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Answer 1:

(a) (i) True:}{1 M} {Cash Discount is a reduction granted by a supplier from the
sale price of goods or services on business considerations for prompt
payment.}{1 M}
(ii) False:}{1 M} {Renovation of office increased the number of cabins. This
has an effect on the future revenue generating capability of the business.
Thus the renovation expense is capital expenditure in nature.}{1 M}
(iii) False:}{1 M} {The conservatism concept states that one shall not account
for anticipated profits but shall provide all prospective losses. Valuing
inventory at cost or net releasable value whichever is less, therefore is based
on principle of Conservatism.}{1 M}
(iv) False:}{1 M} {The drawer and payee may be same person in case of bill of
exchange whereas in promissory note maker and payee can't be same
person.}{1 M}
(v) True:}{1 M} {A partnership firm is not a distinct legal entity and therefore
can't own any assets. The partners own the assets of the firm.}{1 M}
(vi) True:}{1 M} {As per Perpetual Existence company has existence
independent of its members, it continues to be in existence despite the death,
insolvency or change of members.}{1 M}

(b) Provision means “any amount written off or retained by way of providing for
depreciation, renewal or diminution in the value of assets or retained by way of
providing for any known liability of which the amount cannot be determined with
substantial accuracy”. It is important to know the difference between provisions and
contingent liabilities. The distinction between both of them can be explained as follows:
Provision Contingent liability
(1) Provision is a present liability of A Contingent liability is a possible
uncertain amount, which can be obligation that may or may not
measured reliably by using a crystallize depending on the
substantial degree of estimation. occurrence or non-occurrence of one
or more uncertain future events.
(2) A provision meets the recognition A contingent liability fails to meet the
criteria. same.

{1 M for Each}
(3) Provision is recognized when (a) an Contingent liability includes present
enterprise has a present obligation obligations that do not meet the
arising from past events; an outflow recognition criteria because either it is
of resources embodying economic not probable that settlement of those
benefits is probable, and (b) a obligations will require outflow of
reliable estimate can be made of the economic benefits, or the amount
amount of the obligation. cannot be reliably estimated.
(4) If the management estimates that it If the management estimates, that it
is probable that the settlement of an is less likely that any economic benefit
obligation will result in outflow of will outflow from the firm to settle the
economic benefits, it recognizes a obligation, it discloses the obligation
provision in the balance sheet. as a contingent liability.

1|P age
(c) Machinery Account
Dr. Rs. 2017 Cr.
2017 Rs.
Jan. 1 To Bank A/c 4,80,000 Dec. 31 By Depreciation A/c 60,000 }{1 M}
Jan. 1 To Bank A/c –
erection charges 20,000 By Balance c/d 6,40,000
July 1 To Bank A/c 2,00,000
7,00,000 7,00,000
2018 2018
Jan. 1 To Balance b/d 6,40,000 July 1 By Depreciation on
sold machine 22,500 }{1 M}
July 1 To Bank A/c 5,00,000 By Bank A/c 2,90,000
By Profit and Loss A/c 1,37,500 }{1 M}
Dec. 31 By Depreciation A/c 44,000 }{1 M}
By Balance c/d 6,46,000
11,40,000 11,40,000

Working Note:
Book Value of Machines
Machine Machine Machine
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Cost 5,00,000 2,00,000 5,00,000
Depreciation for 2017 50,000 10,000
Written down value 4,50,000 1,90,000
Depreciation for 2018 22,500 19,000 25,000
Written down value 4,27,500 1,71,000 4,75,000
Sale Proceeds 2,90,000
Loss on Sale 1,37,500

Answer 2:
(a) Cash Book (Bank Column)
Date Particulars Amount Date Particulars Amount
2018 Rs. 2018
Sept. 30 To Party A/c 18,000 Sept. 30 By Balance b/d 16,124
To Customer A/c }{1 M} By Bank charges 280 }{1 M}
(Direct deposit) 1,15,400 }{1 M} By Customer A/c
To B/R collected 59,000 }{1 M} (B/R dishonoured) 1,60,000 }{1 M}
To Balance c/d 1,84,004 }{1 M} By Bills payable 2,00,000 }{1 M}
3,76,404 3,76,404

Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 30th September, 2018

Particulars Amount
Overdraft as per Cash Book 1,84,004
Add: Cheque deposited but not collected up to 30th Sept., 2018 11,14,000 }{1 M}
Less: Cheques issued but not presented for payment up to 30th (13,46,000) }{1 M}
Sept., 2018
Credit by Bank erroneously on 6th Sept. (30,000) }{1 M}
Balance as per bank statement 77,996

2|P age
Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 30th September, 2018
Particulars (+) (-)
Overdraft as per Cash Book 1,84,004
Cheque deposited but not collected up to 30th Sept., 2018 11,14,000 }{1 M}
Cheques issued but not presented for payment up to 30th 13,46,000 }{1 M}
Sept., 2018
Credit by Bank erroneously on 6th Sept. 30,000 }{1 M}
Balance as per bank statement 77,996

(b) (i) If a Suspense Account is not opened.
(a) Since sales book has been cast Rs. 4,200 short, the Sales Account has
been similarly credited Rs. 4,200 short. The correcting entry is as
Sales A/c
Dr. Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars Rs. Cr.
By Wrong Totaling 4,200 {1/2 M}
of Sales Book

(b) To rectify the omission, the Returns Inwards Account has to be

debited and the account of Gaurav & Co. credited. The entry is:

Returns Inward Account Dr. Rs. 3,600

To Gaurav & Co. Rs. 3,600
(Goods returned by the firm, {1 M}
previously omitted from the Returns
Inward Book)

(c) Sen Brothers have been debited Rs. 4,500 instead of being credited.
This account should now be credited by Rs. 9,000 to remove the
wrong debit and to give the correct credit. The entry will be done as

Sen Brothers A/c

Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars Rs.
By errors in posting 9,000 {1/2 M}

(d) By this error Purchases Account has to be debited by Rs. 30,000

whereas the debit should have been to the Furniture Account. The
correcting entry will be:
Furniture Account Dr. Rs. 30,000
To Purchases Account Rs. 30,000
(Correction of the mistake by which {1 M}
purchases Account was debited
instead of the Furniture Account)

(e) The discount of Rs. 2,400 received from Black & White should have
been entered on the credit side of the cash book. Had this been done,
the Discount Account would have been credited (through the total of
the discount column) and Black & White would have been debited. This
entry should be made :

3|P age
Black & White Dr. Rs. 2,400
To Discount Account Rs. 2,400 {1 M}
(Rectification of the error by which the
discount allowed by the firm was not
entered in Cash Book)

(f) In this case the account of the customer has been correctly posted;
the Discount Account has been debited Rs. 360 short since it has been
omitted from the discount column on the debit side of the cash book.
The discount account should now be rectified as follows:

Discount A/c
Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars Rs.
To Omission of entry in 360 {1/2 M}
the Cash Book

(ii) If a Suspense Account is opened:

Particulars L.F. Dr. Cr.
Rs. Rs.
(a) Suspense Account Dr. 4,200
To Sales Account 4,200
{1 M}
(Being the correction arising from under-
casting of Sales Day Book)
(b) Return Inward Account Dr. 3,600
To Gaurav & Co 3,600
{1/2 M}
(Being the recording of unrecorded
(c) Suspense Account Dr. 9,000
To Sen Brothers 9,000
(Being the correction of the error by which {1 M}
Sen Brothers was debited instead of being
credited by Rs. 4,500).
(d) Furniture Account Dr. 30,000
To Purchases Account 30,000
(Being the correction of recording {1 M}
purchase of furniture as ordinary
(e) Black & White Dr. 2,400
To Discount Account 2,400 {1 M}
(Being the recording of discount omitted to
be recorded)
(f) Discount Account Dr. 360
To Suspense Account 360
(Being the correction of omission of the {1 M}
discount allowed from Cash Book
customer's account already posted

4|P age
Answer 3:
(a) Piyush in Account Current with Amit
for the period ending on 31st December, 2020
Date Particulars Amount Days Products Date Particulars Amount Days Products
2020 Rs. 2020 Rs.
Sept. To Balance b/d 900 122 1,09,800 Oct. By Sales 250 72 18,000
1 {1/2 M} 20 Returns {1/2 M}

5|P age
Oct. To Sales A/c 1,450 77 1,11,650 Nov. By Bank A/c 1,200 39 46,800
15 {1/2 M} 22 {1/2 M}
Dec. To Interest A/c 32 }{1 M} Dec. By Cash A/c 600 16 9,600
31 15 {1/2 M}
Dec. By Balance of 1,47,050 }{1/2 M}
31 products
By Balance c/d 332 }{1 M}
2,382 2,21,450 2,382 2,21,450

Calculation of interest:
Interest = 1,47,050/ 366 days X 8% = Rs. 32 (Rounded off)
Note: 366 days taken for interest calculation since 2020 is a leap year. Alternatively,
365 days can also be taken. In that case amount of interest will be Rs. 32.23 (Rounded
off Rs. 32) and amount of balance c/d will be Rs. 332.23 (Rounded off Rs. 332).

(b) In the books of ABC. Ltd.Journal Entries

Date Particulars L.F. Dr. Cr.

Rs. Rs.
March. 31 Sales A/c (Rs. 50 X 120) Dr. 6,000
To XYZ Limited A/c 6,000 {1 M}
(Being the 120 units of goods accepted by
XYZ limited at 700 per unit.)
Sales A/c ( 80 X Rs. 750) Dr. 60,000
To XYZ Limited A/c 60,000
(Being the cancellation of original entry
{2 M}
for sale in respect of 80 units of goods
not yet returned or approved by
March. 31 Inventories with Customers on Sale or Dr. 40,000
Return A/c
To Trading A/c 40,000
{2 M}
(Being the cost of goods sent to
customers on approval or return basis not
yet approved, adjusted)
Note: Quantity of goods lying with XYZ as on 31.3.2020 = 200-120 = 80

(c) Let us take 13.08.2020 as Base date.

Bills receivable
Bill Date Tenure Due date No. Of days Amount Product
12/06/20 3 months 15/09/2020 33 }{1/2 M} 5,000 1,65,000
10/07/20 1 month 13/08/2020 0 6,200 0
15/07/20 3 months 18/10/2020 66 }{1/2 M} 3,500 2,31,000
12/06/20 2 months 14/08/2020 1 }{1/2 M} 1,500 1,500
28/06/20 2 months 31/08/2020 18 }{1/2 M} 2,500 45,000
18,700 4,42,500
Bills payable

6|P age
Bill Date Tenure Due date No. Of days Amount Product
27/05/20 3 months 30/08/2020 17 }{1/2 M} 3,700 62,900
07/06/20 3 months 11/09/2020 29 }{1/2 M} 4,000 1,16,000
10/07/20 1 month 13/08/2020 0 5,000 0
12,700 1,78,900
Excess of products of bills receivable over bills payable =
4,42,500 -1,78,900= 2,63,600
Excess of bills receivable over bills payable = 18,700 –
12,700 = 6,000 Number of days from the base date to
the date of settlement is 2,63,600
/6,000 = 44(approx.) }{1 M}
Hence date of settlement of the balance amount is 44 days after
i.e. 26th September, 2020. }{1 M}
On 26th September, 2020, Rajesh has to pay Mahesh Rs.
6,000 to settle theaccount.
Answer 4:
(a) Rectification entries in the books of M/s ABC Enterprises
Particulars L.F. Dr. Cr.
Rs. Rs.
1. Profit and Loss Adjustment Account Dr. 25,000
To Building Account 25,000
(Repairs amounting Rs. 25,000 wrongly debited
to building account, now rectified)
2. Profit and Loss Adjustment Account Dr. 3,000
To Suspense Account 3,000
(Addition of freight column in purchase journal
was under casted, now rectification entry made)
3. Suspense Account Dr. 4,200
To Rani & Co. 4,200
(Goods returned by Rani & Co. had been posted
wrongly to the debit of her account, now
4. Profit and Loss Adjustment Account Dr. 60,000
To Furniture account 60,000
(Being sale of furniture wrongly entered in sales
book, now rectified)
5. Raja & Co. Dr. 40,000
To Bills receivable account 40,000
(Bill receivable dishonoured debited to Bills
receivable account instead of customer account,
now rectified)

7|P age
(b) Following factors are taken into consideration for calculation of
1. Cost of asset including expenses for installation, commissioning, trial run etc.- Cost
of a depreciable asset represents its money outlay or its equivalent in connection with
its acquisition, installation and commissioning as well as for additions to or
improvement thereof for the purpose of increase in efficiency.
2. Estimated useful life of the asset - Useful Life' is either (i) the period over which a
depreciable asset is expected to be used by the enterprise or (ii) the number of
production or similar units expected to be obtained from the use of the asset by the
enterprise. Determination of the useful life is a matter of estimation and is normally
based on various factors including experience with similar type of assets. Several other
factors like estimated working hours, production capacity, repairs and renewals, etc.
are also taken intoconsideration on demanding situation.
3. Estimated scrap value (if any) is calculated at the end of useful life of the asset. If
such value is considered as insignificant, it is normally regarded as nil. On the other
hand, if the residual value is likely to be significant, it is estimated at the time of
acquisition/installation, or at the time of subsequent revaluation of asset.


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