Jde 920 Inventory Management

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[1] Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications

Inventory Management Implementation Guide
Release 9.2

October 2015
Describes the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory
Management system, that provides multiple methods of
identifying items. You can use actual item numbers,
numbers that you designate, or a combination of both.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide, Release 9.2


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Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... xix

Audience..................................................................................................................................................... xix
Documentation Accessibility ................................................................................................................... xix
...................................................................................................................................................................... xix
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Fundamentals ..................................................................... xix
Related Documents ................................................................................................................................... xx
Conventions ............................................................................................................................................... xx

1 Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management

1.1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Features............................................. 1-1
1.1.1 Item Numbering and Description ..................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.2 Stocking Features ................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1.3 Item Cross-Referencing....................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.4 Item Locations ...................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.5 Lots......................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.6 Physical Warehouses........................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.7 Logical Warehouses............................................................................................................. 1-2
1.1.8 Item Counts .......................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.1.9 Item Costs ............................................................................................................................. 1-3
1.1.10 Kits and Components.......................................................................................................... 1-3
1.1.11 Supplemental Data .............................................................................................................. 1-3
1.1.12 Container Management ...................................................................................................... 1-3
1.1.13 Item Record Reservations ................................................................................................... 1-3
1.1.14 Inventory Interoperability .................................................................................................. 1-4
1.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Business Processes .......................... 1-4
1.3 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Integrations ...................................... 1-5
1.3.1 Electronic Data Interchange ............................................................................................... 1-8
1.4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Implementation ............................... 1-9
1.4.1 Global Implementation Steps............................................................................................. 1-9
1.5 Business Interface Integration Objects .................................................................................. 1-10

2 Setting Up the Inventory Management System

2.1 Understanding System Setup.................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Setting Up Constants .................................................................................................................. 2-3
2.2.1 Understanding Constants................................................................................................... 2-3

iii Branch/Plant ALL ........................................................................................................ 2-3 Accelerated Pricing Resolution Engine ..................................................................... 2-4
2.2.2 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.2.3 Forms Used to Set Up Constants ....................................................................................... 2-4
2.2.4 Defining Branch/Plant Constants ..................................................................................... 2-6
2.2.5 Defining Batch Control Constants.................................................................................. 2-14
2.2.6 Setting Up ABC Analysis Codes..................................................................................... 2-16
2.2.7 Defining Item Availability............................................................................................... 2-17
2.2.8 Defining System Constants ............................................................................................. 2-18
2.2.9 Defining the Location Format ......................................................................................... 2-22
2.2.10 Defining Segments for Locations.................................................................................... 2-24 Location Segment Specification............................................................................... 2-25
2.3 Setting Up Warehouse Locations........................................................................................... 2-27
2.3.1 Understanding Warehouse Locations Setup ................................................................ 2-27
2.3.2 Understanding Multiple Location Entry....................................................................... 2-28 Elements...................................................................................................................... 2-28 Steps............................................................................................................................. 2-29
2.3.3 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 2-29
2.3.4 Forms Used to Set Up Warehouse Locations ............................................................... 2-30
2.3.5 Setting Processing Options for Location Master (P4100) ............................................ 2-30 Display ........................................................................................................................ 2-30
2.3.6 Entering Individual Locations ........................................................................................ 2-30
2.3.7 Entering Multiple Locations............................................................................................ 2-32
2.4 Setting Up Default Location Information............................................................................. 2-33
2.4.1 Understanding Default Location Information Setup .................................................. 2-33
2.4.2 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 2-34
2.4.3 Forms Used to Set Up Default Location Information.................................................. 2-34
2.4.4 Defining the Default Location and Approval Route Code......................................... 2-35
2.4.5 Assigning Default Print Queues..................................................................................... 2-36
2.5 Setting Up Standard Units of Measure ................................................................................. 2-36
2.5.1 Understanding Standard Units of Measure.................................................................. 2-36 Example: Conversion Factors for Units of Measure............................................. 2-37
2.5.2 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................ 2-38
2.5.3 Forms Used to Set Up Standard Units of Measure ...................................................... 2-38
2.5.4 Defining Standard Units of Measure ............................................................................. 2-38
2.6 Setting Up Item Cross-References ......................................................................................... 2-39
2.6.1 Understanding Item Cross-Reference Setup ................................................................ 2-39 Cross-References for Promotional Items................................................................ 2-41 Cross-References for Related Items ........................................................................ 2-42
2.6.2 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 2-42
2.6.3 Forms Used to Set Up Item Cross-References .............................................................. 2-43
2.6.4 Setting Processing Options for Item Cross Reference (P4104) ................................... 2-44 Processing ................................................................................................................... 2-44
2.6.5 Setting Up Cross-References for Promotional Items ................................................... 2-45
2.6.6 Setting Up Price Cross-References for Related Items .................................................. 2-47
2.7 Setting Up Messages................................................................................................................ 2-49
2.7.1 Understanding Message Setup ....................................................................................... 2-49

2.7.2 Forms Used to Set Up Messages..................................................................................... 2-50
2.7.3 Setting Up Messages ........................................................................................................ 2-51
2.7.4 Printing Messages on Program Reports ....................................................................... 2-52
2.7.5 Defining Document Type Exceptions ............................................................................ 2-53
2.8 Setting Up Document Type Information.............................................................................. 2-53
2.8.1 Understanding Document Type Information............................................................... 2-53
2.8.2 Forms Used to Set Up Document Type Information................................................... 2-55
2.8.3 Setting Up Document Types ........................................................................................... 2-55 Inventory..................................................................................................................... 2-56 Sales ............................................................................................................................. 2-57 Procurement ............................................................................................................... 2-59 S/WM.......................................................................................................................... 2-60 Work Order Definition ............................................................................................. 2-60 Shipping ...................................................................................................................... 2-61
2.9 Setting Up AAIs in Distribution Systems............................................................................. 2-61
2.9.1 Understanding AAIs in Distribution Systems.............................................................. 2-61
2.9.2 Understanding AAIs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management
System .................................................................................................................... 2-62
2.9.3 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 2-63
2.9.4 Forms Used to Set Up AAIs in Distribution Systems.................................................. 2-64
2.9.5 Setting Processing Options for Distribution AAIs (P40950)....................................... 2-64 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 2-65
2.9.6 Set Up AAIs ....................................................................................................................... 2-65

3 Entering Item Information

3.1 Understanding Item Information ............................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.1 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2 Entering Item Master Information............................................................................................ 3-3
3.2.1 Understanding Item Master Information......................................................................... 3-4 Item Units of Measure Information ........................................................................... 3-5 Dual Unit of Measure................................................................................................... 3-6 Classification Codes ..................................................................................................... 3-9 Attachments ............................................................................................................... 3-10
3.2.2 Understanding Manufacturing Information ................................................................ 3-10 Item Grade and Potency Information..................................................................... 3-11 Blend Management ................................................................................................... 3-11 Demand Flow®.......................................................................................................... 3-12
3.2.3 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 3-12
3.2.4 Forms Used to Enter Item Master Information ............................................................ 3-13
3.2.5 Setting Processing Options for Item Master (P4101) ................................................... 3-16 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 3-16 Process......................................................................................................................... 3-17 Global Update ............................................................................................................ 3-19 Versions....................................................................................................................... 3-20 Interop ......................................................................................................................... 3-21 Style ............................................................................................................................. 3-21
3.2.6 Setting Up Item Information ........................................................................................... 3-22

v Basic Item Data .......................................................................................................... 3-23 Additional Info........................................................................................................... 3-25 Lot Processing ............................................................................................................ 3-26
3.2.7 Entering Alternate Descriptions ..................................................................................... 3-30
3.2.8 Attaching Messages to Items........................................................................................... 3-30
3.2.9 Entering Notes for Items.................................................................................................. 3-31
3.2.10 Adding Classification Codes to Items ........................................................................... 3-32 Sales Classification Codes ........................................................................................ 3-33 Purchasing Classification Codes ............................................................................. 3-35 Inventory and Transportation Classification Codes ............................................ 3-36 Warehouse Classification Codes ............................................................................. 3-37
3.2.11 Entering Default Units of Measure for Items ............................................................... 3-37 Weights and Measures.............................................................................................. 3-37
3.2.12 Defining Item Unit of Measure Conversions................................................................ 3-39
3.2.13 Specifying a Dual Unit of Measure for an Item............................................................ 3-40 Weights and Measures.............................................................................................. 3-40 Additional Info........................................................................................................... 3-40
3.2.14 Setting Up Search Sequence Using Price Units of Measure ....................................... 3-41
3.2.15 Setting Up Manufacturing Information ........................................................................ 3-43 Manufacturing Data .................................................................................................. 3-44 Grade and Potency ................................................................................................... 3-51 Service/Warranty ...................................................................................................... 3-52 Supply Chain Planning............................................................................................. 3-53 Blend Management ................................................................................................... 3-53 Demand Flow® ......................................................................................................... 3-54
3.3 Entering Branch/Plant Information...................................................................................... 3-55
3.3.1 Understanding Branch/Plant Information ................................................................... 3-55 Item Locations............................................................................................................ 3-57 Country of Origin ...................................................................................................... 3-58 Blend Management ................................................................................................... 3-59
3.3.2 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 3-59
3.3.3 Forms Used to Enter Branch/Plant Information ......................................................... 3-60
3.3.4 Setting Processing Options for Item Branch Plant (P41026) ...................................... 3-62 Process......................................................................................................................... 3-62 Versions....................................................................................................................... 3-64 Interop ......................................................................................................................... 3-64
3.3.5 Assigning Items to Branch/Plants ................................................................................. 3-65
3.3.6 Assigning a Primary Location to an Item...................................................................... 3-65
3.3.7 Assigning a Secondary Location to an Item ................................................................. 3-65
3.3.8 Entering Classification Codes for Branch/Plants ........................................................ 3-66
3.3.9 Entering Tax Information ................................................................................................ 3-67
3.3.10 Locating Item Sources ...................................................................................................... 3-68
3.3.11 Entering Item Reorder Quantities .................................................................................. 3-69
3.3.12 Entering Branch/Plant Manufacturing Information ................................................... 3-70
3.3.13 Setting Processing Options for Item Branch Duplication (P41015) ........................... 3-74 Defaults 1 .................................................................................................................... 3-74 Default 2...................................................................................................................... 3-74

vi Process......................................................................................................................... 3-74
3.3.14 Duplicating Individual Items for Multiple Branch/plants......................................... 3-75
3.3.15 Reviewing the Item/Branch Dup-Batch Report........................................................... 3-76
3.4 Entering Segmented Items...................................................................................................... 3-76
3.4.1 Understanding Segmented Items ................................................................................... 3-77
3.4.2 Forms Used to Enter a Segmented Item ........................................................................ 3-77
3.4.3 Creating a Template for Segmented Items.................................................................... 3-78
3.4.4 Entering Segmented Items .............................................................................................. 3-79
3.5 Working with Matrix and Parent Items................................................................................ 3-79
3.5.1 Understanding Matrix and Parent Items ...................................................................... 3-80
3.5.2 Understanding Matrix Order Entry ............................................................................... 3-81
3.5.3 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 3-81
3.5.4 Forms Used to Work with Matrix and Parent Items ................................................... 3-82
3.5.5 Setting Processing Options for Matrix Items (P4101E) ............................................... 3-83 Versions....................................................................................................................... 3-83
3.5.6 Reviewing Matrix Items................................................................................................... 3-84
3.5.7 Setting Processing Options for Matrix Order Entry (P41902) .................................... 3-84 Display ........................................................................................................................ 3-84
3.5.8 Ordering Matrix Items ..................................................................................................... 3-85
3.6 Entering Item Cost Information............................................................................................. 3-85
3.6.1 Understanding Item Cost Information .......................................................................... 3-86 Item Cost Update....................................................................................................... 3-86
3.6.2 Forms Used to Enter Item Cost Information ................................................................ 3-88
3.6.3 Setting Processing Options for Cost Revisions (P4105) .............................................. 3-89 Process......................................................................................................................... 3-89 Interop ......................................................................................................................... 3-89 Flex Acct...................................................................................................................... 3-89
3.6.4 Assigning a Cost Level to an Item.................................................................................. 3-89
3.6.5 Assigning a Cost Method and Cost to an Item............................................................. 3-91
3.6.6 Entering Manufacturing Setup Cost Information ........................................................ 3-92
3.7 Entering Sales Price Information ........................................................................................... 3-93
3.7.1 Understanding Sales Price Information ........................................................................ 3-94
3.7.2 Forms Used to Enter Sales Price Information............................................................... 3-94
3.7.3 Assigning Price Levels and Price List Groups to an Item........................................... 3-95 Additional Info........................................................................................................... 3-96
3.7.4 Entering Item Prices ......................................................................................................... 3-97

4 Working With Inventory Transactions

4.1 Understanding Inventory Transactions................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................ 4-2
4.3 Issuing Inventory ........................................................................................................................ 4-2
4.3.1 Understanding Inventory Issues ....................................................................................... 4-3
4.3.2 Forms Used to Issue Inventory.......................................................................................... 4-4
4.3.3 Setting Processing Options for Inventory Issues (P4112) .............................................. 4-4 Defaults .......................................................................................................................... 4-4 Versions.......................................................................................................................... 4-5 Process............................................................................................................................ 4-5

vii Interop ............................................................................................................................ 4-8 Agreement ..................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.3.4 Issuing Inventory ................................................................................................................. 4-8
4.4 Adjusting Inventory ................................................................................................................... 4-9
4.4.1 Understanding Inventory Adjustments ........................................................................... 4-9
4.4.2 Forms Used to Adjust Inventory .................................................................................... 4-10
4.4.3 Setting Processing Options for Inventory Adjustments (P4114) ............................... 4-10 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 4-10 Versions....................................................................................................................... 4-11 Process......................................................................................................................... 4-11 Interop ......................................................................................................................... 4-13 Agreement .................................................................................................................. 4-13 Warehouse .................................................................................................................. 4-13
4.4.4 Adjusting Inventory ......................................................................................................... 4-14
4.5 Transferring Inventory............................................................................................................ 4-14
4.5.1 Understanding Inventory Transfers .............................................................................. 4-14 Example: Transfer Transaction................................................................................ 4-15
4.5.2 Forms Used to Transfer Inventory ................................................................................. 4-15
4.5.3 Setting Processing Options for Inventory Transfers (P4113) ..................................... 4-16 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 4-16 Versions....................................................................................................................... 4-16 Process......................................................................................................................... 4-17 Interop ......................................................................................................................... 4-18 Agreement .................................................................................................................. 4-19 Warehouse .................................................................................................................. 4-19
4.5.4 Transferring Inventory..................................................................................................... 4-19

5 Reviewing Item and Quantity Information

5.1 Understanding Item and Quantity Information..................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Types of Quantities.............................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.2 Commitment Methods ........................................................................................................ 5-2
5.1.3 System Calculations for Supply-and-Demand Quantities ............................................ 5-3
5.1.4 Item Balance Reconciliation with the GL ......................................................................... 5-4
5.2 Searching for Item Information................................................................................................. 5-4
5.2.1 Understanding How to Locate Item Information ........................................................... 5-4
5.2.2 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 5-6
5.2.3 Forms Used to Locate Item Information .......................................................................... 5-6
5.2.4 Building Item Word Search Information.......................................................................... 5-6
5.2.5 Setting Processing Options for Item Word Search Build (R41829)............................... 5-7 Build Options ................................................................................................................ 5-7
5.2.6 Locating Items with Word Search ..................................................................................... 5-7
5.2.7 Locating and Returning Item Information....................................................................... 5-8
5.2.8 Defining Search Criteria ..................................................................................................... 5-9
5.3 Locating Quantity Information ............................................................................................. 5-10
5.3.1 Understanding Quantity Information ........................................................................... 5-10 Summary Quantity Information............................................................................. 5-10 Detailed Quantity Information ............................................................................... 5-11

viii Quality Mode ............................................................................................................. 5-11
5.3.2 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 5-12
5.3.3 Forms Used to Locate Quantity Information................................................................ 5-12
5.3.4 Setting Processing Options for Item Availability (P41202)......................................... 5-13 Versions....................................................................................................................... 5-13 Display ........................................................................................................................ 5-14 Lot Options ................................................................................................................. 5-15
5.3.5 Locating Summary Quantity Information .................................................................... 5-15 Item Availability ........................................................................................................ 5-15 Additional Selections 1 ............................................................................................. 5-17
5.3.6 Reviewing Detailed Quantity Information ................................................................... 5-17
5.3.7 Setting Processing Options for Segmented Item Availability (P41206).................... 5-19 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 5-19 Versions....................................................................................................................... 5-19
5.3.8 Reviewing Segmented Item Availability....................................................................... 5-19
5.3.9 Setting Processing Options for Location Segment Inquiry (P4100142)..................... 5-20 Mode............................................................................................................................ 5-20
5.3.10 Reviewing Quantities in Locations with Segments ..................................................... 5-21
5.3.11 Setting Processing Options for Lot Master Availability (P41280) ............................. 5-21 Versions....................................................................................................................... 5-22 Display ........................................................................................................................ 5-22
5.3.12 Locating Quantity Information by Lot .......................................................................... 5-22
5.3.13 Setting Processing Options for Item Ledger Inquiry (CARDEX) (P4111) ................ 5-23 Default......................................................................................................................... 5-24 Versions....................................................................................................................... 5-24 Display ........................................................................................................................ 5-24
5.3.14 Locating On-Hand Quantity Information..................................................................... 5-24
5.3.15 Reviewing Current Inventory Levels Online ............................................................... 5-25
5.4 Reviewing Supply-and-Demand Information..................................................................... 5-25
5.4.1 Understanding Supply-and-Demand Information...................................................... 5-25
5.4.2 Form Used to Review Supply-and-Demand Information .......................................... 5-26
5.4.3 Setting Processing Options for Supply and Demand Inquiry (P4021) ..................... 5-26 Process......................................................................................................................... 5-26 Display ........................................................................................................................ 5-29 Versions....................................................................................................................... 5-29
5.4.4 Reviewing Supply-and-Demand Information.............................................................. 5-30
5.5 Reviewing Performance Information.................................................................................... 5-32
5.5.1 Form Used to Review Performance Information ......................................................... 5-32
5.5.2 Setting Processing Options for Buyer Information (P4115)........................................ 5-32 Versions....................................................................................................................... 5-32
5.5.3 Reviewing Performance Information ............................................................................ 5-32
5.6 Working with Transaction Records....................................................................................... 5-34
5.6.1 Understanding Transaction Records ............................................................................. 5-35
5.6.2 Forms Used to Work with Transaction Records .......................................................... 5-36
5.6.3 Running the Item Ledger As Of Generation Program ................................................ 5-36
5.6.4 Setting Processing Options for Item Ledger As Of Record Generation (R41542) ... 5-37 GENERATION........................................................................................................... 5-37

5.6.5 Updating Balance Forward Records for Inactivity in the Fiscal Year....................... 5-37
5.6.6 Setting Processing Options for As Of Updating (R41548) .......................................... 5-37 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 5-38
5.6.7 Entering Individual Transactions................................................................................... 5-38
5.6.8 Reviewing Multiple Transactions and Balances ......................................................... 5-39
5.6.9 Reviewing the Item Ledger Detail Print Report........................................................... 5-40
5.6.10 Setting Processing Options for Item Ledger Detail Print (R41540) ........................... 5-40 REPORT DISPLAY .................................................................................................... 5-40
5.6.11 Reviewing the Item Ledger by GL Class Code Report ............................................... 5-40
5.6.12 Setting Processing Options for Item Ledger By GL Class Code (R41541)................ 5-40 Report Option ............................................................................................................ 5-41
5.6.13 Reviewing the General Ledger by Object Account Report......................................... 5-41
5.6.14 Reviewing the Trial Balance by Object Account Report ............................................. 5-41
5.7 Reconciling Inventory to General Ledger (G/L) (Release 9.1 Update) ........................... 5-41
5.7.1 Understanding Inventory to General Ledger Reconciliation..................................... 5-42
5.7.2 Reviewing the Automatic Inventory to GL Reconciliation Report .......................... 5-43
5.7.3 Setting Processing Options for Automatic Inventory to GL Reconciliation
(R41500) .............................................................................................................................. 5-43 Default......................................................................................................................... 5-43 Process......................................................................................................................... 5-44 WO Document Type ................................................................................................. 5-44 Interbranch ................................................................................................................. 5-45 Print ............................................................................................................................. 5-45
5.7.4 Form Used To Reconcile Inventory and General Ledger Records ........................... 5-45
5.7.5 Reconciling Inventory to General Ledger .................................................................... 5-45
5.7.6 Setting Processing Options for Manual Inventory to G/L Reconciliation Program
(P41500) ............................................................................................................................. 5-47 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 5-47 WO Document Type ................................................................................................. 5-47 Interbranch ................................................................................................................. 5-48

6 Managing Physical Inventories

6.1 Understanding Physical Inventory Management .................................................................. 6-1
6.2 Processing Cycle Counts............................................................................................................ 6-1
6.2.1 Understanding Cycle Counts............................................................................................. 6-2
6.2.2 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 6-2
6.2.3 Forms Used to Process Cycle Counts ............................................................................... 6-3
6.2.4 Running the Select Items for Count Program.................................................................. 6-3
6.2.5 Setting Processing Options for Select Items for Count (R41411) .................................. 6-4 Print ................................................................................................................................ 6-4
6.2.6 Reviewing Cycle Count Status .......................................................................................... 6-4
6.2.7 Printing Cycle Count Sheets............................................................................................... 6-5
6.2.8 Setting Processing Options for Print Cycle Count Sheets (R41410A) .......................... 6-5 Print ................................................................................................................................ 6-5
6.2.9 Canceling Cycle Counts...................................................................................................... 6-6
6.2.10 Entering Cycle Count Results ............................................................................................ 6-6
6.2.11 Entering Counted Quantity on an Existing License Plate ............................................. 6-7

6.2.12 Reviewing Cycle Count Variances .................................................................................... 6-7
6.2.13 Revising Cycle Count Quantities ...................................................................................... 6-9
6.2.14 Printing a Variance Report ................................................................................................. 6-9
6.2.15 Setting Processing Options for the Print Variance Detail (R41403).............................. 6-9 Processing ...................................................................................................................... 6-9
6.2.16 Approving Cycle Counts ................................................................................................. 6-10
6.2.17 Running the Cycle Count Update Program.................................................................. 6-10
6.2.18 Setting Processing Options for Cycle Count Update (R41413) .................................. 6-11 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 6-11 Process......................................................................................................................... 6-12 Interop ......................................................................................................................... 6-12
6.3 Processing Tag Counts ............................................................................................................ 6-12
6.3.1 Understanding Tag Counts ............................................................................................. 6-13 Tag Distribution Information .................................................................................. 6-13
6.3.2 Forms Used to Process Tag Counts................................................................................ 6-13
6.3.3 Running the Select Items for Count Program............................................................... 6-14
6.3.4 Printing Inventory Tags ................................................................................................... 6-14
6.3.5 Setting Processing Options for Print Inventory Tags (R41607).................................. 6-15 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 6-15
6.3.6 Recording Tag Distribution and Receipt Information ................................................ 6-15
6.3.7 Setting Processing Options for Tag Status Review (P41604)...................................... 6-15 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 6-15 Warehouse .................................................................................................................. 6-16
6.3.8 Entering Tag Count Results ............................................................................................ 6-16
6.3.9 Reviewing Tag Count Variances .................................................................................... 6-16
6.3.10 Running Tag Count Updates .......................................................................................... 6-17 Data Sequence ............................................................................................................ 6-17
6.3.11 Setting Processing Options for Tag Inventory Update (R41610) ............................... 6-18 Process......................................................................................................................... 6-18 Interop ......................................................................................................................... 6-18

7 Updating Costs
7.1 Updating Item Costs................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 Understanding Item Cost Updates ................................................................................... 7-2
7.1.2 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.1.3 Forms Used to Update Item Costs .................................................................................... 7-3
7.1.4 Setting Processing Options for Speed Cost Maintenance (P41051) .............................. 7-3 Defaults .......................................................................................................................... 7-3 Process............................................................................................................................ 7-3
7.1.5 Updating Costs for an Item Across Multiple Branch/Plants ........................................ 7-4
7.1.6 Updating Costs for Multiple Items Across Multiple Branch/Plants ........................... 7-4
7.1.7 Setting Processing Options for Batch Cost Maintenance (R41802)............................... 7-5 Process............................................................................................................................ 7-5 Defaults .......................................................................................................................... 7-5 Print ................................................................................................................................ 7-5 Edits ................................................................................................................................ 7-6
7.1.8 Updating Average Costs for Items.................................................................................... 7-6

7.1.9 Updating Current Item Costs with Future Costs............................................................ 7-7
7.1.10 Setting Processing Options for Future Cost Update (R41052) ...................................... 7-7 PROCESS CNTRL......................................................................................................... 7-7 Interop ............................................................................................................................ 7-8
7.2 Working with Detail Costing in Distribution ......................................................................... 7-8
7.2.1 Understanding Detail Costing ........................................................................................... 7-9
7.2.2 Forms Used to Work with Detail Costing in Distribution............................................. 7-9
7.2.3 Setting Up Detail Costing in Distribution ........................................................................ 7-9
7.2.4 Creating Simulated Costs for Distribution .................................................................. 7-10
7.2.5 Setting Processing Options for Simulated Cost Update (R30840) ............................. 7-11 Process......................................................................................................................... 7-11 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 7-11 Print ............................................................................................................................. 7-11
7.2.6 Copying Manufacturing Cost Components.................................................................. 7-12
7.2.7 Setting Processing Options for Copy Cost Components (R41891) ............................ 7-12 From............................................................................................................................. 7-12 Landed Costs.............................................................................................................. 7-12 Default......................................................................................................................... 7-13

8 Working With Kits

8.1 Entering Kit Information............................................................................................................ 8-1
8.1.1 Understanding Kit Information......................................................................................... 8-1 Kit Example ................................................................................................................... 8-2 Kit Definition................................................................................................................. 8-3
8.1.2 Forms Used to Enter Kit Information ............................................................................... 8-4
8.1.3 Entering Item Master Records for Kits ............................................................................. 8-4
8.2 Entering a Bill of Material.......................................................................................................... 8-5
8.2.1 Understanding Bills of Material ........................................................................................ 8-5
8.2.2 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................... 8-6
8.2.3 Forms Used to Enter a Bill of Material ............................................................................. 8-6
8.2.4 Setting Processing Options for Bill of Material Revisions (P3002) ............................... 8-6 Defaults .......................................................................................................................... 8-6 Display ........................................................................................................................... 8-7 Versions.......................................................................................................................... 8-7 Edit.................................................................................................................................. 8-8 Interop ............................................................................................................................ 8-8
8.2.5 Entering Bill of Material Information ............................................................................... 8-8

9 Using Lot Processing

9.1 Understanding Lot Processing.................................................................................................. 9-1
9.2 Entering Lot Information ........................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.1 Understanding Lot Information ........................................................................................ 9-2 Lot Information for Items ............................................................................................ 9-3 Information for New Lots .......................................................................................... 9-3
9.2.2 Understanding Mass Updates for Lot Expiration Dates................................................ 9-4
9.2.3 Forms Used to Enter Lot Information............................................................................... 9-4
9.2.4 Setting Processing Options for Lot Master (P4108) ........................................................ 9-4

xii Process............................................................................................................................ 9-4 Defaults .......................................................................................................................... 9-5 Lot Options .................................................................................................................... 9-6
9.2.5 Entering Lot Information for Items................................................................................... 9-6 Lot Processing ............................................................................................................... 9-6
9.2.6 Creating Lots ........................................................................................................................ 9-8
9.2.7 Entering Availability Information..................................................................................... 9-9
9.3 Working with Lot Availability.................................................................................................. 9-9
9.3.1 Forms Used to Work with Lot Availability ..................................................................... 9-9
9.3.2 Setting Processing Options for Lot Master Availability (P41280) ............................. 9-10 Versions....................................................................................................................... 9-10 Display ........................................................................................................................ 9-10
9.3.3 Viewing Lot Availability ................................................................................................. 9-10
9.3.4 Reviewing Lot Quantities ................................................................................................ 9-12
9.3.5 Revising Lot Activity Dates............................................................................................. 9-13
9.3.6 Assigning Lot Status Codes............................................................................................. 9-13
9.4 Setting Up Allowed Lot Status Codes .................................................................................. 9-14
9.4.1 Understanding Lot Status Codes.................................................................................... 9-14
9.4.2 Forms Used to Set Up Allowed Lot Status Codes ....................................................... 9-16
9.4.3 Adding Allowed Lot Status Codes ................................................................................ 9-16
9.5 Viewing Lot Transactions ....................................................................................................... 9-16
9.5.1 Understanding Tracking and Tracing ........................................................................... 9-17
9.5.2 Understanding Faulty Lot Tracing................................................................................. 9-17
9.5.3 Understanding Electronic and Device Quality Records ............................................. 9-17 Item Information........................................................................................................ 9-18 Quality Results........................................................................................................... 9-18 As Built Comparison................................................................................................. 9-18 Engineering History .................................................................................................. 9-19 Production History.................................................................................................... 9-19 Audit and Signature.................................................................................................. 9-19
9.5.4 Forms Used to View Lot Transactions........................................................................... 9-19
9.5.5 Setting Processing Options for Track/Trace Inquiry (P41203) .................................. 9-20 Display ........................................................................................................................ 9-20 Document Type.......................................................................................................... 9-21 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 9-21 Version ........................................................................................................................ 9-22
9.5.6 Reviewing Lot Trace and Track Information................................................................ 9-23 Driver .......................................................................................................................... 9-24 Additional Filter ........................................................................................................ 9-24 Additonal Elements................................................................................................... 9-24
9.6 Reclassifying Lots .................................................................................................................... 9-25
9.6.1 Understanding Lot Reclassification ............................................................................... 9-25 Effective Date Calculations ...................................................................................... 9-26
9.6.2 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 9-26
9.6.3 Forms Used to Reclassify Lots ........................................................................................ 9-27
9.6.4 Setting Processing Options for Item Reclassifications (P4116) .................................. 9-27 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 9-27

xiii Versions....................................................................................................................... 9-27 Process......................................................................................................................... 9-27 Interop ......................................................................................................................... 9-28 Agreement .................................................................................................................. 9-28
9.6.5 Reclassifying Items and Lots........................................................................................... 9-28
9.7 Setting Up Dates for Lots ........................................................................................................ 9-30
9.7.1 Understanding Lot Date Information............................................................................ 9-30 Expiration Date Calculation Method...................................................................... 9-30
9.7.2 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................ 9-31
9.7.3 Forms Used to Set Up Dates for Lots............................................................................. 9-31
9.7.4 Entering Lot Date Information ....................................................................................... 9-31 Lot Processing ............................................................................................................ 9-32
9.7.5 Calculating Active Components or Ingredients........................................................... 9-33 Manufacturing Data .................................................................................................. 9-33
9.8 Defining Effective Dates for Future Availability ................................................................ 9-33
9.8.1 Understanding Future Availability Dates..................................................................... 9-34 Effective Days Calculations...................................................................................... 9-35 Availability and Commitment Calculations.......................................................... 9-35 Purchasing Commitments........................................................................................ 9-35 Manufacturing Commitments ................................................................................. 9-35 Material Requirements Planning (MRP) ................................................................ 9-35
9.8.2 Form Used to Define Effective Dates for Future Availability .................................... 9-37
9.8.3 Defining Effective Days ................................................................................................... 9-37 Lot Processing ............................................................................................................ 9-37
9.8.4 Running the Update Effective Lots Program ............................................................... 9-37
9.8.5 Setting Processing Options for Update Effective Lots (R41083) ................................ 9-38 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 9-38 Omit ............................................................................................................................. 9-38 Process......................................................................................................................... 9-38
9.9 Setting Up Lot Shipment Ascending Dates.......................................................................... 9-38
9.9.1 Understanding Shipment Ascending Date Rules ........................................................ 9-38
9.9.2 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 9-39
9.9.3 Forms Used to Set Up Lot Shipment Ascending Dates............................................... 9-40
9.9.4 Setting Up Preference Names for Advanced Lots ....................................................... 9-40
9.9.5 Attaching Preference Names to Schedules ................................................................... 9-41
9.9.6 Setting Up Lot Shipment Ascending Date Rules ......................................................... 9-41

10 Managing Containers
10.1 Understanding Container Management............................................................................... 10-1
10.1.1 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................ 10-1
10.1.2 Container Management Features ................................................................................... 10-2
10.1.3 Inventory and the Container Life Cycle ........................................................................ 10-2
10.1.4 Container Management System Flow............................................................................ 10-3
10.1.5 Tasks That Integrate with Container Management ..................................................... 10-5 Recording the Container Receipt ............................................................................ 10-5 Filling the Container ................................................................................................. 10-6 Processing Sales Orders............................................................................................ 10-6

10.1.6 Container Types ................................................................................................................ 10-6
10.1.7 Deposits and Rental Fees ................................................................................................. 10-7 Deposit Layers ........................................................................................................... 10-7
10.1.8 Billing Methods ................................................................................................................. 10-8 Summary Method...................................................................................................... 10-8 Transaction Method .................................................................................................. 10-9
10.2 Understanding Setup Tasks .................................................................................................. 10-9
10.2.1 Order Line Types .............................................................................................................. 10-9
10.2.2 Order Activity Rules ...................................................................................................... 10-10
10.2.3 Item Types ....................................................................................................................... 10-11
10.2.4 User-Defined Codes ....................................................................................................... 10-12
10.2.5 Print Messages................................................................................................................. 10-12
10.2.6 AAIs .................................................................................................................................. 10-13
10.2.7 Invoice Cycle Calculation .............................................................................................. 10-13
10.3 Understanding Pricing Schedules ....................................................................................... 10-13
10.4 Setting Up Container Codes and Items .............................................................................. 10-14
10.4.1 Understanding Container Codes.................................................................................. 10-14
10.4.2 Forms Used to Set Up Container Codes and Items ................................................... 10-14
10.4.3 Identifying Container Codes......................................................................................... 10-14 UCC 128 .................................................................................................................... 10-15
10.4.4 Identifying Item Numbers for Empty Containers ..................................................... 10-15
10.5 Setting Up Container Preferences........................................................................................ 10-16
10.5.1 Understanding Container Preferences ........................................................................ 10-16
10.5.2 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 10-17
10.5.3 Forms Used to Set Up Container Preferences............................................................. 10-17
10.5.4 Creating a Container Deposit/Rental Preference ...................................................... 10-18
10.5.5 Creating an Invoice Cycle Preference .......................................................................... 10-21
10.5.6 Creating a Pricing Unit of Measure Preference.......................................................... 10-22
10.5.7 Creating a Print Message Preference ........................................................................... 10-22
10.6 Setting Up Serial Number Tracking .................................................................................... 10-23
10.6.1 Understanding Serial Number Processing.................................................................. 10-23
10.6.2 Forms Used to Set Up Serial Number Tracking ......................................................... 10-23
10.6.3 Setting Up Serial Number Information ....................................................................... 10-23
10.7 Processing Container Transactions ..................................................................................... 10-24
10.7.1 Understanding Container Transactions ...................................................................... 10-24
10.7.2 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 10-24
10.7.3 Forms Used to Process Container Transactions ......................................................... 10-25
10.7.4 Running Container Management Extraction.............................................................. 10-25 Data Selection........................................................................................................... 10-25
10.7.5 Processing Rental Fees, Deposits, and Refunds ........................................................ 10-26
10.7.6 Creating Sales Order Lines for Rental Fees................................................................. 10-26
10.7.7 Creating Sales Order Lines for Deposits and Refunds.............................................. 10-26
10.7.8 Processing Sales Order Lines for Rental Fees, Deposits, and Refunds ................... 10-27
10.7.9 Reviewing Container Deposits ..................................................................................... 10-27
10.7.10 Reviewing Container Transactions .............................................................................. 10-29

11 Managing Data Purges
11.1 Understanding Data Purges ................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 Purging Data............................................................................................................................. 11-1
11.2.1 Understanding Purge Programs..................................................................................... 11-1
11.2.2 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 11-2
11.2.3 Running the Item Master Purge ..................................................................................... 11-2
11.2.4 Setting Processing Options for Item Master Purge (R4101P) ..................................... 11-2 Process......................................................................................................................... 11-2
11.2.5 Running the Item Balance Purge ................................................................................... 11-3
11.2.6 Setting Processing Options for Item Balance Purge (R4102P).................................... 11-3 Process......................................................................................................................... 11-4

12 Performing System Updates

12.1 Prerequisite ............................................................................................................................... 12-1
12.2 Updating Item Information .................................................................................................... 12-1
12.2.1 Understanding Item Updates ......................................................................................... 12-1
12.2.2 Updating Item Master and Branch/Plant Information............................................... 12-2
12.2.3 Setting Processing Options for Item Master Global Update (R41804) ...................... 12-2 Process......................................................................................................................... 12-2 Defaults 1 .................................................................................................................... 12-2 Defaults 2 .................................................................................................................... 12-3 Defaults 3 .................................................................................................................... 12-3 Defaults 4 .................................................................................................................... 12-4 Defaults 5 .................................................................................................................... 12-5
12.2.4 Updating Category Codes and Item Numbers ............................................................ 12-5
12.2.5 Setting Processing Options for Global Reporting Code Update (R41803) ............... 12-6 Process 1...................................................................................................................... 12-6 Process 2...................................................................................................................... 12-6 Process 3...................................................................................................................... 12-6 Process 4...................................................................................................................... 12-7 Process 5...................................................................................................................... 12-7
12.2.6 Generating the Segment Cross-Reference ..................................................................... 12-7
12.2.7 Setting Processing Options for Segment Cross Reference Generation (R41045)..... 12-7 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 12-7 Process......................................................................................................................... 12-8
12.3 Revising Location Format....................................................................................................... 12-8
12.3.1 Understanding Location Format Revision.................................................................... 12-8 Process for Revising Location Format .................................................................... 12-8
12.3.2 Understanding Table Selection....................................................................................... 12-8 Field Specifications for UDC 41/LU....................................................................... 12-9 Requirements for Including Custom Tables.......................................................... 12-9
12.3.3 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 12-10
12.3.4 Forms Used to Revise Location Format....................................................................... 12-10
12.3.5 Defining the New Location Format for the Model Branch....................................... 12-10
12.3.6 Setting Processing Options for Location Field Update (R41821)............................. 12-12 Batch Re-Format ...................................................................................................... 12-12 Location Code .......................................................................................................... 12-12

12.3.7 Updating the Location Format...................................................................................... 12-12

A Tables Used in the Inventory Management System

A.1 Inventory Management Tables ................................................................................................ A-1
A.1.1 Inventory Management Tables ........................................................................................ A-1

B Inventory Management Reports

B.1 Understanding Inventory Management Reports .................................................................. B-1
B.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports: A to Z................................ B-1
B.3 Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports ............................. B-3
B.3.1 Reviewing the Supply/Demand Report ......................................................................... B-3
B.3.2 R4051–Processing Options for the Supply/Demand Report ....................................... B-4
B.3.2.1 Process........................................................................................................................... B-4
B.3.2.2 Display .......................................................................................................................... B-5
B.3.3 Reviewing the Item Profile Report................................................................................... B-6
B.3.4 R410400 – Processing Options for the Item Profile Report........................................... B-6
B.3.4.1 Processing ..................................................................................................................... B-6
B.3.5 Reviewing the Profile Information by Data Type Report............................................. B-6
B.3.6 R410410 — Processing Options for the Profile Information by Data Type Report... B-7
B.3.6.1 Process........................................................................................................................... B-7
B.3.7 Reviewing the Inventory Turn Report ............................................................................ B-7
B.3.7.1 Data Selection............................................................................................................... B-7
B.3.8 R41116 — Processing Options for the Inventory Turn Report .................................... B-7
B.3.8.1 Selections....................................................................................................................... B-8
B.3.8.2 Dates .............................................................................................................................. B-8
B.3.9 Reviewing the Customer/Distributor Balance Report ................................................. B-8
B.3.10 Reviewing the Container Reconciliations Report .......................................................... B-8
B.3.10.1 Data Selection............................................................................................................... B-9
B.3.11 Reviewing the Print Variance Detail Report................................................................... B-9
B.3.11.1 Data Selection............................................................................................................... B-9
B.3.12 R41403 — Processing Options for the Cycle Variance Print Detail Report................ B-9
B.3.12.1 Processing ..................................................................................................................... B-9
B.3.13 Reviewing the Track/Trace Print Report........................................................................ B-9
B.3.14 R41505 — Processing Options for the Track/Trace Print Report.............................. B-10
B.3.14.1 Display ........................................................................................................................ B-10
B.3.15 Reviewing the Price Book Report................................................................................... B-10
B.3.16 R41510 — Processing Options for the Price Book Report........................................... B-10
B.3.16.1 Display Value ............................................................................................................. B-11
B.3.17 Reviewing the Buying Guide Report ............................................................................. B-11
B.3.18 R4152 — Processing Options for the Buying Guide Report ....................................... B-11
B.3.18.1 Display ........................................................................................................................ B-11
B.3.19 Reviewing the Stock Status Report ................................................................................ B-11
B.3.20 R41530 — Processing Options for the Stock Status Report ........................................ B-11
B.3.20.1 UOM Options............................................................................................................. B-12
B.3.20.2 Lot Options ................................................................................................................. B-12
B.3.21 Reviewing the Item Ledger/Account Integrity Report .............................................. B-12

B.3.21.1 Data Sequence ............................................................................................................ B-13
B.3.22 R41543 – Processing Options for the Item Ledger/Account Integrity Report ........ B-14
B.3.22.1 Report Display ........................................................................................................... B-14
B.3.23 Reviewing the Item Balance/Ledger Integrity Report................................................ B-14
B.3.24 R41544 — Processing Options for the Item Balance/Ledger Integrity Report........ B-14
B.3.24.1 Process......................................................................................................................... B-15
B.3.25 Reviewing the Inventory Journal Report ...................................................................... B-15
B.3.26 R41550 — Processing Options for the Inventory Journal Report .............................. B-15
B.3.26.1 Print Options .............................................................................................................. B-15
B.3.27 Reviewing the Item Master Directory Report .............................................................. B-15
B.3.28 R41560 — Processing Options for the Item Master Directory Report ...................... B-15
B.3.28.1 Process......................................................................................................................... B-16
B.3.29 Reviewing the Unit Cost Warnings Report .................................................................. B-16
B.3.30 R41580 — Processing Options for the Unit Cost Warnings Report .......................... B-16
B.3.30.1 Variance ...................................................................................................................... B-16
B.3.31 Reviewing the Valuation Analysis Report.................................................................... B-16
B.3.31.1 Data Sequence ............................................................................................................ B-16
B.3.32 R41590 — Processing Options for the Inventory Valuation Analysis Report ......... B-17
B.3.32.1 Costing Method ......................................................................................................... B-17
B.3.33 Reviewing the ABC Analysis Report ............................................................................ B-17
B.3.34 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... B-17
B.3.35 R4164 — Processing Options for the ABC Analysis Report ....................................... B-18
B.3.35.1 Display ........................................................................................................................ B-18
B.3.35.2 Process......................................................................................................................... B-19
B.3.35.3 Update......................................................................................................................... B-19
B.3.36 Reviewing the Inventory Cost/Price Comparison Report ......................................... B-19
B.3.37 R41700 — Processing Options for the Inventory Cost/Price Comparison Report . B-19
B.3.37.1 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... B-19
B.3.38 Reviewing the Country of Origin Update for Items Report....................................... B-19
B.3.39 R41806— Processing Options for the Country of Origin Update for Items Report B-20
B.3.39.1 Default......................................................................................................................... B-20
B.3.40 Reviewing the Country of Origin Update for Lots Report......................................... B-20
B.3.41 R41807— Processing Options for the Country of Origin Update for Lots Report.. B-20
B.3.41.1 Default......................................................................................................................... B-20
B.3.42 Running the Update Sellable Field Report (R41900) ................................................... B-20
B.3.43 R41900 — Processing Options for the Update Sellable Field Report ........................ B-21
B.3.43.1 Process......................................................................................................................... B-21



Welcome to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management

Implementation Guide.

This guide is intended for implementers and end users of the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system.

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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Fundamentals

Additional, essential information describing the setup and design of the system
appears in a companion volume of documentation called JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Financial Management Application Fundamentals Implementation Guide.
Customers must conform to the supported platforms for the release as detailed in the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne minimum technical requirements. In addition, JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne may integrate, interface, or work in conjunction with other Oracle
products. Refer to the cross-reference material in the Program Documentation at
http://oracle.com/contracts/index.html for program prerequisites and version
cross-reference documents to assure compatibility of various Oracle products.

See Also:
■ JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Financial Management
Fundamentals Implemenation Guide.

Related Information
For additional information about JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications, features,
content, and training, visit the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne pages on the JD Edwards
Resource Library located at:

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Convention Meaning
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variables for which you supply particular values.
Monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph. URLs,
code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Inventory Management

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 1.1, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Features"
■ Section 1.2, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Business
■ Section 1.3, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Integrations"
■ Section 1.4, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Implementation"
■ Section 1.5, "Business Interface Integration Objects"

1.1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Features

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management is the basis of the supply chain.
You must understand how to set up and manage inventory to effectively work with
other programs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems. The JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system defines discrete inventory items, which
enables you to manipulate inventory throughout the supply chain.

1.1.1 Item Numbering and Description

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system provides multiple
methods of identifying items. You can use actual item numbers, numbers that you
designate, or a combination of both.

1.1.2 Stocking Features

Typically, a company maintains one or both types of inventory; stock items and
non-stock items. Stock items are stored products or parts that are ready for sale.
Non-stock items are items that are used by the company, such as office supplies.
You can use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system to:
■ Identify, store, and track stock and non-stock items.
■ Identify and track prices in multiple currencies.
■ Identify and store items that require special handling such as refrigeration.
■ Identify items that require quality analysis or testing.
■ Determine obsolete items.
■ Identify and account for broken or defective parts.

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management 1-1

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Features

1.1.3 Item Cross-Referencing

Typically, customers use several methods of identification when they order inventory,
such as their own part numbers and vendor's part numbers. You can establish these
numbers as cross-reference numbers that are interchangeable on forms and reports or
during transaction processing.

1.1.4 Item Locations

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system enables you to create
locations and track the items through a vast number of item locations.

1.1.5 Lots
You can identify and segregate inventory by lots within locations for special lot control
or layered costing. This feature enables you to provide unique descriptions, cost
information, and expiration dates.
Some companies purchase or manufacture a single item from/in more than one
country. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system, you can identify and segregate
inventory by attaching country of origin to lots. Country of Origin is a code (00/CN)
that identifies the country in which the item originates.
The system treats the country of origin as an attribute of the new lot in the similar
manner as expiration date, which you can enter during transactions. Therefore,
subsequent transactions do not update the country of origin. Updates to the country of
origin after the lot has been created must occur from the Lot Master program (P4108).
The Country of Origin affects the following programs:
■ Item Master (P4101).
■ Item Branch (P41026).
■ Lot Master (P4108).
■ Inventory Adjustments (P4114).
■ Item Reclassifications (P4116).
■ Purchase Order Receipts (P4312).
■ Supplier Self Service Receipts (P4312S).
■ Work Order Completions Matrix Entry (PCW46).
■ Work Order Completion Detail (P31114).
■ Edit Weigh Tag Master (P31B77).

1.1.6 Physical Warehouses

After you determine how to store the inventory, you must set up physical locations
within the available storage space. A physical location, also known as an item location,
is where you actually store an item. Using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory
Management system, you can maximize the dimensions and layout of the physical

1.1.7 Logical Warehouses

If you typically receive large shipments of items that take up a lot of space, you can
also distribute the item into logical warehouses. A logical warehouse is a location that

1-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Features

does not physically exist. You designate a logical warehouse to resemble an actual
physical warehouse, and define its locations in a format that fits the needs.

1.1.8 Item Counts

You can use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system to identify
discrepancies between the online amounts and the cycle and tag counts. You can
conduct as many cycle and tag counts as you need at any time.
You can use both interactive and batch capabilities to compute reorder points and

1.1.9 Item Costs

Maintaining accurate and complete records on the value of inventory is one of the
major concerns of most businesses today. With automatic unit cost computation, you
can maintain an unlimited number of costs by item and location. The JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system can automatically compute weighted
average and last-in costs after goods are received or adjusted.

1.1.10 Kits and Components

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management enables you to group discrete
inventory items—components—that are sold as a unit into kits. You can group these
components as one kit for a specific time or purpose, and then regroup them as a
different kit as necessary.

1.1.11 Supplemental Data

You might need to store item information that is not included in the standard master
tables. This additional information is supplemental data. You can use supplemental
data at either the item master level or the branch/plant level. You define types of
supplemental data for inventory items to specify categories of additional information
and the specific information that you want to track for each category.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Financial Management Fundamentals
Implemenation Guide

1.1.12 Container Management

Companies frequently sell product in containers that must be returned, such as a
propane tank. When a company sells propane in a returnable container, the consumer
buys only the fuel and not the container. Because containers are of high value and the
company maintains ownership of them even when they are in the possession of the
customers, it is essential that you carefully track container transactions.

1.1.13 Item Record Reservations

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems provide you with an item record reservation
capability which allows only one user at a time to update information in the F4101 and
F4102 tables. Inaccuracies can result when multiple users are updating data at the
same time, therefore, you may want to limit access to the programs to preserve data
integrity. You can access the UDC table (00/RR) to specify that a record reservation be
activated for a particular program by entering 1 in the Special Handling field.
You can reserve item records for these programs:

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management 1-3

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Business Processes

■ Item Master (P4101).

■ Matrix Items (P4101E).
■ Non Stock Item Master (P4101N).
■ Item Branch (P41026).
■ Item Master Unedited Transactions Inbound Processor (R4101Z1I).
■ Item Balance Purge F4102 (R4102P).
■ ABC Analysis (R4164).
■ Global Reporting Code Update (R41803).
■ Item Master Global Update (R41804).
■ Item Balance Global Update (R41805).
When you reserve a record, other users receive an error for the record. You can view all
reserved records from the Remove Business Object Reservation program (P00095).

1.1.14 Inventory Interoperability

Interoperability among different products is key to successfully implementing the
seamless flow of data among the systems. The interoperability function provides an
interface that facilitates exchanging transactions with external systems.
Interoperability in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system
includes functions for inbound and outbound transactions.

1.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Business

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management provides these business processes:
■ Item classification.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system provides for
numerous purchasing, sales, and distribution classifications to report on
purchasing or sales activity using many different facets of item characteristics and
to determine how products move through or reside within the warehouse.
■ Unit of measure conversions.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system enables you to
define package size and the relationships among packages and performs standard
conversions, such as pounds to ounces or eaches to dozens.
■ Dual units of measure.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system enables you to
maintain inventory and perform transactions for items in two units of measure.
■ Manufacturing information.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system enables you to
define the elements of items to enhance inventory planning and leadtime
forecasting. As companies move toward leaner inventories, such accurately
forecasting is critical to successful operations.
■ Item grade and potency information.

1-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Integrations

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system enables you to

monitor grade and potency, which is crucial in industries such as food and drug
manufacturing. In many cases, recording and tracking processes are strictly
regulated, and noncompliance can result in stiff penalties. Furthermore, regulatory
agencies require extensive documentation.
■ Issues.
Issues are typically used to remove inventory from a location. You can enter an
issue for damaged goods, marketing demonstration, or internal use.
■ Adjustments.
Adjustments are used to reconcile discrepancies between physical inventory
counts and on-hand system quantities. You can enter an adjustment for shrinkage,
unrecorded gain, and initial balances.
■ Transfers.
Transfers are used to document the movement of an item. You can enter a transfer
to record movement from location to location, from vehicle to location, or from
plant to plant.
■ Physical inventories.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system provides a cycle
count and a tag count to conduct periodic physical inventory reconciliations.
We discuss these business processes in the business process chapters in this
implementation guide.

1.3 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Integrations

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management integrates with these JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne products:

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management 1-5

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Integrations

Figure 1–1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Integration

This table lists and describes the systems with which JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Inventory Management integrates:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Systems Description

Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Tracks inventory accounting.

1-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Integrations

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Systems Description

Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Uses item costs for purchase orders. After you
Procurement receive and create vouchers for purchased
goods, the system updates the general ledger
and creates accounts payable entries for
Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Uses item prices and costs for sales orders. The
Order Management system updates the general ledger and creates
accounts receivable entries to record inventory,
cost of goods sold, revenue, and tax
transactions for cash receipts processing.
Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Retrieves up-to-date customer, supplier, and
Book warehouse address information.
Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ■ Enables you to access information from
Warehouse Management the Location Master, Item Master, Item
Branch File, Branch/Plant Constants, Item
Location File, and Item Units of Measure
Conversion Factors tables.
■ Suggests locations for putaway, picking,
and replenishment operations.
■ Records warehouse transactions in the
Item Ledger File table.
Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Enables you to define manufacturing data,
Data Management including:
■ Bills of material
■ Routing instructions
■ Product cost roll-ups
■ Engineering change management
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data
Management is the repository for data that
controls the material and product planning
processes, including resource, capacity, and
material planning.
Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Enables you to transact product assembly and
Floor Management manufacturing activities through either work
order or rate-based production processes.
Shop floor transactions are the basis for these
entries and updates:
■ General ledger entries.
■ On-hand inventory quantities.
■ Payroll time entries.
You use shop floor transactions to:
■ Issue material components.
■ Record hours of direct or setup labor.
■ Track machine activity hours.
■ Enable completion of finished or semi
finished items into inventory.

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management 1-7

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Integrations

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Systems Description

Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enables you transact equipment and plant
Equipment and Plant Management maintenance activities through work order
activity processes.
You use maintenance transactions to:
■ Issue material components.
■ Record hours of direct or setup labor.
■ Track machine activity hours.
■ Track and record costs to the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Fixed Assets from Oracle
and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General
Accounting systems.
■ Update on-hand inventory quantities.
■ Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enables you to use current information about
Resource and Capacity Planning on-hand inventory quantities and demand to
■ Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Material Planning ■ Product sales or replacement parts.
■ Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ■ Interbranch inventory needs.
Forecast Management
■ Parts requirements for equipment/plant
■ Incoming item availability from purchase
orders or shop floor production.
These systems perform planning activities to:
■ Recommend internal transfer orders.
■ Suggest purchase orders or
blanket/contract purchase order releases.
■ Propose the release of shop floor work
orders or changes to shop floor
production rate schedules to meet
inventory demands.

We discuss integration considerations in the implementation chapters in this

implementation guide. Supplemental information about third-party application
integrations is located on the Oracle | Peoplesoft Customer Connection web site.

1.3.1 Electronic Data Interchange

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the computer-to-computer exchange of business
transactions, such as purchase orders, invoices, and shipping notices, in a standard
The Data Interface for Electronic Data Interchange is an application interface
containing interface files, tables, and programs. The Electronic Data Interchange
system works with third-party translation software that translates EDI standard data
into a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne flat file format so that the application software can
manage the data.
When you receive documents, the third-party translation software:
■ Retrieves the data using network communications.
■ Translates the data from EDI standard format to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
application table format.
■ Moves the translated data into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne EDI flat files.

1-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Implementation

The inbound conversion program moves the translated data into the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne EDI interface tables. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Electronic
Commerce system then moves the data into the appropriate application tables. When
you send documents, the system performs these procedures in reverse order.

1.4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Implementation

This section discusses the global implementation steps for the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system.
In the planning phase of the implementation, you should use all sources of
information, including the installation guides and troubleshooting information.
When determining which electronic software updates (ESUs) to install for JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management, use the EnterpriseOne and World Change
Assistant. EnterpriseOne and World Change Assistant, a Java-based tool, reduces the
time required to search and download ESUs by 75 percent or more and enables you to
install multiple ESUs at one time.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Software Updates Guide
For information about the Oracle Business Accelerator solution for implementing JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management, review the available documentation
at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24705_01/index.htm.

1.4.1 Global Implementation Steps

This table lists the implementation steps for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory
1. Set up global user-defined codes.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools System Administration Guide
2. Set up companies, fiscal date patterns, and business units.
See "Setting Up Organizations" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Financial Management Fundamentals Implemenation Guide.
3. Set up next numbers.
See "Setting Up Next Numbers" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Financial Management Fundamentals Implemenation Guide.
4. Set up accounts and the chart of accounts.
See " Creating the Chart of Accounts" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Financial Management Fundamentals Implemenation Guide.
5. Set up the General Accounting constants.
See "Setting Up the General Accounting System" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications General Accounting Implementation Guide.
6. Set up multicurrency processing, including currency codes and exchange rates.
See "Setting Up General Accounting for Multicurrency Processing" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Multicurrency Processing Implementation Guide.
See Setting Up Exchange Rates.
7. Set up ledger type rules.

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management 1-9

Business Interface Integration Objects

See "Setting Up the General Accounting System, " in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications General Accounting Implementation Guide.
8. Enter address book records.
See "Entering Address Book Records" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Address Book Implemenation Guide.
9. Set up inventory information, such as branch/plant constants, default locations
and printers, manufacturing and distribution automatic accounting instructions,
and document types.
See Setting Up the Inventory Management System.
10. Set up shop floor calendars.

See "Setting Up Shop Floor Management" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Applications Shop Floor Management Implementation Guide.
11. Set up manufacturing constants.

See "Setting Up Product Data Management" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Applications Product Data Management Implementation Guide.

1.5 Business Interface Integration Objects

A business interface is a set of components that implementation teams can use to
create an integration between JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and an external system.
Business interfaces can include one or more of these business interface components:
■ Business Services
■ Real-Time Events
■ Batch Import and Export Programs
For additional information about business interfaces, and the business objects
available for this product area, see these topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Business Interface Reference Guide:
■ Item Branch Master
■ Item Master
■ Item Cost
■ UOM Conversions

1-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up the Inventory Management System

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 2.1, "Understanding System Setup"
■ Section 2.2, "Setting Up Constants"
■ Section 2.3, "Setting Up Warehouse Locations"
■ Section 2.4, "Setting Up Default Location Information"
■ Section 2.5, "Setting Up Standard Units of Measure"
■ Section 2.6, "Setting Up Item Cross-References"
■ Section 2.7, "Setting Up Messages"
■ Section 2.8, "Setting Up Document Type Information"
■ Section 2.9, "Setting Up AAIs in Distribution Systems"

2.1 Understanding System Setup

This table describes the features that you must set up before using the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system:

Feature Description
Constants Constants provide the following types of default
■ System constants specify which functions to
■ Batch control constants specify whether a
program requires management approval and
batch control.
■ Branch/plant constants define the day-to-day
transactions within a branch/plant.
■ Location format defines item storage areas in a
■ Item availability defines how the system
calculates the quantity of items that are available
in each branch/plant.
Warehouse locations Warehouse locations define the locations that are
available in branch/plants.

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-1

Setting Up Constants

Feature Description
Default location and printers Default location and printer settings provide the
system with branch/plant, printer output queue, and
approval route code information to use as default
Item cross-references Item cross-reference numbers enable the system to
associate internal and external items.
Messages Messages appear depending on which programs you
specify and which messages you determine should
Document type information Document type information is typically set up in a
user-defined code (UDC). You can use the Document
Type Maintenance program to set up and maintain
this information for Distribution.
AAIs AAIs provide accounting information and the general
ledger relationships for interacting with the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system.

2.2 Setting Up Constants

This section provides an overview of constants, lists prerequisites, and discusses how
■ Define branch/plant constants.
■ Define batch control constants.
■ Set up ABC Analysis codes.
■ Define item availability.
■ Define system constants.
■ Define the location format.
■ Define segments for locations.

2.2.1 Understanding Constants

Constants provide a basic framework for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory
Management system. Based on the business needs, you associate specific constants
with either the entire system or a specific branch/plant. Branch/plant constants enable
you to configure the processing of daily transactions for each branch/plant in the
distribution and manufacturing systems. Branch/Plant ALL

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system includes branch/plant
ALL, which is a generic branch/plant the system uses as a source of default
information against which it validates certain types of entries. You can copy
branch/plant ALL to create a new branch/plant. Under some circumstances, you
might need to change the settings in branch/plant ALL. Accelerated Pricing Resolution Engine

To increase system performance, you can activate the Accelerated Pricing Resolution
Engine feature on the System Constants form. Before you use this feature, thoroughly
read the details of how the Accelerated Pricing Resolution Engine feature works.

2-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Constants

See "Setting Up EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing, " in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Applications Advanced Pricing Implementation Guide.

2.2.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
■ Set up the branch/plant as a business unit.
See "Setting Up Organizations" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Financial Management Fundamentals Implemenation Guide.
■ Create an address book record for the branch/plant.
See "Entering Address Book Records" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Address Book Implemenation Guide.

2.2.3 Forms Used to Set Up Constants

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work with W41001B Inventory Setup Review branch/plant
Branch/Plant (G4141), Branch/Plant constants.
Constants Constants
Branch/Plant W41001H On the Work with Define branch/plant
Constants Branch/Plant constants.
Constants form, click
Application Constants W41001E On the Work with Define batch control
Branch/Plant constants.
Constants form, select
App. Constants from
the Form menu.
ABC Codes W41001I Select a branch plant Set up ABC analysis
on the Work With codes.
Branch/Plants form,
and then select ABC
Codes from the Form
menu on the
Constants form.
Item Availability W41001G On the Work with Define item
Definition Branch/Plant availability.
Constants form, select
a branch/plant and
select Availability
from the Row menu.
System Constants W41001F On the Work with Define system
Branch/Plant constants.
Constants form, select
Sys. Constants from
the Form menu.
Branch Location W41001A On the Work with ■ Define the
Definition Branch/Plant location format.
Constants form, select
■ Define segments
Location Def from the
for locations.
Row menu.

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-3

Setting Up Constants

2.2.4 Defining Branch/Plant Constants

Access the Branch/Plant Constants form.

Note: If you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse

Management system, you must define the warehouse information on
the Branch Location Definition form of the Branch/Plant Constants
program (P41001). Otherwise, you should at least define location
length information.

Branch Plant
Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for
which you want to track costs.
Before you enter a value in this field, you must set up the branch/plant as a business
unit in the

Short Item Number Identifier

Enter a symbol that identifies the eight-character short item number when you do not
want to use it as the primary number.
Leave this field blank to indicate that you want to use this item number as the primary
number. That is, you use it most often to enter or review information.
If this is not the primary number, you must enter a special symbol to identify it. Use a
symbol that is not significant for any other purposes of entry, such as /,*, or &. Do not
use a period or a comma as a symbol. When you enter this item number on any other
form, you must include this symbol as the first character.

Note: Only one of the fields for item number symbols (SYM1, SYM2,
SYM3, or SYM6) can be blank to identify it as the primary number. All
others must include a unique symbol.

Second Item Number Identifier

Enter a symbol that identifies the 25 character second item number when you do not
want to use it as the primary number.
Leave this field blank to indicate that you want to use this item number as the primary
number. That is, you use it most often to enter or review information.
If this is not the primary number, you must enter a special symbol to identify it. Use a
symbol that is not significant for any other purposes of entry such as /,*, or &. Do not
use a period or a comma as a symbol. When you enter this item number on any other
form, you must include this symbol as the first character.

Note: Only one of the fields for item number symbols (SYM1, SYM2,
SYM3, or SYM6) can be blank to identify it as the primary number. All
others must include a unique symbol.

Third Item Number Identifier

Enter a symbol that identifies the 25 character third item number when you do not
want to use it as the primary number. If you leave this field blank, this item number is
used as the primary number.

2-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Constants

If you do not want to use this number as the primary number, you must enter a special
symbol to identify it. Use a symbol that is not significant for any other purposes of
entry, such as /,*, or &. Do not use a period or a comma as a symbol. When you enter
this item number on any other form, you must include this symbol as the first

Note: Only one of the fields for item number symbols (SYM1, SYM2,
SYM3, or SYM6) can be blank to identify it as the primary number. All
others must include a unique symbol.

Symbol Customer/Supplier
Enter a character that identifies the customer's or supplier's number. When you enter a
number preceded by this character, the system recognizes the number as the
customer's or supplier's number. The system then uses the cross-reference table to
match the number to the item number. You must complete this field if you want the
system to perform cross-referencing.

Customer/Supplier Cross Ref. Code (customer/supplier cross-reference code)

Enter a code from UDC table (41/DT) that identifies the type of cross-reference setup
for this customer. Examples of cross-reference types include substitutes, replacements,
and customer and supplier item numbers.

Segment Separator Character

Enter the character that you want to use to separate item numbers into segments.
When you define segments for items, set up a template for all items throughout the
branch/plant. If you use segments across branch/plants, you must define all segments
the same for all branch/plants. The character or symbol will be used to separate
segments within an item number based on the template that is associated with the
item number.
If you leave this field blank, the system displays the segments as one string of

Commitment Method
Enter a code from UDC table H40/CM that specifies how the system commits lot items
to inventory. Values are:
1: The normal commitment method for inventory. The system commits inventory from
the primary location and then from secondary locations. The system commits
inventory from the locations with the most inventory before committing inventory
from locations with the least. The system commits backorders to the primary location.
2: The inventory commitment method by lot number. The system commits inventory
by lot number, starting with the lowest lot number and committing orders to available
3: The inventory commitment method by lot expiration date. The system commits
inventory from the locations with the earliest expiration date first. The system
considers only locations with expiration dates greater than or equal to the sales order
or parts list requested date.

Specific Commitment (Days)

Enter a number that the system uses to determine when to commit inventory to an
order in sales order processing. This value in days is added to current date and
compared with the promised ship date for the order line. If the promised date is
greater than the calculated date, then the order line will be future committed in the
Item Location record (F41021).

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-5

Setting Up Constants

Enter 999 to eliminate future commits.

Number of Days in Year

Enter the number of days in a year that your company is open for business. This field
is required. You must specify a number from 252 to 365.

Current Inventory Period

Enter a number from 1 through 14 that identifies the current accounting period. The
system uses this number to generate error messages, such as PBCO (posted before
cutoff) and PACO (posted after cutoff).

General Ledger Explanation

Specify the default description that appears on the second line of a journal entry in the
general ledger. Values are:
1: Item master description (default).
2: Primary item number.

Write Units to Journal Entries

Select this check box to indicate that the system moves units to the general ledger after
the system records a journal entry.

Sales/Inventory/Purchasing Costing Method

Enter a code from UDC table (40/CM) to indicate the cost method that the system uses
to calculate the cost of goods that are sold for the item. Cost methods 01–19 are

Purchase Order Issue Cost

Enter the amount that you want the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system
to use to calculate the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ). This cost should be the
estimate of the cost of materials, labor, and overhead that you incur when you issue a
single purchase order. The default value is 00.
This example shows how the system determines EOQ using the this value:
■ S Purchase Order Issue Cost = 15.0.
■ I Inventory Carrying Cost =.09 (9 percent).
■ Y Annual Sales in Units = 3,000.
■ C Unit cost of Item = 10.0.
■ EOQ = the square root of ((2S/I) × (Y/C)) = the square root of [(2)×(15)/0.09] ×
3,000/10.0 = 316.23

Inventory Carrying Cost (%) (percentage)

Enter the percentage of inventory investment that you want the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Procurement system to use to calculate EOQ. Enter the percentage as a
decimal value. The default percentage is .00.
This example shows how the system determines EOQ using the this percentage:
■ S Purchase Order Issue Cost = 15.0
■ I Inventory Carrying Cost =.09 (9 percent)
■ Y Annual Sales in Units = 3,000
■ C Unit Cost of Item = 10.0

2-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Constants

EOQ = Square root of ((2S/I) × (Y/C)) = the square root of (2(15) divided by .09)) ×
(3000/10) = 316.23

Note: Review the field help for the Economic Order Quantity field
for more information about the EOQ formula.

Commitment Method
Enter a code to indicate the method that you want the system to use to commit lot
items from inventory. Values are:
1: The normal commitment method for inventory. The system commits inventory from
the primary location and then from secondary locations. The system commits
inventory from the locations with the most inventory before committing inventory
from locations with the least. The system commits backorders to the primary location.
2: The inventory commitment method by lot number. The system commits inventory
by lot number, starting with the lowest lot number and committing orders to available

Note: The lot number is an alphanumeric value, so rules for

determining lowest to highest follow alphabetical rules, not numeric
rules. For example, for lots 999 and 1000, lot 1000 is committed first
because 1 comes before 9.
3: The inventory commitment method by lot expiration date. The
system commits inventory from the locations with the earliest
expiration date first. The system considers only locations with
expiration dates that are greater than or equal to the sales order or
parts list requested date.

Specific Commitment (Days)

Enter the number that you want the system to use to determine when to commit
inventory to an order in sales order processing. This value in days is added to current
date and compared with the schedule pick date for the order line. If the schedule pick
date is greater than the calculated date, the order line is future committed in the
F41021 table. Enter 999 to eliminate future commits.

Number of Days in Year

Enter the number of days in a year that the company is open for business. This field is
required. You must enter a number from 252 through 365. The JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Procurement system uses this number to calculate the EOQ.

Branch Country of Origin Code

Enter a code from UDC table (40R/CO) that specifies where a part was made.
Enter a two-digit code indicating parts made outside the U.S, for example, CA equals
Canada. Enter a three-digit code indicating parts that are made in the U.S. For
example, U equals United States and the second and third digits are the two-digit state
postal code. For example, UOH indicates made in Ohio, U.S.

Approval Route Code

Enter a code that determines to whom an order is routed for approval.

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-7

Setting Up Constants

Location Control (Y/N)

Select this check box to indicate which type of location control the system requires.
You should use location control if you want to use only locations that are in the F4100
table. Values are:
Y: Use only locations that are defined in the F4100 table. When the Warehouse Control
option is selected, the Location Control option must be Y.
N: Do not restrict locations to those in the F4100 table. Use all locations that conform to
the location format that is defined on the Branch Location Definition form.

Warehouse Control (Y/N)

Select this check box to indicate that the system creates warehouse transactions for the

Quality Control (Y/N)

Select this check box to indicate that the JD Edwards Quality Management system is
enabled for the branch/plant.
In addition to activating quality control for each branch/plant that you want to
include in quality tests, you need to activate quality management on the Quality
Management Setup menu (G3741).

Use Product Cost Detail (Y/N)

Select this check box to indicate that the Distribution programs use the total cost
method or the detailed product cost method.

Foreign Depot
Select this check box to indicate that another company owns the branch/plant.
The Bulk and Packed Load Confirmation programs use this code to determine
whether the depot from which product is being loaded is a foreign depot. If it is a
foreign depot, you must enter a valid borrow agreement during load confirmation.

Location Segment Control (Y/N)

Select this check box to enable the Location Segment Specifications in the Location
Definition program (P41001). The segment specifications determine how the system
segments locations within a branch using UDC table (41/ER).
You must select this check box if you want to define segments for locations.

Outbound Inventory Branch (Y/N)

Select this check box to specify whether the branch/plant is an outbound inventory

2.2.5 Defining Batch Control Constants

Access the Application Constants form.
Define batch control constants to prevents changes made by unauthorized personnel
to be posted to the general ledger. Also, you can define a constant that requires you to
enter batch control information before the system runs a batch processing job. You
might enter batch control information to compare the anticipated size of the job to the
end result.
You must define management approval and batch control separately for each
distribution and manufacturing system that you use.

System Code
Review the system codes. Values include:

2-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Constants

31: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Control

41: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management
42: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Management
43: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement

Mgmt Apprv(management approval)

Enter a code that indicates whether you want to require approval of batches before
they can be posted to the general ledger. Values are:
Y: Assign a status of Pending to each batch that you create within the listed systems.
N: Assign a status of Approved to each batch.

Batch Ctrl (batch control)

Enter a value that specifies whether entry of batch control information is required.
Values are:
Y: Required.
N: Do not require entry.
For each batch, the system displays a batch control form on which you must enter
information about the number of documents and the total amount of the transactions
that you expect in the batch. The system uses these totals to edit and display
differences from the actual transactions that you entered.
This field applies only to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management
system and the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system. In the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system, the value Y indicates that the system
displays a batch control form before you issue, adjust, or transfer inventory. In the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system, the value Y indicates that the system
displays a batch control form before you enter receipts.

2.2.6 Setting Up ABC Analysis Codes

Access the ABC Codes form.
ABC analysis is based on the principle that a small number of items (A) typically
accounts for the largest part of a company's business. A slightly larger number of
items (B) accounts for a smaller yet significant amount of business. The remaining
large number of items (C), taken together, accounts for only a small amount of
You can use the ABC Analysis as the basis for inventory cycle counts (in which A
items are counted more often than C items). Determine the natural breaks in the
inventory item listing to determine where to define the percentage breaks in the
branch/plant constants.

Sales %Gross Margin %and Average Investment % (percentage)

Enter a percentage that specifies how to define the A group, the B group, and the C
group, during ABC analysis. For the A group, enter a number that is the total of the A
percentage added to the percentage that you want the system to use when it assigns
items to the A group.
For example, if you want items that make up the top 75 percent of the selling items in
the A group and items that make up the next 20 percent in the B group, you enter .95
in this field, which is the total of 75 percent and 20 percent. You enter percentages as
decimal amounts. For example, to specify 75 percent, enter .75.

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-9

Setting Up Constants

During ABC analysis, the system compares the total sales of a single item to the total
sales of all items to calculate the value of each item. An item's value is its percentage of
the total sales. The system then arranges the values of all items from those of highest
value to those of lowest value and adds the values together beginning with the
highest. After it reaches the limit for A items, it continues to add values until it reaches
the limit for B items. All items for which value is included in the total between the A
limit and the B limit are B items. If an item's value causes the total to go over the B
limit, the system assigns that item to the C group.

2.2.7 Defining Item Availability

Access the Item Availability Definition form.
You must define how you want the system to calculate item availability for each
branch/plant. Item availability affects how the system calculates back orders,
cancellations, and customer delivery times.

Note: If you are using configuration management, you must enter 1

in the Check Availability field in the Configurator Constants program
(P3209) to check availability during sales order entry. If the system
finds the exact item and string match, a form displays all locations
containing the specific configuration.

2.2.8 Defining System Constants

Access the System Constants form.
Set up system constants to specify certain system functions. For example, assume that
you have several branch/plants and you use different units of measure for the items in
each branch/plant. You can set a system constant to automatically convert units of
measure by branch/plant.
System constants apply to all branch/plants. You cannot configure system constants
for individual branch/plants.

Unit of Measure Conversion by Branch

Select this check box to indicate that the system displays the item-specific conversion
table when you add an item to a specific branch/plant. If you do not select this check
box, the system displays the item-specific conversion table for all branch/plants from
the Item Master table (F4101).

Update Average Cost On-Line

Select this check box to indicate that the system calculates a new average cost
immediately after any transaction occurs that affects the average cost of an item. If you
do not select this check box, the system calculates a new average cost when you run
the Average Cost Update program (R41811). All processes that affect the average cost
create transactions in the Average Cost Work File (F41051).

ECS Control (Energy and Chemical System control)

Select this check box to indicate that the system will use the Energy and Chemical
System control.

Internet Enable PPAT Messages

Select this check box to indicate that the system sends email messages that are
generated by distribution programs over the internet.

2-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Constants

Clear the check box to send email messages that are generated by distribution
programs to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne mail box.

Scientific Rounding
Select this check box to indicate that scientific rounding should be performed.
Currently, this feature is enabled only for Quality Management Test Results.

Use Customer Set

Select this check box to indicate that the system uses the customer set.

Ship Ascending Date Rule

Select this check box to indicate whether the system applies the ship ascending date
rule by customer and by item. When you select this option, the system applies the ship
ascending date rule during the sales order entry, and pick slip/commitment and ship
confirmation processes. When the system applies the Ship Ascending Date rule, the
system sorts shipping customers' lots in ascending order by expiration date, sell by
date, or best before date.

Allow Duplicate Lots

Enter a code to determine whether the system can assign the same lot to multiple
items. Values are:
1: Do not enable duplicate lots. The lot is restricted to one item and one branch/plant.
2: Enable duplicate lots. You can create a lot that crosses multiple items and
3: Do not enable duplicate lots. The lot is restricted to one item, but it can contain
quantities in multiple branch/plants.

Sales Price Retrieval UOM(sales price retrieval unit of measure)

Enter a code from UDC table (40/SU) that specifies the unit of measure that the system
uses for retrieving base prices and price adjustments for sales order processing, service
and warranty management, and ship and debit processing. You can define base prices
in the F4106 table and price adjustments in the F4072 table in various units of measure.
If the base price or price adjustments are not found in the specified unit of measure,
the system then uses the primary unit of measure for the item.

Purchase Price Retrieval UOM(purchase price retrieval unit of measure)

Enter a code from UDC table (40/PU) that specifies the unit of measure that the
system retrieves for the purchase base price from the F41061 table during purchase
order processing.
If you specify the unit of measure for transaction or pricing and the system does not
find a record in that unit of measure, the system repeats the process using the primary
unit of measure of the item.

Sales Price Based On Date

Enter a code from UDC table (40/D) that specifies how the system updates the price
effective date in the F4201 and F4211 tables. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales
Order Management system uses the price effective date to retrieve the base price from
the F4106 table and price adjustments from the F4072 table.

Purchase Rebate Category Code

Enter a code from UDC table (43/RU) that specifies which category code the system
uses in the criteria for inclusion comparison.

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-11

Setting Up Constants

Preference Schedule
Enter a code from UDC table (40/AP) that identifies the advanced preference schedule
that the system uses when resolving preferences. The advanced preference schedule
determines which preferences the system resolves when using the advanced
preference functionality. You cannot maintain preference schedules directly through
UDCs, but you can maintain preference schedules by using the Price Adjustment
Schedule program (P4070).

Pref Retrieval UOM(preference retrieval unit of measure)

Enter a code from UDC table (40/RU) that specifies the unit of measure that the
system uses for retrieving advanced preference adjustments during sales order
processing. The system enables you to define the advanced preference adjustments in
the F4072 table in various units of measure.
If you specify the unit of measure for transaction or pricing and the system does not
locate a record in that unit of measure, the system repeats the process using the
primary unit of measure of the item.

Accelerated Pricing Resolution Engine

Specify whether to use the Accelerated Pricing Resolution Engine and whether to use
the auto load feature. Values are:
Blank or 0: Do not use the Accelerated Pricing Resolution Engine.
1: Use the Accelerated Pricing Resolution Engine.
2: Use the auto load feature.

2.2.9 Defining the Location Format

Access the Branch Location Definition form.
Define the location format to specify how to set up item locations. You can define
elements that contain more specific information about the actual location. An element
can represent an aisle, bin, shelf, or any other location that you use in a branch/plant.
You can use up to 10 different elements to define a location's format. For each element,
you can define length and justification.
The total length of all elements, including separators, cannot exceed 20 characters. The
system does not store separators in the tables, but uses separators to edit a location on
a form or report. If you do not want to use separators, leave the separator field blank.
When you do so, the system displays the location as one string of characters.

Note: If you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse

Management system, you must also define default units of measure
for volumes, dimensions, and weights.

Separator Character
Enter a character that divides the elements of the location when you display them on
forms or reports. For example, you might use a /as a separator character to divide
elements such as aisle, bin, and shelf in a location code. The location code can contain
up to 20 characters, including separators.
Separators are not stored in the tables, but are used to edit a location on a form or
report. If you do not want to use separators, leave this field blank. However, you must
enter characters and spaces to equal the correct length of each element in the location
code. The system then displays the location as one string of characters. The system

2-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Constants

uses the character that you enter in this field to separate the combination of
tank/owner and aisle/bin as it appears on forms or reports.
Companies commonly use a . (period) as the separator character.

Enter a number that identifies the number of characters to represent the tank (or aisle
for packaged stock). Values are the numbers 1 through 8.

Enter a number, 1 through 8,that identifies the number of characters to represent the
owner for commingled bulk stock (or bin for packaged stock).

Code 3throughCode 10
Enter the number of characters to represent codes 3 through 10 in the location format

2.2.10 Defining Segments for Locations

Access the Branch Location Definition form.
You can separate locations into segments. When you define segments for locations,
you set up a template for all the locations throughout the branch/plant. If you use
segments across branch/plants, you must define all segments the same for all
branch/plants. Locations with segments are useful if the company handles
commingled product in the same locations or works with consigned inventory for a
customer or vendor.
You cannot add segment information to an existing location. You must either define
the segments when you add a new record or manually add the segment information to
every existing location.
A location can have up to 10 segments. Each segment is an attribute that you can use
for inquiry purposes. Each segment is assigned a rule number that designates that
segment as one of these:
■ Address book number
■ Range of numbers
■ Alphanumeric value
You can assign an address book number to the first two segments only. Each segment
is limited to a specific length. Location Segment Specification

Select the Location Segment Specification tab.

Blank Location Allowed

Select check box to enable a blank location for this branch/plant.

Enter a code from UDC table (41/ER) that specifies which edit rule the system uses to
validate segment 1. Values are:
Blank: The system does not perform any validation.
1: The system uses an address book number for validation.
2: The system uses a UDC for validation.

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-13

Setting Up Warehouse Locations

3: The system uses a numeric range for validation.

4: The system uses an alphanumeric code for validation.
5: The system uses an item number for validation.

Note: You cannot use this rule with location segment specification.

If you want to assign location ownership, you must enter 1 in either the Aisle or Bin
field to enable an address book number for that segment.

Enter a code from UDC table (41/ER) that specifies which edit rule the system uses to
validate segment 2.
If you want to assign location ownership, you must enter 1 in either the Aisle or Bin
field to enable an address book number for that segment.

2.3 Setting Up Warehouse Locations

This section provides overviews of warehouse locations setup and multiple location
entry, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Location Master (P4100).
■ Enter individual locations.
■ Enter multiple locations.

2.3.1 Understanding Warehouse Locations Setup

The warehouse consists of locations, such as bins, spaces on a rack, pallet spaces on the
floor, and so on. To locate items more easily, you can create a hierarchy of locations
within the warehouse and enter information about zones. After you have defined the
format for the locations, you must define all of the locations in a warehouse. Use the
format that you specified on the Branch/Plant Constants form to enter each
warehouse location.
You can define a primary location to store basic information about items in a
warehouse. A primary location is not an actual physical location. For example, you
could designate a primary location as Location A, and then assign every item in the
warehouse to a location that begins with A.
You can also define a blank location as the primary location for inventory items and
how the system displays the primary location depending on the location format
specifications that you defined for the branch/plant.
You can define locations for:
■ Damaged goods
■ Demo inventory
■ Consigned items
■ Customer inventory
■ Returns
■ Rework
■ Expensed inventory

2-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Warehouse Locations

Additionally, you can define pseudo locations that represent physical locations for
products that you sell but do not stock, such as products that are stocked at the
supplier's facility and shipped from there.
Location control is a feature that you activate through the branch/plant constants.
Location control is required for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse
Management system but optional for all other distribution systems.
The system stores location information in the Location Master table (F4100).

2.3.2 Understanding Multiple Location Entry

You can add or revise multiple locations simultaneously instead of one at a time. You
specify the range of locations and the incremental value that separates each location.
The Speed Location Setup program (P4100A) enables you to set up the warehouse
quickly by copying an existing location to create new locations. However, if you copy
an existing location that contains errors, you duplicate the errors for each new
You can use an existing location as the model for creating new locations without
installing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management system. However,
the program copies fields such as the putaway, pick, and replenishment sequences,
which are specific to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management system. Elements
You can use up to 10 elements to define the location. These elements consist of aisle,
bin, and location codes 03 through 10. Each element can consist of either alphabetic
characters or numbers. You cannot combine numbers and letters in a single element.
You can, however, use multiple elements, some consisting of numbers (such as aisles)
and some consisting of letters (such as bins).
The system completes the spaces that precede the elements with either blank spaces or
zeros, depending on the business requirements. Some bar code readers do not
correctly process blank spaces. To precede elements with zeros, you must specify on
the Speed Location Maintenance Revisions form that the system completes the leading
spaces with zeros. If you activated location segment control in the Branch/Plant
Constants program (P41001) and are using the address book numbers to validate the
new locations, then the system creates locations that do not contain zeros. Steps
A step is a number that the program uses to create locations from a specified range of
locations. After the program creates each new location, it increments the location,
either by the step number that you enter for locations that are numeric, or by 1 for
locations that are alphabetic. Therefore, by entering a range of locations in
combination with a step, you can enter many locations at once.
For example, assume that you want to enter new locations for a flow zone in
Warehouse A. The flow zone consists of aisles and bins. Three aisles are marked A, B,
and C, and six bins are marked 1 through 6.
■ For aisles, the range is A through C.
The program creates aisles A, B, and C because it always uses a step 1 for
alphabetic locations.
■ For bins, the range is 1 – 6 and the step number is 1.

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-15

Setting Up Warehouse Locations

The program creates bins 1 – 6 for each aisle, resulting in aisle and bin locations
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, B1, B2, and so on.
In this example, if you enter a step number of 2, the program creates the bin
locations of 1, 3, and 5 for each aisle, resulting in aisle and bin locations A1, A3,
A5, B1, B3, B5, C1, C3, and C5.

2.3.3 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
■ Set up the information on the Location Format Specification tab on the Branch
Location Definition form.
■ Verify that Location Control is activated on the Branch/Plant Constants form
See Setting Up Constants.

2.3.4 Forms Used to Set Up Warehouse Locations

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work with Location W4100C Inventory Setup Review locations.
Master (G4141), Define
Warehouse Locations
Enter Location W4100B On the Work with Enter individual
Information Location Master form, locations.
click Add.
Speed Location W4100AA Inventory Setup Enter multiple
Maintenance (G4141), Speed locations.
Revisions Location Maintenance

2.3.5 Setting Processing Options for Location Master (P4100)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Display
1. Location Records
Specify whether to include item location records with no available quantity or
inbound/outbound quantity when reviewing availability by location.
Blank: Include item location records.
1: Do not include item location records.

2.3.6 Entering Individual Locations

Access the Enter Location Information form.
Enter locations individually if you only want to set up a few locations. You select the
naming convention (a combination of numbers, letters, or both, such as A/3/4,
6/B/2/A, and so on), and use the format and separator character that you specified on
the Branch/Plant Constants form. A separator character is a character such as / that
you use to name locations such as A/3/4 or 3.C.9).

2-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Default Location Information

Enter a location but do not use a separator character. If you enter the location identifier
without the separator character, you must enter characters and spaces to equal the
correct length of each element. The system displays the location with the correct
separator and spaces.

LOD(level of detail-location)
Enter a code from UDC table (H40/LL) that summarizes or classifies locations and
provides a hierarchy of locations for review purposes. For example, you can assign
aisles to level 2, and individual bins within the aisle as level 3.
Use the Detail Level field to specify the beginning level of detail that you want the
system to display for the location.

Mix Item/Lot
Enter a code from UDC table (41/ML) that specifies whether to prohibit or enable the
system to combine different items into one location or to combine different lot or serial
numbers of the same item into one location.

2.3.7 Entering Multiple Locations

Access the Speed Location Maintenance Revisions form.
You can use the Speed Location Setup program (P4100A) to add or revise location
information. The P4100A program updates the F4100 table.
After you select an operation, the system displays a line in the upper left corner of the
form that indicates the number of locations that the specification will create. Verify
that this number is correct before you update. You can change the specification and
select the operation as often as needed to obtain the desired results before you update
the table.
If you make an error when setting up the locations, you cannot delete locations in the
P4100A. You must access the Work With Location Master form to delete individual
locations or an entire range of locations.

Putaway/Pick/Replen Sequence(putaway/pick/replenishment sequence)

Assign a number to a location to determine its place in the putaway sequence.
Putaway is the movement of inventory to storage after receipt. A sequence of locations
describes the path that warehouse employees follow through the warehouse during
movement tasks. You can specify in the Movement Instructions program (P46095)
whether the system uses the putaway sequence as a tiebreaker when more than one
location is selected for putaway. For example, you can establish sequencing for the
most efficient putaway routing.

Copy From Location

Enter the area in the warehouse where you receive inventory. The format of the
location is user-defined, and you enter the location format for each branch/plant.

Leading Zeroes
Specify whether the system populates leading spaces with zeroes instead of blank

2.4 Setting Up Default Location Information

This section provides an overview of default location information setup, lists
prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-17

Setting Up Default Location Information

■ Define a default location and approval route code.

■ Assign default print queues.

2.4.1 Understanding Default Location Information Setup

A default location is the branch/plant that is assigned to the user ID or terminal ID.
When you set up default location information, you assign a branch/plant and print
queue to a terminal that the system uses every time you sign in. If the system uses a
default location, it automatically displays the branch/plant. In addition to setting up a
default branch/plant for each user who works for the organization, you can also set
up a default branch/plant for each supplier and customer who uses the self-service
web site to enter and review information about orders, quotes, inventory, and so on. If
no branch/plant is assigned to a user ID or terminal ID, then the user must enter a
branch/plant manually. When you set up a default branch/plant, you also can define
an approval route code if you use approval routing for purchase orders.
A default print queue is the location where the system sends certain types of
documents. You can assign a default print queue so that for each time that you print,
the system sends the document to the default print queue. If you have not assigned a
default print queue, the system first accesses the print queues that were assigned in
the version list, and then accesses the print queue that is assigned to the user profile.
Print programs that you have automatically defined access the Default Print Queues
table (F40096). To display other print programs, you must set them up as UDCs and
modify them to access the F40096 table.

2.4.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must verify that branch/plants are
set up.

2.4.3 Forms Used to Set Up Default Location Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Default W400951A Inventory Setup Review default
Location & Printers (G4141), Default locations and printers.
Location & Printers
Default Location & W400951B On the Work With Define the default
Approval Default Location & location and approval
Printers form, click route code.
Default Print Queues W40096A On the Work With Assign default print
Default Location & queues.
Printers form, select a
record, and then select
Print Queues from the
Row menu.

2.4.4 Defining the Default Location and Approval Route Code

Access the Default Location & Approval form.

Terminal/User ID
Enter the workstation ID number.

2-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Standard Units of Measure

Blend Business Unit

Enter the default blend business unit. The system only displays this field when you are
using system SY31B.

Grower Cost Center

Enter the default grower cost center. The system only displays this field when you are
using system SY40G.

Approval Route Code

Enter a code that determines to whom an order is routed for approval.

2.4.5 Assigning Default Print Queues

Access the Default Print Queues form.

Output Queue
Enter the waiting area that a job goes to after it has processed. Output queues (OUTQ)
are sometimes attached to printers. If you do not enter an OUTQ, the system uses the
default value from the user's job description.

2.5 Setting Up Standard Units of Measure

This section provides an overview of standard units of measure, lists a prerequisite,
and discusses how to define standard units of measure.

2.5.1 Understanding Standard Units of Measure

You must define units of measure for each inventory item. Use the standard unit of
measure information as a template for configuring the unit of measure information.
You specify the primary unit of measure and unit of measure conversions for:
■ Each item or item/branch combination.
■ All items using standard units of measure.
Specify the primary unit of measure information for individual items or item/branch
combinations when you set up item or branch information. The system stores unit of
measure information in the Item Units of Measure Conversion Factors table (F41002).
The system stores unit of measure conversions that are not item specific in the Unit of
Measure Standard Conversion table (F41003). You can also use unit of measure
conversion information that you set up here for non-stock items in other distribution
After you enter a transaction, the system uses this hierarchy to determine the unit of
measure for an item:
1. The system first searches the Item Master for records that have item-specific unit
of measure conversions.
2. If no records are found in the F41002 table, the system checks for system-wide
standard UOM conversions for the item or item/branch in the F41003 table.
3. If no records are found in either the F41002 table or the F41003 table, the system
displays an error message.
When you define standard units of measure, you can create any number of conversion
factors for any number of units of measure, but they must all be able to convert to
primary through either a direct path—for example, 1 box equals 2 each where each is
primary—or an indirect path—for example, 1 crate equals 2 boxes equals 4 each. You

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-19

Setting Up Item Cross-References

can also set up conversion factors that associate each unit of measure with the primary
unit of measure. Example: Conversion Factors for Units of Measure

1 box = 2 each
1 crate = 2 boxes
1 pallet = 2 crates
To determine the primary unit of measure, the system performs this calculation:
1 box = 2 each
1 crate = 4 each
1 pallet = 8 each

2.5.2 Prerequisite
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must verify that units of measure are
set up in UDC table (00/UM).

2.5.3 Forms Used to Set Up Standard Units of Measure

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work with Standard W41003A Inventory Setup Review standard units
Units of Measure (G4141), Standard of measure.
Units of Measure
Standard Units of W41003B On the Work with Define standard units
Measure Revisions Standard Units of of measure.
Measure form, click

2.5.4 Defining Standard Units of Measure

Access the Standard Units of Measure Revisions form.

From Unit of Measure

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that identifies the unit of measure for an item.
For example, units of measure can be eaches, cases, or boxes.

Conversion Factor
Enter the factor that the system uses to convert one unit of measure to another unit of

To Unit of Measure
Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that specifies the unit of measure the value in
the From Unit of Measure field is converting to.

2.6 Setting Up Item Cross-References

This section provides an overview of item cross-reference setup, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Item Cross Reference (P4104).
■ Set up cross-references for promotional items.

2-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Item Cross-References

■ Set up price cross-references for related items.

2.6.1 Understanding Item Cross-Reference Setup

As you manage the inventory, you might decide to define relationships between the
company's item information and the item information of the suppliers and customers.
Additionally, you might set up substitute items, replacement items, and bar codes that
are associated with an item.
Cross-references associate the internal item numbers with those from other trading
partners. For example, customers can order items using their item numbers. If you set
up item cross-references for a customer, you can easily convert the customer's item
numbers into the company's equivalent.
This table provides examples of cross-referenced items:

Cross-Referenced Item Usage

Vendor item numbers Use when vendors require their part numbers
for orders or communications.
Customer item numbers Use when customers prefer to order using
their part numbers.
Item revision level Use for demand scheduling when customers
order new parts for older items. In some
industries, such as the automotive industry, a
supplier manufactures new parts for current
models and replacement parts for older
models, while receiving a variety of orders for
different parts. In this situation, you can use a
combination of the values for customer item
number and the customer item revision level.
Substitute items Use when the item that is ordered has no
quantity on hand.
Replacement items Use when you or your vendors discontinue an
item and replace it with a new item.
Bar codes Use to associate bar code input with a specific
Associated items Use to recommend an item as part of the sale.

When setting up cross-references for electronic data interchange, you should

cross-reference each possible number that the trading partners might transmit. Cross-References for Promotional Items

During sales and purchase order entry, the system can automatically replace an item
with a promotional item. Examples of promotional items include:
■ A regular item with a coupon.
■ A larger item, such as 10 percent additional quantity for free.
■ An item with an additional item in the same package.
You specify prices for new items according to the price indicators that you assign
using cross-reference information. You can establish only one promotional item for an
item at a time.

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-21

Setting Up Item Cross-References

You set up promotional item information at the customer or supplier level. For
supplier promotions, you can order a regular item and replace it with the promotional
item, or order the promotional item itself.
This table describes how the system handles promotional line items for sales orders
and purchase orders:

Promotional Line Item Description

Sales Order Entry (P4210) For sales orders, the system cancels the
original line item and adds a new promotional
line item. If you specify the cross-reference
type SP (Sales Promotional Item) in the
Promotional Items processing option on the
Cross Ref tab, the system searches the F4104
table for sales promotional items. If a
promotional item exists, the system cancels
the original order line and adds the
promotional item to the order.
Purchase Orders (P4310) For purchase orders, the system replaces the
original line item with the values for the
promotional line item and issues a warning. If
you specify the cross-reference type PP
(Purchasing Promotional Item) in the
Promotional Items processing option on the
Cross Ref tab, the system searches the F4104
table for promotional items and replaces the
original item with the promotional item.

The system uses the F4104 table to process promotional items, as well as these activity
status codes in UDC table (40/AT):
■ 917: Added Promotional Item.
■ 990: Canceled by Promotional Item. Cross-References for Related Items

When an item is out of stock and you offer a substitute or related item, you can specify
that the system should offer the best or lowest price. For example, a promotion of ten
percent is given for a particular item. If the item is out of stock when ordered, and you
offer the customer a substitute item, you can offer the promotional price for the
substitute. This price is the lowest price after applicable promotions or discounts. It
also can be the original item's price or the substitute item's price.
When you specify substitutes for items using the Item Cross Reference program
(P4104), you must specify the type of base price and adjustment to use for the
substitute item. If you do not specify values for the base price and adjustment
indicators, the system uses the value that is specified in the Substitute Items
processing option on Cross Ref tab of the Sales Order Entry program (P4210).

2.6.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
■ Set up Purchasing Promotional Items (PP) and Sales Promotional Items (SP)
cross-reference types in UDC table (41/DT).
Use special handling codes to prevent multiple promotional items within the same
time frame.

2-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Item Cross-References

■ Verify that you entered Y in the Advanced Procurement Pricing field and the
Advanced Sales Pricing field on the Pricing Constants form if you need to apply
You can access the Pricing Constants form by selecting Price Constants from the
Form menu on the Branch/Plant Constants form.
See "Setting Up EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing, " in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Advanced Pricing Implementation Guide.

2.6.3 Forms Used to Set Up Item Cross-References

Note: Depending on how you set the processing options, the system
displays either the Item Cross Reference Revisions By Address form or
the Item Cross Reference Revisions By Item form.

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work with Item Cross W4104A Inventory Inquiries Review
Reference (G41112), Item cross-references for
Cross-Reference related items.
EDI Advanced &
Technical Operations
(G4731), Item
Item Cross Reference W4104C On the Work with Set up cross references
Revisions By Item Item Cross Reference for promotional items.
form, click Add.
Item Cross Reference W4104B On the Work with Set up price
Revisions By Address Item Cross Reference cross-references for
form, click Add. related items.

2.6.4 Setting Processing Options for Item Cross Reference (P4104)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Processing
1. Revise by Item or Address
Specify whether to enter cross-references by item number or by address book number.
Values are:
Blank: Use the Item Cross Reference Revisions By Address form to revise by address
book number.
1: Use the Item Cross Reference Revisions By Item form to revise by item number.

Note: This processing option does not affect the appearance of the
Work with Item Cross Reference form.

2.6.5 Setting Up Cross-References for Promotional Items

Access the Item Cross Reference Revisions By Item form.

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-23

Setting Up Item Cross-References

Cross Reference Type Code (cross-reference type)

Enter a code from UDC table (41/DT) that identifies the type of cross-reference setup
for this customer. Examples of cross-reference types include substitutes, replacements,
and customer and supplier item numbers.

Item Number
Enter the number of the original item.

Cross Reference Item Number

Enter the cross-reference item number that the system assigns to an item number. A
cross-reference number enables you to use a supplier's item number if it is different
from the item number you use when you are processing an order or printing. You set
up this number in the Item Cross-Reference program (P4104).
This item number is not validated against the Item Master table (F4101) because it may
or may not be stored in the F4101 table.

Base Price Indicator

Enter a code from UDC table (42/IP) that indicates which base price to use for related
items. For example, this code can specify whether the system uses the price for the
original item, the substitute item, or the best price, depending on the item's value.
Values are:
Blank: If you leave this field blank, the system uses the code that is specified in the
Pricing for Substitute Items processing option on the Cross Ref tab in the Sales Order
Entry program (P4210).
1: Use original item price.
2: Use substitute item price.
3: Use best price.
If you leave this field blank, you must also leave the Adjustment Indicator field blank.
Likewise, if you enter a value in this field, you must also enter a value in the
Adjustment Indicator field.

Adjustment Indicator
Enter a code from UDC table (42/IA) that indicates which price adjustment to use for
related items. These adjustments can include the original item's adjustment, a
substitute item's adjustment, the best adjustment, or no adjustment, depending on the
item's value.
Values are:
Blank: If you leave this field blank, the system uses the code that is specified in the
Pricing for Substitute Items processing option on the Cross Ref tab in the Sales Order
Entry program (P4210).
1: Use original item price.
2: Use substitute item price.
3: Use best price.
4: No adjustment.

Card Number
Enter an OEM-assigned code from UDC table (40R/CD) that further describes the part

2-24 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Item Cross-References

See Also:
■ "Entering Sales Orders" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.
■ "Entering Purchase Orders" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Procurement Management Implementation Guide.

2.6.6 Setting Up Price Cross-References for Related Items

Access the Item Cross Reference Revisions By Address form.

Note: You can optionally enter the effective date, expired date,
cross-reference description, and customer supplier item revision level.

X-Ref Type (cross-reference type)

Enter a code from UDC table (41/DT) that identifies the type of cross-reference setup
for this customer. Examples of cross-reference types include substitutes, replacements,
and customer and supplier item numbers.

Address Number
Enter the address number of the customer or supplier. Leave this field blank to apply
to all customers or suppliers.

Item Number
Enter a number that the system assigns to an item. It can be in short, long, or third
item number format. The format is determined by branch/plant ALL. The item
identifier that is blank is the primary item number. Enter the primary item number.

Cross Reference Item Number

Enter the cross-reference item number that the system assigns to an item number. A
cross-reference number enables you to use a supplier's item number if it is different
from the item number you use when you are processing an order or printing. You set
up this number in the Item Cross-Reference program (P4104).
This item number is not validated against the Item Master because it may or may not
be stored in the Item Master.

Expired Date
Enter the date on which a transaction, text message, agreement, obligation, or
preference expired or was completed.

Cross Reference Description

Enter a remark about an item.

Customer Supplier Item Revision Level

Enter a reference number that is used to identify the revision level of the customer's
When using item cross-reference to translate a customer or supplier external item
number to the internal short item number, the customer's number only is not always
sufficient. In some instances, the customer part number must be used in conjunction
with the item revision level. This combination enables the system to uniquely identify
the customer's item.

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-25

Setting Up Messages

2.7 Setting Up Messages

This section provides an overview of message setup and discusses how to:
■ Set up messages.
■ Print messages on program reports.
■ Define document type exceptions.

2.7.1 Understanding Message Setup

You can define two types of messages throughout JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems:
■ Print messages, which are messages that you attach to different document types,
customers, or suppliers.
■ Item notes, which are messages that you attach to items.
You can easily and efficiently set up print messages and item notes by selecting an
existing message as a base and modifying the description and text. You should also
use a base message to define the same message or note in multiple languages.
On the Work with Print Message form, you have the option to display:
■ Print messages or item notes.
■ Current messages.
■ All messages, including those that have expired.
To print a message, you can select an existing version from the versions list or create a
new version.
You also can delete a message, although you should consider that:
■ If you delete a message in a specific language, the system deletes only that
No other languages are affected.
■ If you delete the base message, the system deletes all messages that are related to
the base message.
■ The system removes the message code, detail information, and text lines from the
text tables.

2.7.2 Forms Used to Set Up Messages

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Print W40162D Inventory Setup Review print
Message (G4141), Print messages.
Message Revisions
Print Message W40162C On the Work with Set up messages.
Revisions Print Message form,
click Add.
Document Selection W40162A Select a record on the Printing messages on
Work With Print program reports.
Message form, and
then select Documents
from the Row menu.

2-26 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Document Type Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Document Type W40162B On the Document Define document type
Exceptions Selection form, select exceptions.
Doc Typ Exception
from the Row menu.

2.7.3 Setting Up Messages

Access the Print Message Revisions form.

Print Message
Enter a code from UDC table (40/PM) that identifies a predefined message from the
Print Message Revisions form. You can print the message on sales orders, purchase
orders, and so forth.

2.7.4 Printing Messages on Program Reports

Access the Document Selection form.
You can define the documents on which to print messages. For example, you might
print special delivery instructions on every work order. You cannot define individual
print programs for item notes. All item notes print on all documents.
Sometimes a print program generates a document that is used for multiple purposes.
For example, you can use the Purchase Order Print program (R43500) to print both
purchase orders and other documents, such as blanket orders and sales bids.

Print on Report
Enter a value that specifies whether the print message/item note text should print on a
specific report. Values are:
Y: Print.
N: Do not print.

2.7.5 Defining Document Type Exceptions

Access the Document Type Exceptions form.
You can prevent messages from printing on specific documents. For example, in the
Purchase Order Print program (R43500), you might have a message that you want to
print only on blanket orders. For each print program, you can define the document
types that exclude messages.

2.8 Setting Up Document Type Information

This section provides an overview of document type information and discusses how to
set up document types.

2.8.1 Understanding Document Type Information

You can set up and maintain information about document types in the Document Type
Maintenance program (P40040). The P0040 program updates the Document Type
Master table (F40039), a single repository for information that is currently stored in
various UDCs. The P0040 also updates the User Defined Codes table (F0005).

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-27

Setting Up Document Type Information

The P40040 program maintains document type information in these UDC tables:
■ Trace/Track Document Types in UDC table (40/DC).
■ Commitment Document Types in UDC table (40/CT).
■ Blanket Order Types in UDC table (40/BT).
■ Inventory Update Types in UDC table (40/IU).
■ Transaction Type in UDC table (39/TT).
■ Nature of Transaction in UDC table (40/NT).
■ Category of Order in UDC table (40/OC).
■ Other Quantity in UDC table (40/OQ).
■ Interbranch Orders in UDC table (40/IB).
■ Service Contract Type in UDC table (17/CM).
■ Work Order Type in UDC table (48/OT).
■ Carton Status in UDC table (46/RS).

Note: When you add information directly into any of these UDC
tables, the system updates the F0005 table . The system does not
updated the F40039 table.

On the Edit Document Type Exclusion form, you can specify which branch/plants to
exclude from certain document types. When processing specific document types, the
excluded document type does not appear in the Item History table (F4115).

2.8.2 Forms Used to Set Up Document Type Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Document W40040A Inventory Setup Review document
Types (G4141), Document types.
Type Maintenance
Document Type W40040B On the Work With Set up document
Revisions Document Type form, types.
click Add.
Edit Document Type W400391A Select a record, and Specify which
Exclusions select History branch/plants to
Exclusion from the exclude when
Row menu on the processing a specific
Work With Document document type.
Types form.
Select a record, and
select History
Exclusion from the
Form menu on the
Document Type
Revisions form.

2.8.3 Setting Up Document Types

Access the Document Type Revisions form.

2-28 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Document Type Information Inventory
Select the Inventory tab.

Ignore,Incoming,Outgoing, and Both.

Select one of these options:
Ignore:The system selects no transactions.
Incoming: The system selects only incoming transactions.
Outgoing: The system selects only outgoing transactions.
Both: The system selects both incoming and outgoing transactions.

Include in Integrity Report

Select this check box if you want the system to include transactions with the
appropriate document type when you run the Item Ledger/Account Integrity report
(R41543) and Item Balance/Ledger Integrity report (R41544).

Note: This feature is not currently activated.

Cross Docking Supply

Enter a value that specifies the type of transaction the document type is used for.
Values are:
Blank: Other transactions
1: Purchase order receipts
2: Work order completions

Display Lot Trace/Track

Select this check box to display inventory transactions with the document type in lot
tracing and tracking. If you do not select this check box, the system processes
inventory transactions with this document type, but the transactions do not appear in
lot tracing and tracking.

Consolidate Lot Trace/Track

Select this check box to consolidate inventory transactions.

Nature of Transaction
Enter a code from UDC table (40/NT) that specifies how the system processes
inventory transactions that have a From side and a To side, as well as Bottom and Top
Examples of From/To transactions are inventory transfers, inventory reclassifications,
and work order issues/completions. Examples of Bottom/Top transactions are sales
orders and purchase receipts. An inappropriate value causes the inventory transaction
to process incorrectly. Sales
Select the Sales tab.

Order Category
Enter a code from UDC table (40/OC) that identifies blanket order types in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system and the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Procurement system. Values are:
0: Regular order

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-29

Setting Up Document Type Information

1: Blanket order
2: Quote - No quantity release
3: Quote - QuantityrRelease
In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order system, when the Order Type option is
selected, if the order is set up as type 2 or 3 (Quotes), a value will be hard coded into
the Order Type Indicator field to specify that a particular order is a quote.

Interbranch Orders
Enter a value of 1 to identify this order type as an interbranch order type. When you
create an interbranch order using the Sales Order Entry program (P4210), the system
processes additional order information such as cost markup. You would use an
Interbranch order in a situation in which the customer places an order with a sales
office, but the sales office ships the inventory to the customer from a warehouse
facility. The system creates accounting transactions and intercompany invoices for
interbranch sales orders during Sales Update and Invoice Print.

Other Quantity
In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system, this field
determines whether the Quantity on Other Sales Order 1 or 2 field in the Item Location
file is updated instead of the Soft Commit field or the Hard Commit field.
In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system, this field determines whether
the Quantity on Other Purchase Order field is updated in the Item Location file instead
of the On Purchase Order field.

Relieve On Hand Inventory at Ship Confirm

Enter a value to indicate whether the quantity that is committed to this sales order is
relieved from the on hand quantity during the Shipment Confirmation process. If this
option is disabled, the Shipment Confirmation process hard commits only the quantity
that is shipped to the appropriate item location.

Note: This feature is not currently activated.

Ship And Debit Processing

Specify whether ship and debit processing is activated.

Next Number System Code

Enter a code from UDC table (98/SY) that identifies a system.

Document Type Next Number

Specify which next number series to use when creating order numbers for this order
type. Ten next number series are available. Use this field with purchase requisitions
that carry order numbers different from bid requests and purchase orders and blanket
sales orders that are numbered in a different number range from standard sales orders.

Send Status Notification

Enter a value that indicates whether to send notification of status change. Values are:
Y: Yes
N: No Procurement
Select the Procurement tab.

2-30 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Document Type Information

Next Number System Code

Enter a code from UDC table (98/SY) that identifies a system.

Commit Procurement Orders

Select this check box to automatically commits the amount on a purchase order for a
service or a subcontract.

Publish Externally
Select this check box to allow external publishing of a document type. S/WM
Select the S/WM tab.

Contract Type
Enter a code from UDC table (17/CM) that the system uses to define whether the
document type relates to either a service or supplier contract. The service contract can
be either a regular or quote contract. Work Order Definition

Select the Work Order Definition tab.

Order Type
Enter a code that the system uses to determine the type of work order, based on the
value in the Order Type field. Values are:
01: Unrelated to work order.
02: Manufacturing work order.
03: Manufacturing rework work order.
04: Equipment work order.
05: Service work order.
06: Warranty claim order.
07: Supplier recovery order.
08: Engineering change order.
09: Engineering change request order.
10: Property Management order.
11: Engineer to Order summary order.
12: Rate schedule order. Shipping
Select the Shipping tab.

Carton Creation Status

Enter a code from UDC table (46/RS) that specifies which status the system uses when
creating cartons in the F4615 table.

Carton Change Status

Enter a code from UDC table (46/RS) that specifies which status the system uses when
changing cartons in the F4615 table.

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-31

Setting Up AAIs in Distribution Systems

Recommended Standard Packs

Select this check box to indicate that standard pack carton recommendations are

Enable Shipment Sequencing

Select this check box to enable shipment sequencing. Shipment sequencing
functionality is available within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transportation
Management system.

2.9 Setting Up AAIs in Distribution Systems

This section provides overviews of AAIs in distribution systems and AAIs in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Distribution AAIs (P40950).
■ Set up AAIs.

2.9.1 Understanding AAIs in Distribution Systems

The system uses AAIs to determine how to distribute GL entries that the system
generates. For example, in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management, AAIs
indicate how to record the transaction after you issue inventory from a location.
When you use distribution systems, you must create AAIs for each unique
combination of company, transaction, document type, and GL class that you anticipate
using. Each AAI is associated with a specific GL account that consists of a business
unit, an object, and a subsidiary (optional). You also can enter memo text on the
generic text form for each AAI table.
After you review and revise the existing AAIs for the business needs, you might need
to set up additional AAI items. The system stores AAIs in the
Distribution/Manufacturing - AAI Values table (F4095).

2.9.2 Understanding AAIs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management

This table identifies the predefined AAI items that are available in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system:

AAI Description
3910 An AAI to identify the inventory account for the
inflation adjustment process.
3911 An AAI to identify the results account, which
serves as the offset to the inventory adjustments
4122 An inventory AAI that provides the balance sheet
inventory valuation account.
4124 An inventory AAI that provides the expense or
cost of goods sold account.
4126 A zero balance adjustment AAI that provides the
inventory offset account.
4128 A zero balance adjustment AAI that provides the
expense or cost of goods offset account.

2-32 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up AAIs in Distribution Systems

AAI Description
4134 An item balance cost change AAI that determines
the inventory offset account.
4136 An item balance cost change AAI that determines
the expense or cost of goods offset account.
4141 A standard cost variance AAI that determines the
cost of goods offset account.
4152 A physical inventory update AAI that determines
the inventory offset account.
4154 A physical inventory update AAI that determines
the cost of goods offset account.
4162 An AAI that determines the average cost
4164 An AAI that determines the average cost
update-cost of goods sold
4172 A batch cost maintenance AAI that determines the
inventory offset account.
4174 A batch cost maintenance AAI that determines the
expense or cost of goods offset account.
4182 A bulk product gain/loss AAI that determines the
bulk inventory offset account.
4184 A bulk product gain/loss AAI that determines the
expense or cost of goods offset account.

2.9.3 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
■ Set up companies.
■ Verify transaction types in UDC table (00/DT).
■ Set up document types in UDC table (00/DT).
■ Set up GL class codes in UDC table (41/9).
■ Set up accounts.
See "Setting Up Organizations" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Financial
Management Fundamentals Implemenation Guide.
See "Creating the Chart of Accounts" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Financial Management Fundamentals Implemenation Guide.

2.9.4 Forms Used to Set Up AAIs in Distribution Systems

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work with AAIs W40950B Inventory Setup Review AAIs.
(G4141), Automatic

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-33

Setting Up AAIs in Distribution Systems

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Account Revisions W40950D Select a record and Set up AAIs.
select Details from the
Row menu on the
Work with AAIs form.

2.9.5 Setting Processing Options for Distribution AAIs (P40950)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
AAI Table Number
Specify the default value that the system displays in the Skip To AAI field.

Cost Type Field

Specify whether the Cost Type field is available to these Distribution AAI tables:
Values are:
Blank: The Cost Type field is not available.
1: The Cost Type field is available.

2.9.6 Set Up AAIs

Access the Account Revisions form.

Co (company)
Enter a code that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The
company code must already exist in the Company Constants table (F0010) and must
identify a reporting entity that has a complete balance sheet. At this level, you can
have intercompany transactions.

Note: You can use company 00000 for default values, such as dates
and AAIs. You cannot use company 00000 for transaction entries.

Do Ty (document type)
Enter a code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the origin and purpose of the
transaction. The system reserves several prefixes for document types, such as
vouchers, invoices, receipts, and time sheets.

2-34 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up AAIs in Distribution Systems

GL Cat(general ledger category)

Enter a code from UDC table (41/9) that identifies the GL offset that the system uses to
search for a account to post the transaction. If you do not want to specify a class code,
you can enter **** (four asterisks) in this field.
You can use AAIs to predefine classes of automatic offset accounts for the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement
system, and the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management systems.
The system can generate accounting entries based upon a single transaction. For
example, a single sale of a stock item can trigger the generation of accounting entries
similar to:
■ Sales Stock (Debit) xxxxx.xx.
■ AR Stock Sales (Credit) xxxxx.xx.
■ Posting Category: IN80.
■ Stock Inventory (Debit) xxxxx.xx.
■ Stock COGS (Credit) xxxxx.xx.
The system uses the class code and the document type to locate the AAI.

Branch Plant
Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for
which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse
location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant.
You can assign a business unit to a document, entity, or person for purposes of
responsibility reporting. For example, the system provides reports of open accounts
payable and accounts receivable by business unit to track equipment by responsible
Business unit security might prevent you from viewing information about business
units for which you have no authority.
If you leave this field blank, the system uses the business unit in the Charge to Cost
Center field on the work order.

Obj Acct (object account)

Enter a value that identifies the portion of a general ledger account that refers to the
division of the cost code (for example, labor, materials, and equipment) into
subcategories. For example, you can divide the cost code for labor into regular time,
premium time, and burden.

Note: If you use a flexible chart of accounts and the object account is
set to six digits, you should use all six digits. For example, 000456 is
not the same as 456 because, if you enter 456, the system enters three
blank spaces to fill a six-digit object.

Sub (subsidiary)
Enter a subset of an object account. Subsidiary accounts include detailed records of the
accounting activity for an object account.

Setting Up the Inventory Management System 2-35

Setting Up AAIs in Distribution Systems

Note: If you are using a flexible chart of accounts and the object
account is set to six digits, you must use all six digits. For example,
entering 000456 is not the same as entering 456. If you enter 456, the
system enters three blank spaces to fill a six-digit object.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value in the Cost Code field on the
work order.

2-36 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Information

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 3.1, "Understanding Item Information"
■ Section 3.2, "Entering Item Master Information"
■ Section 3.3, "Entering Branch/Plant Information"
■ Section 3.4, "Entering Segmented Items"
■ Section 3.5, "Working with Matrix and Parent Items"
■ Section 3.6, "Entering Item Cost Information"
■ Section 3.7, "Entering Sales Price Information"

3.1 Understanding Item Information

Before you can work with inventory, you must provide the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Inventory Management system with information about the items that you stock. When
you enter each inventory item, you provide the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory
Management system with details such as:
■ Item identifiers.
■ Item descriptions (foreign and domestic).
■ Item rules.
■ Item costs and prices.
■ Item weights and measures.
You also must provide the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system
with information about the location of each item, including:
■ The branch/plant where each item resides.
■ The locations that are used within each branch/plant.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system uses this information
to help track and process each item through the distribution and manufacturing
systems. Entering an item includes two steps:
1. Entering item master information, which includes basic information about an item.
2. Configuring the item master information to suit each branch/plant that the item
When you enter item master information, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory
Management system creates a record in the Item Master table (F4101). This table

Entering Item Information 3-1

Entering Item Master Information

includes item information that applies throughout the branch, such as category codes
and planner/buyer numbers. When you enter branch/plant information for an item,
the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system creates records in the
Item Branch File (F4102) and the Item Location File (F41021), which includes item
information that is specific to certain locations, such as on-hand quantities and General
Ledger GL class codes.

3.1.1 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this chapter, you must:
■ Review and modify branch/plant constants.
See "Setting Up Next Numbers" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Financial Management Fundamentals Implemenation Guide.
■ Set up default locations and printers.
See Setting Up Default Location Information.
■ Set up applicable user-defined codes (UDCs), including:
– GL class codes in UDC table (41/9).
– Stocking type codes in UDC table (41/I).
– Units of measure in UDC table (00/UM).
– Classification code categories
– Cost method codes
– Language preference codes in UDC table (01/LP).

3.2 Entering Item Master Information

This section provides overviews of item master information and manufacturing
information, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Item Master (P4101).
■ Set up item information.
■ Enter alternate descriptions.
■ Attach messages to items.
■ Enter notes for items.
■ Add classification codes to items.
■ Enter default units of measure for items.
■ Define item unit of measure conversions.
■ Specify dual unit of measures for items.
■ Set up search sequence using price units of measure.
■ Set up manufacturing information.
Country-specific functionality for entering item master information exists for Brazil.

3-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Master Information

See Also:
■ "Working With Inventory Management for Brazil" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Brazil
Implementation Guide.
■ "Setting Up Localizations for Brazil" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Brazil Implementation

3.2.1 Understanding Item Master Information

You must enter master information for all stock and non-stock items. Item master
information includes the item number, item name, description, and general
information about the item. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management
system uses this information to identify and process each item in the distribution and
manufacturing systems.
Each item can have up to three inventory item numbers:
■ Primary number.
■ Secondary number (for vendor, manufacturing, or industry standards).
■ System-assigned number.
In addition to identifying items numerically, you can describe each item with
information such as:
■ Standard description.
■ Technical description with specifications.
■ Warning message.
■ Vendor information and availability.
You can use any of the item descriptions or numbers interchangeably on forms,
reports, or in transaction processing.
You cannot delete an item if any of this information exists:
■ Item branch records
■ Bills of material
■ Item cross-reference numbers
■ Supplier relationships
■ Sales prices
You may want to enter one item that you use as a template for additional items. By
creating an item to use as a template, you can enter field values that are common to
many items that you want to add in the future. When you add the new items, you first
locate the item that you entered as the template and modify field values as necessary
for the new item.
When you enter a new item, the system creates an item master record in the Item
Master table (F4101). Item Units of Measure Information

You must enter the item units of measure that are most common to each of the
distribution processes, such as sales, purchasing, and so on. For example, you might
purchase an item in pallets, stock it in boxes, and ship it in individual containers.

Entering Item Information 3-3

Entering Item Master Information

If you work with an item in multiple units of measure, you must specify how to
convert one unit of measure to another. For example, if you stock items in boxes and
crates, you must specify the number of individual items in a box and the number of
boxes in a crate.
In some instances, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system
must work with an item in its smallest (primary) unit of measure. The item
conversions that you specify must enable the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory
Management system to trace all units of measure back to the primary unit of measure.
You can set up unit of measure conversions that are specific to an item or to an item
and branch/plant combination. You specify whether item conversions are specific to a
branch/plant on the System Constants form. You can also set up units of measure that
are standard for all items.
Units of measure for an item are stored in the Item Unit of Measure table (F41002) or
the Unit of Measure Standard Conversions table (F41003). The JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system verifies the item unit of measure
conversions before using standard unit of measure conversions. Dual Unit of Measure

You can maintain inventory and perform transactions for items in two units of
measure. For example, you specify a dual unit of measure for an item that is sold by
quantity but purchased by cost or priced by weight. Similarly, a transaction can use a
dual unit of measure for which a standard conversion exists. For example, if an item's
unit of measure is weight, you can consider a transaction in tons or pounds to be a
dual unit of measure. In this case, the dual unit of measure is the unit of measure that
is used on item ledger records and item balance records for the dual quantity. The JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system enables a dual unit of
measure only for packaged, manufactured end items, not for bulk items.
When you specify a dual unit of measure, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory
Management system determines whether the item has a variable conversion between
the primary unit of measure and secondary unit of measure for all inventory
transactions. You must set up the item with the primary unit of measure as the costing
unit of measure and the secondary unit of measure as the other unit of measure to
track inventory.
These programs enable you to enter either the transaction quantity that is related to
primary unit of measure, or the transaction quantity that is related to secondary, dual
unit of measure; a standard conversion is used to determine the other quantity:
■ Purchase Orders (P4310).
■ Sales Order Entry (P4210).
■ Manufacturing Work Order Processing (P48013).
You can also enable picking options and set tolerance amounts, as described in this

3-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Master Information

Option Setup Task

Picking Picking is the movement of inventory from a
warehouse location to satisfy an order. You can
specify at the item level whether warehouse
suggestions display the primary unit of measure or
the dual unit of measure. Picking with dual units of
measure also specifies whether the entire quantity has
been shipped for a sales order line or whether the line
requires splitting.
For example, if a sales order for 100 pounds and 10
cases is hard committed, the picking option enables
10 cases that weigh 98 pounds to satisfy the order
without creating a line for 2 pounds. Assuming that
the tolerances are met and that you are using the
picking option, the system would not split the sales
Picking with dual units of measure affects other areas
of the system in these ways:
■ The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse
Management system uses the secondary quantity
for picking a sales order rather than the
transaction quantity.
■ The system uses the picking process for a sales
order line during availability checking and
inventory commitments.
■ The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order
Management system and the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Transportation Management
system use the picking process to split a dual
unit of measure item based upon the transaction
quantity or the secondary quantity. The system
uses the Dual Picking Process option on the
Additional Info. tab in the Item Master program
(P4101) to determine which quantity to use.
Tolerance After you specify a dual unit of measure for an item,
you can specify whether the system must check for
tolerance amounts during any inventory transaction.
Tolerances ensure that when you enter secondary
quantities on a transaction that the primary and
secondary quantities are within a certain percentage
of the standard conversion. For example, if a case of
an item weighs approximately 100 pounds and you
set the tolerance to 3 percent, the weight must be
between 97 and 103 pounds to fall within the
tolerance level.
The system does not check tolerances when using the
Inventory Adjustments (P4114) or the Inventory
Issues (P4112) programs.

The system converts the dual unit of measure using the special handling code. For a
dual unit of measure item, the special handling code of the primary and secondary
units of measure is different. For similar units of measure, such as ounces, pounds, and
tons, the special handling code is the same. For example, weight might have pounds as
the dual unit of measure. A dual transaction quantity could be entered for tons. In this
case, pounds and tons must have the same special handling code.
The system uses these tables when processing information for dual units of measure:
■ F4101

Entering Item Information 3-5

Entering Item Master Information

■ F4111
■ F41021
■ F4602 Classification Codes

You can use classification codes to group items with similar characteristics so that you
can work with the entire group at the same time. For example, grouping items
provides good sales analysis information. You can assign classification codes to items
when you enter item master information or when you enter item branch/plant
information. In either case, you assign classification codes on the Category Codes
Several categories of classification codes are available, and each category represents a
different item classification or property type, such as shipping conditions. From the
shipping conditions category, you can select a code that indicates the condition, such
as fragile, under which you ship an item.
Four types of classification codes are available. Each type relates to one or more of
these systems:
■ JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management
■ JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement
■ JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management
■ JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management
■ JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transportation Management Attachments
Typically, you enter attachments for an item to provide graphical information, such as
a picture or diagram. Unlike item notes, you can view and print attachments
regardless of the language in which those attachments were entered. Therefore, if you
attach a diagram that contains text to an item, the system displays the text only in the
language in which the text was entered.
You can set up an attachment, by selecting Attachments from the Form menu of the
Item Notes Revisions form or selecting Internal Attachment from the Row menu on
the Work With Item Master Browse form.

3.2.2 Understanding Manufacturing Information

When you enter item master information, you define manufacturing information
about an item, including:
■ Requirements planning information to develop an inventory planning forecast
that you use to run the distribution and manufacturing operations.
■ Leadtime information to calculate the time frames that are necessary to assemble
or manufacture items.
■ Engineering information about the drawing plans for an item. Item Grade and Potency Information

After you enter item master information or item branch/plant information, you
specify whether grade or potency applies to an item. You enter a grade to classify
items (for example, grade A eggs and grade B eggs). You enter potency to specify an

3-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Master Information

active ingredient in a product (for example, the percentage of alcohol in cough syrup).
When you activate grade or potency control for an item, you can enter a standard
grade or potency for the item and a range of acceptable values. If you receive or issue
items that are not within the range, the system provides a warning message. You
cannot complete sales transactions on items that are not within the range of acceptable
You can specify an acceptable grade or potency range for each of the customers using
preference profiles. Item grade and potency are applicable only to items that are
produced in lots. You cannot use both grade control and potency control for the same
item. You can specify the grade or potency of all items in a lot on the Work With Lot
Master form. If you do not specify a grade or potency, the system uses the standard
grade or potency from the Additional System Information form. Blend Management

One of the key processes in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management requires
mixing additive substances into a blend to achieve a desired effect. For example, when
you blend wine, you can mix in malic acid to influence the flavor.
You set up additives in the system with Item Master and Item Branch records. When
you set up these records, you can define operational and cumulative maximum and
minimum thresholds for the active ingredients of any blend additive. The system uses
the operational threshold value to evaluate the extended ingredient amount for the
current operation. The cumulative threshold applies to the PPM quantity for the
accumulated additives for an operation.
If the operational or cumulative ingredient quantity exceeds the maximum and
minimum threshold for an active operation, the system issues a warning. If the
ingredient quantity exceeds the threshold for actual and closed operations, the system
issues an error. For either comparison, the system retrieves the threshold values from
the Item Branch table. Demand Flow®

Use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Demand Flow® Manufacturing system to specify
that an end item belongs to the Demand Flow process. You specify a demand flow end
item to suppress Material Requirements Planning (MRP) messages and to facilitate
uploading DFM items to the DFM system.
If you are going to include an end item in the line design, you must specify that the
end item is part of the Demand Flow® process. Multimode manufacturers who use
both MRP and Demand Flow® processes must specify which end items are part of the
Demand Flow® process.

See Also:
■ "Managing Additive Operations" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Blend Management Implementation Guide.

3.2.3 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
■ Verify that Branch/Plant ALL is available.
The system uses Branch/Plant ALL as a source of default information.
■ Set up the special handling code in the UDC table (00/UM).

Entering Item Information 3-7

Entering Item Master Information

■ Specify the values for unit of measure in the Sales Price Retrieval UOM and
Purchase Price Retrieval UOM fields on the System Constants form of the
Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001).
See Setting Up Constants.
■ Specify a primary item identifier on the Branch/Plant Constants form.

3.2.4 Forms Used to Enter Item Master Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Item W4101E Inventory Review items.
Master Browse Master/Transactions
(G4111), Item Master
Item Master Revisions W4101A On the Work With ■ Set up item
Item Master Browse information.
form, click Add.
■ Attach messages
to items.
■ Assign item
■ Enter default
units of measure
for items.
■ Specify a dual
unit of measure
for items.
Item Master W41016WA On the Work With Enter alternate
Alternative Item Master Browse descriptions.
Description form, select Item Alt
Desc from the Row
Work With Item Notes W40163B On the Work With Review item notes.
Item Master Browse
form, select a record,
and then select Item
Notes from the Row
Item Notes Revisions W40163A On the Work With Enter notes for items.
Item Notes form, click
Category Codes W4101B On the Work With Add classification
Item Master Browse codes to items.
form, select Category
Codes from the Row
Work With Item Unit W41002A Item Revisions Review item unit of
of Measure (G4112), Item Master measure conversions.
Conversions U/M Conversion
Item Unit of Measure W41002D On the Work With ■ Define item unit
Conversions Item Unit of Measure of measure
Conversions form, conversions.
click Add.
■ Set up search
On the Item Master sequence using
Revisions form, select price units of
Conversions from the measure.
Form menu.

3-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Master Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Additional System W4101C On the Work With Set up manufacturing
Information Item Master Browse information.
form, select Add
System Info from the
Row menu.

3.2.5 Setting Processing Options for Item Master (P4101)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
1. Primary Unit of Measure
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/UM) that identifies the primary unit
of measure that the system uses. If you leave this processing option blank, the system
uses EA (each).

2. Weight Unit of Measure

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/UM) that identifies the unit of
measure for weight that the system uses. If you leave this processing option blank, the
system uses LB (pounds).

3. Volume Unit of Measure

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/UM) that identifies the unit of
measure by metric conversion for ambient volume. If you leave this processing option
blank, the system uses GA (gallons).

4. Template
Specify a template name to use when entering items in the Item Master program
(P4101). This name is case-sensitive. If you leave this field blank, the system does not
use a template. Process
1. Notes From Date
Specify the effective-from date that the system uses in the Item Notes table (F4016). If
you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the system date.

2. Notes Thru Date

Specify the effective-through date that the system uses in the F4016 table. If you leave
this processing option blank, the system uses the last day of the default century.

3. Category Codes
Specify whether the system displays the Category Codes form when you add or
change information on the Item Master Revisions form. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
I: Display.

4. Additional System Information

Specify whether the system displays the Additional System Information form when
you add or change information on the Item Master Revisions form. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.

Entering Item Information 3-9

Entering Item Master Information

I: Display.

5. Storage/Shipping
Specify whether the system displays the Storage/Shipping form when you add or
change information on the Item Master Revisions form. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

6. Cost Revisions (Conditional)

Specify whether the system displays the Cost Revisions form when you add or change
information on the Item Master Revisions form. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.
To display the Cost Revisions form, you must also enter 1 in the Inventory Cost Level
field to on the Item Master Revisions form.

7. Price Revisions (Conditional)

Specify whether the system displays the Price Revisions form when you add or change
information on the Item Master Revisions form. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.
To display the Price Revisions form, you must also enter 1 in the Sales Price Level field
on the Item Master Revisions form.

8. Unit Of Measure Conversions (Conditional)

Specify whether the system displays the Unit of Measure form when you add or
change information and when the system performs the unit of measure conversations
at the item level. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

9. Item Branch
Specify whether the system displays the Item Branch form when you add or change
information on the Item Master Revisions form. Values are:
Blank: Do not display the Item Branch form.
1: Display the Item Branch form, but return to the Item Master form.
2: Display and remain on the Item Branch form.

10. Attachments
Specify whether the system displays the Item Notes form when you select a media
object on the Work With Item Master Browse form. Values are:
Blank: Display only the internal attachments.
1: Display the Item Notes form.

11. Use Templates

Specify whether you want to use templates for segmented items. Values are:
Blank: Do not use templates.
1: Use templates.

3-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Master Information Global Update

This processing option enables you to update changes that are made to the second or
third item numbers to records in selected tables.

1. Transfer Changes
Specify which tables the system updates when you make changes to item numbers in
the item branch records. Use UDC table (40/IC) to compile the list of tables. Values
Blank: The system does not update any tables.
1: The system updates only those tables that contain item branch information with
changes to the second and third item numbers.
2: The system updates only selected tables that contain item branch information with
changes to the second and third item numbers. Versions
If you leave any of the following processing options blank, the system uses version

1. Item Availability (P41202)

Specify the version of the P41202 program to use.

2. Item Branch (P41026)

Specify the version of the P41026 program to use.

3. Cost Revisions (P4105)

Specify the version of the P4105 program to use.

4. Segmented Item Availability (P41206)

Specify the version of the P41206 program to use.

5. Item Segment Selection (P410015)

Specify the version of the P410015 program to use. Interop
1. Transaction Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/TT) that identifies the default
transaction type, such as an invoice or a sales order, the system uses. If you leave this
processing option blank, the system does not perform outbound interoperability

2. Before/After Image Processing

Specify whether the system creates a record of a transaction after the transaction is
changed, or whether the system creates records of a transaction before and after a
transaction is changed. Values are:
Blank: Create a record of a transaction after changes.
1: Create two records; one record before changes and one record after changes.

Entering Item Information 3-11

Entering Item Master Information Style
1. Additional Style Item Information
Specify whether the system displays the Additional Style Item Information form
(WCW45A) when you add or change information on the Item Master Revisions form
for a style item. Values are:
Blank: Do not display the form.
1: Display the form.

2. Composition
Specify whether the system displays the Work With Composition form (WCW44A)
when you add or modify style item information on the Item Master Revisions form.
Values are:
Blank: Do not display the form.
1: Display the form.

3. Structure Definition
Specify whether the system displays the Item Structure Definition form (WCW02C)
when you add information on the Item Master Revisions form (W4101A) for a style
item. Values are:
Blank: Do not display the Item Structure Definition form.
1: Display the Item Structure Definition form.

3.2.6 Setting Up Item Information

Access the Item Master Revisions form.
When you enter a new item, first you must enter information that identifies the item.
Next, you must enter an item description and the text. The item description and text
represent the information upon which you are most likely to search when trying to
locate the item. Each item can have up to three identifiers that you use to locate the
item. These identifiers can represent universal product codes (UPCs), bar codes,
supplier numbers, or a user-defined value.
Item processing information consists of values that control how the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system processes the item. These values pertain
to stocking, packaging, accounting transactions, system interfaces, and so on.

Note: You can also translate item descriptions and search text into
multiple languages to locate items using alternate languages. The
system administrator can make descriptions in other languages
available based on user profiles.

If you revise the second and third item identifiers, the program can transfer these
changes to other selected files, depending on how you activate the related processing
You can also specify the persons or businesses that are responsible for the item,
including the buyers, planners, and preferred carriers. Before you can assign
responsible persons or businesses to an item, each person and business must have an
address book number in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system.

3-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Master Information Basic Item Data

Select the Basic Item Data tab.

Item Number
Enter an identifier for an item.

Catalog Number
Enter an identifier for an item.

Enter a user-defined description of the item. The system will use this value to search
for items.

Search Text
Enter a user-defined phrase that describes the item. Enter specific and descriptive text
that a user might enter when searching for an item. The system will use this value to
search for items.
In single-byte environments, where computer storage space can hold only Latin-based
language character sets, the system inserts the first 30 characters from the item's
description if you do not enter search text.
In double-byte environments, where computer storage space can hold more complex
language character sets (in languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean), you
must complete this field. It is a single-byte field that you complete with single-byte
characters to phonetically represent the item description (which can be single-byte,
double-byte, or both).

Stocking Type
Enter a code from UDC table (41/I) that specifies how you stock an item, for example,
as finished goods or as raw materials. Some stocking types are hard-coded and should
not be changed.
In UDC table (41/I), the first character in the Description 2 field indicates whether the
item is purchased, (P), or manufactured, (M).

GL Class
Enter a code from UDC table (41/9) that specifies which general ledger accounts
receive the monetary amount of inventory transactions for this item.

Planner Number
Enter the address number of the material planner for this item.

Buyer Number
Enter the address number of the person responsible for setting up and maintaining the
correct stocking levels for the item.

Backorders Allowed
Select this check box to enable backorders for this item. You can enable backorders by
item in the Item Master (P4101) program or the Item Branch/Plant (P41026) program,
by customer in the Customer Billing Instructions program (P03013), or by
branch/plant in the Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001).

Check Availability
Select this check box to enable availability checking. You might want to enable
availability checking for certain items. For other items, if you assume that an adequate
supply is available, leave availability checking disabled.

Entering Item Information 3-13

Entering Item Master Information

Inventory Cost Level

Enter code for UDC table (H40/CL) that indicates whether the system maintains one
overall inventory cost for the item, a different cost for each branch/plant, or a different
cost for each location and lot within a branch/plant. The system maintains inventory
costs in the Cost Ledger File (F4105). Values are:
1: Item level
2: Item/Branch level
3: Item/Branch/Location level

Purchase Price Level

Enter code for UDC table (H40/PP) that indicates where to retrieve the purchase price
for an item when you enter a purchase order. Values are:
1: Use the supplier/item price from the Purchase Price table (F41061).
2: Use the supplier/item/branch price from the Purchase Price table (F41061).
3: Use the inventory cost from the Cost Ledger File (F4105). This cost is based on the
inventory cost level and the purchasing cost method you specify for the item.
The first two codes are applicable only if you set up supplier costs in the Procurement
system. If you do not set up supplier costs, the system uses the inventory cost as the
default for the purchase order. Additional Info

Select the Additional Info. tab.

A Ranking,B Ranking,C Ranking, and D Ranking None

Enter a code that specifies this item's ABC ranking by sales amount. Values are:
A: Assign this item to the first (largest) amount ranking.
B: Assign this item to the second (intermediate) amount ranking.
C: Assign this item to the third (smallest) amount ranking.
D: Do not include this item when you run ABC analysis.
Three types of ABC analysis are available: sales, margin, and on-hand value. Within
each type of analysis, you can have three groups: A, B, and C.
The ABC code fields contain a percentage that tells the system how to define the A, B,
and C groups for categorizing items during ABC analysis. Each group measures a total
within the type of analysis.
For all groups, the system compares the appropriate sales, margin, or on-hand value
totals of a single item to the appropriate total for all items and calculates the value of
each item. An item's value is its percentage of the appropriate total. The system then
arranges the values of all items from highest to lowest value and accumulates the
percentages. The next step depends on the group:
A group: If an item's value causes the accumulated total to exceed the A accumulated
percentage, the system assigns the item to the B group.
B group: When the accumulated total reaches the percentage that you entered for
items in the A group, the system continues adding values until it reaches the
percentage that you entered for items in the B group. The system assigns all items for
which the value falls between the A and B percentages to the B group.

3-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Master Information

C group: If an item's value causes the accumulated total to exceed the B accumulated
percentage, the system assigns the item to the C group. The percentage that you
usually enter for the C group is 999. Lot Processing

Select the Lot Processing tab.

Serial No. Required (serial number required)

Enter the code that specifies whether you must attach a serial number to this item at
receipt or sale for basic serial number processing, or whether memo lot information is
required for advanced serial number processing. Advanced serial number processing
enables you to use a serial number to track an item through purchasing and sales. For
basic serial number processing, the values are:
Y: The system requires a serial number for all transactions pertaining to this item in
related inventory, sales, and purchase order programs.
N: The system does not require a serial number.
To specify lots for items with serial numbers, the values are:
3: Supplier lot number is required (purchasing only).
4: Supplier lot number is required (purchasing only). Memo lot 1 is also required.
5: Supplier lot number is required (purchasing only). Memo lot 1 and memo lot 2 are
also required.
6: Non-serialized item number.
Values 3 through 5 specify whether lot assignment is required for items with serial
numbers. You can require assignment of up to three lot numbers, including supplier
lot, memo lot 1, and memo lot 2.

Lot Status Code

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table (41/L) that indicates the status of the lot. If
you leave this field blank, the system indicates that the lot is approved. All other codes
indicate that the lot is on hold. You can assign a different status code to each location
in which a lot resides on Item/Location Information or Location Lot Status Change.

Lot Process Type

Enter the user-defined code from UDC table (H41/SR) that specifies whether lot or
serial number is assigned. Lot and serial number processes use the F4108 table. Values
0: Lot assignment is optional. You can manually assign numbers. Quantity can be
greater than one. (default)
1: Lot assignment is required. The system assigns numbers using the system date in
YYMMDD format. Quantity can be greater than one.
2: Lot assignment is required. The system assigns numbers in ascending order using
next numbers. Quantity can be greater than one.
3: Lot assignment is required. You must manually assign numbers. Quantity can be
greater than one.
4: Serial number assignment is optional except during shipment confirmation.
Quantity must not exceed one.
5: Serial number assignment is required. The system assigns numbers using the system
date in YYMMDD format. Quantity must not exceed one.

Entering Item Information 3-15

Entering Item Master Information

6: Serial number assignment is required. The system assigns numbers in ascending

order using next numbers. Quantity must not exceed one.
7: Serial number assignment is required. You must manually assign numbers. Quantity
must not exceed one.

Country of Origin Required

Select the checkbox to indicate that the system requires a country of origin when you
create a new lot or serial number. The checkbox is enabled only when the value for Lot
Process Type is 1-3 or 5-7.

Note: The system disables the Country of Origin Required checkbox

when you identify an item as bulk.

Commitment Date Method

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table (H40/CD) that specifies which date the
system uses to commit inventory when an item is committed by date. The default
value is 01 (lot expiration date). The date fields are stored in the F4108 table.

Lot Expiration Date Method

Enter the code that indicates which method the system uses for calculating the
expiration date for a lot. Values are:
1: On-hand date plus shelf life days
2: Based on date plus shelf life days
3: Least expiration date of active components

Shelf Life Days

Enter the number of days that an item can remain in inventory before it expires. The
system adds this number to the date that the item is received to determine the
expiration date for the item. If you do not enter a value here, you must enter an
expiration date each time that you receive the lot item.

Best Before/Sell By Default Days

Enter the number of days that an item can remain in inventory before it should be
consumed. The system uses the number that you enter to calculate the best-before date
using two different methods, depending on whether the number that you enter in this
field is positive or negative. If the value is positive, the system adds the days to the
based-on date to determine the best-before date for the lot. If the number is negative,
the system subtracts the days from the lot expiration date to determine the best-before

Manufacturing Effective Days

Enter the number of days that an item must remain in inventory before the system
considers the item to be available for sales and manufacturing commitments. To
calculate the lot-effective date, the system adds the number that you enter in this field
to the based-on date that appears in the F4108 table.

Purchasing Effective Days

Enter the number of days after a purchased item is received that a lot becomes
available. The system uses this number when calculating and displaying the Effective
Date field in the Purchase Orders program (P4310) and the PO Receipts program

3-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Master Information

User Lot Date 1–5 Default Days

Enter the number of days that the system uses to calculate the value for the User Lot
Date 1 through User Lot Date 5 fields of the F4108 table. The system calculates the
values using one of two methods, depending on whether the number that you enter in
this field is positive or negative. If you enter a positive value, the system adds the days
to the based-on date to determine the value for the fields. If you enter a negative value,
the system subtracts the days from the lot expiration date to determine the value for
the fields.

3.2.7 Entering Alternate Descriptions

Access the Item Master Alternative Description form.
After you enter item identification and processing information, you can locate the item
and enter a description and search text in one or more languages. This alternate text is
available in the language setup at the system level or in the user profile.

Language Preference
Enter a user-defined code from UDC table (01/LP) that specifies the language to use
on forms and printed reports. Before you specify a language, a code for that language
must exist at either the system level or in the user preferences.

3.2.8 Attaching Messages to Items

Access the Item Master Revisions form.
After you enter basic item information, you can attach predefined messages to an item.
Other users can also view or print this messages when working with the item. Item
messages are predefined, so you can attach the same message to multiple items.

Print Message
Enter a code from UDC table (40/PM) that represents a predefined message from the
Print Message Revisions form. You can print the message on sales orders, purchase
orders, and so forth.

Item Flash Message

Enter a code from UDC table (40/FL) that specifies the message the system displays
each time that someone works with the item.
When you work with an item that has a flash message, the message appears next to
the item number or the system highlights the item number. If the number is
highlighted, you can access the message by placing the cursor on the item number and
performing the appropriate function called for by the program.

3.2.9 Entering Notes for Items

Access the Item Notes Revisions form.
Enter item notes to provide additional information about an item, such as information
about discounts or deliveries. Item notes are not predefined. If notes already exist for
an item, a paper clip button appears next to the item number on the Work With Item
Notes form. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system stores
item notes by the language in which they are entered so that you can print the notes on
documents (such as invoices and purchase orders) in multiple languages

Item Number
Enter a number that the system assigns to an item. It can be in short, long, or
third-item number format.

Entering Item Information 3-17

Entering Item Master Information

Effective Date
Enter the date when a transaction, contract, obligation, preference, or policy rule
becomes effective.

Effective Date
Enter the date on which a transaction, text message, agreement, obligation, or
preference has expired or been completed.

3.2.10 Adding Classification Codes to Items

Access the Category Codes form. Sales Classification Codes

Sales Catalog Section
Enter a code from UDC table (41/S1) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and
process like items.
This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales

Sub Section
Enter a code from UDC table (41/S2) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and
process like items.
This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales

Sales Category Code 3

Enter a code from UDC table (41/S3) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and
process like items.
This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales

Sales Category Code 4

Enter a code from UDC table (41/S4) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and
process like items.
This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales

Sales Category Code 5

Enter a code from UDC table (41/S5) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and
process like items.
This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales

Preferred Sales Carrier

Enter the address number for the preferred carrier of the item. The supplier or the
organization might prefer to assign item responsibility to a certain carrier because of
route or special handling requirements.

3-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Master Information

This value serves as the carrier default when you enter a purchase order for the item.

Item Pool Code

Enter a code from UDC table (41/P0) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as commodity type or planning family. The system uses this code to
sort and process like items.
This field is one of six classification categories that are available primarily for
purchasing purposes.

Category Code 6
Enter a code from UDC table (41/S6) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and
process like items.
This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales

Category Code 7
Enter a code from UDC table (41/S7) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and
process like items.
This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales

Category Code 8
Enter a code from UDC table (41/S8) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and
process like items.
This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales

Category Code 9
Enter a code from UDC table (41/S9) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and
process like items.
This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales

Category Code 10
Enter a code from UDC table (41/S0) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and
process like items.
Use this field as one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales
purposes. Purchasing Classification Codes

Commodity Class
Enter a code from UDC table (41/P1) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as commodity type or planning family. The system uses this code to
sort and process like items.
This field is one of six classification categories that are available primarily for
purchasing purposes.

Entering Item Information 3-19

Entering Item Master Information

Commodity Sub Class

Enter a code from UDC table (41/P2) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as commodity type or planning family. The system uses this code to
sort and process like items.
This field is one of six classification categories that are available primarily for
purchasing purposes.

Supplier Rebate Code

Enter a code from UDC table (41/P3) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as commodity type or planning family. The system uses this code to
sort and process like items.
This field is one of six classification categories that are available primarily for
purchasing purposes.

Master Planning Family

Enter a code from UDC table (41/P4) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as commodity type or planning family. The system uses this code to
sort and process like items.
This field is one of six classification categories that are available primarily for
purchasing purposes.

Landed Cost Rule

Enter a code from UDC table (41/P5) that indicates the landed cost rule for an item.
The landed cost rule determines purchasing costs that exceed the actual price of an
item, such as broker fees or commissions. You set up landed cost rules on the Landed
Cost Revisions form. Inventory and Transportation Classification Codes

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transportation Management system uses the Shipping
Conditions Code and Shipping Commodity Class fields.

Shipping Conditions Code

Enter a code from UDC table (41/C) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as special shipping conditions. The system uses this code to sort
and process like items.
This field is one of three classification categories that are available primarily for
inventory and shipping purposes.

Shipping Commodity Class

Enter a code from UDC table (41/E) that represents an item property type or
classification, such as international shipment handling. The system uses this code to
sort and process similar items. This field is one of three classification categories that
are available primarily for inventory and shipping purposes.

Cycle Count Category

Enter a code from UDC table (41/8) that represents the family or cycle in which an
item is counted. Cycle counting means that you count different inventory items at
different times. Cycle codes commonly represent item values, item locations, time
frames, or product groups.

3-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Master Information Warehouse Classification Codes

Item Dimension Group
Enter a code from UDC table (41/01) that identifies a group of items that share the
same dimensions. An item dimension group defines the dimensions for all items that
belong to the group. After you set up an item dimension group, you can assign items
to the group through the Classification Codes program (P41011).

Warehouse Process Grp 1 through Warehouse Process Grp 3 (warehouse process

Enter codes from UDC table (41/02) that identify a group of items that you want to
move the same way. A process group determines what movement instructions the
system uses for putaway, picking, and replenishment. You use the Classification Codes
program (P41011) to assign items to process groups.

3.2.11 Entering Default Units of Measure for Items

Access the Item Master Revisions form.
After you enter basic item information, such as the item identifier and the item's
primary unit of measure, you must provide the system with more specific unit of
measure information for the different distribution processes. Weights and Measures

Select the Weights and Measures tab.

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates the primary unit of measure for
the item. The primary unit of measure must be the smallest unit of measure in which
you handle the item.
This is the PSAU of measure that the system uses to store all inventory. If you change
the primary unit of measure, the conversion factors in the item-level conversion table
are no longer valid.
The default value for this field is the unit of measure that you specify for the item on
the Item Master Revisions form.

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates an alternate unit of measure for
the item.

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that identifies the unit of measure in which you
usually purchase the item.

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates the unit of measure in which you
usually price the item.

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates the unit of measure in which you
usually ship the item.

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates the unit of measure in which you
produce the item.

Entering Item Information 3-21

Entering Item Master Information

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates the unit of measure for an item
when the item serves as a component, for example, for a bill of material or work order
parts list.

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that identifies the unit of measure that the
system uses to indicate weight for this item. As weight standards, you can specify
ounces, grams, kilograms, and so on. The system uses this unit of measure for the item
or overrides it for an individual item or container.
The default value for this field is the weight unit of measure that you specify in
processing options for the Item Master program.

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates the unit of measure by metric
conversion for ambient volume. For example, the unit of measure code for a gallon
might be GL, or for a liter it might be LT.

3.2.12 Defining Item Unit of Measure Conversions

Access the Item Unit Of Measure Conversions form.
After you enter the default unit of measure information, you must provide the system
with unit of measure conversion information if the item has multiple units of measure
(for example, an item that you stock in boxes and in crates).
You can update conversion information only for items that already exist in the system.
For new items, you must select OK to save the item, and then select the item on the
Work With Item Master Browse form, and return to the Item Master Revisions form.

From UoM (from unit of measure)

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that identifies the unit of measure for an item.
For example, the unit of measure can be eaches, cases, or boxes.

Enter the factor that the system uses to convert one unit of measure to another unit of

To UoM (to unit of measure)

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates a secondary unit of measure.

3.2.13 Specifying a Dual Unit of Measure for an Item

Access the Item Master Revisions form. Weights and Measures

Select the Weights and Measures tab.

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates an alternate unit of measure for
the item. Additional Info.

Select the Additional Info. tab.

3-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Master Information

Dual Unit of Measure Item

Use this option to specify whether the system must maintain inventory balances and
record transactions for an item in a secondary unit of measure that does not have a
fixed conversion to the primary unit of measure. Typically, you select this option when
the item is ordered or sold by a packaged quantity and priced by weight or volume.

Note: For a dual unit of measure item, the system might require a
tolerance check for inventory transactions (excluding inventory
adjustments) between the primary unit of measure and the secondary
unit of measure.

Dual Picking Process

Specify whether the system uses the primary or secondary unit of measure for a dual
unit of measure item for these processes:
■ Picking.
■ Sales order availability checking.
■ Committing inventory for sales.
■ Splitting purchase order lines.
To use the primary unit of measure, do not select this option. To use the secondary unit
of measure, select this option.

Dual Unit of Measure Tolerance

Specify whether the system must maintain inventory balances and record transactions
for an item in a secondary unit of measure that does not have a fixed conversion to the
primary unit of measure. Typically, you select this option when the item is ordered or
sold by a packaged quantity and priced by weight or volume.

Note: For a dual unit of measure item, the system might require a
tolerance check for inventory transactions (excluding inventory
adjustments) between the primary unit of measure and the secondary
unit of measure.

Dual Tolerance Percentage

Enter a number, expressed as a percentage, that the system uses to ensure that the
primary and dual quantities on a transaction are within a certain range of the standard
conversion. For example, assume that you enter 3 percent as the dual tolerance for an
item and that a case of the item weighs approximately 100 pounds. When the system
confirms shipment for a case of the item, you must enter a weight between 97 and 103
pounds to be within dual tolerance. The system does not check dual tolerance for
inventory adjustments due to evaporation or shrinkage.

3.2.14 Setting Up Search Sequence Using Price Units of Measure

Access the Item Unit Of Measure Conversions form.
You can specify multiple units of measure to locate base prices and adjustments. For
example, you can specify that pallets are the first unit of measure for the system to use
when searching, then cases as the second unit of measure, and then boxes. You can set
up as many as eight sequences for a specific item and the search sequences do not
have to follow a certain progression.

Entering Item Information 3-23

Entering Item Master Information

The system uses the conversion factors to convert adjustments into the other unit of
measure. For example, if the system locates an adjustment using the transaction unit of
measure, the system also displays the pricing unit of measure. The system uses the
unit of measure conversion factors to recalculate the adjustment in the pricing unit of
You can set up two price unit of measure sequences: one for sales and another for
The system uses these tables for processing search sequences using units of measure:
■ F41001
■ F41002
■ F4072
■ F4106

Sales UOM Seq. (sales unit of measure sequence)

Enter a code that determines which from level units of measure the system uses when
searching for base prices and adjustments. This code also determines the order in
which the system searches for the units of measure. The system always searches first
for the unit of measure with the smallest sales price code value.

Procurement UOM Seq. (procurement unit of measure sequence)

Enter a code that determines the units of measure for the from level that the system
uses when searching for purchase prices and adjustments. This code also determines
the order in which the system searches for units of measure. The system first searches
for units of measure that have the lowest purchase price code value.

See Also:
■ "Configuring the Sales Order Management System" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management
Implementation Guide.
■ "Setting Up UCC 128 Compliance" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.
■ "Setting Up Bulk Items" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Bulk Stock Inventory Implementation Guide.

3.2.15 Setting Up Manufacturing Information

Access the Additional System Information form. Manufacturing Data

Select the Manufacturing Data tab.

Order Policy Code

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table (H41/OP) that specifies the rules for
inventory reordering in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning system
and the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system. The hard-coded values are:
0: Reorder point [not planned by Master Production Schedule (MPS), Material
Requirements Planning (MRP), or Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP)].
1: Lot-for-lot or as required.
2: Fixed order quantity.

3-24 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Master Information

3: Economic order quantity (EOQ).

4: Periods of supply.
5: Rate scheduled item.

Value Order Policy

Enter a hard-coded order policy code. Values are:
2: Fixed order quantity.
4: Periods of supply. This value represents the number of days of net requirements that
the system uses to determine order size.
5: Rate scheduled item. This value represents the desired inventory level. When the
ending available quantity is less than the desired inventory level, the system then
issues an increase rate to message. When the ending available quantity is greater than
the desired inventory level, the system then issues a decrease rate to message.

Note: If you enter a order policy code other than 2,4, or 5, the value
has no significance in MRP.

Planning Code
Enter a user-defined code from UDC table (H41/MP) that indicates how MPS, MRP, or
DRP processes this item. The hard coded values are:
0: Not planned by MPS, MRP, or DRP.
1: Planned by MPS or DRP.
2: Planned by MRP.
3: Planned by MRP with additional independent forecast.
4: Planned by MPS, Parent in Planning Bill.
5: Planned by MPS, Component in Planning Bill.

Planning Fence Rule

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table (34/TF) that the system uses in conjunction
with the Planning Time Fence Days field to determine how forecast demand or actual
customer demand is used. Values are:
C: Customer demand before, greater of forecast or customer demand after.
F: Forecast before, forecast plus customer demand after.
G: Greater of forecast or customer demand before, forecast after.
S: Customer demand before, forecast after.
1: Zero before, forecast after.
3: Zero before, forecast plus customer demand after.
For example, if you enter 5 in the Planning Time Fence Days field and S in this field,
then the system uses only customer demand for the regeneration for the first 5 days.
After 5 days, the system uses the forecast for the regeneration.

Planning Fence
Enter the number of days that the system uses in conjunction with the time fence rule
to determine how the forecast is used. Enter the number of days after the start date
when the time fence rule changes from the first rule to the second rule.

Entering Item Information 3-25

Entering Item Master Information

For example, if the planning fence rule is S, the generation start date is 01/03/05, and
the planning time fence is three days, the system plans using customer demand
through 01/06/05. Beginning on 01/07/05, the system plans using the forecast.

Note: The system does not count the generation start date; that is,
the day after the generation start date is day 1.
For manufactured items, the system counts working days, as defined
in the calendar in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor
Management system. For purchased items, the system counts calendar

Freeze Fence
Enter the number of days from the generation start date within which the system does
not generate action messages.
For example, if the generation start date is 01/03/05, and the freeze time fence is three
days, the planning system does not generate messages with required dates that are
before or equal to 01/06/05.

Note: The system does not count the generation start date; that is,
the day after the generation start date is day one.
For manufactured items, the system counts working days, as defined
in the calendar in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor
Management system.
For purchased items, the system counts calendar days.

Message Display Fence

Enter the number of days after the generation start date within which the system
should display order messages.
For example, if the generation start date is 01/01/05, and the message time fence is 30
days, the system displays messages with dates before or equal to 01/31/05. The
system does not display messages with dates of 02/01/05 or later. However, the
planning horizon for orders continues past this date and is reflected in
available-to-promise totals.

Note: The system does not count the generation start date; that is,
the day after the generation start date is day one.
For manufactured items, the system counts working days, as defined
in the calendar in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor
Management system.
For purchased items, the system counts calendar days.

Suppress MRP Messages (suppress material requirements planning messages)

Specify whether you want the system to suppress MRP messages. You can specify 0 or
1, regardless of whether the item is defined as MRP or Demand Flow. Values are:
0: Suppress MRP messages.
1: Do not suppress MRP messages.

3-26 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Master Information

Issue and Receipt

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (43/IR) that indicates whether an item is
received at the time of inventory issues or whether the system uses the Receipt
Routing Movement and Disposition program (P43250). Values are:
0: The system does not perform any actions.
1: The system receives an item when an inventory issue occurs.
2: The system uses the P43250 program when an inventory issue occurs.

Replenishment Hours
Enter the time that is required before a consuming location has a replacement kanban
available from its supplying location.
This value is used only for kanban card processing in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Shop Floor Management system.

MFG Leadtime Quantity (material requirements planning leadtime quantity)

Enter the quantity that determines the leadtime level for a manufactured item. Each of
the routing steps for the item are extended by this quantity. For the system to calculate
the leadtime level, the quantity in this field must be a value other than zero.

Leadtime Level
Enter a value that represents the leadtime for an item at its assigned level in the
production process, as defined on Plant Manufacturing Data. The system uses this
value to calculate the start dates for work orders using fixed leadtimes. Level leadtime
is different for purchased and manufactured items:
Purchased: The number of calendar days that are required for the item to arrive at the
branch/plant after the supplier receives the purchase order.
Manufactured: The number of workdays that are required to complete the fabrication
or assembly of an item after all the components are available.
You can enter level leadtime manually on the Plant Manufacturing tab of the
Additional System Information form, or you can use the Leadtime Roll up program to
calculate it. To calculate level leadtime using the Leadtime Roll up program, you must
first enter a quantity in the Manufacturing Leadtime Quantity field in the F4102 table.

Leadtime Manufacturing
Enter the total number of days that are required to build an item from its lowest level
components to the final assembly. This value is the total of the level leadtimes for all
manufactured items, plus the highest manufacturing leadtime for all its components.
If all components are purchased, the manufacturing leadtime equals the item's level
leadtime. Purchased item leadtimes are not included in the calculation of
manufacturing leadtimes.
You can enter the manufacturing leadtime manually, or you can have the system
calculate it when you run the Leadtime Roll up program.

Leadtime Per Unit

Enter the total number of hours that are required to build one unit as specified on the
routing. This value is factored by the time basis code.
You can enter this value manually or you can have the system calculate it when you
run the Leadtime Roll up program. The system overwrites this value when you run
the Leadtime Roll up program.
The system uses this field to calculate start dates for work orders when you use
variable leadtimes.

Entering Item Information 3-27

Entering Item Master Information

Leadtime Cumulative
Enter the total number of days that are required to build an item from its lowest level
components to the final assembly. The system calculates the value differently for
manufactured and purchased items.
Manufactured: The total of all level leadtimes for all manufactured items, plus the
highest cumulative leadtime of all its components.
Purchased: The item's level leadtime. Purchased item leadtimes are included in the
calculation of cumulative leadtimes.
You can enter this value manually, or you can have the system calculate it when you
run the Leadtime Roll up program.

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table (H41/MS) that determines whether the
system uses fixed or variable leadtimes. This value works in conjunction with the
value from either the Level Leadtime field or the Leadtime Per Unit field. Values are:
F: The system calculates work order start dates using the value from the Leadtime
Level field.
V: The system calculates work order start dates using the value from the Leadtime Per
Unit field.

Drawing Size
Enter a code that represents the engineering drawing size. For example:
A: A-size drawing
D: D-size drawing

Last Revision No (last revision number)

Enter a subset to the drawing number. The subset provides an additional description
of the drawing and is useful if the system uses an engineering drawing as a reference
for this item.

Drawing Number
Enter an engineering drawing number. This number might be the same as the part or
item number. Grade and Potency

Select the Grade and Potency tab.

Grade/Potency Pricing
Enter a user-defined code from UDC table (41/05) that groups several items that
contain the same requirements for the Stock Valuation system. Valuation methods are
set up by item or pool. The items that are assigned to the pool use the pool's
designated valuation methods for extracting and valuing the inventory.

Potency Control
Enter a value that specifies whether you control the item by potency. Values are:
N: Do not control the item by potency.
Y: Control the item by potency.

Standard Potency
Enter the percentage of active ingredients that are normally found in an item.

3-28 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Master Information

From Potency and Thru Potency

Enter a value that indicates the minimum and maximum potency or percentage of
active ingredients that are acceptable for an item.
The system displays a warning message if you try to purchase or issue items that do
not meet the minimum acceptable potency or exceed the maximum acceptable
potency. The system does not allow you to sell items that do not meet the minimum
acceptable potency or exceed the maximum acceptable potency.

Grade Control
Enter a code that indicates whether you control the item by grade.
N: Do not control the item by grade.
Y: Control the item by grade.

Standard Grade
Enter a user-defined code from UDC table (40/LG) that represents the normal grade
for an item.

From Grade and Thru Grade

Enter user-defined codes from UDC table (40/LG) that indicate the minimum and
maximum grades that are acceptable for an item.
The system displays a warning message if you try to purchase or issue items with
grades that do not meet the minimum grade or exceed the maximum grade. The
system does not allow you to sell items with grades that do not meet the minimum
grade or exceed the maximum grade. Service/Warranty
Select the Service/Warranty tab.

Cost Type
Enter a user-defined code from UDC table (30/CA) that designates the item. Values
A1: Material
B1: Labor
X1: Freight
X2: Travel

Return Policy
Enter a user-defined code from UDC table (17/RT) that specifies whether to return the
part with the claim.

Create Equipment Master Record

Specify whether the system creates an equipment record for an item when you run the
Equipment Master Update program (R17024). The system creates the equipment
record during the update only if you activate this option for the item. Supply Chain Planning

Select the Supply Chain Planning tab.

Constraints Flag
Enter a user-defined code from UDC table (42/AC) that specifies whether to include
an item in Supply Chain Planning (SCP). Values are:

Entering Item Information 3-29

Entering Item Master Information

Blank or 0: Do not include the item.

1: Include the item.

Sellable Item
Specify whether an item is sellable. Use the Update Sellable Flag program (R41900) to
update this field for multiple items. Blend Management

Select the Blend Management tab.

Operational Threshold
Enter the minimum and maximum threshold values for the active ingredient of an
additive that you use in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management system.
Threshold information is not required. You can use operational thresholds, cumulative
thresholds or both.
The system compares this value with the quantity of active ingredient in the current
operation and issues a warning if the quantity is below the minimum value or above
the maximum value in an active operation. For actual or closed operations, the system
generates an error.
You enter the operational or the cumulative threshold values using a unit of measure
from the Blend Management Unit of Measure UDC table (31B/UM).

Cumulative Threshold
Enter the minimum and maximum cumulative threshold values for the active
ingredient of an additive that you use in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend
Management system. The system compares this value with the PPM quantity of the
accumulated additives for the operation and issues a warning if the quantity is below
the minimum value or above the maximum value in an active operation. For actual or
closed operations, the system generates an error. Demand Flow®

Select the Demand Flow® tab.

Demand Flow® Product

Select whether an item is an end item for Demand Flow. An item can be added to a
mixed model family only if you select this option.

Total Product Cycle Time

Enter a value that represents the calculated work content through the longest path of
the process or processes that are required to build a product. The value is in the
scenario unit of measure (hours, minutes, seconds, or whatever was used in the

Primary Line
Enter a number that you have previously set up in the F30006 table to define which
product line primarily produces the end item. You can define detailed work center
operations within the line or cell.

Explode BOM(explode bill of material)

Select whether the BOM is expanded by one subordinate level. For example, if you
select this option at level one, the system displays the children at level two. The
children for level two do not appear unless you select this option for level two end
items, and so on.

3-30 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Branch/Plant Information

The functionality of this option applies only when the item is a Demand Flow item
and you are performing BOM explosion using the Volume Design and Product
Synchronization program (PF30L201). Normal BOM explosion remains as it is in base

3.3 Entering Branch/Plant Information

This section provides an overview of branch/plant information, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for the Item Branch Plant program (P41026).
■ Assign items to a branch/plants.
■ Assign a primary location to an item.
■ Assign a secondary location to an item.
■ Enter classification codes for branch/plants.
■ Enter tax information.
■ Locate item sources.
■ Enter item reorder quantities.
■ Enter branch/plant manufacturing information.
■ Set processing options for Item Branch Duplication program (P41015).
■ Duplicate item information for multiple branch/plants.

See Also:
■ "Working with Item Information and Inventory Inflation
Adjustment" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Localizations for Argentina Implementation Guide.

3.3.1 Understanding Branch/Plant Information

Information about an item might differ from warehouse to warehouse. For example,
taxes might be applicable to an item in one warehouse but not in another. You might
also have different quantity requirements for items depending on the warehouse. After
you enter master information for an item, you can assign the item to warehouses or
branch/plants. You can then configure the item information for each branch/plant.
You can also specify the item locations within the branch/plant and item processing
You enter item information for a branch/plant in the Item/Branch Plant program
(P41026). Most fields on Item/Branch Plant Info. form are identical to those on the
Item Master Revisions form. The system uses the default values from the Item Master
Revisions form. You can enter item information for a single branch/plant or copy
existing item information and duplicate it for multiple branch/plants.
Branch/plants can represent anything from warehouses to stores to trucks. You can
define separate rules in each branch/plant, which enables you to separate divisions of
universal items for which you can implement unique rules, costs, prices, and so forth.
After you establish a branch/plant, you can further define it by identifying locations,
such as zones, aisles, bins, and lots. By establishing item locations, you can use the
information to:
■ Verify specific locations.

Entering Item Information 3-31

Entering Branch/Plant Information

■ Display item descriptions.

■ Review available quantities.
■ Review lot statuses.
You can also define locations by classifying them into groups that accommodate:
■ Consignment items.
■ Items requiring rework or repair.
■ Returned items.
■ Special items belonging to a particular customer.
If you have item information that applies to items in multiple branch/plants, you can
enter item information for one branch/plant and then duplicate the information, such
as costs, prices, and units of measure for as many as 10 other branch/plants by using
either of these programs:
■ Item Branch Duplication (P41015) program to select individual items for
■ Item Branch Duplication (R41826) batch program to define criteria for items that
you want to duplicate.
Both of these programs use the F41015 table during processing and send a message to
the Employee Work Center when the duplication process is complete.
After you enter item information for a specific branch/plant, the system creates a
record in the F4102 table. Every JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system that retrieves item
information searches for the item branch/plant information before searching the item
master information. Item Locations

After you assign an item to a branch/plant, you can indicate multiple locations in
which the item resides. For each branch/plant, you assign:
■ A primary location.
A primary location is required. The system prompts you for the primary location
immediately after you assign an item to a branch/plant. The system usually
processes an item through its primary location. For example, when you receive an
item, the system assigns the item to its primary location unless you specify a
secondary location.
■ Multiple secondary locations.
Secondary locations are optional. You can also assign secondary locations to an
item when you enter branch/plant information. The system automatically assigns
a secondary location if you enter a location other than the primary location for an
item when you receive it.
In addition to assigning locations to an item and branch/plant, you can assign
multiple lot numbers to each location. You can enter lot numbers manually when you
enter item locations or when you receive the items.
You can change the primary location for an item. However, if any of these soft
commitments exist, they need to be cleared before you change the primary location:
■ Quantity Soft Committed (PCOM)
■ Quantity on Backorder (PBCK)

3-32 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Branch/Plant Information

■ Quantity on Purchase Order (PREQ)

■ Other on Work Order Receipt (QWBO)
■ Quantity Other Purchasing 1 (OT1A)
■ Quantity Work Order Soft Commit (FUN1)
■ Secondary Quantity Soft Committed (SCMS)
■ Secondary Quantity on Purchase Order (SREQ)
■ Secondary Quantity on Work Order (SQWO)
To delete a primary location, you must first change it to a secondary location. You
cannot delete locations that contain quantities.
If you specify location control on the System Constants form, you can assign an item to
only those locations that are set up on the Branch/Plant Location Master form. If you
do not specify location control, you can assign an item to any location.
If you use license plate processing in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse
Management system, you activate functionality at the branch/plant level and can
specify whether to automatically create a license plate number for an item or item
dimension group in a specific unit of measure.
When you enter a location for an item, the system creates a record in the F41021 table. Country of Origin

Enter a code (00/CN) that identifies the country in which the item originates. This
information is useful to organizations that must periodically separate inventory by
country of origin.

Note: The system disables the Country of Origin Required checkbox

when you identify an item as bulk. Blend Management

When you set up additive items with threshold information for JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Blend Management, you must set up the operational and cumulative
threshold information for active ingredients in the Item Branch/Plant program as well.
When you enter additive operations, the system retrieves the threshold information
from the Item Branch table.

See Also:
■ "Setting Up Bulk Depots" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Bulk Stock Inventory Implementation Guide.
■ "Setting Up Bulk Items" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Bulk Stock Inventory Implementation Guide.
■ Setting Up Allowed Lot Status Codes.
■ Setting Up Manufacturing Information.

3.3.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
■ Set up the origin of imported items in UDC table (41/L9).

Entering Item Information 3-33

Entering Branch/Plant Information

■ Set up customs codes in UDC table (41/L0).

3.3.3 Forms Used to Enter Branch/Plant Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Item W41026E Inventory Review item
Branch Master/Transactions branches.
(G4111), Item
Item/Branch Plant W41026A On the Work With ■ Assign items to
Info. Item Branch form, branch/plants.
click Add.
■ Enter tax
■ Locate item
Primary Location W41026B This form appears Assign a primary
automatically after location to an item.
you assign an item to
a branch/plant on the
Item/Branch Plant
Info. form.
Work With Item W41024B On the Work With Review item
Locations Item Branch form, locations.
select Location
Revisions from the
Row menu.
Location Revisions W41024A On the Work With Assign a secondary
Item Locations form, location to an item.
click Add.
Category Codes W41026G On the Work With Enter classification
Item Branch form, codes for
select Category Codes branch/plants.
from the Row menu.
Note: Depending on
how you set the
processing options,
this form may appear
automatically after
you assign an item to
a branch/plant on the
Item/Branch Plant
Info. form.
Quantities W41026C On the Work With Enter item reorder
Item Branch form, quantities.
select Quantities from
the Row menu.
Additional System W41026D On the Work with Enter branch/plant
Info (additional Item Branch form, manufacturing
system information) select Addl System information.
Info. from the Row
Work With Item W41015A Inventory Advanced Duplicate item
Branch Duplication Technical Ops information for
(G4131), Item/Branch multiple
Duplication branch/plants.

3-34 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Branch/Plant Information

3.3.4 Setting Processing Options for Item Branch Plant (P41026)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
These processing options specify whether the system displays additional Item Branch
forms when you add or change information on the Item Branch/Plant Info. form.

1. Category Codes
Specify whether to display the Category Codes form when you add or change
information. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

2. Quantities
Specify whether to display the Quantities form when you add or change information.
Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

3. Additional System Information

Specify whether to display the Additional System Information form when you add or
change information. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

4. Item Profile Revisions

Specify whether to display the Item Profile Revisions form when you add or change
information. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

5. Cost Revisions
Specify whether to display the Cost Revisions form when you add or change
information. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

6. Price Revisions
Specify whether to display the Price Revisions form when you add or change
information. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

7. Unit of Measure
Specify whether to display the Unit of Measure form when the unit of measure
conversions are at the branch level and you are adding or changing information.
Values are:
Blank: Do not display.

Entering Item Information 3-35

Entering Branch/Plant Information

1: Display. Versions
If you leave either of the following processing options blank, the system uses version

1. Summary Availability (P41202)

Specify the version of the P41202 program to use.

2. Item/Location Information (P41024)

Specify the version of the P41024 program to use.

3. Apparel Item Balance Purge (RCW34)

Specify the version that the system uses to access the Style Item Balance Purge
program (RCW34). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version
XJDE0001. Interop
1. Transaction Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/TT) that identifies the default
transaction type, such as an invoice or a sales order. You can enter a transaction type or
select one from the Select User Define Code form.
If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not perform export

2. Before/After Image Processing

Specify when the system creates a record of a transaction. Values are:
Blank: Create a record of a transaction after changes.
1: Create two records. The system creates one record before changes and one record
after changes.

3.3.5 Assigning Items to Branch/Plants

Access the Item/Branch Plant Info. form.

You must enter a branch/plant number that is set up in the F41001 table.

3.3.6 Assigning a Primary Location to an Item

Access the Primary Location form.

Enter the area in the warehouse where you receive inventory. The format of the
location is user defined, and you enter the location format for each branch/plant.

Enter a number that identifies a lot or a serial number. A lot is a group of items with
similar characteristics.

3.3.7 Assigning a Secondary Location to an Item

Access the Location Revisions form.

3-36 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Branch/Plant Information

To assign a secondary location to an item, enter the location and lot/serial information.

3.3.8 Entering Classification Codes for Branch/Plants

Access the Category Codes form.
You can group items with similar characteristics so that you can work with the entire
group at the same time.
See Adding Classification Codes to Items.

3.3.9 Entering Tax Information

Access the Item/Branch Plant Info. form.

Sales Taxable
Enter a code from UDC table (H00/TV) that indicates whether the item is subject to
sales tax when you sell it. The system calculates tax on the item only if the customer is
also taxable.

Purchasing Taxable
Enter a code from UDC table (H00/TV) that indicates whether the item is subject to
sales tax when you purchase it. The system calculates tax on the item only if the
supplier is also taxable.

See Also:
■ "Entering Sales Orders" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

3.3.10 Locating Item Sources

Access the Item/Branch Plant Info. form.
You can locate the country in which an item originates and the preferred supplier for
an item. Locating these sources enables you to distinguish items based on a country or
supplier. You specify this information when you enter branch/plant information for an

Supplier Number
Enter a user-defined name or number that identifies an address book record. You can
use this number to locate and enter information about the address book record. If you
enter a value other than the address book number (AN8), such as the long address or
tax ID, you must precede it with the special character that is defined in the Address
Book constants. When the system locates the record, it returns the address book
number to the field.
For example, if address book number 4100 (Total Solutions) has a long address TOTAL
and an * distinguishes it from other entries (as defined in the Address Book constants),
you could type *TOTAL into the field, and the system would return 4100.

Country of Origin
Enter a code from UDC table (00/CN) that identifies the country in which an item
originates. This information is useful to organizations that must periodically separate
their inventory by source. You can specify your home country as the default value in
UDC table (00/CN).

Entering Item Information 3-37

Entering Branch/Plant Information

3.3.11 Entering Item Reorder Quantities

Access the Quantities form.
You can specify the minimum, maximum, and normal reorder quantities for an item.
You can also specify the level of stock at which reordering takes place. The system uses
these values in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning system.

Reorder Quantity
Enter the estimated reorder quantity for an item. You can enter this quantity if the
system does not have enough sales history to accurately calculate a reorder quantity.

Maximum Reorder Qty (maximum reorder quantity) and Minimum Reorder Qty
(minimum reorder quantity)
Enter the maximum and minimum order quantities for an item. You can calculate the
quantity on factors other than usage, such as perishability, storage capacity, and so

Reorder Point
Enter a quantity for an item that specifies when replenishment occurs. Typically, this
occurs when the total quantity on hand plus the quantity on order fall to or lower than
a specified quantity. You can enter this quantity, or the system can calculate the
quantity if a sufficient sales history is available.

Multiple Order Quantity

Enter a multiple for rounding up planned order quantities in MPS/MRP. The system
rounds up the planned order quantity to the nearest multiple that you enter in this

Units Per Container

Enter the standard quantity of containers that you use in the manufacturing process,
typically in a repetitive manufacturing environment. This quantity determines the
number of bar code labels that you will need for shipping and modifies order release

Safety Stock
Enter the quantity of stock that is kept on hand to cover high-side variations in

3.3.12 Entering Branch/Plant Manufacturing Information

Access the Additional System Info. form.
For each item, you can define manufacturing information that is specific to each
branch/plant, including:

Type of information Description

Requirements planning information Enter information about inventory shrinkage in
order to plan for the quantity that you need to
replace due to shrinkage.
Leadtime information Enter leadtime information to calculate the time
frames that are necessary to assemble or
manufacture an item.
Engineering information Enter reference information about the drawing
plans for items.

3-38 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Branch/Plant Information

Most of the items on Plant Manufacturing Data tab are identical to those on
Manufacturing Data. The system uses the default values that you specified on
Manufacturing Data.

Shrink Factor
Enter a fixed quantity or percentage that the system uses to determine inventory
shrinkage for an item. If you are entering a percentage, enter 5 percent as 5.00 and 50
percent as 50.00.
The system increases the planned order quantity by this amount in MPS/MRP/DRP
generation. The shrink factor method that you specify for the item determines whether
the shrink factor is a percentage or a fixed quantity.

Shrink Factor Method

Enter a value that determines whether the shrink factor that you enter for this item is a
percentage or a fixed quantity. Values are:
%: Percentage of order or requested quantity.
F: Fixed amount to be added to quantity.

Issue and Receipt

Enter a code that indicates whether an item is received at the time of inventory issues
or whether the system uses the Receipt Routing Movement and Disposition program
(P43250). Values are:
0: The system does not perform any actions.
1: The system receives an item when an inventory issue occurs.
2: The system uses the P43250 program when an inventory issue occurs.

Replenishment Hours
Enter the time that is required before a consuming location has a replacement kanban
available from its supplying location.
This value is used only for kanban card processing in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Shop Floor Management system.

Setup Labor
Enter the standard setup hours that you expect to incur in the normal completion of
this item. This value is not affected by crew size.

Queue Hours
Enter the total hours that an order is expected to be in queue at work centers and
moving between work centers.
The system stores this value in the F4102 table. You can calculate this value using the
Leadtime Roll up program, or you can enter it manually. When you run the Leadtime
Roll up program, the system overrides manual entries and populates the table with
calculated values.

Time Basis
Enter a code from UDC table (30/TB) that indicates how machine or labor hours are
expressed for a product. Time basis codes identify the time basis or rate to be used for
machine or labor hours that are entered for every routing step. Examples are 25 hours
per 1,000 pieces and 15 hours per 10,000 pieces. You can maintain the time basis codes
in Time Basis Codes.

Entering Item Information 3-39

Entering Branch/Plant Information

The system uses the values in the Description-2 field for costing and scheduling
calculations. The description is what the code represents, but is not used in

ECO Number (engineering change order number)

Enter the number that is assigned to an engineering change order.

ECO Reason (engineering change order reason)

Enter a code from UDC table (40/CR) that identifies the reason for the engineering
change order.

ECO Date (engineering change order date)

Enter the date of the engineering change order.

Item Revision Level

Enter the revision level for an item. If you enter a revision level in this field, verify that
the revision level of the routing for an item matches the revision level on the bill of
material for the item.

Kanban Item
Identify an item as a kanban item.

3.3.13 Setting Processing Options for Item Branch Duplication (P41015)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults 1
Branch One through Branch Six
Specify the branch/plants to which you want to duplicate the items. Default 2
Branch Seven through Branch Ten
Specify the branch/plants to which you want to duplicate the items. Process
Enter 1 to duplicate the file. If you leave this processing option blank, the system will
not duplicate the file.

Cost Ledger File (F4105)

Specify whether to duplicate the F4105 table.

Base Price File (F4106)

Specify whether to duplicate the F4106 table.

UOM Conversion Factor (F41002)

Specify whether to duplicate the F41002 table.

Bulk Depot/Product Information (F41022)

Specify whether to duplicate the F41022 table.

Item Profile (F46010)

Specify whether to duplicate the F46010 able.

3-40 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Segmented Items

Item Unit of Measure Definition (F46011)

Specify whether to duplicate the F46011 table.

Item Branch Master-Service/Warranty Extension (F41171)

Specify whether to duplicate the F41171 table.

3.3.14 Duplicating Individual Items for Multiple Branch/plants

Access the Work With Item Branch Duplication form.
When you duplicate item information, the system does not duplicate the primary
location for an item. The system uses the blank location that you have set up for the
branch/plant to which you are duplicating information.

See Also:
■ Setting Up Warehouse Locations.

3.3.15 Reviewing the Item/Branch Dup-Batch Report

Select Inventory Advanced-Technical Ops (G4131), Item/Branch Dup-Batch.
If you use the Item/Branch Dup-Batch (R41826) program to select individual items for
duplication, you can set processing options to display up to four search fields to
enable you to locate items for a particular branch/plant.
For matrix-controlled items, use the R41826 program to copy information about the
matrix parent item to all children that you have chosen for the system to generate in
the matrix. The system creates records in these tables for the children in the matrix:
■ F4101
■ F4102
■ F41021
■ F4105
■ F4106
■ F41002

3.4 Entering Segmented Items

This section provides an overview of segmented items and discusses how to:
■ Create a template for segmented items.
■ Enter segmented items.

3.4.1 Understanding Segmented Items

Many industries have base products that differ from other base products because of
packaging components, packaging processes, other attributes, or other differences that
can cause costing structures to differ. Each variation of the product is usually a unit
that is used for order entry, and it may have:
■ Manufacturing data
■ Inventory management information
■ Forecasts

Entering Item Information 3-41

Entering Segmented Items

■ Pricing rules
■ Preferences
You can use segments to accommodate these types of items, for example:
■ Polo shirts with segments of size and color.
■ Fruit drinks with segments of flavor, packaging, and type.
A segmented item can have up to 10 identifying characteristics or attributes.

3.4.2 Forms Used to Enter a Segmented Item

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Templates W410014A Inventory Review templates.
(G4111), Template
Template Master W410014B On the Work With Create a template for
Revisions Templates form, click segmented items.
Item Master Revisions W4101A On the Work With Enter segmented
Item Master Browse items.
form, click Add.

3.4.3 Creating a Template for Segmented Items

Access the Template Master Revisions form.
You create one or more templates for entering segmented items. If the same template is
not applicable for all the segmented items, create a template for each type and name
each template appropriately.
After you have created a template, you can attach it to Item Master Revisions form if
you select the appropriate processing options on the Defaults and Process tabs of the
Item Master program (P4101).

Enter a template name that you can use when entering items on the Item Master
Revisions form. This name is case-sensitive. If you use any capital letters in the
template name when you add it, you must enter those letters in capitals whenever you
search for or attach the template to the Item Master Revisions form.

No Separators
Select this check box if separators are not used in this template and all 25 character
spaces can be allotted to the segmented item number.

Note: You must also leave the Segment Separator Character field in
the Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001) blank.

Length Used
Enter a running total of the number of spaces, including separators, that are used in all
the segments.

3-42 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Working with Matrix and Parent Items

3.4.4 Entering Segmented Items

Access the Item Master Revisions form.
Set up the symbol to identify segmented items and the separator character in the
Branch Plant Constants program (P41001).

3.5 Working with Matrix and Parent Items

This section provides overviews of matrix and parent items and matrix order entry,
lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Matrix Items (P4101E).
■ Review matrix items.
■ Set processing options for Matrix Order Entry (P41902).
■ Order matrix items.

3.5.1 Understanding Matrix and Parent Items

In the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry, products often have a number of
variations though they share the same basic properties. For example, the inventory
might contain a beverage such as bottled water. However, customers demand a
number of variations in the attributes of bottled water, including flavored water, plain
water, carbonated water, plastic bottles of water, and glass bottles of water. Bottled
water is available in six packs, 12 packs, and cases. Additionally, differently sized
bottles are available. However, the bottled water remains the same in its basic
properties, such as requirements for storage conditions, shipping, and pricing.
When you define segments in the Template Master program (P410014), you can
specify the segment values to use when generating children for the matrix and how
the child items appear in the matrix.
You must enter a parent item in the Item Master program (P4101) to create all of the
variations (child items) of the parent item. You enter a parent item just as you would
any other item in the inventory, except that you specify a template and indicate that
the item is matrix-controlled or not matrix-controlled. The system uses this
information to display forms that enable you to add all variations of the parent item.
Select values for each segment that you defined in the template to define the attributes
for the child items. The combined values that you select identify all of the variations of
the parent item. As you continue the item entry process, the system displays all
variations of the parent item so that you can review all of the child items to be created
and remove those child items that you do not want the system to create when you run
the Item Branch Duplication - Batch Selection program (R41826).
Run the R41826 program to create the child items and optionally populate the matrix
with all of the variations of the parent item that you have created and chosen. If you
run the R41826 program, you from having to enter individual items for each separate
combination of attributes. You can also set the processing options appropriately, the
system can also copy item cost, item price, and unit of measure conversion
information to selected branch/plants.
See Entering Segmented Items.
See Duplicating Individual Items for Multiple Branch/plants.

Entering Item Information 3-43

Working with Matrix and Parent Items

3.5.2 Understanding Matrix Order Entry

The Matrix Order Entry (P41902) program enables you to create purchase orders and
sales orders for matrix items. You also can access existing sales orders or purchase
orders to order quantities of a matrix item. When you enter a sales order or purchase
order, you can access the P41902 program, which also enables you to:
■ Review all of the possible variations (child items) of the parent item.
■ Review the on-hand and available quantities, provided that you have set the
processing option in the Matrix Order Entry program.
■ Order quantities for the child items that you select (if you have already ordered
quantities, you can update the quantities before placing the order again).
When you are working with an existing sales order or purchase order, you also can
review both segmented item availability and summary availability. This information
helps you review available quantities before you enter an order for matrix items. When
you enter a sales order or purchase order for a matrix item, the system automatically
creates order detail lines for the child items that you have chosen.
You can use the Matrix Maintenance (P41903) program to rearrange the sequence or
modify the column headings in the matrix and to add items to the matrix. The
information that you specify in the P41903 program determines how the matrix
appears when you enter a sales order or purchase order for matrix items.
See "Entering Sales Orders" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order
Management Implementation Guide.
See "Working With Procurement Processes for Brazil" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Localizations for Brazil Implementation Guide.

3.5.3 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
■ Complete the Segment Separator Character field if you want to use all 25
characters; otherwise, this information is populated in the Branch/Plant Constants
program (P41001).
■ Set the appropriate processing options for the matrix version to be used in the
Item Branch Duplication - Batch Selection (R41826) program to copy item cost,
item price, and unit of measure conversion information.
■ Create a template that contains the product attributes.
See Creating a Template for Segmented Items.
■ To enter orders, set the appropriate processing option in the Sales Order Entry
(P4210) or the Purchase Orders (P4310) programs.

3.5.4 Forms Used to Work with Matrix and Parent Items

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Matrix W4101EC Inventory Review matrix items.
Items Master/Transactions
(G4111), Matrix Item
Item Master Revisions W4101A On the Work With Set up matrix items.
Matrix Items form,
click Add.

3-44 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Working with Matrix and Parent Items

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Matrix W41903A Inventory Advanced - Review matrices.
Headings Technical Ops
(G4131), Matrix
Matrix Heading W41903B On the Work With Revise matrices.
Maintenance Matrix Headings
form, select a record.
Customer Service W4210E Sales Order Review customer
Inquiry Processing (G4211), service inquiries.
Sales Order Detail
Sales Order Header W4210G Click OK on the Revise sales order
Customer Service header.
Inquiry form.
Sales Order Detail W4210A Click Add on the Revise sales order
Revisions Sales Order Header details.
Matrix Order Entry W41902A On the Sales Order Order matrix items.
Detail Revisions form,
select Matrix Order
from the Row menu.

3.5.5 Setting Processing Options for Matrix Items (P4101E)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports. Versions
If you leave either of the following processing options blank, the system uses version

1. Item Master (P4101)

Specify the version of P4101 to use.

2. Item Segment Selection (P410015)

Specify the version of P410015 to use.

3.5.6 Reviewing Matrix Items

Access the Work With Matrix Items form.
If you are working with the Matrix Order Entry (P41902) program, the value in this
field specifies the defined organization of the matrix items. You can enter order
amounts in this field during sales or purchase order entry. If you access the Matrix
Order Entry program from the Work with Matrix Items form, the system displays the
available items within the matrix item. A value of 1 in this field indicates the
combination of items that is available in the parent matrix item.

3.5.7 Setting Processing Options for Matrix Order Entry (P41902)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

Entering Item Information 3-45

Entering Item Cost Information Display
1. Display quantities
Specify whether to display quantities. Values are:
Blank: Do not display quantity on hand or available items.
1: Display quantity on hand.
2: Display quantity available.
3: Display both.

3.5.8 Ordering Matrix Items

Access the Matrix Order Entry form.

3.6 Entering Item Cost Information

This section provides an overview of item cost information and discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Cost Revisions (P4105).
■ Assign a cost level to an item.
■ Assign a cost method and cost to an item.
■ Enter manufacturing setup cost information.

3.6.1 Understanding Item Cost Information

You must provide cost information for items in order to track inventory costs. Cost
information determines:
■ Whether the system maintains one overall cost for the item or a different cost
based on branch/plant.
■ Which cost method the system uses to track inventory costs.
■ Which cost method the system uses for purchase orders.
You can also add prorated setup costs for manufacturing.
For each cost method that you assign to an item, you must also specify a cost. For
example, to use the last-in cost method for an item, you must enter an initial cost for
that cost method. The system updates the last-in cost based on the cost of the item as
of the last receipt date.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system, with its variety of cost
bases, can also help you maintain appropriate valuation of the inventory. Various
methods of valuation can help you take into account differences in value resulting
■ Age
■ Changing costs
■ Design changes
■ Technology changes
The system stores inventory cost records in the Cost Ledger File (F4105).

3-46 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Cost Information Item Cost Update

You can change the amount for any cost method at any time. For example, if you
change the amount for the cost method that you use to track costs of goods sold, the
system applies the new amount to the on-hand quantity of the item and creates journal
entries to record the difference between the old and the new amounts.
Certain programs update the amount for cost methods 01 through 08. For example, the
system updates the following amounts in this way:
■ For last-in, or cost method 01, the system interactively updates this amount based
on the last cost of the item at the time of receipt.
■ For weighted average, or cost method 02, the system calculates and updates this
amount by adding transaction quantities together, adding transaction costs
together, and dividing the total cost by the total quantity. You cannot use the
weighted average cost method (02) for the sales/inventory cost method with
stocking type C or R.
■ For actual cost, or cost method 09, the system calculates the cost of the product
that is built on a work order or rate schedule based on the actual hours that are
used and the actual quantity of parts that are issued. The system updates the cost
based on the most current information. You cannot use actual cost method (09) for
the sales/inventory cost method with stocking type C or R.
The system also updates these costs:
■ Last-in, purchasing, and lot costs are updated by the PO Receipts program (P4312).
■ Purchasing cost is updated by the Voucher Match program (P4314).
If you create additional cost methods, you must update their amounts manually.
You can delete a cost method for an item if it is no longer applicable. If you try to
delete the sales, inventory, or purchasing cost method, the system displays a warning
message. The system does not delete the cost method, but assigns a zero cost for the
cost method.

3.6.2 Forms Used to Enter Item Cost Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Item Master Revisions W4101A On the Work With Assign a cost level to
Item Master Browse an item.
form, select Item
Revisions from the
Row menu.
Work With Item Cost W4105B Select a record, and Review the cost
select Cost Revisions methods of an item.
from the Row menu
on the Work With
Item Master Browse
Select a record, and
select Cost Revisions
from the Row menu
on the Work With
Item Branch form.
Cost Revisions W4105A On the Work With Assign a cost method
Item Cost form, select and cost to an item.
a record.

Entering Item Information 3-47

Entering Item Cost Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Additional System W4101C On the Work With Enter manufacturing
Information Item Master Browse setup cost
form, select Addl information.
System Info. from the
Row menu.

3.6.3 Setting Processing Options for Cost Revisions (P4105)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
Standard Cost
Specify whether to change the standard cost. Values are:
Blank: Change.
1: Do not change. Interop
Transaction Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/TT) that specifies the transaction type
for the interoperability transaction. If you leave this processing option blank,
outbound interoperability processing is not performed. Flex Acct

Flex Accounting
Specify whether to use flexible accounting. Values are:
Blank: Do not use flexible accounting.
1: Use flexible accounting.

3.6.4 Assigning a Cost Level to an Item

Access the Item Master Revisions form.
The cost level of an item determines:
■ Whether the system maintains costs at the lot, location, branch/plant, or master
■ The method that you use to locate the item to assign cost methods and enter item

Inventory Cost Level

Enter a code that indicates whether the system maintains one overall inventory cost
for the item, a different cost for each branch/plant, or a different cost for each location
and lot within a branch/plant. The system maintains inventory costs in the F4105
table. Values are:
1: Item level.
2: Item/Branch level.
3: Item/Branch/Location level.

3-48 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Item Cost Information

Purchase Price Level

Enter a code that indicates which table the system uses to retrieve the cost for an item
when you enter a purchase order. Values are:
1: Use the supplier/item price from the F41061 table.
2:Use the supplier/item/branch price from the F41061 table.
3: Use the inventory cost from the F4105 table. This cost is based on the inventory cost
level and the purchasing cost method that you specify for the item.
The first two codes are applicable only if you set up supplier costs in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Procurement system. If you do not set up supplier costs, the system
uses the inventory cost as the default for the purchase order.

See Also:
■ "Generating Supplier Prices in an Alternate Currency" in theJD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Procurement Management
Implementation Guide.

3.6.5 Assigning a Cost Method and Cost to an Item

Access the Cost Revisions form.
You can enter cost methods for items when you enter either item master information
or item branch information. For example, you can use the weighted average cost
method to determine the cost of goods that is sold for an item, and the last-in cost
method to determine the item's unit cost for purchase orders.
The system provides predefined cost methods. You can add your own cost methods to
UDC table (40/CM), although the cost methods 01 through 19 are reserved.
If you do not enter an item cost for the cost methods that you assign to sales,
inventory, or purchasing, the system displays a warning message. If you ignore the
warning, the system assigns a zero cost for the cost method.

Enter a code from UDC table (40/CM) that indicates the cost method that the system
uses to calculate the cost of goods that is sold for the item. Cost methods 01–19 are
If you maintain costs at the item level, the system retrieves the default value for this
field from the data dictionary. If you maintain costs at the item and branch/plant level,
the system retrieves the default value from Branch/Plant Constants (P41001) program.

Enter a code from UDC table (40/CM) that indicates the cost method that the system
uses to determine the cost of the item for purchase orders. Cost methods 01–19 are
If you maintain costs at the item level, the system retrieves the default value for this
field from the data dictionary. If you maintain costs at the item and branch/plant level,
the system retrieves the default value from Branch/Plant Constants (P41001) program.

Cost Method
Enter a code from UDC table (40/CM) that specifies the basis for calculating item
costs. Cost methods 01–19 are reserved.

Entering Item Information 3-49

Entering Sales Price Information

Unit Cost
Enter an amount for each cost method. When you review costs for the item, the system
displays only those methods for which you entered an amount.

3.6.6 Entering Manufacturing Setup Cost Information

Access the Additional System Information form.
If you use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne manufacturing systems, you can prorate setup
costs for an item based on the quantity of the item that you plan to produce.

Accounting Cost Qty(accounting cost quantity)

Enter an amount that the system uses in the Cost Roll up program to determine the
allocation of setup costs. The system totals the setup costs and divides the sum by this
quantity to determine a unit setup cost. The default value is 1.

3.7 Entering Sales Price Information

This section provides an overview of sales price information and discusses how to:
■ Assign price levels and price list groups to an item.
■ Enter item prices.

3.7.1 Understanding Sales Price Information

If you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system with the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system, you must provide sales price
information for each item. You can have a different sales price for each unit of measure
and currency in which you sell an item. You can also specify the effective dates for
each sales price.
To change an item's price level after you have entered prices, you must use Sales Price
Level Conversion.
You can assign price groups to items on the Item Master Revisions or Item
Branch/Plant Info. forms. The system stores sales prices in the F4106 table.

See Also:
■ Entering a Bill of Material.
■ "Setting Up Base and Standard Pricing" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation

3.7.2 Forms Used to Enter Sales Price Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Item Master Revisions W4101A Inventory Assign price levels
Master/Transactions and price list groups
(G4111), Item Master to an item.
Work With Preference W4106J On the Work With Review item prices.
Base Price Item Master Browse
form, select a record
and then select Price

3-50 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Sales Price Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Preference Hierarchy W40073F On the Work With Select item and
Selection Preference Base Price customer groups.
form, click Add.
Base Price Revisions W4106K On the Preference Enter item prices.
Hierarchy Selection
form, select the item
and customer group.

3.7.3 Assigning Price Levels and Price List Groups to an Item

Access the Item Master Revisions form.
The sales price level of an item determines:
■ Whether the system maintains prices at the lot, location, branch/plant, or master
■ How you locate the item to assign price methods and enter item price.

Sales Price Level

Enter a code that indicates whether the system maintains standard sales prices for an
item, different sales prices for each branch/plant, or different sales prices for each
location and lot within a branch/plant. The system maintains sales prices in the F4106
table. Values are:
1: Item level.
2: Item/Branch level.
3: Item/Branch/Location level.

Kit/Configurator Pricing Method

Enter a code that determines how the system calculates the price for kit items or
configured items. Values are:
Blank: Use for items that are neither kit items nor configured items.
1: The system accumulates the base prices of components with the configured price
adjustments, and then discounts the total.
2: The system accumulates the base price of the parent item with the configured price
adjustments, and then discounts the total.
3: The system accumulates the configured price adjustments, and then discounts the
4: The system accumulates the individually discounted price of the components with
the configured price adjustments.

Note: Only configured price adjustments are included in the

calculation for a configured item. Also, the system discounts costs
only if you are using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced
Pricing system from Oracle.

This is an example of how the system uses the various methods:

Parent Item: 125
Component A: 50

Entering Item Information 3-51

Entering Sales Price Information

Component B: 100
Configured Cost Adjustment 1: 15
Configured Cost Adjustment 2: 10
Advanced Price Discount: 10 percent
1: 50 + 100 = 150 + 15 + 10 = 175 −17.50 = 157.5
2: 12 + 1510 = 150 −15 = 135
3: 15 + 10 + 25 −2.5 = 22.5
4: (50 −5) + (100 - 10) = 135 + 15 + 10 = 160 Additional Info

Select the Additional Info. tab.

Item Price Group

Enter a code from UDC table (40/PI) that identifies an inventory price group for an
Inventory price groups have unique pricing structures that direct the system to
incorporate discounts or markups on items on sales and purchase orders from the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system. The discounts or markups
are based on the quantity, monetary amount, or weight of the item ordered. When you
assign a price group to an item, the item takes on the same pricing structure defined
for the inventory price group.
You must assign an inventory price group to the supplier or customer, as well as to the
item, for the system to interactively calculate discounts and markups on sales orders
and purchase orders.

Basket Reprice Group

Enter a code from UDC table (40/PI) that identifies a price group for an item.
Basket reprice groups have unique pricing structures that direct the system to
incorporate discounts or markups for items on sales orders. The discounts or markups
are based on the quantity, monetary amount, or weight of the item that is ordered.
When you run the Order and Basket Level Pricing program (R42750), the system
identifies ordered items that belong to a common basket reprice group and applies the
appropriate discounts or markups to the price of each item.

Order Reprice Group

Enter a code from UDC table (40/PI) that identifies a price group for an item.
Order reprice groups have unique pricing structures that direct the system to
incorporate discounts or markups for items on sales orders. The discounts or markups
are based on the item quantity, monetary amount, or weight on the sales order as a
whole. When you run the Standard Order/Basket Reprice procedure, the system
identifies ordered items that belong to a common order reprice group and implements
the appropriate discount as a flat amount in a new discount line for the order.

3.7.4 Entering Item Prices

Access the Base Price Revisions form.

3-52 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Sales Price Information

Enter sales prices for an item by entering an amount for the unit of measure, currency,
and effective dates for which the price is applicable. You also can enter a currency code
for a price if you use multiple currencies.

Unit Price
Enter the list or base price to be charged for one unit of this item. In sales order entry,
you must set up all prices in the F4106 table.

Credit Price
Enter credit orders in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system.
To enter a credit order, use a line type for which the Reverse Sign Flag (RSGN) is set to
Y in the F40205 table. The system stores all credit prices in the F4106 table.

Select this check box if the factor value is a multiplier (percent) when applied to an
order's price.

Select this check box if the factor value is an additional/deductible amount when
applied to an order's price.

Entering Item Information 3-53

Entering Sales Price Information

3-54 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Working With Inventory Transactions

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 4.1, "Understanding Inventory Transactions"
■ Section 4.2, "Prerequisites"
■ Section 4.3, "Issuing Inventory"
■ Section 4.4, "Adjusting Inventory"
■ Section 4.5, "Transferring Inventory"

4.1 Understanding Inventory Transactions

To help you manage the complex recording and accounting functions that are involved
in maintaining an up-to-date inventory, you might need to record inventory
movement between branch/plants and between locations in a branch/plant. For
example, you can use the issue transaction to remove damaged or obsolete goods from
the inventory. Occasionally, you might need to adjust inventory for damaged items or
discrepancies. Alternatively, you might use the transfer transaction to move inventory
from one branch/plant to another. After you move inventory, the system adjusts the
quantity balance for the item and creates the appropriate general ledger (GL) entries
for the transaction.
You can move inventory using these programs:
■ Inventory Issues (P4112)
■ Inventory Adjustments (P4114)
■ Inventory Transfers (P4113)
When you issue inventory, you remove it from a location. When you adjust inventory,
typically you move it from one location to another to reconcile a discrepancy between
the number of items that are recorded at a location and the actual count. You might
also adjust inventory out of a location when it is damaged. When you transfer
inventory, you move it from one location to another.
How you enter transaction information depends on the item and the specific business
environment. For example, you can issue, adjust, or transfer items by entering quantity
or cost amount, or quantity and cost amount information. Entering transactions by the
cost amount helps you accommodate variances that are due to different costing
methods that are used in different branch/plants.
The system records each transaction in the Item Ledger File (F4111) and updates
information in these tables:
■ F4102

Working With Inventory Transactions 4-1


■ F41021
■ F0911
■ F4108
Every transaction affects accounting information in the system if you have set the
branch/plant constant for the general ledger interface. The system uses automatic
accounting instructions (AAIs) to update the general ledger with all of the accounting
information that is related to transactions. AAIs direct inventory transactions to a
specific account in the GL.
Use these programs to review the updated accounting information when you are
working with a transaction:

Program Description
General Journal Review (P0911B) Provides information on two levels:
Summary or detailed batch level. The summary level
displays batch information by user, status, number, and
entry date. The detailed level presents batch information
by journal entry, such as the transaction type for the
Individual document level. The individual document
level displays information for each journal entry, such as
the updated account and the amount that is posted to
the account balance.
Journal Entries (P0911) Displays the GL accounts that a transaction is written to
before it is posted.
Item Ledger Inquiry (P4111) Displays all transactions for an item.

See Also:
■ Setting Up AAIs in Distribution Systems.

4.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this chapter, you must verify that the following
information is set up:
■ Item and branch/plant information in the Item Branch File (F4102) and the Item
Location File (F41021) tables.
■ General ledger accounts in the Account Master table (F0901).
See "Creating the Chart of Accounts" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Financial Management Fundamentals Implemenation Guide.
■ AAIs for distribution transactions.
See Setting Up AAIs in Distribution Systems.

4.3 Issuing Inventory

This section provides an overview of inventory issues and discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Inventory Issues (P4112).
■ Issue inventory.

4-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Issuing Inventory

4.3.1 Understanding Inventory Issues

Issuing inventory typically involves removing items from a branch/plant or location,
adjusting the inventory balance, and recording the transaction in the GL. You can also
remove only the cost amounts for an inventory record to devalue the items.
Tasks that relate to issuing inventory items include:
■ Recording the use of inventory items by an operating department in the company.
■ Removing obsolete or damaged goods.
■ Issuing inventory to a job.
■ Charging inventory that is used for the repair or maintenance of equipment.
■ Copying a bill of materials list for an issue.
To issue inventory, you must enter transaction, item, and accounting information. You
can also enter issue-related information for each branch/plant in which an item is
When you enter a transaction, the system displays a document type, batch number,
and document number. Record the document number so that you can locate the
transaction later.
You can select from several online formats to record and track different types of issues
by setting the related processing option:

Format Description
Standard format Issue inventory items from a branch/plant.
Equipment format Record inventory that is issued to a specific piece
of equipment.
Subledger format Debit a specific general ledger account for an issue.
Equipment and subledger format Record the specific piece of equipment that was
issued to a job, and debit a specific general ledger
account for an issue.

If you work with a kit, you can issue all of the kit components at once by accessing the
Copy Bill of Material function from the Inventory Issues form. This function enables
you to issue components without affecting the parent item quantity. If you do not use
this function, the parent item quantity might be affected, but the component quantities
remain the same. However, never enter an issue for a kit that contains a feature.
Depending on how you set the processing options, you may be able to issue a quantity
that is greater than the on-hand quantity for the parent item in a kit. The system
displays the parent quantity as a negative number.
You can correct an issue that was made in error by creating a reversing entry. A
reversing entry enters a positive quantity and cost amount back into the item
information. Because records of each inventory transaction are kept for accounting
purposes, you cannot delete the record.

Working With Inventory Transactions 4-3

Issuing Inventory

4.3.2 Forms Used to Issue Inventory

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Inventory W4112D Inventory Review inventory
Issues Master/Transactions issues.
(G4111), Issues
Inventory Issues W4112A On the Work With Issue inventory.
Inventory Issues form,
click Add.
Inventory Issues W4112A To enable zero cost, For zero unit cost, the
select a row and select system changes the
Zero Cost from the Unit Cost field to zero
Row menu. and the Extended
Amount field to
To disable zero cost,
blank. The fields are
select a row and select
not available for entry.
Cancel Zero Cost from
the Row menu. When you move the
cursor to the next row,
the program uses the
default values from
the Item Cost File
(F4105) in the Unit
Cost and Extended
Amount fields.
Account Information W4112C On the Inventory Displays the
Issues form, select document number,
Subledger Info from document type, and
the Form menu. batch number for the

4.3.3 Setting Processing Options for Inventory Issues (P4112)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
1. Document Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that specifies the document type.
The default document type is typically II (inventory issues).
If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not provide a default value.

2. Location/Lot
Specify whether the system supplies default values for the Location and Lot Serial
fields. Values are:
Blank: Do not supply default values.
1: Supply the default values.

Note: You can use the primary location as the default only if all
secondary locations have a physical location (for example, aisle and
bin). If any of the secondary locations has a blank location and lot, you
cannot set the primary location as the default.

4-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Issuing Inventory

3. Item Search and Select

Specify whether to override the standard item visual assist with the style item visual
assist, when you search for an item. Values are:
Blank: Display the standard item visual assist.
1: Display the style item visual assist. The system uses the Style Item Search & Select
program (PCW41011) to display the style items.
This processing option is enabled only if the Use Apparel Management Module
system constant (SY41F) is enabled in the EnterpriseOne System Control program
(P99410). Versions
If you leave any of the following processing options blank, the system uses version

1. Journal Entries (P0911)

Specify the version of the P0911 program to use when you access the program from the
Row menu on the Work With Inventory Issues form or from the Form menu on the
Inventory Issues form.

2. Item Ledger (P4111)

Specify the version of the P4111 program to use when you access the program from the
Row menu on the Work With Inventory Issues form or from the Form menu on the
Inventory Issues form.

3. Warehouse Request (P46100)

Specify the version of the P46100 program to use when you access the program from
the From menu on the Inventory Issues form.

4. Matrix Entry (PCW10)

Specify the version of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) that the system uses to
retrieve the style item matrix data.
If you leave this processing option blank, then the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default
This processing option is enabled only if the Use Apparel Management Module
system constant (SY41F) is enabled in the EnterpriseOne System Control program
(P99410). Process
1. Issue Type
Specify whether equipment and subledger information appears in the detail area of
the Inventory Issues form. Values are:
Blank: Display the standard issue format, without equipment and subledger
information fields. The Inventory Issues program disables the Subledger Information
selection from the Form menu.
1: Display the Equipment field and hide the Account Number,Subledger, and
Subledger Type fields in the detail area. When you select Subledger Information from
the Form menu, the Account Information form displays the Equipment field but does
not display fields for account number and subledger information.
2: Display the Account Number,Subledger, and Subledger Type fields and hide the
Equipment field in the detail area. When you select Subledger Information from the

Working With Inventory Transactions 4-5

Issuing Inventory

Form menu, the Account Information form displays the fields for account number and
subledger information, but does not display the Equipment field.
3: Display the Equipment,Account Number,Subledger, and Subledger Type fields in
the detail area. When you select Subledger Information from the Form menu, the
Account Information form displays fields for equipment, account number, and
subledger information.

Note: If you enter 2 or 3 for this processing option, you can set the
Account Number processing option to require entry in the Account
Number field on the Inventory Issues form.

2. Account Number
Specify whether the system requires entry of account numbers (for example, business
unit.object.subsidiary) in the detail area of the Inventory Issues form. This field is
available only when you enter 2 or 3 in the Issue Type processing option. Values are:
Blank: Enable transactions that use the expense account from the inventory default
AAI item 4124.
1: Require a value in the Account Number field in the detail area.

3. Cost Entry
Specify whether to display the Unit Cost and Extended Amount fields on the
Inventory Issues form. Values are:
Blank: Display the fields.
1: Display the fields with default values from the F4105 table, but do not enable them
to be updated.
2: Do not display the fields.

4. Journal Entries
Specify whether detailed or summarized journal entries should be created from the
Inventory Issues (P4112) program in the general ledger. Values are:
Blank: Create one journal entry for each detail line in an issue.
1: Create journal entries that are summarized by account number.
If detailed journal entries are created, the system creates one journal entry (debit and
credit) for each detail line in an issue, using a batch type of N. This processing option
affects journal entries in the F0911 table only. The AAIs that are most commonly used
are 4122 (Inventory) and 4124 (Expense or COGS). If you use standard costs, the
system might create journal entries for the variance based on AAI item 4141 (Inventory
or Expense COGS). The F4111 table contains information for each detail line in each
issue regardless of the value of this processing option.
If summarized journal entries by account number are created, the system creates a
summarized debit total and a summarized credit total per account number for all lines
in an issue.

5. Issue Quantity
Specify whether to allow an issue quantity that is greater than the available quantity,
which could result in a negative on-hand quantity. Values are:
Blank: Do not allow.
1: Allow.

4-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Issuing Inventory

Note: You cannot allow a negative on-hand quantity when using

weighted average costs.

6. Lots on Hold
Specify whether the system enables issues to lots that are on hold. If the Lot Status
Code field on the Item/Branch Plant Information form is blank, the lot is not on hold.
Values are:
Blank: Do not enable.
1: Enable.

Enter Allowed Lot Status Group to Validate

Specify a lot group to process on-hold items with an allowed lot status.

7. Item Sales History

Specify whether to update the Item History (F4115) table if you use the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system and do not use the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system. For example, a company that
operates a consignment warehouse might use the P4112 program only to reduce
inventory. However, the company might want to review historical information about
issues by reviewing buyer information, which you can access from the Inventory
Inquiries menu (G41112).
If you are using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system, the
system can update the F4115 table as a result of sales transactions that are part of the
sales updating process. Values are:
Blank: Do not update the fields.
1: Update the Item Number,Branch,Fiscal Year, and Period fields in the F4115 table
with information from an issue transaction.

8. Item Sales History

Specify whether to update the Item History table (F4115) if you use the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system and do not use the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system. For example, a company that
operates a consignment warehouse might use only the Inventory Issues program to
reduce inventory. However, the company might want to review historical information
about issues by reviewing buyer's information, which you can access from the
Inventory Inquiries menu (G41112).
If you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system, the system
can update the Item History table as a result of sales transactions that are part of the
sales updating process. Values are:
1: Update the Item Number, Branch, Fiscal Year, and Period fields in the Item History
table with information from an issue transaction.
Blank: Do not update the fields.

9. Production Number On Hand Consumption

Specify how the Inventory Issues program (P4112) selects production number on hand
quantity from the Item Location Tag File table (F41021T).
Production number on hand is consumed whenever on hand quantity is not available
to continue the transaction.

Working With Inventory Transactions 4-7

Issuing Inventory

If you process inventory selection blindly, then the system consumes production
number on hand quantity in the following order:
1. Generic inventory.
2. Inactive production numbers.
3. Orphaned production numbers.
4. Production number with the farthest end item demand date.
If you process inventory selection interactively, then you can select the production
number from the options available on the Select Inventory for Consumption form
(W42054A). Values are:
Blank: The program performs blind selection of inventory.
1: The program enables interactive selection of inventory. Interop
1. Transaction Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/TT) that specifies the transaction type
to use when creating outbound interoperability transactions. If you leave this
processing option blank, the system does not perform outbound interoperability
processing. Agreement
1. Agreement Assignment (FUTURE)
Specify how the system searches for agreements. This processing option applies only if
you are using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system with the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Agreement Management system from Oracle. Values are:
Blank: Do not search for agreements.
1: Display one agreement. If the system finds multiple agreements, the system displays
a check mark in the row header that is located in the detail area and in the Agreement
Exists column, and you must select an agreement.
2: Display all agreements.
3: Search for and display the agreement that has the earliest expiration date.

4.3.4 Issuing Inventory

Access the Inventory Issues form.

Note: If you attempt to issue quantity from a lot where lot master
record does not have a country of origin and the item branch requires
a country of origin, the system displays an error message.

Secondary Quantity
If the secondary unit of measure option in Inventory Constants is selected, this field
appears on data entry screens.

Sec UoM (secondary unit of measure)

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates an alternate unit of measure for
the item.

4-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Adjusting Inventory

4.4 Adjusting Inventory

This section provides an overview of inventory adjustments and discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Inventory Adjustments (P4114).
■ Adjust inventory.

4.4.1 Understanding Inventory Adjustments

You can enter adjustments to increase or decrease the on-hand quantity and the cost of
inventory items in a branch/plant without conducting a complete physical inventory.
For example, you can adjust inventory when a discrepancy exists between the number
of items that are recorded for a location and the actual count.
If you are using lot processing, you can use adjustments to add lots into inventory and
to place them on hold, or to override the effective date or expiration date. You can also
provide a country of origin for that lot when you create it. If you are working with a
kit, you typically add the entire kit into inventory by entering an adjustment for each
component. The Inventory Adjustments (P4114) program enables you to enter an
adjustment for the parent item, although the system does not update quantity
information for the components.
If the branch/plant has license plates functionality activated, you use the processing
options on the Warehouse tab, and license plate branch/plant constants, to process
license plate information for addition of inventory to the location.
To adjust inventory, you must enter transaction, item, and lot information. You can
enter adjustment information for each branch/plant in which an item is stored. When
you enter a transaction, the system displays a document type, batch number, and
document number. Record the document number so that you can locate the
transaction later.
You can correct an adjustment that was made in error by entering a reversing entry. A
reversing entry enters a negative quantity and cost amount back into the item
information. Because the system records each inventory transaction for accounting
purposes, you cannot delete the record.
You can set up processing options to provide default values and to display cost and lot
information. The lot information that appears depends on how you set up duplicate
lot processing on the System Constants form.

4.4.2 Forms Used to Adjust Inventory

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Inventory W4114B Inventory Review inventory
Adjustments Master/Transactions adjustments.
(G4111), Adjustments
Inventory W4114A On the Work With Adjust inventory.
Adjustments Inventory
Adjustments form,
click Add.

Working With Inventory Transactions 4-9

Adjusting Inventory

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Inventory W4114A To enable zero cost, For zero unit cost, the
Adjustments select the row and system changes the
select Zero Cost from Unit Cost field to zero
the Row menu. and the Extended
Amount field to
To disable zero cost,
blank. The fields are
select the row and
not available for entry.
select Cancel Zero
Cost from the Row When you move the
menu. cursor to the next row,
the program uses the
default value in the
F4105 table to
complete the Unit
Cost and Extended
Amount fields.

4.4.3 Setting Processing Options for Inventory Adjustments (P4114)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
1. Document Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the default
document type for inventory adjustments. Typically, the default is document type IA
(inventory adjustments). If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not
enter a default document type.

2. Location/Lot
Specify whether to the system uses a default location when entering adjustments.
Values are:
Blank: Do not provide default values for the location and lot fields.
1: Use the primary location and lot as the default values. You can use the primary
location as the default only if all secondary locations have a physical location (for
example, aisle and bin). If any of the secondary locations have blank location or lot,
you cannot set the primary location as the default.

3. Item Search and Select

Specify whether to override the standard item visual assist with the style item visual
assist, when you search for an item. Values are:
Blank: Display the standard item visual assist.
1: Display the style item visual assist. The system uses Style Item Search & Select
program (PCW41011) to display the style items.
This processing option is enabled only if the Use Apparel Management Module
system constant (SY41F) is enabled in the EnterpriseOne System Control program
(P99410). Versions
If you leave any of the following processing options blank, the system uses the version

4-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Adjusting Inventory

1. Journal Entries (P0911)

Specify the version of the P0911 program to use when you access it from the Row
menu on the Work With Inventory Adjustments form or from the Form menu on the
Inventory Adjustments form.

2. Item Ledger (P4111)

Specify the version of the P4111 program to use when you access it from the Row
menu on the Work With Inventory Adjustments form or from the Form menu on the
Inventory Adjustments form.

3. Warehouse Request (P46100)

Specify the version of the P46100 program to use when you access it from the Form
menu on the Inventory Adjustments form.

4. Matrix Entry (PCW10)

Specify the version of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) that the system uses to
retrieve the style item matrix data.
If you leave this processing option blank, then the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default
This processing option is enabled only if the Use Apparel Management Module
system constant (SY41F) is enabled in the EnterpriseOne System Control program
(P99410). Process
1. Cost Entry
Specify whether to display the Unit Cost and Extended Amount fields on the
Inventory Adjustments form and whether they can be updated. Values are:
Blank: Display the fields.
1: Display the fields with default values from the F4105 table but do not enable them to
be updated.
2: Do not display the fields.

2. Journal Entries
Specify whether detailed or summarized journal entries are created for the general
ledger. For summarized journal entries, the system creates a summarized debit total
and a summarized credit total by account number for each line in an adjustment. For
detailed journal entries, the system creates one journal entry (debit and credit) for each
line in an adjustment.
The Inventory Adjustments (P4114) program creates batch type N. This processing
option affects journal entries for the F0911 table only. The AAIs that are most
commonly used are 4122 (inventory valuation account) and 4124 (expense or cost of
goods sold account). If you use standard costs, the system might create journal entries
for the variance, based on AAI 4141. The F4111 table contains entries for each detail
line in each adjustment regardless of how you set this processing option. Values are:
Blank: Create one journal entry (debit and credit) for each detail line in an adjustment.
1: Create journal entries that are summarized by account number.

3. Lot and Layering Fields

Specify whether to display the lot information fields on the forms and whether they
can be updated. Values are:

Working With Inventory Transactions 4-11

Adjusting Inventory

Blank: Do not display the lot information fields.

1: Display all lot information fields and enable changes.
2: Display all lot information fields but do not enable changes.

4. Adjustment Quantity
Specify the way the system validates a transaction that results in a negative quantity.
Values are:
Blank: Do not enable negative quantity available.
1: Enable negative quantity available.
2: Do not enable negative quantity on-hand.

Caution: You cannot enable a negative available quantity while

using the weighted average cost function.

5. Lots on Hold
Specify whether to enable adjustments to lots that are on hold. If the Lot Status Code
field on the Item/Branch Plant Information form is blank, the lot is not on hold. Values
Blank: Do not enable adjustments.
1: Enable adjustments.

6. Enter Allowed Lot Status Group to Validate

Specify the lot group, which is the name of a user-defined list of allowed nonblank lot
status codes that are defined in the Allowed Lot Status Setup program (P41081). When
you enter the lot group name, you are able to process an on-hold item.

7. Production Number On Hand Consumption

Specify how the Inventory Adjustments program (P4114) selects production number
on hand quantity from the Item Location Tag File table (F41021T).
Production number on hand is consumed whenever on hand quantity is not available
to continue the transaction.
If you process inventory selection blindly, then the system consumes production
number on hand quantity in the following order:
1. Generic inventory.
2. Inactive production numbers.
3. Orphaned production numbers.
4. Production number with the farthest end item demand date.
If you process inventory selection interactively, then you can select the production
number from the options available on the Select Inventory for Consumption form
(W42054A). Valid values are:
Blank: The program performs blind selection of inventory.
1: The program enables interactive selection of inventory.

4-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Adjusting Inventory Interop
1. Transaction Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/TT) that identifies the transaction
type that the system uses when creating outbound interoperability transactions. If you
leave this processing option blank, the system does not perform outbound
interoperability processing. Agreement
1. Agreement Assign (agreement assignment) (FUTURE)
Specify how the system searches for agreements when you are using the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Agreement Management system from Oracle. Values are:
Blank: Do not search for agreements.
1: Display one agreement. If the system finds multiple agreements, the system displays
a check mark in the row header of the line and in the Agreement Exists column. You
must select an agreement.
2: Search for and display all agreements.
3: Search for and display the agreement that has the earliest expiration date. Warehouse
These processing options determine how the system processes license plate numbers
when transferring inventory.

1. License Plate Number Generation Method

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (46L/LG) that identifies what license
plate number generation method should be used. Values are:
01: Manual entry.
02: Create user-defined formula.
03: Create EPC (Electronic Product Code) number.

2. Build Default UOM Structure (build default unit of measure structure)

Specify how the system builds the default UOM structure. Values are:
Blank: Default UOM structure.
1: Transaction UOM structure.

3. Assign Items to License Plate Window (P46L30)

Specify whether the system displays the Assign/Remove Items to License Plate form
when transferring inventory. You use Assign/Remove Items to License Plate (P46L30)
program to search across branch/plant, item, and lot information, and assign items to
license plate records. You can use this program to build license plate records based on
the structure of the item or to create new license plates.

4.4.4 Adjusting Inventory

Access the Inventory Adjustments form.

Working With Inventory Transactions 4-13

Transferring Inventory

4.5 Transferring Inventory

This section provides an overview of inventory transfers and discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Inventory Transfers (P4113).
■ Transfer inventory.

4.5.1 Understanding Inventory Transfers

You can use transfer transactions to record two types of inventory movement:
■ Movement between different locations in the same branch/plant.
■ Movement between different branch/plants.
An inventory transfer creates two journal entries in the GL. The first journal entry
decreases inventory at the original location. The second entry increases inventory at
the destination location.
To transfer inventory, you must enter transaction and item information for both the
original and destination locations. You can set up processing options to provide
default values and to display cost information. If you transfer inventory from a
location that results in a quantity of zero but is still associated with an amount, the
system automatically creates journal entries to the appropriate accounts to balance the
amount to zero.
You can correct a transfer that was made in error by entering a reversing entry. A
reversing entry enters a positive quantity and cost back into the item information at
the original location and a negative quantity and amount to the item at the destination
location. Because the system records each inventory transaction for account purposes,
you cannot delete the record.
If you transfer a kit, you must enter a transfer for each component in the kit. The
Inventory Transfers (P4113) program enables you to transfer the parent item, although
the system does not update quantity information for the components. Example: Transfer Transaction

If you transfer an item that costs more at one branch/plant than at another, AAIs
direct the cost variance to a GL account. For example, an item that costs 25.50 is
transferred from Branch/Plant A to Branch/Plant B, where it costs 25.00. This transfer
creates a credit of 25.50 to Branch/Plant A, a debit of 25.00 to Branch/Plant B, and a
standard cost variance of .50. The .50 difference is recorded in a variance account.

From Branch/Plant A To Branch/Plant B

Credit 25.50 (standard cost) Debit 25.00 (standard cost variance of .50 recorded
in variance account)

Important: The Inventory Transfers (P4113) program does not create

any sales or purchase order documents. The program updates only the
costing method for the branch/plant. Also, it does not provide an
adequate audit trail for transferring as a result of sales or purchase
orders. Use this program for inventory purposes only.

You can also enter the license plate number from which to transfer inventory. If the
branch/plant in the To Branch/Plant field has license plates functionality activated,

4-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Transferring Inventory

you use the processing options Warehouse Control and license plate branch/plant
constants to process license plate information for the To Location value.

4.5.2 Forms Used to Transfer Inventory

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Inventory W4113A Inventory Review inventory
Transfers Master/Transactions transfers.
(G4111), Transfers
Inventory Transfers W4113B On the Work With Transfer inventory.
Inventory Transfers
form, click Add.
Inventory Transfers W4113B To enable zero cost, For zero unit cost, the
select the row and system changes the
then select Zero Cost Unit Cost fields to
from the Row menu. zero and the Extended
Amount fields to
To disable zero cost,
blank. The fields are
select the row and
not available for entry.
then select Cancel
Zero Cost from the When you move the
Row menu. cursor to the next row,
the system enters the
default values from
the F4105 table in the
Unit Cost and
Extended Amount

4.5.3 Setting Processing Options for Inventory Transfers (P4113)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
If you leave these processing options blank, the system does not supply default values
during transaction entry.

1. Document Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that specifies the default
document type for transfers. The default document type is typically IT (inventory

2. FROM Location/Lot
Specify the primary location and lot as the default location for the From Location and
From Lot/Serial fields when you are entering a transfer. Values are:
Blank: Do not supply default values for the From Location and From Lot/Serial fields.
1: Use the primary location and lot as the default value for the From Location field.

Note: You can use the primary location as the default only if all
secondary locations have a physical location (for example, aisle and
bin). If any of the secondary locations have blank location or lot, you
cannot set the primary location as the default.

Working With Inventory Transactions 4-15

Transferring Inventory

3. TO Location/Lot
Specify the primary location and lot as the default location for the To Location and To
Lot Number fields when you are entering a transfer. You can use the primary location
as the default location only if all secondary locations have a physical location (for
example, aisle and bin). If any of the secondary locations has a blank location and lot,
you cannot set the primary location as the default. Values are:
Blank: Do not provide default values for the To Location and To Lot Number fields.
1: Use the primary location and lot as the default for the To Location field.

4. Item Search and Select

Specify whether to override the standard item visual assist with the style item visual
assist, when you search for an item. Values are:
Blank: Display the standard item visual assist.
1: Display the style item visual assist. The system uses Style Item Search & Select
program (PCW41011) to display the style items.
This processing option is enabled only if the Use Apparel Management Module
system constant (SY41F) is enabled in the EnterpriseOne System Control program
(P99410). Versions
If you leave either of these processing options blank, the system uses the version

1. Journal Entries (P0911)

Specify the version of the P0911 program to use when you access it from the Row
menu on the Work With Inventory Transfers form or from the Form menu on the
Inventory Transfers form.

2. Item Ledger (P4111)

Specify the version of the P4111 program to use when you access it from the Row
menu on the Work With Inventory Transfers form or from the Form menu on the
Inventory Transfers form.

3. Matrix Entry (PCW10)

Specify the version of the Matrix Entry program (PCW10) that the system uses to
retrieve the style item matrix data.
If you leave this processing option blank, then the system uses ZJDE0001 as the default
This processing option is enabled only if the Use Apparel Management Module
system constant (SY41F) is enabled in the EnterpriseOne System Control program
(P99410). Process
1. Cost Entry
Specify whether to display the To Unit Cost and To Extended Amount fields on the
Inventory Transfers form. Values are:
Blank: Display the fields.
1: Display the fields with default values from F4105, but do not enable them to be

4-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Transferring Inventory

2: Do not display the fields.

2. Journal Entries
Specify whether to use detailed or summarized journal entries in the general ledger
from the Inventory Transfers (P4113) program. For summarized journal entries, the
system creates a summarized debit total and credit total per account number for all
lines in a transfer. For detailed journal entries, the system creates one journal entry
(debit and credit) for each detail line in a transfer.
The batch type that the Inventory Transfers program creates is N. This processing
option affects journal entries for the F0911 table only. The AAIs that are most
commonly used are 4122 (Inventory) and 4124 (Expense or COGS). If you use standard
costs, the system might create journal entries for the variance, based on AAI 4141
(Inventory or Expense/COGS). The F4111 contains entries for each detail line in each
transfer regardless of the way that you set this processing option. Values are:
Blank: Create one journal entry (debit and credit) for each detail line.
1: Create journal entries that are summarized by account number.

3. Lots on Hold
Specify whether to enable transfers from and to lots that are on hold. If the Lot Status
Code field on the Item/Branch Plant Information form is blank, the lot is not on hold.
Values are:
Blank: Do not enable transfers.
1: Enable transfers.

Enter Allowed Lot Status Group to Validate

Specify the lot group name to process on-hold items with an allowed lot status. The
system validates the lot status code against specified lot status group setup in the
Allowed Lot Status Setup program (P41081).

4. Transfer Quantity
Specify whether to enable the transfer of quantities that results in a negative on-hand
quantity. In this case, the quantity of the transfer is greater than the on-hand quantity.
Values are:
Blank: Do not enable.
1: Enable.

Caution: Enabling a negative on-hand quantity is not compatible

with using weighted average costs.

5. Lot Status Default

Specify the default value for lot status when the From location and To location both
have hold codes. Values are:
Blank: Update the lot status from the From location to the To location.
1: Do not update the lot status from the From location to the To location.
When the inventory in both locations has a hold code, the processing option
determines which hold code will be used in the "To" location. When the inventory in
only one location has a hold code, that hold code will be used in the "To" location.

Working With Inventory Transactions 4-17

Transferring Inventory

6. Production Number On Hand Consumption

Specify how the Inventory Transfers program (P4113) selects production number on
hand quantity from the Item Location Tag File table (F41021T).
Production number on hand is consumed whenever on hand quantity is not available
to continue the transaction.
If you process inventory selection blindly, then the system consumes production
number on hand quantity in the following order:
1. Generic inventory.
2. Inactive production numbers.
3. Orphaned production numbers.
4. Production number with the farthest end item demand date.
If you process inventory selection interactively, then you can select the production
number from the options available on the Select Inventory for Consumption form
(W42054A). Valid values are:
Blank: The program performs blind selection of inventory.
1: The program enables interactive selection of inventory. Interop
1. Transaction Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/TT) that identifies the transaction
type that the system uses when creating outbound interoperability transactions. If you
leave this processing option blank, the system does not perform outbound
interoperability processing. Agreement
1. Agreement Assignment (FUTURE)
Specify how the system searches for agreements when you are using the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Agreement Management system from Oracle. Values are:
Blank: Do not search for agreements.
1: Display one agreement. If the system finds multiple agreements, the system displays
a check mark in the row header of the line and in the Agreement Exists column. You
must select an agreement.
2: Search for and display all agreements.
3: Search for and display the agreement that has the earliest expiration date. Warehouse
These processing options determine how the system processes license plate numbers
when transferring inventory.

1. License Plate Number Generation Method

Specify what license-plate number generation method is used. Values are:
01: Enter manually.
02: Create user-defined formula.

4-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Transferring Inventory

03: Create EPC number.

2. Build Default UOM Structure (build default unit of measure structure)

Specify how the system builds the default UOM structure. Values are:
Blank: Default UOM structure.
1: Transaction UOM structure.

3. Assign Items to License Plate Window (P46L30)

Specify whether the system displays the Assign/Remove Items to License Plate form
when transferring inventory. You use Assign/Remove Items to License Plate (P46L30)
program to search across branch/plant, item, and lot information, and to assign items
to license plate records. You can use this program to build license plate records based
on the structure of the item and to create new license plates.

4.5.4 Transferring Inventory

Access the Inventory Transfers form.

Note: If the Item/Branch that you are transferring this inventory to

requires a country of origin, and the lot that you are transferring
(From Branch/Plant) does not have a country of origin, the system
displays an error message. To rectify the error, update the transferring
lot with a country of origin.

Working With Inventory Transactions 4-19

Transferring Inventory

4-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 5.1, "Understanding Item and Quantity Information"
■ Section 5.2, "Searching for Item Information"
■ Section 5.3, "Locating Quantity Information"
■ Section 5.4, "Reviewing Supply-and-Demand Information"
■ Section 5.5, "Reviewing Performance Information"
■ Section 5.6, "Working with Transaction Records"
■ Section 5.7, "Reconciling Inventory to General Ledger (G/L)"

5.1 Understanding Item and Quantity Information

You can accurately plan for future stocking needs by reviewing item and quantity
information. For example, you can:
■ Access information about stock items.
■ Access summary and detailed information about on-hand, committed, and
available items.
■ Access and monitor supply-and-demand information to help you plan for future
stocking needs.
■ Access item information about previous sales, current inventory quantities, and
future receipts.
■ Review balance forward records for a specific fiscal year.
■ Reconcile inventory balances with the general ledger (GL) and access detailed item
transaction information.
■ Compare the inventory balances at the end of one period with the same period
end for the GL.

5.1.1 Types of Quantities

This table lists the types of quantities:

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-1

Understanding Item and Quantity Information

Quantity Definition
Available The number of items that you can use based on
user-defined calculations. You determine how the system
calculates item availability by defining the factors that
subtract from or add to the available quantity of an item.
This calculation can include quantities that do not
immediately affect on-hand amounts.
For example, you can set up the availability calculation to
subtract any quantities that are committed to sales or work
orders and add any quantities that are on purchase orders
or in transit.
On-hand The number of items (expressed in the primary unit of
measure) that are physically in stock. The on-hand
quantity of items is affected by:
■ Variances that are recorded after a physical inventory.
■ Daily removals, additions, or transfers of items.
■ Shipment confirmations or updated sales information.
■ Locations with lots on hold, such as items requiring
inspection or placed in quarantine.
Available to promise (ATP) The number of items that are uncommitted (available for
sales or distribution) until the next replenishment orders
You select whether to use the basic method or the
cumulative method to determine ATP.
The basic method assumes:
■ Customer demand only, such as sales orders.
■ Demand for all periods until the next replenishment
order arrives, such as purchase orders.
■ Complete consumption of existing quantities during
the current period, resulting in no carry-over
quantities for the next period.
When you use the cumulative method, which provides a
running total, the system:
■ Does not assume consumption within the current
■ Does not enable a negative ATP within a period but
does enable a negative cumulative ATP.
Other Quantity 1 and 2 When you commit inventory for other quantities, the
system assigns inventory to different types of sales and
procurement documents, such as quote and blanket
orders, that do not affect availability.

5.1.2 Commitment Methods

You can use additional commitment methods if you are using lot processing. For
example, you can define the commitment method by lot number or lot expiration date.
This diagram illustrates how the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management
system typically commits inventory:

5-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Understanding Item and Quantity Information

Figure 5–1 Order fulfillment process

5.1.3 System Calculations for Supply-and-Demand Quantities

The system uses supply-and-demand inclusion rules to calculate the
supply-and-demand quantities for an item. A manufacturing environment uses work
orders to create a supply of parts or materials, whereas a maintenance environment
uses work orders to create a demand for parts.

Type Definition
Sources of supply Starting with the requested date on purchase
orders, the system calculates the supply
quantity from these sources:
■ On-hand inventory, where the supply
quantity is the quantity on hand less hard
commitments and quantities on sales and
work orders.
■ Purchase orders, where the supply
quantity is the quantity entered on
purchase orders.
■ Manufacturing work orders, where the
supply quantity is the quantity entered on
a work order less the quantity shipped.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-3

Searching for Item Information

Type Definition
Sources of demand Starting with the requested date on sales
orders, the system calculates the demand
quantity from these sources:
■ Sales orders, where the demand quantity
is the quantity entered on sales orders less
the quantity shipped and the quantity
■ Safety stock, where the demand quantity
is any quantity reserved as protection
against fluctuations in demand and
■ Work order requirements and parts lists,
where the demand quantity for sources
such as the quantity required less the
quantity issued.

5.1.4 Item Balance Reconciliation with the GL

You can compare the inventory balances to the GL at the end of a period. Because
inventory transactions continue after GL periods close, the system provides a method
for you to reconcile the inventory balances to the GL for any fiscal period.
You can use this information to create:
■ Summary level reports according to the GL classification code.
■ Running balance information on Item Ledger Inquiry (CARDEX).
■ Balance forward records.
■ Integrity reports.

See Also:
■ Setting Up Constants.

5.2 Searching for Item Information

This section provides an overview of locating item information, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:
■ Build item word search information.
■ Set processing options for Item Word Build (R41829).
■ Locate items with word search.
■ Locate and return item information.
■ Define search criteria.

5.2.1 Understanding How to Locate Item Information

You might want to locate item information for a variety of reasons, such as entering
changes to inventory, revising the information that is associated with inventory items,
or reviewing available quantities.
You can use three methods to locate item information. The method that you select
depends on the type of search criteria to use and where the method is available, as
shown in this table:

5-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Searching for Item Information

Method Definition Availability

Locating items with word Enables you to locate items This search is available from a
search on the Work with Item based on text stored in any of Form exit in the Item Master
Word Search form. 31 fields in six tables. or any transaction entry form
(Issues, Transfers,
Adjustments, and
Locating and returning item Enables you to locate items by This search is available when
information on the Item item number to see the you are using any transaction
Search Returning Quantity available quantities, and then entry form (Issues, Transfers,
form. to return to the transaction Adjustments, and
entry form many fields of Reclassifications).
information for multiple
items. If necessary, you can
access the word search
function to find the item
Locating item information Enables you to locate items by This search is available from a
with item search on the Work defined search text. search button from the Item
With Item Search form. Number field and from the
Inventory Inquiries menu

You can define specific criteria for an item search. Use this type of search when you
know what the item is but you want to limit the search. For example, you can limit the
search for an item to a specific branch/plant and supplier. You can use search text only
to locate items that have search text information in the item master records. You can
set up processing options to display sales or purchasing category codes that are
applicable to items.
When you define search criteria, the system searches these tables for items with
matching information:

Table Information Type

Item Master (F4101) ■ Search text.
■ Description.
■ Drawing number (when using manufacturing systems).
Item Branch File (F4102) ■ Item number (short, second, or third).
■ Branch/plant.
■ Supplier.
■ Purchasing or sales category codes 1–5, depending on
the processing option that you select.
Item Location File (F41021) ■ Location.
■ Lot number.
■ Lot status code.
Lot Master (F4108) ■ Lot.
■ Lot description.
■ Serial number.
■ Expiration date.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-5

Searching for Item Information

Table Information Type

Location Master (F4100) ■ Picking zone.
■ Putaway zone.
■ Replenishment zone.

5.2.2 Mobile Enterprise Applications for Product Price and Availability

The following mobile applications are available, and can be used to view item detail
and availability information on a mobile device:
■ Product Price and Availability (Smartphone and Tablet)
These applications require system administrator configuration before they are
available to individual users. Contact your system administrator to determine whether
these applications are available for use.
Additionally, see the following topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Mobile Enterprise Applications Implementation Guide:
■ Product Price and Availability Mobile Applications

5.2.3 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must verify that:
■ The item cross-reference types for cross-reference numbers are set up in UDC table
■ Any external item numbers, such as supplier or substitute numbers, are set up in
the Item Cross-Reference program (P4104).
■ Any internal item numbers, such as the second or third item numbers, are set up
in the Item Master program (P4101).

5.2.4 Forms Used to Locate Item Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Item W4101E Inventory Review items.
Master Browse Master/Transactions
(G4111), Item Master
Work with Item Word W41829C On the Work With Locate items with
Search Item Master Browse word search.
form, select Item
Word Search from the
Form menu.
Item Search Returning W40ITM2F Select Item Search Locate and return
Quantity from the Form menu item information.
on any of the
transaction entry
forms, such as the
Adjustments form.
Work With Item W41200A Inventory Inquiries Search for items.
Search (G41112), Item Search

5-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Searching for Item Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work with Item Cross W4104A On the Work With Define search criteria.
Reference Item Search form,
select a record and
select Cross Reference
from the Row menu.

5.2.5 Building Item Word Search Information

Select Periodic Processing (G4120), Item Word Build.
You must run the Item Word Build (R41829) program to create and update the Item
Word Search table (F41829). When you search for an item using item word search, the
system accesses the Item Word Search table (F41829) for item information. The R41829
program extracts information from these tables:
■ Item Master (F4101)
■ Item Branch File (F4102)
■ Location Master (F4100)
■ Lot Master (F4108)
■ Item Master - Alternative Description (F4101D)
■ Item Cross Reference File (F4104)
You can run the program for the entire item master or by branch/plant. When you run
the report by branch/plant, the processing time is significantly reduced.
You can run the Item Word Build program as often as necessary. For example, you
might decide to run the program monthly, depending on the number of changes to
descriptions because the system does not update the Item Word Search table when you
change any of the descriptive (text) information. You can also set a processing option
to clear and completely rebuild the Item Word Search table, if appropriate. If you do
not clear the table, use data selection to specify the items to update.

5.2.6 Setting Processing Options for Item Word Search Build (R41829)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Build Options

1. Clear Item Word Search Tables
Specify whether to clear the Item Word Search tables before the build. Values are:
Blank: Do not clear.
1: Clear.

5.2.7 Locating Items with Word Search

Access the Work with Item Word Search form.
Use the Item Search Text field to locate items. You can locate items by searching for a
term that describes an entire category of objects or other descriptive term. For
example, to see all the types of bicycle equipment in inventory, you can locate all items
that contain bike in any of 31 fields, such as the item name, description, or search text.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-7

Locating Quantity Information

Note: If you do not know the item number when you are entering
transactions, use Item Word Search Build (R41829) to locate the item

5.2.8 Locating and Returning Item Information

Access the Item Search Returning Quantity form.
When you create inventory transactions, you can locate item information, such as
location, lot number, grade, potency, expiration date, and lot status code, and return it
to the transaction to save you entry time and reduce errors. Use the Item Search
Returns Quantity program (P40ITM2) to locate and return the item information to the
transaction. You can use the Item Search Returns Quantity program to create a
transaction with multiple lines.
If you use quality mode, you can use only branch/plants and grade and potency
information that is specified in the customer preferences.

5.2.9 Defining Search Criteria

Access the Work With Item Cross Reference form.

X-Ref Type
Enter a code from UDC table (41/DT) that identifies the type of cross-reference setup
for this customer. Examples of cross-reference types include substitutes, replacements,
and customer or supplier item numbers.

Address Number
Enter the address number of the customer or supplier.

Second Item Number

Enter an identifier for an item.

Cross Reference Item Number

Enter the cross-reference item number that the system assigns to an item number. A
cross-reference number enables you to use a supplier's item number if it is different
from the own item number when you are processing an order or printing. You set up
this number in the Item Cross-Reference (P4104) program.

Cross Reference Description

Enter a remark about an item.

Card Number
Enter a OEM-assigned value from UDC table (40R/CD) that further describes the part

5.3 Locating Quantity Information

This section provides an overview of quantity information, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Item Availability (P41202).
■ Locate summary quantity information.
■ Review detailed quantity information.
■ Set processing options for Segmented Item Availability (P41206).

5-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Locating Quantity Information

■ Review segmented item availability.

■ Set processing options for Location Segment Inquiry (P4100142).
■ Review quantities in locations with segments.
■ Set processing options for Lot Master (P41280).
■ Locate quantity information by lot.
■ Set processing options for Item Ledger Inquiry (CARDEX) (Select Items for
Count-Tag Inventory).
■ Locate on-hand quantity information.
■ Review current inventory levels online.

5.3.1 Mobile Enterprise Applications for Reviewing Item Availability

The following mobile applications are available, and can be used to review quantity
information on a mobile device:
■ Inventory Availability (Smartphone and Tablet)
These applications require system administrator configuration before they are
available to individual users. Contact your system administrator to determine whether
these applications are available for use.
Additionally, see the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Mobile Enterprise Applications Implementation Guide:
■ Mobile Applications: Inventory Availability

5.3.2 Understanding Quantity Information

Quantity information includes the available and on-hand quantities for items. You use
quantity information to determine the current and future inventory needs. This table
lists the types of quantity calculations the system performs:

Calculation Description
Days available Reflects the number of days in the future that an item will
be available.
On-hand Reflects the total number of items in a particular
Commitments This calculation includes soft commitments, hard
commitments, and quantities on work orders.
Available Defines how the system performs this calculation.
Typically, it includes on-hand quantities minus any
outstanding commitments, reservations, and backorders.
On receipt Reflects quantities that are on open purchase orders.
Reorder point Specifies the minimum item quantity for which
replenishment should occur, or you can have the system
calculate it.
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Determines a minimum quantity for an item based on an
economic analysis of the cost of placing an order and
keeping inventory.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-9

Locating Quantity Information Summary Quantity Information

You can access summary quantity information about each item based on the item
number and branch/plant. You can also view the total quantity of items in any of these
■ On-hand.
■ Held.
■ Hard committed and soft committed.
■ Available.
■ Purchase and work orders.
■ Backorders.
You can set the Truncate/Round processing option to specify the rounding method to
use in calculations. The program rounds the calculation result to the number of
decimal places that are specified in the data item Quantity On Hand - Primary
Quantity (PQOH). The default value in the Display Decimals field is no decimals.
When this data item has no display decimals, you do not see decimals in the resulting
quantity on hand.
For example, assume that you have an item with eaches as a primary unit of measure.
This item has a unit of measure conversion of 10 eaches to one box. Currently, you
have six eaches in stock. If you change the UOM (unit of measure) field in the heading
area of the Work With Item Availability form from EA (eaches) to BX (boxes), you
might expect to see 6 (6 eaches) displayed as the quantity on hand. However, with no
display decimals specified, the system does not display decimal quantities. The
quantity depends on the rounding method that you select:
■ Round or round up method: 6 boxes (6 eaches) displays as 1 box.
■ Truncate method: 6 boxes (6 eaches) displays as 0 (zero) boxes.
You can change the rounding method on the Work With Item Availability form
(Additional Selections 1 tab). In that case, the system interactively recalculates and
displays the quantity. Detailed Quantity Information

You can locate all of the items in a specific location within a branch/plant and review
detailed information for each item in the location. You can review availability for an
item in a specific location by accessing the Detail Availability program (P41202).
You can view detailed quantity information about an item in a specific storage area
and verify the quantity committed compared to the quantity in the storage area.
In the branch/plant constants, you can define availability calculations, which include:
■ Quantities that subtract from availability, such as soft commits, hard commits, and
future commits.
■ Quantities that add to availability, such as purchase order receipts and quantities. Quality Mode

You can review availability information in quality mode if you:
■ Activate the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Quality Management system on the
Quality Management Setup menu (G3741).

5-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Locating Quantity Information

■ Enable the Quality Control constant in the Branch/Plant Constants for each
branch plant to include in quality tests.
To review only the records that passed quality testing, set the related processing option
for Summary Availability. In quality mode, you can enter an address book number.
The system does not enable changes to the Branch/Plant, Grade Range, or Potency
Range fields, regardless of the processing options settings. The system displays only
the branches that are set up in the user preferences.
You can set processing options that enable you to:
■ Indicate the available quantity in both primary and requested units of measure
when the requested unit of measure is not the primary unit of measure.
■ Review available information in Shopping Cart mode.
In this mode, the address book number appears. Not all fields that usually appear
in the detail area are available in this mode.

5.3.3 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
■ Set up the system to calculate availability for manufacturing processes if you are
using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Data Management system.
See "Setting Up Product Data Management" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Product Data Management Implementation Guide.
■ Set up location segments.
■ Verify that the system is set up to calculate availability for inventory items.
See Setting Up Constants.

See Also:
■ Reviewing Quantities in Locations with Segments.

5.3.4 Forms Used to Locate Quantity Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Item W41202A Inventory Inquiries Locate summary
Availability (G41112), Summary quantity information.
Work With Item W41202A Inventory Inquiries Locate detailed
Availability (G41112), Detailed quantity information.
Detail Availability W41202C On the Work With Review detailed
Item Availability quantity information.
form, select Detail
Avail. from the Row
Work With Segmented W41206A Inventory Inquiries Review segmented
Item Availability (G41112), Segmented item availability.
Item Availability

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-11

Locating Quantity Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work with Shipping W41206B On the Work With Review shipping
Availability Segmented Item availability.
Availability form,
select Shipping Avail.
from the Row menu.
Location Segment W4100142B Inventory Inquiries Review quantities in
Inquiry (G41112), Location locations with
Segment Inquiry segments.
Work With Lot W41280B Lot Control (G4113), Locate quantity
Availability Lot Availability information by lot.
Work With Item W4111A Inventory Inquiries Locate on-hand
Ledger (G41112), Item Ledger quantity information.
Work With Inventory W41201A Inventory Inquiries Review current
Quantities (G41112), Supplier inventory levels
Self-Service Inventory online.

5.3.5 Setting Processing Options for Item Availability (P41202)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Versions
If you leave any of the following processing options blank, the system uses the
ZJDE0001 version.

1. Item Master
Specify which version of the Item Master (P4101) program to use.

2. Item Notes
Specify which version of the Item Notes (P40163) program to use.

3. Item Search
Specify which version of the Item Search (P41200) program to use.

4. Purchase Order Inquiry

Specify which version of the Purchase Order Inquiry (P430301) program to use.

5. Customer Service Inquiry

Specify which version of the Customer Service Inquiry (Misc. Windows) program
(P42045) to use.

6. Open Work Orders

Specify which version of the Open Work Orders (R31400) program to use.

7. Supply and Demand

Specify which version of the Supply and Demand Inquiry (P4021) program to use.

8. Bill of Material
Specify which version of the Bill of Material Inquiry (P30200) program to use.

9. Lot Availability
Specify which version of the Lot Master Availability (P41280) program to use.

5-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Locating Quantity Information

10. Item Ledger

Specify which version of the Item Ledger Inquiry (CARDEX) program (P4111) to use.

11. Branch/Plant Item Information

Specify which version of the Branch/Plant Constants (P41001) program to use.

12. Location Master

Specify which version of the Location Master (P4100) program to use.

13. Item Location Information

Specify which version of the Item Location Type (P41023) program to use. Display
1. Grade Information
Specify whether the system displays grade information. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

2. Potency Information
Specify whether the system displays potency information. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

3. Quality Management
Specify whether the system displays information from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Quality Management system. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

4. Quantity - Primary Units of Measure

Specify whether the system displays quantity information in primary units of
measure. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

5. Truncate/Round
Specify the manner in which the system truncates or rounds the information in the
detail area. Values are:
Blank: Round the information in the detail area. The system uses normal mathematical
rounding. For example, with no display decimals specified, 2.3 remains 2 and 2.6 is
rounded up to 3.
1: Truncate the information in the grid. The system always removes additional
positions. For example, with no display decimals specified, 2.3 and 2.6 are both
truncated to 2.
2: Round up the information in the grid. The system always rounds to the next higher
number. For example, with no display decimals specified, 2.3 and 2.6 are both rounded
up to 3.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-13

Locating Quantity Information

6. Customer Self-Service
Specify whether the system uses the standard mode or customer self-service
functionality. Values are:
Blank: Bypass customer self-service functionality and use the standard mode.
1: Activate customer self-service functionality. Lot Options

1. Display Percent of Life Remaining
Specify whether the system displays the Percent of Life Remaining field.

2. Display Number of Days Remaining

Specify whether the system displays the Number of Days Remaining field.

3. Calculation Date
Specify a date that the system uses to calculate the remaining number of days until a
lot expires. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date.

5.3.6 Locating Summary Quantity Information

Access the Work With Item Availability form.

Note: The system does not display decimal quantities if the Display
Decimals field in the Quantity On Hand-Primary Quantity (PQOH)
data item has no display decimals specified (default). Item Availability

Select the Item Availability tab.

Summary Only
Select this check box to indicate that the system will display information that is
summarized by item, company, currency code, and cost rule. If you do not select this
check box, the system displays individual receipt records.

Omit Zero Quantities

Select this check box to indicate that the system does not display information with zero
on-hand quantities. If you do not select this check box, the system displays
information with zero on-hand quantities.

On Hand
Enter the number of units that are physically in stock. The system displays the
quantity on-hand in the primary unit of measure.

Enter the total quantity that is committed to a specific location. The total quantity is
the sum of all quantities that have been sold, soft committed, or hard committed to
sales orders and work orders.

Enter a number that indicates the quantity that is available. For example, the available
quantity might consist of the on-hand quantity minus commitments, reservations, and

5-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Locating Quantity Information

Availability is user-defined. You can set up availability in the Branch/Plant Constants

(P41001) program.

On Receipt
Enter the total number of items that are on receipt for a specific location. The total is
the sum of all quantities of an item that are on order and in route for a location.

SO/WO Soft Commit (sales order/work order soft commitment)

Enter the number of units that are soft committed to sales orders or work orders in the
primary units of measure.

SO Hard Commit (sales order hard commitment)

Enter the number of units that are committed to a specific location and lot.

Future Commit
Enter the quantity on sales order for which the requested shipment date is beyond the
standard commitment period that has been specified in the branch/plant constants for
that branch. As an example, if you normally ship most orders within 90 days, then an
order for an item with a requested ship date a year from now would have its quantity
reflected in this field.

Enter the number of units that are backordered in primary units of measure.

WO Hard Commit (work order hard commitment)

Enter the number of units that are hard committed to work orders in the primary unit
of measure.

On SO Other 1 (on sales order other 1)

Enter the first of two quantities that can be specified as additional offsets (subtractions
from on-hand) in the determination of quantities available for sale (primary unit of

On SO Other 2 (on sales order other 2)

Enter the second of two quantities that can be specified as additional offsets
(subtractions from on-hand) in the determination of quantities available for sale
(primary unit of measure).

On PO (on purchase order)

Enter the number of units specified on the purchase order in primary units of measure.

On PO Other 1 (on purchase order other 1)

Enter the quantity that appears on documents such as bid requests, which are not
formal commitments to buy on the part of the organization.

In Transit
Enter the quantity that is currently in transit from the supplier.

In Inspection
Enter the quantity that is currently being inspected. This quantity is received, but is
not considered on hand.

In Operation 1 and In Operation 2

Enter the quantities that are currently at a user-defined operation within the
dock-to-stock process. The quantity is received, but may or may not be considered to
be on hand.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-15

Locating Quantity Information Additional Selections 1

Select the Additional Selections 1 tab.

Grade Range
Enter a code from UDC table (40/LG) that indicates the minimum grade that is
acceptable for an item.
The system displays a warning message if you try to purchase or issue items with
grades that do not meet the minimum grade acceptable. The system does not enable
you to sell items with grades that do not meet the minimum acceptable level.

Potency Range
Enter a number that indicates the minimum potency or percentage of active
ingredients that is acceptable for an item.
The system displays a warning message if you try to purchase or issue items that do
not meet the minimum acceptable potency. The system does not enable you to sell
items that do not meet the minimum acceptable potency.

5.3.7 Reviewing Detailed Quantity Information

Access the Detail Availability form.

SO/WO Soft Commit (sales order/work order soft commitment)

Enter the number of units that are soft committed to sales orders or work orders in the
primary units of measure.

SO Hard Commit (sales order hard commitment)

Enter the number of units that are committed to a specific location and lot.

Future Commit
Enter the quantity on sales order for which the requested shipment date is beyond the
standard commitment period that has been specified in the branch/plant constants for
that branch. As an example, if you normally ship most orders within 90 days, then an
order for an item with a requested ship date a year from now would have its quantity
reflected in this field.

Enter the number of units that are back ordered in primary units of measure.

WO Hard Commit (work order hard commitment)

Enter the number of units hard committed to work orders in the primary unit of

On SO Other 1
Enter the first of two quantities that can be specified as additional offsets (subtractions
from on-hand) in the determination of quantities that are available for sale (primary
unit of measure).

On SO Other 2
Enter the second of two quantities that can be specified as additional offsets
(subtractions from on-hand) in the determination of quantities that are available for
sale (primary unit of measure).

On PO (on purchase order)

Enter the number of units that are specified on the purchase order in primary units of

5-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Locating Quantity Information

On PO Other 1
Enter the quantity that appears on documents such as bid requests, which are not
formal commitments to buy on the part of the organization.

In Transit
Enter the quantity that is currently in transit from the supplier.

In Inspection
Enter the quantity that is currently being inspected. This quantity is received, but is
not considered on hand.

In Operation 1 and In Operation 2

Enter the quantities that are currently at a user-defined operation within the
dock-to-stock process. The quantity is received, but may or may not be considered to
be on hand.

5.3.8 Setting Processing Options for Segmented Item Availability (P41206)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
1. Template
Enter a template name that you can use when entering items in the Item Master
Revisions (P4101) program. The name is case sensitive. Versions
1. Summary Availability (P41202)
Specify the version of the P41202 program to use. If you leave this processing option
blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

5.3.9 Reviewing Segmented Item Availability

Access the Work With Segmented Item Availability form.
You can view item availability from the Work With Segmented Item Availability form:
■ Select Item Availability from the Row menu to access the Work With Item
Availability form, which displays the item availability by segment with access to
Item Availability.
■ Shipping availability
Select Shipping Avail. (shipping availability) from the Row menu to access the
Work With Shipping Availability form, which displays the unit of measure
structure for the warehouse and the quantity that you have available to ship for
each unit of measure.
If you have many different segmented items with different templates, you might want
to set up different versions of the Segmented Item Availability program (P41206) with
a different template identified in each version. You can set the processing options in
the Item Master program (P4101) to use a default template. You can also override the
default template.
If you leave the On Hand Primary U/M field blank, the system selects the primary
unit of measure for the first item found.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-17

Locating Quantity Information

5.3.10 Setting Processing Options for Location Segment Inquiry (P4100142)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Mode
Specify the mode in which to run the program. Values are:
Blank: Client mode
1: Web mode
The system displays only the item and location information that is related to you
based on the user ID and address book number. If you are signed into the system
using the web, Item Availability is disabled.

5.3.11 Reviewing Quantities in Locations with Segments

Access the Location Segment Inquiry form.
You can review the inventory balances for items that are assigned to locations with
segments by:
■ Product
You can view the balance for the current product in any or all of the segments in
the location.
■ Segment
You can select specific segments and view the balance for all owners within that
segment of the location.
■ Address book number
If you have set one of the segments as an address book record, you can view all
balances for all locations and products by the specified owner or address book

Summary Only
Select this check box to display individual receipt records. If you do not select this
check box, the system displays information that is summarized by item, company,
currency code, and cost rule.

Omit Zero Quantities

Select this check box to display information with zero on-hand quantities. If you do
not select this check box, the system does not display information with zero on-hand

5.3.12 Setting Processing Options for Lot Master Availability (P41280)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Versions
1. Trace/Track
Specify the version of the Trace/Track Inquiry (P41203) program to use.

5-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Locating Quantity Information

2. Item Master Revisions

Specify the version of Item Master (P4101) program to use.

3. Work Order Entry

Specify the version of Work Order Entry (P48204) program to use.

4. Branch/Plant Item Information

Specify the version of Item Branch/Plant (P41026) program to use. Display
1. Lot Status
Specify whether to update the lot status. Values are:
Blank: Update.
1: Do not update.

2. Grade Range
Specify whether to display the grade range. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

3. Potency Range
Specify whether to display the potency range.
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

5.3.13 Locating Quantity Information by Lot

Access the Work With Lot Availability form.
You can review the number of items that are in a specific lot, as well as the activity
dates, item quantities, and hold statuses that pertain to the lot. The activity date and
quantity information reflect transactions such as issues, receipts, and sales. If the same
item or lot appears more than once, the item exists in multiple locations.

Enter the number that identifies a lot or a serial number. A lot is a group of items with
similar characteristics.

Item Number
Enter the number that the system assigns to an item. The value can be in short, long, or
third-item number format.

Enter the code that indicates the grade of a lot. The grade is used to indicate the
quality of the lot. Examples include:
A1: Premium grade
A2: Secondary grade
The grade for a lot is stored in the Lot Master table.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-19

Locating Quantity Information

Enter the code that indicates the potency of the lot expressed as a percentage of active
or useful material (for example, the percentage of alcohol in a solution). The actual
potency of a lot is defined in the Lot Master table.

Display Lots with Qty on Hand (display lots with quantity on hand)
Select whether to display all lots or with quantity on hand.

5.3.14 Setting Processing Options for Item Ledger Inquiry (CARDEX) (P4111)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Default
1. Document Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the document
type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the default value* and
all document types appear. Versions
1. Load and Delivery Ledger Inquiry (FUTURE)
Specify the version to be used for each program. If this processing option is left blank,
the system uses version ZJDE0001. Display
1. Quantity
Enter 1 to display quantity in primary units of measure along with quantity in
transaction units of measure.

5.3.15 Locating On-Hand Quantity Information

Access the Work With Item Ledger form.
On-hand quantity is the number of items that are physically in stock. You can locate
on-hand quantity and accounting information for a specific transaction date and
document number in the Item Ledger Inquiry (CARDEX) (P4111). The Item Ledger
Inquiry (CARDEX) contains transaction history such as sales, receipts, or transfers for
each item in the inventory. Each entry represents a transaction that affects the on-hand
quantity of an item.
You can review a transaction to determine both item quantities and the related costs in
any branch, location, or lot as of a particular date. You can also see any transactions for
that item that have taken place as of a specific date and locate information about
quantities that are deducted from the on-hand quantity.

Enter a value that represents the available quantity, which might consist of the
on-hand balance minus commitments, reservations, and backorders. This is calculated
in the Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001).

See Also:
■ Working with Transaction Records.

5-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Reviewing Supply-and-Demand Information

5.3.16 Reviewing Current Inventory Levels Online

Access the Work With Inventory Quantities form.
Suppliers can review inventory levels online to inquire on the items that they supply
in order to maintain a predictable delivery of goods and services. Suppliers can check
the availability and on-hand quantity of items so that they can determine whether to
use Supplier Self-Service programs to create purchase orders or to issue quotes.
Suppliers can also prepare for future activity by gathering information on particular
trends and anticipating surpluses and shortages.
Using their item number, the suppliers can review information such as branch/plant,
quantity on-hand, quantity on purchase order, location, lot/serial number, and short
item number. Suppliers can also have the system display the information in summary
to detail mode.

5.4 Reviewing Supply-and-Demand Information

This section provides an overview of supply-and-demand information and discusses
how to:
■ Set processing options for Supply and Demand Inquiry (P4021).
■ Review supply and demand information.

5.4.1 Understanding Supply-and-Demand Information

Use the Supply/Demand Inquiry (P4021) program to review demand, supply, and
available quantities for a specific item. You can review general product and item
performance for a specified branch/plant, as well as past sales performance, current
demand, and other item information. The information is based on inventory,
purchasing, and sales history.
The highlighted available-to-promise (ATP) lines on the Supply/Demand Inquiry
form indicate the company's uncommitted available inventory. Available-to-promise
inventory is available for sale or distribution within a specified period.
The demand quantities are listed by date and can include safety stock, quantities on
sales orders, work order parts lists, planned order demand for lower levels, and
interplant and forecasted demand.
The supply quantities are listed by date and can include on-hand inventory and
quantities on purchase orders, manufacturing work orders, planned orders, and rate
schedules. Supply quantities without a date or order information represent current
availability by branch/plant storage location.
You can also access these forms to confirm detail information:
■ Work With Order Scheduling
■ Parts Availability
■ Work With Detail Messages
■ Work With Time Series
■ Work With Pegging Inquiry
■ Work With Item Availability
■ Customer Service Inquiry
■ Plant Manufacturing Data

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-21

Reviewing Supply-and-Demand Information

The system displays information from these tables:

■ Item location File (F41021)
■ Sales Order Detail File (F4211)
■ Purchase Order Detail File (F4311)

5.4.2 Form Used to Review Supply-and-Demand Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Supply W4021B Inventory Inquiries Review
and Demand (G41112), Supply and supply-and-demand
Demand information.

5.4.3 Setting Processing Options for Supply and Demand Inquiry (P4021)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Deduct Safety Stock From Available Quantity
Specify whether the system deducts the safety stock from the available quantity.
Values are:
Blank: Do not deduct.
1: Deduct.

2. Receipt Routing Quantities Considered As On Hand

Specify whether to consider receipt routing quantities as on hand. Values are:
Blank: Do not consider.
1: Consider.

Quantity in Transit
Specify whether the system considers the quantity in transit a part of the on-hand
quantity. In a manufacturing environment, sometimes you must establish where stock
is to determine whether it is available for immediate use. Values are:
Blank: The system displays the quantity in transit for the appropriate date.
1: The system includes quantity in transit as on-hand inventory.

Quantity in Inspection
Specify whether the system considers the quantity in inspection a part of the on-hand
quantity. Values are:
Blank: The system displays the quantity in inspection for the appropriate date.
1: The systems includes quantity in inspection in on-hand inventory.

User-defined Quantity 1 and User-defined Quantity 2

Specify whether the system considers the user-defined quantity 1 and user-defined
quantity 2 as parts of the on-hand quantity. This quantity is defined in the Update
Operation 1 and Update Operation 2fields on the Receipt Routing Definition form.
Values are:
Blank: The system displays the quantities for the appropriate date.

5-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Reviewing Supply-and-Demand Information

1: The system includes the user-defined quantity 1 in the on-hand inventory.

3. Supply/Demand Inclusion Rules

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/RV) that identifies the
supply-and-demand inclusion-rules version for the system to use.

4. Subtract Expired Lot Quantities

Specify whether the system subtracts the expired lot quantities from the available
quantity. Values are:
Blank: Do not subtract the expired lots.
1: Subtract expired lots.

Note: This processing option does not work with

available-to-promise lines. If you enter 1 in this processing option, you
must set the Available to Promise Line Flag processing option, under
the Process 1 Tab, to either blank or 2.

5. Enable Engineer to Order (ETO)

Specify whether the system enables Engineer-to-Order (ETO) functionality. Values are:
Blank: Do not enable ETO functionality.
1: Enable ETO functionality.

6. Include Past Due Supply In Quantity Available

Specify whether to include past-due quantities while calculating available quantity.
Values are:
Blank: Do not include.
1: Include.

7. Rate Based Schedule Type

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (31/ST) that identifies the rate-based
schedule type for the system to display. If you leave this processing option blank, the
system does not display any rate-based schedules.

8. Include MPS/MRP/DRP Planned Orders

Specify whether to display planned orders from MPS (Master Planning Schedule)
/MRP (Material Requirements Planning)/DRP (Distribution Requirements Planning)
generations. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

9. Forecast Types (5 Types Maximum)

Specify which forecast types, up to five, the system includes in the inquiry. If you leave
this processing option blank, the system does not include any forecast records.

10. Days From Today To Include Forecast

Specify the number of days (+ or –) from the system date that you want the system to
include forecast records. If you leave this processing option blank, the system includes
records from today.

11. Exclude Bulk Items

Specify whether to display bulk stocking type records. Values are:

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-23

Reviewing Supply-and-Demand Information

Blank: Display bulk items.

1: Do not display bulk stocking type records.

12. Include Past Due Rates as a supply

Specify whether to use open quantity from past-due rate schedules as supply. Values
Blank: Do not use.
1: Use.

Note: When you enter 1, the system includes past-due orders in the
rate schedule unadjusted (+RSU) and rate schedule adjusted (+RS)
lines in the Master Planning Schedule - Multiple Plant (R3483) and the
MRP/MPS Requirements Planning (R3482) programs.

13. Forecast Start Date

Specify the start date. Values are:
Blank: Use the system date.
1: Use the start date of the current forecast period.

Note: If you enter 1, the Enable Engineer to Order processing option

must be blank.

14. Lot Hold Codes (up to 5)

Specify a maximum of five lot hold codes from UDC table (41/L) that identifies the
lots to be included in the calculation of on-hand inventory. Values are:
Blank: Include no held lots in calculation of on-hand inventory.
* : Include all held lots in calculation of on-hand inventory. Display
1. Convert Quantities to Standard Potency
Specify whether to convert quantities to the standard potency. Values are:
Blank: Do not convert.
1: Convert.

2. Display ATP Line (display available to promise line)

Specify whether the system displays an ATP line, a cumulative available to promise
line (CATP), or neither. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display ATP line.
2: Display CATP line.

Note: If you enter 1, you cannot use the Subtract Expired Lot
Quantities processing option.

5-24 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Reviewing Supply-and-Demand Information

3. Summarize All In Receipt Routing Steps

Specify whether the system summarizes all quantities for the In Receipt routing steps
into one line. Values are:
Blank: Do not summarize.
1: Summarize.

4. Summarize Item Balance Quantity Records

Specify whether the system summarizes all the quantities in the item location records
into one line. Values are:
Blank: Do not summarize.
1: Summarize.

5. Display Data In Window Mode

Specify whether the system displays the Supply & Demand Inquiry (P4021) program
in the window format if it is called from another program. Values are:
Blank: Display the program in the full-form format.
1: Display the program in window format.

6. Summarize Pegging and Parts List Demand

Specify whether to summarize pegging and parts list demand: Values are:
Blank: Do not summarize.
1: Summarize. Versions
If you leave any of the following processing options blank, the system uses the
ZJDE0001 version.

1. Purchase Order Entry (P4310)

Specify the version of the P4310 program to use.

2. Purchase Order Inquiry (P4310)

Specify the version of the P4310 program to use.

3. Sales Order Entry (P4210)

Specify the version of the P4210 program to use.

4. Sales Order Inquiry (P4210)

Specify the version of the P4210 program to use.

5. Scheduling Work Bench (P31225)

Specify the version of the P31225 program to use.

6. MPS/MRP/DRP Pegging Inquiry (P3412)

Specify the version of the P3412 program to use.

7. MPS/MRP/DRP Time Series (P3413)

Specify the version of the P3413 program to use.

8. MPS/MRP/DRP Msg Detail (P3411)

Specify the version of the P3411 program to use.

9. Bill of Material Inquiry (P30200)

Specify the version of the P30200 program to use.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-25

Reviewing Supply-and-Demand Information

10. Item Branch (P41026)

Specify the version of the P41026 program to use.

11. Mfg WO Processing (P48013)

Specify the version of the P48013 program to use.

12. Enter/Change Rate Schedule (P3109)

Specify the version of the P3109 program to use.

13. Item Availability (P41202)

Specify the version of the P41202 program to use.

5.4.4 Reviewing Supply-and-Demand Information

Access the Work With Supply and Demand form.

Thru Date
Enter the date that an item is scheduled to arrive or that an action is scheduled for
completion. Values include:
Promise Date: The planned effective date for work orders and purchase orders.
Requested Date: The planned effective date for sales orders.
Lot Effective and Lot Expiration Date: The planned effective date for lots.
Forecast Date: The planned effective date for forecast.

UOM (unit of measure)

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that specifies the quantity in which to express
an inventory item.

Enter the number of units that are committed for shipment in Sales Order Entry. Use
either the entered or the primary unit of measure that is defined for this item.
In the Manufacturing system and Work Order Time Entry, this field can indicate
completed or scrapped quantities. The quantity type is determined by the type code

Enter a value that represents the available quantity, which might consist of the
on-hand balance minus commitments, reservations, and backorders. You enter this
value in the Branch/Plant Constants (P41001) program.

Quantity Available
Enter a number that indicates the quantity that is available. For example, the available
quantity might consist of the on-hand quantity minus commitments, reservations, and
Availability is user defined. You can set up availability in the Branch/Plant Constants
program (P41001).

Order No
Enter a number that identifies an original document. This document can be a voucher,
sales order, invoice, unapplied cash, journal entry, and so on.

Enter a code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the type of document. This code
also indicates the origin of the transaction.

5-26 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Reviewing Performance Information

5.5 Reviewing Performance Information

This section discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Buyer Information (P4115).
■ Review performance information.

5.5.1 Form Used to Review Performance Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Buyer's W4115A Inventory Inquiries Review performance
Item Information (G41112), Buyer's information.

5.5.2 Setting Processing Options for Buyer Information (P4115)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Versions
If you leave any of the following processing options blank, the system uses version

1. Open Purchase Order Inquiry (P4310)

Specify the version of the P4310 program to use.

2. Item Availability (P41202)

Specify the version of the P41202 program to use.

3. Supplier Rating (P43230)

Specify the version of the P43230 program to use.

4. Supplier Catalog Maintenance (P41061)

Specify the version of the P41061 program to use.

5. Supply and Demand (P4021)

Specify the version of the P4021 program to use.

5.5.3 Reviewing Performance Information

Access the Work With Buyer's Item Information form.
When you review performance information for an item, you can review buyer
information that is related to the item, previous sales activity, and open purchase
orders. This information, when used in conjunction with item availability information,
helps you to plan for the inventory needs.

Buyer Number
Enter the address number of the person who is responsible for setting up and
maintaining the correct stocking levels for the item.

ABC 1 Sls (ABC code 1– Sales)

Enter a code that specifies this item's ABC ranking by sales amount. Values are:
A: Assign this item to the first (largest) amount ranking.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-27

Reviewing Performance Information

B: Assign this item to the second (intermediate) amount ranking.

C: Assign this item to the third (smallest) amount ranking.
D: Do not include this item when you run ABC analysis.
Three types of ABC analysis are available: sales, margin, and on-hand value. Within
each type of analysis, you can have three groups: A, B, and C.
The ABC Code fields contain a percentage that tells the system how to define the A, B,
and C groups for categorizing items during ABC analysis. Each group measures a total
within the type of analysis.
For all groups, the system compares the appropriate sales, margin, or on-hand value
totals of a single item to the appropriate total for all items and calculates the value of
each item. An item's value is its percentage of the appropriate total. The system then
arranges the values of all items from highest to lowest value and accumulates the
percentages. What happens next depends on the group:
A group: If an item's value causes the accumulated total to exceed the A accumulated
percentage, the system assigns the item to the B group.
B group: When the accumulated total reaches the percentage that you entered for
items in the A group, it continues adding values until it reaches the percentage that
you entered for items in the B group. The system assigns all items for which the value
falls between the A and B percentages to the B group.
C group: The C group consists of items for which the accumulated value exceeds the B
percentage. The percentage that you usually enter for the C group is .999.

Reorder Point
Enter a quantity for an item that specifies when replenishment occurs. Typically, this
occurs when the total quantity on hand plus the quantity on order fall to or lower than
a specified quantity. You can enter this quantity, or the system can calculate it if a
sufficient sales history is available.

Economic Order Qty (economic order quantity)

Enter the estimated reorder quantity for an item. You can enter this quantity if not
enough sales history is available for the system to accurately calculate a reorder

Safety Stock
Enter the quantity of stock that is kept on hand to cover high-side variations in

Leadtime Level
Enter a value that represents the leadtime for an item at its assigned level in the
production process, as defined on Plant Manufacturing Data. The system uses this
value to calculate the start dates for work orders using fixed leadtimes.
Level leadtime is different for purchased and manufactured items:
Purchased: The number of calendar days that are required for the item to arrive at the
branch/plant after the supplier receives the purchase order.
Manufactured: The number of workdays that are required to complete the fabrication
or assembly of an item after all the components are available.
You can enter level leadtime manually on Manufacturing Values Entry, or you can use
the Leadtime Roll up program to calculate it. To calculate level leadtime using the
Leadtime Roll up program, you must first enter a manufacturing leadtime quantity in
the F4102 table.

5-28 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Working with Transaction Records

Branch/Plant and Item Number

Enter the branch/plant and item numbers.

5.6 Working with Transaction Records

This section provides an overview of transaction records and discusses how to:
■ Run the Item Ledger As Of Generation program.
■ Set processing options for Item Ledger As Of Record Generation (R41542).
■ Update balance forward records for inactivity in the fiscal year.
■ Set processing options for As Of Updating (R41548).
■ Enter individual transactions.
■ Review multiple transactions and balances.
■ Review the Item Ledger Detail Print report.
■ Set processing options for Item Ledger Detail Print (R41540).
■ Review the Item Ledger by GL Class Code report.
■ Set processing options for Item Ledger by GL Class Code (R41541).
■ Review the General Ledger by Object Account report.
■ Review the Trail Balance by Object Account report.

5.6.1 Understanding Transaction Records

You can use transaction records to:
■ Keep accurate balance forward records from year to year.
■ Compare and reconcile the inventory balances for different fiscal periods.
■ Access information about the quantity and cost of an item in any location.
You can create balance forward records for a fiscal year by running the Item Ledger As
Of Record Generation program (R41542). This program summarizes item transactions
for each general ledger category code and provides the most accurate and efficient
method of updating the records in the F41112 table.
When you create balance forward records, you can compare and reconcile the
inventory balances at the end of one period with the same period end for the general
ledger. This comparison is helpful because the system continues to record inventory
transactions after the general ledger periods close.
Using the balance forward records, you can review total transactions by location and
review how much of an item (both the quantity and cost amount) that you have in any
specific branch, location, or lot as of a specific date. You can also review any
transactions for that item that have taken place after that date.
You can keep accurate balance forward records from year to year. You create the
balance forward records for item transactions by running the R41542 program. You can
run this program using one of these methods:

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-29

Working with Transaction Records

Method Description
Complete regeneration Typically, you run the R41542 program only the
first time that you create the F41112 table.
However, if you change the fiscal date patterns on
the general ledger, you must completely regenerate
this table. During a complete regeneration, the
system processes the information in this way:
1. Verifies records, including those that were in
the previous complete regeneration.
2. Builds the table based on transactions in the
F4111 table as of the current date.
3. Marks all transactions in the table as
summarized so that they are not included in
any partial regeneration.
Partial regeneration When you create the F41112 table for the first time,
you can run this process at the end of each GL
period to enter new transactions and keep the
balance forward records current.
If records have been purged from the F4111 table or
if you do not know whether a purge has been run,
use the partial regeneration method.

The system records a transaction for this information, using the primary unit of
■ Data for the entire year, based on the fiscal date pattern.
■ Cumulative quantity and cost amount totals from the previous years.
■ Location.
■ Lot.
■ GL class.
■ Fiscal year.
When you enter individual transactions to the F41112 table, you create a record for
each of the unique combinations of the levels. When one of these records changes, the
system creates a new balance forward record at each level. However, the system
bypasses the item ledger and GL transaction accounts.
Use this data sequence when you run the R41542 program:
1. Item Number - Short
2. Branch/Plant
3. Location
4. Lot
5. GL Class
6. GL Date
Do not delete transactions from the F41112 table. You will lose total results if you
delete transactions because:
■ The system updates the balance-forward information but not the Item Ledger File
and other general ledger transaction accounts.

5-30 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Working with Transaction Records

■ The system marks any transactions that you delete as summarized in the Item
Ledger File. The system does not select the transactions again if you run a partial
regeneration of the Item ASOF File table.
For the R41542 report, the system loads only the records for sales orders that have
been processed through sales update. The system cannot load purged item ledger
records into the F41112 table. If you load purged item ledger records, there will be
inaccurate totals.

5.6.2 Forms Used to Work with Transaction Records

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Direct As W41112AA As Of Processing Review transactions.
Of Entry (G4122), Direct As Of
Direct As Of Entry W41112AB On the Work With Enter individual
Direct As Of Entry transactions.
form, click Add.
Item Ledger - W41112A As Of Processing Review multiple
Running Balance (G4122), Item Ledger transactions and
Summary (Running Balance) balances.

5.6.3 Running the Item Ledger As Of Generation Program

Select As Of Processing (G4122), Item Ledger As Of Generation.
The Item Ledger As Of Record Generation program (R41542) creates the
balance-forward records for individual transactions. Accurate balance-forward records
are essential for comparing and reconciling the inventory balances. These records
enable you to access information about the quantity and cost of an item in any

5.6.4 Setting Processing Options for Item Ledger As Of Record Generation (R41542)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
1. Regenerate Option
Specify whether to regenerate the entire F41112 table. Values are:
Blank: The As Of file is updated with any transactions in the F4111 table that have not
yet been processed by the As Of generation.
1: Regenerate the entire F41112 table.

2. Completion Report
Specify whether to print a completion report. Values are:
Blank: Print a completion report only if errors occur.
1: Print a completion report.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-31

Working with Transaction Records

5.6.5 Updating Balance Forward Records for Inactivity in the Fiscal Year
To include items with no transactions in the current fiscal year in the balance forward
records, select As Of Processing (G4122), As Of Updating.
The Item Ledger As Of Record Generation (R41542) program creates records in the
Item ASOF File only when a record exists in the Item Ledger table. If no transaction
occurs during the year for an item, the system does not create a record in the F4111
table. Therefore, the system does not subsequently create a record in the F41112 table.
To include records of prior year activity, run the As Of Updating (R41548) program
after you run the R41542 program. The R41548 program searches for an item record in
the Item ASOF File and then determines whether a corresponding record exists for the
next year. If a record does not exist for that year, the program inserts a record, carrying
forward the cumulative amounts and quantities. The program continues to fill in any
gaps until processing is complete for the year that is specified in the processing
For example, if the first generation of the F41112 table occurs in 2007 and you specify
2010 in the processing option, the program starts with 2007 balances. If item 1001 had
transactions only in 2007, the program creates records for 2008, 2009, and 2010,
carrying the 2007 balances forward.

5.6.6 Setting Processing Options for As Of Updating (R41548)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
1. Year
Enter a four-digit fiscal year (for example, 2008) through which the file is to be
updated. If you leave this processing option blank, the system enter the current year as
the default. The R41548 program will not run if you enter an invalid year.

5.6.7 Entering Individual Transactions

Access the Direct As Of Entry form.
After the system generates the F41112 table, you can review item transaction and
balance information for a specific fiscal period on the Work With Direct As Of Entry
form. You might have to enter individual transactions if the F41112 table has been
purged or if some records were damaged. You can use the R41542 program to enter
these transactions.

Important: Enter only those item quantities that actually exist in the
Item Ledger table (F4111). If you add entries that do not match records
in the F4111 table, the Item Balance/Ledger Integrity report will have
errors. In addition, you will not have an adequate audit trail to
reconcile any differences.

Fiscal Year
Enter a number that identifies the fiscal year. Generally, you can either enter a number
in this field or leave it blank to indicate the current fiscal year (as defined on the
Company Setup form).

5-32 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Working with Transaction Records

Specify the year at the end of the first period rather than the year at the end of the
fiscal period. For example, a fiscal year begins October 1, 2008, and ends September 30,
2009. The end of the first period is October 31, 2008. Specify the year 08 rather than 09.

Item Number and Location

Enter the item number and location information.

Cumulative Amount
Enter the total amount of all transactions in the item ledger for an item.
If cumulative amounts and quantities for the previous year are in the system, the
system displays them after you enter the fiscal year, branch/plant, and item number
on Direct As Of Entry form. If the system does not display this information because no
balance-forward records exist for the previous year, you can enter them manually.
However, any amounts that you enter must match the previous year's totals.

Cumulative Quantity
Enter the cumulative total quantity from all transactions in the item ledger for an item.

Enter a number that represents the net amount posted during the accounting period.
The system uses the accounting periods from the F0010 table. The net amount posted
is the total of all debits and credits, beginning with the first day of the period through
the last day of the period.

5.6.8 Reviewing Multiple Transactions and Balances

Access the Item Ledger - Running Balance Summary form.
To review transaction history that is summarized by each fiscal period, you can use the
running balance version of the item ledger. The summarized running-balance version
enables you to review transaction history by the general ledger date rather than by the
transaction date. The system displays the summarized information from the F41112
table only.
You also can review the individual transactions for each fiscal period by accessing each
fiscal period's detailed information. The system displays information from the F41112
table and the F4111 table. You can review this information when you are preparing to
reconcile the inventory and when you are tracking the original versus the general
ledger document type for a transaction.

Ending Period
Enter a user-defined name or remark.

Period Quantity
Future use. The historical quantity, in primary units of measure, on the bill of material.

Cumulative Quantity
Enter the total quantity of an item to be reworked or scrapped as a result of an
engineering change order (ECO) disposition.

5.6.9 Reviewing the Item Ledger Detail Print Report

Select As Of Processing (G4122), Item Ledger Detail Report.
The Item Ledger Detail Print report (R41540) lists the cumulative transactions from
balance forward records prior to the GL date that you select in the processing options.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-33

Working with Transaction Records

The GL date that you select is based on the user-defined GL dates that you set up in
the processing options.

5.6.10 Setting Processing Options for Item Ledger Detail Print (R41540)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

1. Beginning Date
Specify the beginning general ledger date.

2. End Date
Specify the ending general ledger date.

5.6.11 Reviewing the Item Ledger by GL Class Code Report

Select As Of Processing (G4122), Item Ledger by GL Class Report.
Use the Item Ledger by GL Class Code report (R41541) to review the high-level totals
of transactions for specific GL class and category codes. Each line of the report
displays a GL classification code total for the fiscal year and period that you specify in
the processing options.
The R41541 program creates the quantity and amounts for the fiscal periods that this
program uses.
Do not change the sequence order of this report:
1. Branch/Plant
2. GL Class

5.6.12 Setting Processing Options for Item Ledger By GL Class Code (R41541)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Report Option

Effective Year
Specify the final year and period for which the item ledger by GL class code report is
to be prepared. If a fiscal period and year are not entered, the financial reporting year
and period are used.

Period Number - General Ledger

Specify the final year and period for which the item ledger by GL class code report is
to be prepared. If a fiscal period and year are not entered, the financial reporting year
and period are used.

5.6.13 Reviewing the General Ledger by Object Account Report

Select As Of Processing (G4122), GL by Object Account Report.
The General Ledger by Object Account report prints the general ledger in object
account sequence. You can select specific transaction documents or all transaction

5-34 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Reconciling Inventory to General Ledger (G/L)

documents. The system accesses information for this report from the F0006 and F0901
tables. The report includes:
■ Balance forward summaries
■ Account mode selection
■ Subledger selection
■ Object account summaries
See "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications General Accounting Implementation Guide.

5.6.14 Reviewing the Trial Balance by Object Account Report

Select As Of Processing (G4122), T/B by Object Account Report.
The Trial Balance by Object report prints trial balances with total postings and account
balances by object account sequence. The system selects information for this report
from the F0006 and the F0901 tables. The report includes:
■ Trial balance by object account.
■ Account mode selection.
■ Subledger selection.
■ Object account summaries.
See "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications General Accounting Implementation Guide.

5.7 Reconciling Inventory to General Ledger (G/L)

This section provides an overview of Inventory to General Ledger (G/L) reconciliation
processes and discusses how to:
■ Review the Automatic Inventory to G/L Reconciliation Report.
■ Set Processing Options for Automatic Inventory to G/L Reconciliation (R41500).
■ Run the Manual Inventory to G/L Reconciliation Program.
■ Set Processing Options for Manual Inventory to G/L Reconciliation (P41500).

5.7.1 Understanding Inventory to General Ledger Reconciliation

The inventory to general ledger reconciliation process has two components:
■ Automatic Inventory to G/L Reconciliation (R41500), which is a batch program
that automatically reconciles item ledger and general ledger documents without
■ Manual Inventory to G/L Reconciliation (P41500), which is an interactive program
you can use to:
– View and manually reconcile item ledger and general ledger documents.
– View and work with item ledger and general ledger documents that have
already been reconciled.
– View the details of selected documents in the Item Ledger grid and the
corresponding details in the General Ledger grid.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-35

Reconciling Inventory to General Ledger (G/L)

When you run the Automatic Inventory to G/L Reconciliation report, the system
reconciles documents where the total amount of the document in the Item Ledger
matches the total amount for the same document in the General Ledger.
When you run the Manual Inventory to G/L program, the system displays
summarized totals and variances by document, for all documents in your data
selection. When you select a specific document, the system displays additional details
from the item ledger and the general ledger. To reconcile a document, you may select
adjustment journal entries you previously created to reconcile the transactions.
You can also unreconcile a previously reconciled transaction or remove adjustment
journal entries previously selected to reconcile a transaction. When you unreconcile a
transaction, the system clears the adjustment journal entry that you used to reconcile
the transaction.
When you reconcile a transaction either by the batch process or the application, the
system updates the General Ledger (F0911) records to include the reconciliation date,
reconciliation code and reconciliation ID, and the Item Ledger (F4111) records with the
reconciliation date.
The following diagram illustrates the Inventory to G/L Reconciliation process:

Figure 5–2 Inventory To G/L Reconciliation Process

Note: It is recommended that you use the batch process to reconcile

as many transactions as possible, and subsequently use the
application to manage your variances.

5.7.2 Reviewing the Automatic Inventory to GL Reconciliation Report

Select As of Processing (G4122), Automatic Inventory to GL Reconciliation.
You can use the Automatic Inventory to G/L Reconciliation report to let the system
reconcile matching records in the item ledger and the general ledger.

5-36 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Reconciling Inventory to General Ledger (G/L)

When you run the Automatic Inventory to G/L Reconciliation report, the system
reconciles documents where the total amount of the document in the item ledger
matches the total amount of the same document in the general ledger.
The system reconciles matching records by updating the general ledger (F0911) records
to include the reconciliation date, reconciliation ID and reconciliation code, and by
updating the item ledger (F4111) records to include reconciliation date.

5.7.3 Setting Processing Options for Automatic Inventory to GL Reconciliation

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Default
1. Reconciliation Code
Enter a code that indicates that the transaction in the Account Ledger table (F0911) is
reconciled. Process
1. Proof or Final Mode
Specify whether the system runs the program in proof or final mode. Values are:
Blank: The system runs the R41500 in proof mode.
1: The system runs the R41500 in final mode and reconciles the transactions in Item
Ledger table (F4111) and Account Ledger table (F0911).
In proof mode, the system generates a report but does not update the item ledger and
general ledger tables.

2. Enter From G/L Date

Specify the earliest G/L date in a range of G/L dates that the system uses to select
records from the Item Ledger table (F4111). If you leave this processing option blank
the system uses the current date as the earliest G/L date in the range of G/L dates.

3. Enter Thru G/L Date

Specify the latest G/L date in a range of G/L dates that the system uses to select
records from the Item Ledger table (F4111). If you leave this processing option blank
the system uses the current date as the latest G/L date in the range of G/L dates.

4. Additional Ledger Type to Update

Specify the additional ledger type, other than AA ledger type, for which the system
updates the reconciliation details. WO Document Type

1. Enter Work Order Completion Document Type
Enter a user defined code (00/DT) that identifies the ‘work order completion’
document type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the
document type ’IC’.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-37

Reconciling Inventory to General Ledger (G/L)

2. Enter Work Order Issue Document Type

Enter a user defined code (00/DT) that identifies the ‘work order issue’ document
type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the document type

3. Enter Lean Transaction Completion Document Type

Enter a user defined code (00/DT) that identifies the ‘lean transaction completion’
document type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the
document type ’LC’.

4. Enter Lean Transaction Issue Document Type

Enter a user defined code (00/DT) that identifies the ‘lean transaction issue’ document
type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the document type

5. Enter Work Order Scrap Document Type

Enter a user defined code (00/DT) that identifies the ‘work order scrap’ document
type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the document type ’IS’. Interbranch
1. Interbranch Order Type
Identify the order type used for interbranch orders. If you leave this processing option
blank, the system uses the order type ’SI’.

Note: The processing setup for interbranch orders may cause the
item ledger and general ledger amounts to be different. In this case,
the system does not automatically reconcile the records. Print
1. Print Option
Specify how the system displays the records in the output. Values are:
Blank: The system displays both reconciled and variance records.
1: The system displays only variance records.
2: The system displays only reconciled records.

2. Show Item Level Detail for Variance Records

Specify whether the system shows the details of the item for variance records.Values
0: The system does not display item details.
1:The system displays item details.

5.7.4 Form Used To Reconcile Inventory and General Ledger Records

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Manual Inventory to W41500A As of Processing Reconcile inventory
G/L Reconciliation (G4122), Inventory to to general ledger
G/L Reconciliation

5-38 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Reconciling Inventory to General Ledger (G/L)

5.7.5 Reconciling Inventory to General Ledger

Access the Manual Inventory to G/L Reconciliation form.
To reconcile inventory to general ledger, you use the Manual Inventory to G/L
Reconciliation program. The reconciliation summary grid helps you review
transaction history for a given financial period. If the system displays the
reconciliation date for a document in the Reconciliation Summary grid, the document
is already reconciled.
When you enter a company and the transaction period, the system displays a list of all
documents along with the general ledger amount, the item ledger amount, and the
variance amount in the Reconciliation Summary grid. When you select a document in
the Reconciliation Summary grid, the system displays the corresponding item ledger
and general ledger records in the item ledger and the general ledger grids respectively.
You can reconcile documents with variances by selecting a journal entry that contains
the adjustment appropriate for the transaction. To reconcile records with a variance,
you select the appropriate adjustment entry and click the Reconcile button on the
Reconciliation Summary grid. When you click Reconcile, the system updates the
general ledger record with reconciliation date, reconciliation ID and reconciliation
code, and updates the item ledger record with reconciliation date.
You can also reconcile a record without selecting an adjustment journal entry. Select a
record and click the Reconcile button without selecting an adjustment journal entry. If
the variance amount for the record is less than or equal to the tolerance amount
specified in the processing options, the system reconciles the records by updating the
item ledger record and general ledger record with the reconciliation date.

Note: If the variance amount for a record is more than the tolerance
amount specified in the processing options, you must select an
adjustment journal entry to reconcile the transaction.

You can unreconcile a record that was previously reconciled. To unreconcile a record,
select the record in the Reconciliation Summary grid, and click the Unreconcile button.
The system updates the item ledger record by clearing the reconciliation date, and the
general ledger record by clearing the reconciliation date, reconciliation ID and
reconciliation code.

Enter a number that, with the document number, document type and G/L date,
uniquely identifies an original document, such as invoice, voucher, or journal entry.
You must enter a value in the Company field to run the Manual Inventory to G/L
Reconciliation program.

G/L Date From

Enter a date that identifies the start of the financial period.

Enter a date that identifies the end of the financial period.

Minimum Variance
Enter a number that represents the variance amount which the system uses to filter
records. If you enter a value here, the system displays only those records where the
variance amount is greater than or equal to the amount you enter in this field.
Use the Percentage Combo box to enter the minimum variance in the form of

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-39

Reconciling Inventory to General Ledger (G/L)

Include Reconciled Transactions

Use the Include Reconciled Transactions check box if you want to view transactions
which are already reconciled.

5.7.6 Setting Processing Options for Manual Inventory to G/L Reconciliation Program
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
1. Reconciliation Code
Enter a value that indicates that the transaction in the Account Ledger table (F0911) is

2. Additional Ledger Type

Specify the additional ledger type, other than AA ledger type, for which the
reconciliation details are to be updated.

3. Tolerance Limit
Specify the tolerance amount by which the item ledger and general ledger amounts
can be out of balance. If you enter an amount, you can reconcile the records with a
variance up to the tolerance amount, either negative or positive.
If you leave this processing option blank, the item ledger and general ledger amounts
must match. WO Document Type

1. Enter Work Order Completion Document Type
Enter a value that identifies the ‘work order completion’ document type. If you leave
this processing option blank, the system uses document type “IC” .

2. Enter Work Order Issue Document Type

Enter a value that identifies the ‘work order issue’ document type. If you leave this
processing option blank, the system uses document type “IM”.

3. Enter Lean Transaction Completion Document Type

Enter a value that identifies the ‘lean transaction completion’ document type. If you
leave this processing option blank, the system uses document type “LC”.

4. Enter Lean Transaction Issue Document Type

Enter a value that identifies the lean transaction issue document type. If you leave this
processing option blank, the system uses document type “LM”.

5. Enter Work Order Scrap Document Type

Enter a value that identifies the scrap document type. If you leave this processing
option blank, the system uses document type “IS”. Interbranch
Interbranch Document Type
Enter the order type used for interbranch orders.

5-40 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Reconciling Inventory to General Ledger (G/L)

The processing setup for interbranch orders may cause the item ledger and general
ledger amounts to be different. If you enter a value for this processing option, the
system does not reconcile the records automatically.

Reviewing Item and Quantity Information 5-41

Reconciling Inventory to General Ledger (G/L)

5-42 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Managing Physical Inventories

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 6.1, "Understanding Physical Inventory Management"
■ Section 6.2, "Processing Cycle Counts"
■ Section 6.3, "Processing Tag Counts"

6.1 Understanding Physical Inventory Management

To account for all items, organizations conduct a physical inventory, in which items are
physically counted on a particular date and time. Accurate inventories help you to:
■ Reduce backorders.
■ Reduce monetary amounts that are invested in inventory.
■ Reduce downtime that is attributed to stock outages.
■ Increase on-time deliveries.
To reconcile the online inventory records and physical inventory, you can use both:
■ Cycle counts
A cycle count is the item-based method of counting inventory. Using the cycle
count process, you select items to be counted at various intervals throughout the
■ Tag counts
A tag count is the location-based method of counting. It is designed for an
end-of-year, wall-to-wall physical inventory.

6.2 Processing Cycle Counts

This section provides an overview of cycle counts, lists prerequisites, and discusses
how to:
■ Run the Select Items for Count program.
■ Set processing options for Select Items for Count (R41411).
■ Review cycle count status.
■ Print cycle count sheets.
■ Set processing options for Print Cycle Count Sheets (R41410A).
■ Cancel cycle counts.

Managing Physical Inventories 6-1

Processing Cycle Counts

■ Enter cycle count results.

■ Enter counted quantity on an existing license plate.
■ Review cycle count variances.
■ Revise cycle count quantities.
■ Print a variance report.
■ Set processing options for Print Variance Detail (R41403)
■ Approve cycle counts.
■ Run the Cycle Count Update program.
■ Set processing options for Cycle Count Update (R41413).

6.2.1 Understanding Cycle Counts

A cycle count is the item-based method of counting inventory. You record data, such as
item numbers, descriptions, and locations on printed inventory count sheets, which
you later use to update the online inventory records.
You can use a cycle count to:
■ Group items to be counted at specific intervals throughout the year.
■ Track variances.
■ Reduce costs and backorders.
You can use a cycle count in conjunction with a tag count to ensure accuracy. You also
can use these programs to indicate that counted quantity is on certain existing license

6.2.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
■ Verify that these automatic accounting instructions (AAIs) are set up:
– AAI table 4152, which provides the inventory account to offset against any
count variance.
– AAI table 4154, which provides the cost of goods sold account to update.
– AAI table 4141, which provides the variance account to update (set up only if
you use standard costs).
– AAI tables 4122, 4124, 4126, and 4128, which provide the accounts for
zero-balance adjustments.
■ Set up the Cycle Count Category Code field using the Item Master (P4101) and
Item Branch (P41026) programs. This field must be set up for you to use the
associated method of updating in the Cycle Count Update program (R41413).
See Adding Classification Codes to Items.
■ Verify that you have not changed any printer file override information before you
print cycle count sheets.
Any changes to information, such as report length or width, might affect the
appearance of the report.

6-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Processing Cycle Counts

6.2.3 Forms Used to Process Cycle Counts

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Cycle W41240A Inventory Count ■ Review cycle
Count Review Alternatives (G4121), count status.
Cycle Count Review
■ Approve cycle
Cycle Count Entry W4141A On the Work With ■ Enter cycle count
Cycle Count Review results.
form, select a cycle
■ Revise cycle
count and select Enter
count quantities.
Cycle Count from the
Row menu.
Work With Cycle W41241A On the Work With Review cycle count
Count Detail Cycle Count Review variances.
form, select a record
and then select Cycle
Count Detail from the
Row menu.
Cycle/Tag Count LPN W46L42A On the Cycle Count Enter counted
Detail Entry Entry form, select quantity on an
LPN Detail Entry existing license plate.
from the Row menu.
Note: You can use the
license plate
processing functions
only if you have the
JD Edwards
Management system
and when licence
plate processing is
activated for the

6.2.4 Running the Select Items for Count Program

Select Inventory Count Alternatives (G4121), Select Items for Cycle Count.
Before you start the cycle count process, you must run the Select Items for Count
program (R41411). The R41411 program creates a record for each inventory item to be
counted and records the current on-hand quantity and cost for each item. The system
then generates the Select Items for Count report, which lets you compare the actual
on-hand quantity with the online records.
The system processes the information in this way:
■ Selects items to be counted based on the data selection.
■ Copies the current on-hand balance to the Quantity On-hand at Count field in the
F4141 table.
■ Creates a cycle count header in the F4140 table that contains the status codes for
the processes that have been completed for Cycle Count items.
■ Updates this data in the F4141 table for each item in the selected locations:
– Item information.
– Quantity on hand.

Managing Physical Inventories 6-3

Processing Cycle Counts

– Amount on hand.
■ Produces the Select Items for Count report, which lists the selected items for each
location and the quantity on hand at the time of the count.
You can use data selection to group items by:
■ Cycle count categories (for example, monthly and semiannually).
■ ABC codes (for example, count A items monthly).
You cannot change this sequence for the Select Items for Count report:
1. Item number (short)
2. Lot
3. Location

See Also:
■ Running the Cycle Count Update Program.

6.2.5 Setting Processing Options for Select Items for Count (R41411)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Print
1. Cycle Count Description
Specify a user-defined cycle count description.

2. Print Production Number Inventory Details

Specify whether the system prints production number inventory details on the report.
Values are:
Blank: The system does not print production number inventory details on the report.
1: The system prints production number inventory details on the report.

6.2.6 Reviewing Cycle Count Status

Access the Work With Cycle Count Review form.
Before you perform the cycle count, review the online status of each cycle count and
access detailed information, such as descriptions of each item in the count. In the
processing options, you specify a range of status codes and that the program uses to
select which cycle count records to view. You can change the range of status codes at
any time when you are reviewing the cycle count.
Sometimes transactions occur during the time between running the Select Items for
Cycle Count program and the actual count, resulting in an inaccurate value in the
Quantity On Hand field in the F4141 table. Before you count items, you can use the
Work With Cycle Count Review form to update the on-hand quantity to the most
current number. The system refers to this procedure as resetting the frozen value.
The program updates the Quantity on Hand field in the F4141 table with the Quantity
on Hand from the Item Location File table, updates the Amount field based on the
new quantity, and clears the Quantity Counted field.

Item Number
Enter an identifier for an item.

6-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Processing Cycle Counts

Quantity On Hand
Enter the total quantity on hand in the primary unit of measure for an item at the
beginning of the cycle count.

Quantity Counted
Enter the total quantity that is counted for the item in all locations.

6.2.7 Printing Cycle Count Sheets

Select Inventory Count Alternatives (G4121), Print Cycle Count Sheets.
After you select the items to include in the cycle count and have reviewed them online,
you can run the Print Cycle Count Sheets program (R41410A) to print information
from the F4141 table onto the count sheets that you will use to perform the actual
count. You can also print cycle count sheets from the Cycle Count Review program
(P41240). The system uses the version that you specified in the processing options.
To print a specific cycle count number, specify the count number in the data selection.
Use this sequence for the R41410A report:
1. Cycle Count Number
2. Item Number
3. Branch/Plant
After you print the count sheets, the value Printed. appears in the Cycle Status field on
the Work With Cycle Count Review form.

6.2.8 Setting Processing Options for Print Cycle Count Sheets (R41410A)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Print
Print Non-canceled sheets
Specify whether to print non-canceled sheets. Values are:
Blank: Print all cycle sheets.
1: Print non-canceled sheets.

6.2.9 Canceling Cycle Counts

Select Inventory Count Alternatives (G4121), Cycle Count Review.
You can cancel a cycle count at any time before you update it. For example, if several
days pass between the time that you print cycle count sheets and actually perform the
cycle count, you can cancel the cycle count and reprint it later.
After you cancel the cycle count number, the value Canceled appears in the Cycle
Status field on the Work With Cycle Count Review form.

6.2.10 Entering Cycle Count Results

Access the Cycle Count Entry form.

Managing Physical Inventories 6-5

Processing Cycle Counts

After you have performed the cycle count and recorded the information on the cycle
count sheets, you must enter the results in the online inventory records, even if the
result of the count is zero.
If the count included an item that is found in a new location, you can add the new
location on a blank line of the Cycle Count Entry form. However, if the Location
Control constant is turned on, you must set up the new location in the F4100 table
before you can enter the quantity on the Cycle Count Entry form.
When you enter a new location, the system creates an item location record and a
variance for the entire quantity and amount after you enter the cycle count results and
then run the Cycle Count Update.

Enter the number of units that the system counts in the primary unit of measure.

UM (unit of measure)
Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates the quantity in which to express
an inventory item, for example, CS (case) or BX (box).

Total Quantity
Enter the total quantity that is counted for the item in all locations.

Secondary Quantity
If the secondary unit of measure option in Inventory Constants is selected, this field
will appear on data entry screens.

Secondary UM (secondary unit of measure)

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates an alternate unit of measure for
the item.

See Also:
■ Setting Up Warehouse Locations.

6.2.11 Entering Counted Quantity on an Existing License Plate

Access the Cycle/Tag Count LPN Detail Entry form.

Note: Before you can enter counted quantity on an existing licence

plate, the advanced warehouse management functionality needs to be
active, and all necessary warehouse and license plating setup must be
in place.

If no license plate item detail record exists in the F46L11 table, you cannot access the
Cycle/Tag Count LPN Detail Entry form. Also, the system cannot process license plate
detail under these conditions:
■ The branch/plant is not warehouse controlled.
■ LPN processing is not activated for this branch/plant.
■ LPN item detail does not exist for this location.
■ The stocking type is not valid.
■ The inventory interface option is not valid.
■ The item is a bulk item.

6-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Processing Cycle Counts

■ Routing is not at the on-hand step.

■ Asynchronous processing is not completed.

License Plate Number

Enter a value that uniquely identifies a collection of items and or other license plates.
The license plate number is typically used to simplify movements and inventory

Quantity Counted
Enter the total quantity that is counted for the item in all locations, in a primary unit of

Dual Quantity Counted

Enter the quantity that is counted in a dual unit of measure. The system displays this
field only if an item is a dual unit of measure (UOM) item.

6.2.12 Reviewing Cycle Count Variances

Access the Work With Cycle Count Detail form.
After you enter the results of the cycle count, the system automatically calculates
variances. A variance is the difference between the on-hand quantity and the counted
quantity. Variance information can help you resolve discrepancies online. The system
records variances to the F41021, F4111, and F0911 tables when the system updates the
On the Work with Cycle Count Detail form, you can review this information for each
■ On-hand quantity
■ Counted quantity
■ Variance
To help you resolve discrepancies, you can print the Print Variance Detail report to list
the variances between the results of the cycle count and the inventory records. You can
access this report from either the Form menu or directly from the Inventory Count
Alternatives menu. When you run this report from the Form menu, the system uses
the variance criteria that are set up on the form and overrides any processing option
defaults. When you run the report from the Inventory Count Alternatives menu, the
system uses the processing options for the version.

Quantity Variance and Amount Variance

Enter the variance type that determines whether a quantity or an amount variance is
calculated and displayed.

Enter a number that identifies the amount that the system will add to the account
balance of the associated account number. Enter credits with a minus sign (–) either
before or after the amount.

Absolute Value
Specify whether a variance amount appears when it is greater than an absolute value
or greater than a percentage of the original.

Specify whether a variance amount appears when it is greater than an absolute value
or greater than a percentage of the original.

Managing Physical Inventories 6-7

Processing Cycle Counts

Enter a code from UDC table (00/VA) that indicates the relationship between the
ranges of variances that you display. Values are:
EQ: Equal to
LT: Less than
LE: Less than or equal to
GT: Greater than
GE: Greater than or equal to

See Also:
■ Reviewing the Print Variance Detail Report.

6.2.13 Revising Cycle Count Quantities

Access the Cycle Count Entry form.
After you enter and review the cycle variance information, you might recount some
items and subsequently revise the cycle count quantity. After you recount and revise,
you can review variances again, both online and through the Print Variance Detail
(R41403) program.
You can revise the cycle count quantity using one of these methods:
■ Replace the count
■ Add and subtract quantities

See Also:
■ Reviewing the Print Variance Detail Report.

6.2.14 Printing a Variance Report

Select Inventory Count Alternatives menu (G4121), Cycle Variance Detail Print.
To resolve discrepancies, you can print a report of the variances between the results of
the cycle count and the inventory records. Use data selection to print a variance report
for a specific cycle count.

6.2.15 Setting Processing Options for the Print Variance Detail (R41403)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Processing
1. Enter '1' to select on Quantity Variance (default) or '2' to select on Amount
Specify a value that determines the type of variance the system uses. Values are:
1: Quantity Variance (default)
2: Amount Variance

2. Enter the Relation to use for the variance selection. (Default is greater than)
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/VA) that identifies the relationship
between the range of variances that appear.

6-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Processing Cycle Counts

3. Enter the Quantity or Amount to use to compare with the variance for selection.
Specify a value that determines the quantity or amount to use to compare with the
variance for selection.

4. Enter '1' to compare the Percent Variance or '2' to compare the Unit Variance
Specify a value that determines the type of variance to compare. Values are:
1: Percent Variance
2: Unit Variance (default)

6.2.16 Approving Cycle Counts

Access the Work With Cycle Count Review form.
After you enter and review the cycle count and have it approved by the appropriate
person, you must update the cycle count status to indicate approval. Approving a
cycle count advances the status code so that the cycle count is available for the update
process. You can override counts as needed. The system stores the status in the F4140

6.2.17 Running the Cycle Count Update Program

Select Inventory Count Alternatives (G4121), Cycle Count Update.
After the cycle count has been entered, reviewed, and approved, run the Cycle Count
Update program (R41413) to update ledgers and balances. This program records
variances to the F4111, F0911, and F41021 tables.
Use data selection to specify the cycle count number for the update. Cycle counts must
have a cycle count status of Approved to be updated. After a successful update, the
Cycle Count Update program updates the cycle count status to Complete. The
program does not generate an error log if the update is not successful. In the case of an
unsuccessful update, the cycle count status remains at Approved.
The program updates the next count date field in the Item Location File table in
preparation for the next cycle count. A processing option determines the method that
the program uses. These are the available methods:
■ The cycle count category codes in UDC table (41/8) define the frequency and
number of days for cycle counts.
To use this method, the cycle count code that applies must be entered in the F4101
and F4102 tables.
For example, if you enter 1 in the Next Count Date processing option on the
Defaults tab and the item has QTR stored in the Cycle Count Category field, the
system calculates the next count date from the current date using the number of
days (91) in the Description 02 field for QTR.
■ If you leave Next Count Date processing option on the Defaults tab blank, the
ABC Codes method correlates the ABC Code 1-Sales-Inventory ranking for the
item with UDC table (41/NC) to determine the next count date.
You can review this date in the Next Count Date field on the Location Revisions form,
and you can specify the field as data selection in the Select Items for Count program.

See Also:
■ Reviewing the Print Variance Detail Report.

Managing Physical Inventories 6-9

Processing Cycle Counts

6.2.18 Setting Processing Options for Cycle Count Update (R41413)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
These processing options define the dates that the system will use for general ledger
posting and for the next cycle count.

1. General Ledger Date

Specify the date that the system associates with the cycle count variances when they
are posted to the F0911 table. Enter a specific date or select a date from the calendar. If
you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current date.

2. Next Count Date

Specify how the system determines the date for the next cycle count. The Cycle Count
Entry (P4141) program updates the Next Count Date field in the F41021 table in
preparation for the next cycle count.
The system bases the date on either the cycle count category codes or on the ABC
codes. Both methods depend on a set of UDCs that provide a correlation between a
code and the number of days until the next cycle count. You must enter the
appropriate code in the F4101 and F4102 tables during item entry or when you revise
the item.
When the cycle-count category codes method is used, the system references UDC table
(41/8). In addition, items must have a cycle count code in the Cycle Count Category
field in the Item Master and Item Branch tables. For example, if the item has QTR in
the Cycle Count Category field, the system calculates the next count date by adding
the number of days (such as 91) that is stored in the Description 02 field for QTR in
UDC table (41/8) to the current date.
When the ABC Codes method is used, the system references UDC table (41/NC). For
this method, items must have an ABC sales code in the ABC Code 1 field (Sales -
Inventory) in the Item Master and Item Branch tables.
You can review the calculated date in the Next Count Date field on the Location
Revisions form, and you can specify the field as data selection in the Select Items for
Count (R41411) program.
Values are:
Blank: The system bases the date on ABC codes.
1: The system bases the date on the cycle count category codes. Process
1. Delete Detail Records from Cycle Count and Warehouse Transaction tables
Specify whether the system deletes detail records from the F4141 and F4142 tables after
processing. Detail records contain the on-hand quantities and amounts that are stored
in the general ledger. They also contain the quantities that were counted for locations,
the unit cost, the name of the person who performed the count, and the date. Values
Blank: Do not delete detail records. You can use file utilities or create a batch program
to delete the detail records from the Cycle Count Transaction File and Warehouse
Count Transaction tables at a later time.

6-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Processing Tag Counts

1: Delete detail records from the Cycle Count Transaction File table and the Warehouse
Count Transaction table. You must run a variance report before you run the Cycle
Count Update (R41413) program. After you run the program, no detail records will
exist to calculate the variance.

2. Create Item Ledger Records for zero variances

Specify whether the system creates records in the F4111 table for transactions with
variances of zero. Values are:
Blank: Do not create records for variances of zero.
1: Create records for variances of zero.

3. Dual Unit of Measure G/L Variance Offset Account

Specify how the system calculates variances and creates GL entries for an offset
account for an item with a dual unit of measure. You can use this account to track
losses, such as those from theft or shrinkage. The system uses AAI 4156 for the offset
entries. Values are:
Blank: The system does not use AAI 4156.
1: Calculate a variance based on the difference between the primary quantity and the
secondary quantity in the cycle count transaction.
2: Calculate a variance based on the secondary quantity in the cycle count transaction. Interop
1. Transaction Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/TT) that identifies the transaction
type that the system uses when creating outbound interoperability transactions. If you
leave this processing option blank, the system does not perform outbound
interoperability processing for cycle count transactions.

6.3 Processing Tag Counts

This section provides an overview of tag counts and discusses how to:
■ Run the Select Items for Count program.
■ Print inventory tags.
■ Set processing options for Print Inventory Tags (R41607).
■ Record tag distribution and receipt information.
■ Set processing options for Tag Status Review (P41604).
■ Enter tag count results.
■ Review tag count variances.
■ Run tag count updates.
■ Set processing options for Tag Inventory Update (R41610).

6.3.1 Understanding Tag Counts

A tag count is the method for counting all items in a location. When you perform a tag
count, you physically tag and count all items twice by location. Typically, a tag count
occurs at the end of the year or any frequency that is scheduled by a company. To
complete a tag count, two teams independently perform the same physical inventory

Managing Physical Inventories 6-11

Processing Tag Counts

and record their data on two different parts of the tag. Later, you use each team's data
to compare results and resolve variances.
Consider using a tag count in conjunction with a cycle count to ensure accuracy. You
also can use the following programs to indicate that counted quantity is on certain
existing license plates. You can access LPN Detail Entry program (P46L42) from the
Row menu on Cycle Count Entry form or from the Form menu on the Tag Count Entry
form. Tag Distribution Information

Before you distribute tags to the teams, you must record who is responsible for each
tag number. You use this information to track:
■ Who tagged each item.
■ Who returned the parts of each tag.
You must inform the teams of any receipts, shipments, and item breakage that occur
during the count. The counters must record by location all items that are added and
moved during the count.
You cannot enter additional tags to an existing group. Print a new group of
sequentially numbered tags using the Print Inventory Tags program. You also cannot
delete tags on Tag Status Review because all tag numbers must be accounted for. You
can, however, change the status of a tag to DS (destroyed) to indicate that the tag
should not be used.
If you need to enter counts for specific location detail records, set the appropriate
processing option in the Tag Status Review (P41604) program.

See Also:
■ Processing Cycle Counts.

6.3.2 Forms Used to Process Tag Counts

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Tag Status W41604A Inventory Count Review tag status.
Review Alternatives (G4121),
Tag Status Review
Inventory Count
Alternatives (G4121),
Tag Issues and
Tag Issues and W41604E On the Work With Tag Record tag
Receipts Status Review form, distribution and
select a record and receipt information.
select Issues/Receive
from the Row menu.
Tag Count Entry W41604P On the Work With Tag Enter tag count
Status Review form, results.
select a record and
select Enter Count
from the Row menu.

6-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Processing Tag Counts

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Tag Status W41604O On the Work With Tag Review tag status
Summary Status Review form, summaries.
select a record and
select Status
Summaries from the
Form menu.
Work With Tag W41604L On the Work With Tag Review tag count
Variance Review Status Review form, variances.
select a row and select
Variance Review from
the Form menu.

6.3.3 Running the Select Items for Count Program

Select Inventory Count Alternatives (G4121), Select Items for Tag Count.
Before you start the tag count process, you must run the Select Items for Count-Tag
Inventory program (R416060) to build a record for each inventory item to be counted
and the current on-hand quantity and cost for each item.
Before you run the R416060 program, exclude these stocking types because they
represent non-stock items:
■ K: Kits.
■ F: Features.
■ Any other user-defined stocking types.

6.3.4 Printing Inventory Tags

Select Inventory Count Alternatives (G4121), Tag Print.
Run the Print Inventory Tags (R41607) program to print inventory tags for each
location. Although you can print tags at any time, you typically print tags at the
beginning of the tag count process and distribute them to the teams who are counting
items. The tag is a two-part form that includes this information:
■ Tag number
■ Date printed
■ Branch/plant
You can vary the tag's format to accommodate the business needs. The system stores
the tag number and tag status in the F4160 table.
Data selection and data sequencing are not available for the R41607 program. Instead,
you use the processing options to specify the number of tags to print.

6.3.5 Setting Processing Options for Print Inventory Tags (R41607)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
Number of Tags
Specify the number of tags that you want to print.

Managing Physical Inventories 6-13

Processing Tag Counts

Branch / Plant
Specify the branch/plant to print on the tags.

6.3.6 Recording Tag Distribution and Receipt Information

Access the Tag Issues and Receipts form.

Tag Status
Enter a code from UDC table (41/TS) for the status of a tag in the tag inventory count

Tag Team ID - Issued

Enter the address book number of the individual or team to which you issued the tags.

Tag Team ID - Received

Enter the address book number of the individual or team from which you received

6.3.7 Setting Processing Options for Tag Status Review (P41604)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
Status One through Status Four
Specify user-defined codes from UDC table (41/TS) that identify the statuses that are
valid for a tag change.

Default Primary Location and Lot

Specify whether to use a default location and lot. Values are:
Blank: Do not use a default location and lot.
1: Use the location and lot from the primary location. (default)
If you are using blank secondary locations, this processing option is invalid.

Add Secondary Location

Specify whether to allow the addition of a secondary location. Values are:
Blank: Do not allow the addition of secondary location records.
1: Allow the addition of secondary location records. Warehouse
Location Detail
Specify how to select location detail records. Values are:
Blank: The system selects the location detail records.
1: Use the Location Detail Selection Window to enter counts for specific location detail

6.3.8 Entering Tag Count Results

Access the Tag Count Entry form.

6-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Processing Tag Counts

After the tag count is complete, you must enter the information from each tag into the

6.3.9 Reviewing Tag Count Variances

Access the Work With Tag Variance Review form.
After you enter the results of the tag count, you can review the variance between the
amount and cost of inventory online and the amount of inventory that the teams

6.3.10 Running Tag Count Updates

Select Inventory Count Alternatives (G4121), Tag Update.
After you have entered the tag count results and reviewed variances, run the Tag
Inventory Update program (R41610) to:
■ Compare the online on-hand count to the physical count.
■ Calculate the quantity and amount of variances.
■ Update the new quantity information in the item location record and item ledger.
■ Create entries to the general ledger based on AAIs.
The system does not accept any additional count entries for the group of tags that were
used for the update. After the update, the system updates the status in the Tag
Inventory table to CL (closed) or deletes the record, depending on how you set the
processing options. You can verify the results of the update on Item Ledger Inquiry
and General Journal Review. Data Sequence

You should use this sequence for the Tag Inventory Update program (R41610):
1. Item Number-Short
2. Branch/Plant
3. Location
4. Lot

6.3.11 Setting Processing Options for Tag Inventory Update (R41610)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Tag Delete
Specify whether the system deletes tags from the F4160 table after an update. Values
Blank: Do not delete.
1: Delete.

2. GL Date
Specify the GL date that the system associates with the tag inventory update. Enter a
specific date or select a date from the calendar. If you leave this processing option

Managing Physical Inventories 6-15

Processing Tag Counts

blank, the system uses the current date.

3. Dual Unit of Measure G/L Variance Offset Account

Specify how the system calculates variances and creates GL entries for an offset
account for an item with a dual unit of measure. You can use this account to track
losses, such as those from theft or shrinkage. The system uses AAI 4156 for the offset
entries. Values are:
Blank: The system does not use AAI 4156.
1: The system uses AAI 4156 based upon the difference between primary and
secondary units.
2: The system uses AAI 4156 based upon the secondary units. Interop
1. Transaction Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/TT) that identifies whether the
system processes outbound interoperability transactions through the subsystem. If you
leave this processing option blank, the system does not perform outbound
interoperability processing.

6-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Updating Costs

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 7.1, "Updating Item Costs"
■ Section 7.2, "Working with Detail Costing in Distribution"

7.1 Updating Item Costs

This section provides an overview of item cost updates, lists a prerequisite, and
discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Speed Cost Maintenance (P41051).
■ Update costs for an item across multiple branch/plants.
■ Update costs for multiple items across multiple branch/plants.
■ Set processing options for Batch Cost Maintenance (R41802).
■ Update average costs for items.
■ Update current item costs with future costs.
■ Set processing options for Future Cost Update (R41052).

7.1.1 Understanding Item Cost Updates

You can use cost maintenance procedures to update costs for individual items or for
multiple items in the branch/plants, locations, and lots that you select. You select the
cost method to use for updating costs. For example, you can implement a percentage
increase in the standard cost for a group of items. If you use the average cost method
to determine inventory costs, you can update the average cost for all items. You can
increase or decrease costs by a percentage or monetary amount, or you can specify a
new amount. You specify the cost method for which you want to update costs. For
example, you can update an item's last-in costs, average costs, and so on. Cost changes
are effective immediately. You can also update average costs or future costs for all
items that you select.
The system stores item costs in the Item Cost File (F4105). After you update item costs,
the system updates the F4105 table. After you update costs for an item's
sales/inventory cost method, the system creates general ledger (GL) and item ledger

Updating Costs 7-1

Updating Item Costs

See Also:
■ Setting Up AAIs in Distribution Systems.
■ Entering Item Cost Information.

7.1.2 Prerequisite
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must verify that automatic
accounting instructions (AAIs) for changes to inventory costs are set up.
See Setting Up AAIs in Distribution Systems.

7.1.3 Forms Used to Update Item Costs

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Location W41051A Inventory Price & Select branch/plants
Costs Cost Updates (G4123), to work with costs.
Speed Cost
Cost Revisions W4105A On the Work With Update costs for an
Location Costs form, item across multiple
select a record and branch/plants.
select Cost Revisions
from the Row menu.

7.1.4 Setting Processing Options for Speed Cost Maintenance (P41051)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
Default cost method
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/CM) that indicates the cost method
that the system uses to determine the cost of the item for purchase orders. The system
reserves cost methods 01–19. Process
Standard Cost
Specify whether to change the standard cost. Values are:
Blank: Change
1: Do not change.

7.1.5 Updating Costs for an Item Across Multiple Branch/Plants

Access the Cost Revisions form.

Sales/Inventory and Purchasing

Enter codes from UDC table (40/CM) that indicates the cost method that the system
uses to calculate the cost of goods that are sold for the item. Cost methods 01–19 are
reserved for use.

7-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Updating Item Costs

If you maintain costs at the item level, the system retrieves the default value for this
field from the data dictionary. If you maintain costs at the item and branch/plant level,
the system retrieves the default value from Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001).

7.1.6 Updating Costs for Multiple Items Across Multiple Branch/Plants

Select Inventory Price & Cost Updates (G4123), Batch Cost Maintenance.

7.1.7 Setting Processing Options for Batch Cost Maintenance (R41802)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
Cost Change
Specify the cost change to use for update. If you enter a percentage, enter it as a whole

Cost Change Type

Specify the cost change type. Values are:
A: Amount
percent: Percent
*: Actual Defaults
1. Reason Code
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/RC) that identifies a reason for a

2. Document Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies a document type.

3. GL Date
Specify the date for the journal entry. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the
current period date. Print
Print Report
Specify whether to generate a report. Values are:
Blank: Do not generate.
1: Generate. Edits
Specify whether to update files. Values are:
Blank: Proof mode. Do not update files.
1: Final mode. Update files.

Updating Costs 7-3

Updating Item Costs

7.1.8 Updating Average Costs for Items

Select Inventory Price & Cost Updates (G4123), Update Average Cost.
Two methods exist for updating average costs for items:
■ Interactive.
You can set the system constants to specify that the system updates average costs
■ Batch
You use the Average Cost Update program (R41811).
You specify the items, branch/plants, locations, and lots for which to update average
Each time that a transaction affects the current cost of an item, the system updates the
Average Cost Work file. You can specify the programs that update the workfile by
using Define Average Cost, which contains UDC table (40/AV). When you run the
R41811 program, the system:
■ Accesses current cost information from the Average Cost Work File (F41051).
■ Calculates the average cost for each item.
■ Updates the F4105 table.
■ Deletes transactions from the workfile.
Before you run the R41811 program, you should be familiar with the cost level of the
items that you want to update. You should consider that:
■ For all items with a cost level of 1, you must specify ALL for the branch/plant and
■ For all items with a cost level of 2, you specify ALL for the locations only.
■ If you select to run the update over items from all three cost levels, you should
select by item number only.

See Also:
■ Setting Up Constants.

7.1.9 Updating Current Item Costs with Future Costs

Select Inventory Price & Cost Updates (G4123), Future Cost Update.
You can replace current costs with future costs by using the Future Cost Update
program (R41052). You select the cost level of the items for which to update future
costs. For example, you can list the future cost for the item and branch/plant on the
Cost Revisions form as cost method 05. Then, in the data selection for the R41052
program, select items with a cost method of 05.
After you run the R41052, the system prints a report that lists the new costs, the old
costs, and any errors that detail invalid cost methods.

7.1.10 Setting Processing Options for Future Cost Update (R41052)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

7-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Working with Detail Costing in Distribution PROCESS CNTRL

Cost Method
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/UM) that identifies the cost method
to be updated with a future cost.
If you leave this processing option blank, the system updates the cost that is associated
with the current Inventory/Sales costing method.

Document Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the document type
to be used when writing General Ledger and Item Ledger records.
If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses document type WD.

Date - For GL (and Voucher)

Specify the general ledger date to be used when writing GL and Item Ledger records.
If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the system date.

Purge Cost Records

Specify whether to purge cost records. Values are:
Blank: Do not purge future cost records.
1: Purge future cost records. Interop
Transaction Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/TT) that identifies the transaction
type for the interoperability transaction. If you leave this processing option blank, the
system does not perform outbound interoperability processing.

7.2 Working with Detail Costing in Distribution

This section provides an overview of detail costing and discusses how to:
■ Set up detail costing in distribution.
■ Create simulated costs for distribution.
■ Set processing options for Simulated Cost Update (R30840).
■ Copy manufacturing cost components.
■ Set processing options for Copy Cost Components (R41891).

7.2.1 Understanding Detail Costing

In a distribution environment, you cannot calculate costs from bills of material or
routings. Instead, the Simulated Cost Update (R30840) program uses costs from the
F4105 table to update costs in the Item Cost Component Add-Ons table (F30026).
Use a processing option to specify which cost component contains the costs. A, B, and
C cost components are not hard coded.

Updating Costs 7-5

Working with Detail Costing in Distribution

7.2.2 Forms Used to Work with Detail Costing in Distribution

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With W41001B Inventory Setup Select a branch/plant.
Branch/Plant (G4141), Branch/Plant
Constants Constants
Branch/Plant W41001H On the Work With Set up detail costing
Constants Branch/Plant in distribution.
Constants form, select
a branch/plant.

7.2.3 Setting Up Detail Costing in Distribution

Access the Branch/Plant Constants form.

Use Product Cost Detail (Y/N)

Enter a code that indicates whether Distribution programs use the total cost method or
the detailed product cost method. Values are:
Y: Detail costing
N: Total costing

7.2.4 Creating Simulated Costs for Distribution

Select Product Cost Detail - Distribution (G4125), Simulated Cost Update.
The Simulated Cost Update (R30840) program for distribution is similar to the Cost
Simulation program for manufacturing. Use the R30840 program to copy costs from
the F4105 table to the F30026 table.
After you update simulated costs to determine the effect of changes, you can update
the frozen costs with simulated values by running a frozen update.

See Also:
■ Setting Up Constants.

7.2.5 Setting Processing Options for Simulated Cost Update (R30840)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
Purchased Cost Method
Specify the cost method (for example, 01,02, or 03) to move from the F4105 to the
F30026 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not move

Manufactured Cost Method

Specify the cost method (for example, 01,02, or 03) to move from the F4105 to the
F30026 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not move

Cost Type
Specify the cost type (for example, A1 or X1) to use when bringing cost from the F4105

7-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Working with Detail Costing in Distribution Defaults
Cost Method to Calculate
Specify the cost method to calculate (for example, 01,02, or 03 ). If you leave this
processing option blank, the system uses cost method 07 (standard). Print
Report Selection
Specify how the report will print. Values are:
1: Print all the selected items.
2: Print only changed items.

7.2.6 Copying Manufacturing Cost Components

Select Inventory Price & Cost Updates (G4123), Copy Mfg. Cost Components.
The Copy Cost Components program (R41891) copies costs from the F30026 table to
the F41291 table. You can copy simulated or frozen costs for the cost method that you

7.2.7 Setting Processing Options for Copy Cost Components (R41891)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. From
1. Cost Method
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/CM) that identifies the cost method to
copy. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not copy costs.

2. Costs to be Copied
Specify which costs should be copied. Values are:
1: Simulated
2: Frozen Landed Costs

3. Effective From Date
Specify the effective from date for the cost component. The default is today's date. This
date is used for effectivity checking on existing cost components and for writing new
cost components.

4. Effective Thru Date

Specify the effective through date for new cost components. The default is December
31st of the century change year. Default
5. GL Class Code
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/9) that identifies the GL category

Updating Costs 7-7

Working with Detail Costing in Distribution

6. Supplier Number
Specify an address book number for your supplier.

7-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Working With Kits

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 8.1, "Entering Kit Information"
■ Section 8.2, "Entering a Bill of Material"

8.1 Entering Kit Information

This section provides an overview of kit information and discusses how to enter item
master records for kits.

8.1.1 Understanding Kit Information

A kit is a collection of inventory items that are packaged together into a parent item
and sold under a parent name. To better understand kits, consider the trend toward
mass configuration in industry. Mass configuration enables consumers to configure
anything, from electronic systems to automobiles, from a vast list of component parts,
which offers consumers flexibility in their purchases. Each kit that is sold can be
unique, even though all its component parts are standard.
A kit is typically made up of several types of inventory items:
■ Parent item
A parent item represents the assembled item. Generally, the system does not carry
inventory for a parent item. You must set up a parent item in the Item Master and
designate it with a stocking type of K (for kit). The Item Master determines how
the system calculates the price.
■ Components
Components are the actual inventory items that are contained in the kit. You set up
components in the Item Master as regular stock items. The system automatically
orders components.
■ Features and options
Features and options are additional items for the kit. Feature items have a stocking
type of F (for feature). The system recognizes feature items as second-level parent
items because the system does not carry inventory for the feature items. You set up
the actual inventory items in the bill of material.
For example, you might store several computer components together, such as a
monitor, hard drive, keyboard, and mouse. When you sell the items, you sell them
collectively as a computer system. In another example, you might store the same

Working With Kits 8-1

Entering Kit Information

computer components in different locations within a warehouse. By entering the items

as kit components, you can easily locate each item and assemble the final product.
The bill of material lists which items are included in the kit. Bills of material can have
up to 999 levels. A level consists of components, features, and options. Each level can
consist of various parts. For example, you define a feature in a component of a parent
kit and then enter the feature as a parent. The parent of the feature parent is the first
level. The feature becomes a second level (a child of the first level). Although features
can have components, when its components become part of the kit, they are simply kit
components. The system only supports single-level kits, not multi-level.
After you enter each kit component and you assign a line type to the component,
feature, or option, the system checks component item numbers against the Item Master
table (F4101). Kits can also contain non-stock components, such as a flyer or catalog.
The system does not validate the non-stock item numbers against the F4101 table.
After you enter the kit item master records, you must identify the location where the
kit is stored on the Item/Branch Plant Info. form in the Item Branch program (P41026).
If you have set the Item Branch Validationprocessing option in the Bill of Material
Revisions program (P3002) so that the system does not validate the existence of an
item/branch record, you do not have to set up the location of a component in the
branch/plant where the kit is created.
See Entering Branch/Plant Information.
You can set the appropriate processing options to view kit components in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system and the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Procurement system. Kit Example

This chart illustrates an example kit:

8-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Kit Information

Figure 8–1 Kit components

In this example, the kit consists of a stereo, which is the parent item, and these
components and options:
■ Wiring jacks (component)
■ Receiver (component)
■ Speakers (component)
■ Cassette deck (option
■ Five-platter CD player (option)
■ Single CD player (option)
A compact disc (CD) player is a feature in the kit, and two versions of the feature are
■ 5-platter CD player
■ Single CD player Kit Definition

The word kit has a different meaning in distribution systems from what it has in the
manufacturing environment:
■ Distribution systems use the bill of material to locate and assemble the group of
items that form the kit.
■ Manufacturing systems use the bill of material to create a parts list for a work

Working With Kits 8-3

Entering Kit Information

When you create a work order, you are preparing to produce a product. The parts
list indicates the material and quantity that you will need.

8.1.2 Forms Used to Enter Kit Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Item W4101E Inventory Review items.
Master Browse Master/Transactions
(G4111), Item Master
Item Master Revisions W4101A On the Work With Enter item master
Item Master Browse records for kits.
form, click Add.

8.1.3 Entering Item Master Records for Kits

Access the Item Master Revisions form.
You must specify how to price kits in the item master. If you decide to price the kit at
the parent level, you enter only pricing information for the parent item. To price the kit
by the sum of the component prices, you enter pricing information for each
component but do not enter pricing information for a feature parent item.

Stocking Type
Enter a code from UDC table (41/I) that indicates how you stock an item. These
stocking types are hard coded and you should not change them. Examples are:
F: Feature
K: Kit parent item
The first character of Description 2 in UDC table (41/I) indicates whether the item is
purchased (P) or manufactured (M).

Sales Price Level

Enter a code that indicates whether the system maintains standard sales prices for an
item, different sales prices for each branch/plant, or different sales prices for each
location and lot within a branch/plant. The system maintains sales prices in the F4106
table. Values are:
1: Item level
2: Item/Branch level
3: Item/Branch/Location level

Purchase Price Level

Enter a code that indicates where to retrieve the purchase price for an item when you
enter a purchase order. Values are:
1: Use the supplier/item price from the F41061 table.
2: Use the supplier/item/branch price from the F41061 table.
3: Use the inventory cost from the F4105 table. This cost is based on the inventory cost
level and the purchasing cost method that you specify for the item.
The first two codes are applicable only if you set up supplier costs in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Procurement system. If you do not set up supplier costs, the system
uses the inventory cost as the default for the purchase order.

8-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering a Bill of Material

Kit/Configurator Pricing Method

Enter a code that determines how the system calculates the price for kit items or
configured items. Values are:
Blank: Use for items that are neither kit items nor configured items.
1: The system accumulates the base prices of components with the configured price
adjustments and then discounts the total.
2: The system accumulates the base price of the parent item with the configured price
adjustments and then discounts the total.
3: The system accumulates the configured price adjustments and then discounts the
4: The system accumulates the individually discounted price of the components with
the configured price adjustments.

Note: Only configured price adjustments are included in the

calculation for a configured item. Also, the system discounts costs
only if you are using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced
Pricing system.

This is an example of how the system uses the various methods:

Parent Item: 125
Component A: 50
Component B: 100
Configured Cost Adjustment 1: 15
Configured Cost Adjustment 2: 10
Advanced Price Discount: 10 percent
Methods are:
Method 1: 50 + 100 = 150 + 15 + 10 = 175 −17.50 = 157.5
Method 2: 125 + 15 + 10 = 150 −15 = 135
Method 3: 15 + 10 = 25 −2.5 = 22.5
Method 4: (50 −5) + (100 −10) = 135 + 15 + 10 = 160

8.2 Entering a Bill of Material

This section provides an overview of bills of material, lists a prerequisite, and
discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Bill of Material Revisions (P3002).
■ Enter bill of material information.

8.2.1 Understanding Bills of Material

Use the Bill of Material Revisions program (P3002) to enter a bill of material to specify
how to assemble kit components to create the parent item. By entering a bill of
material, you also provide the system with information such as:
■ The feature items and options that are included with the kit.

Working With Kits 8-5

Entering a Bill of Material

■ The feature items that are optional.

■ The number of items that you need to assemble the kit.
To enter a bill of material, you must set up the inventory kit and enter each level in the
kit separately.
If you are entering a bill of material for a kit that contains a feature, you must first
enter the bill of material for all of the kit components except the feature. Then you
enter the bill of material for the feature using the feature as the parent item. Next, you
add the individual items that are part of the feature to the bill of material.
The system stores bill of material information in the Bill of Material Master table

8.2.2 Prerequisite
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must verify that the parent,
components, features, and options for the kit are set up in the Item Master (F4101).
See Entering Kit Information.

8.2.3 Forms Used to Enter a Bill of Material

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work with Bill of W3002H Bill of Materials Review bill of
Material (G4114), Bill of material information.
Materials Revisions
Enter Bill of Material W3002A On the Work with Bill Enter bill of material
Information of Material form, information.
complete the
Branch/Plant and
Item Number fields
and click Add.

8.2.4 Setting Processing Options for Bill of Material Revisions (P3002)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
1. Component Branch
Specify whether to use the parent branch or a component branch as the default value
in the bill of material records when you copy the bill of material to add a new bill of
material. Values are:
Blank: Use the component branch.
1: Use the parent branch.

2. Bill of Material Type

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/TB) that specifies the type of bill of
material to use as the default value in the Type of Bill fields. If you leave this
processing option blank, the system uses M for manufacturing bill of material.

8-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering a Bill of Material

3. As Of Date
Specify whether the system uses the current date as the default value in the As Of Date
field in the header area of the Work with Bill of Material form. Values are:
Blank: The system uses all dates.
1: The system uses the current date.

4. Display Sequence
Specify how the system sorts the information on the Enter Bill of Material Information
form. You can choose whether to sequence the data by component line number or by
operation sequence number. The component line number indicates the sequence of the
components on a bill of material. The operation sequence number indicates the
sequence of the fabrication or assembly steps in the manufacture of an item. Values
Blank: The system sequences by component line number.
1: The system sequences by component line number.
2: The system sequences by operation sequence number. Display
1. Bill Type
Specify whether to display the Bill Type field in the header area of both the Work With
Bill of Material and Enter Bill of Material Information forms. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

2. Batch Quantity
Specify whether to display the Batch Quantity field in the header area of the Enter Bill
of Material Information form. Batch quantity is the quantity of finished units that you
expect a specific bill of material to produce. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display. Versions
If you leave any of the following processing options blank, the system uses version

1. Single Level BOM Print (R30460)

Specify which version of the Single Level Bill of Material Print program to use.

2. Multi Level BOM Print (R30460)

Specify which version of the Multi Level Bill of Material Print program to use.

3. ECO Workbench (P30225)

Specify which version of the ECO Workbench program to use.

4. Component Maintenance (P3015)

Specify which version of the Component Maintenance program to use.

5. ECO Header (P30BREV)

Specify which version of the ECO Header program to use.

Working With Kits 8-7

Entering a Bill of Material

6. Bill of Material Where Used (P30201)

Specify which version of the Bill of Material Where Used program to use.

7. Item Master (P4101)

Specify which version of the Item Master program to use.

8. Co/By- Products Inquiry (P30211)

Specify which version of the Co/By- Products Inquiry program to use.

9. Bill of Material Inquiry (P30200)

Specify which version of the Bill of Material Inquiry program to use. Edit
1. Item Branch Validation
Specify whether to validate the existence of an item branch record of a component in
the Item Branch table (F4102). Values are:
Blank: Do not validate.
1: Validate. Interop
1. Transaction Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/TT) that identifies the transaction
type that the system uses for export processing. If you leave this processing option
blank, the system does not use export processing.

2. Write Image for a Change Transaction

Specify whether to store the before or after image for a change transaction. The images
are stored in the Bill of Material Transaction Revisions table (F3002Z1) from the Bill of
Material Master table (F3002). Values are:
Blank: Store the after image.
1: Store the before image.

3. Interoperability Outbound (R00460)

Specify the version of the Interoperability Outbound Subsystem program that the
system uses for export processing. If you leave this processing option blank, the
system uses the ZJDE0001 version.

8.2.5 Entering Bill of Material Information

Access the Enter Bill of Material Information form.
See "Setting Up Bills of Material" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Product
Data Management Implementation Guide.

See Also:
■ Setting Up Constants.

8-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Using Lot Processing

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 9.1, "Understanding Lot Processing"
■ Section 9.2, "Entering Lot Information"
■ Section 9.3, "Working with Lot Availability"
■ Section 9.4, "Setting Up Allowed Lot Status Codes"
■ Section 9.5, "Viewing Lot Transactions"
■ Section 9.6, "Reclassifying Lots"
■ Section 9.7, "Setting Up Dates for Lots"
■ Section 9.8, "Defining Effective Dates for Future Availability"
■ Section 9.9, "Setting Up Lot Shipment Ascending Dates"

See Also:
■ "Working with Fixed Assets and Inventory Management for
Russia" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations
for Russia Implementation Guide.

9.1 Understanding Lot Processing

Lot processing enables you to manage and maintain information about groups of
items. For example, you can have the system assign lot numbers to groups of
perishable items based on receipt dates to identify the items that you must sell first.
You can view current information about each lot, such as the quantity of available
items and the transactions that have affected the lot.
Lot control is beneficial for identifying groups of items that are components of a final
product. For example, if you assign lot numbers to both bicycle tires and bicycles that
are assembled from the tires, you can:
■ Identify the lot number for the tires that were used to build a specific bicycle.
■ Identify all bicycles that were assembled from a specific lot of tires.
If you later find that a particular lot of tires is defective, you can immediately identify
and recall all bicycles that were assembled with the defective tires.
A lot usually contains one type of item, but you can set up system constants to enable
different types of items in the same lot. If a lot contains different items, the system
maintains lot information for each lot number and item. You can also set up system

Using Lot Processing 9-1

Entering Lot Information

constants to restrict a lot to one type of item and still enable that lot to exist in multiple
You can use one of these methods to assign lot number to items:
■ Allow the system assign lot numbers.
■ Assign the owner lot numbers.
■ Assign supplier lot numbers.
After you create a lot, the system adds a record to the Lot Master table (F4108).

See Also:
■ Setting Up Constants.

9.2 Entering Lot Information

This section provides overviews of lot information and mass updates for lot expiration
dates and discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Lot Master (P4108).
■ Enter lot information for items.
■ Create lots.
■ Enter availability information.

9.2.1 Understanding Lot Information

By assigning items to lots, the system enables you to manage and maintain
information about groups of items. For example, you can have the system assign lot
numbers to groups of perishable items based on receipt dates to identify the items that
you must sell first. You can view current information about each lot, such as the
quantity of available items and the transactions that have affected the lot.
Using lots, you can:
■ Assign a lot number to an item or have the system assign it upon receipt of the
Lot numbers are frequently used to track inventory items. Tracking by lot numbers
enables a company to manage inventory in situations such as a manufacturer's
recall or to rotate perishable product.
■ Place a lot on hold when a problem occurs within the lot.
■ Assign a status to a lot, for example, to indicate that it is in quarantine or
■ Review transactions by lot.
■ Identify perishable lots so that you can sell the oldest goods first.
■ Track items that were bought or produced at the same time in case you have to
retrieve those goods from the customers.
Lot control is beneficial for identifying groups of items that are components of a final
product. For example, if you assign lot numbers to both bicycle tires and bicycles that
are assembled from the tires, you can:
■ Identify the lot number for the tires that were used to build a specific bicycle.
■ Identify all bicycles that were assembled from a specific lot of tires.

9-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Lot Information

If you later find that a particular lot of tires is defective, you can immediately identify
and recall all bicycles that were assembled with the defective tires.
A lot usually contains one type of item, but you can set up system constants to enable
different types of items in the same lot. If a lot contains different items, the system
maintains lot information for each lot number and item. You can also set up system
constants to restrict a lot to one type of item and still enable that lot to exist in multiple
You can use one of these methods to assign lot number to items:
■ Allow the system assign lot numbers.
■ Assign the owner lot numbers.
■ Assign supplier lot numbers.
You must determine how to identify item locations and lots in the system to enable
you to locate items quickly and perform daily operations efficiently. After you create a
lot, the system adds a record to the Lot Master table (F4108). Lot Information for Items

When you enter master information or branch/plant information for an item, you can
■ Whether the item requires a lot number at the time of receipt.
■ The method by which lot numbers are assigned to the item.
■ Whether the system commits the inventory for the item based on lot numbers.
■ The number of days that the item can remain in inventory before expiring.
You can further specify lots by assigning serial numbers to items within the lots. Information for New Lots

After you assign a new lot number to an item, the system creates a lot. You can enter
information for the new lot on the Lot Master Revisions form of the Lot Master (P4108)
program. You also can assign new lot numbers to items when you receive purchase
order receipts, adjust inventory, and complete work orders. You can also assign new
lot numbers for items on the Locations Revisions form of the Location Revisions
(P41024) program.
You can also create a lot for items that you expect to receive in the future. Lot
information can include the expiration date, grade and potency values, supplier
information, and so on. You can also assign up to 10 category codes to each lot for
reporting purposes.
The system maintains separate lot information for each type of item in a lot. For
example, if Lot 1 contains Item A and Item B, you can enter separate lot information
for each item. A lot can contain multiple items only if you set up system constants to
enable more than one type of item in a lot.
Also, you can set up system constants to process a lot that contains only one type of
item, but those quantities are located in multiple warehouses. For example, Lot 234
consists of one type of item; bicycle tires. In addition, Warehouse A represents the bulk
warehouse, where the majority of the tires are stored. However, Warehouses B and C
receive partial quantities of the same item so that Warehouse A has adequate space.
When you receive the tires at Warehouses B and C, you can assign them to Lot 234 and
track them through the unique lot number.

Using Lot Processing 9-3

Entering Lot Information

9.2.2 Understanding Mass Updates for Lot Expiration Dates

You can update lot dates for all branch/plant records when any date of any lot
changes. When you enter a lot date, the system synchronizes that date across all the
branches in which the item and lot reside. The system issues a warning if the lot exists
in other branches or displays a window with all the dates and branches that will be
changed, depending on how you set the processing option value.
You use Lot Master program (P4108) to update lot dates. Depending on how you set
the Mass Update of Lot Dates processing option on the Process tab, the system
updates the lots in the branch/plant records. For example, if you set the processing
option to 1, all branch/plants with a specified item and specified lot are updated with
the new dates. If you set the processing option to 2, the system enables you to select
one or more of the date records to be updated. If you leave the processing option
blank, the system updates only one of the branch/plant records that you select and
does not perform a mass update.

Note: For the system to update all lot dates in all branches, you must
set the Enable Duplicate Lots option for the branch/plant record in the
system constants to 2, which enables you to have the same item and
lot number in multiple branch plants. The system does not update a
lot that exists in multiple branches if the item numbers that are
associated with that lot are different.

9.2.3 Forms Used to Enter Lot Information

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Item W4101E Inventory Review items.
Master Browse Master/Transactions
(G4111), Item Master
Item Master Revisions W4101A On the Work With Enter lot information
Item Master Browse for items.
form, click Add.
Work With Lot Master W4108B Lot Control (G4113), Review lots.
Lot Master Revisions
Lot Master Revisions W4108A On the Work With Lot Create lots.
Master form, click
Lot Dates and W4108F On the Work With Lot Enter availability
Quantities Master form, select a information.
lot and then select
Qty/Dates from the
Row menu.

9.2.4 Setting Processing Options for Lot Master (P4108)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Update lot status
Specify whether to update the lot status. Values are:

9-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Lot Information

Blank: Update.
1: Do not update.

2. Update lot grade

Specify whether to update the lot grade. Values are:
Blank: Update.
1: Do not update.

3. Update lot potency

Specify whether to update the lot potency. Values are:
Blank: Update.
1: Do not update.

4. Mass update of lot dates

Specify whether and how the system performs mass updates on lot dates. Values are:
Blank: The system does not perform mass updates.
1: The system automatically updates all modified dates in all branch/plants.
2: The system displays all branch/plants and enables selection of dates and
branch/plants to update.

5. Update Country of Origin

Specify whether the system updates the Country of Origin field. Updating the Country
of Origin field after the lot has been created poses an integrity risk. This processing
option allows you to minimize the integrity risk posed by updates to the country of
origin value after you create a lot. Values are:
Blank: The system allows updates to the Country of Origin field. Leave this option
blank if you do not want to use Country of Origin .
1: The system issues a warning before allowing updates to the Country of Origin field.
2: The system issues a warning before allowing update to the Country of Origin field
only when there is a quantity on hand for the lot.
3: The system disables the Country of Origin field for any changes.
4: The system disables the Country of Origin field for any changes only when there is a
quantity on hand for the lot. Defaults
1. Document type to be used when updating lot grade
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the document type
to use when updating lot grade. If you leave this processing option blank, the system
uses default document type CG.

2. Document type to be used when updating lot potency

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the document type
to use when updating lot potency. If you leave this processing option blank, the system
uses default document type CP.

Using Lot Processing 9-5

Entering Lot Information Lot Options

1. Display Percent of Life Remaining
Specify whether to display the percent of life remaining. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

2. Display Number of Days Remaining

Specify whether to display the number of days remaining. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

3. Calculation Date
Specify the calculation date. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses
today's date.

9.2.5 Entering Lot Information for Items

Access the Item Master Revisions form. Lot Processing

Select the Lot Processing tab.

Serial No. Required (serial number required)

Enter a code that specifies whether you must attach a serial number to this item at
receipt or sale for basic serial number processing, or whether memo lot information is
required for advanced serial number processing. Advanced serial number processing
enables you to use a serial number to track an item through purchasing and sales. For
basic serial number processing, values are:
Y: The system requires a serial number for all transactions pertaining to this item in
related inventory, sales, and purchase order programs.
N: The system does not require a serial number.
To specify lots for items with serial numbers, the values are:
3: Supplier lot number is required (purchasing only).
4: Supplier lot number is required (purchasing only). Memo lot 1 is also required.
5:: Supplier lot number is required (purchasing only). Memo lot 1 and memo lot 2 are
also required.
6: Nonserialized item number
Values 3 through 5 specify whether lot assignment is required for items with serial
numbers. You can require assignment of up to three lot numbers, including supplier
lot, memo lot 1, and memo lot 2.

Lot Status Code

Enter a code from UDC table (41/L) that indicates the status of the lot. If you leave this
field blank, the lot is approved. All other codes indicate that the lot is on hold.
You can assign a different status code to each location in which a lot resides on the
Item/Location Information form or the Location Lot Status Change form.

9-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Entering Lot Information

Lot Process Type

Enter a code that indicates whether lot or serial number is assigned. Lot and serial
number processes use the F4108 table. Values are:
0: Lot assignment is optional. You can manually assign numbers. Quantity can be
greater than one. (default.)
1: Lot assignment is required. The system assigns numbers using the system date in
YYMMDD format. Quantity can be greater than one.
2: Lot assignment is required. The system assigns numbers in ascending order using
Next Numbers. Quantity can be greater than one.
3: Lot assignment is required. You must manually assign numbers. Quantity can be
greater than one.
4: Serial number assignment is optional except during shipment confirmation.
Quantity must not exceed one.
5: Serial number assignment is required. The system assigns numbers using the system
date in YYMMDD format. Quantity must not exceed one.
6: Serial number assignment is required. The system assigns numbers in ascending
order using Next Numbers. Quantity must not exceed one.
7: Serial number assignment is required. You must manually assign numbers. Quantity
must not exceed one.

Commitment Date Method

Enter a code from UDC table (H40/CD) that specifies which date the system uses to
commit inventory when an item is committed by date. The default value is 01 (lot
expiration date). The date fields are stored in the Lot Master table (F4108).

Shelf Life Days

Enter the number of days that an item can remain in inventory before it expires. The
system adds this number to the date that the item is received to determine the
expiration date for the item. If you do not enter a value here, you must enter an
expiration date each time that you receive the lot item.

9.2.6 Creating Lots

Access the Lot Master Revisions form.

Lot / Serial
Enter a number that identifies a lot or a serial number. A lot is a group of items with
similar characteristics.

Lot Expiration Date

Enter the date on which a lot of items expires.
The system automatically enters this date if you have specified the shelf life days for
the item on Item Master Information form or Item Branch/Plant Information form.
The system calculates the expiration date by adding the number of shelf life days to
the date that you receive the item.
You can commit inventory based on the lot expiration date for items. You select how
the system commits inventory for an item on the Item Master Information or Item
Branch/Plant Information forms.

Using Lot Processing 9-7

Working with Lot Availability

Lot Grade
Enter a code that indicates the grade of a lot. The grade indicates the quality of the lot.
Examples include:
A1: Premium grade
A2: Secondary grade
The grade for a lot is stored in the F4108 table.

Lot Potency
Enter a code that indicates the potency of the lot expressed as a percentage of active or
useful material (for example, the percentage of alcohol in a solution). The actual
potency of a lot is defined in the F4108 table.

Enter the address book number of the preferred provider of this item.

9.2.7 Entering Availability Information

Access the Lot Dates and Quantities form.
After you create a lot and enter lot control information, you can enter and modify
dates, such as when the item was received.

Enter a type of quantity. This field represents quantity category 1. You specify the
document types that update this category in UDC table (40/LQ).
The system updates user-defined quantities in the F4111 table.

Issued, Sold, Adjusted, Completed, and Approved

Enter the last date that a particular activity occurred. You determine the type of
activity that the category represents (for example, issues to work orders).
This field represents date category 2. You specify the document types that update this
category in UDC table (40/LD).

9.3 Working with Lot Availability

This section discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Lot Master Availability (P41280).
■ View lot availability.
■ Review lot quantities.
■ Revise lot activity dates.
■ Assign lot status codes.

9.3.1 Forms Used to Work with Lot Availability

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Lot W41280B Lot Control (G4113), View lot availability.
Availability Lot Availability

9-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Working with Lot Availability

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Lot Dates and W4108F Lot Control (G4113), ■ Review lot
Quantities Lot Master Revisions quantities.
On the Work With Lot ■ Revise activity
Master form, select a dates.
lot and then select
Qty/Dates from the
Row menu.
Location Lot Status W4108C On the Work With Lot Assign lot status
Update Master form, select a codes.
lot and then select
Location Lot Status
from the Row menu.

9.3.2 Setting Processing Options for Lot Master Availability (P41280)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Versions
1. Trace/Track Inquiry
Specify the version of the Trace/Track Inquiry program to use.

2. Item Master Revisions

Specify the version of Item Master Revisions program to use.

3. Work Order Entry

Specify the version of Work Order Entry program to use.

4. Item Branch/Plant Item

Specify the version of Branch/Plant Item Information program to use. Display
1. Lot Status
Specify whether to update the lot status. Values are:
Blank: Update.
1: Do not update.

2. Grade Range
Specify whether to display the grade range. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display.

3. Potency Range
Specify whether to display the potency range. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1:: Display.

9.3.3 Viewing Lot Availability

Access the Work With Lot Availability form.

Using Lot Processing 9-9

Working with Lot Availability

You can view the availability of items in a lot as well as the activity dates, item
quantities, and hold statuses that pertain to the lot. Activity dates and item quantities
reflect receipts, issues, sales, and so on for items in a lot
You can view lot availability for:
■ All items in a lot.
■ All lots that contain a specific item.
You can select to view only those items or lots for which on-hand balances are
available. If the same item or lot appears more than once, each item or lot exists in a
different location.

Display Lots with Qty on Hand (display lots with quantity on hand)
Enter an option that indicates whether the system displays all lots or lots with quantity
on hand. A check mark indicates that the system displays only lots with quantity on

Lot Status
Enter a code from UDC table (41/L) that indicates the status of the lot. Leaving this
field blank indicates that the lot is approved. All other codes indicate that the lot is on
You can assign a different status code to each location in which a lot resides on
Item/Location Information or Location Lot Status Change.

Expiration Date
Enter the date on which a lot of items expires.
The system automatically enters this date if you specified the shelf life days for the
item on the Item Master Information or Item Branch/Plant Information forms.
The system calculates the expiration date by adding the number of shelf life days to
the date that you receive the item.
You can commit inventory based on the lot expiration date for items. You select how
the system commits inventory for an item on the Item Master Information or Item
Branch/Plant Information forms.

Quantity On Hand
Enter the number of units that are physically in stock. The system displays the
quantity on-hand in the primary unit of measure.

Quantity Available
Enter a number that indicates the quantity that is available. For example, the available
quantity might consist of the on-hand quantity minus commitments, reservations, and
Availability is user-defined. You can set up availability in the Branch/Plant Constants
(P41001) program.

9.3.4 Reviewing Lot Quantities

Access the Lot Dates and Quantities form.
You can view the on-hand quantity, the available quantity, and the quantity that is held
for each lot. You can also view up to six other quantity types, which you set up in UDC
table (40/LQ). These quantity types might reflect the quantity of items:
■ Received

9-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Working with Lot Availability

■ Issued
■ Adjusted
■ Completed
■ Approved
■ Sold
You set up UDC table (40/LQ) to indicate for which document types the system tracks
lot quantities. You must associate each document type with one of the quantity type
categories in the Lot Master (P4108) program.
For example, if you specify the Received category for document type OP (purchase
orders) each time that you receive items on a purchase order, the system records the
quantity to the Received category for the lot.
For certain items, you should enter grade and potency information. If you do not
specify a grade or potency for items that require this information, the system uses the
standard grade or potency from the Grade & Potency Profile Revisions form.

9.3.5 Revising Lot Activity Dates

Access the Lot Dates and Quantities form.
You can view up to six activity dates for a lot that you set up in UDC table (40/LD).
These activity dates might reflect the last time that activities such as these occurred for
an item:
■ Received/Created
■ Issued
■ Adjusted
■ Completed
■ Approved
■ Sold
You set up UDC table (40/LD) to indicate for which document types that the system
tracks lot activity dates. You must associate each document type with one of these date
For example, you specify the Sold category for the document type SO (sales orders).
Then, each time that you confirm shipments for a sales order, the system records the
date to the Sold category for the lot.
You can also enter lot activity dates manually instead of having the system track them
for you.

9.3.6 Assigning Lot Status Codes

Access the Location Lot Status Update form.
Set up lot status codes to identify the reasons that a lot is on hold. After you set up the
codes, you can assign them to items and lots on Item Master Revisions, Work With
Item Branch, Lot Master Revisions, and other forms. You cannot process items from
lots on hold.
Assign different status codes to a single lot based on the different locations in which
the lot resides. ou can assign status codes to locations as well as lots. The system
verifies that a lot is on hold before verifying that the location is on hold. The system

Using Lot Processing 9-11

Setting Up Allowed Lot Status Codes

might process items out of locations on hold, depending on the program in which you
are working and the way that processing options are set.
Run the Hold Expired Lots program (R41082) to place expired lots on hold. You can
preview a list of all lots that will be placed on hold by running the program in proof

New Lot Status

Enter a code from UDC table (41/L) that indicates the status of the lot. If you leave this
field blank, it indicates that the lot is approved. All other codes indicate that the lot is
on hold.
You can assign a different status code to each location in which a lot resides on
Item/Location Information or Location Lot Status Change forms.

9.4 Setting Up Allowed Lot Status Codes

This section provides an overview of lot status codes and discusses how to add
allowed lot status codes.

9.4.1 Understanding Lot Status Codes

You can define a set of allowed, nonblank lot status codes using the Allowed Lot
Status Setup program (P41081). The allowed lot status code enables you to manage lot
status processes manually to consume the inventories from the lots that are on hold.
The system uses the Allowed Lot Status table (F41081) to process allowed lot status
information when you run these programs:

Program Description
Shipment Confirmation (P4205) You can ship on-hold items that have an
allowed lot status assigned. Use the Enter
Allowed Lot Status Group to Validate
processing option on the Edits tab to validate
the lot status group.
■ Print Pick Slips (R42520) You can commit items with an allowed lot
status. Use the Enter Allowed Lot Status
■ Package Pick Slips (R42521)
Group processing option on the Edits tab to
■ Control Pick Slips (R42522) specify the lot status group.
Location Selection Driver (R46171) You can transfer on-hold items that have the
allowed lot status. Use the Enter Allowed Lot
Status Group processing option on the Edits
tab to specify the lot status group.
Warehouse Movement Confirmations (P4617) You can move items with an allowed lot status
in Warehouse. Use the Enter Allowed Lot
Status Group processing option on the Edits
tab to specify the lot status group.
Backorder Release (P42117) You can release backorder items with allowed
lot status. Use the Enter Allowed Lot Status
Group processing option on Edits to specify
the lot status group.
Backorder Release and Report (R42118) You can release backorder items with allowed
lot status. Use the Enter Allowed Lot Status
Group processing option on the Edits tab to
specify the lot status group.

9-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Allowed Lot Status Codes

Program Description
Sales Order Entry (P4210) You can process an on-hold item with allowed
lot status. Use the Enter Allowed Lot Status
Group processing option on the Commitment
tab to specify the lot status group.
Kit Selection (P41351) You can use sales orders to process on-hold kit
components with allowed lot status. The
system uses the same processing option that
was specified in the Sales Order Entry (P4210)
Configured Item Revisions (P3210) You can validate the lot status code against
specified lot status group. You can use sales
orders to process configured on-hold
components with allowed lot status. The
system uses the same processing option that
was specified in the Sales Order Entry (P4210)
Configured Item Segment Search (P32202) You can use sales orders to process configured
on-hold components with allowed lot status.
The system uses the same processing option
that was specified in Sales Order Entry
(P4210) program.
Select Configured Items (P32053) You can use sales orders to process configured
on-hold components with allowed lot status.
The system uses the same processing option
that was specified in the Sales Order Entry
(P4210) program.
Order Processing (R31410) You can release on-hold items with allowed
lot statuses. Use the Enter Allowed Lot Status
Group processing option on the Edits tab to
specify the lot status group.
WO Component Shortage List Report The system uses the same processing option
(R31418) that was specified in the Order Processing
(R31410) report.
Work Order Inventory Issue (P31113) You can issue on-hold items with allowed lot
statuses to a work order. Use the Enter
Allowed Lot Status Group processing option
on the Edits tab to specify the lot status group.
Work Order Parts List (P3111) You can hard commit on-hold items with
allowed lot statuses. Use the Enter Allowed
Lot Status Group processing option on the
Edits tab to specify the lot status group.
Work Order Completions (P31114) You can require the user to enter a nonblank
lot status code for a finished lot when on-hold
items were consumed. Use the Hold Code
Requirement processing option on the Edits
tab to specify the lot status group.
Item/Branch Locations (P41LOCN) You can enable item/branch locations to
display available quantity for items with an
allowed lot status.
Inventory Transfers (P4113) You can process on-hold items with allowed
lot statuses. Use the Enter Allowed Lot Status
Group processing option on the Process tab to
specify the lot status group.

Using Lot Processing 9-13

Viewing Lot Transactions

Program Description
Inventory Issues (P4112) You can process on-hold items with allowed
lot statuses. Use the Enter Allowed Lot Status
Group processing option on the Process tab to
specify the lot status group.
Inventory Adjustments (P4114) You can process on-hold items with allowed
lot statuses. Use the Enter Allowed Lot Status
Group processing option on the Process tab to
specify the lot status group.

During the print pick slip, ship confirmation, and warehouse location selection
processes, the system validates the nonblank lot status codes against the user-defined
status code values. If nonblank lot status codes exist in the F41081 table, the system
considers the user-defined lot status codes as blank and the on-hold item continues
through these processes.

9.4.2 Forms Used to Set Up Allowed Lot Status Codes

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Allowed W41081A Lot Control (G4113), Locate lot status
Lot Status Setup Allowed Lot Status codes.
Allowed Lot Status W41081B On Work With Add allowed lot
Setup Revision Allowed Lot Status status codes.
Setup, click Add.

9.4.3 Adding Allowed Lot Status Codes

Access the Allowed Lot Status Setup Revision form.

Lot Status Code

Enter the code from UDC table (41/L) that indicates the status of the lot. If you leave
this field blank, the system indicates that the lot is approved. All other codes indicate
that the lot is on hold. You can assign a different status code to each location in which a
lot resides on Item/Location Information or Location Lot Status Change.

Lot Group
Enter a lot group. This value is the name of a user-defined list of allowed nonblank lot
status codes. If you enter a value in this processing option, the system uses the
Allowed Lot Status table (F41081) to validate lots for which lot status code is nonblank
against the specified lot group name.

Enter the alphanumeric code that identifies a specific entity within a business, such as
a warehouse location, branch, or plant.

9.5 Viewing Lot Transactions

This section provides overviews of tracking and tracing and faulty lot tracing and
discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Trace/Track Inquiry (P41203).
■ Review lot trace and track information.

9-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Viewing Lot Transactions

9.5.1 Understanding Tracking and Tracing

You might want to view the transactions that have affected a lot, such as:
■ The receipts and inventory issues that were generated as a result of assigning
items to the lot.
■ The inventory issues, work order completions, and sales that were generated as a
result of removing items from the lot.
Use lot tracing to view the transactions in which items were assigned to the lot. If the
lot contains kit or assembled items, you can identify the parts that were used to
assemble items in the lot and the lots from which the parts came.
Use lot tracking to view the transactions in which items were removed from the lot.
You can identify items that have been assembled using parts from the lot and the lots
to which the assembled items were assigned.
You provide information about how you want the system to trace and track lots. For
example, you specify the document types that the system monitors to trace and track
lots. You also specify whether you want to view transactions for assembled items or
nonassembled items by specifying a trace and track mode.

9.5.2 Understanding Faulty Lot Tracing

You can trace a component or ingredient lot back to the immediate supplier in those
cases in which faults are found with the lot. You also must identify active orders that
are associated with lots containing faulty or recalled components, assess the impact,
and process product recalls effectively. This procedure lets you reduce unnecessary
scrap or recalls on orders that were already shipped to customers.
The Lot Management Workbench form in the Track/Trace Inquiry program (P41203)
enables you to search from an internal lot, supplier lot (recall situation), or memo lot.
After you locate active orders that are associated with the faulty lot, you can assess the
impact of the product recall. You can also access respective order management
programs from the order tabs on this form and make necessary changes to the order.
The system stores the supplier and supplier lot number along with other purchase
order receipt information to the F4111 table and displays this information on these
■ Work with Item Ledger
■ Lot Supplier Inquiry
■ Transaction Information
The system also uses the F4108 table for processing information.

9.5.3 Understanding Electronic and Device Quality Records

Products such as pharmaceuticals, biotech, and medical devices require an audit trail
for each batch, work order, or medical device manufactured.
An audit trail traces the manufacture of an item from design approval through
manufacturing. The audit trail includes engineering changes introduced during the
manufacture of the product. A quality assurance group must review the product prior
to its release for sale or use.
You can review production records for a specific product and track defects. When you
review records that are out of conformance, you can open a case for internal personnel
to resolve the conformance issue.

Using Lot Processing 9-15

Viewing Lot Transactions

You can use any value in the Enter Trace/Track processing option on the Display tab
of the Track/Trace Inquiry program (P41203) as it is not significant if you trace or track
an item when performing a product audit.
The system uses the document type entered in the Enter WO Document Type to
Inquire processing option on the Defaults tab to determine whether to enable the As
Built Comparison, Engineering History, and Production History buttons when you
select a row on the Lot Management Workbench form. For example, the system
enables all three buttons when the processing option is set to WO for work order.
When you access the Lot Management Workbench form for the first time, the system
disables all buttons except the Signature and Audit button. On the Lot Management
Workbench form, you enter an item number and lot/serial number to trace or track a
specific item. You then select the parent line for the Lot B/P (lot branch/plant) and the
system enables the Item Information and Quality Results buttons.
You next select the line that contains an inventory completion (IC). The system enables
the As Built Comparison, Engineering History, and Production History buttons based
on the document type setting in the Enter WO Document Type to Inquire processing
option on the Defaults tab. Item Information

On the Lot Management Workbench form, you click the Item Information button to
access the Item Master Revisions form. The system calls the version of the Item Master
program (P4101) specified in the Enter Item Master (P4101) Version processing option
on the Version tab of the Track/Trace Inquiry program. You review the item
information and then click OK to return to the Lot Management Workbench form. Quality Results

On the Lot Management Workbench form, you click the Quality Results button to
access the Test Results Revisions form. The system calls the version of the Enter Test
Results program (P3711) specified in the Enter Test Results Revisions (P3711) Version
processing option on the Version tab of the Track/Trace Inquiry program.
The system populates the Branch/Plant, Document Number, Order Type, Item
Number, Lot/SN, and Location fields on the Test Results Revisions form with the
values from the Lot Management Workbench form.
After you review the test information, click OK to return to the Lot Management
Workbench form. As Built Comparison

On the Lot Management Workbench form, you click the As Built Comparison button
to access the Work With Comparisons form. The system calls the version of the Bill of
Material Comparison program (P30204) specified in the Enter Bill of Material
Comparison (P30204) Version processing option on the Version tab of the Track/Trace
Inquiry program.
The system populates the Order Number, Item Number, and Branch/Plant fields on
the PL to BOM tab of the Work With Comparisons form with the values from the Lot
Management Workbench form.

9-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Viewing Lot Transactions

Note: The version of the Bill of Material Comparison program

specified in the Enter Bill of Material Comparison (P30204) Version
processing option on the Version tab of the Track/Trace Inquiry
program must specify that the PL to BOM tab displays as the default
tab. The ZJDE0003 version of the Bill of Material Comparison program
is configured for this requirement.

You click Find and evaluate the comparison on the Display Comparisons form. You
click Close on both the Display Comparisons and Work With Comparisons forms to
return to the Lot Management Workbench form. Engineering History

On the Lot Management Workbench form, you click the Engineering History button to
access the Work With ECO Workbench by Item form. The system calls the version of
the ECO Workbench program (P30225) specified in the Enter ECO Workbench
(P30225) Version processing option on the Version tab of the Track/Trace Inquiry
The system populates the Item Number and Branch/Plant fields on the Work With
ECO Workbench by Item form with the values from the Lot Management Workbench
You click Find and review the engineering history. You click Close to return to the Lot
Management Workbench form. Production History

On the Lot Management Workbench form, you click the Production History button to
access the Production Cost Inquiry form. The system calls the version of the
Production Cost Inquiry program (P31022) specified in the Enter Production Cost
Inquiry (P31022) Version processing option on the Version tab of the Track/Trace
Inquiry program.
The system populates the Document Number field on the Production Cost Inquiry
form with the order number from the Lot Management Workbench form.
You click Find and review the work order information. You click Close to return to the
Lot Management Workbench form. Audit and Signature

On the Lot Management Workbench form, you click the Audit and Signature button.
The system displays the Work with Audit and Signature Information form which
enables you to access specific audit information. You click Cancel to return to the Lot
Management Workbench form.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Auditing Administration Including 21 CFR Part 11
Administration Guide.

9.5.4 Forms Used to View Lot Transactions

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Lot Management W41203D Lot Control (G4113), Review lot trace and
Workbench Trace/Track Inquiry track information.

Using Lot Processing 9-17

Viewing Lot Transactions

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Lot Supplier Inquiry W41203C On the Lot Search for lots by
Management supplier or supplier
Workbench form, lot number.
select Supplier Lot
Inquiry from the Form
Item Master Revisions W4101A On the Lot Review item
Management information.
Workbench form, click
the Item Information
Test Results Revisions W3711B On the Lot Review test results.
Workbench form, click
the Quality Results
Work With W30204A On the Lot Review the bill of
Comparisons Management material comparison.
Workbench form, click
the As Built
Comparison button.
Work With ECO W30225A On the Lot Review engineering
Workbench by Item Management history.
Workbench form, click
the Engineering
History button.
Production Cost W31022A On the Lot Review work order
Inquiry Management information.
Workbench form, click
the Production
History button.
Work with Audit and W9500005A On the Lot Review audit
Signature Information Management information.
Workbench form, click
the Audit and
Signature button.

9.5.5 Setting Processing Options for Track/Trace Inquiry (P41203)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Display
1. Enter Track/Trace
Specify which method the system uses to trace or track lot usage. If you select to trace
the lot, the system traces, from the time of shipment to the time of manufacture, all of
the items that made up the current item. If you select to track the item, the system
determines all of the assemblies of which this item is to be a component, from the time
of manufacture to the time of shipment. Values are:
Blank: Trace lot usage.
1: Track lot usage.

2. Enter Display Level

Specify the level at which the trace/track result appears. Values are:

9-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Viewing Lot Transactions

Blank: Display all transactions, but exclude IB, IX, and IZ types.
1: Display only those transactions that may have created new derivative lot. Document Type

Specify a user-defined codes from UDC table (00/DT) in the following processing

1. Enter WO Issue Document Types

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses default document type IM.

2. Enter WO Completion Document Types

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses default document type IC.

3. Enter WO Scrap Document Types

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses default document type IS.

4. Enter PO Receipt Document Types

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses default document type OV.

5. Enter Invoice Sales Document Types

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses default document type RI..

6. Enter Transfer Order (Sales) Document Types

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses default document type ST.

7. Enter Transfer Order (Purchase) Document Types

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses default document type OT.

8. Enter Inventory Reclass Document Types(enter inventory reclassification

document types)
If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses default document type IR. Defaults
1. Enter PO Document Type to Inquire
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the purchase order
document type on which to inquire. If you leave this processing option blank, the
system uses default document type OP.

2. Enter PO Last Status FROM THRU

Specify a user-defined codes from UDC table (40/AT) that identify order status range
for the purchase order inquiry. Use this processing option to specify the beginning
status. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses all.

3. Enter PO Received Date FROM THRU

Specify date range for the purchase order inquiry. Use this processing option to specify
the beginning date. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses all.

4. Enter Work Order Document Type to Inquire

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that specifies the work order
document type on which to inquire. If you leave this processing option blank, the
system uses default document type WO.

5. Enter WO Status FROM THRU

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/SS) that identifies the order status
range for the work order inquiry. Specify the beginning status. If you leave this

Using Lot Processing 9-19

Viewing Lot Transactions

processing option blank, the system uses all.

6. Enter WO Request Date FROM THRU

Specify the date range for the work order inquiry. If you leave this processing option
blank, the system uses all.

7. Enter SO Document Type to Inquire

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the sales order
document type on which to inquire. If you leave this processing option blank, the
system uses default document type SO.

8. Enter SO Last Status FROM THRU

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/AT) that identifies the status range for
the sales order inquiry. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses all.

9. Enter SO Request Date FROM THRU

Specify the date range for sales order inquiry. If you leave this processing option blank,
the system uses all.

10. Enter Number of Prior Transaction Days

Specify the number of prior transaction days. To limit the scope of the lot trace or
track, the system uses transaction FROM and THRU dates. As a default value, THRU
date is today's date and FROM date is calculated using this value. Values are:
Blank: 360 days.
User Entry: Enter a value that is a positive integer number. Version
1. Enter Lot Master (P4108) Version
Specify a version of the Lot Master program to use. If you leave this processing option
blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

2. Enter Purchase Receipts Inquiry (P43214) Version

Specify a version of the Purchase Receipts Inquiry program to use. If you leave this
processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

3. Enter Manufacturing Work Order Processing (P48013) Version

Specify a version of the Manufacturing Work Order Processing program to use. If you
leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

4. Enter Sales Order Entry (P4210) Version

Specify a version of the Sales Order Entry program to use. If you leave this processing
option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

5. Enter Warehouse Putaway Request Inquiry (P4600) Version

Specify a version of the Warehouse Putaway Request Inquiry program to use. If you
leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

6. Enter Warehouse Pick Request Inquiry (P4600) Version

Specify a version of the Warehouse Pick Request Inquiry program to use. If you leave
this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0002.

7. Enter Item Master (P4101) Version

Specify a version of the Item Master program (P4101) to use when you click the Item
Information button. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version

9-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Viewing Lot Transactions

8. Enter Test Results Revisions (P3711) Version

Specify a version of the Test Results Revisions program (P3711) to use when you click
the Quality Results button. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses
version ZJDE0001.

9. Enter Bill of Material Comparison (P30204) Version

Specify a version of the Bill of Material Comparison program (P30204) to use when
you click the As Built Comparison button. If you leave this processing option blank,
the system uses version ZJDE0003.

10. Enter ECO Workbench (P30225) Version

Specify a version of the ECO Workbench program (P30225) to use when you click the
Engineering History button. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses
version ZJDE0001.

11. Enter Production History (P31022) Version

Specify a version of the Production Cost Inquiry program (P31022) to use when you
click the Production History button. If you leave this processing option blank, the
system uses version ZJDE0001.

9.5.6 Reviewing Lot Trace and Track Information

Access the Lot Management Workbench form.
You can use the PO Receipt, Work Order, and Sales Order tabs to inquire on orders that
have the selected item, branch, location, and lot in the detail line. Driver
Trace Backward
Select to trace specified lot backward across multiple branch plants and multiple levels
within manufacturing and transfer process to the initial purchase receipt.

Trace Forward
Select to track specified lot forward across multiple branch plants and multiple levels
within manufacturing and transfer process to last shipment made.

Enter the type to indicate that the lot that you entered is a supplier lot, or select
Memo1 type to indicate that it is a lot memo 1. The system type indicates that it is
internal lot number. Additional Filter

Select to specify the level at which the system displays track/trace results. The system
displays all transactions except IB, IX, and IZ types.

Derivative Lots Only

Select to display only those transactions that created new lot numbers out of specified
item/lot. Examples of these transactions are transfer orders, reclassifications, and WO

Enter the branch/plant as an additional filter.

Using Lot Processing 9-21

Reclassifying Lots

Trans Date FROM/THRU

Enter the date that an order was entered into the system. Additonal Elements

Item Information
Click to access the Item Master Revisions form.

Quality Results
Click to acces the Test Results Revisions form.

As Built Comparison
Click to access the Work With Comparisons form.

Engineering History
Click to access the Work With ECO Workbench by Item form.

Production History
Click to access the Production Cost Inquiry form.

Audit and Signature

Click to access the Work with Audit and Signature Information form.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Auditing Administration Including 21 CFR Part 11
Administration Guide.

9.6 Reclassifying Lots

This section provides an overview of lot reclassification, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:
■ Set processing options for Item Reclassifications (P4116).
■ Reclassify items and lots.

9.6.1 Understanding Lot Reclassification

You can reclassify an item and any associated lot when the item properties change.
You can reclassify only uncommitted quantities of items and lots. You can review
uncommitted quantity information for the item and related lot in the Item Availability
(P41202) program. When you reclassify in the Reclassifications Transactions program
(P4116), you create new item numbers and combine or split existing lots within
For example, property changes that occur over time in technical grade sulfuric acid
can result in a less potent grade of acid. You can create a new lot for this acid by
specifying a different potency and grade. Similarly, if you blend several lots of sulfuric
acid together and dilute them with water, you can create a new lot with a new potency
and grade.
You can change a lot and any of the associated items in these ways:
■ Change the item number, location, lot, and lot status.
■ Create a new lot from an existing lot.
■ Combine several lots into a single lot.
■ Split one lot into several lots.

9-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Reclassifying Lots

■ Combine several lots and create several new lots.

Important: Use the Reclassifications Transactions program (P4116)

only for reclassifying items and lots. Using any other programs to
reclassify items or lots can adversely affect information throughout
the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system and
the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system.

After you reclassify an item and lot, the system displays the document type, batch
number, and document number that you use to locate the transaction. The system then
adjusts inventory balances and performs related tracking and accounting tasks. The
system updates these tables with item and lot change information:
■ F4111
■ F0911
■ F41021
■ F4602 (if you are using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management
You can view detailed or summarized journal entries for these transactions on the
Journal Entries and the Item Ledger Inquiry forms.
After you enter several reclassifications, you can group them together for processing.
After you group transactions, the system assigns the same number to each transaction
in the group and processes all of the From and To lines with the same transaction
number. Depending on how you have set the processing options, the system validates
that the From and To quantities balance.
If you make an error when you reclassify an item or lot, you can correct the mistake by
entering a reversing entry. The system reverses the item in the same document number
and batch as the original reclassification. Because the system stores records of each
reclassification for accounting purposes, you cannot delete the record.

Note: You cannot use the P4116 program to reclassify bulk inventory.

See "Setting Up Bulk Items" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Bulk Stock
Inventory Implementation Guide. Effective Date Calculations

When reclassifying lots, you can manually override or enter an effective date. If you do
not specify an effective date, the system automatically calculates the effective date
using the default values from the Manufacturing Effective Days and Purchasing
Effective Days fields in the Item Branch table (F4102).
To calculate the value in the Lot Effective Date field, the system determines the
stocking type of the item being reclassified. If the item has a manufactured stocking
type, the system uses the value from the Manufacturing Effective Days field and adds
those days to the on-hand date to calculate the effective date. If the item has a
purchased stocking type, the system uses the value from the Purchasing Effective Days
field and adds those days to the on-hand date to calculate the effective date.
The system calculates effective dates differently when you split, blend, and combine

Using Lot Processing 9-23

Reclassifying Lots

Description Calculation of Effective Dates

Split a lot When splitting a lot, you create multiple lots
from a single parent lot. Each child lot inherits
the effective date and lot creation date from
the parent lot. If some properties of the lot
have changed to necessitate a different
effective date, you can override this date.
Blend a lot When blending multiple lots into a single lot,
you can specify whether the new lot inherits
the on-hand date or the effective date.
Combine a lot When combining lots, child lots can inherit the
on-hand date and the effective date. For
example, when combining lots, you can
specify whether child Lot 1 and Lot 2 inherit
information from Lot A or Lot B.

9.6.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must verify that:
■ The general ledger accounts are set up in the F0901 table.
See "Creating the Chart of Accounts" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Financial Management Fundamentals Implemenation Guide.
■ AAIs for distribution are set up.

9.6.3 Forms Used to Reclassify Lots

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Item W4116A Inventory Review items and
Reclassifications Master/Transactions lots.
Item Reclassifications W4116B On the Work With Reclassify items and
Item Reclassifications lots.
form, click Add.

9.6.4 Setting Processing Options for Item Reclassifications (P4116)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
1. Document Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the default
document type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not provide
a document type.

2. Assign Expiration Dates

Specify how expiration dates are assigned to new lots. Enter 1 to use the transaction
date plus the shelf life to calculate the expiration date for new lots. If you leave this
processing option blank, you must manually assign the expiration date to new lots.

9-24 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Reclassifying Lots Versions
If you leave any of the following processing options blank, the system uses version

1. Journal Entries (P0911)

Specify the version of the Journal Entries program to use.

2. Item Search (P40ITM2)

Specify the version of the Item Search program to use.

3. Item Ledger (P4111)

Specify the version of the Item Ledger program to use.

4. Warehouse Request (P46100) (FUTURE)

Future use. Process
1. Cost Entry
Specify whether the system displays and protects costs. Values are:
Blank: Display cost and enable the cost to be updated.
1: Display cost, but do not enable the cost to be updated.
2: Do not display cost.

2. Journal Entries
Specify how the system processes GL accounts. Values are:
Blank: Run in detail mode.
1: Summarize by account number.

3. Lots on Hold
Specify whether the system enables transfers from held lots. Values are:
Blank: Do not enable transfers from held lots.
1: Enable transfers from held lots.

Enter Allowed Lot Status Group to Validate

Specify the lot group. The lot group is the name of a user-defined list of allowed
nonblank lot status codes. Entry of a lot group name enables the system to process lots
for which the lot status code is defined within the specified lot group name. If the
nonblank lot status codes exist in the F41081 table, then the system treats the
user-defined lot status codes as blank and the on-hold item continues through the
reclassification process.

4. Reclassification Quantity
Specify whether the system enables the reclassification of a quantity to be greater than
the quantity that is available. Values are:
Blank: Do not enable the reclassification of quantity to be greater than the quantity that
is available.
1: Enable the reclassification of quantity to be greater than the quantity that is

Using Lot Processing 9-25

Reclassifying Lots

5. Quantity Validation
Specify which method of quantity validation the system uses for from and to
quantities in a transaction. Values are:
Blank: Do not validate quantities.
1: Display a warning if the quantity is out of balance.
2: Display an error if the quantity is out of balance. Interop
1. Transaction Type
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/TT) that identifies a type of
transaction, such as an invoice or a sales order. If you leave this processing option
blank, the system does not perform export processing. Agreement
1. Agreement Assignment (FUTURE)
Future use.

9.6.5 Reclassifying Items and Lots

Access the Item Reclassifications form.
The system processes the transaction and displays a document number, document
type, and the batch number for the transaction.

Transaction Date
Enter the date that the transaction occurred.

From Branch/Plant
Enter the lowest value of the range that a given user is authorized to view and process
data. This value is used in conjunction with the Business Unit Through Code, which
defines highest value. If no record exists for a user and file, the user is completely
authorized to the file. If the file name is blank for a given user, the business unit range
applies to all users of the file.

To Branch/Plant
Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for
which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse
location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant.

Enter a code that indicates whether a line in a transaction is a From line or a To line.
This field enables you to combine multiple existing products or locations into a single
product or location. For example, you can create three From lines and one To line. You
can also split one existing product or location into several new products or locations.
Or, you can create one From line and two To lines. The information that is contained in
a From transaction line is always existing item location information.

Transaction Group No.

Enter a value that identifies the lines that were grouped when the system performed
multiple reclassification transactions.

Related From Line No.

Enter the number of the line item from which this line inherits lot and quality data.

9-26 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Dates for Lots

Lot Effectivity Date

Enter the date on which a lot becomes available. The system uses this date for
availability and commitment processing to indicate that the lot is available on or after
the date that you specify. You must complete this field when inventory first becomes
an on-hand quantity for the lot. If you leave this field blank, the system calculates the
effective date of the lot by using the value for effective days in the F4102 table or the
current date if the value for effective days is zero.

9.7 Setting Up Dates for Lots

This section provides an overview of lot date information, lists a prerequisite, and
discusses how to:
■ Enter lot date information.
■ Calculate active components or ingredients.

9.7.1 Understanding Lot Date Information

You can track various types of dates that are associated with a lot and select which
date to use for committing inventory and tracking availability. These dates include
expiration date, sell by date, best before date, effective date, and depending on
industry standards, lot date information for user-defined purposes. For example,
certain materials may require that a lot be retested for potency or integrity. Other types
of materials might need to be reagitated or compounded. You can define a date type,
such as retest date, and store that information in the supplemental database by item
and lot.
Similarly, you can specify which date to use during the sales commitment. For
example, you can define customer preferences that specify whether a customer wants
inventory based on the sell by date or the expiration date.
Establish the default dates on the Item Master Revisions form. The system uses these
tables to process multiple lot dates:
■ F4108
■ F4101
■ F4102
■ F4801
■ F4311
■ F43121
■ F4211
■ F4111 Expiration Date Calculation Method

You can select the calculation method for lot expiration dates. Typically, the system
calculates the lot expiration date using shelf life days when a product is completed.
Another type of lot expiration date calculation is based on the active components of a
parent item. For example, a parent lot can inherit the lowest expiration date of the
active components.
If an item begins to expire during manufacturing, you can assign expiration date based
on routing steps of that item. The Based On Date field represents the point from which
shelf life days should be used to calculate the expiration date for the item.

Using Lot Processing 9-27

Setting Up Dates for Lots

This table presents the three methods for calculating a lot expiration date:

Method Description
Shelf Life Days + Work Order If you use this method, the expiration date of the
Completion Date item is calculated by adding the date that it was
completed plus the shelf life days that are defined
for the item. If Shelf Life Days field is blank, then
the default value for the Lot Expiration Date is the
latest system date. You can override this value
during work order completions.
Shelf Life Days + Based On Date If you use this method, the expiration date of the
item is calculated by adding the shelf life days
plus the based-on date. You can specify the
based-on date when you run the Work Order
Completions (P31114) program. This type of
calculation is required when the end product
starts to expire before the last step of the routing
Shelf Life Days + Least Expiration Date of If you use this method, the expiration date of the
Active Ingredients or Components item is calculated for the manufactured parent lot
based on a lower-level component. For example, if
milk is used to produce ice cream, the expiration
date for the lot of ice cream can be based on the
expiration date of milk.
Use this method in conjunction with the Active
Ingredient option on the Additional System
Information form (Manufacturing Data or Plant
Manufacturing), where you specify whether the
component is an active ingredient.

See Also:
■ Setting Up Dates for Lots.
■ Defining Effective Dates for Future Availability.

9.7.2 Prerequisite
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must verify that UDC table (40/VF)
contains the value 03 CPGLC with a special handling code of Y.

9.7.3 Forms Used to Set Up Dates for Lots

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Item Master Revisions W4101A Select an item on the Enter lot date
Work With Item information.
Master Browse form.
Additional System W4101C On the Work With Calculate active
Information Item Master Browse components or
form, select Addl ingredients.
System Info from the
Row menu.

9.7.4 Entering Lot Date Information

Access the Item Master Revisions form.

9-28 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Dates for Lots Lot Processing

Select the Lot Processing tab.

Commitment Date Method

Enter a code from UDC table (H40/CD) that specifies which date the system uses to
commit inventory when an item is committed by date. The default value is 01 (lot
expiration date). The date fields are stored in the F4108 table.

Lot Expiration Date Method

Enter a code that indicates which method the system uses for calculating the
expiration date for a lot. Values are:
1: On-hand date + shelf life days.
2: Based-on date + shelf life days.
3: Least expiration date of active components.
If you enter 3, you must also activate the Active Ingredients option at the branch level.

Shelf Life Days

Enter the number of days that an item can remain in inventory before it expires. The
system adds this number to the date that the item is received to determine the
expiration date for the item. If you do not enter a value here, you must enter an
expiration date each time that you receive the lot item.

Best Before Default Days

Enter the number of days that an item can remain in inventory before it should be
consumed. The system uses the number that you enter to calculate the best before date
using two different methods, depending on whether the number that you enter in this
field is positive or negative. If the value is positive, the system adds the days to the
based-on date to determine the best before date for the lot. If the number is negative,
the system subtracts the days from the lot expiration date to determine the best before

Sell By Default Days

Enter the number of days that an item can remain in inventory before it should be
sold. The system uses the number that you enter to calculate the sell by date using two
different methods, depending on whether the value that you enter in this field is
positive or negative. If you enter a positive value, the system adds the days to the
based-on date to determine the sell by date for the lot. If you enter a negative value,
the system subtracts the days from the lot expiration date to determine the sell by date.

User Lot Date 1 Default Days through User Lot Date 5 Default Days
Enter the number of days that the system uses to calculate the value for these fields of
the Lot Master table (F4108). The system calculates the value for these fields using one
of two methods, depending on whether the number that you enter in this field is
positive or negative. If you enter a positive value, the system adds the days to the
based-on date to determine the value for the field. If you enter a negative value, the
system subtracts the days from the lot expiration date to determine the value for the

9.7.5 Calculating Active Components or Ingredients

Access the Additional System Information form.

Using Lot Processing 9-29

Defining Effective Dates for Future Availability Manufacturing Data

Select the Manufacturing Data tab.

Active Ingredient
Select this check box to indicate that an item is an active component of a parent item.
When the item is an active component, the system can calculate a parent item's
expiration date by comparing all component expiration dates and choosing the earliest
date. Values are:
Blank: The item is not an active component of a parent item.
1: The item is an active component of a parent item.

9.8 Defining Effective Dates for Future Availability

This section provides an overview of future availability dates and discusses how to:
■ Define effective days.
■ Run the Update Effective Lots program.
■ Set processing options for Update Effective Lots (R41083).

9.8.1 Understanding Future Availability Dates

You can use an effective date to indicate the future availability of a lot. For example, in
the wine industry, a certain type of wine may need to ferment for 600 days before it is
sellable to the winery's distributors or to customers. In this case, the effective days for
the batch of wine is 600 days. If you work with conformance lots that require
acceptable quality assurance testing before becoming available, the inventory can be
held with a future availability date.
Future availability dates enable you to know information such as:
■ The quantity of finished goods that are expected from work order completions.
■ The quantity of purchased goods from purchase orders.
■ The quantity of inventory that is currently committed to sales and work orders.
■ The quantity of inventory that is available for commitment to new sales and work
With this information, you can negotiate realistic delivery dates for sales orders by
calculating the expected quantity available and accounting for commitments on
existing on-hand inventory.

Note: For a lot to be considered available by the system, the effective

date must be the current or a past date, and the lot must not have a
hold code associated with it. You can remove a lot status code either
manually or automatically using the Hold Expired Lots (R41082) or
Update Effective Lots (R41083) programs.

You can view or override a lot's effective date in these programs:

■ Lot Master (P4108)
■ Inventory Adjustments (P4114)
■ Item Reclassifications (P4116)

9-30 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Defining Effective Dates for Future Availability

■ Work Order Completions (P31114)

■ Work Order Process Resource Revisions (P3111P)
■ Work Order Inventory Issues (P31113)
■ Co/By Product Completion Window (P31115)
■ Manufacturing Work Order Processing (P48013)
■ Purchase Orders (P4310)
■ PO Receipts (P4312)
■ MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions (P3411)
■ Supply and Demand Inquiry (P4021)
■ MPS Time Series (P3413)
The system uses the F4108 table to store and process effective dates. Effective Days Calculations

Effective days are the number of days (including weekends) that you estimate before a
lot will be available for commitments to sales or work orders when the lot is placed in
on-hand inventory. For the system to calculate a future effective date to a lot, you must
define the number of days before the lot becomes effective. You can override the
system-calculated effective date as necessary.
When calculating effective days, the system assigns to all lots an effective date that is
equal to the lot on-hand date, plus the number of days that is defined in the
Manufacturing Effective Days or Purchasing Effective Days fields. If you create a lot
using a purchase order receipt, the effective date equals the purchase order receipt
date, plus the number of days that is specified in the Purchasing Effective Days field. If
the lot is created through a work order completion, the effective date equals the work
order completion date plus the number of days that is specified in the Manufacturing
Effective Days field.
You assign and maintain default values for the manufacturing and purchasing
effective days in both the Item Master (P4101) and Item Branch (P41026) programs.
When you specify this value in the Item Master, the system updates the value in the
item branch. However, when calculating the effective date for a lot, the system
retrieves effective days values only from the item branch/plant record. Availability and Commitment Calculations

The system calculates inventory availability using on-hand inventory, purchase orders,
and work orders. During calculation, the system validates the effective date against the
transaction date. That is, the system ensures that the transaction or requested date is
greater than or equal to the effective date and less than the expiration date. If the lot is
on hold and has an effective date assigned to it, the system does not process the lot. Purchasing Commitments

When calculating effective days, the system assigns to all lots an effective date that is
equal to the lot on-hand date, plus the number of days specified in the Purchasing
Effective Days field. If you create a lot using a purchase order receipt, the effective date
equals the purchase order receipt date, plus the number of days specified in the
Purchasing Effective Days field.

Using Lot Processing 9-31

Defining Effective Dates for Future Availability Manufacturing Commitments

When committing items from a lot for manufacturing processes, the system compares
the parts list request date (the default value from the work order start date) to the
effective date and expiration date for the lot. For automatic commitments, if the
request date is less than the effective date or greater than the lot expiration date, the
system cycles to another lot and performs the same validation on a new lot. This
process continues until the system locates a lot that meets the date criteria and is
available to be committed.
For manual commitments, the system checks the part list request date against the
effective date and the expiration date when the request is committed. If the lot does
not meet the criteria, the system generates a warning. Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

To accurately reflect inventory status, the system accounts for a lot's effective date
when calculating time-phased supply inventory and the ability of that supply to
satisfy demand during time periods. This table describes this process for MRP:

MRP Element Use of Effective Dates

On-Hand Inventory When calculating the available quantities from
on-hand inventory, the system uses the effective date
of the lot to determine whether the quantity that is
associated with the lot is available. If the lot effective
date is greater than the period in which supply is
being calculated, then the system does not consider
the quantity that is associated with the lot to be
available for planning purposes in that period.
However, if the effective date is less than or equal to
the planning period, the system considers the quantity
of item that is available to satisfy demand in that
period. The quantity in the lot continues to be able to
satisfy demand in subsequent periods until the
quantity in the lot reaches zero or the lot expires.
Purchase Orders If the lot's effective date is greater than the period in
which supply is being calculated, then the system does
not consider the quantity that is associated with the lot
to be available for planning purposes in that period.
However, if the effective date is less than or equal to
the planning period, then the quantity of item in the
lot is considered available to satisfy demand in that
period. The quantity in the lot continues to be able to
satisfy demand in subsequent periods until the
quantity in the lot reaches zero or the lot expires. At
this time, the system no longer considers the lot
available for any purpose.
The system searches for an effective date on all
purchase order lines. If a purchased item is not lot
controlled, the item's purchasing effective days equal
zero or blank. In this case, the system adds zero to the
promised delivery date, and the planned effective date
is equal to the promised delivery date.

9-32 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Defining Effective Dates for Future Availability

MRP Element Use of Effective Dates

Work Orders The system uses the value in the Planned Effective
Date field (DPL) to calculate planned supply
availability from work orders. This calculation is based
on the work order request date and the manufacturing
effective days for the item on the work order as
defined in the F4102 table.
The system adds the item's manufacturing effective
days to the work order's planned completion date to
obtain the planned effective date. If the planned
effective date is greater than the period in which
supply is being calculated, then the quantity of
inventory that is associated with the lot is not
considered available to satisfy demand in that period.
However, if the planned effective date is less than or
equal to the planning period, then the system
considers the quantity of inventory that is associated
with the lot to be available to satisfy demand in that
period. The quantity in the lot will continue to satisfy
demand in subsequent periods until the quantity in
the lot reaches zero or the lot expires. At this time, the
system no longer considers the lot available for any
Time Series The system considers the effective date when
performing the netting operation for planning and
when applying supply inventory to the appropriate
date. For example, if a lot of 100 of Part A is created on
August 1, but does not become effective until August
15, the system does not display the lot as part of the
inventory until August 15.
Supply/Demand Inquiry The system considers the inventory as available based
on the planned effective date of the items on the order.
When calculating supply from a purchase order, the
system calculates availability based on the value in the
expected effective date on the purchase order detail
line. When calculating supply inventory from a work
order, the system calculates availability based on the
planned effective date of the work order.

See Also:
■ Running the Update Effective Lots Program.
■ Reclassifying Lots.

9.8.2 Form Used to Define Effective Dates for Future Availability

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Item Master Revisions W4101A On the Work With Define effective days.
Item Master Browse
form, select an item.

9.8.3 Defining Effective Days

Access the Item Master Revisions form. Lot Processing

Select the Lot Processing tab.

Using Lot Processing 9-33

Defining Effective Dates for Future Availability

Manufacturing Effective Days

Enter the number of days that an item must remain in inventory before the system
considers the item to be available for sales and manufacturing commitments. To
calculate the lot effective date, the system adds the number that you enter in this field
to the based-on date that appears in the F4108 table.

Purchasing Effective Days

Enter the number of days after a purchased item is received that a lot becomes
available. The system uses this number when calculating and displaying the effective
date in the Purchase Orders (P4310) and the PO Receipts (P4312) programs.

9.8.4 Running the Update Effective Lots Program

Select Lot Control (G4113), Update Effective Lots.
You can remove a lot status code either manually or automatically using Update
Effective Lots (R41083) batch program. This batch program controls whether the
system removes a lot status code from a lot if the effective date has been reached, and
which lot hold codes to remove.

9.8.5 Setting Processing Options for Update Effective Lots (R41083)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
1. Lot Effective Date
Specify the effective date. If the effective date of a lot is less than or equal to the date
that you enter here, the system changes the status code of the lot to the new lot status
code. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current date.

2. New Lot Status Code

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/L) that identifies the new lot status
code that the system uses to update effective lots.

3. Reason Code
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (42/RC) that identifies the reason code for
changing the lot status. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not
provide a default reason code. Omit
1.–5. Excluded Lot Status Code
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/L) that identifies the lot status code
that the system omits while updating the effective lots. Process
1. Proof/Final Mode
Specify whether to run the program in proof or final mode. Values are:
Blank: Proof mode.
1: Final mode.

9-34 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Lot Shipment Ascending Dates

2. Print Mode
Specify whether to generate a report. Values are:
Blank: Do not generate.
1: Generate.

9.9 Setting Up Lot Shipment Ascending Dates

This section provides an overview of shipment ascending date rules, lists
prerequisites, and discusses how to:
■ Set up preference names for advanced lots.
■ Attach preference names to schedules.
■ Set up lot shipment ascending date rules.

9.9.1 Understanding Shipment Ascending Date Rules

Shipment ascending date rules enable you to ship product based on lot dates that are
greater than or equal to the dates of the last shipment. These dates include the
expiration date, best before date, or sell by date. You can specify date ascending rules
for any combination of customer, customer group, product, or product group.
You can use these criteria to review recent shipments to a customer:
■ Last lot number
■ Last expiration date
■ Last best before date
■ Last sell by date
■ Highest lot number
■ Highest expiration date
■ Highest sell by date
■ Highest best before date
The system uses values from the expiration date, sell by date, best before date, or
user-defined date options 1 through 5 in the F4239 table to compare the dates on the
item that is being hard committed, depending upon the commitment date method that
is specified on Item Master Revisions form or the Preference Values Revisions form.
When you hard commit a lot, the system edits the ship ascending rules with the
specified lot using the Last Customer Shipment table during these events:
■ Sales order entry
■ Pick confirmation override
■ Manual planner
■ Ship confirmation
The system stores ascending rules in the F49211 table. The system might also use these
tables when processing information:
■ F40721
■ F4009
■ F4600

Using Lot Processing 9-35

Setting Up Lot Shipment Ascending Dates

Note: After you set up ascending date rules for lot shipment, verify
that Lot Shipment Ascending Dates is enabled in the system constants,
as well as the Display Warning/Error for Ascending Date Rule Check
processing option on the Process tab in Sales Order Entry program
(P4210). The system displays a warning when you manually enter a
lot number on the order. You can also override the schedule for
advanced preferences on the Preferences tab in processing options for
the P4210 program.

See Also:
■ Setting Up Dates for Lots.

9.9.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
■ Select the Ship Ascending Date Rule check box for the branch/plant and assign
the preference schedule in UDC table (40/AP) on the System Constants form.
See Setting Up Constants.
■ Enter 1in the Preference Profile Processing processing option on the Preference tab
in the Sales Order Entry (P4210) program.
See "Entering Sales Orders" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order
Management Implementation Guide.

9.9.3 Forms Used to Set Up Lot Shipment Ascending Dates

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work with Preference W4071B Advanced Preferences Review preference
Types (G40311), Advanced types.
Preferences Name
Preference Definition W4071A On the Work with Set up preference
Revisions Preference Types names for advanced
form, click Add. lots.
Work with Preference W4070A Advanced Preferences Review preference
Schedules (G40311), Advanced schedules.
Preferences Schedule
Preference Schedule W4070C On the Work with Attach preference
Revisions Preference Schedules names to schedules.
form, select a
Work with Preference W4072B Advanced Preferences Enter an adjustment
Detail (G40311), Advanced name.
Preferences Detail
Preference Hierarchy W40073F On the Work with Select a preference
Selection Preference Detail description.
form, enter a
preference name and
click Add.

9-36 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Lot Shipment Ascending Dates

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Preference Detail W4072A On the Preference Enter preference
Revisions Hierarchy Selection details.
form, select a
preference type.
Preference Values W4072D On the Preference Set up lot shipment
Revisions Detail Revisions form, ascending date rules.
select a record and
select Pref Details
from the Row menu.

9.9.4 Setting Up Preference Names for Advanced Lots

Access the Preference Definition Revisions form.

Advanced Preference Type

Enter a code from UDC table (40/AP) that specifies how the system processes an
advanced preference price adjustment. Use advanced preference type 23 for advanced

9.9.5 Attaching Preference Names to Schedules

Access the Preference Schedule Revisions form.

Seq No.(sequence number)

The system uses a default sequence number if one is not entered. This number
determines the order in which the system resolves the preferences.

Preference Name
Enter a code from UDC table (40/TY) that specifies an adjustment definition. You
define adjustments on Price Adjustment Names.

9.9.6 Setting Up Lot Shipment Ascending Date Rules

Access the Preference Values Revisions form.

Check Best Before Date

Enter an option that specifies whether the system ensures that the lot that you are
shipping to a customer has a value in the Best Before Date field that is greater than or
equal to the value for the last lot that you shipped.

Commitment Date Method

Enter a code from UDC table (H40/CD) that specifies which date the system uses to
commit inventory when an item is committed by date. The default value is 01 (lot
expiration date). The date fields are stored in the F4108 table.

Check Expiration Date

Enter an option that determines whether the system ensures that a lot be shipped in
ascending order in relation to other lots that have already been shipped. When you
select this option, the system enforces the ship ascending lot rule based on the
expiration date to ensure that the lot that is being shipped has an expiration date that
is greater than that of the lots that have been previously shipped.

Check Sell By Date

Enter an option that indicates whether the system ensures that a lot that is being
shipped to a customer is shipped in ascending order by the sell by date. If you select

Using Lot Processing 9-37

Setting Up Lot Shipment Ascending Dates

this option, the system ensures that each lot that is being shipped has a sell by date
that is greater than or equal to the date on which the last lot was shipped.

9-38 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Managing Containers

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 10.1, "Understanding Container Management"
■ Section 10.2, "Understanding Setup Tasks"
■ Section 10.3, "Understanding Pricing Schedules"
■ Section 10.4, "Setting Up Container Codes and Items"
■ Section 10.5, "Setting Up Container Preferences"
■ Section 10.6, "Setting Up Serial Number Tracking"
■ Section 10.7, "Processing Container Transactions"

10.1 Understanding Container Management

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses:
■ Container management features.
■ Inventory and the container life cycle.
■ Container management system flow.
■ Tasks that integrate with container management.
■ Container types.
■ Deposits and rental fees.
■ Billing methods.

10.1.1 Prerequisite
Before you complete the tasks in this chapter, you must verify that container
information and container transactions have been entered and processed through the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system and the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Sales Order Management system.

See Also:
■ Entering Item Master Information.

Managing Containers 10-1

Understanding Container Management

10.1.2 Container Management Features

You must carefully track container transactions because containers are valuable and
the company maintains ownership of them even when they are in the possession of the
Container management integrates with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement
system and the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system to:
■ Extract all information concerning container transactions from the other systems
and maintain this information in tables that are specific to container management.
■ Track the movement of both empty and full containers.
■ Track customer deposit or rental charges for containers.
■ Determine when customers need to be invoiced for deposits and credited for the
return of containers.
■ Print invoices for deposit and rental fees and credit memos for refunds.
■ Review container balance and customer deposit information and print the
necessary reports.
When companies conduct this type of transaction with other companies, the buying
company generally does not provide the initial tanks or containers. The selling
company provides the containers and charges a deposit for them. As containers move
back and forth as full and then empty, the deposits are tracked and increased or
decreased as necessary. Over time, additional deposits and varying deposit prices
contribute to the complexity of the transactions.

10.1.3 Inventory and the Container Life Cycle

Companies usually carry an extremely large inventory of containers, most of which are
in constant circulation with customers. The sale of products in containers involves a
unique inventory process. You loan containers to the customers to store the product
that they purchase until the product is depleted. The customers then return the
containers to you, usually in exchange for full containers. You maintain ownership of
the containers while they are in the possession of the customer. These outgoing and
incoming transactions, in which containers are not sold, present two main issues for
the company:
■ The containers are valuable.
You retain responsibility for them while they are in the customer's possession. You
must always be able to track and account for these containers.
■ The customer pays a deposit fee or rental fee for each container.
You must track these fees separately from the invoicing for the product.
You can use container management to manage the regular exchange of containers and
the payment of deposit and rental fees and refunds.
This chart illustrates the container life cycle:

10-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Understanding Container Management

Figure 10–1 Container life cycle

Normally, the supplying company purchases the container and introduces it into the
cycle at the filling plant. After you fill and test the container, you either deliver it to the
customer or send it to storage for future delivery. You can also send the full container
to a distributor who, in turn, delivers it to the customer. The customer and distributor
return the empty container to you after the product that it contains is depleted.
As the container repeats this cycle for a period of time, it eventually requires
maintenance. Maintenance is critical for storing the product safely in the container.
You must inspect the container after every cycle through the filling plant. After a
number of cycles, you can no longer use the container because it is damaged beyond
repair, and you must scrap it.
You use container management to track the container through the cycles and manage
the deposits and refunds that must be generated for these exchanges.

10.1.4 Container Management System Flow

You use container management only after you have processed the container through
the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system and the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system.
This chart illustrates how container management fits into the overall flow of JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne systems:

Managing Containers 10-3

Understanding Container Management

Figure 10–2 Integration between Container Management and other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems

This chart illustrates the processing in container management and the associated

10-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Understanding Container Management

Figure 10–3 Container management processing

10.1.5 Tasks That Integrate with Container Management

You must perform a number of tasks before you can use container management. Recording the Container Receipt

You purchase empty containers only in limited quantities when they are needed to
replace scrapped containers or to meet increased demand. You enter purchase orders
in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system to record the ordering of new
When the containers arrive, you record the receipt of the new containers to write a
record to the F4111 table and to update the general ledger (GL) accounts. The Item
Ledger File table is the central repository of all inventory and cost movements.
Programs in all other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems that have inventory update
records to this table whenever inventory and cost are affected. You then compare the
receipt for the containers to the purchase order. If the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Managing Containers 10-5

Understanding Container Management

Procurement system detects a variance, it writes a new record to the Item Ledger table
and updates the GL accounts.
Usually, you enter the empty container in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement
system with no cost so that when it is filled with the bulk product, the cost of the full
container will equal the cost of the bulk product. You can process the empty container
as either an expenditure or a fixed asset. If you select the latter, you can use the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Fixed Asset system to track the empty container. Filling the Container

You record the filling of containers in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory
Management system and, optionally, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Bulk Stock
Management system. When you fill an empty container with a bulk product, you
create a new packaged item, which is the full container. When you fill a container, the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system:
■ Reduces the inventory of empty containers.
■ Reduces the inventory of bulk product.
■ Increases the inventory of full containers. Processing Sales Orders

You enter a sales order when a customer requests to purchase product from the
company. You enter the full container on the sales order as the item that is sold to the
customer. If the customer is returning empty containers at the same time as taking
delivery of full ones, you also enter a credit for the number of empty containers on the
sales order.
You record the shipping of items to confirm the reduction in inventory or to confirm
the return of empty or full, undelivered containers to inventory. You perform this
additional task in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system.
When you perform a load confirmation using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Transportation Management system, the system then reduces the inventory of full
You must enter and confirm a credit order to record empty containers that the
customers return. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system
processes these credit orders and increases the number of empty containers in the Item
Ledger File table.
Container management interacts with the other systems to extract container
transaction information and maintain it in tables that are specific to container

10.1.6 Container Types

You can use container management to track any type of container such as pallets,
metal cylinders, or railroad cars. In the energy and chemical industry, the most
common type of container is the metal cylinder. These two types of products are
usually sold in metal cylinders:
■ Liquid propane gas (LPG).
In some countries and remote locations where natural gas is not piped to houses,
LPG stored in metal cylinder containers is the main source of fuel for cooking and
heating. LPG also has industrial applications, such as for cutting torches or as a
propellant for packaged spray products.

10-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Understanding Container Management

■ Environmental gases.
The environmental gases that are supplied in metal cylinder containers can be
oxygen, argon, helium, nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. Because
government agencies such as the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
require specific storage and transportation procedures for these gases, an even
greater need to track them exists.
Metal cylinders do not have significant structural differences. They vary primarily in
size and capacity but are typically of the same design. They are built to be portable for
the specialized uses that are required by each customer.

10.1.7 Deposits and Rental Fees

The company should set up a separate account to record customer deposit and rental
fees. You draw against this account only for container refunds. Deposit, rental fee, and
refund invoices should not affect a customer's normal revenue and cash accounts. In
the case of a bad risk customer who returns containers but does not pay for the
product, you can use the refunds issued for the returned containers to pay outstanding
invoices. Deposit Layers

The initial payment by the customer, the deposit, limits the customer to the number of
containers that you enable for exchange without charging additional deposits.
Container management stores each deposit that is received from a customer as a layer.
Container management creates additional deposit layers when the customer takes
delivery of containers exceeding the number that is allowed by the initial deposit.
For example, if a customer initially deposits 100,000.00 USD for 10,000 containers at a
rate of 10.00 USD each and then takes delivery of 11,000 containers, you charge the
customer for the 1,000 extra containers at the current deposit rate. When you receive
the additional payment for the 1,000 containers, container management creates a new
layer for the deposit.
Container management uses the first in/first out (FIFO) method of accounting to
calculate refunds. With this method, container management depletes the oldest
deposit layer first when issuing refunds. If the deposit rate for a customer changes, the
rate that is used to calculate the refund is the rate that is used in the oldest, undepleted
This example demonstrates how the system depletes deposit layers using the FIFO
method for the period ending 02/28/05. In this case, you refund the deposit for the
3,000 containers from the earliest layer, which is the layer that was created on
01/01/00. This reduces the balance for that layer's deposit to 2,000 containers at 20.00
USD each.
This table displays the initial activity:

Description Quantity Rate (USD) Amount (USD)

1-Jan-00 5,000 20.00 100,000.00
15-Dec-03 3,000 30.00 90,000.00
10-Feb-05 1,000 40.00 40,000.00
Opening Balance 9,000 na 230,000.00

This table displays deliveries and returns:

Managing Containers 10-7

Understanding Container Management

Description Quantity
Quantity Delivered 5,000
Quantity Returned 8,000
Net Delivered/Returned –3,000
Closing Balance 6,000

Based on this activity, the deposit is adjusted in this way:

Description Quantity Rate (USD) Amount (USD)

Net Adjusted Deposit –3,000 20.00 (60,000.00)
1-Jan-00 2,000 20.00 40,000.00
15-Dec-03 3,000 30.00 90,000.00
10-Feb-05 1,000 40.00 40,000.00
Closing Balance 6,000 n/a 170,000.00

10.1.8 Billing Methods

To determine how a customer is billed for deposits and rentals, container management
uses these two methods:
■ Summary method (deposits only).
■ Transaction method. Summary Method

With the summary method, container management calculates the net quantity and
amount for the transactions that occur in a period and issues an invoice or refund
based on the total outcome.
In this example, the first return and delivery is an even exchange for the customer. The
second exchange (on 01/15/03) is not. The summary method enables the customer to
make these exchanges without being charged. The only criteria for being charged an
additional deposit is that the delivered quantity is more than 5,000 containers.
This table displays a customer transaction record:

Description Date Quantity Rate (USD) Amount (USD)

Initial Deposit 1-Jan-00 5,000 20.00 100,000.00
Returned 10-Jan-00 (500) na na
Delivered 10-Jan-00 500 na na
Returned 15-Jan-00 (1,000) na na
Delivered 15-Jan-00 800 na na
Returned 25-Jan-00 (800) na na
Delivered 25-Jan-00 1,000 na na
Balance na 5,000 na 100,000.00

10-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Understanding Setup Tasks Transaction Method

With the transaction method, container management processes each transaction that is
recorded for the customer. You refund for each return and charge for each delivery.
This method varies significantly from the summary method when the deposit rate
This example demonstrates the results when the system uses the transaction method
in conjunction with the FIFO accounting method. In this case, you charge the customer
even though the customer does not surpass the initial number of containers on
This table displays a customer transaction record:

Description Date Quantity Rate (USD) Amount (USD)

Initial Deposit 1-Jan-00 5,000 20.00 100,000.00
Returned 10-Jan-00 (500) 20.00 (10,000.00)
Delivered 10-Jan-00 500 20.00 10,000.00
Returned 15-Jan-00 (1,000) 20.00 (20,000.00)
Delivered 15-Jan-00 800 30.00 24,000.00
Returned 25-Jan-00 (800) 20.00 (16,000.00)
Delivered 25-Jan-00 1,000 30.00 30,000.00
Balance na 5,000 na 118,000.00

10.2 Understanding Setup Tasks

Before you can use container management, you must set up a number of features to
define the information that the system uses to process container transactions. This
section discusses:
■ Order line types
■ Order activity rules
■ Item types
■ User-defined codes (UDCs)
■ Print messages
■ Automatic accounting instructions (AAIs)
■ Invoice cycle calculation

10.2.1 Order Line Types

You set up order line types to define how the system processes a sales order detail line.
The Container Management Extraction program (R41189) extracts information from
the sales order by line types that identify containers. For example, these line types
enable the correct processing of container transactions:
■ CT (Container Transactions) for full containers.
■ A (Asset Movements) for empty containers.
■ EC (Container Deposit/Refund) for deposit/refund sales order lines.

Managing Containers 10-9

Understanding Setup Tasks

■ CA (Carton) to enable inventory to be relieved but be excluded in the data

selection for the Advanced Ship Notice (ASN) to prevent the carton charge from
being extracted.
■ CI (Carton Inventory) to enable inventory relief at sales update and exclusion from
the ASN extraction. The system writes these lines using the sales order entry
version for carton-based quantities. This order type and line type combination
must be excluded from UDC table (49/SD) to prevent the system from assigning
the line a new shipment number.
■ CC (Carton Charge) to write the sales order lines that are holding the carton
charges. This order type and line type combination must be excluded from UDC
table (49/SD) to prevent the system from assigning the line a new shipment
In addition, you might want to set up each line type in these ways to interact
accurately with other systems:

Line Type Description

Full container line type You should set up full containers, such as basic
stock items, to interact with the GL and the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management,
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable,
and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable
Empty container line type You should set up empty containers to interact
only with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Inventory Management system, without writing
to the GL, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Accounts Receivable system, or the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system. You
should also enter a Y in the Reverse Sign field
because all sales order entries containing empty
containers will be credit entries for returns.
Deposit/refund sales order line type You should set up the line type for container
deposit sales order lines to interact only with the
GL and the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts
Receivable system.
Note: For a line type of EC, you must select the
Edit Item Master for Non-Stock Item check box on
the Line Type Constants Revisions form.

See Also:
■ "Configuring the Sales Order Management System" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management
Implementation Guide.

10.2.2 Order Activity Rules

You set up order activity rules to define a series of status codes that tells the system
which processes each type of order must go through. You must create order activity
rules for each order type and line type combination that you use.
If you set up line types and order types for empty and full containers, you must set up
order activity rules for the combination of each line type and order type. If you set up
a different order type for container deposit sales orders, you use this order type.
Otherwise, you use the regular order type for sales orders, such as SO.

10-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Understanding Setup Tasks

You should set up order activity rules for each line type to be processed in these ways:

Line Type Order Activity Rules

Empty containers To process empty containers:
1. Enter a return order.
2. Ship confirm the return order.
3. Run extraction.
4. Update the sales journal.
Full containers To process full containers:
1. Follow the normal steps for processing a sales order.
2. Add an additional step for container extraction after
ship confirmation.
Container deposit/refund sales To process container deposit/refund sales order lines:
order lines
1. Create deposit/refund order.
2. Print invoices.
3. Sales journal update.

See Also:
■ "Configuring the Sales Order Management System" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management
Implementation Guide.

10.2.3 Item Types

You perform standard item entry to define these three items for container
■ Empty containers.
■ Full containers.
■ Product, which can be a packaged item or, if you have installed the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Bulk Stock Inventory system, a bulk item.
You use the Item Master program to enter item information, such as the item number
and description, price and costing methods, and availability and commitment rules.
You also enter the line types for full and empty containers that you set up on the Order
Line Type form.
When you define container units of measure, you should set up empty containers with
a weight close to zero (for example, 1 EA = 0.00002 LT or 0.00002 KG) so that the
system will not factor in the weight of the container during unit of measure conversion
to determine the price of the full container.
If you have installed the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Bulk Stock Inventory system, you
can set up bulk items, tanks, and default tank information.
You follow the normal procedures for setting up a tank using the Tank Master
Maintenance and Default Tank Information Revision forms. You do this to specify
structural information about the tanks that are used to store the bulk product. The
system retrieves this information when processing transactions to calculate volume.

Managing Containers 10-11

Understanding Setup Tasks

See Also:
■ "Configuring the Sales Order Management System" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management
Implementation Guide.
■ "Setting Up Bulk Items" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Bulk Stock Inventory Implementation Guide .

10.2.4 User-Defined Codes

You can optionally set up UDCs to configure several features of container
management, such as:
■ Document types
■ Status codes
■ Line types
Each system has its own UDC types. UDCs are referenced by the system number and
type. For example, container management is coded to system 41, and the UDC type for
document types is DT.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system already has some
codes set up in the UDC table. When a UDC is referred to as hard coded, you should
not change it because the system has specific uses for hard coded UDCs. If you change
a hard coded UDC, the system might not process the information correctly. You can,
however, add new UDCs to meet the own specific business needs.
You can define these document types to simplify the tracking of container transactions:
■ Deposit, rental, and refund invoice types.
■ Deposit, rental, and refund sales order types.
You must enter the document types for deposit, rental, and refund sales orders in UDC
40/IU so that these orders update inventory when you confirm shipments.

10.2.5 Print Messages

You set up print messages to produce configured messages on any documents that you
print. For example, you might want to configure the invoice for container deposits and
refunds. You can set up a print message to give this invoice a Container Deposit
Invoice title. You might also want to set up different print messages for deposit and
rental invoices.
To set up print messages, you must first add a code for the print message in UDC table
(40/PM). You then create the print message and add it to the document on which you
want it to appear.
If you have both deposit and rental customers and use different print messages for
them, the best place to specify the appropriate print message to use is in the Print
Message preference. This preference will enable you to print different messages for
different customers.

See Also:
■ "Setting Up Bulk Items" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Bulk Stock Inventory Implementation Guide .
■ Setting Up Container Preferences.

10-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Understanding Pricing Schedules

10.2.6 AAIs
AAIs are the user-defined bridge between the day-to-day functions, the chart of
accounts, and financial reports. The system uses AAIs to determine how to distribute
the GL entries that it generates.
For distribution systems, you must create AAIs for each unique combination of
company, document type, and GL class that you anticipate using. Each AAI points to a
specific GL account consisting of a business unit, an object, and a subsidiary.
After you define AAIs, the system knows how to record the transactions. When you
run the Sales Update program, the system creates entries in the appropriate accounts.
You should set up the document type that you defined for container deposit/refund
sales orders in combination with AAI number 4230 (Revenue). You should set up this
AAI to create records in a separate liability account for customer deposits and rentals,
rather than the revenue account. You draw against this account only for container

See Also:
■ Setting Up AAIs in Distribution Systems.

10.2.7 Invoice Cycle Calculation

You set up invoice cycles to control how the Scheduling Invoice Cycle program
(R49700) calculates scheduled invoice dates. When you set up invoice cycles, you
apply different invoice rules and schedules to different customer and item
combinations. For example, one customer might prefer an invoice at the end of the
month for all shipments that are made during that month, and another customer
might want a weekly invoice for specific items.
You set up an invoice cycle calculation rule to define the type of calculation that the
system uses to compute an invoice date. You can then enter test dates to review the
calculated invoice dates and ensure that you have set up the calculation correctly. If the
calculation rules are biweekly, semimonthly, or at the end of each month, you must
also set up scheduled invoice date ranges.
After you set up invoice cycles, you can assign them to customer and item
combinations with the Invoice Cycle preference. You can later revise scheduled invoice
dates, if necessary.

See Also:
■ Setting Up Container Preferences.
■ "Invoicing" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales
Order Management Implementation Guide.

10.3 Understanding Pricing Schedules

You normally set up the deposit and rental rates that a customer pays for the use of
containers before you start business with that customer. You can use the standard
method of setting up base pricing in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order
Management system to define the deposit or rental rates for any combination of
customers, customer groups, items (containers), or item groups. If you install the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing system from Oracle, you can also set up
pricing schedules for deposits and rentals in that system.

Managing Containers 10-13

Setting Up Container Codes and Items

You can set up the base price of the empty container to equal the deposit or rental rate
if you are not using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing system. The
system uses this price only when processing deposit and refund sales order lines. You
can set up the base price of the full container to equal the price of the product. This
amount is the customer invoice amount for the sale of the product.

See Also:
■ "Setting Up Base and Standard Pricing" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation

10.4 Setting Up Container Codes and Items

This section provides an overview of container codes and discusses how to:
■ Identify container codes.
■ Identify item numbers for empty containers.

10.4.1 Understanding Container Codes

Container management tracks only empty container types. You set up both empty and
full containers on the Item Master Revisions form. For the full container, you identify a
container code. The record for the container code, which you set up on the Container
and Carton Codes Revisions form, includes the item number of the empty item.
You can use the Container Management Extraction program (R41189) to extract
transactions for full and empty containers and store this information to the Container
Transaction File table (F41181).

10.4.2 Forms Used to Set Up Container Codes and Items

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Item W4101E Inventory Review items.
Master Browse Master/Transactions
(G4111), Item Master
Storage/Shipping W4101D On the Work With Identify container
Item Master Browse codes.
form, select the item
number of a full
container, and then
from the Row menu.
Work With Container W46091A Container Review containers
and Carton Codes Management Setup and carton codes.
(G41184), Container
and Carton Codes
Container and Carton W46091B On the Work With Identify item numbers
Codes Revisions Container and Carton for empty containers.
Codes form, select a

10.4.3 Identifying Container Codes

Access the Storage/Shipping form.

10-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Container Preferences

You must enter items for both the full and the empty container codes. For all items that
container management will track as full containers, you must identify a container
code. For example, if item F11 represents a full container, you might assign a container
code of C1 to that item. UCC 128

Select the UCC 128 tab.

Container Code
Enter a code from UDC table (46/EQ) that identifies a storage container or a shipping
carton. A storage container can be an open container where items are stored on the
container (for example, a pallet) or a closed container where items are stored in the
container (for example, a box). You use the Container and Carton Codes program
(P46091) to define storage containers.

10.4.4 Identifying Item Numbers for Empty Containers

Access the Container and Carton Codes Revisions form.
Select the Associated Item tab, enter a value in the Item Number field, and select OK.
To set up the relationship between the full container and the empty container, you
enter the item number of the empty container in the record of the container code that
you identified for the full container. For example, assume that item F11 is a full
container with a container code of C1. You might use item number E11 for the
corresponding empty container. To set up the relationship, you enter item number E11
in the record for container code C1 on the Container and Carton Codes Revisions

10.5 Setting Up Container Preferences

This section provides an overview of container preferences, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:
■ Create a container deposit/rental preference.
■ Create an invoice cycle preference.
■ Create a pricing unit of measure preference.
■ Create a print message preference.

10.5.1 Understanding Container Preferences

You use preferences to configure the way that sales orders are processed. For container
management, you set up preferences for customers and customer and item
combinations to define:
■ The type of container transactions, deposits or rentals, for which you bill the
■ The type of invoice, summary or transaction, that you send the customer for
container transactions.
■ The billing cycle for the customer and container item combination.
■ The pricing unit of measure.
To create preferences, you must activate preferences, define the preference hierarchy,
and then create the specific preferences.

Managing Containers 10-15

Setting Up Container Preferences

Before you can create a preference, you must make sure it exists on the preference
master. If it does not exist, you must add it to the preference master. When the
preferences exist in the preference master, you activate all of the preferences that you
need to use in container management. You then define the preference hierarchy to
indicate the order in which you want the system to apply the preferences. You must
also set the appropriate processing options for specific programs, such as the Sales
Order Entry program (P4210), to use preference information.

10.5.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
■ Verify that the GL offset account for container deposits or rentals has been created
before creating a container deposit/rental preference.
■ Verify that the invoice cycle calculation rule has been set up before creating an
invoice cycle preference.
See "Invoicing’ in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order
Management Implementation Guide.
■ Verify that a base price record exists for the pricing unit of measure to be entered
in this preference before creating a pricing unit of measure preference.
See "Setting Up Base and Standard Pricing" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.
■ Verify that print messages have been created before creating a print message
See Understanding Setup Tasks.

10.5.3 Forms Used to Set Up Container Preferences

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Preference W40070C Container Review container
Master Management Setup preferences.
(G41184), Preference
Work With Container W40317A On the Work With Add container
Deposit Rental Profile Preference Master preferences.
form, select a row
with container
preferences (17) in the
Pref Type (preference
type) field.
Preference Hierarchy W40073F On the Work With Select a preference
Selection Container Deposit level.
Rental Profile form,
click Add.
Container Deposit W40317C On the Preference Create a container
Rental Profile Hierarchy Selection deposit/rental
Revisions form, select a preference.

10-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Container Preferences

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Invoice W40315A On the Work With Add invoice cycles.
Cycle Preference Master
form, select a row
with an invoice cycle
(15) in the Pref Type
(preference type)
Invoice Cycle W40315B On the Work With Create an invoice
Revisions Invoice Cycle form, cycle preference.
click Add.
On the Preference
Hierarchy Selection
form, select a
Work with Pricing W40302B On the Work With Add a pricing unit of
UoM Profiles Preference Master measure profile.
form, select a row
with a pricing unit of
measure (02) in the
Pref Type (preference
type) field.
Pricing Unit of W40302C On the Working With Create a pricing unit
Measure Revisions Pricing UoM Profiles of measure
form, click Add. preference.
On the Preference
Hierarchy Selection
form, select a
Work With Print W40305A On the Work With Add print message
Message Profiles Preference Master profiles.
form, select a row
with a print message
(05) in the Pref Type
(preference type)
Print Message Profile W40305B On the Work With Create a print
Revisions Print Message Profiles message preference.
form, click Add.
On the Preference
Hierarchy Selection
form, select a

10.5.4 Creating a Container Deposit/Rental Preference

Access the Container Deposit Rental Profile Revisions form.
Create a Container Deposit/Rental preference to define these three options for
customer and item combinations:
■ Whether the customer should be charged deposit or rental fees for the use of
■ Whether to send the customer a summary or transaction type invoice for container
deposits or rentals.
■ Which GL offset is used.

Managing Containers 10-17

Setting Up Container Preferences

The system can use the GL offset that is defined in the preference rather than the
one that is defined in the Item Master table so that you can separate potential sales
of empty containers from the actual deposits.

Note: On the Work With Preference Master form, you must ensure
that the effective quantities fields for the Container Deposit/Rental
preferences are not enabled. If the effective quantities fields are
enabled, the system does not process credit orders.

Note: Information about advanced serial number processing and the

values 3 through 5 for the Serial Number Required field do not apply
to container management.

Customer Group
Enter a code from UDC table (40/17) that identifies a group to which you can assign
customers for the Container Deposit/Rental preference. Enter a customer group when
the customers are similar and you want to group them together to define preferences
quickly and easily.
You can define the preference for this group alone or for a combination of customer
group and item or item group.
If you leave both the Customer Number and Customer Group fields blank, the system
applies the preference to all customers. If you select a hierarchy using a customer
number or group, you must enter a value for them.

Item Group
Enter a code from UDC table (40/17) that identifies a group to which you can assign
items for the Container Deposit/Rental preference when you have a group of similar
You can define the preference for this group alone or for a combination of item group
and customer or customer group.
If you leave both the Item Number and Item Group fields blank, the system applies
the preference to all items. If you select a hierarchy using a customer number or group,
you must enter a value for them.

Effect From (effective from)

Enter the date when a transaction, contract, obligation, preference, or policy rule
becomes effective.

Effect Thru (effective through)

Enter the date on which a transaction, text message, agreement, obligation, or
preference has expired or been completed.

Dep/ Rent (deposit/rental)

Enter a value to designate whether a customer pays a deposit fee or a rental charge for
empty containers. Values are:
1: Deposit fee.
2: Rental charge.

10-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Container Preferences

Tran/ Summ (transaction/summary)

Enter a value to indicate whether container deposits are charged or refunded for each
transaction or summarized over a billing period. Values are:
1: Transaction.
2: Summarized. When you set this code, you do not affect rental transactions.

GL Offset
Enter a code that determines the trade account that the system uses as the offset when
you post invoices or vouchers. The system concatenates the value that you enter to the
AAI item RC (for accounts receivable) or PC (for accounts payable) to locate the trade
account. For example, if you enter TRAD, the system searches for the AAI item
RCTRAD (for receivables) or PCTRAD (for payables).
You can assign up to four alphanumeric characters to represent the GL offset, or you
can assign the three-character currency code (if you enter transactions in a
multicurrency environment). You must, however, set up the corresponding AAI item
for the system to use; otherwise, the system ignores the GL offset and uses the account
that is set up for PC or RC for the company that is specified.
If you set up a default value in the GL Offset field of the customer or supplier record,
the system uses the value during transaction entry unless you override it.

Note: Do not use code 9999. It is reserved for the post program and
indicates that offsets should not be created.

Serial No. Required (serial number required)

Enter a code that specifies whether you must attach a serial number to this item at
receipt or sale for basic serial number processing, or whether memo lot information is
required for advanced serial number processing. Advanced serial number processing
enables you to use a serial number to track an item through purchasing and sales. For
basic serial number processing, the values are:
Y: The system requires a serial number for all transactions pertaining to this item in
related inventory, sales, and purchase order programs.
N: The system does not require a serial number.
To specify lots for items with serial numbers, the values are:
3: Supplier lot number is required (purchasing only).
4: Supplier lot number is required (purchasing only). Memo lot 1 is also required.
5: Supplier lot number is required (purchasing only). Memo lot 1 and memo lot 2 are
also required.
6: Nonserialized item number.
Values 3 through 5 specify whether lot assignment is required for items with serial
numbers. You can require assignment of up to three lot numbers, including supplier
lot, memo lot 1, and memo lot 2.

10.5.5 Creating an Invoice Cycle Preference

Access the Invoice Cycle Revisions form.
You create an invoice cycle preference for the customer and container item
combination to define when invoices for deposit or rental fees are sent to the customer.
For example, one customer might prefer a monthly invoice at the end of the month for

Managing Containers 10-19

Setting Up Container Preferences

all shipments that are made during that month. Another customer might want a daily
After orders are confirmed for delivery, the orders are processed by the Cycle Billing
program. The program accesses the invoice cycle preference and calculates the
scheduled invoice date based on the invoice cycle calculation rules and scheduled
invoice date ranges. Generally, you set up invoice cycle calculation rules and
scheduled invoice date ranges during the install process. At a minimum, you should
revise scheduled invoice dates on an annual basis.
You can access the invoice cycle calculation rules from the Work With Invoice Cycle
form. You do not have to set up invoice cycle calculation rules each time that you add
a preference.

Invoice Cycle
Specify the method of invoicing that is used (for example, daily, weekly, monthly, and
so forth).

10.5.6 Creating a Pricing Unit of Measure Preference

Access the Pricing Unit of Measure Revisions form.
You use the Pricing Unit of Measure preference to override the pricing unit of measure
on the sales order. The system determines the pricing unit of measure for a sales order
detail line based on the information on the Item Master Revisions form. The Sales Price
Retrieval Unit of Measure field determines which units of measure are used to retrieve
the lines price, but it is not used to supply default units of measure to the line. You can
use this preference to assign a different pricing unit of measure for customer and item
combinations based on the branch/plant.
The Pricing Unit of Measure preference also overrides the sales price based-on date in
the system constants. The sales price based-on date determines how the price effective
date in the Sales Order Header File and Sales Order Detail File tables will be updated.
You can use the Pricing Unit of Measure preference to determine the daily rental rate
for a specific customer and container combination. This preference enables the system
to calculate either a deposit rate or a rental rate for a container. If you create a unit of
measure UDC for a rental rate per day in UDC table (00/UM), you can use this code in
the Pricing Unit of Measure preference for a customer and container combination.
For example, you can set up an empty container with a deposit price of 30 USD. If
customer 502 pays a rental fee for this container, you can set up a unit of measure UDC
for a rental rate of 2.00 USD per day and enter this code in the Pricing Unit of Measure
preference for this customer and container combination. The preference overrides the
pricing unit of measure in the sales order for this customer. Customer 502 is charged
2.00 USD per day for the use of this container, while another customer is charged the
usual deposit rate of 30 USD.

Pricing UoM (pricing unit of measure)

Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates the unit of measure in which you
usually price the item.
When you specify a unit of measure on the Pricing Unit of Measure preference form,
the system fills or overrides the pricing unit of measure that is attached to the item
through the item master for the customers and items to which this preference applies.
If you leave this field blank on the Pricing Unit of Measure preference form, the system
does not override the default value that is supplied by the item master.
The system applies this preference in order entry.

10-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Setting Up Serial Number Tracking

10.5.7 Creating a Print Message Preference

Access the Print Message Profile Revisions form.
Use the print messages preference to select the messages that you want to
automatically print on documents for a particular customer and item combination. The
system applies this preference when a document is printed, not during order entry.
The Print Messages preference does not override any other messages that you set up in
the Customer Billing Instructions and Item/Branch Plant Info forms.

Note: If you leave any of the key fields blank, you are specifying all
values for that field. For example, a blank in the Business Unit field
causes the system to apply the Print Messages preference to all
business units.

Print Message
Enter a code from UDC table (40/PM) to assign to each print message. An example of
text that is used in messages is hours of operation during holiday periods.
Unlike other preferences, the system does not use the Print Message preference to
override fields. The system adds the print message that you enter here to any other
print messages that you have selected.

10.6 Setting Up Serial Number Tracking

This section provides an overview of serial number processing and discusses how to
set up serial number information.

10.6.1 Understanding Serial Number Processing

You use the Container Serial Number program (P41184) to set up serial number
processing which enables you to record the location of a specific container as it moves
from the warehouse to the customer and back, and to other customers. If you set
container preferences to require serial number, the system displays the pack
confirmation form for entry of the serial number.

10.6.2 Forms Used to Set Up Serial Number Tracking

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Container W41184A Container Review containers
Serial Tracking Management (G4118), with serial number
Container Serial tracking.
Container Serial W41184B On the Work With Set up serial number
Tracking Revisions Container Serial information.
Tracking form, click

10.6.3 Setting Up Serial Number Information

Access the Container Serial Tracking Revisions form.
You can also select a container on the Work With Customer Serial Tracking form to
review and revise serial number information periodically.

Managing Containers 10-21

Processing Container Transactions

10.7 Processing Container Transactions

This section provides an overview of container transactions, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:
■ Run container management extraction.
■ Process rental fees, deposits, and refunds.
■ Create sales order lines for rental fees.
■ Create sales order lines for deposits and refunds.
■ Process sales order lines for rental fees, deposits, and refunds.
■ Review container deposits.
■ Review container transactions.

10.7.1 Understanding Container Transactions

When you process container transactions, information about containers and container
rental fees and deposits is recorded in the Container Transaction File (F41181),
Container Reconciliation File (F41185), and Container Deposit File (F4118) tables.
You typically run the Container Management Extraction program at the end of the day
to extract container transaction information for full and empty containers from the
F4211 table. You then run the container deposit billing batch programs to create sales
order lines for rental fees or deposits on containers that the company has delivered to
customers and to create credits for refunds on containers that the customers have
returned. The program copies this information to the F41181 table.
You can generate reports to review the container transaction activity for each customer
and the number of containers that you have on hand. You can also use the inquiry
programs in container management to review the deposit layers for each customer and
analyze container transactions.

10.7.2 Prerequisites
Before running container management extraction, you must verify that:
■ The order line types and order activity rules are set up.
■ The container codes and items are set up.
■ The container deposit/rental and invoice cycle preferences are set up.
Before processing rental fees, deposits, and refunds, you must verify that:
■ The container deposit/rental and invoice cycle preferences are set up.
■ The processing options for the container billing programs are set up to use the
correct version of the preferences, depending on which ones you created for the
■ A sales order line type for container rentals and deposits is set up.
■ A separate document type for container rentals and deposits is set up.

10-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Processing Container Transactions

10.7.3 Forms Used to Process Container Transactions

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Container W4118A Container Review container
Deposit Inquiry Management (G4118), deposits.
Container Deposit
Work With Container W41181B Container Review container
Transaction Inquiry Management (G4118), transactions.
Container Transaction

10.7.4 Running Container Management Extraction

Select Container Management (G4118), Container Extraction.
To update the Container Transaction File (F41181), the R41189 program:
■ Extracts information for items with line types that you have set up for full and
empty containers.
■ Verifies item cross-references.
■ Retrieves preferences by customer and item to determine whether the customer
pays a deposit or rental fee for containers and whether a customer is invoiced by
the summary or transaction method.
■ Calculates the scheduled invoice dates of orders.
■ Updates the status of orders involving container transactions based on the
processing options or the order activity rules.
The program stores container transaction information in the F41181 table so that the
system can track container movements and invoicing separately from other systems.
For example, when the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system
moves sales order lines to the Sales Order History File table (F42119), the container
transaction information remains intact in the F41181 table.
When the R41189 program reads a record that already exists in the F41181 table, it
checks the status codes of the record in the Sales Order Detail File table to determine
whether you have processed the record through the container billing programs. The
R41189 program updates the record only if you have not already processed it through
the container billing programs.
When you set the appropriate processing option for the R41189 program, the program
produces a report indicating each of the records that were added to the F41181 table. Data Selection

You must set the data selection to include user-defined line types for both full and
empty containers.
Set the data selection for this program to reflect the information that you have set up
for order line types and order activity rules. You should identify the line types for full
and empty containers. For each line type, you must select the correct next status for
container extraction. For example, if you set up line type A to perform container
extraction at Next Status equal to 620, then these must be the settings in the data
selection for this program.

Managing Containers 10-23

Processing Container Transactions

10.7.5 Processing Rental Fees, Deposits, and Refunds

You run the container billing batch programs to create sales order lines for rental fees
or deposits on containers that the company has delivered to customers and to create
credits for refunds on containers that the customers have returned.
The container billing programs create sales order lines based on the scheduled invoice
date that is calculated by the Container Management Extraction program. If the
scheduled invoice date is on or before today's date, the container billing programs
create sales order lines. You then process these sales order lines through the normal
flow of invoicing and customer sales update.
Depending on how you set up the customer's preferences, the programs perform
either transaction billing or summary billing.
With the transaction method, the programs create a rental fee, deposit, or refund detail
line on the sales order for each container transaction that is recorded for the customer.
If the customer has received containers in addition to those covered by the present
deposit or rental fee, the system generates a new sales order detail line for the
additional deposit or rental fee required. If the customer has returned containers, the
system generates a credit order.
With the summary method, the programs summarize all transactions for a single
combination of branch/plant, customer, and item that occurred over a specified
period. The programs create a single sales order detail line to record this summary.
During invoicing, the system issues an invoice or credit memo based on this summary
of transactions.
When the transaction or summary quantity is greater than zero, the system records it
as a deposit charge. Each time that you invoice the customer for a new deposit charge,
the system creates a new deposit layer record in the F4118 table.
When the transaction or summary quantity is less than zero, the system records it as a
deposit refund. Each time you issue a credit order for a refund, the system depletes the
deposit layers based on the FIFO accounting method. The system depletes the oldest
deposit layer first. The unit price of the refund equals the deposit rate from the layer
that is currently being depleted.
For example, if the deposit rate for the first deposit layer is 20.00 USD, the deposit rate
for the second deposit layer is 30.00 USD, and you have not fully depleted the first
deposit layer, the refund rate on returned containers is 20.00 USD. When you deplete
the first deposit layer, the refund rate is 30.00 USD. If an insufficient quantity is in the
deposit layers to satisfy the entire refund quantity, the system prices the remaining
refund quantity using the standard pricing methods.

10.7.6 Creating Sales Order Lines for Rental Fees

Select Container Management (G4118), Container Rental Billing.
The Container Management Rental/Billing program (R41186) uses information from
the F41181 table to create sales order detail lines for rental fees for customers who are
scheduled to be invoiced. The R41186 program creates records in the F4118 table that
correspond to each rental fee and also creates records in the F49211 table.
When you set the appropriate processing option, the R41186 program prints a report of
the records it has created and updated.

10.7.7 Creating Sales Order Lines for Deposits and Refunds

Select Container Management (G4118), Container Deposit/Refund Billing.

10-24 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Processing Container Transactions

The Container Management Deposit/Refund Billing program (R41187) uses

information from the F41181 table to create sales order detail lines for deposit charges
or refunds for customers who are scheduled to be invoiced. The R41187 creates records
in the F4118 table that correspond to each deposit charge and refund and also creates
records in the F49211 table.
When you set the appropriate processing option, the R41187 program prints a report of
the records that it has created and updated.

10.7.8 Processing Sales Order Lines for Rental Fees, Deposits, and Refunds
After you have created container deposit charge, rental fee, and refund sales order
lines, you can print invoices for customers who are due to be billed and update all
applicable records. Sales order lines for deposit charges, rental fees, and refunds are
sent through the normal invoicing process and customer sales updates in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system.
The customer sales update posts entries to the GL and updates these tables with
container transaction information:
■ Sales Order Header File (F4201)
■ Sales Order Detail File (F4211)
■ Item Location File (F41021)
■ Account Ledger (F0911)
■ Customer Ledger (F03B11)
■ Item Ledger File (F4111)
When you process rental fees, deposit charges, or refunds through invoicing, the
system will generate either a transaction or summary invoice, depending on whether
the container billing programs created transaction or summary sales order detail lines.
The transaction invoice contains separate lines for each container transaction that is
recorded for the customer. The summary invoice summarizes all transactions over a
specified period for a single combination of branch/plant, customer, and item.

See Also:
■ "Setting Up Base and Standard Pricing" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation
■ "Updating Prices" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

10.7.9 Reviewing Container Deposits

Access the Work With Container Deposit Inquiry form.
Use the Container Deposit Inquiry program to display the container deposit balances
for a customer. You can view the deposit layers and the deposit balance as each
transaction was processed.

Customer Number
Enter a user-defined name or number that identifies an address book record. You can
use this number to locate and enter information about the address book record. If you
enter a value other than the address book number (AN8), such as the long address or
tax ID, you must precede it with the special character that is defined in the Address

Managing Containers 10-25

Processing Container Transactions

Book constants. When the system locates the record, it returns the address book
number to the field.
For example, if address book number 4100 (Total Solutions) has a long address TOTAL
and an * distinguishes it from other entries (as defined in the Address Book constants),
you could type *TOTAL into the field, and the system would return 4100.

Item Number
Enter a number that the system assigns to an item. This number can be in short,
second, or third-item number format.

Enter the appropriate symbol identifier for the nonprimary format for the
branch/plant that is entered. Branch/Plant *ALL will be used if no branch/plant is

Quantity Ordered
Enter the quantity of units that are affected by this transaction.

Current Quantity
Enter the current quantity of containers that are owned by the supplying company the
customer possesses.

UM (unit of measure)
Enter a code from UDC table (00/UM), such as eaches or boxes, that identifies the unit
of measure for an item.

Deposit Rate
Enter the current rate for the deposits that must be paid by the customer for a
container in their possession.

Current Amount
Enter the amount that the customer must pay for the containers in this transaction,
determined by multiplying the current quantity by the deposit rate.

Document Number
Enter a number that identifies a secondary purchase order, sales order, or work order
that is associated with the original order. This number is for informational purposes

10.7.10 Reviewing Container Transactions

Access the Work With Container Transaction Inquiry form.
Use the Container Transaction Inquiry program (P41181) to review the container
transactions and container balances for each customer. You can select to view only the
container transactions that the system has not reconciled or all container transactions.

Select whether the system displays only the container transactions that have not been
reconciled, or all container transactions. Values are:
Blank: Display all transactions.
1: Display only transactions that have not been reconciled.

10-26 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Managing Data Purges

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 11.1, "Understanding Data Purges"
■ Section 11.2, "Purging Data"

11.1 Understanding Data Purges

You can use purge programs to remove data from files when the data becomes
obsolete or you need more disk space. You can use data selection to create a configured
purge. For example, you could specify a range of fiscal years so that the system would
purge only records that fall within that date range instead of all dates.
To purge data, you must:
1. Determine the data that you want to purge.
2. Run the purge program.
3. Run the file reorganization program to rebuild file structure.

Important: You must know the proper procedures and consequences

of purging data to avoid serious damage to the system and data.

11.2 Purging Data

This section provides an overview of purge programs, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:
■ Run the item master purge.
■ Run the item balance purge.
■ Set processing options for Item Balance Purge (R4102P).

11.2.1 Understanding Purge Programs

Every JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Distribution system is shipped with special purge
programs. In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system, the
special purge programs are:
■ Item Master Purge (R4101P), which removes data from F4101.
■ Item Balance Purge (R4102P), which removes data from F4102.

Managing Data Purges 11-1

Purging Data

Special purges have built-in criteria that the system checks before removing any data.
For example, you might want to purge an item master record that has an associated
record in the F41021 table. The built-in selection criterion prevents the system from
purging the item location file record.
You can set processing options to save purged records, which enables you to recover
data that was inadvertently purged.
You can also purge interoperability transactions.
See "Processing Interoperability for Inventory Management" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Interoperability Fundamentals Implementation Guide.

11.2.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
■ Save copies of the files that will be affected in the purge.
■ Verify that no users are working with the data that you want to purge.

11.2.3 Running the Item Master Purge

Select Global Updates & Purges (G41311), Item Master Purge (F4101).
The Item Master Purge (R4101P) program enables you to select and purge specific
information from the Item Master table (F4101). Before purging the records from the
F4101 table, the system verifies that the records are not associated with these tables:
■ Item Location File F41021
■ Item Branch File (F4102)
■ Item Cost File (F4105)
■ Lot Master (F4108)
■ Bill of Material Master File (F3002)
■ Routing Master File (F3003)
The system does not purge any item information from these tables.

11.2.4 Setting Processing Options for Item Master Purge (R4101P)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
Purge Library - FUTURE
Specify whether to save purged records. Values are:
Blank: Do not save any purged records.
1: Save the purged records to a special purge library.

Reorganize Purged Files- FUTURE

Specify whether to reorganize purged files. Values are:
Blank: Do not reorganize.
1: Reorganize.

11-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Purging Data

11.2.5 Running the Item Balance Purge

Select Global Updates & Purges (G41311), Item Balance Purge (F4102).
The Item Balance Purge (R4102P) program enables you to select and purge records
from the Item Branch File (F4102). Before you purge the specified records from the
F4102 table, the system verifies the records using this criteria. The system does not
purge the records if:
■ Work orders exist in the Work Order Master File (F4801).
■ A parts list exists in the Work Order Parts List (F3111).
■ A bill of material exists in the Bill of Material Master File (F3002).
■ Any secondary locations exist in the Item Location File (F41021).
■ Information is in any of these fields for the item location record:
– On-hand
– Hard Commitments
– Soft Commitments
– Back Order Quantity
– On Order Quantity
– Quantity Outbound (EDI)
– Quantity Inbound (EDI)
The system also checks all quantity fields for primary and secondary locations.
After the system determines which Item Balance records are to be purged, the system
verifies that the records exist in the Item Branch File and that all records in the Item
Location File F41021 with the same item and branch have zero quantities.
The system purges Item Balance records in this order:
■ The Item Branch File record.
If the cost level for this item is 2, the system purges the cost records for this item
and branch.
■ The Unit of Measure Standard Conversion records for this item and branch.
■ The Item Location File records.
If the cost level for this item is 3, the system purges the cost records for this item,
branch, location, and lot.
If you set the ALL Item Branch processing option to delete all item branch
information, the system checks the Item Branch File table and verifies in the Item
Location File F41021 that records with the same item and branch have zero quantities
and are not primary bins. If these conditions exist, the system purges the cost records
for item, branch, location, and lot if the cost level for this item is 3.
If you set the processing option to save purged records, purges that are performed on
the same table and on the same day are added to the existing library and table.

11.2.6 Setting Processing Options for Item Balance Purge (R4102P)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

Managing Data Purges 11-3

Purging Data Process
Purge Library - FUTURE
Specify whether to save purged records. Values are:
Blank: Do not save any purged records.
1: Save the purged records to a purge library.

Reorganize Purged Files- FUTURE

Specify whether to reorganize purged files. Values are:
Blank: Do not reorganize.
1: Reorganize.

Delete the Item/ Branch Record

Specify whether to purge all eligible Item Branch information. Values are:
Blank: Purge only the Item Location records with all quantities zero.
1: Purge all eligible Item Branch information.

Print Mode
Specify whether to print records. Values are:
Blank: Print all purged records. (default)
1: Print deleted records.
2: Print errors.

11-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Performing System Updates

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 12.1, "Prerequisite"
■ Section 12.2, "Updating Item Information"
■ Section 12.3, "Revising Location Format"

12.1 Prerequisite
Before you complete the tasks in this chapter, you must verify that only the users who
have been designated to perform system updates have security access to system
update programs.

12.2 Updating Item Information

This section provides an overview of item updates and discusses how to:
■ Update item master and branch/plant information.
■ Set processing options for Item Master Global Update (R41804).
■ Update category codes and item numbers.
■ Set processing options for Global Reporting Code Update (R41803).
■ Generate the segment cross-reference.
■ Set processing options for Segment Cross Reference Generation (R41045).

12.2.1 Understanding Item Updates

You use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system updates to make system-wide changes.
For most updates, you enter changes through processing options and then run an
update for the entire system.
When you make changes to item or branch/plant information, you are often required
to run global updates to the system. You can make global updates in any of these
■ Update item master and branch/plant information.
■ Update category codes and item numbers.
■ Generate the segment cross-reference.

Performing System Updates 12-1

Updating Item Information

12.2.2 Updating Item Master and Branch/Plant Information

Use one of the following navigations:
■ Select Global Updates & Purges (G41311), Item Master Fields Update.
■ Select Global Updates & Purges (G41311), Item Branch Fields Update.
Item Master Global Update and Item Balance Global Update programs update fields in
the F4101 and F4102 tables.
The processing options are the same for the Item Master Global Update and Item
Balance Global Update programs. You can select a version of either program from the
version list. Modify the selection criteria by specifying in the processing options which
fields you want to update. You also can change the value for the field.

12.2.3 Setting Processing Options for Item Master Global Update (R41804)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
Proof Mode
Enter Y to run the program in proof mode. The system does not update the Item
Master. Defaults 1
If you leave any of the following processing options blank, the field retains the current

Sales Catalog Section

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/S1) that is used for sales coding
purposes. These codes can represent such classifications as color, material content, or
use. Examples are:
2: Premium selections.
4: Bargain area.

Replace Sales Catalog Section

If you enter * in this field and a value in theSales Catalog Sectionprocessing option, the
system clears the Sales Catalog Section processing option.

Sub Section
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/S2) that is used for sales coding
purposes. These codes can represent such classifications as color, material content, or

Replace Sub Section

If you enter * in this field and a value in the Sub Section processing option, the system
clears the Sub Section processing option.

Sales Category Code 3

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/S3) that is used for sales coding
purposes. These codes can represent such classifications as color, material content, or

12-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Updating Item Information

Replace Sales Cat Code 3

If you enter * in this field and a value in theSales Category Code 3processing option,
the system clears the Sales Category Code 3 field. Defaults 2
If you leave any of the following processing options blank, the field retains the current

Sales Category Code 4

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/S4) that is used for sales coding
purposes. These codes can represent such classifications as color, material content, or

Replace Sales Cat Code 4

If you enter * in this field and a value in the Sales Category Code 4 processing option,
the system clears the Sales Category Code 4 field.

Sales Category Code 5

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/S5) that is used for sales coding
purposes. These codes can represent such classifications as color, material content, or

Replace Sales Cat Code 5

If you enter * in this field and a value in theSales Category Code 5processing option ,
the system clears the Sales Category Code 5 processing option.

Commodity Class
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/P1) that represents an item property
type or classification, such as commodity type, planning family, and so forth. The
system uses this code to sort and process like items.

Replace Commodity Class

If you enter * in this field and a value in the Commodity Class processing option, the
system clears theCommodity Class processing option. Defaults 3
If you leave any of the following processing options blank, the field retains the current

Commodity Sub Class

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/P2) that represents an item property
type or classification, such as commodity type, planning family, and so forth. The
system uses this code to sort and process like items.

Replace Commodity Sub Class

If you enter * in this field, the system clears theCommodity Sub Class field. If a value
is in the Commodity Sub Class field and a * in this field, the system clears the
Commodity Sub Class field.

Vendor Rebate Code

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/P3) that represents an item property
type or classification, such as commodity type, planning family, and so forth. The
system uses this code to sort and process like items.

Performing System Updates 12-3

Updating Item Information

Replace Vender Rebate Code

If you enter * in this field, the system clears the Replace Vender Rebate Code field. If a
value is in the Replace Vender Rebate Code field and a * in this field, the system clears
the Replace Vender Rebate Code field.

Master Planning Family

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/P4) that represents an item property
type or classification, such as commodity type, planning family, and so forth. The
system uses this code to sort and process like items.

Replace Master Planning Family

If you enter * in this field, the system clears the Master Planning Family field. If a
value is in the Master Planning Family field and a * in this field, the system clears the
Master Planning Family field. Defaults 4
If you leave any of the following processing options blank, the field retains the current

Purchasing Category Code 5

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/P5) that indicates the landed cost rule
for an item. The landed cost rule determines purchasing costs that exceed the actual
price of an item, such as broker fees or commissions. You set up landed cost rules on
the Landed Cost Revisions form.

Replace Purchasing Cat Code 5

If you enter * in this field, the system clears the Purchasing Category Code 5 field. If a
value is in the Purchasing Category Code 5 field and a * in this field, the system clears
the Purchasing Category Code 5 field.

Buyer Number
Specify the address number of the person who is responsible for setting up and
maintaining the correct stocking levels for the item.

Replace Buyer Number

If you enter * in this field, the system clears the Buyer Number field. If a value is in the
Buyer Number field and a * in this field, the system clears the Buyer Number field.

Leadtime Level
Specify a value that represents the leadtime for an item at its assigned level in the
production process, as defined on Plant Manufacturing Data. The system uses this
value to calculate the start dates for work orders using fixed leadtimes.
Level leadtime is different for purchased and manufactured items:
■ Purchased: The number of calendar days that are required for the item to arrive at
your branch/plant after the supplier receives your purchase order.
■ Manufactured: The number of workdays that are required to complete the
fabrication or assembly of an item after all the components are available.
You can enter level leadtime manually on Manufacturing Values Entry, or you can use
the Leadtime Rollup program to calculate it. To calculate level leadtime using the
Leadtime Rollup program, you must first enter a quantity in the Manufacturing
Leadtime Quantity field in the Item Branch table (F4102).

12-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Updating Item Information

Replace Leadtime Level

If you enter * in this field, the system clears the Leadtime Level field. If a value is in
the Leadtime Level field and a * in this field, the system clears the Leadtime Level
field. Defaults 5
If you leave any of the following processing options blank, the field retains the current

Planner Number
Specify the address number of the material planner for this item.

Replace Planner Number

If you enter * in this field, the system clears the Planner Number field. If a value is in
the Planner Number field and a * in this field, the system clears the Planner Number

Order Policy Code

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/OP) that identifies the rules for
inventory reordering in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning system
and the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system.

Replace Order Policy Code

If you enter * in this field, the system clears the Order Policy Code field. If a value is in
the Order Policy Code field and a * in this field, the system clears the Order Policy
Code field.

Issue Type Code

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/IT) that indicates how the system
issues each component in the bill of material from stock.

Replace Issue Type Code

If you enter * in this field, the system clears the Issue Type Code field. If a value is in
the Issue Type Codefield and a * in this field, the system clears the Issue Type Code

12.2.4 Updating Category Codes and Item Numbers

Select Global Updates & Purges (G41311), Global Category Codes Update.

Important: When you use this update, you are changing values that
may affect processing and history.

Run the Global Reporting Code Update program (R41803) to update:

■ Category codes from the F4101 table to the F4102 table.
■ Second (product number) and third (catalog number) item numbers from the
F4101 table to these tables:
– F4102
– F3002
– F3003
– F4108

Performing System Updates 12-5

Updating Item Information

– F4105
Use data selection to specify whether the scope of the update is:
■ A single warehouse only.
■ A combination of warehouses.
■ All except one warehouse.
Verify the changes on the Item/Branch Plant Info. form.

12.2.5 Setting Processing Options for Global Reporting Code Update (R41803)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process 1
1. Update Sales Report Code 1 through 6. Update Sale Report Code 5
Enter 1 to duplicate these processing options into the Item Branch record.

6. Update Inventory Pricing Rule

Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record. Process 2
7. Update Reprice Rule
Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record.

8. Update Order Reprice Rule

Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record.

9. Update Purchasing Report Code 1 through 11. Update Purchasing Report Code 3
Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record.

12. Update MPS Planning Family

Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record. Process 3
13. Update Purchasing Report Code 5
Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record.

14. Update Buyer Number

Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record.

15. Update Shipping Condition Code

Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record.

16. Update Shipping Commodity Class

Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record.

17. Update Cycle Count Category

Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record.

18. Update General Ledger Class Code

Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record.

12-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Updating Item Information Process 4
19. Update Backorders Allowed
Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record.

20. Update Print Message

Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record.

21. Update Stocking Type through 23. Update ABC Code 3

Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record. Process 5
25. Update ABC Override Indicator
Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record.

26. Update Second And Third Item Number

Enter 1 to duplicate this processing option into the Item Branch record.

12.2.6 Generating the Segment Cross-Reference

Select Global Updates & Purges (G41311), Segment Cross Reference Generation.
You can use the Segment Cross Reference Generation (R41045) program to create
cross-reference records for segmented items. Do this when you want to associate a
segmented item with its segmented substitute item. You can cross-reference and
substitute by any of the items' attributes or characteristics that have been set up as
You must specify in the processing options the cross-reference type and the segment
number to cross-reference. The system generates the cross-reference records based on
the value in the segment that is used to cross-reference items in the data selection.

Note: You can generate a segment cross-reference based only on one

item at a time. If you want to further limit the number of
cross-reference records, use the data selection.
Do not use this program to cross-reference nonsegmented items.
Instead, you must enter cross-reference records for nonsegmented
items in the Item Cross Reference (P4104) program.

12.2.7 Setting Processing Options for Segment Cross Reference Generation (R41045)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
Cross Reference
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (41/DT) that identifies the cross-reference
If you leave this field blank, the system will use default value S.

Performing System Updates 12-7

Revising Location Format Process
Segment Number
Specify the segment number on which to cross-reference. Values are 1 through 10.

12.3 Revising Location Format

This section provides overviews of location format revision and table selection, lists
prerequisites, and discusses how to:
■ Define the new location format for the model branch.
■ Set processing options for Location Field Update (R41821).
■ Update the location format.

12.3.1 Understanding Location Format Revision

When business requirements change, you sometimes need to restructure warehouse
locations. Redefining the structure of warehouse locations might include adding or
removing data elements, increasing or decreasing the size of location segments,
changing the justification of one or more segments from right to left or vice versa, and
so forth. The warehouse location can consist of up to 10 different location segments for
a maximum of 20 characters.
You can change the location formats that are set up in branch/plant constants. Using
the location field update programs, you can globally update the location format for
multiple tables rather than having to update the location format in each table
individually. The programs that update location fields include an interactive program,
Location Field Update (P41822), and a batch program, Location Field Update (R41821),
that you run from the interactive program.
You can use these programs to update tables that are supplied by the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne system. You can also update custom tables if those tables meet the
criteria that are defined in the update procedures.

Important: The Location field is a key field in many tables. When

you run the R41821 program in final mode, you must not enable other
users on the system.

Depending on the number of tables that you are updating, the batch program might
require a substantial amount of time. Therefore, schedule this program accordingly. Process for Revising Location Format

You must set up a model branch with the new location format before you can change
the location format in other branch/plants. Using normal setup procedures, you might
create a new business unit to use as the model branch.
After you update the location format for the model branch in the branch plant
constants, map the existing format to the new format.

12.3.2 Understanding Table Selection

The first task in the process is to identify the application tables to update when you
run the location redefinition program. Application tables that are provided by the
system and contain the Location field are listed in UDC table (41/LU). The location

12-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Revising Location Format

redefinition program references UDC table (41/LU) to determine the application tables
to include. Field Specifications for UDC 41/LU

Typically, you update only the Location field in the tables. However, you can update
other fields that are related to location if UDC 41/LU contains the appropriate
specifications. The fields in UDC table (41/LU) and their descriptions are:

Fields to Update Description

Codes The identifier for the table that contains location
information (for example, F4105 for the Item Cost table).
Description 01 The table name (for example, Item Cost).
Description 02 The data dictionary identifier (DTAI) for the field or fields
to update, entered according to these rules:
■ Use four characters per DTAI.
■ Enter first the DTAI of the field that contains the extra
fields that are defined in position 2 of the Special
Handling field.
■ If a DTAI has fewer than four characters, follow the
DTAI with the number of blanks that are needed to
equal four characters.
■ Enter a maximum of seven DTAIs (28 characters).
Sample specifications and their appearances in the
Description 02 field might include:
■ Fields named LOCN, STGR, and STGP:
■ Fields named LOC and STGR: LOC STGR.
Special Handling Define the table and field layout for the Location Field
Update batch program in this way:
■ Position 1: Enter 1 to include the table in the update.
Enter 0 to omit the table from the update.
■ Position 2: Enter 1 to indicate that this table includes
all 10 fields (aisle, bin, and location codes 03–10).
Enter 0 to indicate that the table has fewer than 10
fields (typically, only aisle and bin, or perhaps none).
If you do not use 10 fields, enter 0 in position 2 to reduce
processing time for the batch program. Requirements for Including Custom Tables

You can add one or more custom tables to UDC table (41/LU) and use the location
redefinition program to update them, if the tables meet these criteria:
■ The primary key for the table can include only one field to update.
■ The table must be initially created in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tools through
Object Management Workbench.
This method saves the specifications that are required by the Location Field
Update (R41821).
■ The table must contain the field MCU, and the field name must be MCU.
■ The field names to update cannot exceed four characters.

Performing System Updates 12-9

Revising Location Format

12.3.3 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
■ Save a version of all of the tables.
■ Update the location format for the model branch in the branch/plant constants
and on the Branch Location Definition form, as needed to redefine the new size
and format of the location.

12.3.4 Forms Used to Revise Location Format

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage

Work With Location W41822A Global Updates & Review
Redefinition Purges (G41311), branch/plants.
Location Field Update
Location Field W41822B On the Work With ■ Define the new
Redefinition Revision Location Redefinition location format
form, select a model for the model
branch/plant. branch.
■ Update the
location format.

12.3.5 Defining the New Location Format for the Model Branch
Access the Location Field Redefinition Revision form.

Enter a code that identifies a location in a warehouse. This code is used in conjunction
with a bin and lot identifier to indicate a specific, tangible storage area within a
warehouse or yard.

Enter a specific storage location within a warehouse or store. The system uses the bin
with an aisle location to identify a storage area for which width, depth, and height can
be readily measured.

Location Code 03throughLocation Code 10

Enter a code that the system uses for one of two purposes:
■ To identify a specific location within a branch/plant as part of the location
■ To use as a general reporting code for location information.
Complete as many of these fields as necessary.

New Size
Displays the number of characters that you can enter in the adjacent location code
field, as defined in the branch/plant constants.
Use the letters A through T to represent the positional values, including separator
characters, in the new location field. The location redefinition batch program starts
with the character at the left of the existing information and moves it to the position
that you indicate. The program continues sequentially, character by character, for a
maximum of 20 characters.
For example, if you enter FG (the sixth and seventh letters in the alphabet) in the Aisle
field, the batch program moves the character at the left to the sixth position and the

12-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Revising Location Format

next character to the seventh position.

For example:
■ The program moves the contents of the first and second positions in the existing
format to the sixth and seventh positions (as defined by F and G).
■ The program moves the contents of the third, fourth, and fifth positions in the
existing format to the same positions (third, fourth, and fifth, as defined by C, D,
and E).
■ The program moves the contents of the sixth and seventh positions in the existing
format to the first and second positions (as defined by A and B).
For example, if the existing format contains the data AABBBCC, the program changes
the format of the data to CCBBBAA.

12.3.6 Setting Processing Options for Location Field Update (R41821)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Batch Re-Format

Enter 1 to update the location fields in the selected files. If you leave this processing
option blank, the program runs in proof mode. Location Code

Enter 1 to clear the value in the aisle. If you are using the location code for general
reporting purposes and you do not want it to be cleared, leave this processing option

Enter 1 to clear the value in the bin. If you are using the location code for general
reporting purposes and you do not want it to be cleared, leave this processing option

Code 3through Code 10

Enter 1 to clear the value in the location code. If you are using the location code for
general reporting purposes and you do not want it to be cleared, leave this processing
option blank.

12.3.7 Updating the Location Format

Access the Location Field Redefinition Revision form.
After you identify the tables to include and define the format for the model branch,
run Location Field Update batch program (R41821) by selecting Submit from the Form
The batch program changes the format of the location field in the specified tables
according to the model. Run the program in proof or final mode (specified by the
version that is used for the Location Field Update program). Run the program in proof
mode as many times as needed until the program finishes without errors. To correct
errors when you run the program in proof mode, check the information that you

Performing System Updates 12-11

Revising Location Format

defined for the model branch and in UDC table (41/LU), correct as needed, and run in
proof mode again.

Important: When you run the R41821 batch program in final mode,
do not enable other users on the system.

In either proof or final mode, the system sends messages to the employee work center
to report a successful completion or to indicate errors that the program found. The
system terminates the program if it finds more than 100 errors.
If errors occur during final mode, the procedure that you use to correct errors depends
on the table in which the error occurred. Generally, the procedure is:
1. Restore all tables that were selected for the run.
2. Correct the problem.
3. Rerun the program for the selected tables.
Use a processing option to specify whether to replace existing values in location
segments with the new values. You might not want to clear location segments that you
use for general reporting purposes.

12-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Tables Used in the Inventory Management


This appendix contains the following topics:

■ Section A.1, "Inventory Management Tables"

A.1 Inventory Management Tables

This section lists the tables used in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory
Management system.

A.1.1 Inventory Management Tables

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system uses these tables:

Table Description
F4100 Stores basic information about each warehouse location,
such as zones and level of detail.
F4101 Stores basic information about each item, including:
■ Item number
■ Description
■ Search keys
■ Category codes
■ Default units of measure
■ Process groups for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Warehouse Management system
■ Item dimension group
F4102 Stores default item information, including each item's
process and dimension groups, and other parameters that
are common to every unit of that item in the warehouse.
F4104 Stores item descriptions that the Item Search program
(P41200) uses.
F4105 Stores inventory cost records.
F4106 Stores inventory price records.
F4108 Stores information used in lot processing
F4111 Stores a history of all inventory movements.
F4115 Stores item master history.

Tables Used in the Inventory Management System A-1

Inventory Management Tables

Table Description
F4140 and F4141 Stores information about physical inventories using the
cycle count method.
F4160 Stores information about physical inventories using the
tag count method.
F4170 Stores information about activity rules for lot statuses.
F41001 Stores information for day-to-day transactions, including:
■ Location number definition
■ Warehouse control data
■ Default units of measure
■ Inclusion rule, which determines the document types
and status codes to process through the system
F41002 Stores the unit of measure conversion equations that are
unique to the warehouse item and its default unit of
measure structure information.
F41003 Stores the unit of measure conversion equations that are
common to all warehouse items.
F41006 Stores information required to print the Inventory Turn
Report (R41116).
F41013 Stores information about product numbers.
F41021 Stores each item's quantity information, general ledger
class, and lot status in each location.
F41023 Stores definitions for item locations.
F41081 Stores information about lot statuses.
F41112 Stores information summarized from the Item Ledger File
table (F4111), which the Item Ledger - Running Balance
program (P41112) creates and updates.
F41113 Stores information about lot ledgers.
F41829 Stores information that the Item Word Build program
extracted from the F4101, F4102, F4100, F4108, F4101D,
and F4104 tables.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system also uses these tables
from other systems:

Table Description
F4009 Stores information that specifies whether the item
unit of measure conversions are unique for each
item or applicable to each item in the warehouse.
F4016 and F4017 Stores predefined messages that print on
documents such as sales orders and purchase
F4095 Stores the AAIs used by JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Logistics and Manufacturing
F00090, F00090D, and F00091 Stores information used by the Supplemental
Data Setup program (P00091).

A-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Inventory Management Tables

Table Description
F00092 Stores information used by the Supplemental
Data by Item or by Item/Branch program
F34004 Stores the order types (sales, procurement, and so
on) and the order statuses at which the system
will create a request.
F40039 Stores information about document types for the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory
Management system, the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system,
the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement
system, and the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Customer Service Management system.
F40095 Stores the default warehouse code (branch/plant)
and the default printer output queue for
transactions that you process through the

Tables Used in the Inventory Management System A-3

Inventory Management Tables

A-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Inventory Management Reports

This appendix contains the following topics:

■ Section B.1, "Understanding Inventory Management Reports"
■ Section B.2, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports: A to Z"
■ Section B.3, "Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports"

B.1 Understanding Inventory Management Reports

You can generate inventory reports to review and analyze information about the
inventory. The three categories of inventory reports are:
■ Inventory status reports.
Use these reports to review the status of the inventory by location, time period,
and so on.
■ Inventory analysis reports.
Use these reports to review the profitability, turnover, demand, and so on, for the
■ Inventory integrity reports.
Use these reports to review discrepancies between item information and
accounting information.

B.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports: A to Z

This table lists the Inventory Management reports, sorted alphanumerically by report

Report ID and Report Name Description Navigation

R4051 Prints information about an Select Inventory Reports
item's demand, supply, and (G41111), Supply/Demand
available quantities. Report.
R410400 Prints the supplemental data Select Item Supplemental
associated with items. Data/CIF (G4124), Item
Item Profile
Profile Report.
R41116 Prints the inventory for a cost Select Inventory Reports
center, an item, and a date (G41111), Inventory Turn
Inventory Turn
range combination that you Report.

Inventory Management Reports B-1

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports: A to Z

Report ID and Report Name Description Navigation

R41182 Prints a report of the Select Container Management
customer's or distributor's (G4118), Customer Distributor
Customer Distributor Balance
deposits and container Balance.
transactions for a given
R41185 Prints information about the Select Container Management
transactions for each item (G4118), Container
Container Reconciliations
with a line type for full Reconciliations.
R41403 Prints the variances between Select Inventory Count
the results of the cycle count Alternatives (G4121), Cycle
Cycle Variance Print Detail
and the inventory records to Variance Detail Print.
resolve discrepancies.
R410410 Prints the item supplemental Select Item Supplemental
data associated with data Data/CIF (G4124), Items By
Items by Data Type
types. Data Type Report.
R41505 Prints trace and track Select Lot Control (G4113),
information. Trace/Track Print.
Trace/Track Print
R41510 Prints a list of the current Select Inventory Reports
prices for the inventory. (G41111), Price Book Report.
Price Book
R4152 Prints a list of the product and Select Inventory Reports
item performance (G41111), Buying Guide
Buying Guide
information. Report.
R41530 Prints a list of the location Select Inventory Reports
and status of the inventory (G41111), Stock Status Report.
Stock Status
items in a specific branch,
plant, or warehouse.
R41543 Prints a list of discrepancies Select Inventory Reports
between the F4111 and F0911 (G41111), Item
Item Ledger/Account
tables. Ledger/Account Integrity
R41544 Prints a list of discrepancies Select Inventory Reports
for both quantity and amount (G41111), Item
Item Balance/Ledger
between the F41021 and F4111 Balance/Ledger Integrity
tables. Report .
R41550 Prints a list of transactions to Select Inventory Reports
compare against the (G41111), Inventory Journal
Inventory Journal
inventory. Report.
R41560 Prints a list of item master Select Inventory Reports
records. (G41111), Item Master
Item Master Directory
Directory Report.
R41580 Prints a list of items with a Select Inventory Reports
transaction cost that is (G41111), Cost Report.
Cost Report
different from the current
average cost that you
specified in the processing
R41590 Prints information about the Select Inventory Reports
extended value of on-hand (G41111), Valuation Report .
Valuation Report

B-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

Report ID and Report Name Description Navigation

R4164 Prints a list that ranks Select Inventory Reports
inventory items with a letter (G41111), ABC Report.
ABC Report
grade of A, B, or C (where A
represents the items with
highest total sales, largest
gross margin, or largest
on-hand value).
R41806 Activates the Country of Select Global Updates and
Origin Required flag on the Purges (G41311), Country of
Country of Origin Update for
Item Master (F4101) and Item Origin Update for Items
Branch (F4102) records and Report.
then set the Country of Origin
field in the Item Branch
R41807 Updates the country of origin Select Global Updates and
in Lot Master Purges (G41311), Country of
Country of Origin Update for
Origin Update for Lots
R41700 Prints current information to Select Inventory Reports
identify profit margin. (G41111), Margin Report.
Margin Report
R41900 Populates the sellable flag in Enter bv in the fast path to
the F4101 and F4102 tables. access Batch Versions. Enter
Update Sellable Field
R41900 in the Batch
Application field.

B.3 Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

Some reports include a more detailed description, as well as information about
processing options. These reports are listed alphanumerically by report ID in this

B.3.1 Reviewing the Supply/Demand Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Supply/Demand Report.
Supply and Demand Report provides information about an item's demand, supply,
and available quantities. The report lists:
■ Quantities on hand
■ Safety stock
■ Sales orders
■ Purchase orders
■ Forecasts
■ Work orders
You can print a report for supply and demand information using this criteria:
■ Branch/plant
■ Item number
■ Date

Inventory Management Reports B-3

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

B.3.2 R4051–Processing Options for the Supply/Demand Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.2.1 Process
1. Deduct Safety Stock From Available Quantity
Specify whether to deduct safety stock from available quantity. Values are:
Blank: Do not deduct.
1: Deduct.

2. Receipt Routing Quantities Considered On Hand for the following fields: Quantity
in TransitQuantity in InspectionUser-Defined Quantity 1User-Defined Quantity 2
Values are:
Blank: Do not consider.
1: Consider.

3. Supply/Demand Inclusion Rules

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/RV) that identifies the inclusion rule
that you want the system to use for this branch/plant.

4. Subtract Expired Lot Quantities

Specify whether to subtract expired lot quantities. Values are:
Blank: Do not subtract.
1: Subtract.

5. Enable Engineering Project Management (EPM)

Specify whether to enable engineering project management. Values are:
Blank: Do not enable.
1: Enable.

6. Include Past Due Supply In Quantity Available

Specify whether past due quantities are considered while calculating available
quantity. Values are:
Blank: Do not include
i: Include.

7. Rate Based Schedule Type (Future)

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (31/ST) that identifies the type of
schedule, for example, AC for actual schedule and PL for planned schedule. If you
leave this processing option blank, the system does not include rate based items.

8. Include MPS/MRP/DRP Planned Orders

Specify whether to include MPS/MRP/DRP planned orders. Values are:
Blank: Do not include.
1: Include.

9. Forecast Types (5 Types Maximum)

Enter the forecast type(s).

B-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

10. Days From Today To Include Forecast

Enter the number of days that the system uses in conjunction with the time fence rule
to determine how the forecast is used. Enter the number of days after the start date
when the time fence rule changes from the first rule to the second rule. If you leave
this processing option blank, the system will count the number of days from today.
For example, if the time fence rule is S (customer demand before the time fence,
forecast after the time fence), the generation start date is 01/03/05, and the planning
time fence is 3 days, the system plans using customer demand through 01/06/05.
Beginning on 01/07/05, the system plans using the forecast.

11. Exclude Bulk Items

Specify whether to exclude bulk items. Values are:
Blank: Do not exclude.
1: Exclude.

12. Lot Hold Codes (up to 5)

Specify the lots to be included in the calculation of on-hand inventory. You can enter a
maximum of 5 lot hold codes from UDC table (41/L). Values include:
Blank: Include no held lots in calculation of on-hand inventory.
*: Include all held lots in calculation of on-hand inventory.

B.3.2.2 Display
1. Display Unit Of Measure
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/UM) that identifies the unit of
measure in which to express an inventory item, for example, CS (case) or BX (box).
If you leave this field blank, the system uses the primary unit of measure.

2. Convert Quantities To Standard Potency

Specify whether to convert quantities to standard potency. Values are:
Blank: Do not convert.
1: Convert.

3. Effective Thru Date

Specify the effective thru date.

4. Display ATP Line

Specify whether the system displays an ATP line, a cumulative available to promise
line (CATP), or neither. Values are:
Blank: Do not display.
1: Display ATP line.
2: Display CATP line.

5. Summarize All In Receipt Routing Steps

Specify whether to summarize all in the receipt routing steps. Values are:
Blank: Do not summarize.
1: Summarize.

6. Summarize Item Balance Quantity Records

Specify whether to summarize item balance quantity records. Values are:

Inventory Management Reports B-5

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

Blank: Do not summarize.

1: Summarize.

B.3.3 Reviewing the Item Profile Report

Select Item Supplemental Data/CIF (G4124), Item Profile Report.
Run the Item Profile report (R410400) to print the supplemental data associated with
items. The report lists the supplemental data in this order:
■ Branch/plant
■ Short item number
■ Data type
■ Effective date

B.3.4 R410400 – Processing Options for the Item Profile Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.4.1 Processing
Print Text
Specify if test information will be printed on the report. Values are:
Blank: Print. (default)
1: Do not print.

Supplemental Database Code

Specify the supplemental database code for the level at which data was stored. Values
I: Item level.
IB: Item and Branch level.

B.3.5 Reviewing the Profile Information by Data Type Report

Select Item Supplemental Data/CIF (G4124), Items By Data Type Report.
Run the Profile Information by Data Type report to print the item supplemental data
associated with data types. You can print two versions of the Profile Information by
Data Type report. The sort sequence and the report format differ. The sort sequences
for the versions are as follows:
■ XJDE0001 version.
Sort by branch/plant, then data type, UDC, short item number, and effective date.
■ XJDE0002 version.
Sort by branch/plant, then data type, short item number, UDC, and effective date.
Because the formats differ, copy the version that you want to print (instead of using
the Add function).

B-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

B.3.6 R410410 — Processing Options for the Profile Information by Data Type Report
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.6.1 Process
Print Text
Specify if test information will be printed on the report. Values are:
Blank: Print. (default)
1: Do not print.

Supplemental Database Code

Specify the Supplemental Database Code for the level at which the supplemental data
was stored. Values are:
I: Item level.
IB: Item and Branch level.

B.3.7 Reviewing the Inventory Turn Report

Select Inventory Reports menu (G41111), Inventory Turn Report.
You can print this report for a cost center, an item, and a date range combination that
you specify.
The Inventory Turn Report (R41116):
■ Retrieves records from the F4111 table.
■ Clears the existing workfile, rebuilds it, and accesses records to produce the report.
The system calculates beginning, ending, and average inventory as follows:
■ Beginning inventory is the amount for all transactions prior to the first date that
you specified in data selection.
■ Ending inventory is the amount of the beginning inventory plus or minus the
amount of the item ledger transactions for the period that you specified in the
processing options.
■ Usage is the amount of all the item ledger records that match the transaction
family document types that you specify in the processing options for the report.

B.3.7.1 Data Selection

You must use this data sequence:
■ Transaction date
■ Branch/plant
■ Item number - short

B.3.8 R41116 — Processing Options for the Inventory Turn Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

Inventory Management Reports B-7

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

B.3.8.1 Selections
Enter the Transaction Family Document Types to Include: Based on the UDC 41/TT
Transaction Family 1
Transaction Family 2
Transaction Family 3
Transaction Family 4
Transaction Family 5
Transaction Family 6

B.3.8.2 Dates
Enter the date range to be used in calculating the beginning and ending inventories.
From Date
To Date

B.3.9 Reviewing the Customer/Distributor Balance Report

Select Container Management (G4118), Customer Distributor Balance.
The Customer/Distributor Balance report (R41182) reads the Container Deposit and
Container Transaction tables and prints a report of the customer's or distributor's
deposits and container transactions for a given period. The report includes the deposit
balance for the customer or distributor and the deposit and refund amounts by layer.
You can use the R41182 report as a statement of account activity to send to the
customer or distributor.
You can run this program in proof or final mode. When you run it in final mode, the
program updates the Container Deposit and Container Transaction tables.
The program prints transaction level or summary level invoice statements, depending
on how you set up the preferences for the customer. The transaction level invoice
statement displays the deposit charge or refund sales order lines for each container
transaction recorded for the customer. The summary level invoice statement
summarizes all transactions over a specified period for a single combination of
branch/plant, customer, and item.

B.3.10 Reviewing the Container Reconciliations Report

Select Container Management (G4118), Container Reconciliations.
The Container Reconciliations Report (R41185) analyzes the transactions for each item
with a line type for full containers, finds the cross-referenced empty containers for
each of the full containers, and calculates the ending balance of containers in each
branch. This report includes:
■ Quantity delivered and returned for each container
■ Quantity on hand by branch for each container
■ Total quantity in the company for each container
■ Grand total of all containers in the company
You can also set the appropriate processing option to print the totals for the company

B-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

You can run the R41185 program in proof or update mode. If you run the program in
update mode, it creates records by item and branch/plant in the Container
Reconciliation table. It also places a 1 in the reconciliation flag field in the Container
Transaction table. The next time you run the Container Reconciliations program, it will
not read these transactions.

B.3.10.1 Data Selection

The line type must equal the line type for full containers only.

B.3.11 Reviewing the Print Variance Detail Report

Select Inventory Count Alternatives (G4121), Cycle Variance Detail Print.
Alternatively, select Print Variance from the Form menu on the Work With Cycle
Count Detail form.
You can print a report of the variances between the results of the cycle count and the
inventory records to resolve discrepancies.

B.3.11.1 Data Selection

Use data selection to print a variance report for a specific cycle count.

B.3.12 R41403 — Processing Options for the Cycle Variance Print Detail Report
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.12.1 Processing
Variance type
Specify which variance type to use. Values are:
1: Quantity Variance. (default)
2: Amount Variance.

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/VA) that identifies the relation to use
for the variance selection.

Specify a number that identifies the amount that the system will add to the account
balance of the associated account number. Enter credits with a minus sign (-) either
before or after the amount.

Variance Comparison
Specify which variance to compare. Values are:
1: Compare the percent variance.
2: Compare the unit variance. (default)

B.3.13 Reviewing the Track/Trace Print Report

Select Lot Control (G4113), Trace/Track Print.
The Track/Trace Print Report (R41505) provides trace and track information, such as
the level by which the system traces or tracks lots. You determine whether the report

Inventory Management Reports B-9

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

displays tracing or tracking information by using processing options for the report.

B.3.14 R41505 — Processing Options for the Track/Trace Print Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.14.1 Display
1. Enter Track/Trace
Specify which method the system uses to trace or track lot usage. If you trace the lot,
the system traces from the time of shipment to the time of manufacture all of the items
that made up the current item. If you track the item, the system determines all of the
assemblies of which this item is to be a component from the time of manufacture to the
time of shipment. Values are:
Blank: Trace lot usage.
1: Track lot usage.

2. Mode
Specify the processing mode that the system uses to indicate when specific orders are
being processed. Values are:
1: Use single level track or trace. The system displays only top level items that can be
tracked or traced.
2: Use no intermediates. The system displays only top level items that cannot be
tracked or traced.
3: Use multilevel track or trace. The system displays all items from all levels that can
be tracked or traced.
4: Use multilevel indented track or trace. The system displays all items from all levels
that can be tracked or traced and indents all of the levels based on their value.

B.3.15 Reviewing the Price Book Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Price Book Report.
The Price Book report (R41510) lists the current prices for the inventory.
The system retrieves this information from these tables:
■ F4106
■ F4207
■ F4208

B.3.16 R41510 — Processing Options for the Price Book Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.16.1 Display Value

Price Group
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/PI) that identifies an inventory price
group for an item.

B-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

Inventory price groups have unique pricing structures that direct the system in
incorporate discounts or markups on items on sales and purchase orders. The
discounts or markups are based on the quantity, amount, or weight of the item
ordered. When you assign a price group to an item, the item takes on the same pricing
structure defined for the inventory price group.
You must assign an inventory price group to the supplier or customer, as well as to the
item. The system interactively calculates discounts and markups on sales orders and
purchase orders.

B.3.17 Reviewing the Buying Guide Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Buying Guide Report.
The Buying Guide report (R4152) lists product and item performance information.

B.3.18 R4152 — Processing Options for the Buying Guide Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.18.1 Display
Reorder Point
Specify the reorder point. Values are:
1: Print all items.
2: Print only items at/or lower than the reorder point.

Item Notes
Enter 1 to print item notes.

B.3.19 Reviewing the Stock Status Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Stock Status Report.
The Stock Status report (R41530) lists the location and status of the inventory items in a
specific branch, plant, or warehouse, including:
■ Inventory on hold by location
■ Commitments by location
■ Cost information by location
■ Percentage of life remaining for a lot
■ Number of days before lot expiration

B.3.20 R41530 — Processing Options for the Stock Status Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.20.1 UOM Options

Unit of Measure
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/UM) that identifies which unit of
measure will appear on the report. If the chosen unit of measure is not defined for an

Inventory Management Reports B-11

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

item or if you leave this field blank, the system will use the primary unit of measure.

B.3.20.2 Lot Options

1. Display Percent of Life Remaining
Specify whether to displays the Percent of Life Remaining field. If you leave this
processing option blank, the system does not display a value in this field.

2. Percent of Life Remaining Threshold

Specify a value (expressed as a percentage) that the system uses as a threshold for
determining which lots to display. If the percentage of life that remains for a lot is less
than or equal to the value in this field, then the system displays the lot.

3. Display Number of Days Remaining

Specify whether to display the number of days remaining. If you leave this processing
option blank, the system does not display the number of days remaining for a lot.

4. Number of Days Remaining Threshold

Specify a value that the system uses to determine which lots to display. If the number
of days remaining in the life of a lot is less than or equal to the value in this field, the
system displays the lot.

5. Calculation Date
Specify the date the system uses to calculate the remaining number of days until the
lot expires.

B.3.21 Reviewing the Item Ledger/Account Integrity Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Item Ledger/Account Integrity Report.
The Item Ledger/Account Integrity report (R41543) displays these types of
discrepancies between the F4111 and F0911 tables:
■ Item ledger detail records exist with no corresponding general ledger detail
■ Item ledger does not balance with the corresponding general ledger detail.
The report displays summary lines that represent specific totals by:
■ Document type
■ Document number
■ Key company
The report also displays the solutions to the discrepancies. A blank report indicates
that no discrepancies exist. You can run this report as many times as needed because
no tables are updated.
If you use summarized journal entries for work orders, the program ignores material
issue transactions (IM), completions (IC), and scrap transactions (IS) against those
summarized work orders because they are not actual work orders.
Certain types of general ledger (GL) batches, such as procurement and sales, require
exceptions to the basic program logic that the system uses to create the report. These
batches contain multiple types of journal entries that are not appropriate for the report.
To ensure that the program selects only the inventory entries, you set up exception
rules in UDC table (41/IN). The exception rules must be entered in the Description-1
field for the document types that the organization uses. This table explains the types of
exception rules:

B-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

Rule Description
Rule 0: Used for Manufacturing Issues of Exception rule 0 is necessary because the F0911
Material table uses frozen standard costs and the F4111
table uses the inventory costing method that the
user has chosen. If the methods are not the same,
set up this code.
For documents to which the integrity check
applies, this rule ensures that if records exist in
the Item Ledger table, they also exist in the
Account Ledger table.
Rule 1: Used for Sales Invoices Exception rule 1 is necessary because journal
entries such as revenue or loss entries, taxes,
freight, and intercompany settlements are written
to the Account Ledger table when sales
transactions take place.
The program checks AAI 4240 from the F4095
table to determine which object accounts to
include. The program compares only journal
entries with these object accounts in the Account
Ledger table to the journal entries in the Item
Ledger table.
Rule 2: Used for Purchase Vouchers Exception rule 2 is necessary because journal
entries such as favorable or unfavorable price
variances, taxes, and freight are written to the
Account Ledger table when purchase transactions
take place.
The program checks AAI items 4330, 4340, and
4350 from the Distribution/Manufacturing - AAI
Values table to determine which object accounts to
include. The program compares only journal
entries with these object accounts in the Account
Ledger table to the journal entries in the Item
Ledger table.
Rule 3: Default Rule This is the default rule used by all other inventory
transactions. If the Document Type is not defined
as a Rule 1 or Rule 2 type in 41/IN UDC table,
Rule 3 applies.

Note: If the exception rules in UDC table (41/IN) are set up correctly,
the report prints only incorrect transactions.

B.3.21.1 Data Sequence

You must use this data sequence:
■ Document type
■ Document
■ Document company

B.3.22 R41543 – Processing Options for the Item Ledger/Account Integrity Report
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

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Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

B.3.22.1 Report Display

1. Enter from GL Date and 2. Enter thru GL Date
Specify the from and through GL date. If you leave this processing option blank, the
system uses the current date.

3. Enter Work Order Completion Document Type

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the work order
completion document type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses
default document type IC.

4. Enter Work Order Issue Document Type

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the work order
issue document type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses default
document type IM.

5. Enter Lean Transaction Completion Document Type

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the lean
transaction completion document type. If you leave this processing option blank, the
system uses default document type LC.

6. Enter Lean Transaction Issue Document Type

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the lean
transaction issue document type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system
uses default document type LM.

B.3.23 Reviewing the Item Balance/Ledger Integrity Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Item Balance/Ledger Integrity Report.
The Item Balance/Ledger Integrity report (R41544) displays discrepancies for both
quantity and amount between the F41021 and F4111 tables, in combination with the
F41112 table.
The report displays summary lines that represent specific totals by:
■ Branch/plant
■ Item number
■ Location
■ Lot number
Unless you set the processing option to print all records, a blank report indicates that
no discrepancies exist.

B.3.24 R41544 — Processing Options for the Item Balance/Ledger Integrity Report
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.24.1 Process
Printed Flag
Specify which items to print on the report. Values are:
Y: Print all items on the report.
N: Print only those items with the variance. (default)

B-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

Percentage - Acceptance
Specify the amount variance percentage which will cause only items with an amount
variance higher than this percentage to print. If you leave this processing option blank,
the system will print all amount variances. Items with a quantity variance will always
be printed.

Cost Method
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/CM) that identifies the costing
method to use to calculate the unit cost for each item. If you leave this processing
option blank, the costing method for each item will be retrieved from the F4105 table.

B.3.25 Reviewing the Inventory Journal Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Inventory Journal Report.
The Inventory Journal report (R41550) enables you review the transactions against the
inventory. The information on the report is grouped by the source of the transactions
over a specific period of time. This report lists all the basic information about the items
in a specific branch, plant, or warehouse. You can also use this report to verify the
amount of the inventory against the general ledger.
The R41550 retrieves records from the F4111 table.

B.3.26 R41550 — Processing Options for the Inventory Journal Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.26.1 Print Options

1. Beginning Date
Specify the date that an order is entered into the system. This date determines which
effective level the system uses for inventory pricing.

2. Ending Date
Specify the date of the batch. If you leave this processing option blank, the system date
is used.

B.3.27 Reviewing the Item Master Directory Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Item Master Directory Report.
The Item Master Directory report (R41560 ) lists the item master records.

B.3.28 R41560 — Processing Options for the Item Master Directory Report
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.28.1 Process
Item Notes
Specify whether to include item notes on the report. Values are:
Blank: Do not include item notes.
1: Include item notes.

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Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

Print Message
Specify whether to include print message on the report. Values are:
Blank: Do not include print message.
1: Include print message.

B.3.29 Reviewing the Unit Cost Warnings Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Cost Report.
The Unit Cost Warnings report (R41580) lists items with a transaction cost that is
different from the current average cost that you specified in the processing options.
The R41580 report retrieves records from the F4111 and F4105 tables. Print this report
at least once a month so that you are aware of transactions that vary significantly in
costs from the average cost per item.

B.3.30 R41580 — Processing Options for the Unit Cost Warnings Report
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.30.1 Variance
Variance Percentage
Specify the variance percentage. For example, if you enter 5 in this processing option,
the system will select any transaction where transaction cost was 5 percent greater or 5
percent less than the current average cost for the item.

B.3.31 Reviewing the Valuation Analysis Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Valuation Report.
Use the Inventory Valuation Analysis report (R41590) to review the extended value of
on-hand inventory. The report is based on these cost bases:
■ Weighted average unit cost
■ Last-in unit cost
■ Lot cost (associated with each storage area for an item)
You can compare these costs to the inventory account or the inventory accounts in the
general ledger. You can create a version of this report using the GL class code to
produce totals that correspond directly to the accounts in the general ledger.

B.3.31.1 Data Sequence

You must use this data sequence:
1. Warehouse
2. Sales reporting code 1
3. Sales reporting code 2

B.3.32 R41590 — Processing Options for the Inventory Valuation Analysis Report
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

B.3.32.1 Costing Method

Cost Number 1
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/CM) that identifies which costing
method to print for the first cost number.
Weighted - 02: Default

Cost Number 2
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/CM) that identifies which costing
method to print for the second cost number.
Last In - 01: Default

Cost Number 3
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/CM) that identifies which costing
method to print for the third cost number.
Layer - 06: Default

B.3.33 Reviewing the ABC Analysis Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), ABC Report.
The ABC Analysis report (R4164) is based on the principle that a small number of
items will account for the largest part of a company's business. A slightly larger
number of items will account for a smaller but significant amount of business. The
remaining large number of items, taken together, will account for only a small amount
of business.
You can generate the R4164 report based on an item's total sales, gross margin, or
on-hand value. The R4164 report ranks inventory items with a letter grade of A, B, or
C (where A represents the items with highest total sales, largest gross margin, or
largest on-hand value). You can also use different ranking percentages in each
category. For example, the system could rank Item A based on percentage of sales and
Item C based on gross margin. The R4164 report helps you determine which items
control the inventory costs and profits.
You can use the R4164 as the basis for inventory cycle counts (in which A items are
counted more often than C items).
You can run this report in proof or final mode based on how you set up the processing
options. The first time you run the ABC Analysis report, you should run it in proof
mode. Proof mode enables you to review the information without updating the item
master and branch/plant records with the new ABC ratings.

B.3.34 Prerequisites
Before reviewing the ABC Analysis report, you must:
■ Set up the ABC code percentage breaks in the branch/plant constants.
■ If you plan to run the sales version or the gross margin version of the ABC
Analysis report, verify that you have set the processing options for the Sales
Update program (R42800) so that the system updates the F4115 table.
■ If you decide to include forecasted records in the ABC calculations, you must first
run DRP (Distribution Requirements Planning).

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Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

■ Determine which inventory items to exclude from the ABC analysis rankings. To
exclude an item when you run this report, you must set the code on Branch/Plant
Information to bypass the item.
■ Determine which inventory items to exclude from the ABC analysis rankings. To
exclude an item when you run this report, you must set the code on Branch/Plant
Information to bypass the item.
Before reviewing the Supply and Demand report, you must:
■ Ensure that you have correctly identified all sources of supply and demand and
have specified all sources in the supply and demand inclusion rules.
■ Review the formula for determining supply and demand.
■ Review the formula for available to promise.
Before reviewing the Item Ledger/Account Integrity report, verify that you have set
up exception rules in UDC table (41/IN).
Before printing the Customer/Distributor Balance report, verify that the correct items
and container codes have been set up for full and empty containers.

B.3.35 R4164 — Processing Options for the ABC Analysis Report

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.35.1 Display
Specify how to rank and display the items. Values are:
Blank or 1: Rank and display the items by Sales Amount.
2: Rank and display the items by Gross Margin.
3: Rank and display the items by On Hand Value.

Blank: The Item History file will be used for past quantities.
1: Retrieve forecasted quantities from the MPS Summary file if you are displaying the
items by Sales or Gross Margin.
(FUTURE - Forecasting)

From Date and Thru Date

Specify the date range to be selected for processing.
If displaying the items by Sales or Gross Margin, enter the Date Range for Periods to
be selected for processing. If you leave this processing option blank, the system date
will be used.

B.3.35.2 Process
Amount Totals
Enter 1 to consolidate the amount totals of multiple cost centers. The ABC codes are
based on the ABC percentages for the Branch/Plant ALL.

B-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

B.3.35.3 Update
Update Files
Specify whether to update files. Values are:
Blank: No files will be updated.
1: Update files with the new ABC Codes.

B.3.36 Reviewing the Inventory Cost/Price Comparison Report

Select Inventory Reports (G41111), Margin Report.
The Inventory Cost/Price Comparison report (R41700) identifies profit margin based
on current information. This report enables you to periodically analyze the cost and
price values. It also identifies margin exception items.
The R41700 report retrieves records from the F4105 and F4106 tables.
The two asterisks (**) next to the unit of measure indicate that the margin percentage
does not meet the minimum margin that you specified in the processing options.

B.3.37 R41700 — Processing Options for the Inventory Cost/Price Comparison Report
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.37.1 Defaults
Override Code
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (40/CM) that identifies an override sales
costing code. This field is mandatory for costing.

Minimum Margin
Specify warning minimum margin percentage. Items lower than this percentage will
be denoted with **.

Specify which items to print on the report. Values are:
Blank: Print all items. (default)
1: Only print those items that fall lower than the warning minimum margin percent.

B.3.38 Reviewing the Country of Origin Update for Items Report

Select Global Updates and Purges (G41311), Country of Origin Update for Items
You can use the Country of Origin Update for Items report to activate the Country of
Origin Required flag on the Item Master (F4101) and Item Branch (F4102). You can
then enter a value for the Country of Origin in the Item Branch.
The report only updates item master and item branch records that have the lot process
type of 1-3 or 5-7. You cannot use this report to update the Country of Origin field if it
is already populated for the item branch.
See: Section, "Lot Processing" for more information on Lot Process Types.

Inventory Management Reports B-19

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

B.3.39 R41806— Processing Options for the Country of Origin Update for Items Report
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.39.1 Default
Turn on the Country of Origin Required Flag in the Item Master Record
Specify whether to turn on the Country of Origin Required flag in the item master
record. Values are:
Blank: Do not turn on the Country of Origin Required flag.
1: Turn on the Country of Origin Required flag.

Enter a Value to be Updated to Item Branch Records with a Blank Country of Origin
Enter the value of country of origin to update the field in item master record. If you
leave the field blank, the system turns on the Country of Origin Required flag in item
master but leaves the value of country of origin field blank.

B.3.40 Reviewing the Country of Origin Update for Lots Report

Select Global Updates and Purges (G41311), Country of Origin Update for Lots Report.
You can use the Country of Origin Update for Lots report to update the country of
origin in lot master records.
You can use the report to update lot master records for item branch records that have
the Country of Origin required flag on, but have a blank or * in the Country of Origin
field in the lot master.

B.3.41 R41807— Processing Options for the Country of Origin Update for Lots Report
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B.3.41.1 Default
Enter the Value to be Updated to the Country of Origin in the Lot Master
Enter a value (00/CN) to update the country of origin in the lot master records. If you
leave this field blank, the system uses the value of country of origin from item branch
record to update the lot master.

B.3.42 Running the Update Sellable Field Report (R41900)

Use the Update Sellable Field Report (R41900) to populate the sellable flag in the Item
Master (F4101) and Item Branch (F4102) tables. The Sellable field on the Item Master
Revisions and Item Branch/Plant Revisions form indicates whether an item is sellable.
This report enables you to update multiple item master records with a sellable value.

B.3.43 R41900 — Processing Options for the Update Sellable Field Report
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

B-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide

Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

B.3.43.1 Process
Update Sellable Field
Specify a user-defined code from UDC table (34A/SA) that identifies whether to
update the Sellable field in the F4101 and F4102 tables. This functionality is for SCP
integrations. Values are:
Blank or 0: Do not update.
1: Update.

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Selected JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Reports

B-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Inventory Management Implementation Guide


Item Number
A number to be assigned to an item. The number can be in short, long, or third item
number format.

Line Type
A user-defined code (UDC) that controls how the system processes lines on a
transaction. The line type controls the systems with which the transaction interacts,
such as JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts
Payable, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable, and JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Inventory Management. It also specifies the conditions under which a
line prints on reports, and it is included in calculations. Values include:
S: Stock item
J: Job cost
N: Non-stock item
F: Freight
T: Text information
M: Miscellaneous charges and credits
W: Work order

Order Type
A user-defined code that the system uses to determine the type of work order, based
on the value in the Order Type field. Values are:
01: Unrelated to work order.
02: Manufacturing work order.
03: Manufacturing rework work order.
04: Equipment work order.
05: Service work order.
06: Warranty claim order.
07: Supplier recovery order.
08: Engineering change order.
09: Engineering change request order.
10: Property Management order.

Document Type

11: Engineer to Order summary order.

12: Rate schedule order.

Document Type
A user-defined code from UDC table (00/DT) that identifies the origin and purpose of
the transaction. The system reserves several prefixes for document types, such as
vouchers, invoices, receipts, and time sheets. The reserved document type prefixes for
codes are:
P: Accounts payable documents.
R: Accounts receivable documents.
T: Time and Pay documents.
I: Inventory documents.
O: Purchase order documents.
S: Sales order documents.

Lot/Serial Number
A number that identifies a lot or a serial number. A lot is a group of items with similar

Stocking Type
A user-defined code from UDC table (41/I) that indicates how you stock an item, for
example, as finished goods or as raw materials. These stocking types are hard coded
and you should not change them:
F: Feature
K: Kit parent item
The first character of Description 2 in UDC table (41/I) indicates if the item is
purchased (P) or manufactured (M).

Unit of Measure
Enter a user-defined code from UDC table (00/UM) that indicates the primary unit of
measure for the item. The primary unit of measure must be the smallest unit of
measure in which you handle the item.
This is the primary stock accounting unit (PSAU) of measure that the system uses to
store all inventory. If you change the primary unit of measure, the conversion factors
in the item level conversion table are no longer valid.
The default value for this field is the unit of measure that you specify for the item on
the Item Master Revisions form.


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