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E - 1 HLM - Draft Extended Abstract - Komang Melly Octaviana - SMAN 3 Denpasar - ICYSS2022

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Business Potential of JESSI Herbal Drinks

International Conference of Young Social Scientists 2022

Komang Melly Octaviana
Made Rai Rahayu, S.Pd, M.Si
SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar, Indonesia, 2022
[email protected]

Introduction optimistic, 16% for expected, and 13% for pessimistic. These
Herbal drinks are currently becoming one of the results show good results because it is greater than the cost of
beverage products that are in high demand by consumers in capital. Furthermore, the NPV results for the three conditions
this pandemic era. Therefore, JESSI comes in powder form in show positive values so that they can also be declared
the packaging. JESSI is served in the form of a warm drink, feasible. The results of the Payback period analysis show the
made from red ginger, lemongrass, and palm sugar. average time on initial capital is in the third year which is less
The purpose of this research is to investigate JESSI than 5 years. Thus also considered feasible. SWOT analysis
entrepreneurship business opportunities, and at the same on the JESSI product: (1) Strength: 100% herbal product
time, provide a solution to boost one’s immunity through without preservatives; (2) Weakness: Conventional
JESSI consumption. The benefits of this research: 1) For the production equipment and technology; (3) Opportunity:
community, it can be a solution to boost the body’s immunity Potential investors interested to run this business; (4) Threats:
through the intake of herbal drinks which can be enjoyed Changes in consumer tastes are quite rapid.
instantly. 2) For the government, it can support government Conclusion
efforts to control the spread of the virus by providing herbal The research conclusions are as follows: (1) Based
drink solutions to society that can boost their immunity. on benefit-cost analysis, the “JESSI” business showed to be
profitable because it has a B/C ratio > 1, so this product is
Research Methodology worth working on. (2) Based on the results of the IRR
This research was conducted using quantitative
analysis, the Cost of capital obtained was 11.8% and the
descriptive research. This research began on August 10
average IRR value was 17.3% which can be said to be
September 9, 2021. Components of JESSI beverage products
feasible because the value of IRR> Cost of capital. (3) Based
consisted, namely of water, red ginger, lemongrass, and palm
on the results of the NPV analysis, the average NPV value
sugar. Tools used are included: knife, basin, blender, strainer,
was Rp. 5,223,281 (positive). So that this business can be
frying pan, wooden spatula, and gas stove. Variables used:
declared feasible. (4) Based on the results of the payback
(1) The independent variable is the design finance and
period analysis, based on the average yield, the capital issued
marketing strategy of JESSI Entrepreneur. (2) The dependent
will return after 3 years and 4 months. (5) Based on the
variable namely the business feasibility analysis of JESSI
recapitulation of the SWOT analysis that has been carried
Entrepreneur. As for the type of analysis used in this
out, this product can be declared feasible to run. Based on the
research: Benefit Cost (B/C) ratio, NPV and IRR Analysis,
business feasibility analysis calculation, JESSI Herbal Drinks
Payback period analysis and SWOT analysis.
is feasible to run and has a high chance of success. Thus,
investors can be convinced to invest in this business.
Result and Analysis
Future Work
In the future running this business first, on the
per-month compound content section, IC50 testing to determine the
antioxidant activity contained in JESSI's business products
will be conducted. Next, in the business development section,
focus will be more on developing social media as a place for
promotion and marketing of JESSI's products.
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