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In 2022, we have had to witness a drought in Somalia and it has caused

about 43.000 deaths. And in this year – 2023, not only 1 country but the whole
world has been suffering from a historic heatwave.
First, we should know that what is warming global meansis. Global
warming is the name for a natural phenomenon, represented by a gradual
increase in the earth’s temperature that represents temperature.
AccordinglyAccording to observations of experts over many years, the average
temperature of the air and ocean on Earth gradually has increasesincreased
gradually based on observations of experts over many years. This phenomenon
is considered as the change of climate over time periods, which can be
identified and compared. Previously, this phenomenon only appeared in a few
areas and in a certain period caused by nature, caused by (Ssome factors such
as: Changing change in Earth's orbit, changing change in ocean currents,
conversion within the atmospheric system, etc.). However, laterlater, under
along with human development at a fast pace, the levels of CO2 emissions
increased. Therefore, this phenomenon occurs more often and is widespread on
a global scale.
In the past few weeks, the world has continuously seen records broken. On
the 4th of July, the average global temperature has reached an all-time high,
breaking the record set just a day earlier. The World Meteorological Ogrination
Organization recently confirmed that the El Nino phenomenon has appeared.
The El Nino phenomenon has accelerated temperatures to a new milestone
along with a decrease in aerosol - small particles that can deflect solar
raditionradiation. Perhaps, this is the reason for the appearance emergence of
this heat wave.
The impact of this issue is extremely serious, affecting the survival of
mankind. Global warming leads to melting of polar ice caps, causing sea levels
to rise... This causes many animals such as penguins, polar bears to lose their
habitat, leading to many animals become. extinct animals. In addition,
according to the IPCC report, about 1 billion people may be affected by global
warming, of among which people in South Asian countries, China and Africa
will suffer from water shortage. A lot of natural disasters can happen due to
global warming. The most specific can be mentioned the sea of fire in Victoria,
Australia a few years ago. The state of global warming has "energized" the fires
that spread in Victoria at breakneck speed, turning into a historic firestorm as
devastating as an devastating atomic bomb. Not only that, itbut it also forms a
firewall in Bunyip National Forest 125km west of Melbourne. It's not just
Australia that is suffering from the effects of global warming. This phenomenon
has a wide impact on the whole world, for example in Asia. It causes many
natural disasters in Tibet China (roof of the world). Each decade, the
temperature in Tibet increases by about 0.3 degrees Celsius, about 10 times
faster than the national average, with predictable consequences such as the
shrinking of glaciers, arid savannahssavannahs, and the expanse of deserts...
threatening the natural ecosystem in the area.
SoSo, where does it come from? We have 2 reasons for this. The first is
the reason from the nature, Due to – caused by the activity of solar energy: .
One of the first natural causes is due to the increasing activity of solar energy,
causing short-term heating cycles. The larger the sun, the more radiation it
produces during nuclear fusion. We know that harmful rays of the Sun are
deflected by the ozone layer and Earth's magnetic field. However, they still
contribute to climate change because some of this radiation remains in the
atmosphere, which is stored as heat and raises the average temperature of our
Increase in water vapor: Besides the strong development of solar energy,
the increase of water vapor in the atmosphere has contributed to the gradual
increase in average temperature over time. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas that
naturally traps heat. It contributes to the natural greenhouse effecteffect, and it is
thanks to water vapor that we are able to survive in this pleasant temperature to
form life. However, water vapor has a huge disadvantage that the greater the
amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, the higher its ability to retain heat in
the earth. Thus, the Earth's climate is influenced by many factors, mainly solar
energy, both the amount of greenhouse gases such as CH4, CO2, N2O and the
amount of gas in the atmosphere. The average temperature of the earth's surface
is determined by the balance between the sun's energy reaching the earth and
the amount of heat radiation from the ground into space. The sun's thermal
radiation is short-wavelength radiation, so it easily penetrates the ozone layer
and the CO2 layer to reach the earth's surface, whereas thermal radiation from
the earth into the universe is a long step, unable to penetrate. through a thick
layer of CO2 and is absorbed by CO2 and water vapor in the atmosphere. Thus,
this amount of heat causes the temperature of the atmosphere surrounding the
earth to increase. The CO2 layer acts as a layer of glass to keep the heat radiated
back into the Earth's universe on a global scale.
Second is the reason ofThe second reason is caused by activities by
humans, Thus, t. The Earth's climate is influenced by many factors, mainly solar
energy, both the amount of greenhouse gases such as CH4, CO2, N2O and the
amount of gas in the atmosphere. The average temperature of the earth's surface
is determined by the balance between the sun's energy reaching the earth and
the amount of heat radiation from the ground into space. The sun's thermal
radiation is short-wavelength radiation, so it easily penetrates the ozone layer
and the CO2 layer to reach the earth's surface, whereas thermal radiation from
the earth into the universe is a long step, unable to penetrate. through Through a
thick layer of CO2, and it is absorbed by CO2 and water vapor in the
atmosphere. Thus, this amount of heat causes the temperature of the atmosphere
surrounding the earth to increase. The CO2 layer acts as a layer of glass to keep
the heat radiated back into the Earth's universe on a global scale.
The secondAnother reason contributing to this is due to population growth.
Population growth entails increasing human needs. According to the ESCAP
report, there are about 300 million hectares of forest in Asia-Pacific and are the
main source of tropical forests in the world. It is estimated that by 2000, Asia's
forests will lose at least 72 million hectares. And if it happens in the worst case,
the loss will be 280 million hectares. It is predicted that if this rate of
deforestation and forest cover continues, forests in Asia will be wiped out
within the next 12 to 50 years. The fact that forests are becoming more and
more sparse will be a big threat, accelerating global warming quickly.
Global warming is a negative manifestation of nature, so the remedy must
also come from nature. So Therefore, the positive things actionsthat humans can
do to change nature are:
- Reduce the amount of CO2 released into the environment by: Reducing the
amount of waste and recycling it or using more public transport. Burning waste
and using a lot of vehicles will produce a lot of CO2, which is also one of the
main factors that threaten the safety of the atmosphere. By recycling household
waste and actively using public transport are the simplest ways to limit global
- Planting trees to cause retain forests: Everyone knows that, in the process of
photosynthesis, trees will take away CO2 and return oxygen. But now, trees are
gradually being lost due to deforestation, instead of tons of emissions from
vehicles and factories, this will directly affect the future of the Earth, which will
no longer be "green" . "as we often talk about

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