1204 Syntium Next Gen Product Catalogue English Long ONLINE

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Master Stacked

Cool is
more from less.

Don’t waste a single

drop of energy.

Control the heat

Maximise efficiency. Visit [insert local url].

The heat is on to use
energy more efficiently.
Modern engines are operating at Wasting energy generates even more heat
higher temperatures than ever
Most internal combustion engines (ICE) only
With downsized, more compact engines convert around 35% of fuel into power.
running at incredible heats, and congested The remaining energy is not converted
stop/start traffic increasing operating into useful work, but instead wasted,
temperatures further, the conditions couldn’t dissipated mainly as heat. This doesn’t just
be more challenging and hostile for an oil. damage a car’s engine – wasting energy in
this way is unsustainable for our planet.
Excessive heat is the enemy, causing
deposit formation, oxidation and
thermal breakdown – all of which
reduce the efficiency of the engine.

the heat.

3 PETRONAS Syntium | Product Catalogue PETRONAS Syntium | Product Catalogue 4

Energy is too
precious to waste
Whether it’s our own or the planet’s, PETRONAS Syntium helps your car
energy is a precious resource. In order make the most of every drop of available
to make the most of it and reach energy, maximising its efficiency by
maximum efficiency, you need to controlling engine-damaging heat.
control the heat, stay cool and
focus your energy wisely. • CoolTechTM technology controls
the heat, reducing wear and deposits,
It’s exactly the same under the hood of extending parts life and delivering
a car – the engine needs to stay cool in efficient performance for longer.
the face of aggressive heat and maintain
optimal temperature to avoid wasting • CoolTech+TM technology, with its
energy and perform at its best. enhanced ability to control heat

Don’t waste
generated by friction, maximises
Controlling the heat is the key to more
a car’s efficiency to reduce emissions
efficient, sustainable motoring.
and fuel consumption by up to 3%*.

a single drop
of energy

5 PETRONAS Syntium | Product Catalogue PETRONAS Syntium | Product Catalogue 6

Greater Up to
fuel ec 3% more
lower nomy and
efficiency emissi
ons *

By more efficiently lubricating moving parts to reduce

friction and therefore heat, PETRONAS Syntium
with CoolTech+TM technology cuts emissions
and fuel consumption by up to 3%*, for cleaner,
more cost-effective and efficient motoring.

Increased 38% b
bearin etter
sustainability g
protec wear
tion ††
Constantly switching between ICE and an electrical
power unit places greater demands on the engine of
a hybrid car – and its oil. By reducing heat generated
by frequent stop/start friction, PETRONAS Syntium

with CoolTech+TM technology provides up to 38%
better bearing wear protection††, to deliver optimal
performance, better fuel economy and less emissions.

efficiency Maintain
Up t
better o 68%
resista dation
nce †
Thanks to its strong oil chains, PETRONAS
Syntium with CoolTechTM technology more
effectively removes heat generated by friction
and combustion to offer outstanding oxidation
resistance – 68% better than industry
benchmark†. This maintains performance right
up to the scheduled oil change, protecting the
efficiency and performance of your engine.

Enhanced 37.8%
at pro etter
protection critica
agains l parts
t wear **
Its superior ability to withstand engine-damaging
heat and stay cool means PETRONAS Syntium
with CoolTechTM technology delivers up to 37.8%
better protection of critical parts against harmful
deposits and wear**, and outstanding cleanliness,
for longer engine life and lower maintenance costs.
7 PETRONAS Syntium | Product Catalogue PETRONAS Syntium | Product Catalogue 8
CoolTech+TM Fuel Economy Improvement Test
(higher is better)*

Up to 3
fuel ec
7000 0W-20 improv
efficiency Fuel economy
3% *

With its superior ability to control heat by reducing API SP LIMIT (1.8%)
friction, CoolTech+TM represents the cutting edge 22% be
of our fluid technology, reducing emissions 7000 0W-20 than th
and fuel consumption by up to 3%*, to save Fuel economy 2.2% SP Lim
retention it
money and reduce the environmental impact
of your driving – even when the oil is aged.

7000 0W-20 32% be

Fuel economy 5% than th
improvement sum SP Lim
Improving fuel efficiency
reduces overall heat generated
from combustion, keeping the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
engine at the optimum operating
temperature - and reducing the % Fuel economy benefit
CO2 emissions at the same time.
Syntium 7000 (0W-20)

*Based on industry standard test SEQUENCE: VIE, against the API SP limit.

b Up t
at pro etter better o 68%
tectin oxi
critica g
agains l parts resista dation
t wear ** nce †

Enhanced CoolTechTM technology controls the

heat, reducing wear and deposits,
extending parts life and delivering
protection and efficient performances for longer. PETRONAS Syntium targets heat
critical zones deep within the
Thanks to its exceptionally
strong oil chains, PETRONAS

performance engine, offering instant protection

as soon as the engine is started
Syntium offers outstanding oxidation
resistance, to control sludge, delay
and preventing deposit build oil thickening and maintain a
up, to extend parts life and stable, protective film. The result?
Based on industry standard test SEQUENCE: IVB, measured against the API SP limit. lower maintenance costs. Maximum engine performance right

Based on industry standard test SEQUENCE: IIIH, measured against the API SP limit. up to the next scheduled service.
Based on industry standard test SEQUENCE: VIII, against the API SP limit.

9 PETRONAS Syntium | Product Catalogue PETRONAS Syntium | Product Catalogue 10

From the
team behind
the world’s PETRO
enable NAS techno
PETRO he Mercede

most efficient
to ach One ca
ieve r

more t
racing engine. 50% th han
PETRONAS is the official technology partner
to the 7-times FIA Formula One World makin
g it the
Championship-winning MERCEDES-AMG PETRONAS racing most e
engine fficien
ever c t
Formula One Team, engineering high performance, reated
bespoke engine oil, race fuel and other lubricants,
greases and fluids.

A critical part of the team’s success lies in the car’s

unrivalled ability to convert fuel into useful work. Most
engines only convert around 35% of the potential fuel
energy into power. PETRONAS technology enables the
Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One car to achieve
more than 50% thermal efficiency – making it the most
efficient racing engine ever created.

Our technicians are world leaders when it comes

to maximising the potential of every drop of energy
– and they pour all their experience working with the
world’s fastest, most efficient hybrid car, into developing
advanced fluids for drivers all over the world.

PETRONAS Syntium’s ability to target and cool critical

engine parts controls damaging heat, reduces wear and
maintains optimal performance, allowing the car to
convert the maximum amount of fuel energy into power,
for more efficient, cleaner motoring.

11 PETRONAS Syntium | Product Catalogue PETRONAS Syntium | Product Catalogue 12

Cool is
the most
of precious

with °CoolTech+™ technology

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