Public Stormwater Management With Green Streets

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University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Trace: Tennessee Research and Creative

Masters Theses Graduate School


Public Stormwater Management with Green

Yea Lim Choi
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, [email protected]

Recommended Citation
Choi, Yea Lim, "Public Stormwater Management with Green Streets. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 2016.

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To the Graduate Council:
I am submitting herewith a thesis written by Yea Lim Choi entitled "Public Stormwater Management
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recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of
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(Original signatures are on file with official student records.)
Public Stormwater Management with Green Streets

A Thesis Presented for the

Master of Landscape Architecture
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Yea Lim Choi

August 2016
Copyright © 2016 by Yea Lim Choi
All rights reserved.


To my family for their undying love and support. It means the world to me that you were
willing to sacrifice so much of yourself to make sure that I have the opportunity to live the
good life.

To my friends who have shown me the meaning of unconditional love and acceptance. I
didn’t always know who I was, but you helped me grow into the person and accepted all
the weirdness that came with it. Thank you for being weird with me.

To both Purdue University and University of Tennessee’s Landscape Architecture

Departments. I learned the fundamentals from Purdue and found my passion at University
of Tennessee. These experiences led to one another, and I am grateful to have had the
support from my two schools. Boiler Up & Go Vols.

To my committee members: Gale, Brad, and Jon. Without the weekly and monthly
meetings, I am sure this would have ended up as a disaster, and I would never be able
to call myself a landscape architect. Thank you for giving me sound advice and candid
criticism throughout this process.


The dangers of stormwater are often overlooked until it is too late. Floods are the
most regularly occurring and damaging threat to the built environment, compared to
earthquakes, tornadoes, and wildfires. Due to the impervious nature of today’s landscape
and outdated infrastructural practices, floods are detrimental. Overflow events can occur
during heavy rain events, which will result in environmental damage. With the onset of
climate change and prediction of higher amount of precipitation, immediate actions must
be taken to drastically reduce the impact stormwater can have on the environment.

One of the current trends in landscape architecture for managing stormwater is

called ‘Green Streets’. Green streets are modified roadways that utilize green
infrastructure retrofits within the right-of-way. The modification allows the public right-of-
way to treat stormwater, and alleviate the pressure many cities face to reduce and
eliminate future overflow events. Compared to costly investment for long-term control
solutions, green streets are affordable. However, green streets are subject to both
physical and institutional limitations, which have contributed to its slow development.

The objective of this thesis is to investigate and evaluate selected cities based on
their green streets efforts. Each city is given a rating score based on the criteria set forth
by the metric developed for the thesis. The metric is not meant to pit one city against
another- it is to identify and inform which criteria each city currently achieves and which
they can improve upon. This thesis is meant to be used as an informative guide on what
it takes to implement green streets if no such program exists. It will provide recommended
strategies that a city can implement in order to develop a robust green streets program.


1. // Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
2. // Imperviousiness ....................................................................................................... 2
2.1 // Roadways ........................................................................................................... 4
3. // Dangers of Stormwater ............................................................................................ 6
3.1 // Floods ................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.1 // Impacts of Floods in the Urban Environment ............................................... 7
3.2 // Overflows ............................................................................................................ 9
3.2.1 // Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) ............................................................... 9
3.2.2 // Separate Sewer Overflow (SSO) ............................................................... 11
3.2.3 // Costly Problem for Cities ............................................................................ 12
4. // Shift in the Practice ................................................................................................ 16
4.1 // Green Streets ................................................................................................... 18
4.1.1 // Roadway Typology ..................................................................................... 18
4.1.2 // Functions.................................................................................................... 22
5. // Green Streets Ratings System ............................................................................... 27
5.1 // Objective ........................................................................................................... 27
5.2 // Selected Cities .................................................................................................. 27
5.3 // Methodology ..................................................................................................... 28
5.4 // Ratings ............................................................................................................. 31
5.4.1 // Austin, Texas ............................................................................................. 31
5.4.2 // Lansing, Michigan ...................................................................................... 32
5.4.3 // Los Angeles, California .............................................................................. 32
5.4.4 // Nashville, Tennessee ................................................................................. 33
5.4.5 // New York City, New York ........................................................................... 33
5.4.6 // Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ........................................................................ 33
5.4.7 // Portland, Oregon ........................................................................................ 34
5.4.8 // Sacramento, California ............................................................................... 34
5.4.9 // Seattle, Washington ................................................................................... 34
5.4.10 // Toronto, Ontario, Canada......................................................................... 35
5.4.11 // Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada ..................................................... 35
5.4.12 // Wilmington, North Carolina ...................................................................... 36
5.5 // Findings ............................................................................................................ 36
6. // Knoxville, Tennessee ............................................................................................. 39
6.1 // Why Knoxville ................................................................................................... 39
6.2 // Green Streets Rating ........................................................................................ 41
7. // Green Streets Knoxville .......................................................................................... 45
7.1 // Strategic Deployment ....................................................................................... 45
7.1.1 // Pre-demonstration strategy ........................................................................ 45
7.1.2 // Demonstration Design strategy .................................................................. 47
7.2 // Retrofit Demonstration ...................................................................................... 48
7.2.1 // Existing Site ............................................................................................... 48
7.2.2 // Proposed Retrofit Design ........................................................................... 52
7.3 // Post-demonstration strategy ............................................................................. 57
8. // Discussion .............................................................................................................. 59
References .................................................................................................................... 61
Appendices ................................................................................................................... 65
Vita ................................................................................................................................ 79


Figure 1. Impervious Landscape ..................................................................................... 2

Figure 2. Directly Connected Impervious Area ................................................................ 3
Figure 3. Relationship between Impervious Cover and Surface Runoff .......................... 4
Figure 4. Flood Related Hazard ...................................................................................... 6
Figure 5. Flood Related Headlines .................................................................................. 8
Figure 6. Flood Induced Negative Social Impacts ........................................................... 8
Figure 7. Cities with CSS .............................................................................................. 10
Figure 8. Overflow Event ............................................................................................... 11
Figure 9. Background Cash Problem ............................................................................ 13
Figure 10. Cash Flow Problem ...................................................................................... 13
Figure 11. CSO Cost at Consent Decree ...................................................................... 15
Figure 12. Estimated CSO Correction Cost................................................................... 15
Figure 13. Green Infrastructure across Multiple Scales................................................. 17
Figure 14. Green Streets Definition ............................................................................... 17
Figure 15. Street Type Application Plan View ............................................................... 20
Figure 16. Street Type Application Section View .......................................................... 20
Figure 17. Boulevard Type Application Plan View ......................................................... 21
Figure 18. Boulevard Type Application Section View .................................................... 21
Figure 19. Alley Type Application Plan View ................................................................. 23
Figure 20. Alley Type Application Section View ............................................................ 23
Figure 21. Green Street Stormwater Function 1 ............................................................ 25
Figure 22. Green Street Stormwater Function 2 ............................................................ 25
Figure 23. Green Street Streetscape Function 1 ........................................................... 26
Figure 24. Green Street Streetscape Function 2 ........................................................... 26
Figure 25. GSRS Location Map .................................................................................... 28
Figure 26. GSRS Matrix ................................................................................................ 29
Figure 27. GSRS Ratings Card Breakdown .................................................................. 30
Figure 28. GSRS Rating................................................................................................ 31
Figure 29. Areas of Easy Attainment ............................................................................. 38
Figure 30. Areas of Difficult Attainment ......................................................................... 38
Figure 31. Knoxville Profile ............................................................................................ 40
Figure 32. Knoxville Growth .......................................................................................... 40
Figure 33. Knoxville Flood Threats ................................................................................ 42
Figure 34. Knoxville Consent Decree ............................................................................ 42
Figure 35. Knoxville GSRS Rating ................................................................................ 44
Figure 36. Knoxville GSRS Matrix ................................................................................. 44
Figure 37. Pre-Demonstration Strategy ......................................................................... 46
Figure 38. Demonstration Design Considerations ......................................................... 47
Figure 39. 4th & Gill Profile ........................................................................................... 48
Figure 40. Eleanor Street Existing Plan View ................................................................ 49
Figure 41. Eleanor Street Existing Profile...................................................................... 50
Figure 42. Eleanor Street Existing Section View ........................................................... 50
Figure 43. Eleanor Street Existing Perspective View .................................................... 51
Figure 44. Eleanor Street Existing Conditions ............................................................... 51
Figure 45. Eleanor Street Proposed Retrofit Plan View................................................. 52
Figure 46. Eleanor Street Proposed Retrofit Profile ...................................................... 53
Figure 47. Eleanor Street Proposed Retrofit Section View ............................................ 53
Figure 48. Eleanor Street Proposed Retrofit BMP Components ................................... 54
Figure 49. Eleanor Street Proposed Retrofit Perspective View ..................................... 56
Figure 50. Post-Demonstration Strategy ....................................................................... 58


BMP: Best Management Practices

CN: Curve Number
CSO: Combined Sewer Overflow
CSS: Combined Sewer System
DCIA: Directed Connected Impervious Area
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency
GSRS: Green Streets Ratings System
ROW: Right of Way
SCM: Stormwater Control Measures
SSO: Sanitary Sewer Overflow
TSS: Total Suspended Solids
TN: Total Nitrogen
TP: Total Phosphorus


This thesis is culmination of ideas resulting from the study of landscape

architecture and an interest in stormwater management. The advancement in technology
to ensure each and every household has access to clean water has led society to believe
that clean water is a sure thing and not a luxury commodity. In the developed world, water
is easily accessible with a turn of the faucet, and the cost is extremely affordable. This
ease of accessibility has clouded the importance of water. This attitude catches everyone
off guard, when the water supply becomes compromised by the very actions the society
has taken for their advancement. What happens to water after it rains? How does rain
affect the way cities function? What are the outcomes of poor preparation for heavy rain
events? These questions have served as the foundation and inspiration for the thesis.

Today’s urban landscape is dominated by impervious surfaces. Coupled with

increasing amount and intensity of rain events due to climate change, this impervious
domination leads to frequent natural disaster events like flooding. When a flood event
occurs, it leaves behind complications that are major burdens for cities to endure. These
events constantly challenge the city’s water quality, public health, and fiscal budget. While
some have been addressing these issues for some time, the high price of the traditional
infrastructural solution has put the importance of water in the backburner for the rest.

This thesis evaluates one of the recent phenomena in landscape architecture and
stormwater management called green streets. It looks into existing green streets
programs across the North American region. It identifies what it is that categorizes them
as exemplary based on a rating system created specifically for this thesis. The
evaluations and ratings are then used to provide insights from already established
programs. By doing so, it aims to provide strategy based recommendations for cities like
Knoxville, on how to develop and execute its own green street program. Finally, a
demonstration design is shown to reveal how a green street retrofit would look in an
existing street in Knoxville as an example.


As society experienced urbanization, the landscape underwent drastic

transformation. What was once green turned grey with introduction of asphalt and
concrete. The reality of the landscape of today is as shown on Figure 1. Urbanization
occurs rapidly and its effects are long lasting. Impervious surfaces in the landscape take
form in building footprints, parking lots, and roadways (Mikkelsen, et al. 1994), and it plays
a large role in problems and risks linked with stormwater runoff (Gaffield, et al. 2003).
Impervious surfaces disrupt the natural hydrological cycle, as water is unable to infiltrate
down to the subsurface layer.

Figure 1. Impervious Landscape

(Source: Google Earth)

The biggest contributors of imperviousness are roadways, sidewalks, and

downspouts, also referred to as directly connected impervious area (DCIA). DCIA is
composed of impervious areas that have direct connections to a waterbody through
paved surfaces and pipes (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2014). DCIA affect the
rate and volume of stormwater runoff. As DCIA increases, the volume of runoff and rate

of flow increases (Figure 2). This is further supported by the fact that as imperviousness
increases, infiltration and evapotranspiration decreases. An area with natural ground
cover will infiltrate a higher amount, compared to a developed area with greater
impervious surface coverage. There would still be some amount of runoff generated in an
area with natural ground cover, but it will be minimal and not as high as that of a developed
area. This difference is demonstrated by the curve number (CN) based on surface cover

Figure 2. Directly Connected Impervious Area

(Source: Author)

CN is widely used to estimate the runoff amount generated from a rain event in
any given area. It is a coefficient that simplifies the total precipitation to runoff potential. It
is dependent on land use, surface cover, and appropriate soil group. CN considers
variables like evaporation, absorption, transpiration, and surface storage to determine
runoff potential. Less amount of these variables taking place results in higher CN value.
Higher CN value indicate higher runoff potential (SCS Curve Number Method n.d.).

Along with infiltration, another process of the hydrological cycle impacted by

imperviousness is evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration is defined as the sum of
evaporation and transpiration, both of which play important roles in continuing the cycle.
Evaporation, in the case of evapotranspiration, occurs from groundwater table.
Transpiration occurs from the water from the plant leaves. Plant roots take up water from
groundwater table, and water is released into the atmosphere by transpiration (United
States Geological Survey 2016). Imperviousness hinders evapotranspiration, as less
amount of water is present for both evaporation and transpiration to occur. Therefore, if
the landscape becomes more pervious, more evapotranspiration will take place (Figure

Figure 3. Relationship between Impervious Cover and Surface Runoff

(Source: Learn NC)

2.1 // Roadways

Within the public domain, roadways are considered to be the largest contributor of
DCIA. In addition to the amount of imperviousness, roadways contribute to the pollutant
level found in runoffs. Roadways are subject to wear and tear from everyday use. Speed
limit and volume of traffic determine how often roadway should undergo maintenance.
Dripping of motor oils, road debris, and miscellaneous automobile related materials found
on roadways contribute to stormwater runoff laden with pollutants.

Most common roadway related contaminants are heavy metals such as copper,
zinc, and lead; hydrocarbons; and salt (Gaffield, et al. 2003). Heavy metals are solid
particles that are extremely difficult to treat because they do not dissolve in water
(Roncken, Sven and Paulissen Spring 2011). High concentration of these metals,
specifically copper, zinc, and lead, can lead to serious health risks: overall discomfort
(Järup 2003) and internal organ failures (Young and Blevins 1981). Seasonal roadway
maintenance regime like de-icing the roads also contribute to pollution. As snow melts, it
carries the salt particles used during de-icing maintenance. This introduces high
concentration of salt into the system. Salt is corrosive to metals, increasing the rate of
deterioration of materials. High concentration of salt also disrupts the natural pH of the
water (Brinkmann 1985).

There have been many studies conducted to see how heavy metals affect the
environment. Aquatic animals like fish are valuable biological sensors of pollution in
waterways. The muscles and skin of aquatic animals have direct contact with the
pollution. Through fish, scientists can identify pollutants that are much harder to detect
with water quality reports (Young and Blevins 1981). Testing the concentration of
pollutants from a sample group in different waterways serve as an effective way to assess
the pollution and risks (Burger and Campbell 2004). The effects of excess concentration
of pollutants in aquatic animals have been thoroughly researched to assess the long term
effects of introducing hazardous materials into the watershed. Some of the noted effects
are: emaciation, decreased coordination, loss of appetite, and mortality (Burger and
Campbell 2004). Additional effects are disruption in hormones, liver failure, and increase
in testosterone (Young and Blevins 1981). The effects are not always immediately
apparent, but they have been shown to be persistent and chronic. For humans, those
who are subject to chronic exposure to high level of heavy metal contamination are highly
likely to suffer from sickness, deteriorating health, and fatality (Järup 2003).


Stormwater’s role in today’s environment is determined by the perviousness of the

landscape. As beneficial as water is to sustaining life, it also poses a serious threat.
Water, in the form of stormwater, should be approached with caution. Stormwater is
directly linked to environmental hazards like flood and overflow events (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Flood Related Hazard

(Source: Tampa Tribune)

Water contains both cohesion and adhesion properties. Cohesive property is the
reason why water molecules end up in larger body of water. Adhesive property explains
the “stickiness” of water (United States Geological Survey 2015). Cohesive and adhesive
nature of water molecules allow for water to pick up contaminants and transport it to the
nearest larger body of water. These two properties create a snowball effect when it comes
to pollution. Runoff from impervious surfaces can impact the environment across multiple
scales. Pollution risks increase as the volume of water increase (Tsihrintzis and Hamid
1997). Therefore, the more pollutant laden water travels, more polluted the environment
will become.

3.1 // Floods

Floods are a common consequence of heavy rain events and inadequate

infrastructural design (New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services 2008).
Infrastructural damage and failure not only cause millions of dollars in reconstruction, but
it can also become a nuisance to those affected. Even a small flood can cause significant
amount of monetary and physical damage (Federal Emergency Management Agency
2016). There are three main types of damages floods are responsible for: Infrastructure,
Social, and Environmental.

3.1.1 // Impacts of Floods in the Urban Environment

Floods are the number one natural disaster in the United States, responsible for
more fatalities and cost in damage compared to earthquakes, tornadoes, and lightening
(Federal Emergency Management Agency 2016) (Figure 5). There are different types of
floods. In urban landscapes, nuisance and flash floods are the most reoccurring.
Nuisance floods cause roadway closures and temporary shutdown of urban areas.
Delayed travel duration coupled with infrastructural damage incurred are one of the
biggest complaints. Nuisance floods are less severe versions of flash floods. Flash floods,
which can last anywhere from few minutes to a couple of hours, cause the highest amount
of physical damages and loss of human life. The infrastructural damages incurred from
urban these events are costly. Breakdown of roadway materials, expedited corrosion of
transportation infrastructure, and damage to building foundation are expensive repairs
that has to be fixed as quickly as possible after the water has subsided (Redd 2012).

In addition to infrastructural damage, floods leave negative societal impacts

(Figure 6). The effects can be felt immediately and last throughout the course of a life
time for the affected individual. Loss of lives, property, and livelihood are the biggest
immediate impacts. The psychological effect derived from any kind of loss is the long term
impact (World Meteorological Organziation 2006). Most fatalities in flash flood events are
vehicle-related. Main cause of vehicle related fatality is driving through flooded roadway
and being swept away by rushing water (National Weather Service 2015). It only takes
about eighteen inches of water to submerge a vehicle. It takes roughly about two feet of
water to move a vehicle downstream. For those who face frequent flood events, this
means that in addition to worrying about personal safety, personal property is at risk as
well (Federal Emergency Management Agency 2016).

Figure 5. Flood Related Headlines
(Source: Screenshots from Author)

Figure 6. Flood Induced Negative Social Impacts

(Source: Author)

The cost for repair puts strain on city’s overall budget. This leads to budget cuts
and loss of funding for special city programs like welfare and school funding. Frequent
flood events lead to public’s frustration with its governing body. If the problem persists
and the public feels that their demands are not met, political tension could arise. Political
tension between the governing body and its constituents is unhealthy for cities striving for
growth. General distrust for political authority and lack of support are the result.
Relocation is the most common solution for those who have had enough of flood events.
In the case of mass migration of residents out of an area, this tips the balance in the
community. The migration of active community members could drive a wedge in existing
communities that are already vulnerable and susceptible to socio-economical change
brought forth by recurring natural disasters like flooding (World Meteorological
Organziation 2006).

3.2 // Overflows

One of more prominent hazardous consequence of flooding is contamination of

the local waterway with pollutants found in urban landscapes. Decades of urbanization is
responsible for degradation of local waterways, which has negative impact on the aquatic
environment. The biggest contributor of flood-related contamination is overflow events.
Overflows occur when the pipe network is unable to handle the amount of runoff
generated from impervious surfaces during rain events. It forces the mix of stormwater
and raw sewage to spill over (Tibbetts 2005). Overflows can occur even when a flood
event is not present, but the likelihood of it happening increases drastically when a flood
event is present. There are hundreds of cities across the United States that function with
old infrastructure; when it rains, overflows are inevitable. There are two types of overflows
that can occur: combined sewer overflow and separate sewer overflow. Not only are these
overflows environmentally dangerous, but they also pose major public health threats.

3.2.1 // Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)

The culprit behind CSOs is the pipe network system many U.S. cities have relied
upon since early 1900s known as the combined sewer system (CSS). It is a remnant of
infrastructural practice that became standardized prior to water quality’s forefront in
sustainability issue. CSSs transport sewage and stormwater to the treatment facilities in
the same pipe. Currently, there are roughly 840 municipalities in the U.S. that still function
with CSSs. Majority of these cities are Rust Belt cities in the Midwest, coastal cities in the
Northeast and Northwest, and older cities in the South. These cities continuously face
CSOs, as their pipe network system is extensive and extend beyond their city limits (Renn
2016) (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Cities with CSS

(Source: Author)

CSOs threaten water quality, and it happens more often than people think.
Untreated raw sewage entering the waterways is incredibly hazardous for both
environment and public health. People associate water with fun and family-friendly
recreational activities. Lakes, streams, creeks, and rivers are places people go to partake
in recreational activities like swimming, boating, fishing, canoeing, etc. To those unaware
of the quality of water, this poses a serious health risk. People swim, play, and drink the
contaminated water without realizing: 1) that it is contaminated and unsafe; 2) the harmful
effects it can have on their health; 3) they should seek medical assistance to avoid

The most common illness linked to raw sewage in the waterways is known as E.
coli. E. coli outbreaks are associated with human waste from sewage and heavy
contamination of various pollutants. E. coli causes intestinal infection that is responsible
for a great amount of abdominal pain and stress. Symptoms can appear from one to five
days after initial infection, and can last from few days to a week. People can be infected
with E. coli from drinking or swimming in polluted water. In most cases, the symptoms

resolve on its own without special medical care. In rare and severe cases, it can cause
kidney failure and death, if not treated (Pietrangelo 2015).

Many cities have addressed their CSO issue by investing in separate sewer
systems (Figure 8). Even with separate sewer systems, overflows can and will occur.
When it does, cities face heavy penalties and fines. While separation of storm and sewer
lines does not guarantee the end of overflows, it is widely accepted as a long term
overflow control method. To separate combined sewer system is extensive and difficult.
The infrastructure for this system is costly and unaffordable for many cities without major
state or federal funding (Wang, Eckelman and Zimmerman 1997).

Figure 8. Overflow Event

(Source: Author)

3.2.2 // Separate Sewer Overflow (SSO)

Similar to a CSOs, SSOs present hazardous environmental and public health risks.
Raw sewage contains harmful bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens that can cause
diseases that can become life-threatening. SSOs occur due to mechanical or systematic
failure, and are an indication that something in the system is wrong. A poor pipe network
can cause an SSO, regardless of the intensity or volume from a rain event.

A common cause of SSO is excessive infiltration and inflow. Infiltration of water
through sewer pipe cracks and joints allow for seepage. Inflow means when stormwater
is introduced to sanitary sewer system through pipe network. When there is an excess in
volume, the pipe network can be overloaded and cause a backup, similar to CSO. SSOs
can spill over to basements or out of manholes when the system is overloaded. In the
case for when an SSO causes a basement to flood, not only has it caused a physical
infrastructural damage, the place also needs to be assessed to ensure that it has been
properly and thoroughly sanitized. Other causes of SSOs are: inadequate sizing of the
system; blocked, cracked, and broken pipes and equipment; and deteriorated system
(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1996). Fixing an SSO requires locating the
problem area and replacing the offending pipes and equipment. This process is extensive
and includes excavation, cutting off services, and replacement of infrastructure.

3.2.3 // Costly Problem for Cities

Cities that face overflows are very much aware of the problem and the
environmental consequences. Majority of the cities, especially those that are smaller and
more rural, still function with infrastructure that threaten their water sources, due to the
high cost to remediation (Tibbetts 2005). Again, while the separation of sewer and storm
pipes does not guarantee complete elimination of overflows, it significantly reduces the
possibility and frequency. Because it is a major health concern and the cities have done
little to stop overflows, many have now entered into consent decree with the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and face mandates by the Department of Justice
to clean up the mess (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2016).

Some cities have been aware of this issue for decades but chose to ignore it due
to the hefty price tag. Such is the case for Indianapolis. Although Indianapolis is a large
city, its surrounding cities are still very much rural, and the rural sewer systems contribute
to Indianapolis’s waterway. CSOs have plagued the city’s waterways for decades. While
the city had the option of addressing this issue few decades back, the mayor at the time
deemed the project to be too costly to pursue. Since then, the price of remediation has
increased exponentially. Because the city is now subjected to mandates by the EPA,
Indianapolis had to find a solution to their persistent CSOs. The city had to charge
increased sewer rates to its residents in order to fund the project, because of the lack of
federal and state funding (Segall 2008) (Figure 9; Figure 10).

Figure 9. Background Cash Problem
(Source: Author)

Figure 10. Cash Flow Problem

(Source: Author)
Like Indianapolis, many U.S. cities have entered into a consent decree with the
EPA. These decrees mandate CSO and SSO elimination and continual monitoring of
water quality. This holds the city legally accountable for any actions that may have led to
environmental damages as stated in the decree. It also holds the city accountable for any
lack of actions that may have led to any sort of neglect from the city. Since overflows has
a negative impact on waterways, these decrees first and foremost emphasize water
quality. However, entering in consent decree over water issues bring heavy financial
burden to cities.

The cheapest way to address an overflow issue, or any other stormwater issues in
general, is to prevent its occurrence in the first place, as prevention is far less costly than
remediation. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. To reverse the outdated
infrastructure means cities need to invest in considerable amount of money up front
(Figure 11). The estimated cost for CSO correction is $48 billion as of January 2012 (U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency 2016) (Figure 12). And the cost will continue to increase
as times passes. Many cities count on receiving grants and government aid for long term
infrastructural investments. To complicate matters further, funding is now more limited
than ever (Tibbetts 2005). This means that there is less money available for cities to apply
for. Without these funds, some face hefty fines without an alternative.

Due to the high correction costs and lack of funding, remediation has been proven
to be a long process. Even if cities invest in separate sewer systems and the overflows
are significantly reduced, there are still water quality issues that arise: hydromodification
and discharging the untreated stormwater. Hydromodification occurs when there are
hydrologic changes due to change in land use or cover (Souther California Coastal
Research Research Project 2013). This causes alterations in stream channel and leads
to stream channel degradation. Local waterways become impaired and aquatic habitats
become disrupted. With separate sewer systems, stormwater is discharged as untreated.
While sewage is carried to treatment facilities, stormwater is not. Unexpected pollution
from seepage from unsealed pipe joints and pollutants found in urban landscape are able
to travel via pipe network to local waterways. Regardless of whether or not an overflow
event has occurred, this infrastructure poses an environmental threat.

Figure 11. CSO Cost at Consent Decree
(Source: Next City- Jenn Kinney)

Figure 12. Estimated CSO Correction Cost

(Source: Author)


Traditional stormwater management practices focus on the volume of stormwater

and transporting it off site as quickly as possible (Tyer Winter 1993). This type of practice
requires extensive pipe network system and does not address water quality. It is more
about transporting than treating (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency n.d.). Currently,
many cities have adopted updated stormwater management policies that require runoff
volume reduction and treatment on site. This requires the use of Best Management
Practices (BMP) methods (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2015). BMPs can be
physical and methodical. BMPs are seen as a greener alternative to traditional
infrastructure. Although BMPs will not completely solve all stormwater issues, it can curb
significant amount of runoff entering the city’s pipe network in the long run.

While cities have taken slow step towards a long-term solution, one of the method
that rose in popularity is green infrastructure. Green infrastructure, often used for water
related management and mitigation, is categorized as structural BMPs. Structural BMPs
are also known as stormwater control measures (SCMs) (U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency 2015). SCMs are modified to combat the negative effects of stormwater runoff
and pollution. It aims to protect and restore the natural hydrological cycle by filtering,
storing, and infiltrating water directly to groundwater. SCMs focus on capturing as much
water as it can over extended period of time, rather than focusing on large rain events
that happen only few times per year (Tennessee Department of Environment and
Conservation and University of Tennessee Knoxville 2014).

Use of green infrastructure has been popularized due to its performance and
aesthetic value. The versatility of green infrastructure and its adaptability to special site
conditions are very appealing for use, compared to traditional grey infrastructure. There
are various green infrastructural practices that can be applied across multiple scales.
These are: Preservation; Conservation; Restoration; Tree Canopy; Green Roof; Green
Parking; Green Streets; Vegetated Swale; Permeable Pavement; Urban Bioretention;
Bioretention; Rainwater Harvesting; and Downspout Disconnection. Some of these types
are very site specific, local-scale SCM applications. Some are regional, large-scale
management strategies and actions. To make a lasting impact, decentralizing DCIA
should be focused, as many of environmental hazards are closely linked with impervious
surfaces. As stated before, the biggest contributor of DCIA is roadway. To target the
biggest DCIA contributor, green streets stands out from the list of green infrastructure as
shown on Figure 13 and Figure 14.

Figure 13. Green Infrastructure across Multiple Scales
(Source: Author)

Figure 14. Green Streets Definition

(Source: Author)

4.1 // Green Streets

Those cities that wish to increase their use of green infrastructure methods in order
to target public stormwater challenges, they can utilize green streets to achieve this goal.
Green streets fall under city’s control because they reside within the public right-of-way.
They are subject to city ordinances, design standards, and surveillance. The overall
impact on hydrology would be beneficial in the long run if DCIA is decentralized through
the use of green streets. Decreased concentration of pollutants and decrease in number
of overflows would solve many of the water quality problems cities face. Some cities
struggle to maintain the amount of green space they have, due to high demand in
development and growth. Green streets can be used to increase and preserve green

Transforming a typical roadway into a green street has recently been popularized
in the United States (Benfield 2015). Using green streets as a way to publically manage
stormwater is a great alternative to separate sewer system, if it is deemed as an
unachievable short term goal. Green streets are complete streets that offer stormwater
management on site. It is a modification of roadway right-of-way (ROW) through design
and specialized functions to prioritize stormwater management and pedestrian-oriented
streetscape enhancement over vehicular transportation use. Typical application of green
streets feature street tree lined roadway with bioretention cells. Other features like
narrower driving lanes, on street parking, and bike lanes are also present.

Green streets mainly focus on infiltration, storage, and evapotranspiration of

stormwater (Lukes, Kloss and Center 2008). There is great opportunity to expand upon
the importance of retrofitting existing streets beyond these 3 primary stormwater
functions. Current existing green street programs have room to develop and improve
upon. Continual exploration of methods and experimentation will advance green streets
from a recent trend used by small group of cities, to a design standard and legislative
policy adopted nationwide.

4.1.1 // Roadway Typology

There is a hierarchy that define each roadway profile. At the top of the roadway
hierarchy are freeways. Freeways consist of interstates and highway roads. They are high

speed, high volume, and consisted of multiple travel lanes. Arterial roadways feed into
freeways. They are high speed, urban setting with moderate to high volume. They can
also span multiple lanes. Collector roadways feed into arterial roads. They are low to
moderate speed and can normally be found in all types of development densities. Like
arterial roadways, collector roadways can also span across multiple lanes. Unlike arterial
roadways, collector roadways offer access to residential driveways. Local roadways are
low speed, low volume roads. They feed into collector roads and can be found in
residential developments (Federal Highway Administration 2012).

Green streets are better suited for low to medium speed and traffic volume
roadways. In high speed and heavy traffic settings, green streets system would become
overwhelmed and underperform. For this reason, they are found in residential or urban
commercial corridors. In terms of roadway hierarchy, this translates to local and collector
roadways. The types of local and collector roadways are as followed: alleys, streets, and
boulevards (Valhalla Design Group 2011). There are special characteristics of each
roadway types that affect green street applications differently. The difference in roadway
typology is what makes each street type vary from one another. Differences like lane
width, number of lanes, other landscape area opportunities, ROW width all contribute to
the typology.

Green street application for street type of roadway is a fairly simple retrofit. To the
naked eye, it looks no different than a typical street. Streets may or may not be equipped
with on-street parking aisles. Extended curb bumpouts, for streets with on-street parking,
serve as bioretention cell locations. In the case where there are no on-street parking
aisles present or parking is considered as a premium, landscape buffer area can act as
bioretention cell locations. Presence of landscape buffer and sidewalk width can vary,
depending on ROW width and city ordinance. Permeable pavement can be used in areas
of on-street parking or on sidewalks, as substitute for impervious surface materials. Street
trees are present, but not as predominantly compared to boulevards (Figure 15; Figure

Green street application for boulevard type of roadway is very similar to streets.
The same green street retrofit can be applied to boulevards, with slight variations. The
big difference between streets and boulevards is that boulevards are defined by a median
that physically separate the driving lanes. This makes the roadway profile much wider
than streets. Median areas can easily be converted as bioretention cells, increasing SCM
usage. Street trees line boulevards much stronger compared to that of streets (Figure 17;
Figure 18).

Figure 15. Street Type Application Plan View
(Source: Author)

Figure 16. Street Type Application Section View

(Source: Author)

Figure 17. Boulevard Type Application Plan View
(Source: Author)

Figure 18. Boulevard Type Application Section View

(Source: Author)

Streets and boulevards feature larger ROW than alleys, so there are more
opportunities for landscaping and different combinations of SCMs. Site location features
like: curbs, median, sidewalks, street parking, building frontage, and side slopes
determine what type of SCMs can be incorporated in street and boulevards. Streets and
boulevards can perform stormwater functions such as biodiversity, conveyance,
detention, evapotranspiration, filtration, and infiltration. Streetscape features present are
aesthetics, conveyance, and safety.

Alleys have the lowest speed limits and traffic volumes and found in various
land use contexts such as residential; commercial; downtown core; and industrial. Alleys
are limited in their SCM application because there is not enough space within the ROW
for any other SCM measures except for permeable paving. For this reason, there is a lack
of landscaping involved. The stormwater functions alleys perform is primarily infiltration
and conveyance. For streetscape functions, green street alleys provide lighting and
paving (Figure 19; Figure 20).

4.1.2 // Functions

Green streets are comprised of SCMs for stormwater and streetscape

enhancement functions for management and aesthetics. SCMs are appealing for use to
counter high runoff volume and contaminant concentration from impervious surfaces.
SCMs help to reduce the overall flow volume directed to the sewer system by intercepting
flow before it can reach the storm drain. This helps with the pollution level of local
watershed, as less amount of contaminants enter the waterways. Stormwater features
specifically targeted for green streets application is as followed: bioretention; curb bump
out; curb cut; drainage grate; filter strip; permeable paving; swale; and urban bioretention.
These features have their primary functions, but they also provide additional services that
makes its use even more appealing. These features work to fulfill these functions:
biodiversity; conveyance; detention; evapotranspiration; filtration; and infiltration. Use of
specialized vegetation designated for phytoremediation is common. The vegetation
needs to withstand standing water for extended periods of time, act as a contaminant
removal agent, and as an aesthetics pleaser (Lukes, Kloss and Center 2008).

There have been studies conducted to show the benefits of green streets as a
stormwater management method. In one study, New York City has found that their green
streets manage 64-89% of the targeted one inch rain events (Office of Green
Infrastructure 2014). In the city of Portland’s monitoring report, it was found that the city
Figure 19. Alley Type Application Plan View
(Source: Author)

Figure 20. Alley Type Application Section View

(Source: Author)

wide average for green street infiltration rate is 3.2 inches per hour, with range from less
than an inch to as much as 8.8 inches per hour. In the same study, green streets have
shown to retain 71% of CSO flow volume (Bureau of Environmental Services 2013). In
another study conducted, bioretention cells have shown to reduce runoff volume 89-92%
(Barr Engineering Company 2006). The variation in data is due to different geographical
context of studies, site condition variations, and intensity of rain events. What these
studies show is that green streets and the SCMs incorporated within the ROW do live up
to its reputation of reducing runoff volume and promoting infiltration (Figure 21; Figure

Streetscape features for green streets are as followed: bike lane; crosswalk;
furnishing; landscape buffer and/or median; lighting; paving; public space; sidewalk;
signage; and vegetation These features provide the following functions: aesthetics;
conveyance; and safety. Streetscape features focus more on the aesthetics of green
streets, which can affect property values and indirectly promote better public health.
People who live on a green street tend to walk around the neighborhood more, compared
to those who do not. There have been studies conducted to show that green streets
promote walkability within the neighborhood. When surveyed, the residents have noticed
an increase in walking compared to prior to green streets implementation by 22-31%. In
addition, since green street implementation, there has been increase in walking in the
neighborhood by 58% (Dill, et al. 2010) (Figure 23; Figure 24).

Some functions of streetscape enhancement component put pedestrian safety and

placemaking as a top priority. People are shaped by the landscape which they surround
themselves with. They associate and identify emotions with a place based on personal
geography (Cummins, et al. 2007). If an individual’s past spatial experience was positive,
then they will be more likely to seek a similar experience. If the experience was negative,
then the similar type of spatial treatment is likely to be rejected, even under different
circumstances. Application of vegetation, reducing the speed limit through the use of
different paving material, and narrowing the street width provide a sense of security. Pride
in place of residence and sense of community reinforces the positive emotions people

Figure 21. Green Street Stormwater Function 1
(Source: Author)

Figure 22. Green Street Stormwater Function 2

(Source: Author)

Figure 23. Green Street Streetscape Function 1
(Source: Author)

Figure 24. Green Street Streetscape Function 2

(Source: Author)


So where in the world are green streets located? A considerable portion of the
overall thesis was dedicated to evaluating existing green streets program across the
North American region. It was to see the green streets progress at a large scale. It was
also a way to see in a quick glance, why some programs are excelling while others have
been held back. The cities were chosen to diversify the list, and to show that green streets
are not limited to a specific region and can be applied anywhere. The evaluation of
existing green street program for various cities across North America was conducted to
show the characteristics and components of a robust green streets program. By
identifying areas of excellence and need for improvement, the evaluation shows what kind
of planning strategies need to be taken in order to create and continue a green streets

5.1 // Objective

The objective of the Green Streets Rating System (GSRS) is intended to inspire
the thoughts and ideas for better stormwater management strategies for cities through
the use of green streets. The selected cities were chosen based upon their green street
efforts and presence. However, the intention of GSRS is not to pit cities or certain
programs against one another. It was developed to clearly and easily identify the areas
that the cities excel at and areas that need improvement on a national level.

5.2 // Selected Cities

Cities across the North American region were chosen to conduct GSRS: Austin,
Texas; Lansing, Michigan; Los Angeles, California; Nashville, Tennessee; New York City,
New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Portland, Oregon; Sacramento, California;
Seattle, Washington; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada;
and Wilmington, North Carolina. These cities vary in their demographic, climate,
hardiness, political structure, budgetary structure, sustainability issues, water related
issues, geographical context, and local landscape. Cities featured in the GSRS were
selected solely based on the presence of green streets. In the cases of Austin and
Toronto, while there are no current green streets, their impending implementation and
ongoing development of green streets has qualified these two cities to be included in
GSRS. It should also be noted that these twelve cities are not the only cities with green
streets. They were chosen to diversify the geographical location of GSRS to demonstrate
that green streets are not restricted to a specific region (Figure 25).

Figure 25. GSRS Location Map

(Source: Author)

5.3 // Methodology

The research was done through a rigorous web search. Official city websites,
official reports and publications from the cities, regional and county informative websites,
various news outlet articles, environmental and sustainability blogs, etc., helped to inform
the findings. The use of internet was selected due to ease of accessibility of information
at any given time. This was deemed as an acceptable way to conduct the research
because any and all information required and provided should have already been
available for public access, as it focuses on each city’s public stormwater management.
Any individual should be able to access what is happening within the public domain, as it
is public knowledge and should not be hidden.
The methodology used in this thesis was modeled after several existing rating
systems. Rating systems for Consumer Reports, Natural Resources Defense Council’s
Emerald City Scale, LEED Certification, and Walk Score were used to provide basic
framework for the metric and were researched and dissected in order to build the metric
presented. For instance, the idea of creating a matrix was inspired from Consumer
Report’s method of presenting a product through side-by-side comparison to similar
products that fall under the same conditions and checklists. The framework for the
breakdown of checklist items for the ratings card was taken from LEED Certification’s
project checklist for credits. The matrix and ratings card used for GSRS were carefully
constructed so that even individuals without basic knowledge of green streets and
stormwater management can still develop an understanding of the steps necessary to
develop and sustain a green street program at a city-wide level. The purpose of such a
methodology is to provide a clear and concise explanation for every decision regarding
the rating.

A matrix was built to identify areas that were deemed as imperative for cities to
attain a robust green streets program. Initially, the matrix was developed from five
principles for the creation an official municipal program. The five principles are: pilot
projects; political support; representation from related departments; documentation of
projects; and public awareness and support (Water Environment Research Foundation
2016). The five principles, which will be referred to as criteria from this point forward, were
further subdivided into individual checklist items (Figure 26).

Figure 26. GSRS Matrix

(Source: Author)

Each individual checklist items falls within the criteria, and they build upon each
other. Some checklist items were considered as pre-requisites to qualify for points in the
corresponding criteria. The pre-requisites were not something out of the ordinary; it is
something that any functioning cities are already equipped with, such as adequate
infrastructural base for possible green streets implementation and stormwater and/or
planning department. Pre-requisites do not have any point value, and if not met, there will
be no point given to the entire section. Each criteria is important for growth of green
streets program on its own. However, some sections weigh heavier than others- they
were considered as the primary driver for continual success in green street program

The matrix provided inputs used for the ratings card, where the points were given
and explained, based on the information revealed during the research process (Figure
27). The point value and the reasoning listed in the ratings card further demonstrates the
thought process, and what kind of information was sought after to assign the points for
each checklist items. The maximum amount of points given per rating is out of thirty. The
rating itself is shown in the form of raindrops. Each raindrop counts for six points. The
points were converted to raindrops for graphic purposes and to simplify the end result.

Figure 27. GSRS Ratings Card Breakdown

(Source: Author)

5.4 // Ratings

The ratings from GSRS are reflection of each city’s current green streets program.
GSRS is subject to change, as each program develops over time. During the research
process, it has been revealed that many cities are continuing the development of green
streets. This is reflective of their status as of January 2016 (Figure 28). For individual
ratings card breakdown, see Appendix A-L.

Figure 28. GSRS Rating

(Source: Author)

5.4.1 // Austin, Texas

In Austin, the concept of green streets is relatively new. However, there is plenty
of city department interest and support for potential program present. Green Streets
Guidelines is being developed to further support the city’s Complete Streets Policy.
Demonstration and green streets related projects are in progress, or have been
completed in various parts of the city already. However, there needs to be an official pilot
project completed to create a momentum to kick start the program.
Currently, Austin lacks a strong legislative push for the green streets concept,
despite the fact that water is a major part of the current mayor’s agenda and that flooding
is a central concern for one of the city council member’s own home district. Due to the
novelty of the concept of green streets, the general public lacks knowledge of the benefits
of stormwater management through green streets, leading to a dearth in community
demand. (See Appendix A for Austin’s ratings card breakdown)

5.4.2 // Lansing, Michigan

Lansing applied the lessons learned from their pilot project to benefit their
subsequent project, particularly in terms of cost of construction. The city took the initiative
to invest in their infrastructure to protect the city’s water quality, and has committed to
eliminating future CSOs by year 2020.

However, since the completion of their pilot and subsequent project, their green
streets development has been halted. The pilot project was almost denied during the
planning stage, due to opposition from the city council regarding cost of construction and
funding. Even though there have been green streets projects implemented, the public
demand has not increased. There needs to be a better way to create demand through
public outreach and education, and regain the support it needs to continue. (See Appendix
B for Lansing’s ratings card breakdown)

5.4.3 // Los Angeles, California

Public stormwater management through the use of green streets is currently under
development in Los Angeles. There is a dedicated group of individuals comprised of city
department representatives who meet monthly to push for green streets program. This
group is recognized by the city as the Green Streets Committee. Even though there are
several green streets already implemented, the demands are focused more on water
recapture and security. There is information available online that describe green streets
and what it accomplishes, written in a language appropriate for general public education.

Because Los Angeles suffers from water scarcity issues, there is a constant effort to
conserve water and restore natural hydrology. Due to the water scarcity issue, the
progressive nature of the city’s green streets was recognized. The combination of green
infrastructure to maximize the potential was noted. (See Appendix C for Los Angeles’ ratings
card breakdown)

5.4.4 // Nashville, Tennessee

To meet the demands of a growing city, there are many streetscape projects in
various stages of development and planning. In addition, there are several green
infrastructure elements present in the projects being constructed in various parts of the
city. However, there is no demand for actual green streets post pilot project. There needs
to be increased legislative support to pick up the halted progress. The lack of public
documentation plays a role in its current status. (See Appendix D for Nashville’s ratings card

5.4.5 // New York City, New York

New York City’s continual dedication to its green streets program is remarkable.
The city is dedicated to street beautification, since it is one of the most visited cities in the
world. The city lists thousands of green streets retrofitted since 1996. It strives to continue
adding 80 green streets annually. To counter the large quantity of precipitation and CSOs
the city experiences annually, green streets retrofits are being implemented at a higher
rate than anywhere else.

A partnership has been established between a local university and [whoever the
partnership is with] in order to monitor the retrofit’s performance. The monitoring process
helped to inform future design considerations. As many of the green streets retrofits exist
in the city, the list of complete documentation available to public is miniscule. There are
only few highlighted in the Stormwater Management Portfolio. (See Appendix E for New York
City’s ratings card breakdown)

5.4.6 // Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia continues to be one of the frontrunners in green streets programs.

The city has plenty of legislative support and the presence of official city green streets
program allows its progress. There has also been Green Streets Design Manual
published by the city. It provides guidelines and recommendations on green streets
design based on site conditions. Also, there are green infrastructural tours available for
anyone wishing to learn more about this method.

However, only few green streets are highlighted and there is no extensive list—in
other words, there is not a document that provides a detailed look into the program’s
progress. As much as Philadelphia’s stormwater management efforts and green streets
program are well known, residents demand for flood control related issues to be resolved
but do not mention green streets. (See Appendix F for Philadelphia’s ratings card breakdown)

5.4.7 // Portland, Oregon

Portland is a leading city in stormwater management. Many of Portland’s green

streets are well documented and chosen as a national case study. Its legislative body
supports the use of green streets to promote green infrastructure use in public spaces.
Portland receives heavy annual precipitation, leading to frequent CSOs throughout the
year. The city is determined to eliminate CSOs and to continue its street beautification

Majority of stormwater management related demands from the residents have to

deal with flood control, but specific demands for green streets to be used as a solution is
not mentioned. The city uses construction of green streets as a way to engage the
residents with the concept of green streets and educate on the dangers of stormwater.
(See Appendix G for Portland’s ratings card breakdown)

5.4.8 // Sacramento, California

Like Los Angeles, Sacramento faces water scarcity issues. Due to this issue, the
city has turned to green infrastructure and green streets to conserve water. In addition,
Sacramento experiences CSOs and has dedicated to eliminating future events.
Sacramento’s pilot project is one of the longest green streets in the United States.
However, there has not been much of development since the pilot project. Within the city’s
design guidelines for urban core, use of green streets is recommended. However, this
does not seem to be strongly enforced. There is not a strong documentation presence
from the city. The demand and knowledge of green streets from the public is minuscule.
(See Appendix H for Sacramento’s ratings card breakdown)

5.4.9 // Seattle, Washington

Seattle, along with Philadelphia and Portland, is one of the leading cities in terms
of green streets. Similar to both cities, Seattle receives heavy annual precipitation and
experiences CSOs. The legislative support for green streets is very heavily present. The

mayor and the city council created a goal for the city to manage its stormwater with the
use of green infrastructure. While there is no official program recognized by the city, green
streets design guideline was written into Department of Transportation’s ROW
Improvement Manual to be reinforced.

There are many educational information regarding LID and green infrastructure
practices available for the public online. Many stormwater related demands made by the
residents involve flood control, but doing so by using green streets is a rare case. The
lack of documentation of green streets in the city made it difficult to assess the
progressiveness of Seattle’s program’s development. (See Appendix I for Seattle’s ratings card

5.4.10 // Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Like Austin, Toronto lacks any green streets projects, as the concept is very new.
However, there is plenty of departmental interest present. The city council is currently
pushing for green streets implementation. In addition, Green Streets Technical Guideline
is being developed in conjunction with the complete streets guideline by the city. For it to
gain momentum, a pilot project is needed to create buzz around green streets and attract
public’s attention and demand. (See Appendix J for Toronto’s ratings card breakdown)

5.4.11 // Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Vancouver adopted green infrastructural approach in an effort to become a

greener city. Anticipation of world’s attention with the Olympics led to many streetscape
and beautification projects to be completed. There is an official green streets program
present, but it does not deal with stormwater. It is a residential gardening program where
residents volunteer to plant and maintain plants within roundabouts and landscape
buffers. However, the Sustainable Streets Initiative is very similar to other green streets

The sustainable street initiative seems to have come to a stopping point. While the
legislative body puts sustainability and climate change as a top priority, push for green
streets falls behind in the general umbrella of sustainability. Lack of public documentation
made it difficult to differentiate Vancouver’s green streets program from sustainable
streets initiative. (See Appendix K for Vancouver’s ratings card breakdown)

5.4.12 // Wilmington, North Carolina

Wilmington receives the heaviest annual precipitation out of the GSRS cities listed.
Due to the high levels of precipitation, the city council recently approved a motion to
improve the city’s stormwater issue through extra funding. While a pilot project has been
completed, there is no official green streets program or development made since
implementation. Many residents demand flood control related solutions, but do not
demand green streets as a way to combat the issue. There is lack of public education
regarding this method. There is some documentation about the pilot project available
online, but very difficult to find and it is not up to date. (See Appendix L for Wilmington’s ratings
card breakdown)

5.5 // Findings

By using the matrix and the ratings card, GSRS was able to identify what aspects
of the five established criteria were the most easily attained, as well as provided insight
into which of these were the most difficult for cities to implement. Because the checklist
items are categorized into the five criteria- legislative, department, community,
documentation, and implementation, the ease of assessing the program at a city level is
increased. This shows what kind of actions are needed to take green streets program a
step further.

All of the GSRS cities had some kind of policy in place to support either
implementing or developing a green streets program. Under the guise of Complete
Streets Ordinance or Policy, applying green streets would be deemed easy. All cities had
a designated department dedicated to stormwater related issues and projects, and/or a
planning department that deals with streetscape and long term neighborhood planning
and design, where green streets would fall under. Some of GSRS cities had legislative
push for sustainable stormwater management. Most cases, they were not explicitly stated
as such. It fell under the umbrella of sustainability and green movement, but targeting
stormwater issue was not mentioned.

The items that were difficult for GSRS cities to attain dealt with the official program
status, development of green streets program, community demand, and documentation.
Only few cities had recognized official green streets program, and advertised as so.
Without an official program, the dedication and development can taper off in the long run.
The continuation of green streets efforts is shown to be lacking in cities without an official
program. The matrix revealed a clear relationship between program and development.

Many GSRS cities did not have official documentation reports available. The
documentation of green streets projects and development is important for maintaining
historical evidence that could be used in the future as a reference. Information gained
from previous efforts can help to lessen the cost for subsequent projects. The demand
item was difficult to differentiate. On one hand, public demand for some kind of stormwater
management to eliminate flood events is persistent. However, demands for green streets
is rare in cities without an established program and presence. This goes hand-in-hand
with education. In leading green streets cities, education about its green streets program
and development is offered and easily found. It was discovered that if individual members
of the community do not have any interest in attaining stormwater knowledge nor actively
seek more information, the public demand for green streets would diminish over time
(Figure 29; Figure 30).

Figure 29. Areas of Easy Attainment
(Source: Author)

Figure 30. Areas of Difficult Attainment

(Source: Author)


6.1 // Why Knoxville

Situated in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, Knoxville, Tennessee’s

landscape is an outdoorsman’s dream. Natural resources are abundant. There is no
shortage of water, thanks to its geographical location along the Tennessee River. The
Tennessee River forms at the confluence of the Holston River and the French Broad
River, just east of the city. For a city that is located along a large body of water, how will
implementing green streets affect the local waterways? Will the benefits be apparent, or
clouded under the vast amount of water quality issues large watersheds are often faced
with? With projection of steady growth in the future, Knoxville should consider green
streets as one of the more viable options for public stormwater management.

The city’s source of potable water is the Tennessee River. It is also the water body
that receives the discharge and overflow. The Tennessee River is the largest tributary to
the Ohio River. The Ohio River is ranked the most contaminated waterways in the U.S.
The Tennessee River ranked 14th on the list (Kerth and Vinyard 2012). Both Holston and
French Broad Rivers are highly polluted. Holston River was named third most endangered
river of 2015 (American Rivers 2015). French Broad River historically has been subject
to wet coal ash pollution (Delaney 2013). Most notable contaminants in the Tennessee
River watershed are: sediments, heavy metals, and pathogens like E.coli (Tennessee
Department of Environment and Conservation 2014).

Knoxville is projected to grow at a fast pace. With the expected growth, an increase
in impervious surface area is imminent. Knoxville is a metropolitan city consisting of
roughly 184,000 people within its city proper limits, making it the largest city in the Eastern
Tennessee region. Knoxville proper is around 99 square miles of land, with 1,816 people
per square mile (U.S. Census Bureau 2015). There is roughly 5.4 square miles of water
(Knoxville Demographics 2014). According to 2010 photo analysis, Knoxville’s impervious
surface is roughly 33%, with steady 5.5% overall increase in the 13-year study (Simpson
2014). There is about 1,389 miles of streets in Knoxville proper, of which 210 miles are
classified as state or federal (Frye 2015) (Figure 31; Figure 32).

Figure 31. Knoxville Profile
(Source: Author)

Figure 32. Knoxville Growth

(Source: CNN)

Knoxville receives one of the heaviest annual precipitation levels of the, GSRS
cities. Knoxville’s average annual precipitation is 48 inches, experiencing highest
precipitation in July and lowest in October. Compared to the national average, Knoxville
receives 9 inches more annually. People often perceive the Pacific Northwestern region
to receive much higher in terms of precipitation. In reality, Knoxville and the Southeastern
region of U.S. receive more in the course of a year (WeatherDB 2015). Because of the
amount of impervious cover and heavy annual precipitation, Knoxville experiences
frequent flash flooding. Temporary roadway closures, infrastructure damage, and
hazardous driving conditions occur when the city receives heavy rainfall (Figure 33).

Similar to many cities facing water quality issues, Knoxville entered a consent
decree with the EPA to eliminate SSOs. While in the past the city has failed to comply
with the federal and state level policy, it has since made remarkable strides towards
compliance with the agreement. New sewer lines are replacing the old and deteriorated
pipes. Green infrastructure use has recently surfaced in the city, despite the slow
development. Despite the city’s efforts, SSO and water quality issues have stayed. If the
city were to invest in green streets as a method, both incremental and radical steps need
to be taken prior to committing to a demonstration or a pilot project to showcase its
potential. In order to identify those steps, Knoxville as a city should be evaluated
according to the same metric as the GSRS cities in order to see exactly what areas the
city has fulfilled and what areas need to be attain (Figure 34).

6.2 // Green Streets Rating

Using the same metric applied to GSRS, Knoxville rates at the very end of the
spectrum. The explanation for the low rating is that there is no such thing as a green
street present anywhere in the city. It is a new concept, especially as a public stormwater
management method. (See Appendix M for Knoxville’s ratings card breakdown)

However, even as a city without a green streets program, there are several areas
that Knoxville successfully meets. For instance, Knoxville has similar policy in place to
support green streets as of GSRS cities. There is about the same level of legislative push
as other GSRS cities. There are city departments that could be dedicated to green streets,
whether that would be the stormwater department, public works, or the office of
sustainability. Projected growth of the city pinpoints to increase in impervious footprint.

Figure 33. Knoxville Flood Threats
(Source: Screenshots from Author)

Figure 34. Knoxville Consent Decree

(Source: EPA)

Coupled with already high annual precipitation, the need for green streets is a must for
Knoxville (Figure 35).

Knoxville shares many similarities with GSRS cities. There is a demand for flood
related solutions from the city, but the public does not explicitly demand for green streets.
The absence of green streets in the city contribute to the lack of demand, a similar case
for majority of the cities researched and Knoxville is no exception to this finding (Figure
36). The city is currently undergoing many streetscape enhancement and redevelopment
projects. These areas are fully capable of green streets retrofits ranging from simple
placement of street trees to more intricate system of green infrastructural components.
The city has been seeing an increase in green infrastructure. Recent popularization of
green infrastructure and a push for sustainable green cities has allowed the emergence
of the technology in Knoxville. If the city were interested in creating a green streets
program, there are some actions that need to take place at a legislative level and at a
community level.

Figure 35. Knoxville GSRS Rating
(Source: Author)

Figure 36. Knoxville GSRS Matrix

(Source: Author)


7.1 // Strategic Deployment

7.1.1 // Pre-demonstration strategy

Based on the GSRS research, there needs to be some modifications made in order
for Knoxville to establish a green streets program. Ultimately, a demonstration site needs
to be implemented to show the public just how valuable and viable green streets can be.
This can also double as a pilot project, if it is deemed to be a successful implementation
and the city decides to greenlight the program. Before there can be a green streets
demonstration, there needs to be an official program developed and organized. Doing so
will establish responsibility and accountability for the city to uphold. The GSRS research
has shown that the cities with official program have continued to develop more green
streets and expanded their programs. With such a program, dedicated individuals are
needed. For Knoxville, there are two city departments present to support green streets.
The Office of Sustainability and Department of Public Works can definitely house green
streets program for Knoxville. Between these departments, the specialized interests in
smart growth, green infrastructure, and managing stormwater are clearly visible.

Because there is a policy already in place that can support green streets, it should
not be difficult to adopt an updated version, or to create an addendum where more
aggressive public on-site stormwater management plan are to be included in the design.
Current stormwater regulations and best management practices in Knoxville provide the
requirements for management. A stronger push from the legislative force could lead the
city departments, developers, and designers to aggressively pursue more green
infrastructure driven streetscape projects that can easily evolve into green streets. There
are numerous streetscape projects taking place all around the city, yet stormwater
component does not come to the foreground for majority of these projects. With added
pressure from the city, these streetscape enhancements can dually act as BMPs. Getting
the designs to do more than required would be beneficial to the city as a whole, as the
one of the goals of the city is planning for smart growth.

Public awareness and education of stormwater management through various

news platforms can help green streets gain the momentum it needs. Currently, there is

an ongoing conversation of pedestrian safety in the roadway, and this conversation is
starting to take the center stage. This is also a recent interest from the community
members, as more and more express their desire for the city to invest in alternative
transportation means and safer ways to commute to and from work. Green streets can
easily be thrown into the mix, yet, that is not the case. The pressure from the bottom up,
represented by the community members of Knoxville, would create a demand that would
need to be fulfilled by the city in order to satisfy its serving body. A demonstration site
would serve its purpose of creating an urgency around stormwater issue in high visibility
areas. As the saying goes, ‘seeing is believing’. For those skeptical because of the higher
upfront cost, demonstration is imperative to prove that green streets are worth the
investment. To prove this, performance should be monitored, data should be gathered,
and reports should be made readily available to the public would further solidify green
streets viability as a management method with proven results (Figure 37).

Figure 37. Pre-Demonstration Strategy

(Source: Author)

7.1.2 // Demonstration Design strategy

While designing for the demonstration, several things need to be put into
consideration. These things affect the design and SCM placement and performance. The
design and specifications of green streets are dependent upon its context. Green streets
and SCMs are very site specific, and what one work in one location may not perform as
well or perform even better at another location. Conditions special to specific sites
determine what kind of methods are required and should be considered.

Conditions like the soil moisture, shade versus sunny site, heavy or low vehicular
traffic, and residential or commercial setting are all important pieces of information that
help during planning and designing stages. When choosing a site for to retrofit, it should
be of a place that experiences frequent flood events and is in need of streetscape
improvement. Providing pedestrian safety, in addition to on-site stormwater management,
is highly favored in high risk areas. This would showcase the appeal of green streets as
a viable stormwater and streetscape method to the city (Figure 38).

Figure 38. Demonstration Design Considerations

(Source: Author)

7.2 // Retrofit Demonstration

7.2.1 // Existing Site

This retrofit design must be successful if a green streets program is to be continued

after the demonstration. For the retrofit demonstration, a block within the historic
neighborhood of 4th & Gill was chosen (Figure 39). As one of the more well-known
neighborhoods of the city, the size and density was deemed representative of the city at
a smaller scale. The likelihood that this demonstration will be successful is high in
neighborhoods like 4th & Gill because there is existing neighborhood support for this type
improvement projects. Residents actively take ownership in their community. In 4th & Gill
neighborhood, there is a sense of community and investment from within. This
characteristic is ideal for demonstration site, as it equips the site with built-in support
group to decrease the probably of failure and neglect. The demonstration site is Eleanor
Street between Gill and Caswell Avenue. It is a residential roadway that can be found
anywhere in Knoxville or any dense historic neighborhoods. It was chosen for the reason
that it is representative of this specific type of street that is common across United States.

Figure 39. 4th & Gill Profile

(Source: Author)
The existing plan view of Eleanor Street reinforces that it is a representative of a
specific type of a residential street present in the United States (Figure 40). The ROW
spans 40’, and includes the sidewalks located on both sides of the roadway. The
residential houses have a minimum 20’ setback from the ROW, which allows plenty of
buffer space for underground utility lines and the houses. The utility placement within the
ROW is typical, with sanitary sewer line in middle of the ROW, water line running adjacent
to the sewer line, and storm line running along the curb.

Figure 40. Eleanor Street Existing Plan View

(Source: Author)

Within the demonstration block, the public domain area is about half acre in size
and impervious coverage is 85% of the total area. The impervious coverage expands
almost to the edge of the ROW, spanning 38 feet from sidewalk to sidewalk. The roadway
spans 30 feet, which allows plenty of room for two-way traffic with on-street parking. There
is no visual separation between travel lanes, travel direction, and parking aisles. This lack
of visual separation makes the expansive asphalt coverage seem wider than it already is
(Figure 41; Figure 42).

Figure 41. Eleanor Street Existing Profile
(Source: Author)

Figure 42. Eleanor Street Existing Section View

(Source: Author)

Judging by observations made during a site visit, there are existing conditions that
could affect drainage and water quality, including clogged inlets and debris and trash
collected along the curb. There are established trees along the residential block that
contribute to the litter collected along the curb and at the inlets. The litter converges at
the inlet entrances, where it inhibits runoff from entering the drain. Blocked inlets are
major contributors to nuisance flood events in an area. This shows that existing
stormwater infrastructure can underperform, depending on maintenance regimen (Figure
43; Figure 44).

Figure 43. Eleanor Street Existing Perspective View

(Source: Author)

Figure 44. Eleanor Street Existing Conditions

(Source: Author)

7.2.2 // Proposed Retrofit Design

The demonstration is a simple retrofit of the existing impervious coverage (Figure

45). It does require shifting of travel lanes, but the width of roadway remains the same. It
features a single on-street parking aisle on one side of the roadway, with extended curb
bumpouts to break up the continuous parking and provide space for urban bioretention
cells. The driving lanes remain as asphalt and the on-street parking aisle is converted to
permeable pavement.

Figure 45. Eleanor Street Proposed Retrofit Plan View

(Source: Author)

Converting the parking aisle to permeable pavement from asphalt reduces the total
impervious coverage within the ROW by 13%. Additionally, the existing concrete
sidewalks could be replaced with permeable pavement to provide additional reduction in
impervious coverage. This would drive down the total imperviousness by 46%, almost
half of pre-demonstration state. This retrofit design does not interfere with the existing
underground utilities, which makes this design even more appealing, as utility relocation
is an expensive and time consuming (Figure 46; Figure 47).

Figure 46. Eleanor Street Proposed Retrofit Profile
(Source: Author)

Figure 47. Eleanor Street Proposed Retrofit Section View

(Source: Author)

The SCMs incorporated into the design are urban bioretention cells and permeable
pavement, as shown in Figure 48. The urban bioretention cells are placed within the
extended curb bumpouts. Placement is dependent on the topography and existing utility
of the site. Since there is no conflict within the demonstration site, these can be placed
without a problem. The main functions of these cells are infiltration, filtration, treatment,
and temporary storage and they can either be made in pre-fabricated concrete containers,
or made in-situ. These cells are the same size as one and a half of an on-site parking
space, and does not require much additional space. Due to recent popularity in use, urban
bioretention cells have become more and more affordable in cost, averaging about
$12/square feet. These are moderately difficult to place in the landscape, as it requires
excavation and more specific construction per site conditions. The system of urban
bioretention cells would reduce approximately 578,000 gallons of runoff per year. The
targeted urban pollutants of these cells are total suspended solids, phosphorus, and
nitrogen. These actions are done by the soil media and vegetation placed within the cells.
These will help with pollutant removal, aesthetic improvement, and runoff reduction.

Figure 48. Eleanor Street Proposed Retrofit BMP Components

(Source: Author)

The permeable pavement in the on-street parking aisle has fewer design and
implementation constraints. While it is much easier to retrofit it does require a bedding
course that is different than that which is used for asphalt. Similar to urban bioretention
cells, its popularity has also made permeable pavement much more affordable, averaging
$11/square feet. The entire system of permeable pavement of on-street parking would
yield about 83,200 gallons of runoff reduction per year. Permeable pavements have no
storage or treatment capacity. They are used for their infiltration and filtration purposes,
and have been shown to target total suspended solids and phosphorous in some sites.
The permeable pavement will help with some pollutant removal, aesthetic improvement,
and runoff reduction.

The overall goal of the demonstration is to retrofit within the existing impervious
surface, and show that it does not drastically alter the existing amenities for the residents
living on the block (Figure 49). Designers should be aware of the possible backlashes
from the residents concerning the design. On-street parking spaces will eliminate and
such consequences seems to be the biggest complaint when it comes to any sort of
design. Cars are a significant part of today’s culture and serve as a primary mean of
transportation. The availability of accessible parking is a concern in neighborhoods like
4th & Gill, where residents expect frequent visitors and public events like historic home
tours and open block parties are common occurrences. A resident might wonder about
the bioretention cells, and how maintenance can either positively or negatively affect their
property value. The appearance of the aesthetics is a major marketing factor for the
residents. Maintenance should be regulated in accordance of performance and ought to
be reflective of the community’s investment and active support. These are all legitimate
concerns that should be considered during pre-, post-demonstration, and any subsequent
implementations that may follow.

Figure 49. Eleanor Street Proposed Retrofit Perspective View
(Source: Author)
7.3 // Post-demonstration strategy

After the initial demonstration project has been completed, there are important
supplementary post-demonstration actions the city can take in order to ensure that the
demonstration does not go unnoticed. Such actions include: protection; maintenance;
monitoring; education; creating urgency; accessibility; and increasing demand.
Maintaining the green streets is a major continual task for the city. Often times
maintenance is what either helps or kills the demonstration. Lack of maintenance can
alter the performance of the project in the long run, making the investment seem like it
was a waste. If not maintained as specified by the designer and/or per city’s standards,
the public’s perception of green streets design could be skewed in a way that is not
favorable for the program to continue and be supported. Some kind of legislative
protection to maintain green streets should be considered, as it would hold the city
responsible for the upkeep of the investment it has made with the public.

For individuals and professionals already immersed in the area of stormwater

management, it is easy to forget that not everyone understands the jargon. If the topic
becomes easier to understand and comprehend, even to those with little education- for
example, children; then the interest for stormwater could be fostered from young age. It
is important for the reports to be easily accessible. Education about this subject is
necessary to alert community members about the benefits of green streets. They can
learn just how easily their streets can be retrofitted as a green street and actively
campaign to receive the benefits of on-site stormwater management and streetscape
improvements on the streets they live on. In this sense, some demand from the
community can be created. The community members may ask the question: if green
streets are as easy as they look, why have they not seen them more often in their
communities and streets.

The monitoring of the performance of green streets programs, and the subsequent
release of the data found in a report or presentation that is easily available for anyone to
view could help the public see the benefits is through monitoring. Any data collected
should disclose the special site conditions that may have affected the performance. The
variation in performance and numbers should be stated beforehand to reduce any
confusion or doubts. It would also clear the confusion behind the method and any biased
opinions of those against it. Withholding this kind of information hinders its growth. The
accessibility of green streets monitoring and performance would increase the green

streets awareness. This helps to create the demand, as seeing is believing and the results
are quantified.

The biggest obstacle for green streets and green infrastructure is that the cost of
implementing is higher than traditional infrastructure practices. This perception has been
one of the reasons hindering the growth of green infrastructure. Through GSRS research,
it was found that when there are documented efforts, the price of implementation
decreased and demand increased. The increase in demand would generate more
vendors to supply green infrastructure products and services, decreasing the higher
upfront cost of implementation. The decrease in cost should make green streets, or other
green infrastructure in general, more affordable for the city (Figure 50).

Figure 50. Post-Demonstration Strategy

(Source: Author)


Climate change brings forth an increase in the amount of precipitation. This has
the potential to threaten the built environment if not approached with caution.
Furthermore, the effects of urbanization have become more detrimental over time
because preparation and planning for climate change has been slow to develop. The
conversation about the impact of urbanizations has been flowing in the field of landscape
architecture for some time. Only in the recent years that this conversation has been in the
forefront. Interests in the negative impact of urbanization has pushed the issue of
stormwater towards the realm of landscape architecture.

Stormwater management method like green streets is a recent phenomenon. This

method performs interdisciplinary duty of landscape architecture and civil engineering. It
addresses the aesthetics of public space and performance of engineered technology.
Green streets as a management method has much room to improve upon. This thesis
strives to contribute to the ongoing conversation regarding the issue of public stormwater
management in landscape architecture through the identification of the problems the built
environment presents and the consequences of expansive imperviousness, as well as
the green infrastructure solution specifically geared towards solving the urban problem.
Further, it has broken down the anatomy of green streets and the functions within the
system that makes it a viable option for stormwater management.

The objective of Green Street Ratings System as presented in this thesis is to

provide an overall evaluation of existing green street program on a large scale, and to
show the characteristics and components of exemplary green streets programs. The
evaluation identifies what kind of planning strategies are needed to create a robust green
streets program. The evaluation also revealed actions exemplary cities have taken in
order to continue their green streets program. Such an evaluation sheds light on the kinds
of strategies that should be implemented in order to proactively continue the development
of GSRS.

The demonstration design presented a way to retrofit these technologies into an

existing roadway, showing the flexibility of green streets in a real-world environment. It
should be noted that green streets programs are constantly developing and growing.
There may be information presented that may become irrelevant as time passes. Even
so, the benefits of green streets retrofit outweigh the perceived constraints of high initial
cost and complicated construction process. Another consideration to keep in mind is the

concept of repetition rather than innovation. It is easy to fall into the trap of adhering to
“tried and true” solutions that are just repetitions of mediocre design and performance
when it comes to stormwater management. With onset of climate change and anticipation
of higher precipitation, continual development of green streets should be sought and
expected. With that said, continual development will alter future design guidelines and
process. There is no one “right” way to do green streets- the beauty of retrofit is that it is
flexible and, because it is site specific, no one green street is the same as another. Lastly,
it is important to remember that green streets are just one of many viable and affordable
green infrastructural solutions that municipalities can rely upon to better prepare for the
uncertainty of stormwater.


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Appendix A (Source: Author)
Appendix B (Source: Author)
Appendix C (Source: Author)
Appendix D (Source: Author)
Appendix E (Source: Author)
Appendix F (Source: Author)
Appendix G (Source: Author)
Appendix H (Source: Author)
Appendix I (Source: Author)
Appendix J (Source: Author)
Appendix K (Source: Author)
Appendix L (Source: Author)
Appendix M (Source: Author)

Yea Lim Choi (known as Kate Choi) was born in Seoul, South Korea and calls
Nashville, Tennessee home. Her interest in architecture’s relationship with its surrounding
landscape has led her to landscape architecture. She received her Bachelor of Science
in Landscape Architecture from Purdue University in May of 2014. While at Purdue, she
felt that while her experiences were incomparable, there was something missing. She
chose to attend University of Tennessee to explore more options. She soon discovered
her interest in water’s role in landscape architecture. She received her Master of
Landscape Architecture degree with a minor in Watershed from University of Tennessee
in August of 2016.


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