DaDA Self Declaration Form 2022-23 Final

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Dance and Drama Award (DaDA) – Self Declaration of Income Form 2022/2023

This form asks for details of your household’s financial circumstances so that the level of support you may be
eligible for through the DaDA scheme can be determined. You must complete a DaDA Application Form and
undertake a full income assessment before DaDA funding can be formally confirmed. Any DaDA funding an
institution may offer you prior to a full income assessment is offered on a provisional basis only and will only be
confirmed after the completion of the full assessment.

You should complete this form and return it to your DaDA institution as soon as possible.

1. Your details

Student’s first name (s)

and surname

Who do you live with at your permanent home address i.e., outside of term time? Mark one box only.
*Parent(s) or Carer(s)
*Partner or Spouse
Independent Student
students must meet the criteria1

Other (please give details)

* Please give names of parent(s)/carer(s) or partner/spouse
Where will you be living during term time?

With parents Student lodgings Own home (including rented


2. Income Details
Please tick below the box that accurately indicates your total household income for tax year 2021-2022.

Please see overleaf for details of the types of income that are taken into account and the income evidence
that you will need to provide with your full application.

If your parents/carers do not live together, include details of the total household income for the parent/carer with
whom you normally live. This must include any income details of your parent/carer’s spouse or partner if they live
together. If you are applying as an independent student, you will need to provide details of the total household
income of your spouse or partner if you have one.

Under £21,000 £46,001 - £50,000

£21,000 - £23,000 £50,001 - £55,000
£23,001 - £25,000 £55,001 - £60,000
£25,001 - £27,000 £60,001 - £65,000
£27,001 - £30,000 £65,001 - £70,000
£30,001 - £33,000 £70,001 - £75,000
£33,001 - £37,000 £75,001 - £80,000
£37,001 - £42,000 £80,001 - £85,000
£42,001 - £46,000 £85,001 - £90,000
DaDA funding is not available for household incomes over £90,001

Signature of Student _________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Signature of Parent/Spouse/Partner ** ____________________________ Date: _____________________

Student must be married or in civil partnership or be a natural or adoptive parent or have been self-supporting themselves for three years
consecutively or have no living parents or be estranged.
Dance and Drama Award (DaDA) – Self Declaration of Income Form 2022/2023

(** delete as appropriate)

By signing and submitting this form you:

 are confirming that you wish to apply for DaDA funding and aged between 16 and 23
 are declaring that all the information given is correct to the best of your knowledge and is
true and accurate in all respects
 agree to this information being shared with the Council for Dance, Drama and Musical
Theatre (CDMT), the Education and Skills Funding Agency and other Dance and Drama
institutions for the purposes of the clearing process
 understand that you may only claim DaDA funding payments if you meet the residency
conditions for this scheme.

What type of income evidence is required?

The table below outlines the income evidence that will be required to assess your application for DaDA
funding. All financial information must be for the tax year 2021-2022 i.e., 6 April 2021 to 5 April 2022. 2

Evidence required when completing

Type of Income
the DaDA funding application form
If you receive Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit
your total household income will have been used to  a Tax Credit Award Notice (TCAN) form
assess how much tax credits you receive. If this is TC602 TCAN that correctly states your
the case, you will need to send us the evidence total household income for the tax year
requested. 2021-2022.

If you do not have a Tax Credit Award Notice (TCAN)

that correctly states your income for the tax year
2021-2022, you can apply using P60(s), benefits
information, or other evidence as shown below.
Income from Employment to include:
 P60 or P60U forms for tax year 2021-
Gross income from employment (before taking off tax 2022.
and N.I contributions).
 P11D forms from your employer for tax
The value of any benefits in kind from your employer.
year 2021-2022.
Income from self-employment.
 Self-Assessment Tax Calculation form
(SA302) for tax year 2021-2022.
Income from benefits to include:
 Completion of the Benefits Income Details
 Carer’s Allowance form (Section C). This form must be
 Contribution-based Employment and Support stamped by the benefit office.
 Contribution-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
 Incapacity benefit – short term higher rate
 Incapacity benefit – long term higher rate
 Bereavement Allowance
 Universal Credit.
Other income to include:
 This information will be required when
 Income from savings and investments completing the DaDA funding application
 Income from property form.
 Trusts, settlements and estates
 Foreign income
 Pensions (state, occupational or personal)

If any of the information contained in this form is not clear, please contact your DaDA institution.
Dance and Drama Award (DaDA) – Self Declaration of Income Form 2022/2023

 Notional income.

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