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for Kindergarten 3
This workbook belongs to
Name: _______________________

K.G. 3 - ____________________
Level and Section: KG 3 - ______ Date: ______________________
Lesson 1: Using A and An

Uses of article A and An

ü A is used before the word that begins with consonant letter (b, c,
d, f, g, h, j, l, k, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z) sound.
• a tree a snake a boy
ü An is used before the word that begins with vowel letter (a, e, i, o,
u) sound.
• an apple an octopus an elephant

Directions: Circle the correct word inside the parenthesis.

1. [ a - an ] ink 6. [ a - an ] girl

2. [ a - an ] van 7. [ a - an ] tag

3. [ a - an ] cup 8. [ a - an ] apple

4. [ a - an ] ox 9. [ a - an ] umbrella

5. [ a - an ] envelope 10. [ a - an ] jar

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Lesson 1: Using A and An

Directions: Write a or an before each word.

1. orange 9. umpire

2. boy 10. eraser

3. ant 11. teacher

4. zebra 12. doctor

5. hat 13. igloo

6. tiger 14. flower

7. monkey 15. ax

8. pan 16. seal

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Level and Section: KG 3 - ______ Date: ______________________
Lesson 2: Using This and That

Use of This and That

ü This is used to point to a person or thing that is near to the

• This is an apple. This is my pencil.

ü That is used to point to a person or thing that is near to the

• That is an apple. That is my mom.

Directions: Circle the word of your choice inside the parenthesis.

1. [ This - That ] is a cat.

2. [ This - That ] is a tree.

3. [ This - That ] is my bag.

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4. [ This - That ] is my teacher.

5. [ This - That ] is a balloon.

Directions: Write This or That on the line then circle an article inside the

1. is [ a - an ] orange.

2. is [ a - an ] balloon.

3. is [ a - an ] kite.

4. is [ a - an ] umbrella.

5. is [ a - an ] elephant.

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Lesson 2: Using This and That

Class Work: Write This or That and a or an on the line to complete the

1. is book.

2. is car.

3. is bird.

4. is egg.

5. is ax.

6. is octopus.

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Level and Section: KG 3 - ______ Date: ______________________
Lesson 3: Naming Words

Naming Words
v name a person, place, things and animals
Ø Examples:
person – mother place – school

thing – book animal - lion

A. Directions: Identify if the given pictures are person, place, thing, or animal.
Write the answer on the blank.
1. 2.
tiger playground

3. 4.
pencil Mohammed

5. 6.

girl computer

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7. 8.

elephant car
9. 10.

hospital doctor
B. Circle the naming word that best describes the picture on the left.
person place thing animal

person place thing animal

person place thing animal

person place thing animal

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C. Directions: Circle the picture that best describes the naming word on the





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Level and Section: KG 3 - ______ Date: ______________________
Lesson 4: Common and Proper Nouns

Common and Proper Nouns

v Common Noun – names any person, place, thing or idea. It begins with
a small letter
Ø Examples:
- book - water
- father - day
v Proper Noun – names a special/ particular person, place, thing or
idea. It
is always capitalized.
Ø Examples:
- English - Canada
- Layan - Sunday

I. A. Directions: Identify if the following words are common or proper nouns.

Write your answer on the blank.
1. Saif 2. truck

3. New Vision 4. Riyadh

5. house 6. store

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B. Directions: Write the proper noun in each group on the lines.
1. May boy cap

2. friend classmate Abdulaziz

3. Dr. Smith mother desk

4. teacher apple California

5. school bus Math

C. Directions: Check the box if proper noun and cross out if
common noun.
1. August 9. Sam
2. night 10. baby
3. National Park 11. street
4. sister 12. United States
5. glass 13. cat
6. Miss Falasteen 14. family
7. principal 15. Reema
8. table 16. Friday

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D. Write the following proper nouns in correct form.
1. rover

2. saturday

3. january

4. saud

5. dr. james

6. khalid

7. riyadh

8. eid holiday

9. mr. smith

10. jana

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Level and Section: KG 3 - ______ Date: ______________________
Lesson 5: One and More Than One

One and More Than One

v A noun/ naming word that names one person, place or thing is called a
singular noun.
Ø Examples:
- apple - lizard - baby - rock
v A noun/ naming word that names more than one is called plural noun.
You can add –s or –es to form more than one.
v Add –es if the word ends in s, ss, ch, sh, x and z.
Ø Examples:
- tree - trees - boy - boys
- glass - glasses - bench - benches
A. Directions: Identify the picture and tell whether if it is one or more than one. Circle
the picture if only one and color if more than one.
1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

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B. Circle the word that matches each picture.

hat Hats grape grapes bow bows

sock Socks muffin muffins mitten mittens

owl Owls tree trees dog dogs

frog Frogs egg eggs flower flowers

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C. Add –s or –es to mean more than one. Remember: If the word
ends in s, ss, ch, sh, x and z add –es.
1. box –

2. bunch -

3. grass -

4. book -

5. fox -

6. rat -

7. glass -

8. chair -

9. plant -

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Level and Section: KG 3 - ______ Date: ______________________
Lesson 6: Using He, She, It

Using He, She and It

v He – refers to a man or boy
Ø Examples:
- dad - uncle - Wasem - brother

v She – refers to a girl or woman

Ø Examples:
- mom - aunt - sister - Lamar

v It – refers to a thing/object or animal

Ø Examples:
- bug - school - milk - eraser
A. Directions: Write he, she or it on the blanks.
1. 5.

2. 6.

3. 7.

4. 8.

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B. Look at the picture then color the word that matches each

he she it he she it

he she it he she it

he she it he she it

he she it he she it

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Level and Section: KG 3 - ______ Date: ______________________
Lesson 7: Using We and They

Using We and They

v We – refers to many people including yourself
Ø Examples:
- Dad and I - Uncle and I
- Walid and I - my brother and I

v They – refers to many people not including yourself

Ø Examples:
- Mom and dad - aunt and uncle
- sister and brother - Lamar and Jana

A. Directions: Circle the word that matches the underlined

words in the sentence.
1. My friends and I will go to the park. [ We - They ]
2. My classmates played soccer yesterday. [ We - They ]
3. Her cousins join the trip. [ We - They ]
4. My sister and I like to ride on a bike. [ We - They ]
5. His brother and I go to school together. [ We - They ]
6. The babies are drinking milk. [ We - They ]
7. My teacher and I study together. [ We - They ]

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Level and Section: KG 3 - ______. Date: ______________________
Lesson 8: Using Is and Are

Using Is and Are

v Is – used to refer to only one noun or pronoun
Ø Examples:
- He/she/it - one leaf - one flower

v Are – used to refer to more than one nouns or pronouns

Ø Examples:
- They/we - classmates
- apples - friends

A. Directions: Look at the picture. Write is or are on the space

1. 5.

2. 6.

3. 7.

4. 8.

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B. Circle the word that completes the sentence.
1. A cow [ is - are ] fat.

2. Sam and Tam [ is - are ] friends.

3. Elephants [ is - are ] big animals.

4. Mountains [ is - are ] high.

5. A house [ is - are ] a place to live in.

6. My friend, Abdulelah [ is - are ] sad.

C. Fill in the blank with is or are to complete each sentence.

1. They my father and mother.

2. He good at Math.
3. We in the same class.
4. She a kind girl.
5. It my English book.

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Level and Section: KG 3 - ______ Date: ______________________
Lesson 9: Action Words

Uses of Action Words

ü It is used to show one’s action.
• jum p walk write
• dance skip sing

Class Work: Circle the correct word inside the parenthesis.

1. [ cry -smile ] 6. [ eat - drink ]

2. [ swim - walk] 7. [ play - sleep ]

3. [ jump - fly ] 8. [ eat - cook ]

4. [ run - skip ] 9. [ listen - watch ]

5. [ write - talk ] 10. [ dance – sing ]

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Lesson 9: Action Words

Class Work: Identify the action shown in each picture. Choose the
word from the box.
crawl swim cry bark drive
clean teach sing climb run

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

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Level and Section: KG 3 - ______ Date: _____________________
Lesson 10: Action Words

Uses of Action Words with –s or -es

ü Action Words with –s or –es is used when the subject is only one
Ex: Loui drinks milk every night.

ü It is also used for pronouns He, She, It.

Ex: She watches news at night.

Class Work: Circle the correct action word to be used.

1. He [ play – plays ] blocks.

2. Mishal [catch – catches ] the ball.

3. The horse [ gallop – gallops ] fast.

4. Noor [ trace – traces ] the dots properly.

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5. My dad [ sit – sits ] on the couch.

6. She [ wash – washes ] her hands always.

7. Abdulilah [ hit – hits ] the ball hard.

8. Malak [ carry – carries ] her own bag.

9. The chef [ chop – chops ] the vegetables thinly.

10. My brother [ splash – splashes ] water on me.

11. He [ sell - sells ] an ice cream.

12. Sondos [ goes - go ] to school early.

13. My sister [ wash - washes ] the dishes.

14. Mom [ cooks - cook ] spaghetti.

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Lesson 10: Action Words with s or es

B. Directions: Write the correct action word to complete the sentences

{ Remember: Add –es if the action word ends with o, s, sh, or ch. }

1. Leyan up with her favorite dress.

2. Carlo down carefully.

3. Abdulmomen up early.

4. He a bike to school.

5. Felwah beautifully.
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6. Dad the car.

7. Faisal well.

8. Reem the plant always.

9. Mom to market.

10. Muhannad stories well.

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Level and Section: KG 3 - ______ Date: ______________________
Lesson 11: Describing Words

Uses of Describing Words

ü It is used to describe persons, places, animals, or things.
• The flowers are beautiful.
• My house is big.

A. Directions: Circle the correct adjective to describe the following pictures.

1. [ hot - cold ] 6. [ small - big ]

2. [ rainy - sunny] 7. [ hard - soft ]

3. [ happy - sad ] 8. [ funny - angry ]

4. [ sad - happy ] 9. [ rainy - cloudy ]

5. [ cold - hot ] 10. [ fast – slow ]

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Lesson 11 : Describing Words

B. Directions: Identify the correct describing words to describe the following

pictures. Choose your answer from the box.
orange tiny old fast tall
strong young wet windy funny

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4 9.

5. 10.

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C. Directions: Circle the word that describes each picture to complete the

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Level and Section: KG 3 - ______ Date: _________________
Lesson 12 : Sentence

ü It is a group of words that have a complete thought.
ü It begins with a big letter and ends with period (.).
• My mom is pretty. My sister is tall.

Directions: Check the box that shows a sentence.

1. The bag is big. 6. is hot
is big The sun is hot.
2. my pencil 7. The turtle is slow.
Is this your pencil? The turtle
3. I am a boy. 8. This car is new.
a boy his car
4. in the garden 9. round table
My dad is in the garden. The table is round.
5. can nap 10. The weather is cold.
The cat can nap. Cold weather

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Lesson 12 : Sentence

Directions: Look at the pictures below. Circle the correct box that tells
something about the picture.

1. a. The rat hops. b. The bunny hops.

2. a. I can dig. b. I can water the plant.

3. a. My cap is blue. b. My cap is red.

4. a. I love to nap. b. I love to sit.

5. a. The little cat can catch. b. The little cat can climb.

6. a. The moon is out. b. The sun is out.

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7. a. The bee is on the flower.

b. The ant is on the flower.

8. a. I see a rake on the table.

b. I see a cake on the table.

9. a. She plays under the tree.

b. She reads under the tree.

10. a. The cats are on the pond.

b. The ducks are on the pond.

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Directions: Rewrite the sentences correctly.

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