DLL Week 4 Math

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: GLADISH N. ANSUBAN Learning Area: MATH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: September 18-22, 2023 (Week 4) Quarter: 1st Quarter


A. Content Standards Find the common factors and Find the common factors and the Find the common factors and the Find the common factors and the Find the common factors and
the GCF of 2-4 numbers using GCF of 2-4 numbers using GCF of 2-4 numbers using GCF of 2-4 numbers using the GCF of 2-4 numbers using
continuous division; and continuous division; and continuous division; and continuous division; and continuous division; and

Find the common multiples Find the common multiples and Find the common multiples and Find the common multiples and Find the common multiples and
and least common multiples of least common multiples of 2-4 least common multiples of 2-4 least common multiples of 2-4 least common multiples of 2-4
2-4 numbers using continuous numbers using continuous division. numbers using continuous division. numbers using continuous numbers using continuous
division. division. division.
B. Performance Objective
C. Learning Competencies Finds the common factors, Finds the common factors, GCF, Finds the common factors, GCF, Finds the common factors, GCF, TO GIVE WEEKLY
( Write the LC code for GCF, common multiples and common multiples and LCM of 2–4 common multiples and LCM of 2–4 common multiples and LCM of ASSESSMENT
each) LCM of 2–4 numbers using numbers using continuous division numbers using continuous division 2–4 numbers using continuous
continuous division. division
I. CONTENT Finding GCF and Finding GCF and LCM Finding GCF and LCM Finding GCF and LCM Finding GCF and LCM
( Subject Matter) LCM

A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages
2. Learners Material Pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing past lesson or NEW LESSON Directions: find the GCF of the Determine whether the following Find the LCM of 12 and 6
Presenting the new Begin with classroom routine: following given numbers below. numbers is a prime number or
lesson a. Prayer 1. 36 48 composite number. Solution:
b. Checking of attendance 1. 3
( Drill/Review/ Unlocking of
2. 8 3 I 12 6
Difficulties) c. Kumustahan Session
3. 6 2 I 4 2
4. 5 2 I 2 1
Perform the indicated 5. 11
operations to solve the LCM: 3 x 2 x 2 = 12
following by following the
PMDAS or GMDAS rules. or
1. (8 + 14) ÷ (6 + 2) 12 = 12, 24, 36, 48 …..
2. 3 + 6 x (5 + 4) ÷ 3 6 = 6, 12, 18, 24 ….

The least common multiples is

B. Establishing a purpose Have you ever heard the Determine whether the following How do we find the Least common Do you still remember on how do
of the new lesson words Prime Numbers and numbers is a prime number or multiples of a given number? we find the least common
(Motivation Composite Numbers? composite number. multiple of a given number?
1. 3 Let’s find out!
What is the difference between 2. 8 Let’s find out!
a prime number and a 3. 6
composite number? 4. 5
5. 11
Give example for each.

For prime number: 2, 3, 5, 7,

11 and so on.

For composite: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10
and so on.

C. Presenting Examples/ Our lesson for today is Our lesson for today is Finding Our lesson for today is Finding Our lesson for today is Finding Our lesson for today is Finding
instances of the new Finding GCF GCF LCM LCM GCF and LCM
lesson( Presentation)
D. Discussing new concepts A prime number is a whole Common Multiple and Least Remember the steps in
and practicing new skills number greater than 1 with F G H I J Common Multiple performing continuous division in
no.1.( Modeling) only two factors, 1 and itself. L 15 16 17 18 19  The multiple of a number is a finding Least Common Multiples
M 20 21 22 23 24 product obtained when multiplying of 2 – 4 numbers
For example, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, N 25 26 27 28 29 a number
and 13 are the first few prime O 30 31 32 33 34 by a whole number. Continuous division is done by
numbers in the set of whole P 35 36 37 38 39 following the steps.
numbers. Q 40 41 42 43 44 Study the given example.
⮚ Write the numbers
Use the chart to answer the
Why? Because 2 has only two questions that follow. What are the multiples of 4? horizontally, and find a
factors which are 1 and 2. The multiples of 4 are 4, 8, 12, 16, prime number that will
3 also has two factors only, 1 1. Which column contains all 20, 24, 28, ... divide the numbers, if
and 3, and so as the other composite numbers? possible.
given prime numbers. 2. How many prime numbers does This is because: ⮚ Divide by that prime
column H? 4x1=4
number and write the
Composite numbers are 3. What are the prime numbers in 4x2=8
quotients below the
defined as numbers that have column J? 4 x 3 = 12
dividends. Copy any
more than two factors. What are the composite numbers 4 x 4 = 16
number that is not a
in row L? 4 x 5 = 20
dividend below them.
For example: and so on……..
8 has multiples like 1 x 2 x 4 x ⮚ Continue the process
8, and 10 has multiples like 1 x The least common multiple (LCM) until no two numbers
2 x 5 x 10. So, 8 and 10 are Common Factors and Greatest of a set of numbers is the smallest have a prime divisor.
composite numbers as they Common Factors non-zero
are divisible by more than two that is a multiple of all numbers in a ⮚ Multiply all the prime
numbers. ϖ Common factors are factors that set. divisors common to the
are the same for two or more given numbers to get
Remember: numbers. Let us recall, below is an example the LCM.
ϖ Greatest Common factor (GCF) of finding the multiples of a given
A factor is a number that is the greatest number that is a number:
divides a number without a factor of two or more numbers. Example: Find the LCM of 8 and
remainder. 12.
Find the common factors and GCF
of 32 and 20.  Multiples of 8 = {8, 16, 24, 32, 40,
Read the situation below. 48, 54, 60, ...}
 Multiples of 12 = {12, 24, 36, 48,
Evian Jonas helps her mother 60, 72, ...}
in their bakeshop. They baked
64 banana brownies and 72 The common numbers found in the
oatmeal cookies for the multiples of 8 and 12 are:
farmers. They want to pack 24, 48 and 60
separately in small boxes.
What is the greatest number of The smallest number among the
banana brownies and oatmeal common numbers is 24.
cookies that can be placed in
boxes? Thus the LCM is 24.

How many boxes of banana

brownies and oatmeal cookies
can be made?
E. Discussing new concepts Base on the given situation, Solution: Example #1: Find the LCM of 4, 8 and16 by
and practicing new skills answer the guide question Finding the LCM of 6 and 8 by continuous division.
no.2( Guided Practice) below. 32 and 20 continuous division.
What did Evan Jonas and her 2 I 32 20 Step 1. Write the number
mother bake? 2 I 16 10 horizontally. 2 I 4 8 16
8 5 6 8 2 I 2 4 8
How many banana brownies Step 2. Find the Prime number that 2 I 1 2 4
were baked? GCF: 2 x 2 = 4 can divide 6 and 8. So we can use 2 I 1 1 2
2 as the divisor.
How many oatmeal cookies Consider the other example: 2 I 6 8 LCM: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16
were baked? Step 3. Divide the numbers by the
21, 24 and 36 prime number. Write the quotient Or by looking at the multiples of
Why do you need to share? below.
3 I 21 24 36 2 I 6 8 4 = 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 ….
What do Evan Jonas and her 7 8 12 3 4 8 = 8, 16, 24, 32 …..
mother plan to do with the GCF: 3 Step 4. Continue the process until 16 = 16, 32, 48 …..
banana brownies and oatmeal no other prime number is common.
cookies? The next prime divisor is 2. LCM: 16

What is the greatest number of

banana brownies and oatmeal 2 I 6 8
cookies that can be placed in 2 I 3 4
boxes? 3 I 3 2
How many boxes of banana 2 I 1 2
brownies and oatmeal cookies Step 5. Multiply the common
can be made? divisors.

Solution: LCM: 2 x 2 x 3 x 2 = 24
Finding the GCF of 64 and 72
by continuous division
Example #2:
Step 1. Write the numbers
horizontally Find the Least Common Multiple
64 72 (LCM) of the given number pairs by
Step 2. Find a prime number continuous division.
that can be divided by 64 and
72. In this case we use 2. 6 and 15
2 I 64 72
Step 3. Divide the numbers by Solution:
the prime number. Write the 3 I 6 15
quotient below. 5 I 2 5
2 I 2 1
2 I 64 72
32 36 LCM: 3 x 5 x 2 = 30
Step 4. Continue the process
until no other prime number is Or
common. The next prime 3 I 6 15
number divisor is 2. 2 5
2 I 64 72 LCM: 3 x 2 x 5 = 30
2 I 32 36
2 I 16 18
8 9
Step 5. Multiply the common
GCF: 2 x 2 x 2 = 8
So 8 banana brownies and
oatmeal cookies in each box.

Another example;

Find the common factors and

greatest Common Factor
(GCF) of the following set of
numbers using continuous
I 45 54


3 I 45 54
3 I 15 18
5 9
Multiply the divisor
GCF: 3 x 3 = 9
F. Developing Mastery Directions: Find the common Directions: Find the common Find the LCM of each set of Mario was asked to find the LCM
(Leads to Formative factors and greatest Common factors and greatest Common numbers. of 15, 30, and 45. What number
Assessment 3.) Factor (GCF) of the following Factor (GCF) of the following set of did he find?
( Independent Practice ) set of numbers using numbers using continuous division. 1. I 12 6
continuous division. 2. I 12 24 A. 15 B. 30 C. 45 D. 90
1. I 14 28 36 3. I 18 27
1. I 9 12 2. I 20 30 Answer = 90
2. I 32 20 3. I 18 27
3. I 14 36 3 I 15 30 45
5 I 5 10 15
3 I 1 2 3
2 I 1 2 1

LCM = 3 x 5 x 3 x 2 = 90

G. Finding practical Directions: Copy the table Directions: True or False: Mark (/) if Write T if the statement given is
application of concepts below on your notebook. Then, the statement is true and (X) if the true and false if not. Numbers LCM
and skills in daily living using the continuous division, statement is false. Write your 1) The LCM of 3 x 3 x 2 and 2 x 3 x 36 and 48
(Application/Valuing) fill in the correct information in answers on your worksheet. 2 is 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3. 12, 16, 30
each blank. Answer: False it must be 3 x 2 x 3 24, 36, 48
1. 36 48 1) In finding the GCF of two x2
2. 12 16 30 numbers, the common factors are
3. 24 36 48 to be listed down. 2) 180 is the LCM of 30 and 36.
2) The GCF of 18, 24, and 36 is 6.
3) In finding the GCF of two Answer: true
numbers, after the prime factors
are listed it must be divided.
H. Making Generalization How to perform continuous How to perform continuous division How do you perform continuous How do you perform continuous
and abstraction about division in finding GCF of 2-4 in finding GCF of 2-4 numbers? division in finding Least Common division in finding Least Common
the numbers? Multiples of 2 – 4 numbers? Multiples of 2 – 4 numbers?
lesson( Generalization) Continuous Division is done
Continuous Division is done following the steps below. Continuous division is done by Continuous division is done by
following the steps below. following the steps. following the steps.
⮚ Write the numbers ⮚ Write the numbers ⮚ Write the numbers
⮚ Write the numbers horizontally and find a horizontally, and find a horizontally, and find a
horizontally and find a prime number that will prime number that will prime number that will
prime number that will divide the numbers, if divide the numbers, if divide the numbers, if
divide the numbers, if possible. possible. possible.
⮚ Divide by that prime ⮚ Divide by that prime ⮚ Divide by that prime
⮚ Divide by that prime number and write the number and write the number and write the
number and write the quotients below the quotients below the quotients below the
quotients below the dividends. Copy any dividends. Copy any dividends. Copy any
dividends. Copy any number that is not a number that is not a number that is not a
number that is not a dividend below them. dividend below them. dividend below them.
dividend below them.
⮚ Continue the process until ⮚ Continue the process until ⮚ Continue the process
⮚ Continue the process no two numbers have a no two numbers have a until no two numbers
until no two numbers common prime division. prime divisor. have a prime divisor.
have a common
⮚ Multiple all the prime ⮚ Multiply all the prime ⮚ Multiply all the prime
prime division.
divisors common to the divisors common to the divisors common to the
⮚ Multiple all the prime given numbers to get the given numbers to get the given numbers to get
divisors common to GCF. LCM. the LCM.
the given numbers to
get the GCF.
I. Evaluating learning Find the Greatest Common Directions: True or False: Mark (/) if 1. What are the first 4 multiples of Find the LCM of the following
Factor (GCF) of the given the statement is true and (X) if the 4? numbers using continuous
number pairs by continuous statement is false. Write your division. Write your answer on
division. answers on your worksheet. A. 2, 4, 8, and 12 your notebook.
B. 4, 8, 16, 20 1.) 30 and 36
1. 18 and 27 1) The GCF of 20 and 28 is 2. C. 4, 8, 12, 16 2.) 20, 45, 75
2. 20 and 30 2) GCF is the biggest number that D. 4, 8, 16, 24 3.) 27 and 45
3. 22 and 34 will divide both the given number. 2) Which of the following is the 4.) 54 and 72
4. 36 and 45 3) The GCF of 30 and 24 is 6. LCM of 24, 48, and 80? 5.) 15 and 35
5. 63 and 72 4) To find GCF of the given A. 220
numbers may be done by prime B. 240
factorization tree. C. 260
5) There is no GCF if there are no D. 280
common factors of the given 3) What are the first 3 common
number. multiples of 3, 4, and 6?
A. 12, 24, 30
B. 12, 24, 36
C. 12, 24, 32
D. 12, 24, 42
4) Which of these multiples is the
LCM of 12, 16, and 24?
A. 24
B. 48
C. 54
D. 60
5. What is the LCM of 12, and 24?

A. 12 B. 18 C. 24 D. 48
J. Additional activities for
application and
remediation( Assignment
A. No. of learner who earned
B .No. of learner who scored
below 80% ( needs
C. No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No of learner who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal /supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share w/other teacher?

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