Key For Schools Practice Test 1

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Test 1

There are 56 questions for Reading and Writing.

You have 1 hour and 10 minutes.

There are 25 questions for Listening.

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You have approximately 30 minutes

(including 8 minutes’ transfer time).

You will need a pen or pencil.

My name is:
Reading and Writing Part 1 Reading and Writing Part 2

Questions 1 – 5 Questions 6 – 10
Which notice (A – H) says this (1 - 5)? Read the sentences about going to the theatre.
Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.

Example: Answer:
0 You can’t leave the fire burning. 0 A B C D E F G H
Last Saturday Katy and I went to see a …… .
0 A B C
A theatre B play C role
1  ou have to be careful
not to hurt yourself.

2 G
 o straight if you want 6 It was about a witch that was …… of flying.
to see an exhibition. B A scared B interested C bad
3 W
 alking here is
dangerous. 7 I’m not very interested …… witches but I enjoyed it.
C A of B in C at
4 Y
 ou must enter this
area on foot.
8 T he main actress was not very …… at acting but she was funny.
5 Y
 ou must obey the A best B scared C good
directions to keep safe. D

9 K
 aty says she …… like to be an actress.
A would B good C want

10 I wouldn’t like to be an actor. I’m bad …… speaking in public.

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A in B of C at

2 Name: ©
Reading and Writing Part 3

Questions 11 – 15 Questions 16 – 20
Complete the five conversations. Complete the conversation between an athlete and an interviewer.
What does Gina say to the interviewer?

Example: Example:
0 Where did you go on your last holiday? Interviewer: Hi, Gina. Are you ready
A I was going to the shops. Answer: for another marathon? Answer:
B I went on a safari. A B C A B C D E F G H
0 Gina: 0 …C…. 0
C I was taking pictures.

Interviewer: How many A I was 20 years old so it was

11  hat were you doing when Dad arrived?
W marathons have you run? 10 years ago!
A I was fixing my bike.
B I left home really early. Gina: 16 ……
C Yes, I was. B O
 f course. I’ve also met the
Interviewer: When did you run love of my life!
12 W
 as Sam playing with the kids? your first marathon?
A They had a great time!
Gina: 17 …… C Yes, I’m excited!
B No, he wasn’t.
C It was a bad idea.
Interviewer: Have you
participated in other kinds
D Hi! You’re welcome!
13 W
 as the balloon trip exciting?
A We were descending when we saw 2 giraffes below us. of competitions?
B I would like to go on a trip. E O
 h, yes. I have cycled
Gina: 18 …… the Tour de France and
C It was the best experience ever!
I have swum across the
Interviewer: Wow! Tell us Gina,
14 W
 hat were you doing when you saw the herd of elephants? English Channel.
how do you prepare for your
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A We were walking down the hill.

B It was amazing!
C Yes, we were watching them. F No, my friends don’t like sports.
Gina: 19 ……
15 W
 here were your cousins having lunch? Interviewer: Have you made G I think this is number 6.
A It was delicious. friends with any athletes?
B I had a soup and a salad.
C In a restaurant near the airport. Gina: 20 …… H W
 ell, I eat healthy food,
I train every day and I sleep
Interviewer: Congratulations! a lot before any competition.

Name: 3
Reading and Writing Part 4

Questions 21 – 27 Example:
Read the article about a famous archaelogical site. 0 Petra lies between two seas. Answer:
Are the sentences 21 - 27 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? 0 A B C
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or
‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C).
21 P
 eople have referred to Petra using different names.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
Petra: lost city of stone
Petra is a very popular tourist attraction in 22 T hey built the city in a very convenient place.
Jordan. This ancient city is located between A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
the Dead Sea and the Red Sea.
It is also known as the Rose City due to
the colour of the rock from which the city 23 P
 eople who lived in Petra were very poor.
was carved. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
An ancient Arab tribe named the
Nabateans built Petra. This people
were nomadic but industrious and 24 T he inhabitants of Petra had difficulties getting water.
benefited from the proximity of Petra A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
to the regional trade routes, which
made them wealthy. The Nabateans
were also famous for highly effective 25 Y
 ou have to get to the entrance on foot.
water collecting methods. In fact, one of the spectacular A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
characteristics of Petra is its water conduit system. Experts
estimate that this system carried out about 40 million litres of
fresh spring water per day, enough to sustain its population of 26 Johann Ludwig discovered Petra by himself.
almost 30,000 people. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
Another fascinating characteristic of the Rose City is its

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extraordinary main entrance. To enter Petra, you have to pass
through a canyon of about 1 km, bound by tall cliffs. It’s a
27 P
 etra has been recognised by the UN as a significant landmark.
spectacular introduction to a remarkable historic site. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
Petra remained hidden to the outside world for centuries until
Johann Ludwig, a Swiss explorer, rediscovered it in 1812. This is
why it has also been called the Lost City. Since 1985, it has been
a UNESCO World Heritage site and, in 2007, it was named one
of the new seven wonders of the world.

4 Name: ©
Reading and Writing Part 5

Questions 28 - 35 Example: Answer:

Read the article about a famous novel. 0 A told B said C tell 0 A B C
Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.

28 A has B was C were

Dracula 29 A on B at C in
Last night my cousin was helping me with
my homework. I had to write a report 30 A told B said C asked
about a famous literary monster. He
(0) …… me about his favourite – the 31 A his B her C their
vampire Count Dracula.
It (28) …… written by an Irish writer called 32 A anything B nothing C something
Bram Stoker and published (29) …… 1897.
He (30) …… that the original title for the
novel was ‘The Dead Un-Dead’. 33 A nowhere B everything C everywhere
It is about a young lawyer, Jonathan
Harker, who travels to Transylvania to help a rich nobleman, 34 A in B at C from
Count Dracula, to buy an estate in England. As Harker is on
(31) ……way, people tell him about the dangers of his destination. 35 A asked B ask C said
He doesn’t believe (32) …… they say and decides to continue his
journey, but he is scared.
When Harker meets the Count he thinks (33) …… is fine as
Dracula seems polite and hospitable. After a few days, Harker
realises that he is a prisoner in the castle. He fears for his life
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and tries to escape (34) …… the castle by climbing down the

He didn’t tell me the end, but I had enough information to finish
my homework. And I (35) …… my parents to buy the book for
me. I would like to start reading it this summer!

Name: 5
Reading and Writing Part 6 Reading and Writing Part 7

Questions 36 - 40 Questions 41 - 50
Read the descriptions of some words about animals. Complete the blog entry about a girl who likes travelling.
What’s the word for each one? Write ONE word for each space.
The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other
letter in the word.
Example: 0 Thanks

0  If you go on a safari in Africa, e Hello dear fans of adventures. (0) …… for reading my blog and for
you may see this animal. loving extreme sports!
Answer: I’m spending this vacation in California. I (41) …… been to many
0 elephant
places. Last Wednesday, for example, I arrived at a wonderful
place called Sequoia National Park. There’s (42) …… amazing
about this park: it’s surrounded by the world’s largest living things,
the sequoia trees!
36 T his wild animal that looks
like a dog lives in the savanna. h It (43) …… been nice and warm so I went for a long walk very
early (44) …… the morning. There’s nothing like waking up here.
If you are looking (45) …… a mountain adventure, this is the place
37 T his bird has a large head and for you. You can find everything from cosy mountain lodges to
eyes and strong claws to hunt basic tent cabins. Park planners have created wonderful scenic
at night. o drives so you can see big trees, impressive peaks, canyons
(46) …… rivers.
38 T his is a group of animals that (47) …… are so many activities you can do that you will never get
live or are kept together. h bored. I don’t want (48) …… leave this place. I’ll share some photos
with you I’m sure you (49) …… find spectacular, but I will upload
them tomorrow to make things (50) …… interesting!
39 T his animal has a peculiar,
long neck. g Stay in touch for more details!

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40 T his tropical bird has a curved
beak and colourful feathers. p

6 Name: ©
Reading and Writing Part 8 Reading and Writing Part 9

Questions 51 - 55 Question 56
Read the advert and the email. Read the email from your cousin Sandy.
Fill in the information in Sam’s notes.

For Sale From: Sandy

Silver and blue boys’ bike To:
Hi cousin,
Suit 7-11 year old
I heard you’re back from holiday! When did you come back?
As new Which places did you visit?
Tyres need pumping up Did you enjoy the snow in the mountains? I’ve never seen
£120 snow. I want to know all about it! Send some pics, please!
Contact Tim at [email protected] Love,

To: Sam
Write an email to Sandy and answer the questions.
Hi Sam, Write 25 - 35 words.
Remember I told you I wanted to buy you a bike for your
birthday? I saw this advertisement and thought it sounded
good. What do you think? I contacted him and he said he
would accept an offer of £100 if you’re interested. You could
come to my office at 6 p.m. and we could go and see it
together if you want. Call me on 5398 654 987.
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Your uncle Albert

Sam’s notes

Brand of bike:    Radius

Colour: (51) ___________________
Cost: (52) ___________________
Meet Uncle Albert at: (53) ___________________
Call him on: (54) ___________________
Meeting time: (55) ___________________

Name: 7
Listening Part 1

Questions 1 – 5 3 What time does the play start?

You will hear five short conversations.
You will hear each conversation twice.
11 1 12 12
11 1 11 1
There is one question for each conversation. 10 2
10 2 10 2
For each question, choose the right answer (A, B or C). 99 3 9 3 9 3
Example: 8 4 8
7 5
4 8
7 5
0 Where did the boy go?
7 5 6 6

4 What does the teacher look like?

A B 3 C

1 What is the weather like at the campsite? A B C

5 What kind of film are they going to watch?

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2 How did Rita hurt herself? A B C


8 Name: ©
Listening Part 2 Listening Part 3

Questions 6 – 10 Questions 11 – 15
Listen to Cindy talking about jobs her family did on a camping trip. Listen to Adam talking to his friend Susie about his new activity.
What did each member of the family do? For each question choose the right answer (A, B or C).
For questions 6 – 10, write a letter A – H next to each person. You will hear the conversation twice.
You will hear the conversation twice.
Example: 0 What is the new activity A treasure hunting
0 Dad A
Adam does? B metal detecting
C geocaching 3
6 Sylvia A put up the tent
11 The object you hide is called a A ‘GPS’.
7 Matt
B packed the car B ‘cache’.
8 Mum C ‘geo’.
C did the shopping
9 Cindy 12 How do people find the objects? A 
from information
on a website
10 Everybody D found the campsite
B they use a map
E took down the tent C they look for clues

F washed the dishes 13 Who can play geocaching? A everybody

B club members
G did the cooking C people with training
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H lit the fire 14 The caches can be A teddy bears.

B plastic bags.
C small objects.

15 Adam has found A 5 caches.

B 10 caches.
C 50 caches.

Name: 9
Listening Part 4 Listening Part 5

Questions 16 – 20 Questions 21 – 25
You will hear a girl buying tickets for a play. You will hear a woman giving information about a sports centre.
Listen and complete each question. Listen and complete each question.
You will hear the conversation twice. You will hear the information twice.

Sports centre

Name of play: The Ghost House Name of sports centre: Sports Planet
Day: (16) Type of membership: (21)

Number of tickets girl buys: (17) Number of people: (22)

Time of performance: (18) Cost per year: (23)

Price per ticket: (19) Days open: (24)

Seats: (20) Times open: (25)

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You now have 8 minutes to write your answers on the answer sheet.

10 Name: ©
Speaking Part 2

Candidate A - your answers Candidate A - your questions

Visit to the ruins Camping Trip

For 6th year class • when?

Saturday, July 15th • cost?

Meeting place: park opposite school • pay for meals?

Cost per student £10 • what to bring

Leaving at 9 a.m. • when and where to meet

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Name: 11
Candidate B - your questions Candidate B - your answers

Visit to the ruins Camping Trip

• who? Friday 24th to Sunday 26th June

• when? Bring your tent, sleeping bag and warm clothes

• meeting place? Fee: £110 for 3 days

• departure time? Includes meals and park entrance.

• cost? Meeting place: school gym at 7 a.m.

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12 Name: ©


Reading and Writing Answer Sheet

Use a PENCIL (B or HB).
Rub out any answer you want to change with
a rubber.
For Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5:
Mark ONE letter for each question. 0 A B C
For example, if you think C is the right answer
to the question, mark your answer sheet like this:

Part 1 Part 2 Part

Part 33
1 A B C D E F G H 6 A B C 11 A B C 16 A B C D E F G H

2 A B C D E F G H 7 A B C 12 A B C 17 A B C D E F G H

3 A B C D E F G H 8 A B C 13 A B C 18 A B C D E F G H

4 A B C D E F G H 9 A B C 14 A B C 19 A B C D E F G H

5 A B C D E F G H 10 A B C 15 A B C 20 A B C D E F G H

Part 4 Part 5
21 A B C 28 A B C

22 A B C 29 A B C

23 A B C 30 A B C

24 A B C 31 A B C

25 A B C 32 A B C

26 A B C 33 A B C

27 A B C 34 A B C

35 A B C

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For Parts 6, 7 and 8:
Write your answers in the spaces next to the
numbers (36 to 55) like this: 0 example

Part 6 Part 7 Part 8

36 41 51
37 42 52
38 43 53
39 44 54
40 45 55

Part 9 (Question 56)

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Listening Answer Sheet

Use a PENCIL (B or HB).
Rub out any answer you want to change with
a rubber.
For Parts 1, 2, and 3:
Mark ONE letter for each question.
0 A B C
For example, if you think C is the right answer
to the question, mark your answer sheet like this:

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

1 A B C 6 A B C D E F G H 11 A B C

2 A B C 7 A B C D E F G H 12 A B C

3 A B C 8 A B C D E F G H 13 A B C

4 A B C 9 A B C D E F G H 14 A B C

5 A B C 10 A B C D E F G H 15 A B C

For Parts 4 and 5:

Write your answers in the spaces next to the
numbers (16 to 25) like this: 0 example

Part 4 Part 5
16 21
17 22
18 23
19 24
20 25


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