Atomic Force Psylla

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Atomic Force Microscopy

Presented by Psylla Christina

MSc Applied and Engineering Physics
Department of Physics
TU München
 Introduction
 Advantages of AFM
 Disadvantages of AFM
 How does AFM work?
- How are the forces measured?
 Experimental setup of AFM
- On which experimental parameters do the spatial resolutions depend?
- How should a successful atomic force microsope be designed and constructed?
- AFM tip
- AFM cantilever
 Imaging methods
-What types of forces are measured?
-Modes of operation: Contact Mode, Non-Contact Mode,
Tapping Mode
-What are force curves?
 Examples of AFM images
-Topography scanning
-Elimination of extreme point
-A better view
- Thickness of a Thin Layer
of Pd on Si Wafer
-Surface roughness
 References 2

 Atomic force microscopy is a high resolution type of scanning probe

microscopy that allows us to see and measure surface structure in length
scale 10nm-100μm with unprecedented resolution and accuracy
(lateral resolution~30 nm, vertical resolution~0.1 nm)

 Unlike an imaging traditional microscope, AFM provides height information

of the sample

 Almost any sample can be imaged, be it very hard (ceramic material) or

very soft (human cells, individual molecules of DNA)

 We can generate images which look at the sample from any conceivable
angle with simple analysis software

 Currently AFM is the most common form of scanning probe microscopy and
is used in all fields of science as chemistry, biology, physics, materials
science, nanotechnology, astronomy, medicine and more

Advantages of AFM

 minimal sample preparation

 it does not require a conductive sample

 provides a three-dimensional surface profile (ability to magnify in the X,Y,Z


 works perfectly well in ambient air or even a liquid environment

 possible to study biological macromolecules and even living organisms

 it does not require expensive equipment

 due to its small size, it can also be combined with other microscopes or

Disadvantages of AFM

 not practical to make measurements on areas greater than 100μm

 limited scanning speed, requiring several minutes for a typical scan

 images can be affected by nonlinearity, hysterisis and creep of the

piezoelectric material

 possibility of image artifacts

 an AFM image does not reflect the true sample topography, but rather
represents the interaction of the probe with the sample surface

How does AFM work?
 AFM provides a 3D profile of the
surface on a nanoscale, by
measuring forces (Van der Waals
forces, dipole-dipole interactions,
electrostatic forces) between a
sharp probe (<10 nm) and surface at
very short distance (0.2-10 nm
probe-sample separation)

 the probe is supported on a flexible


 the AFM tip “gently” touches the

surface and records the small force
between the probe and the surface

 forces between the tip and the

sample lead to a deflection of the
cantilever according to Hooke´s law

How are the forces measured?

 the probe is placed on the end of

a cantilever (which one can think
of as a spring)

 the amount of force between the

probe and sample is dependent
on the spring constant (stiffness of
the cantilever) and the distance
between the probe and the

 this force can be described using

Hooke’s Law:

Experimental setup of AFM

 The cantilever is a bendable
structure used to hold the tip. It is
basically a spring with stiffness k
 The piezoelectric materials are
used for controlling the motion of
the probe as it is scanned across
the sample surface
 A laser beam is reflected by the
back side of a reflective cantilever
onto the photodetector
 The position of the beam in the
sensor measures the deflection of
the cantilever and in turn the force
between the tip and the sample
 The feedback loop includes all of
the structural elements that are
required to hold the probe at a
fixed distance from the sample.

On which experimental parameters do the spatial
resolutions depend?

 Τhe vertical resolution (~ Å)  The lateral resolution

depends on: (~ Å to few tens of nm)
depends on:
• Laser intensity noise
• Positionning noise of piezo-
• Photodiodes’noise ceramics X,Y

• Thermal noise of cantilever • Tip sharpness

• Positionning noise of • Long or short range interaction

piezo-ceramic Z

How should a successful atomic force microsope be
designed and constructed?

 A very sharp probe must be constructed for measurement of high-resolution


 A feedback controller that permits rapid control so that the probe can follow
the topography on the surface must be created

 An X-Y-Z piezoelectric scanner that has linear and calibrated motion must
be created

 A stucture that is very rigid must be constructed, so that the probe does not
vibrate relative to the surface

The tip of the AFM is used:

 for imaging
 for measuring forces (and mechanical properties) at the nanoscale
 as a nanoscale tool, i.e. for bending, cutting and extracting soft materials
 high-resolution image control

In AFM all what is «seen», is seen by the tip, so everything depends on its


 AFM tips with a polygon based

pyramid shape positioned close to
the free end of the AFM cantilever

 Macroscopic half-cone angle 20°

to 25° viewed along the cantilever
axis, 25° to 30° viewed from the

 Half-cone angle smaller than 10°

at the apex

 AFM tip height ~10-17 µm


Conical tips are more preferable than pyramidal tips

AFM artifact arising from a tip with a high radius of curvature with respect to
the feature which is to be visualized


 cantilevers are commonly fabricated from silicon, silicon nitride, or polymers

 the fabrication process typically involves undercutting the cantilever

structure often with an anisotropic wet or dry etching technique

 without cantilever transducers, AFM would not be possible

Two equations are key to understanding the behavior of the cantilever:

The first is Stoney's formula, which relates cantilever end deflection δ to applied
stress σ:

where ν is Poisson’s ratio, E is Young’s modulus, L is the beam length and t is

the cantilever’s thickness.

The second is the formula relating the cantilever spring constant to the cantilever
dimensions and material

where F is force and w is the cantilever width.

The spring constant ω0 is related to the cantilever resonance frequency by the

usual harmonic oscillator formula:

A change in the force applied to a cantilever can shift the resonance frequency.
Imaging methods
 Contact mode
• tip is in contact with the substrate
• high resolution
• can damage fragile surfaces

 Non-contact mode (NCM)

• tip is oscillating and not touching the

 Tapping mode
• tip is oscillating and taps the surface

 Lateral force microscopy (LFM)

• tip is scanned sideways
• used to measure friction forces on the

 Force Modulation Microscopy

• rapidly moving the tip up and down
while pressing it into the sample.
• possible to measure the hardness of
the surface and characterize it
Imaging methods
 Electrical force microscopy
• If there are varying amount of charges
present on the surface, the cantilever
will deflect as it is attracted and

 Kelvin probe microscopy

• By applying an oscillating voltage to an
oscillating cantilever in non-contact
mode and measuring the charge
induced oscillations, a map can be
made of the surface charge

 Magnetic Force Microscopy

• If the cantilever has been magnetized
it will deflect depending on the
magnetization of the sample.

 Liquid sample AFM

• Immersing the cantilever in a liquid
• Image wet samples

 Electrochemical AFM
What types of forces are measured?

 The dominant interactions at short

probe-sample distances in the
AFM are Van der Waals (VdW)

 During contact with the sample,

the probe predominately
experiences repulsive Van der
Waals forces (contact mode)

 As the tip moves further away

from the surface attractive Van der
Waals forces are dominant (non-
contact mode)

Modes of operation

There are 3 primary imaging

modes in AFM:

 Contact AFM (< 0.5 nm probe-

surface separation)

 Intermittent contact (tapping mode

AFM) (0.5-2 nm probe-surface

 Non-contact AFM (0.1-10 nm

probe-surface separation)

Contact mode (repulsive VdW)

 When the spring constant of cantilever is less than surface, the cantilever

 The force on the tip is repulsive

 By maintaining a constant cantilever deflection (using the feedback loops)

the force between the probe and the sample remains constant and an
image of the surface is obtained.

Contact mode

Advantages Disadvantages

 High resolution  High contact pressure (GPa)

 Fastest of all the topographic  Lateral forces are experienced by

modes both probe and sample

 No problem with surface pollution  Tip sharpness is limited and so

(Imaging in air and liquid is does lateral resolution
 It can modify/destroy the observed
 Measurement of physical surfaces, so no soft materials can
parameters like electrical and be used
thermal properties

Non-Contact mode (attractive VdW)

 The probe does not contact the sample surface

 The cantilever is oscillated near its resonant frequency (about 100 to 400 kHz)
with an amplitude of a few nanometers (<10 nm)

 As the tip comes near the sample surface, the system detects variations in the
resonant frequency or vibration amplitude

 The frequency deviation is used to make an image of the sample

A virus coated on a multilayered polymer surface
was imaged. The delicate surface of the virus
can be clearly seen from the phase information
acquired by Non-Contact mode. 26
Non-contact mode

Advantages Disadvantages

 soft materials (very low force  low lateral resolution because

exerted on the sample(10-12 N) of the long range forces

 no limitation in tip’s sharpness  surface pollution

 extended probe lifetime  usually needs ultra high

vacuum (UHV) for better

Tapping mode

 The imaging is similar to contact

 The cantilever is driven to oscillate

up and down at near its resonance
frequency by a small piezoelectric
element mounted in the AFM tip

 The probe lightly “taps” on the

sample surface during scanning,
contacting the surface at the
bottom of its swing

 The amplitude is used for the

feedback and the vertical
adjustments of the piezoscanner
are recorded as a height image
 a: the oscillation amplitude of the
cantilever is constant,
representing the “free space”
situation where there is no
interaction between the tip and the
 b: the amplitude decreases when
the tip approaches close enough
to the sample surface so that it
“feels” attractive and/or repulsive
 c: The cantilever stops oscillating
when the tip is brought in to
mechanically contact the surface

Tapping mode

Advantages Disadvantages

 improved lateral resolution (~ 5 nm)  5 to 10 times slower than contact

compared to contact mode and non- mode (We need 5-20 minutes to
contact mode (short range repulsive obtain an image)
forces dominate)
 tip is damaged after several scans
 reduced forces applied on surface
compared to contact mode (so we
can observe soft materials)
 no friction forces, so sharper tips can
be used
 pollution layer is not a problem
(works in air, liquids)

Epitaxial Silicon (1x1μm2)

What are force curves?

 Force curve analyses can be used to determine chemical and mechanical

properties such as adhesion, elasticity, hardness and rupture bond lengths

 Force curves measure the amount of force felt by the cantilever as the
probe tip is brought close to - and even indented into - a sample surface
and then pulled away

 In a force curve analysis the probe is repeatedly brought towards the

surface and then retracted

 The slope of the deflection (C)
provides information on the
hardness of a sample

 The adhesion (D) provides

information on the interaction
between the probe and sample
surface as the probe is trying to
break free

Examples of AFM images

Topography Scanning

Example of generated image upon

scanning Pd thermally evaporated
on Si

Elimination of Extreme Points

This targets the highest points of

the sample and eliminates them
It then manipulates the image to
create a smaller dynamic depth

A better view


 Removed extreme points

 Digitally decreased the height of


 Less than 1/3 as high

as initial scan

Thickness of a Thin Layer
of Pd on Si Wafer

Systematic error

Surface roughness


 “Atomic Force Microscopy” by Peter Eaton and Paul West

 “Atomic Force Microscopy & CT-AFM” by K.Bouzehouane

 Automatic drift elimination in probe microscope images based on

techniques of counter-scanning and topography feature
recognition”Yurov, A. N. Klimov (1994)

 “Scanning tunneling microscope calibratiion and reconstruction of real

image: Drift and slope elimination” G. Schitter, M. J. Rost (2008)

 Introduction to Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) Basic Theory Atomic

Force Microscopy (AFM) Robert A. Wilson and Heather A. Bullen,*
Department of Chemistry, Northern Kentucky University, Highland
Heights, KY 41099.


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