Witcher TRPG - Tavern Games

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Tavern Games

verybody needs a little diversion from time to time, and hitting the local tavern need not always end in a quick round of
E ale and an early night. The following chapter provides simple and efficient rules for classic games that players and GM’s
of the Witcher TRPG can pick up and enjoy; all without any prior knowledge or practice necessary.

Arm Wrestling Brawling

Players: 2 Players: 2 - 4
Engaging in a contest of Physique, participants must roll two Brawling is considered standard non-lethal combat between
consecutive successes in a row to defeat their opponent. With two contenders. Both participants fight bare-chested and
the first success, a participant begins to overpower their without armour. Neither knuckle or secret weapons are
opponent and the second success assures their victory! Each permitted, but all Brawling moves and actions are. The winner
round both participants expend 5 stamina, a participant also is the last one conscious.
wins if their opponent drops to an amount of stamina equal
to or below their wound threshold.

Dice Poker
Requires: Poker Board & Two Sets of Dice
Players: 2
In Dice Poker both participants roll five six-sided dice and try
to achieve the best possible score. Both participants receive
one chance to re-roll all, some or none of their dice as they see
fit. After this, the scores are declared and a winner named.

dice hand results (best to worst)

Five-of-a-kind Five dice showing the same value.

Four-of-a-kind Four dice showing the same value.

Full House A pair and a three.

Dice showing 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Drinking Contest
Straight Dice showing 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Requires: Plenty of Strong Mead or Spirits
Three-of-a-kind Three dice showing the same value.
Players: Minimum of 2
An ancient and honoured contest in which participants
consume strong alcohol. All participants drink together and
Two Pairs Dice showing two matched pairs of values. roll Endurance against a DC10. A participant loses by failing
this check twice during the game. The first failure causes
One Pair Dice showing a single matched pair of values. Intoxication and the second causes Nausea and subsequent loss.
Draws are settled by the highest rolled result.

Dragon’s Hoard or Tactics skill check of their choice. Each game of Gwent lasts
up to three rounds and the winner is the first to win two
Requires: A Venomous Snake, Small Basket rounds. Ties are possible and the GM may decide that some
Players: 2 - 4 Gwent decks purchased or discovered come with a +1, +2 or +3
This deadly game begins with a small basket in the middle of bonus, depending on the rarity of the cards found within.
a table, in which a snake is placed. Each participant lays down
10 coins around the basket, which is then tapped to agitate the
snake and removed. At the start of the round, the snake rolls
an Awareness check with a skill base of 12. Each participant card effect Roll
must beat this result using Sleight of Hand. Success grants a
participant 5 of the total coins placed down. A failure requires A Hero You drew a powerful hero from your
that participant to roll Dodge/Escape versus a serpent bite with Card deck! Gain +3 to your roll. 1
an attack base of 10. The game ends once all coins are taken, a
participant forfeits or dies trying. A bad hand may lose you this round,
But PFI your cards are against you! Suffer -3 to 2
your roll.

Five Finger Fillet Leader’s You fire off your leader card,
empowering your rows! Gain +2 to your 3
Luck roll.
Requires: A Small Blade
Players: 1 + betting audience
Bad You got the bad luck of the draw! Suffer
By rolling Small Blades against a DC12, the participant Shuffle -2 to your roll. 4
attempts to stab at the spaces between their outstretched
fingers in a show of skills with a knife or dagger. To establish Wise You gained a careful advantage through
a wager, the participant rolls a Gambling check. This result is Weather good weather cards! Gain +1 to your roll. 5-6
the maximum amount of coin somebody will bet against the
participant. Increasing the speed at which the participant A Spy An enemy spy slips into one of your
moves their knife or dagger increases the Small Blades DC by Card rows. Suffer -1 to your roll. 7-8
+3. Doing so increases the wager limit again by half.
The round is surely lost, but you can
Burn The salvage this! Suffer -2 to your roll this
Round round, but add +3 to the next. If this is
your last round, this does nothing.

Requires: Gwent Deck (x2) You are playing by your best strategy,
Players: 2 Stubborn but is it right? Re-use the last result
Streak scored from this table. If this is your 10
To play this version of Gwent, both participants roll a d10 on first round, this does nothing.
the Gwent table before adding this result to either a Gambling

Cheats & Scoundrels
ou don’t have to be criminal to know your way around Dragon’s Hoard
Y ayour
pair of loaded dice, how to cheese a fight or cheat
way through Gwent. We gave you the games to
play in any tavern setting, and now we present the Drugs, Drugs
Techniques and Tools you’ll need to swindle an easy victory! Participants under the effects of Succubus’ Breath are less of a
target to the snake, gaining a +5 bonus to their Sleight of Hand
checks made when playing this game. One should be careful to
avoid the unwanted attention of the other participants.

Arm Wrestling
A single dose of Anabolic Steroids, or the infamous Fiend Musk, Tools
can be used to increase a participant's Physique roll. However,
the participant must resolve their game before they suffer A fake Gwent card can be crafted for your deck, using a
noticeable side effects, especially in sight of discerning eyes. writing kit and 3 hours of labour. Each card grants a +1 bonus
to your Gambling or Tactics rolls (to a maximum bonus of +3).
The DC to notice a fake card equals the Forgery result used to
Techniques create it.
By stealthily gripping another surface, a participant may cheat
their way through an arm wrestling match by gaining leverage
with their free hand. This requires a Sleight of Hand check
against the Awareness all spectators at the match, and grants a
+5 bonus to the participant's next Physique check.

Brawling name effect wt.

Increases Physique by +3 for 5

Tools Fiend Musk minutes, but nauseates the user after .3
A participant can cheat at brawling by doping themselves or its duration.
using a similar concoction. Alternatively, a participant may
wield a Concealed Grip on the inside of their palm, adding
weight and support behind the knuckles. A DC18 Awareness dmg + rel. hands
name effect con. wt.
check is required to notice a Concealed Grip. type
Concealed 1d6 Concealed
5 1 (Awareness DC18) T .5
Drinking Contest
B Brawling

By drinking a single unit of Consumable Oil, a participant may
line the inside of their stomach. This delays, but does not stop, name dc time components
the Intoxication effect for 10 minutes. After this time passes,
the imbiber experiences the full effects of whatever they
consumed since drinking the oil. Fiend Musk 15 1 Hour

Dice Poker name dc time components investment cost

Tools Concealed 45 Steel (x1), Linen 60 120

Grip 13 (x1), Thread (x1)
Using a pair of Loaded Dice allows a participant to change one Mins.
of their results to a new value after seeing the total outcome of
all rolled dice. Loaded Dice are easily recognised once held.

Written by Daniel Thiesen, Kimberley de Jong
Leon Mendez & Mats Horsfjord

Layout & Front Cover by Leon Mendez

Original Artwork by Kimberley de Jong

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