Basic Action Research 2

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TITLE OF Reading Comprehension Skills of TVL track Students of PSAT: Basis for

RESEARCH Reading Intervention Plan

I. Background of the Study

Reading is performed for both information and pleasure. Reading skills are important for
the individuals since, they are foster comprehension in texts or symbols. If students do not have
knowledge of reading skills, they cannot be developed to be successful readers. (Raudenbush,
2015). In teaching reading, the teacher makes sure that his/her students have developed of
effective reading comprehension instructions, pupils engage in discussions, the pupils can
integrate reading and writing, pupils build disciplinary and word knowledge and pupils can
differentiate instructions. And also, the students empowered to master the learning 11 content
as they progress in different levels of reading comprehension.

Moreover, comprehend and read are essential skills for students to develop and
understand how society works, because the most information is presented through text. Prior to
this research shows that reading helps mental. According to (Cimmiyotti, 2013) stated that
reading is fundamental at all levels of the educational system because all subjects in the course
involve reading and this will lead to better academic performance. Reading comprehension is a
key instrument in today’s knowledge-based on economy. Without reading comprehension skills,
students will have problems accessing information and implementing this knowledge in studying
and working towards future careers. It states that students must attain literal, analytical,
interpretative, and creative reading skills. Students should be able to state facts and ideas, and
understand the meaning of what they read, both literally and analytical, and also they should be
able to critique what they read.

As studied by (Bilbao, 2016) reading comprehension is one of the reading competencies

that every student need to develop. However, there are still students who are below the
proficiency level of reading comprehension despite the reading instructions and strategies
provided by the teachers for the improvement of students’ reading comprehension. The reason
behind this lacking is that, most of the students were introduced to poor approach in academics;
some tends to neglect the fact that this reading skill could bring them into a systematic process
where they can cope neatly and eagerly, in deliberate way, and eventually be the reason to be
active academically. However, the level of reading comprehension of the Education students.
It sought to determine the significant difference in the level of reading comprehension of
every student when analysed according to sex and year level specifically senior high school.
This means that the students can understand difficult reading texts under literal, interpretive,
evaluative, and creative levels with less supervision. Consequently, the respondents’ year level
bear a significant difference when grouped accordingly. Stating this particular issue, we have
noticed the struggle of the majority of the students here in Pandan School of Arts Trades,
objectively in higher level, Senior High School Students for they should be dealing with a next
level comprehension and skill. Our school, rather included other several schools in the
Philippines are listed on the schools that has a low learning and reading comprehension and it
affects our credibility as one and whole country. Hense the possibilities of the outcome whether
it could lead them into stepping up or steep in that kind of level. In studying this, we can
determine and tackle the factors that brings barrier to them in daily basis, and how it slowly
open us into a whole community in PSAT. We hope you a comfortable position for we are to
start this presentation now.
II. Research Questions
The study will seek to answer the following questions:
These questions were answered with the use of the researcher-made questionnaire where
convenience sampling method of survey is conducted. The study was able to establish
positive results wherein good recommendations were generated to further develop the
reading comprehension skills of Senior High School (TVL) Students.
1. What is the level of reading comprehension of TVL track students in PSAT before
and after the reading assessment?
2. Is there a significant difference in the reading comprehension of TVL track
students before and after reading assessment?
3. What intervention may be propose to improve the reading comprehension of TVL
track students?

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention & Strategy

Reading is important in a variety of human tasks –from following instructions from
a book; to communicating; and to finding out details like who, what, where, when, and why,
thus it is imperative that students master this skill. To do so, reading teachers must identify
the pupils who need to be supported and remedied, as well as find out the appropriate
teaching strategies that would fit their level. It is in this context that the objectives of this
study were formed. This study aimed to determine the level of reading comprehension of
TVL track students during the school year 2022-2023. Due to the past events of pandemic,
reading was taught using modules and thus, the researchers would like to check on its
effectiveness in those times, now and then. Hopefully, these researchers will teach us the
idea of what to consider when facilitating reading to students.

IV. Research Methods

A. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

The researchers used the one-group post-test only design. In a one-group post-test only
design, a treatment is implemented (or an independent variable is manipulated) and then a
dependent variable is measured once after the treatment is implemented (Price,P. et. al., 2017).
B. Data Gathering Methods

The researchers wrote this method to determine the respondents’ skill, a test
questionnaire comprising of 3 short stories with 10 multiple questions each focusing on reading
comprehension was designed to be used as the instrument of the study. The questionnaire
underwent validity and reliability before they were given to the participants. We researchers
inserted the questionnaire in the participants’ modules and were asked to complete it in a day’s
time. The questionnaires were then gathered after a week. The responses were then profiled,
analysed, and checked. Moreover, to determine the level of reading comprehension of the TVL
track students of Pandan School of Arts and Trades, the arbitrary scale below was utilized.

C. Data Analysis Plan

This study aimed to determine the levels of reading comprehension of TVL track
students of Pandan School of Arts and Trades during the school year 2022-2023.

SOP 1. To determine their reading performance and may evaluate their strengths and
weaknesses on reading through one-group post-test only design.

SOP 2. To determine appropriate methodologies used which could fit on the students’ ability
and skills in reading through one-group post-test only design.

SOP 3. To determine plans, develop, and implement better strategies to improve pupils’
reading comprehension through one-group post-test only design.
V. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

ACTIVITIES Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day

Shade the corresponding
day per 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Add rows if necessary
1. Preparing for the title.
2. Title Approval
3. Preparation for the
Context and Rationale
4. Proposed Innovation,
Intervention and Strategy.
5. Planning for Action
Research Method

6. Planning for the involved

Participants and/or other
Sources of Data and
Information, Data Gathering
Method, Data Gathering
7. Putting action research
work plan and timeline.
8. Submission of Output

VI. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

DISSEMINATION Month Month Month Month Month Month
ACTIVITIES 1 2 3 4 5 6
add rows if necessary
1.Presenting the Action
Research proposal to the
District Colloquium
2.Present the results to the
Curriculum and Instruction
Department of the division
for necessary actions and
3. Presenting the Action
Research full paper to any
4.Conduct a follow-up study
if necessary


Anonat D. (2009). Child and Adolescent Development. Mandaluyong City.

Books Atbp. Publishing Co.Belen (2003).
Effective Study and Thinking Skills. Trinitas Publishing Inc.Retrieved from:’s_reading_comprehensi
Cimmiyotti, C. B. (2013).
Impact of reading ability on academic performance at theprimary level (Revised edition).
Capstone’s (2011).
Essential elements of fostering and teaching reading comprehension (Vol. 4). International
Reading Association.Elleman (2019) ReadingComprehension Research: Implications for
Practice and Policy,Retrieved
from:, A. P. (2016).
A Study of Factors Affecting EFL Learners? Reading Comprehension Skill and the Strategies
for Improvement. ResearchGate.

“Tortoise and the Hare”

A Hare was making fun of the Tortoise one day for being so slow.

Do you ever get anywhere?" he asked with a mocking laugh.

"Yes," replied the Tortoise, "and I get there sooner than you think. I'll run you a race and prove it."

The Hare was much amused at the idea of running a race with the Tortoise, but for the fun of the thing he
agreed. So the Fox, who had consented to act as judge, marked the distance and started the runners off.

The Hare was soon far out of sight, and to make the Tortoise feel very deeply how ridiculous it was for
him to try a race with a Hare, he lay down beside the course to take a nap until the Tortoise should catch

The Tortoise meanwhile kept going slowly but steadily, and, after a time, passed the place where the Hare
was sleeping. But the Hare slept on very peacefully; and when at last he did wake up, the Tortoise was
near the goal. The Hare now ran his swiftest, but he could not overtake the Tortoise in time.


Tortoise and the Hare

(Literal) 1. Who fell asleep during the race?

A. The Tortoise
B. The hare

(Applied) 2. What is the moral of the story?

A. Everyone needs good sleep
B. Being overly confident can help you
C. Do not brag

(Literal )3. Who won the race?

A. The tortoise
B. The hare
C. The shark
D. The mouse
(Interpretive) 4. Why did the hare lose the race?
A. He was too slow
B. He was overly confident
C. He won the race
D. He did not know how to run

(Applied) 5. Why did the tortoise win the race?

A. He chose to eat a good breakfast
B. He slept a lot the night before
C. He was slow, but steady the entire race
D. He was superfast

(Applied) 6. How can you be like the tortoise on the test?

A. Take your time
B. Fall asleep
C. Eat a good breakfast
D. Remain calm

(Applied) 7. Who do you want to avoid being like during the test?
A. The tortoise
B. The hare
C. The mouse
D. The tree

(Applied) 8. Which of the following is NOT good advice for someone taking the test?
A. Take your time
B. Eat a good breakfast
C. Remain calm
D. Stay up all night before the test

(Interpretive) 9. Having a growth mindset will help you on the test

A. True
B. False

(Interpretive) 10. Which of the following is good advice for test?

A. Do not eat breakfast
B. Hurry through it
C. Keep looking at the clock every minute
D. Stay focused on the tees
Once there lived an ant and a grasshopper in a grassy meadow Ant All day long the ant would work hard,
collecting grains of wheat from the farmer’s field far away. She would hurry to the field every morning,
as soon as it was light enough to see by, and toil back with a heavy grain of wheat balanced on her head.
She would put the grain of wheat carefully away in her larder, and then hurry back to the field for another
one. All day long she would work, without stop or rest, scurrying back and forth from the field, collecting
the grains of wheat and storing them carefully in her larder.

The grasshopper would look at her and laugh. ‘Why do you work so hard, dear ant?’ he would say.
‘Come, rest awhile, listen to my song. Summer is here, the days are long and bright. Why waste the
sunshine in labour and toil?’

Grasshopper The ant would ignore him, and head bent, would just hurry to the field a little faster. This
would make the grasshopper laugh even louder. ‘What a silly little ant you are!’ he would call after her.
‘Come, come and dance with me! Forget about work! Enjoy the summer! Live a little!’ And the
grasshopper would hop away across the meadow, singing and dancing merrily.

Summer faded into autumn, and autumn turned into winter. The sun was hardly seen, and the days were
short and grey, the nights long and dark. It became freezing cold, and snow began to fall.

The grasshopper didn’t feel like singing any more. He was cold and hungry. He had nowhere to shelter
from the snow, and nothing to eat. The meadow and the farmer’s field were covered in snow, and there
was no food to be had. ‘Oh what shall I do? Where shall I go?’ wailed the grasshopper. Suddenly he
remembered the ant. ‘Ah – I shall go to the ant and ask her for food and shelter!’ declared the
grasshopper, perking up. So off he went to the aunt's house and knocked at her door. ‘Hello ant!’ he cried
cheerfully. ‘Here I am, to sing for you, as I warm myself by your fire, while you get me some food from
that larder of yours!’

The ant looked at the grasshopper and said, ‘All summer long I worked hard while you made fun of me,
and sang and danced. You should have thought of winter then! Find somewhere else to sing, grasshopper!
There is no warmth or food for you here!’ And the ant shut the door in the grasshopper’s face.


(literal )1. In the fable, the ant is

A. lazy

B. hardworking
C. weak

D. talkative

(literal) 2. In the fable, the grasshopper is

A. lazy

B. hardworking

C. weak

D. talkative

(literal) 3. Who did the Grasshopper make fun of for working all day?

A. Other Grasshoppers

B. Bee

C. Ant

(literal) 4. Which character in the story played all day?

A. Ant

B. Grasshopper

C. Bee

(literal) 5. Why was the Ant storing food for?

A. Summer

B. Spring

C. Winter

(literal) 6. Did the Ant give the Grasshopper some food?

A. Yes

B. No

(Applied) 7. What is the moral of the story?

A. Play hard

B. Plan for the future

C. It's better to take food from others.

(Applied) 8. If you were ant will you give some foods to grasshopper?

A. Yes, but I will tell him to store foods next time

B. No, I will not tolerate his laziness

(Interpretative) 9. The Grasshopper is unhappy with the Ant during the summer for what reason?

A. The Ant is ignoring him to play with his friends.

B. The Ant is playing instead of working.

C. The Ant is working instead of playing.

D. The Ant is unprepared for the winter days

(Interpretative )10. Which of the following is an important lesson we can learn from The Ant and the

A. There's a time for responsibility and a time to be carefree.

B. Summer foods taste better than winter foods do.

C. The Grasshopper's life is more fun and relaxed.

D. There's more time to play than to work.

The Boy Who Cried “wolf"

There was once a boy who lived in a village up in the mountains. His family owned many sheep. The boy
had a job, and that job was to watch the sheep. If a wolf came near, he needed to call for help. His sheep
stayed on a hill near the village where he watched them every day.

One day, he thought of a trick he could play on the people who lived in the village. He was bored, so he
thought this would be a way to have fun. He ran toward the village crying out loudly for help. He shouted,
“Wolf! Wolf! Come and help! The wolves are at my lambs! The wolves are trying to eat them!”

There were many villagers in the town. They heard him crying and thought that they had to help. So, the
kind villagers left their work and ran to the field to help him. They would try to help him chase away the
wolves and protect his lambs. But when the villagers got there, the boy laughed at them. There was no
wolf there. He just wanted to watch them come running! He thought it was funny. Then another day the
boy tried the same trick. Once again, the villagers came running to help him out, and once again the boy
laughed at them.

Then, one day, a wolf really did come and it started chasing the lambs. In great fright, the boy ran for
help. “Wolf! Wolf!” he screamed. “There is a wolf! Help! Please! Help! Please!” All the villagers heard
him, but this time they did not come. They thought he was pulling another mean trick. They had learned
their lesson and did not need to be laughed at again. So, no one paid attention to him and the shepherd-
boy lost all his sheep –they all ran away.

When people in the village found out what had happened, they were sorry, but they told the boy it was his
fault. That is the kind of thing that happens to people who lie. Even when they tell the truth, no one
believes them. People are just so used to their lies.


Choose the best answer for each question.

(literal) 1. Why does the writer tell you how the boy “cried wolf”?
a. to tell the story
b. to show what kind of boy he was c. to tell how he lied
d. to tell how dangerous wolves are

(literal)2. Why did the writer have the people come to help the boy at first?
a. to show people are good
b. to show people are foolish
c. to show how the boy fooled them d. to show how the people worried

(literal )3. Why did the writer have people not come the last time the boy cried wolf?
a. to show they were mean
b. to show the boy lied
c. to show it is bad to lie
d. to show that the boy was mean

(Interpretative) 4. How does the writer feel about the boy?

a. He likes him a lot.
b. He thinks he is funny.
c. He thinks he is too young.
d. He thinks he is not good.

(Interpretative) 5. What do you suppose the phrase "cry wolf" means?

a. lying
b. sincere
c. truthful
d. honest

(literal) 6. "It was boring work____ a lad.

What is the missing word?

a. for
b. to
c. if
d. at

(literal )7. "I must keep my eyes __ for the wolf"

What is the missing word?

a. Folded
b. opened
c. peeled
d. shorn

(Interpretative )8. What is the another word for "unmolested"?

a. unharmed
b. unseen
c. unalarmed
d. unfeeling
(Interpretative) 9. What is mean by "startled"?

a. unaffected
b. surprise
c. unafraid
d. astonished

(Interpretative) 10. What is mean by "prank"?

a. serious
b. honesty
c. Joke

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