Mig PCB Testing
Mig PCB Testing
Mig PCB Testing
Fax: 02550-276647
11 Base Repair Depot
Air Force Station, Ojhar
Nasik – 422 221
1. Bids in sealed cover are invited for indigenous development of items/services listed in
Part II/ IV of this RFP. Please super-scribe the above mentioned Title, RFP number and date
of opening of the Bids on the sealed cover to avoid the Bid being declared invalid.
2. The address and contact numbers for sending Bids or seeking clarifications regarding
this RFP are given below -
(b) Postal address for sending the Bids: 11 Base Repair Depot,
Air Force Station Ojhar,
Nashik, Maharashtra-422221
(a) Part I – Contains general Information and Instructions for the bidders about the
RFP such as the time, place of submission and opening of tenders, Validity period of
tenders, etc.
(b) Part II – Contains essential details of the items/services required, such as the
Schedule of Requirements (SOR), Technical Specifications, Delivery Period, Mode of
Delivery and Consignee details.
(c) Part III – Contains Standard Conditions of RFP, which will form part of the
Contract with the successful Bidder.
(d) Part IV – Contains Special Conditions applicable to this RFP and which will also
form part of the contract with the successful Bidder.
(e) Part V – Contains Evaluation Criteria and Format for Price Bids.
4. This RFP is being issued with no financial commitment and the Buyer reserves the
right to change or vary any part thereof at any stage. Buyer also reserves the right to
withdraw the RFP, should it become necessary at any stage.
1. Last date and time for depositing the Bids. Up to 1030 Hrs on 14 Sep 23. The
sealed Bids should be deposited/reach by the due date and time. The responsibility to ensure
this lies with the Bidder.
2. Manner of depositing the Bids. Sealed Bids should be either dropped in the Tender
Box (During any working day i.e. MON to FRI between 0730 hrs to 1400 hrs) marked as
‘Tender Box Indigenisation’ at the depot guard room or sent by registered post at the
address given above, so as to reach by due date and time. Late tenders will not be
considered. No responsibility will be taken for postal delay or non-delivery/non-receipt of Bid
documents. Bids sent by FAX or e-mail will not be considered.
The proposals shall be submitted in single copy. Technical Bid and Commercial Bid
Proforma are placed at Annexure 1&2 respectively. It is to be noted that Technical and
Commercial Bid is to be submitted as per enclosed Performa only, failing which, will lead to
rejection of Technical and Commercial Offer. Both the Bids should be sealed in two separate
envelopes and suitably marked as ‘Technical Bid / ‘Commercial Bid’ giving reference and date
of this enquiry bid. Bids in which technical and commercial aspects are combined shall not be
considered. These two envelopes further are to be enclosed in a combined bigger envelope.
This envelope should be marked boldly as:
DUE ON 14 Sep 2023”
3. Time & Date for Opening of Bids: Bids will be opened on 14 Sep 23 at 1130
hrs. In case your representative wishes to attend the bid opening he/she should be in
possession of an authority letter (on the company’s letter head) from the competent authority
of the firm. In case due date is declared as closed holiday, the tender opening will be done on
next working day, at the same time or at any suitable date/time as intimated by the buyer.
7. Two Bid System. It is a Two-bid system and only the Technical Bid would be
opened on the time and date mentioned above. Date of opening of the Commercial Bid will be
intimated after acceptance of the Technical Bids. Commercial Bids of only those firms will
be opened, whose Technical Bids are found compliant / suitable after Technical
evaluation is done by the Buyer.
11. Clarification regarding contents of the Bids. During evaluation and comparison of
bids, the Buyer may, at its discretion, ask the bidder for clarification of his/her bid. The request
for clarification will be given in writing and no change in prices or substance of the bid will be
sought, offered or permitted. No post-bid clarification on the initiative of the bidder will be
12. Rejection of Bids. Canvassing by the Bidder in any form, unsolicited letter and post-
tender correction may invoke summary rejection. Conditional tenders will be rejected.
13. Unwillingness to Quote. Bidders unwilling to quote should ensure that intimation to
this effect reaches before the due date and time of opening of the Bid, failing which the
defaulting Bidder may be de-listed for the given range of items as mentioned in this RFP.
14. Validity of Bids: The Bids should remain valid till (at least 180 days), from the last
date of submission of the Bids.
Note:- DO/SO will be placed on the selected Firm for development of required
number of prototypes and for initial order quantity as specified in the RFP. However the
initial order quantity would be developed only after go ahead is given in writing by the
indigenisation agency after successful development and testing of prototypes sample
and issue of Local Certification / Provisional Clearance.
(a) The original material is not available with IAF and will have to be procured in
original/suitable aviation grade substitute in consultation with this depot.
(b) The drawing / specifications of the item are not available and will have to be
developed / generated by you. The same will have to be got approved before
proceeding with actual development.
(d) All qualification tests laid out in the QTP and/or others specified by Buyer, are to
be carried out at NABL / Government approved labs only and at the expenses of
Bidder, except for those tests where the testing agency is this Depot.
(e) All qualification test reports are to be rendered to this Depot at the time of
prototype delivery.
(f) The prototypes will need to undergo qualification tests, before their acceptance
and certification.
3. Two-Bid System: This is a two-bid system and bidders are required to furnish by
clause by clause compliance of specifications bringing out clearly the deviation from
specification, if any. The bidders are advised to submit the compliance statement in the
following format:-
Desirable QR
(Ref Annx-1 of Tech
6. Delivery Period: Delivery period for supply of prototype is (12 months), from the
effective date of contract. Please note that Contract can be cancelled unilaterally by the Buyer
in case items are not received within the contracted delivery period. Extension of contracted
delivery period will be at the sole discretion of the Buyer. However, this period will not include
time spent in the functional testing / various approvals. After successful Development of the
prototype and their certification, the delivery of IOQ should be completed by (03 months from
date of certification).
1. Law. The Contract shall be considered and made in accordance with the laws of the
Republic of India. The contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the
laws of the Republic of India.
2. Effective Date of the Contract. The contract shall come into effect on the date of
signatures of both the parties on the contract (Effective Date) – except when specifically
provided other-wise in the contract - and shall remain valid until the completion of the
obligations of the parties under the contract. The deliveries and supplies and performance of
the services shall commence from the effective date of the contract.
4. Penalty for use of Undue influence. The Seller undertakes that he has not given,
offered or promised to give, directly or indirectly, any gift, consideration, reward, commission,
fees, brokerage or inducement to any person in service of the Buyer or otherwise in procuring
the Contracts or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in relation to the
obtaining or execution of the present Contract or any other Contract with the Government of
India for showing or forbearing to show favour or not in favour to any person in relation to the
present Contract or any other Contract with the Government of India. Any breach of the
aforesaid undertaking by the Seller or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf
(whether with or without the knowledge of the Seller) or the commission of any offers by the
Seller or anyone employed by him or acting on his behalf, as defined in Chapter IX of the
Indian Penal Code, 1860 or the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1986 or any other Act enacted
for the prevention of corruption shall entitle the Buyer to cancel the contract and all or any
other contracts with the Seller and recover from the Seller the amount of any loss arising from
such cancellation. A decision of the Buyer or his nominee to the effect that a breach of the
undertaking had been committed shall be final and binding on the Seller. Giving or offering of
any gift, bribe or inducement or any attempt at any such act on behalf of the Seller towards
any officer/employee of the Buyer or to any other person in a position to influence any
officer/employee of the Buyer for showing any favour in relation to this or any other contract,
shall render the Seller to such liability/ penalty as the Buyer may deem proper, including but
not limited to termination of the contract, imposition of penal damages, forfeiture of the Bank
Guarantee and refund of the amounts paid by the Buyer.
6. Access to Books of Accounts. In case it is found to the satisfaction of the Buyer that
the Seller has engaged an Agent or paid commission or influenced any person to obtain the
contract as described in clauses relating to Agents/Agency Commission and penalty for use
of undue influence, the Seller, on a specific request of the Buyer, shall provide necessary
information/ inspection of the relevant financial documents/information.
8. Liquidated Damages. If the contractor fails to deliver the store thereof within the
Delivery Period, LD will be applicable as per the following:-
“A sum equivalent to 0.5% of the delivery price of delayed goods for each week or part
thereof, subject to the maximum ceiling of 10%, will be recovered from you as liquidated
damages (LD), with effect from delivery period.”
9. Termination of Contract. The Buyer shall have the right to terminate this contract in
part or in full in any of the following cases:-
(a) The delivery of the item is delayed for causes not attributable to Force Majeure
for more than 09 Month after the scheduled date of delivery.
(b) The Seller is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent.
(c) The delivery of material is delayed due to causes of Force Majeure by more
than 09 months provided Force Majeure clause is included in contract.
(d) The Buyer has noticed that the Seller has utilised the services of any agent in
getting this contract and paid any commission to such individual / company etc.
(e) As per decision of the Arbitration Tribunal.
11. Transfer and Sub-letting. The Seller has no right to give, bargain, sell, assign or
sublet or otherwise dispose of the Contract or any part thereof, as well as to give or to let a
third party take benefit or advantage of the present Contract or any part thereof.
12. Patents and other Industrial Property Rights.The prices stated in the present
Contract shall be deemed to include all amounts payable for the use of patents, copyrights,
registered charges, trademarks and payments for any other industrial property rights. The
Seller shall indemnify the Buyer against all claims from a third party at any time on account of
the infringement of any or all the rights mentioned in the previous paragraphs, whether such
claims arise in respect of manufacture or use. The Seller shall be responsible for the
completion of the supplies including spares, tools, technical literature and training aggregates
irrespective of the fact of infringement of the supplies, irrespective of the fact of infringement
of any or all the rights mentioned above.
15. TDS: As per of IT Act 1961 section 194(C) 1(ii) any person responsible for paying any
sum to any contractor for carrying out any work in pursuance of a contract between the
contractor and a specified person shall, at the time of credit of such sum to the account of the
contractor or at the time of payment there-of in case or by issue of a cheque or draft or by any
other mode, whichever is earlier, deduct an amount to 2% where the payment is being made
or credit is being given to a person other than an individual or a Hindu undivided family.
(a) All the testing charges are to be borne by the Firm, this includes, tests called for
/ required to be undertaken at CEMILAC approved / NABL accredited labs as a part of
specification generation / development testing as per QTP/test schedule. The tests will
be undertaken only in the presence of representatives of Buyer from IAF. The firm has
to intimate the IAF well in advance before the testing, so that the IAF representatives
are routed in time for witnessing the tests.
(ii) Copy of technical publications (to the extent available with IAF).
(d) Clear breakdown of the Development cost, Prototype Cost and Cost of initial
supply is to be indicated in the commercial bid, failing which quotation shall be treated
as invalid. Taxes applicable should also be clearly indicated and added to the total cost.
(e) The cost break up details will be checked and if felt necessary the Depot may
resort to examination of your books.
(f) The item is complex and technical bids may require time for study. Similarly time
will have to be given for successful bidders to come for opening of ‘Commercial Bid’.
Therefore, your offer should remain valid for at least 180 days (or more).
(h) Please quote the rates in figures as well as in words. Unit basic price and all
Government duties and taxes should be indicated separately. Government duties/taxes
etc. should be specified and spelt out clearly giving the current rate as applicable. If
there is discrepancy between unit price and cost price, the Unit price shall prevail. If
there is discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail. If
supplier does not accept the correction of the errors, his/her bid will be rejected.
(j) The firms are requested to intimate their latest status as a registered SSI.
Sl No Part No. Description requirement (Next
Five years)
(a) IGAP.798151.008 Supply module BSOI-29K-02 20
(b) 6E5.068.059 Monitoring Unit 20
(c) 6E5.087.026 Power unit 20
(Note:- L-1 will be decided separately for each line of spare indicated)
(l) Late Bids: Any bid received after the deadline for submission of bids shall be
rejected and returned unopened to the bidder
(a) Technical & Design details and all drawings/diagrams and type test schedule.
(b) Components/material details with source of purchasing.
(c) Bill of material.
(d) The summary of test results including Quality control checks
(e) Maintenance schedules/product manual where applicable.
(f) Trouble shooting manual, if applicable.
(g) The Firm should also submit a declaration that all bulk supplies in future the
same quality standards shall be maintained and all relevant documents mentioned in
Para 2 (a) to (f) shall be furnished with each lot.
(h) Rectifications if any shall be done by the Firm at his own cost. In case of any
amendments in specifications, he shall supply the bulk lot as per the amendments.
3. Long Term Support. Firms are to note that once the development costs are paid,
your firm’s commitment of continued supply at least for next 10 years will be a mandatory and
obligatory requirement of IAF. However, if considered necessary, you may like to give
escalation factors that may become applicable after a period mentioned by you. This factor
may be discrete figures or linked with some economic indicators.
5. Terms of payment:
(a) 100% payment shall be made only after acceptance of prototypes, IOQ and issuance
of Provisional Clearance / Local Certification. The developed item would be accepted
and approved by Self Reliance Committee at this depot / RCMA (Nasik). Type testing
lead-time may even extend till a period of 02 – 03 months after receipt of developed
item. Seller needs to submit the bills, only after all tests and certification process is
completed for prototype and IOQ.
(b) It will be mandatory for bidders to indicate their bank account numbers and other
relevant e-payment details so that payments could be made through ECS/EFT
mechanism instead of payment through cheque, where feasible. A copy of the model
mandate form prescribed by RBI to be submitted by Bidders for receiving payments
through ECS is at Form DPM-11 (Available in MoD website and can be given on
request). The user on production of the requisite documents will make the 100%
payment on delivery and acceptance.
7. Jurisdiction of Courts. The courts of the place from where the acceptance of
tender has been issued shall alone have jurisdiction to decide any dispute arising out of or in
respect of the contract.
8. Paying Authority:
The payment of bills will be made on submission of the following documents by the
Sellerto the Paying Authority, along with the bills.
10. OEM Certificate. In case the Bidder is not the OEM, the agreement certificate with
the OEM for sourcing the spares shall be mandatory. However, where OEMs do not exist,
minor aggregate and spares can be sourced from authorized Firms subject to quality
11. Specification. The Seller guarantees to meet the specifications as per Part-II of RFP
and to incorporate the modifications to the existing design configuration to meet the specific
requirement of the Buyer Services as per modifications/requirements recommended after the
Maintenance Evaluation Trials. The Seller before supply to the Buyer shall amend all
technical literature and drawings as per the modifications. The Seller, in consultation with the
Buyer, may carry out technical up gradation / alterations in the design, drawings and
specifications due to change in manufacturing procedures, indigenization or obsolescence.
This will, however, not in any way, adversely affect the end specifications of the equipment.
Changes in technical details, drawings,development/ repair and maintenance techniques
along with necessary tools as a result of up-gradation / alterations will be provided to the
Buyer free of cost within (30) days of affecting such up-gradation / alterations.
13. Franking clause: The following Franking clause will form part of the contract placed
on successful Bidder –
(a) Franking Clause in the case of Acceptance of Goods. The fact that the
goods have been inspected after the delivery period and passed by the Inspecting
Officer will not have the effect of keeping the contract alive. The goods are being
passed without prejudice to the rights of the Buyer under the terms and conditions of
the contract.
(b) Franking Clause in the case of Rejection of Goods. The fact that the
goods have been inspected after the delivery period and rejected by the Inspecting
14. Technical Bid (Annexure 1), Commercial Bid (Annexure 2) and Undertaking /
Commitment Certificate (Annexure3) etc. duly filled complete in all respects should be
submitted by Firm / firm.
15. Other Clauses: The item should be supplied with the original packing and the
seller shall provide packing and preservation of the equipment so as to ensure their safety
against damage in the condition of land, transshipment, storage handling and weather
hazards during transportation. The seller shall ensure that the stores are packed in containers
which are made sufficiently strong. The prototypes, IOQ and future bulk supplies, if any, are
to be marked with:
16. Pre dispatch inspection: The manufacturer/contractor must satisfy themselves that
the stores are in accordance with the terms of the contract and fully confirm to the required
specification, before delivery. Towards this, a pre-dispatch inspection shall be undertaken by
the certification agency of Buyer at the Firm premises. If the inspecting officer finds, during
the pre-inspection of the consignment, that the items are not made as per contract
specifications, the consignment is liable for rejection.
17. The cost (excluding taxes) quoted in the commercial bid for future bulk supplies,
should be valid upto 5 years, from the date of grant of provisional clearance / local
(a) Only those Bids will be evaluated which are found to be fulfilling all the eligibility
and qualifying requirements of the RFP.
(b) The L1 (Lowest Bidder) will be determined with reference to the development cost
+ cost of prototypes+ cost of initial order Qty(as mentioned in the RFP)+Other misc.
charges (Excluding taxes). The firm asking for lesser MOQ with more discounts will be
given preference. The ultimate cost to the buyer would be the deciding factor for ranking of
(c) The Bidders are required to spell out the rates of GST, in unambiguous terms;
otherwise their offers will be loaded with the maximum rates of duties and taxes for the
purpose of comparison of prices. If reimbursement of Customs duty / Excise Duty / VAT is
intended as extra, over the quoted prices, the Bidder must specifically say so. In the
absence of any such stipulation it will be presumed that the prices quoted are firm and
final and no claim on account of such duties will be entrained after the opening of tenders.
If a Bidder chooses to quote a price inclusive of any duty and does not confirm inclusive of
such duty so included is firm and final, he should clearly indicate the rate of such duty and
quantum of excise duty included in the price. Failure to do so may result in ignoring of
such offers summarily. If a Bidder is exempted from payment of Customs duty / Excise
Duty / VAT duty upto any value of supplies from them, they should clearly state that no
excise duty will be charged by them up to the limit of exemption which they may have. If
any concession is available in regard to rate/quantum of Customs duty / Excise Duty / VAT,
it should be brought out clearly. Stipulations like, excise duty was presently not applicable
but the same will be charged if it becomes leviable later on, will not be accepted unless in
such cases it is clearly stated by a Bidder that excise duty will not be charged by him even
if the same becomes applicable later on. In respect of the Bidders who fail to comply with
this requirement, their quoted prices shall be loaded with the quantum of excise duty
which is normally applicable on the item in question for the purpose of comparing their
prices with other Bidders. The same logic applies to Customs duty and VAT also.
(d) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by
multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price will prevail and the total price will
be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in
words will prevail for calculation of price.
2. Technical / Commercial Bid Format. The Technical and Commercial Bid Format
should be as per attached Proforma (Annexure 1 and 2respectively) and Bidders are
required to fill this up correctly with full details. Firms are required to submit full details on
separate sheets wherever applicable such as Man hours details / Bill of materials, etc.The
original RFP format duly stamped and signed by the Firm / firm on all the pages is also to
be submitted along with bidders letter pad.
1. List of Airborne/Non airborne items, if any, developed by your company for IAF / HAL /
DRDO / ISRO or any other agency.
2. How many of the above have been cleared by CEMILAC / RCMA. Give details with
their Certification Number.
6. Broad understanding of the testing requirement for present item(s) under development
and list the extent and type tests the product is likely to be subjected to for type approval and
also for bulk production clearance. The same to be tabulated and submitted as per format
Desirable QR
7. In case testing is supposed to be done by you, list the test facilities available with you
and the details of CEMILAC approved/NABL accredited test house/lab planned to be used for
the remaining tests, if any.
Remarks by CFA
Net Total
Net Total
(h) Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ), (if any) to be placed by IAF during Future Bulk Supply:
(Note: The MOQ sought by IAF is ……….)
The future cost should be applicable for the next 05 years (Five Years at least) from the date
of Certification.
Any failure of the prototype, IAF is not liable for any payment.
2. In case of any major reduction in cost due to change in Bill of Material / extent of usage of
COTS/Mil Grade Components or any other reason after the approval, I will incorporate corresponding
reduction in the bulk supply rates and inform your office of the same.
3. The following documents where applicable will be supplied to the IAF by me after successful
(a) Tech & Design details and all drawings/diagrams and type test schedule.
(b) Components / material details with source of purchasing.
(c) Exact Bill of material.
(d) The summary of test results (Life cycle test schedule/QTP/type test schedule)
(e) Maintenance schedules / product manual where applicable.
(f) Trouble shooting manual, if any.
4. I understand that on successful development of prototypes, IAF has the full right over the
design. Placement of Bulk order will be at the discretion of the IAF.
5. All Bulk supply items shall be supplied as per approved technical specifications and drawings.
A Conformance certificate, all documents pertaining to material analysis if any, procurement,
dimensional checks shall be furnished along with each supply.
6. I understand that it will be mandatory and obligatory for my firm to ensure continued supply at
least for the next 10 years once the development costs are paid. For this purpose I have indicated an
escalation factor in the commercial bid. All queries by IAF shall be duly responded by this firm. Any
failure to supply bulk items as per the terms of requirements, this firm will be liable for legal penal
action that may even involve full or partial recovery of development cost.
7. All, tools, dies, fixtures developed for fabrication of subject item are the property of the IAF and
these shall be solely utilized for fabrication of IAF items.
8. The firm undertakes that the specifications / operating parameter / other information provided
by IAF will be kept confidential and not be disseminated to any other party.