NCM107 - Prelim - Teratogenic Maternal Infection and Psychological Changes in Pregnancy - Miss Cabalang
NCM107 - Prelim - Teratogenic Maternal Infection and Psychological Changes in Pregnancy - Miss Cabalang
NCM107 - Prelim - Teratogenic Maternal Infection and Psychological Changes in Pregnancy - Miss Cabalang
- is any factor, chemical or physical that
adversely affects the fertilized ovum, Prenatal Diagnosis
embryo or fetus
Placental thickening with a "frosted glass"
Factors Affecting the Amount Can Cause
Cerebral ventricular dilatation, usually
symmetrical and bilateral and leads, to
Timing - before implantation - zygote is hydrocephalus
destroyed/appear unaffected
Hyper-echogenic fetal bowel.
- 2nd to 8th weeks - very vulnerable to injury
Hepato-splenomegaly and hepatic densities,
- Last trimester - potential harm decreases pleural, pericardial effusions and ascites
Teratogens affinity for specific tissue If diagnosis is established serum analysis during
- Lead - attacks and disables nervous tissue pregnancy sulfonamides is precribed
- Tetracycline - enamel deficiencies, long bone pyrimethamine- antiprotozoal agent
Remove cat from the home during pregnancy is
not necessary as long as its healthy
Taking new cat is unwise
Avoid undercooked meat
Avoid changing cat litter box or work in soil
area whre cats may defecate.
- Immunologic survey that determine whether these
infections exist in either the pregnant women or
the newborn.
Protozoan infection Mode of Transmission
Spread commonly through handling cat stool in Rubella virus is transmitted, through person-to-
soil or cat litter person contact or droplets shed from the
Almost no symptoms except for body malaise respiratory secretions of infected people.
and posterior lymphadenopathy Infection can be communicated 7days before
May cause CNS damage, hydrocephalus, and 4 days after appearance of rash.
microcephaly, intracerebral calcification, retinal Rash appears 2-3 weeks following exposure &
deformities. persist for three days.
Serologic screening (VDL or plasma reagin) on
Member of herpes virus
the 1st prenatal visit
Transmitted through droplet inection from
person-to person Clinical Manifestations
Infant may be born: Fetal:
o Neurologically challenge (hydrocephalus, o Stillbirth
microcephaly) o Neonatal death
o Eye damage ( optic atrophy, chorioretinitis) o Hydrops fetalis
o Deafness
Intrauterine death in 25%
o Chrionic liver disease
o Blueberry muffin lesions Perinatal mortality in 25-30% if untreated
Early congenital (typically 1st 5 weeks):
o Cutaneous lesions (palms/soles)
o Jaundice
o Anemia
o Snuffles
o Periostitis and metaphysial dystrophy
o Funisitis (umbilical cord vasculitis)
Late congenital:
o Frontal bossing
o Short maxilla
o High palatal arch
o Hutchinson teeth
o 8th nerve deafness
Diagnosis o Saddle nose
Isolation of CMV antibodies in serum o Perioral fissures
Can be prevented with appropriate treatment
CMV - Prenatal USG
Oligo-hydramnios Treatment
Poly-hydroamnios Penicillin G is THE drug of choice for ALL syphilis
IUGR infections
Fetal ascites, Hyperechogenic bowel Maternal treatment during pregnancy very
effective (overall 98% success)
Microcephaly, ventriculomegaly
Treat newborn if:
Intracranial calcification
Mother was treated <4wks before delivery
Maternal titers do not show adequate response
Prevention (less than 4-fold decline)
Thorough hand washing before eating
Avoid crowds of young children RH sensitization
There are blood types A,B,AB,O. Each of these
NO TREATMENT FOR THE INFECTION EXIST. blood types has specific proteins on the surfaces
of their RBCs. Each of the four blood types is
additionally classified according to the presence
Made by MIjelyn V. Bantigue
of another protein on the surface of the RBCs (D Management
factor) that indicates the Rh factor.
If you carry this protein, you are Rh positive. If RhIG (commercial preparation of passive
you don't carry the protein, you are Rh negative. antibodies against Rh factor) is administered to
women at 28 wks of pregnancy.
Rh incompatibility occurs ONLY when an Rh- •After birth, infants blood type will be
negative mother is carrying a fetus with an Rh- determined by Coomb's test.
positive blood type. If this occur, the father of -If it is Rh-positive/Coomb's negative, indicating
the child muat either be homozygous (DD) or that a large number of antibodies are not
heterozygous (Dd) Rh positive. present in the mother, the mother will recieve
Father is homozygous - 100% the baby will be RgIG injection. -If it is Rh-negative baby, no
Rh positive (Dd) antibodies have been formed during pregnacy,
Father is heterozygous - 50% the baby will be antibody injection is unnecessary.
Rh positive (Dd)
When Rh-positive fetus grow inside an Rh- Anemia
negative mother, it is as though her body is • Anemia is the common medical disorder during
being invaded bya foreign agent. pregnancy
As a result: • Greek meaning "without blood"
She forms antibodies against invading substance • Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common type
Entire RBC is destroyed (Rh factor exist in the of anemia during pregnancy
RBC). It crosses the placenta and causes • 25% direct maternal deaths
Fetus become deficient of oxygen (hemolytic IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA
disease of the newborn or erythroblastosis occurs as many as 15-20% of all pregnacies
fetalis). When the hemoglobin level is below 10mg/dl,
IDA is suspected
Risk Factors Causes:
Abdominal trauma, such as from a car accident. o Diet low in iron
Abdominal surgery, such as a cesarean section. o Heavy menstrual period
Placenta abruptio or placenta previa, both of o Unwise weight reducing programs
which can cause placental bleeding.
External cephalic version for a breech fetus.
Microcytic and hypochromic RBC
Obstetric procedures such as amniocentesis, fetal
blood sampling, or chorionic villus sampling Reduced hemoglobin and hematocrit level (under
(CVS). 33% and 10mg/dl)
Miscarriage (spontaneous abortion), ectopic Serum tranferrin- under 100mg/dl
pregnancy, or elective abortion (medical or
surgical abortion) after 8 weeks of fetal age
(when fetal blood cell production begins). Effects on the baby
Partial molar pregnancy involving fetal growth Low birth rate
beyond 8 weeks. Preterm birth
Ectopic Pregnancy
Hyperemesis Gravidarum Pregnancy that develops outside a woman's
pernicious vomiting uterus (womb).
may result in weight loss; nutritional deficiencies; This happens when the fertilized egg from the
and abnormalities in fluids, electrolyte levels, ovary does not implant itself normally in the
and acid-base balance. uterus. Instead, the egg develops somewhere
else in the abdomen. The products of this
Factors Causing Hyperemesis Gravidarum conception are abnormal and cannot develop
High levels of hCG (human chorionic into fetuses.
gonadotropin). Ectopic pregnancy is usually found in the first 5-
Increased estrogen levels. 10 weeks of pregnancy.
Gastrointestinal changes.
Stress and
The most common place that ectopic pregnancy
High-fat diet.
occurs is in one of the fallopian tubes.
Distinguishing between Morning Sickness and Ectopic pregnancies also can be found on the
Hyperemesis Gravidarum outside of the uterus, on the ovaries, or attached
to the bowel.
The primary treatment for hydatidiform mole is
suction D&C.
After the surgical evacuation of a hydatidiform
mole, all patients should be monitored as follows
o hCG level should be measured 48 hours
after evacuation.
Surgery o hCG level should be determined weekly until
results are normal for 3 consecutive weeks,
Surgery is the final possibility in treatment of an then monthly until results are normal for 6 to
ectopic pregnancy. 12 consecutive months
The therapy for ruptured ectopic pregnancy is Pelvic examinations should be performed to
laparoscopy to ligate the bleeding vessels and monitor the involution of pelvic structures (e.g.,
to remove or repair the damaged tube. ovaries, uterus) and to aid in early detection of
Chances of Future Pregnancy
Repeat chest radiograph if the hCG titer
The chance of future pregnancy depends on the plateaus or rises
status of the adnexa left behind. The chance of
recurrent ectopic pregnancy is about 10% and
depends on whether the affected tube was
repaired (salpingostomy) or removed
Hydatidiform Mole
Gestational trophoblastic disease is the
proliferation and degeneration of the
trophoblastic villi.
As cells degenerate they become filled with fluid
appear to be as grape size vesicles. With this