CHS3 Discussion Paper 1

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Group 10

Pollution, Overpopulation, and
Climate Change

● To describe what ● To offer different • To provide a

pollution, perspectives: moral, Christian ethical
overpopulation, and biblical-theological, stand on
climate change are, and that of the Pollution,
and the effect they group’s, on the Overpopulation,
have on the planet. given ecological and Climate
issues. Change.
Focus of the Study

● This paper will focus specifically on the dilemma of pollution,

overpopulation, and climate change primarily observed in the
In the six million years of human existence on Earth, we have evolved
from building tools for survival to creating civilizations, and adapting to
our changing environment.

According to the Global Footprint Network, we are currently

consuming the renewable resources of 1.7 Earths ー we will need three by
2050, unless we find more sustainable alternatives of living.

The most profound and serious indication of the moral

implications underlying the ecological problem is the lack of
respect for life evident in many patterns of environmental
Moral Standpoint

The National Climate

Environmental Ethics Change Action Plan
● Climate Change Act of 2009
● Instrumental value ● National Framework Strategy
● Intrinsic value for Climate Change
● Anthropocentrism ● Philippine Clean Water Act of
● Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
Biblical-Theological Standpoint
Bible View:

Matthew 21:33-46
Jesus projects God’s patience through the use of a vineyard owner.
The vineyard had been leased to abusive, evil tenants who never ceased
their misconduct ー killing the landowner's servants, and eventually his
own son.

Leviticus 25:23-24
The verse is a reminder that there must be a constant sense of
responsibility in using all of which we have. All is His, and He has given
all to us for a purpose. We are all considered as stewards or trustees and
are bound to employ everything.
Biblical-Theological Standpoint
Church View:


● Roman Catholic Church believes that using contraception is

"intrinsically evil" in itself, regardless of the consequences.
● Catholics are only permitted to use natural methods of birth control.
● The Catholic Church’s belief in only practicing natural birth
control contributes to overpopulation in the Philippines.
Biblical-Theological Standpoint
(Pollution and climate change)

1. The Vatican, Pope Francis - chronicled what past popes have said
about the environment in 2015
2. Pope Paul VI - first modern pope to address environmental state in
3. Pope John Paul II - addressed care for creation in 1990
-stated, "the ecological crisis is a moral issue"
4. Pope Benedict XVI -nicknamed "the green pope"
-specifically addressed "climate change”
Group Standpoint on the Issue

Save Water Shrink our Carbon Footprint

- take public transportation

- take shorter showers
- walk
- make sure all taps
- buying fewer things
aren’t left running - recycle
- plant trees
1. Overpopulation and pollution are inextricably linked to climate change.
2. Ideas such as instrumental and intrinsic value explain why we treat
the natural world the way we do.
3. In this paper, Christian Ethics is used as a way of life exemplified by
Jesus Christ.
4. We must also abide by the criterion of right or wrong, not by our
personal inclination, but by the Philippine State.
5. The church’s platform has helped raise awareness to the public
regarding climate change and pollution.
6. The group firmly maintains that all people make more responsible and
sustainable decisions every day.

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