Mmw-Obtl (Canete)

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Purok 6, Hagkol, City of Valencia

The school that Trains for Service


A premier academic institution that provides service-oriented and community responsive quality programs.

An institution that produces competent professionals with skills, values, and character acceptable to the local and global

This educational institution is committed to develop the potentials of students and to discover their skills for them to give a
substantial impact on the varied facets of life and to provide teachers opportunities to professionally upgrade themselves to cope
with the fast growing learning-teaching styles.

1. To offer the programs that are relevant, holistic and compliant with institutional regulatory industry and accreditation standard
that will develop life-long learners with an assurance of effective supervision.
2. To develop a pool qualified, professional and motivated faculty in the area of instruction, research and community extension
3. To provide the students with the best educational environment conducive for their development of their mental, social and
physical powers;
4. To develop students on social awareness responsibility and accountability among stakeholders anchored on instruction,
research and community services.

1. To equip the students with skills and knowledge through various forms of educational endeavors.
2. To provide the students with the best educational environment conducive to the development of their mental, social, and
physical powers.
3. To provide financial assistance to poor but deserving students.
4. To increase the level of professional competence of the faculty through upgrading.

P – Producer of performance oriented, and
C – Committed for excellent service individuals,
F – For the greater glory of God, country and mankind.


The Philippine College Foundation graduate is
IO1 S Service-oriented (Focused on giving selfless service to the community.)
IO2 E Enabler (Making things possible with confidence and joy.)
IO3 R Respectful (Lived to respect people regardless of status, ethnicity, race, religion and gender.)
IO4 V Value-driven (Always doing what is right and good in the sight of God and of man.)
IO5 I Innovative (Seeks to be more creative and resourceful in all aspect of life.)
IO6 C Capable (Knowledge, skills and values ready for service.)
IO7 E Enthusiastic (Giving service with full of energy and confidence.)
The School of Education

The School of Education produces competent education professionals with skills, values, and character acceptable to the local and
global community.


The School of Education is committed to develop the potentials of education students in instruction, research, community
extension, production, and to discover their skills for them to give a substantial impact on the varied facets of life and to provide
teachers opportunities to professionally upgrade themselves to cope with the fast-growing learning-teaching styles.

1. To offer a relevant curriculum that is holistic and compliant with the standard that will eventually produce globally competitive
2. To prepare and train future teachers through quality instruction;
3. To involve and promote the culture of research, community, extension services and production among faculty and students;
4. To help students grow as responsible individuals and willing to serve the country.
The Philippine College Foundation School of Education graduate is
SO1 G Goal-oriented (Focused on the goal and is committed to do what is noble.)
SO2 R Renovator in performing duties and responsibilities in the workplace (competent, effective and efficient)
SO3 O Optimistic in handling situations (confident, considerate, positive)
SO4 W Willful in all aspects of life (determined, firm, gritty)

The Desired Student Learning Outcomes of the Teacher Education Program

1. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the development of elementary learners.
2. Manifest meaningful comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the different subject areas.
3. Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes.
4. Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking, and use of tools and technology to accelerate learning and teaching.
5. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and as a professional.
6. Manifest desire to continuously pursue personal and professional development.
Program Outcome and Relationship to School/Program Institutional
Institutional Outcomes
Objectives Goals
Program Outcomes 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Analyze the business environment for the strategic direction / / / / / / / / / / /
Prepare operational plans / / / / / / / / / / /
Innovate business ideas based on emerging industry / / / / / / / / / / /
Manage a strategic business unit for economic sustainability / / / / / / / / / / /
Conduct business research / / / / / / / / / / /
For professional institutions: demonstrate a service orientation in / / / / / / / /
/ / /
one’s profession
To participate in various types of employment, development / / / / / / / /
activities, and public discourses, particularly in response to the needs / / /
of the communities one serves.
For universities: generate new knowledge using research and / / / / / / / /
/ / /
development projects
Course Title Mathematics in the Modern World
Course Code GE 9 Course Category
Course This course deals with the nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual, aesthetic dimensions, and
Description application of mathematical tools in daily life.

This course begins with an introduction to the nature of mathematics as an exploration of patterns (in nature and the
environment) and as an application of inductive and deductive reasoning. By exploring these topics, students are
encouraged to go beyond the typical understanding of mathematics as merely a set of formulas but as a source of aesthetics
in patterns of nature, for example, and a rich language in itself (and of science) governed by logic and reasoning.

This course proceeds to survey ways in which mathematics provides a tool for understanding and dealing with various
aspects of present-day living, such as managing personal finances, making social choices, appreciating geometric designs,
understanding codes used in data transmission and security, and dividing limited resources fairly. These aspects will
provide opportunities for actually doing mathematics.
Prerequisite(s) NONE
Term/Semester 1st Semester Credit Units 3
Course Schedule 3 hours Mon-Fri Credit Hours 54 Hours
Faculty Name ANTHONY REY S. CANETE Contact Number 09918781761

Consultation Email Address [email protected]

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, the student must have:
1. Discuss and argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is, how it is expressed, represented, and used.
2. Use different types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments made about mathematics and mathematical concepts.
3. Discuss the language and symbols of mathematics

1. Appreciate the nature and uses of mathematics in everyday life.
2. Affirm honesty and integrity in the application of mathematics to various human endeavors

1. Use a variety of statistical tools to process and manage numerical data.
2. Analyze codes and coding schemes used for identification, privacy, and security purposes.
3. Use mathematics in other areas such as finance, voting, health and medicine, business, environment, arts and design, and recreation.

Week/ Topic Specific Learning Outcomes Activities/

Performance Values
Hours Strategies Assessment Outputs Integration

Section 1: The Nature of Recognize patterns and Lecture and Quiz Mathematics is
Week Mathematics regularities in the world, and discussion considered a
1- 2 how mathematics comes into Problem sets universal language.
play, both in nature and in Lecture and Its principles and
6hrs human endeavors. Discussion Individual solving concepts are
•Patterns and Numbers in Nature consistent across
and the World: the snowflake and 1. Identify patters in nature and Seatwork and Long quiz cultures and
honeycomb, tiger’s stripes and regularities in the world. problems set languages, making
hyena’s spots; the sunflower; the it a tool for
snail’s shell, flower petals; the 2. Articulate the importance of communication
world’s population, the weather, mathematics in one’s life. and understanding
etc. that transcends
3. Argue about the nature of barriers.
•The Fibonacci Sequence mathematics, what it is, how it
is expressed, represented, and
•Mathematics helps organize
patterns and regularities in the
4. Express appreciation for
•Mathematics helps predict the mathematics as a human
behavior of nature and endeavor
phenomena in the world.

•Mathematics helps control nature

and occurrences in the world for
out own ends.

Week •Mathematics has numerous Apply the language of

s applications in the world making Lecture and Quiz Mathematics often
mathematics in dealing
it indispensable. discussion involves abstract
problems in a wide variety of Problem sets
3-4 concepts that can
Section 2: Speaking Lecture and represent real-
6hrs Discussion Individual solving world phenomena,
Mathematically 1.Discuss the language,
as well as ideas
symbols, and conventions of Long quiz
•Characteristics of mathematical Seatwork and that may not have
language, precise, concise, problems set direct physical
powerful counterparts. This
2. Explain the nature of
ability to work
mathematics as a language.
•Expressions vs. sentences with abstract
entities enables
•Conventions in the mathematics 3. Perform operations on
mathematicians to
language mathematical expressions
develop powerful
tools and
•Four basic concepts: sets, frameworks for
functions, relations, binary 4. Acknowledge that
solving a wide
operations mathematics is a useful
range of problems.
•Elementary logic: connectives,
quantifiers, negation and variables

Demonstrate that problem
Week solving can be an enjoyable
s experience.
Lecture and Quiz Mathematics
5-6 1.Use different types of discussion thrives on
reasoning to justify statements Problem sets collaboration and
6hrs and arguments made about Lecture and the exchange of
Section 3: Problem Solving Discussion Individual solving ideas among
mathematics and mathematical
concepts. mathematicians
•Inductive and Deductive Seatwork and Long quiz worldwide. The
Reasoning problems set mathematical
2. Write clear and logical
proofs community
•Intuition, proof, and certainty
encourages the
•Polya’s 4-steps in Problem 3. Solve problems involving sharing of insights,
Solving patterns and recreational discoveries, and
problems following Polya’s techniques,
•Problem solving strategies four steps. fostering a sense of
camaraderie and
•Mathematical Problems 4. Organize one’s methods ad mutual support.
involving Patterns approaches for proving and
solving problems
•Recreational Problems using
1.5 Midterm Examination
Week Section 4: Statistics Utilize variety of statistical tool Lecture and Quiz Mathematics
7- 10 in processing and managing discussion contains countless
12hrs •Data: Gathering and Organizing numerical data in order to Problem sets unsolved problems
describe a phenomenon and Lecture and and open
Data; Representing Data using Individual solving
predict values. Discussion questions. This
graphs and charts; Interpreting infinite landscape
1.Use variety of statistical tools Seatwork and Long quiz of uncharted
organized data problems set
and process and manage territory
•Measures of Central Tendency: numerical data encourages
mathematicians to
Mean, Median, Mode, Weighted
2.Use the methods of linear explore new
Mean regression and correlations to avenues and push
predict the value of a variable the boundaries of
•Measures of Dispersion: Range,
given certain conditions. knowledge.
Standard Deviation and Variance
3. Advocate the use of
•Measures of Relative Position: z-
statistical data in making
scores, percentiles, quartile and important decisions.
Box-and-Whiskers Plots
•Probabilities and Normal
•Linear Regression and
Correlation: Least-Squares Line,
Linear Correlation

Use different types of Quiz

Section 5: Logic Lecture and Many
Week reasoning to justify statements
s and arguments made about discussion Problem sets mathematicians
•Logic Statements and Quantifies and scholars
mathematics and mathematical
•Truth Tables, Equivalent Individual solving appreciate the
13-14 concepts.
Statements, and Tautologies beauty and
•The Conditional and the Seatwork and Long quiz elegance of
6hrs 1.Analyze information and
Biconditional problems set mathematical
relationship between
•The Conditional and Related structures, proofs,
statements and concepts. The
•Symbolic Arguments aesthetic appeal of
2.Determine the validity of
•Arguments and Euler Diagrams mathematics is
often compared to
3.Determine valid conclusions that of art, music,
based on given assumptions. and literature.

4.Analyze and appreciate how

logic is used in various context
such as context of electronic

Apply Graph Theory on how to Lecture and
Section 6: The Mathematics of
analyze and solve variety of discussion Problem sets
Week problems.
s Seatwork and Individual solving
•Graphs and Euler Cirvuits
15-17 1.Familiarize with the basic problems set
•Weighted Graphs
concept and terminologies e.g
•Planarity and Euler’s Formula
9hrs •Graph Coloring graph, connected graph, Long quiz
equivalent, circuits, paths and
many more.

2. Identify the different

applications of these concepts
in various field of human

Section 7: Mathematical Systems Analyze codes and coding

schemes used for identification, Quiz Quiz Despite its
•Modular Arithmetic privacy, and security purposes. reputation for strict
Week •Applications of Modular Problem sets Problem sets rules, mathematics
s Arithmetic 1.Perform clock arithmetic, is also a creative
18-19 •Introduction to Group Theory computing clay of the week, Individual solving Individual solving
6hrs determining Check Digit of Mathematicians
Long quiz Long quiz
UPC, credit card numbers and often engage in
bar codes using the concepts of creative thinking to
congruences/cryptography discover new
theorems, solve
complex problems,
and develop
approaches to
various challenges.

Week Final Examination

Grade Composition Grade Transmutation
Written works 40% 1.0 97-100 2.25 82-84
Performance Task 40% 1.25 94-96 2.50 79-81
Exams 20% 1.50 91-93 2.75 76-78
1.75 88-90 3.0 75
Total 100% 2.0 85-87 5.0 70

Class Attendance
A student is expected to attend classes regularly and punctually. Coming to class ten minutes after the class schedule will be marked absent.
Three tardiness will be considered as 1 absent. A total of 20% of the total number of class hours for the course shall only be permitted. Exceeding to 20%
will be marked “dropped” (excused or unexcused absences).

Academic Integrity
Academic dishonesty includes:
a. Copying from your classmates in quizzes, assignments, and examinations.
b. Allowing your classmates to copy from your quizzes, assignments, and examinations
c. Forgery of signatures.
d. Falsification or misinterpretation or misuse of copyrighted materials.
e. Cut and paste of articles and submitting them as one’s own. THIS IS PLAGIARISM.

School Uniform
A student not wearing the prescribed uniform will not be permitted to attend the class and will be marked “absent”. S/he will only be allowed after
securing a letter of excuse from the DSA Office.
Cellphones are disturbing. Turn it off or put it on a silent mode. Do not use your cellphones unless it is emergency. Once caught, your cellphone
will be confiscated and will only be returned during the last period in the afternoon. During examination, cellphones must be surrendered to the
instructor/proctor and will be given back after the exam.

a. You need to study before coming to class.
b. Participation in the class is highly encouraged. This is graded.
c. If you don’t understand the topic or lecture, ask or see the instructor after the class period at the office during free time.
d. Respect and courtesy is expected at all time.

Removal Examination
No removal exam will be given so study hard and do your best this semester.

Special Examination
Special exams will be given after the exam schedule and will only be permitted with valid reasons. Student/s who will take the special exam will pay
Php50 for the special exam payment.


Book Reference/s: Mathematics in the Modern World, 2018, R Aufmann, J Lockwood, R Nation, D Clegg, S S.Epp, E Abad, Rex Book Store, Inc. ISBN
Website Reference/s:

Prepared by: Recommending Approval:
Instructor Dean

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