Lab Results Male

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La Salle University
College of Nursing
Ozamiz City


Name of
Laboratory/ Result Normal Values Interpretation/ Analysis
Diagnostic test

WBC 11,000/mm3 5500 to 10000/ - White blood cells (WBC) are a diverse
mm3 group of nucleated cells that spend at least
part of their lives in circulation. Their typical
blood levels ranges between 4000 and
11,000 micrograms per microliter. They are
extremely crucial in phagocytosis and
immunity, and hence in infection defense.

Neutrophils 38% 40% to 60% - The number of neutrophils in the body is

low. Neutropenia is a blood disorder
characterized by decreased neutrophil
counts, which are white blood cells that
defend the body from infection. Your body
won't be able to fight germs if you don't
have enough neutrophils. Neutropenia puts
you at risk for a variety of infections.

Lymphocytes 8% 1000-4000 per -LOW

mm3 (20–40%) - Low lymphocyte counts are prevalent with
illnesses like pneumonia, and they're linked
to a higher death rate. The link between
lymphocyte count before infection and
mortality risk is poorly understood.

Monocytes 18% 100-700 per -A large number of monocytes is also a

mm3 (2–8%) common symptom of chronic
myelomonocytic leukemia. This is a
malignancy that starts in the cells of the
bone marrow that make blood.

Bands 35% 0-5% -HIGH

- A typical band cell count is less than 10%. A
high band count might indicate the presence
of a severe illness early on.

Hematocrit 33% 38.5 – 49.0% -LOW

-A person's hematocrit (hct) is a
measurement of how many red blood cells
are in their blood. The test is volume-based,
but the findings are given as a percentage.
Low hematocrit levels, generally known as
anemia, make people feel tired and run

Laboratory Results 2019

down. A high hematocrit signifies a decrease
in plasma volume or an increase in the
number of erythrocytes.

Platelet count 187,000/mm3 150000 to - NORMAL

450000 mm3
125 mmol/L

Serum sodium 135-147 mmol/L -HIGH

- If your findings aren't within the normal
range, it doesn't always indicate you have a
medical problem that has to be addressed.
Certain medications might cause your
3 mmol/L sodium levels to rise or fall.

Potassium 91 mmol/L 3.5-5.0 mmol/L - NORMAL.

Chloride 97-107 mmol/L -LOW

- Chloride in your blood is an important
electrolyte that helps to keep your body's
metabolism running smoothly. Low chloride
levels might suggest heart failure. Diseases
of the lungs. Addison's disease is a disorder
in which the adrenal glands in your body
don't generate enough of specific hormones.
It can induce weakness, disorientation,
weight loss, and dehydration, among other
21 mmol/L symptoms.

Bicarbonate 23-30 mmol/L

- Metabolic acidosis, or an excess of acid in
the body, can be caused by a low quantity of
bicarbonate in the blood. Diarrhea, renal
illness, and liver failure are all examples of
14 mg /dl disorders that can produce metabolic
Blood urea nitrogen 0.6 mg/dl 8 to 20 mg/Dl
Serum creatinine 0.6 and 1.2
14 mg/dl -NORMAL

Anion gap 3 to 10 mEq/L

-The anion gap test determines the amount
of acid in your blood. Acidosis, or elevated
amounts of acid in the blood, is indicated by
a large anion gap. Acidosis can occur as a
result of dehydration, diarrhea, or excessive
exertion. It might also be a sign of a more
10 mmol/L serious ailment, such as renal disease or
Urine sodium <10 mmol/L
630 mosm/kg -NORMAL

Laboratory Results 2019

Urine osmolality mOsm/kg

Liver Function Test: 2.1

3.4 to 5.4 g/dL
- You may be malnourished if your albumin
level is low. It could also indicate that you
4.6 have a liver problem or an inflammatory
6.0 to 8.3 grams condition.
Protein per deciliter
(g/dL) - If your total protein level is low, you might
be suffering from a liver or kidney disease, or
protein isn't being digested or absorbed
49 adequately.
8 to 33 U/L
transaminase (AST) -HIGH
- The tests look at how much of particular
enzymes and proteins are present in your
blood. A high AST level indicates liver
impairment, but it might also indicate
19 damage to another organ that produces it,
7-35 U/L in such as the heart or kidneys.
Alanine women and 7-40
transaminase (ALT) U/L in men - ALT levels in the blood are a measure of
liver health: low levels indicate a healthy
liver, whereas high levels indicate liver
disease. In women, the usual range is 7-35
U/L, while in males, its 7-40 U/L.
44-147 (IU/L)
phosphatase -NORMAL
Moderate growth
of Pasteurella
Sputum cultures multocida.
-Pasteurella multocida can be found in blood
cultures, wound pus, abdominal abscesses,
cerebrospinal fluid, and respiratory tract
secretions, among other places. It can be
detected in both domestic and wild animals'
nasopharynxes and gastrointestinal tracts. In
animals, it can cause sporadic and pandemic
NEGATIVE pneumonia and septicaemia.

Blood cultures
- A person's chances of contracting a blood
NEGATIVE infection caused by bacteria or fungus are
Human slim.
virus (HIV) NORMAL - Your blood did not contain any HIV
antibodies or antigens.
2D transthoracic
ECHO - The heart had normal valves, a 65 percent

Laboratory Results 2019

ejection fraction, and normal left ventricular
NEGATIVE end-diastolic pressure and left atrial size.
There were no vegetation’s found.
Sputum samples
-Negative for acid-fast bacilli (AFB)
Arterial Blood Gases 7.35 to 7.45

pH - The quantity of hydrogen ions in blood is

indicated by the pH of arterial blood. Acidic
29 mm Hg is defined as a pH less than 7.0, whereas
35–45 mmHg basic, or alkaline, is defined as a pH more
than 7.0.
- The partial pressure of carbon dioxide
(PaCO2) is low, indicating respiratory
alkalosis, whereas the HCO3 is normal but on
the low end of normal. The PaCO2 is the
value that corresponds to the pH. As a result,
49 mm Hg you have a primary respiratory alkalosis.
80 - 100 mmHg

- The partial pressure of carbon dioxide

(PaCO2) is low, indicating respiratory
alkalosis, whereas the HCO3 is normal but on
the low end of normal. The PaCO2 is the
value that corresponds to the pH. As a result,
you have a primary respiratory alkalosis.

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Name of Student: Jobert P. Rosillosa Mrs. Leonila M. Badilla, LPT, RN, MAN

Laboratory Results 2019

Year Level: 3 Name of Clinical Instructor
Date: December 17, 2021 Date: December 17, 2021

Laboratory Results 2019

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