History of Banks

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History of Banks

> The first organized credit institutions were established in the Philippines during the 16th century
Spanish colonial era. These were the OBRAS PIAS

 Obras Pias was a charitable foundation during the Spanish period. The word itself means works
of piety in Spanish. The Church directed a share of personal fortunes to its charities such as the
Obras Pias. Donors had specified that the funds are to be used for charitable, religious and
educational purposes. However, some of the funds were managed by confraternities that
invested capital in secular activities like underwriting cargoes for the galleon trade.
 In 1869, the opening of the Suez Canal facilitated trade between the Philippines and Europe. The
Philippines then attracted British capital, and in the years that followed, the Chartered Bank of
India, Australia, and China (now known as the Standard Chartered Bank) and the Hong Kong and
Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), both British-owned banks, opened their branches in
 By the end of the Spanish regime, the banks in existence were: El Banco Español Filipino de
Isabel II (now the Bank of Philippine Islands or BPI) which was given the sole mandate under a
Spanish Royal Decree of 1854 to issue banknotes called Pesos Fuertes; the Chartered Bank of
India, a branch of the HSBC; the Monte de Piedad; and the Banco Peninsular Ultamarino de
 During the American colonial period, banks from the USA started to establish local branches that
would cater to growing American economic interests and capital inflow into the country.
 The American Bank was first to open a branch in 1901. However, it was placed under
receivership by the Insular Treasurer for making doubtful loans after only 4 years of operations
 In 1916, the Philippine National Bank was established with the Philippine Government as the
majority stockholder. This is to break the foreign banking monopoly and remedy the lack of
credit facilities
 The PNB was meant to function as a government enterprise that would widen the variety of
banking services “beyond trade finance in exportation and importation, money changing of
foreign currency, and fund transfers, all of which , while useful in the short term, failed to
mobilize capital in the development of natural resources.
 It’s charter at that time empowered PNB to issue bank notes and act as a depository of
government funds
 At the turn of the 20th century, the Americans established the Guaranty Trust Corporation (GTC)
and International Banking Corporation (IBC). The existence of GTC was short-lived, while IBC was
eventually taken over by the National City Bank of New York (now known as Citibank)
 In 1918, the Manila branch of the Yokohama Specie Bank was given license to do business in the
 Between 1935 to 1946, more foreign bank branches were established in the Philippines. These
include the Bank of Taiwan, and the Nederlandsche Indische Handelsbanks
 In 1939, the government created the Agricultural and Industrial Bank to absorb the functions of
the National Loan and Investment Board and to harness government resources
 The Philippine Bank of Communications is the first bank with genuine Filipino private capital.
However, it was temporarily closed at the outbreak of WWII.
 Only Filipino-owned and Japanese banks were allowed to operate during WWII; The Chartered
Bank of India, Australia, and China, HSBC, and the National City Bank of New York were all
treated as enemy properties and placed under liquidation by the Japanese Military Government
 On the other hand, the Nampo Kaihatsu Kinko (Southern Development Bank) opened a Manila
branch in 1942 and acted as the Japanese government’s fiscal agent in the Philippines.
 After the liberation, all domestic banks that operated during the Japanese occupation were
unable to reopen because the greater part of their assets consisted of worthless Japanese war
notes, bonds, and obligations of the Japanese-sponsored republic, and balances with Japanese
 In 1947, a branch of the Bank of America was allowed to establish a branch in Manila and in the
following year, it absorbed the assets and liabilities of the local branch of the Nederlandsche
Indische Handelsbanks
 In 1952, the Rural Bank Act was enacted and two years later, the Agricultural and Industrial Bank
merged with the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Fund to form the Development Bank of the

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