Ayan Das 16401722005 BO-303

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Types of Immunity

Name:-Ayan Das
University Roll No.:-16401722005
Stream:-Bachelor of Optometry
Subject:- Microbiology and Pathology (General and Ocular)
Subject Code:-BO-303

Immunity is the ability of the body to defend itself against disease-causing organisms.
Everyday our body comes in contact with several pathogens, but only a few result in
diseases. The reason is, our body has the ability to release antibodies against these
pathogens and protects the body against diseases. This defense mechanism is called

Types of Immunity
There are two major types of immunity:

1. Innate Immunity or Natural or Non-specific Immunity.

2. Acquired Immunity or Adaptive Immunity.
Innate Immunity
This type of immunity is present in an organism by birth.This is activated immediately
when the pathogen attacks. Innate immunity includes certain barriers and defense
mechanisms that keep foreign particles out of the body.Innate immunity refers to the
body’s defense system.This immunity helps us by providing the natural resistance
components including salivary enzymes, natural killer cells, intact skin and neutrophils,
etc. which produce an initial response against the infections at birth prior to exposure to
a pathogen or antigens.

Types of Barriers
There are four types of barriers present in innate immunity which keeps intruders from entering
the body and causing disease. They are-

● Physical barriers- the physical barriers prevent the entry of pathogens and foreign
agents into the body. Physical barriers include skin, mucus, digestive tract
membranes, and traps of respiratory and urogenital which traps entering
● Physiological barriers- these barriers are physiological secretions. Their function is to
prevent growth of microorganisms which are capable of passing the physical barrier.
These include sweat, saliva, tears and acid secreted in the stomach.
● Cellular barriers- these barriers destroy and eliminate microbes that enter the body. It
is carried out by white blood cells such as leukocytes, monocytes, natural killer cells,
and macrophage. They do so by phagocytosis.
● Cytokine barriers- the cells which have been infected by virus starts secreting
interferons which prevents the spread of infection. They protect the non-infected cells
from infection.

Types of Innate Immunity

It is of three types-

1) Species Immunity
Species immunity is the total immunity shown by all members of a species against pathogens;
e.g. birds immune to tetanus.

2) Racial Immunity
Racial immunity is that in which various races show marked differences in their resistance to
certain infectious diseases.

3) Individual Immunity
Individual immunity is very specific for each and every individual despite having same racial
background and opportunity for exposure.

Acquired Immunity
Acquired immunity or adaptive immunity is the immunity that our body acquires or gains over
time. Unlike the innate immunity, this is not present by birth.The ability of the immune system
to adapt itself to disease and to generate pathogen-specific immunity is termed as acquired
immunity. It is also known as adaptive immunity.An individual acquires the immunity after
the birth, hence is called as the acquired immunity.

Types of Acquired Immunity

On the Basis of Mode of development it can be divided into two types,those are,

1.Active Immunity
Active immunity is the body's ability to produce its own antibodies and immune memory in
response to exposure to a pathogen or a vaccine. It provides long-lasting protection against
specific diseases, as the immune system "learns" to recognize and fight off these pathogens
upon future encounters.It is induced by natural exposure to a pathogen or by vaccination.It
can be categorized into 2 types,

● Naturally Acquired active immunity:

Antibodies developed in response to infection or viruses.

● Artificially Acquired active immunity:

Antibodies developed in response to vaccination.

2.Passive Immunity
Passive immunity is the temporary transfer of pre-made antibodies from one individual (or
source) to another. It provides immediate but short-lived protection against specific
pathogens and does not create lasting immune memory. This immunity can be acquired
naturally (e.g., maternal antibodies) or artificially (e.g., through antibody injections).It can be
categorized into 2 types,
● Naturally Acquired passive immunity:

Antibodies usually received from mother by the child.e.g-Breast milk

● Artificially Acquired Passive Immunity

Antibodies acquired from an immune serum medicine.

On the basis of Effector molecules Acquired Immunity can be categorized into 2

types,those are,

1.Humoral Immunity

Humoral immunity is a crucial component of the immune system responsible for defending
the body against pathogens like bacteria and viruses. It primarily involves the production of
antibodies, which are proteins created by B cells. These antibodies circulate in the
bloodstream and other bodily fluids, targeting and neutralizing specific antigens on the
surface of invaders. Humoral immunity plays a key role in providing long-lasting protection,
often through memory B cells that "remember" previous encounters with pathogens, allowing
for a faster and more effective immune response upon re-exposure.

2.Cell mediated Immunity

Cell-mediated immunity is a vital component of the immune system's defense against

pathogens. Unlike antibody-based immunity, which is characteristic of humoral immunity,
cell-mediated immunity relies on specialized immune cells, primarily T lymphocytes or T
cells.T cells play a central role in cell-mediated immunity by recognizing and destroying
infected or abnormal cells directly. This immune response is crucial for combating
intracellular pathogens like viruses and some bacteria, as well as for surveilling and
eliminating cancerous cells.Cell-mediated immunity involves various types of T cells,
including cytotoxic T cells that kill infected cells, helper T cells that coordinate the immune
response, and regulatory T cells that help maintain immune balance.

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