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Chemical & Petroleum Engineering Department, U.A.E. University, Al-Ain, P.O. Box 17555, U.A.E.
Chemical Engineering Department, University of Jordan, Amman, 11942, Jordan
*Corresponding author: [email protected]


The rheological behaviour of sodium alginate/chitosan blends was examined at several mix-
ture ratios. While both polymers exhibited nearly the same viscosity at low concentrations (1.0
and 2.0 w%), chitosan solutions had higher viscosity and greater deviation from Newtonian be-
haviour at high solution concentrations (3.0-5.0 w%). The viscosity of alginate/chitosan mixtures
was substantially increased. Blends containing predominantly one component were of higher vis-
cosity than blends with approximately equal proportions of both polymers. The viscosity of algi-
nate solutions was strongly affected by the addition of electrolytes, with BaCl2 exerting the great-
est effect on the alginate viscosity and shear thinning behaviour.

- Keywords: alginate, chitosan, electrolyte, rheology, shear thinning -

196 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 25 - 2013

1. INTRODUCTION The application and acceptability of foods and
pharmaceuticals are often dependent on the
Over the past decade, there has been a surge of flow properties of the final product. Rheological
interest in natural polymers obtained from renew- measurements are an important means of de-
able sources. Approximately 30,000 metric tons/ termining the flow and deformation behaviour
year of sodium alginates are currently used in the of materials and can not only improve efficien-
food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, textile, and pa- cy in processing but can also help formulators
per industries as thickening, stabilizing, and gel- and end users design products that are optimal
ling agents. Alginate is a structural biopolymer ob- for their individual needs.
tained from brown seaweeds, with a wide range of Although many researchers have investigat-
applications in food, pharmacy, agriculture, and ed the rheology and flow properties of alginate-
environmental science due to its natural origin and based (CLEMENTI et al., 1998; OUWERX et al.,
non-toxicity (PAMIES et al., 2010). Alginates are 1998; GOMEZ-DIAZ and NAVAZA, 2004; SIME-
naturally derived linear copolymers of 1,4-linked ONE and GUIDO, 2004; TAYLOR et al., 2005; FU-
β-D-mannuronic acid (M) and α-L-guluronic acid NAMI et al., 2009; VALLÉE et al., 2009; De CE-
residues (G). The way in which these M and G units LIS ALONSO et al., 2010; PAMIES et al., 2010;
are arranged in the chain and the overall M/G ra- RIBEIRO et al., 2011) and chitosan-based (JI-
tio in a chain varies between seaweed species (OU- ANG et al., 1999; MONTEMBAULT et al., 2005;
WERX et al., 1998; LU et al., 2006). CHO et al., 2006; KEMPE et al., 2008; HU et al.,
The utility of alginates is based on three 2011; LI et al., 2010; MIR et al., 2011) materi-
main properties. The first is their ability, when als, only limited studies of the flow properties
dissolved in water, to increase the viscosity of of alginate/chitosan blends have been reported
aqueous solutions. The second is their ability to (SHON et al., 2007).
form gels when a calcium salt is added to a so- In this study, the flow properties of sodium
lution of sodium alginate in water (MOE et al., alginate, chitosan, and their blends at several
1995; LU et al., 2006). The third property is the ratios were studied. In addition, the effect of di-
ability to form films of sodium or calcium algi- valent and trivalent electrolytes (CaCl2, BaCl2,
nate and fibers of calcium alginate (RIBEIRO et and AlCl3) on the flow behaviour of alginate was
al, 2011). Alginates have a wide range of appli- characterized.
cations, including the controlled release of me-
dicinal drugs and other chemicals (AL-MUSAA et
al., 2010) and as thickeners in the food indus-
try (GOMEZ-DIAZ and NAVAZA, 2004). 2.1 Materials
Chitosan is a derivative of chitin (a natural
polysaccharide) which may be prepared by N- The materials used in this study were supplied
deacetylation of chitin in an alkaline medium by the Jordanian Pharmaceutical Manufactur-
(RINAUDO, 2006; KEMPE et al., 2008). Chitin is ing Co. (Naor, Jordan). Sodium alginate with a
the second most abundant natural polymer in molecular weight of 14,000-200,000 (Protanal
the world and is biorenewable, biocompatible, LF120, C6O7H6Na) was obtained from Protan Bi-
environmentally friendly, biodegradable, and bi- opolymers. Chitosan (molecular weight 8,000-
ofunctional (RINAUDO, 2006; HUE et al., 2010). 12,000) was obtained from Qingdao Rich Wa-
Chitosan is frequently used in biomedical, food, ters Industrial Ltd, China. The metal salts used
drug, and cosmetic applications (CHO et al., as crosslinking materials were calcium chloride
2006; KEMPE et al., 2008; Phuoc et al., 2011). dihydrate (Riedel de Haen analytical grade), bar-
When alginate is mixed with chitosan, strong ium chloride dihydrate (Merck analytical grade
ionic interactions occur between the carboxyl res- BaCl2 · 2H2O), and aluminium chloride hexa-
idues of the alginate and the amino terminals of hydrate (Merck analytical grade AlCl3 · 6H2O).
the chitosan, forming a polyelectrolyte complex.
This complex does not dissolve in the presence 2.2 Rheological measurements
of anti-gelling cations, and thus may be used to
stabilize the gel and reduce the porosity of al- The rheological properties of the prepared gel
ginate beads (ALBARGHOUTHI et al., 2000). Re- solutions were determined using a concentric
cently, oral controlled-release systems involving cylinder Chan 35 viscometer, which is equipped
alginate microspheres, sometimes coated with with an inner cylinder rotating inside a station-
chitosan to improve mechanical strength, have ary outer cylinder. The shear stress (τ) of the
been tested as a way of delivering various drugs samples was measured as a function of shear
(CHATCHAWALSAISIN et al., 2004; COPPI and IAN- rate (γ⋅) at a constant temperature of 25°±0.1°C.
NUCCELLI, 2009; FINOTELLI et al., 2010; CHÁVAR- The shear rate was varied from 1.70 to 1002 s-1.
RI et al., 2010; LUCINDA-SILVA et al., 2010; XING To predict the apparent viscosity (η) the follow-
et al., 2010). In addition, the alginate/chitosan ing equation was used:
polyelectrolyte system has been used to produce
fibrous scaffolds (WANG et al., 2010). τ = ηγ⋅ (1)

Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 25 - 2013 197

Fig. 1 - The apparent viscosity of alginate solution at differ- Fig. 2 - The apparent viscosity of chitosan solution at dif-
ent concentrations. ferent concentrations.

Rheological experiments were carried out chitosan solutions was modelled using the two-
in duplicate with an average reproducibili- parameter power-law model, which is the most
ty of ±5%. The average values were used for frequently used model for alginate (MANCINI et
analysis. al., 1996; CLEMENTI et al., 1998; GOMEZ-DIAZ
and NAVAZA, 2004) solutions. It is given by:
2.3 Preparation of solutions
η = mγ⋅ n‑1 (2)
Solutions of alginate and chitosan were pre-
pared based on mass/volume percentage (0.5 where η is the apparent viscosity, m is the con-
– 5.0% w/v) using an electronic balance (MET- sistency coefficient, γ⋅ is the shear rate, and n is
TLER, 200) with a precision of ± 0.1 mg. The al- the flow behaviour index.
ginate was dissolved in distilled water while the As shown in Figs. 1 and 2, the rheological be-
chitosan was prepared in an acidic medium. The haviour of alginate and chitosan can be well de-
chitosan solution was prepared by mixing an ap- scribed by the power law model. The parameters
propriate amount of chitosan into distilled wa- of power-law model obtained by non-linear re-
ter containing 1.0 vol.% acetic acid and stirring gression at different polymer concentrations are
using a magnetic stirrer until the solutes were reported in Table 1.
completely dissolved. Alginate-chitosan (ALG- Referring to Table 1, the chitosan solutions
CS) blends were prepared at various volume ra- displayed greater deviation from Newtonian be-
tios (4:1, 3:2, 2:3, and 1:4) by mixing appropri- haviour (n = 1) than the alginate solutions at
ate volumes of 1.0 wt % alginate and chitosan high concentrations. In addition, the shear thin-
solutions. ning behaviour of chitosan increased with con-
In the crosslinking experiments, 1.0 g of al- centration, while it was nearly constant in the
ginate was dissolved in 80 mL of distilled wa- case of alginate solutions. PAMIES et al. (2010)
ter and various amounts of salt (0.05-0.50 g) observed that the shear thinning effect in algi-
were dissolved in 20 mL of water. The salt so- nate solutions is due to disentanglement of the
lution was added dropwise to the alginate so- polymer chains. Both solutions have compara-
lution to obtain a concentration of 0.05-0.5 g ble viscosity at low concentration, while chitosan
electrolyte/g alginate. solutions had greater viscosity at concentrations
of 4.0 and 5.0 wt %. This is also apparent in the
m values reported in Table 1 and plotted in Fig.
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3 as a function of concentration, where a signif-

Pure solutions of alginate and chitosan dis-

played shear thinning behaviour at all concen- Table 1 - Regressed parameters of power-law model for al-
ginate and chitosan solutions.
trations studied, in which the apparent viscosi-
ty decreased with increasing shear rate (Figs. 1 Solution m (mPa ) n (-) R2
and 2). This behaviour is expected as the shear- Conc.
ing of the polymer chains causes disruption of (w/v %) Alginate Chitosan Alginate Chitosan Alginate Chitosan
the three dimensional structure through break-
ing of primary and secondary bonds. In addition, 1.0 2,753 1,296 0.61 0.90 0.965 0.997
Figs. 1 and 2 indicate the increase in alginate 2.0 5,972 8,203 0.80 0.86 0.998 0.991
and chitosan solution viscosity with increasing 3.0 44,945 37,603 0.82 0.80 0.998 0.998
polymer concentration. 4.0 71,459 122,552 0.82 0.70 0.999 0.996
5.0 90,193 488,860 0.82 0.62 0.996 0.999
The non-Newtonian behaviour of alginate and

198 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 25 - 2013

both polymers. SHON et al. (2007) reported that
mixtures of alginate and chitosan had substan-
tially increased viscosities, and that this increase
is related to the formation of a polyelectrolyte
complex (PEC). This theory explains the light tur-
bidity observed upon mixing the two polymers.
A polyelectrolyte complex is formed by the as-
sociation of two or more polymers through elec-
trostatic interactions, for example the polyca-
tionic chitosan interacting with polyanionic algi-
nate through proton transfer (SHON et al., 2007).
MENG et al. (2009) observed that films formed
from alginate-chitosan blends exhibited differ-
ent mechanical properties depending upon the
composition ratio of the two polysaccharides.
Fig. 3 - Dependence of m values of alginate and chitosan on Table 2 reveals a significant enhancement in
solution concentration.
m values in the alginate/chitosan blends. In ad-
dition, the mixing process alters the rheological
behaviour of the solution, with the flow behav-
iour indices (n) of the blends varying between
those of pure chitosan and pure alginate. This
phenomenon indicates that crosslinking of al-
ginate with chitosan significantly increases the
viscosity of the solution while at the same time
reducing the shear thinning behaviour.
It is known that alginates exhibit character-
istic ion binding to multivalent cations and that
this forms the basis for their gelling properties.
Cation binding leads to the formation of covalent
bonds and precipitation of an insoluble hydrogel.
The crosslinking process stiffens and roughens
the polymer and reduces swelling in solvents (AL-
MUSAA et al., 1999). In the final portion of this
investigation, 1.0 wt % pure alginate solutions
Fig. 4 - The apparent viscosity of alginate-chitosan blends.
were crosslinked using various concentrations
(0.05 – 0.50 g crosslinker/g alginate) of CaCl2,
BaCl2, and AlCl3. Adding salts to alginate solu-
icant increase in m values was detected in the tions resulted in an increase in the solution vis-
chitosan solutions. Fig. 3 also indicates that the cosity. PAMIES et al. (2010) demonstrated that
consistency coefficient of the alginate solutions addition of salts produces large changes in the
increased linearly with increasing solution con- viscosity of alginate solutions. The viscosity in-
centration, while the dependence of the m val- creased with the addition of small amounts of....
ue of chitosan on the solution concentration is due to hydrogel formation, but this effect was
described by an exponential relationship. This reduced when NaCl was added instead. In this
is because for very dilute solutions, the polymer study, barium chloride exerted the greatest ef-
coils are widely separated and do not overlap. At fect on alginate viscosity in the concentration
a critical concentration marking the transition range under examination (Fig. 5). The addition
from the extremely dilute to the dilute concen- of 0.05 g of BaCl2 to one gram of alginate in-
tration region, the hydrodynamic volumes of in- creased the solution viscosity by a factor of 2.5,
dividual coils begin to touch. As the concentra-
tion is increased further, the coils begin to over-
lap, eventually resulting in the formation of en- Table 2 - Regressed values of power law model for alginate
tanglements that significantly increase viscosity. – chitosan blends of 1.0 w % polymer solutions.
In the second part of this study, alginate-chi-
tosan blends containing 1.0 wt % total polymer Blend Ratio m (mPa ) n (-) R2
concentration were prepared and their rheologi- Alginate/Chitosan
cal behaviour was compared with the behaviour
of pure solutions (Fig. 4). All blends exhibited Pure alginate (1.0 w %) 2,753 0.61 0.965
Pure chitosan (1.0 w %) 1,296 0.90 0.997
higher viscosity than the pure solutions. There 4/1 14,322 0.73 0.990
was no general trend in the viscosity increase, 3/2 6,032 0.81 0.989
but blends predominantly containing either al- 2/3 5,466 0.81 0.971
ginate or chitosan were of higher viscosity than 1/4 9,222 0.75 0.986
blends with approximately equal proportions of

Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 25 - 2013 199

Fig. 5 - The effect of different salts on the apparent viscos- Fig. 6 - The effect of BaAl2 concentration on the apparent
ity of alginate solution. viscosity of alginate solution.

ride concentration led to a substantial increase

and adding 0.5 g of BaCl2 increased the viscos- in the consistency coefficient (m) which reflects
ity by a factor of 25. CaCl2 exhibited a greater the solution viscosity, and to a significant in-
crosslinking effect than AlCl3 (Fig. 5). OUWERX crease in the shear thinning behaviour, i.e. an
et al. (1998) found that the Young’s modulus of increase in the deviation from Newtonian behav-
alginate beads in the presence of Ba cations is iour. This is due to the increase in the degree of
greater than in the presence of Ca cations. It bonding in the crosslinked solution as the shear-
has been reported in the literature (PAMIES et ing of the polymer chains caused breaking of pri-
al., 2010) that when divalent cations are added mary and secondary bonds and produced a sig-
to a solution of sodium alginate, a polymer net- nificant decrease in the apparent viscosity with
work is formed. The properties of these networks increasing shear rate.
are dependent on the quantity of cations added.
This reversible gelation is due to the capacity of
divalent ions to link with alginate chains and in- 4. CONCLUSIONS
duce a conformational change. Divalent cations
link with GG blocks of alginate according to the Alginate and chitosan solutions (0.5-5.0 wt %
egg-box model (FUNAMI et al., 2009). The cati- concentration) behaved as shear thinning ma-
ons are located between the polymer chains in a terials. Blending alginate and chitosan modified
3-dimensional structure in which the polymers the rheological behaviour, increasing the viscos-
are ordered and form gaps in a manner similar ity and altering the shear thinning behaviour to
to an egg-box and in which the cations play the an intermediate value between the behaviour of
role of the eggs. Based on this model, the strong pure alginate and pure chitosan. Addition of di-
effect of Ba+2 on the alginate viscosity could be valent and trivalent salts produced large chang-
attributed to the larger size of Ba+2 cations rela- es in the viscosity of alginate solutions. The vis-
tive to and 3 cations (Burgess, 1978), which re- cosity increased significantly with the addition
duces the gap size between the polymer chains of small amounts of BaCl2, but the effect was re-
and causes greater resistance to flow. duced when the added salt was CaCl2 or AlCl3.
Increasing the concentration of BaCl2 re- The increase in viscosity was highly dependent
sulted in a substantial increase in the degree on the salt concentration and substantially in-
of crosslinking in the alginate solution (Fig. 6), creased the deviation from Newtonian behaviour.
causing a corresponding large increase in so-
lution viscosity. As the barium content is in-
creased, the probability of cation-mediated as- Table 3 - Regressed parameters of power law model for
sociation increases, causing greater resistance crosslinked 1.0w % alginate solution.
to flow (PAMIES, 2010). Changes in CaCl2 and
m (mPa ) n (-)
AlCl3 concentrations did not produce the clear
g salt/
effect on the degree of alginate crosslinking as g alginate BaCl2 CaCl2 AlCl3 BaCl2 CaCl2 AlCl3
did BaCl2. In the case of AlCl3, no increase in
alginate viscosity was observed at concentra- 0.0 2,753 0.61
tions of up to 0.20 g salt/g alginate. The effect 0.05 6,348 3,989 3,016 0.61 0.58 0.70
of salt concentration on the rheological param- 0.1 14,574 4,017 4,230 0.55 0.59 0.63
eters of 1.0 wt % alginate solution is presented 0.15 21,730 4,129 5,006 0.53 0.62 0.60
in Table 3. Increasing the salt concentration in- 0.2 79,678 5,286 8,626 0.39 0.57 0.50
creased the consistency coefficient value (m) of 0.3 198,671 6,655 10,030 0.30 0.60 0.48
0.4 252,242 14,230 10,210 0.28 0.60 0.47
the alginate solution and decreased the flow be- 0.5 266,282 65,418 12,110 0.27 0.46 0.45
haviour index (n). Increasing the barium chlo-

200 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 25 - 2013

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Paper received December 15, 2011 Accepted October 29, 2012

Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 25 - 2013 201

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