priorities sustainable cross-border trade
1. Implement THRIVE 2030 Strategy’s brought together over 70 1. Improve cross-border trade through environment, ensuring Australia
Phase 1 action plan & consult for representatives from industry and supporting the STS implementation remains a globally competitive
Phase 2: Build the visitor economy government to collaborate on taskforce: Austrade is supporting trading nation. Within the STS agenda,
to achieve sustainable and ongoing innovative ways to address workforce the STS Implementation Taskforce Austrade is supporting Australian
success through policy and challenges in the visitor economy. to drive whole-of-government exporters through the delivery of the
programs; and commence benefits for Australian importers Go Global Toolkit, also known as the
engagement on Phase 2 Action Plan Ideas generated included removing and exporters. More information on Trade Information Service.
development. More information on disincentives from welfare and tax the STS reforms and the work of
the THRIVE 2030 Strategy can be systems to encourage cohorts, such as the Taskforce can be found here: The Go Global Toolkit streamlines data
found here people with a disability and people on and regulatory information and
2. Support sustainable, green, net zero an Aged Pension, into the workforce. 2. Assist exporters through the go supplements it with
practices in the visitor economy: global toolkit: Drive traffic to the intelligence and commercial insights
Lead the development of a The government has now announced a Go Global Toolkit and continue to from Austrade’s international
framework and practical toolkit to one-year pilot program to reduce improve the user experience for network. The toolkit supports
embed sustainable, green economy barriers for tourism small businesses exporters Australian businesses seeking to
and net zero practices to employ people with a disability. export by making it easier for them to
3. Produce impactful visitor economy digest information and build
statistics: Deliver research and Following the Government increasing confidence in making decisions about
insights into the visitor economy the work rights of people on a pension, exporting. Austrade’s commercial
4. Support diversification: Drive policy Austrade also ran a social media insights underpin key tools in the
and strategy to focus on new campaign to highlight opportunities toolkit, including the Market Search
markets, products and experiences, for people on a pension to take up part Tool, Tariff Finder Tool and Laws and
including a First Nations partnership time or seasonal roles in tourism. Regulations Tool.

6 Ambitious for Australia – Austrade Strategic Priorities July 2023

Ambitious for Australia Meet our Global team

A global team with sectoral expertise Hanifan Tarmizi

Jakarta, Indonesia
Hanifan is an Investment
Our principals Manager focused on
attracting productive
Operating Leadership investment into Australia and
• Commercial and practical • Client Centric • Agile • Simplify • Empower • Take Ownership assisting Australian
healthcare exporters enter
Indonesia’s booming health
infrastructure, services and
digital health markets.
Our presence 108
locations Junko Akiho
worldwide Tokyo, Japan
Junko supports major
Japanese industry clients to
44 establish renewable power
countries businesses, sustainable
aviation fuel supply chains
and hydrogen export bases
across Australia in her role as
1,400 an Investment Manager
staff specialising in
decarbonisation and energy

John Brosnan
London, United Kingdom
John was appointed
Austrade’s UK Defence &
Security Director in May
2021. He is focused on
growing Australian defence
exports to the UK and
How we work
collaborating across
government and industry
1. Whole-of-nation 2. A digitally-enabled 3. A high-performing team: 4. A leader in ESG: players in the sector.​
partnerships: organisation: We are diverse and inclusive, Our corporate activities are
We work closely with our We leverage technology to with a focus on supporting supporting Australia to become more
portfolio agencies, State and wellbeing, safety and innovative, efficient and socially Sangeetha Krishnamoorthy
enable our people to provide
Territory colleagues and simple and insightful support continuous growth inclusive, for example, through Hyderabad, India
industry networks to grow to clients across locations supporting Australia’s transition to Sangeetha leads industry
Australia’s prosperity, and sectors net zero and supporting the economic strategy for the lifesciences,
through collaboration, sharing empowerment of First Nations healthcare and medtech
information and driving a peoples through delivering our sectors in South Asia,
consistent Nation Brand Reconciliation Action Plan (a key pillar connecting Australian
of Austrade’s First Nations Strategy) companies to the growing
number of opportunities
7 Ambitious for Australia – Austrade Strategic Priorities July 2023 across the region.

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