Fire QAP
Fire QAP
Fire QAP
Acceptance Format of
S. No Description Characteristics Type of check Frequency IndoSpace/
document record Contractor
34. Fire protection system
Firefighting pipes & pipe
IS 1239 / IS 3589 /
Is1239 / is 3589 / 100% BS-1965 part 1 MTC C R
- diameter, wall thickness,
physical properties
Control valves Is-5312 / is-14846
- make, type, capacity, technical data IS 5312/ IS 14846
100% MTC C R
dimension, hydrotest / sheets
material of construction.
Pumps & accessories (electric Is-9137 / is-5120 / IS 9137/ IS 5120
driven, diesel engine, jockey) technical data
Make, type, origin, capacity sheets / pump 100% MTC C R
1 test
(flow / head / speed), catalogues
(material verification)
pressure testing.
Firefighting system
Make, type,
accessories (hydrant landing
dimension, IS 636 /IS 4927 /IS
valves, fire hose box, fire
capacity, visual 903 / IS 8423,
hose, fire reel, flow switch,
check, dimension NFPA 2001 / IS
sprinklers, flexible hose, alarm 100% MTC C R
check, material 2171 / IS 940 / IS
valve, breeching inlet, fire
construction, 2878 / IS 190, IS
brigade inlet, fire
hydrostatic 2871 / IS 903
extinguishers, branch pipe &
pressure test,
Field test Make, type,
routine test, HV.
IS 2198 /
test, IR test,
Fire pump panels 100% technical data MTC C R
dimension check,
functional check
Anti corrosive wrapping
materials Inspection /
Painting materials (enamel, Make, dimension 100% review of delivery MTC C R
primer, paints) challan
Acceptance Format of
S. No Description Characteristics Type of check Frequency IndoSpace/
document record Contractor
A) mock-up installation Approved Approved
approval technical data technical data
Compliance to material sheets, approved sheets, approved
approval, shop drawings, shop drawing, 100% shop drawing, C R
coordination drawings coordination coordination
approval, installation method drawings, method drawings, method Site record
statement statements. statements.
Installation of firefighting pipe
Approved Approved
work - above ground
technical data technical data
- pipe sizes. Locations,
sheets, approved sheets, approved
coordinates, routing,
shop drawing, 100% shop drawing, C R
- pipe cleaning, painting
coordination coordination
primer / final painting, fit-up,
drawings, method drawings, method Site record
welding works.
statements. statements.
- hydrostatic pressure testing
Approved Approved
C) installation of firefighting technical data technical data
pipe work - below ground sheets, approved sheets, approved
- pipe sizes, locations, shop drawing, 100% shop drawing, Site record C R
coordinates, routing coordination coordination
- holiday test drawings, method drawings, method
statements. statements.
D) installation of firefighting
system equipment’s & NBC / NFPA NBC /NFPA
accessories (control valves, /approved shop /approved shop
fire hose box, hose reel, fire drawing, drawing,
100% Site record C R
brigade, sprinklers, branch coordination coordination
pipes & nozzles, limit switch, drawings, method drawings, method
flow switch. statements. statements.
- location
E) installation of pumps & Approved shop Approved shop
accessories. drawing, drawing,
- location, coordinates, levels, coordination 100% coordination Site record C R
alignment drawings, method drawings, method
- testing & commissioning statements. statements.