Directory 2020 Extension
Directory 2020 Extension
Directory 2020 Extension
Tel.: +251-11-6462633
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Addis Ababa
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Research Extension 2020 Directory
1. Introduction
Agricultural Extension and Communication Research Directorate (AEC) is one of EIAR research
programs to coordinate dissemination; capacity building; partnership and participatory research and
generate feedback from beneficiaries. The ultimate goal of this directorate is to enhance adoption of
EIAR generated technologies and innovations for productivity and production goals. Major
approaches are on-farm and cluster based demonstrations, training, Field days, use of media and
commodity specific innovation platforms. For 2020/2021(2013 EC), under this directorate four
projects, 84 ongoing and 31 new activities are approved for 2020/21.
Demonstration of advanced technologies and innovation project uses pre extension demonstration
plots and participatory farmers’ research group to create awareness and demand on newly released
sets of innovations or technologies (3-5 options). The project also covers interventions in unaddressed
areas to create awareness and capacity in the existing technologies. It creates opportunity for users to
compare the new technology and innovation among the options against their practices. This project
provide feed for research and also for the extension system. Under this project there 26 ongoing and
22 new activities for 2020/21.
Large scale demonstrations and commercialization project is to test and support commercialization of
EIAR technologies at large scale to initiate technology based agribusiness development. Its uses large
scale demonstrations (LSD) as interface to leverage linkage of research institution based extension
and MoA extension programs in high national priority commodities. This project incubate EIAR
technologies proved in the demonstration trials to identify the path ways for commercialization.
Under this project there are 39 ongoing and 3 new activities for 2020/21.
Enhancing Technological and Institutional Capacity of Farmers and youth groups Project is to
influence and strengthen group learning and action through EIAR technologies. The purpose of this
project is to support farmers organizations like community based seed producers cooperatives,
farmers training centers and youth agribusiness incubate(service providers) through targeted supply of
new technologies and related capacity building trainings and experience sharing events. Facilitation of
linkages and partnership for these farmers and youth groups along EIAR generated technologies will
facilitate the uptake of innovations. Under this project there are 11 ongoing and 2 new activities
approved for 2020/21.
Women focused Technology promotion project is designed to women farmers by addressing the
existing technology access gaps, low adoption of women farmers and related capacity building
activities. This project will serve to address women specific agricultural problems and also promote
women friendly EIAR technologies that reduce drudgery. Under this project 8 on going and 4 new
activities are approved for 2020/2021.
Research Extension 2020 Directory
1. Demonstration of Advanced Agricultural Technologies and
Innovations project
Expected outputs:
• Created awareness on the farmers about improved technology
• Full package technologies accessed and adopted by farmers
• Demand of emerging agro-industrial for raw materials and export quality product
• Improved Production and productivity of the selected crops, income and food security of
• 40% of women participated on large scale demonstration
Target Areas/Location: West and South West Shewa Zones (Ambo, Leben jawi, Gendeberet,
Abunagenedbrte, Midakegn, and Jibat)
Responsible Persons: Yenenesh D., Soruma G., Azeb B., Alem J., Aynalem D., Bedaso J. and
Gutu D.
Activity 2: Demonstration and Evaluation of improved lowland sorghum varieties with associate
management practice.
To demonstrate improved sorghum varieties in potential production areas;
To promote the best performed varieties in the districts and
To assess and document the perception of farmers about improved sorghum varieties
Expected Outputs:
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Assessed end users’ perception and feedback about the improved sorghum technology
Produced a research report or Prepared document
Source of Fund: Public Fund (Government Fund)
Duration: 1, July 2011 - 2013 (3 years) EC
Target Areas/Location: - Abuna G/B and Gendebrte woreda of W/Shewa
Responsible Persons: - Soruma G., Alem J., Aynalem D., Yenenesh D., Azeb B., Gutu D., Bedaso J.,
Chala Ch - Crop Agronomist/ and Shashitu B.-Weed Sc researcher,
MARC or Bako ARC breeders, AARC
To demonstrate advanced newly released agricultural technology on large scale
demonstration farming system
To improve farmers’ awareness, access to and adoption of full package production
technologies of selected commodities;
To improve production and productivity of the selected commodities
To create access for available technology unaddressed location and community
Target Areas/Location: West and S/West Shoa zone of Oromia woredas (Ambo, Tokie Kutaye Dendie
Gendeberet and Abuna genedberete liben jawi,woilsoo and Becho)
Responsible person: Azeb B. Soruma G. Yenenshe D, Alem J. Aynalem D Bedaso J, and Gutu D.
Research Extension 2020 Directory
To assist farmers getting access to improved horticultural technologies and enhance
productivity, quality and safety in potential belts and specialize in certain products.
To help farmers, through a joint learning exercise, improve pre- and post-harvest
horticultural crops management, value addition , market and industrial access.
To strengthen farmers linkage along the value networks.
Target Areas/Location: Private seed company operating in West Shewa, East Wollega,
Activity 2:- Demonstration and evaluation of newly released maize varieties in different agro
ecologies of Ethiopia
To promote highland maize production
To enable & enhance the transfer & availability of highland maize varieties in the area.
To accelerate technology, skill, knowledge and management practices of the producers.
Research Extension 2020 Directory
1.4. Chiro Agricultural Research Center
Ongoing Activities (1)
Activity 1: Demonstration and Evaluation of improved lowland sorghum varieties with associate
management practice.
To Promote the performance of newly released improved low land sorghum varieties
To create awareness and interest on improved lowland sorghum varieties.
Activity 1: Demonstrations and evaluation of advanced common bean and cowpea technologies
To evaluate the performance newly released varieties common bean and cowpea with their
production practice for increased production
To develop awareness and interest on improved common bean and cowpea varieties among
farmers and agricultural experts
Activity 1: Demonstration and evaluation of released and registered forage crop varieties in
selected districts of Ethiopia
To promote and demonstrate improved forage
To increase smallholder awareness on improved forage production
To improve the availability of livestock feeds
To improve the biomass yield, management and utilization practice of improved forage grass
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Source of Fund: Public Fund (Government Fund)
Activity 2: Demonstration and evaluation of newly released maize varieties in different agro
ecologies of Ethiopia
To promote highland maize production
To enable & enhance the transfer & availability of highland maize varieties in the area.
To accelerate technology, skill, knowledge and management practices of the producers.
Activity 2: Demonstration and Evaluation of market oriented improved spices and Management
• To evaluate yield performance of black cumin and fenugreek varieties under farmers’
• To create awareness on the availability and importance of the new black cumin and fenugreek
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Source of Fund: Public Fund (Government Fund)
Responsible Person(s): Truayinet M., Mohammed A., Abune G., Desalegn W., Kefelegn Y. and
chick pea team
Person responsible: Truayinet M., Mohammed A., Abune G., Desalegn W., Kefelegn Y. and chick
pea team
Activity 2: Demonstration and Evaluation of Companion Crops for Inter-cropping with Onion
Production in the Off-season
To evaluate economic feasibility of inter cropping technology under farmers management
To create awareness on the importance of onion intercropping
To enhance farmers knowledge and skill of application intercropping technologies
To evaluate yield performance of improved onion varieties on farmers' fields.
To crate farmers awareness on improved onion varieties
To enhance knowledge and skill of onion management practices on farmers fields
Responsible persons: Misganaw, A., Endayen.M,Seged A,. and Horticulture research team
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Activity 1: Integrated Agricultural Innovation Demonstration village establishment in selected
Specific Objectives
Demonstrating in an integrated manner available and appropriate technologies to farmers in
the target demonstration sites
Creating mechanism for sustainable supply of technologies
Facilitate enhanced technology adoption
Creating market linkages
Use the site to demonstrate to wider stakeholders
Target Areas/Location: Libo-kemkem and Fogera (Kebeles : Qirigna and Quhar Abo)
Research Extension 2020 Directory
To create demand and sympathetic condition to scaling up of combined Organic and
Inorganic Fertilizers to Increase Yield of food Barley and Improve Soil fertility
Target Areas/Location: Welmera Districte Rob Gebeya Kebele and Ejere district Damotu Kebele
Person responsible: Ayalew , Cherent , Leyousew, Endale, Hana, Gerema, Zeleke, Matiyas
Expected outputs:
Acid soil management technologies for acid soil reclamation will be demonstrated and
Farmers knowledge on Acid soil and liming will be improved
Demand to scaling up lime technology on faba bean and barley will be created
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Target Areas/Location: Jimma, Ilubabor, Bunno bedele , west wollega, yem special woreda and
Kafa Zones
Persons Responsible: Werku D, Mohammed A., Mekides S. Borhansa M., and. Mesfin S.,
Mathewos S. and Tilahun D.
To promote small scale pineapple and banana production and enhance the adoption of the
To demonstrate pineapple and banana as a means of income diversification.
Target Areas/Location: Jimma , Ilu Ababor ,Bunno Bedele and Keffa zone
Responsible persons: Mohammed A., Mathewos M., Borhansa M.,
Mekdes S., Tewodros M. (PhD.)
Activity 3: Demonstration of improved weed management practices south west and west of
To demonstrate improved weed management practices recommended for coffee.
Responsible persons: Mekdes S., Borhansa M., Mohammed A, Worku D., Tadesse E.,. and Tilahun
D. Dawit Bikila.
Activity 4: Demonstration and Evaluation of improved coffee varieties in Dawuro Zone konta
special woreda
To promote improved coffee varieties
To promote improved coffee agronomic practices
To enhance the farmers’ awareness on the contribution of improved coffee
technologies on the coffee productivity & production.
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Duration: 1, July 2011 – 30, June 2015 (4 years) EC
Target Areas/Location: Dawuro zone (Tocha , Isera, Kechi , Mari) & Konta woreda
Responsible Persons: Mekdes S.,Mohammed A., Borhansa M., Wubishet T.,Fekadu T.(PhD), Sisay K.
Expected outputs:
Farmer’s awareness towards seed spices production, and utilization will improved.
Farmers will be acquainted with the improved varieties of the seed spices and demand will be
created among farmers on production of the varieties.
Responsible persons: Sintayehu.A.Messay.H ,Dr.Fekadu G., Awoke A., Gizaw W., Zewge
B.,Tsehay .T
New Activity (3)
Activity 1:- Demonstration and popularization of malt barley technologies in selected districts of
Arsi & west Arsi zones
Research Extension 2020 Directory
To create wider awareness and demand on selected improved malt barely varieties in the
targeted districts.
To enhance farmers’ knowledge and skill on malt barley production and management
To strengthen the linkages and network of farmers, development actors and other stakeholders
on technology promotion and dissemination.
Expected outputs
The accesses, availability, & utilization of improved seed of malt barley varieties will
The capacity of farmers to produce IV MB will improved
The institutional linkage among actors will strengthened
To demonstrate and transfer improved onion production technology
To increase onion production and make the farmers benefited
Expected output:
• Farmers will be aware and equipped about improved onion production technologies,
postharvest handling of onion
Responsible body:- Mesay Hailu, Sintayehu Abebe, Demis F., Desta Ts.
Activity 3: Demonstration and evaluation of Newly released maize varieties in different agro
ecologies of Ethiopia
To demonstrate highland maize & create awareness as well as demand
To improve access ,availability & utilizations of improved HL maize
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Expected outputs:
Farmer’s awareness towards highland maize production and utilization will improve.
Farmers will be acquainted with the improved varieties of the highland maize and demand
will be created among farmers
Responsible person: Getnet Bihonegne, Gebre Hagos, Haile Abebe and others
Activity 2:- Demonstration and Evaluation of improved lowland sorghum varieties with
associate management practice.
• To introduce improved sorghum varieties and corresponding agronomic practice for the study
• To initiate and establish sorghum innovation platform that contribute for technology
• To evaluate the performance and economic feasibility of sorghum varieties on farmers’ field.
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Activity 3:- Demonstration and Evaluation of Improved new Teff Varieties in Ethiopia
To introduce and create awareness on availability of selected dagim and filagot varieties in
the target area.
To evaluate the efficiency of variety and their profitability under small-scale farmers’
To strengthen partnership with key actors of agricultural innovation system for continuous
information and knowledge flow.
Expected Outputs:
Full package technologies accessed and adopted by 160 farmers;
Production and productivity of common bean, and income of farmers improved by 25%
Research Extension 2020 Directory
One common bean production leaflet produced
Responsible persons, centers: - Fistum M., Belay R., Gemechu G., Gadissa E., and Berhanu A.,
Activity 2: Demonstration and evaluation of improved onion varieties with their associated
management practices
To evaluate the performance newly released varieties of Onion with their production practices
for increased production
To create awareness and develop confidence among farmers and development agents,
agricultural experts and policy makers
Expected outputs:
• At least 3 field days organized every year the demonstrated of onion 600 users and
stakeholders visit the demos
• 25 onion producers participated and 100 users in onion and mass awareness created using TV
and radio.
• One reports and two materials (1 leaf leaflet and 1 poster) produced for scaling out produced
Target Areas/Location: Adama, Dugda, Lume and Fantale districts for irrigation. Lode Hetosa,
Boset and Dodota districts for main season rainfall.
Responsible Persons: Gemechu G., Gadisa E., Tesfa B., Jibicho G.
Activity 3: Demonstration and evaluation of released and registered forage crop varieties in
selected districts of Ethiopia
• To demonstrate/ promote production of recommended and released forage crop varieties to
Expected output:
• At least five farmers will participate and 50 farmers will observe/ learn in year one; Ten
farmers will participate and 100 farmers will visit/ learn in year three; at least 15 farmers will
participate and 200 farmers will learn in year three.
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Duration: 1, July 2012 – 30,June 2015 (3 years) EC
Activity 1: Demonstration of recently released variety of papaya in Metekel and Awi zone
To demonstrate and popularize adapted papaya varieties.
To select best variety/ies for next pre-scaling up
Activity 2:- Demonstration of ground nut variety in Awi zone of jawe woreda
To identify the potential of new varieties of ground nut relative to the check on farmers’ field
Popularize the varieties to farmers and experts
To create awareness on the importance of applying hygienic fish processing and utilization
practice/technique in fish based value adding process.
Research Extension 2020 Directory
To create demand for more feasible fish processing and utilization practices
Assess fisher’s perception and feedback on the demonstrated fish processing and utilization
Expected Outputs:
Information on fisher’s awareness of hygienic fish processing and utilization technique will
be generated
Information about the presence of demand on for more hygienic fish processing and
utilization techniques or options will be generated including the number of those who have
demanded and overall socio economic background of the participants
Information on fishers’ perception of and their feedback on the demonstrated processing and
utilization technique will be generated
Responsible Person (s): Yared Mesfin, Yared T., Hayelom B. and Eyob Bezabeh
To create awareness on more efficient and alternative system of fish farming and means for
obtaining multiple harvest under one system
Assess farmers perception of the demonstrated fish- vegetable/herb production system at
To establish a permanent on station training and demonstration site for different stakeholders
coming to the center for the purpose of learning/experience sharing.
Expected Outputs
• Information on the performance of the fish-vegetable/herb integrated production system is
known in terms of yield and its overall state.
• Information on the awareness level of farmers about the demonstrated system, their
perception of the same and overall feedback on the event is known.
• Permanent on station demonstration, training and learning site is established
Target Areas/Location: National Fisheries and Aquatic Life Research Center (NFALRC).
Responsible Person (s): Yared Mesfin, Dawit Addisu and Eyob Bezabeh
Research Extension 2020 Directory
To transfer proven and promising cotton technologies to large number of small and large
cotton producers at Afar, Oromia and SPNN
To increase adoption of proven cotton technologies thereby contribute to increase production,
productivity of cotton commodity
To transfer knowledge and skill of research finding among cotton producers, DAs,
agricultural experts and researchers through capacity building and experience sharing.
Research Extension 2020 Directory
To identify and document existing cotton technology promotion gap and suggest future cotton
Expected Outputs:
Four (4) Proven cotton varieties and one (1) cotton defoliant technology will be promoted
and adopted at major cotton growers areas
A total of three to five thousands cotton growers directly or indirectly beneficiaries and get
access to get information and knowledge of proven cotton technology
Target Areas/Location: Afar, Southern people nation and nationality and upper awash basin of
Oromia national regional state.
Responsible person: Responsible person: - Adem K., Donis G., Arkeb G., Mardasa B., Samuel, D.,
and Yonas B.
To demonstrate and evaluate the potential of improved avocado varieties under farmer
To promote avocado technology in cluster farming
Source of Fund: Public Fund (Government Fund)
To evaluate management practice skill of pineapple producers
To capacitate producers’ knowledge and skill on application/use of the technology
To create farmers demand for new technologies
To demonstrate and promote pineapple utilization
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Target Areas/Location:- Aleta wondo, Aleta Chuko and West Arsi
To demonstrate coffee variety technologies to model farmers
To create knowledge, information and skill exchange on improved coffee production
practices among farmers
To increase coffee production, productivity and income of smallholder coffee farmers
Responsible person: Yuel T., Getu M., Obsitu S., and Leta A..
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Activities under the first research project and Implementing Centers are shown below.
To demonstrate advanced, improve agricultural technology on large scale demonstration
farming system
To improve farmers’ awareness, access to and adoption of full package production
technologies of selected commodities;
To improve production and productivity of the selected commodities
To create access for available technology unaddressed location and community
Target Areas/Location: West Shoa zone of Oromia five (Ambo, liben jawi, tokie kutaye, Genedberete
and Abunagenedbrte)
Responsible person: Azeb B. Soruma G. Alem J. Yenenshe D., Aynalem Bedaso J. and, Gutu D.
General Objectives
To demonstrate Dagem and Kuncho improve teff variety in cluster based with recommended
agronomic practice in large scale by using cluster farming approach
Specific objectives
To demonstrate advanced newly released agricultural technology on large scale
demonstration farming system
Research Extension 2020 Directory
To improve farmers’ awareness, access to and adoption of full package production
technologies of selected commodities;
To improve production and productivity of the selected commodities
To create access for available technology unaddressed location and community
Expected outputs:
• Created awareness on the farmers about improved technology
• Full package technologies accessed and adopted by farmers
• Demand of emerging agro-industrial for raw materials and export quality product
• Improved Production and productivity of the selected crops, income and food security of
• 40% of women participated on large scale demonstration
• 720 ha of land will be covered.
Target Areas/Location: West and S/West Shoa zone of Oromia woredas (Ambo, Tokie Kutaye
Dendie Gendeberet and Abuna genedberete liben jawi,woilsoo and
Responsible person: Azeb B. Soruma G. Yenenshe D, Alem J. Aynalem D Bedaso J,
and Gutu D.
Target Areas/Location: West and South West Shewa Zones (Ambo, Lebn jawi, Gendberet,
Abunagenedbrte, Meda kegn, and Jibat)
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Responsible Persons: Yenenesh D., Soruma G., Azeb B., Alem J., Aynalem D., Bedaso J. & Gutu
Activity 4: Demonstrations and commercialization of advanced food and malt barely
technologies using Large scale demonstrations
General Objective
To demonstrate improved food barely varieties (Adoshe and HB-1307) in West Shoa Zones
of Oromia.
Specific objectives
To demonstrate the potentials of food barely varieties in the targeted areas
To identify men and women preference for food barely varieties
To improve famers knowledge and skill on food barely production and management practice,
To collect feedbacks from farmers, DA, agricultural experts and other stakeholders on the
performance of the varieties.
Responsible Persons: Yenenesh D., Soruma G., Azeb B., Alem J., Aynalem D., Bedaso J. & Gutu
General Objective
The overall objective is to create awareness and wider access for recently released Sorghum
technologies using large scale demonstration approaches in the region to contribute for food
Specific Objectives
.To conduct large scale full package demonstrations of selected commodities for joint
To increase farmers awareness, access to and adoption of full package technologies of the
To contribute for improved the production and productivity
To strengthen research and extension linkage for joint agricultural technology disseminations
To document and share best practices, experience, and lessons of full package large scale
technology demonstration.
Expected outputs
• Awareness about the technologies will be increased
Research Extension 2020 Directory
• Access to improved seed will be improved
• It will contributed for production and productivity, and food security,
• The linkages
among, research, and extension for agricultural technology transfer strengthened
• Best practices, experience, and lessons of full package large scale sorghum technology
demonstration documented and shared.
Responsible person: Hawa M. sorghum researcher, NRM researcher and other discipline
Expected outputs
It will be Contributed for production and productivity, food security, emerging agro-industry
parks and export market development
Awareness about the technologies will be increased
Access to improved seed will be improved
The linkages among agricultural research, and extension for agricultural technology transfer
Best practices, experience, and lessons of full package large scale soybean technology
demonstration documented and shared.
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Responsible person: Hawa M. sorghum researcher, NRM researcher and other discipline
Target Areas/ Location: - Doba, Tullo, Habro, Gemechise, Chelenko and Chiro
Responsible person/s: - Aseged.W,Derara.S,Amesalech.Yand ,Kedir
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Target Areas/Location: Oda roba and Oda Qeneni
Responsible Person: Anduamlak A., Mulugeta B., Belsti L., and Yalew M.
Responsible Person: Anduamlak A., Alehegn W., Mulugeta B., and Yalew M.
Research Extension 2020 Directory
to improve production and productivity of wheat
to strengthen linkage with stakeholders for joint and effective dissemination efforts of wheat
to document/share best practices, experiences, and lesson learned from largescale
demonstration of wheat
Responsible Person: Anduamlak A., Aleghen W., Belsti L., & Yalew M.
Responsible person: Truayinet M., Abune G., Mohammed A., Keflagn y., Desalegn W and Wheat
Activity 2: Demonstrations and commercialization of advanced Teff technologies using large
scale demonstrations
To create wider demand pull by reaching large number of users over relatively wider
geographical area
To enhance institutional and functional linkages with key players through joint actions
and performances
To improve farmers’ knowledge and skill of application of the improved tef technology
To identify key bottlenecks of wider dissemination of tef technology
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Source of Fund:- Public Fund (Government Fund)
Target Areas/Location: Adea, Lume, Minjar, Gimbichu, Liben, Werejarso, Akaki, Gelan, Berek
Guraghe and Silte zone…
Person responsible: Truayinet M. Desalegn W. and Kefelegn Y.
Activity 3: Demonstration and promotion of commercial avocado poduction villages for agro-
industries and export market
• To create wider demand pull by reaching large number of users
• To improve farmers’ knowledge and skill of application of the improved avocado
• To identify key bottlenecks of wider dissemination of improved avocado technology
Person responsible: Truayinet M., Mohammed A., Abune G., Desalegn W., Kefelegn Y. and fruit
New Actvity (1)
Activity 1: Demonstrations and commercialization of advanced chickpea technologies using
large scale demonstrations
To create wider demand pull by reaching large number of users over relatively wider
geographical area
To enhance institutional and functional linkages with key players through joint actions and
To improve farmers’ knowledge and skill of application of the improved chickpea technology
To identify key bottlenecks of wider dissemination of chickpea technology
Expected outcomes
Rice technology adoption enhanced
To create and strengthen linkage among possible actors
To enhance technology multiplication and dissemination systems
Improve Knowledge and skill of farmers and Development agents
Activity 2:- Demonstrations and commercialization of advanced faba bean and field pea
technologies using Large scale demonstrations
To create wider demand on the Faba bean with gall disease management technologies,
To facilitate rapid diffusion and adoption of Faba bean production technologies among the
farming communities
To create learning innovation platform among farmers and different stakeholders
Expected outputs:
Faba bean gall disease managed and its production and productivity increased
To create wider demand on the Faba bean with gall disease management technologies,
facilitate rapid diffusion and adoption of Faba bean production technologies among the
farming communities
Expected outputs
Full package technologies accessed and adopted by farmers
Production and productivity of selected crops , and income and food security improved
Linkage among different stakeholders at all level strengthened
Best practices, experiences and lessons of full package LSD documented and shared
Source of Fund: Public Fund (Government Fund)
Target Areas/Location: North Shewa, South West Shewa and West Shewa zone of target districts of
Person Responsibilities:
Extension Team (Chernet A., Hana A., Endale M., Ayalew A., Liyusew A. Telila)
Protection- Dr, Girma, Belachew/Yitagsu, Bogale
Crop- Dr. Brehane, Dr. Asnakech. Endeshawu, Nigusu
Economics – Dr. Ali.
NR/ Acid soil- Getahun, Yohanes
Agronomy- Medemdemiaw
Expected outputs
• Full package technologies accessed and adopted by farmers
• Production and productivity of selected crops , and income and food security
Research Extension 2020 Directory
• Linkage among different stakeholders at all level strengthened
• Best practices, experiences and lessons of full package LSD documented and shared
Target Areas/Location: North Shewa, South West Shewa and West Shewa zone of target districts of
Person Responsibilities:
Extension Team (Chernet A., Hana A., Endale M., Ayalew A., Liyusew A. Telila)
Protection- Dr, Girma, Belachew/Yitagsu, Bogale
Crop- Dr. Brehane, Dr. Asnakech. Endeshawu, Nigusu
Economics – Dr. Ali.
NR/ Acid soil- Getahun, Yohanes
Agronomy- Medemdemiaw
Activity 3: Demonstrations and commercialization of advanced faba bean and field pea
technologies using Large scale demonstrations
• To improve farmers’ awareness, access to and adoption of full package production
technologies of selected commodities.
• To improve production and productivity of the selected commodities.
• To strengthen agricultural education, research and extension linkage for joint technology
dissemination efforts; and
• To document and share/or scale out best practices, experiences, and lessons learned from full
package large-scale technology demonstration of selected commodities
Expected outputs:
Full package technologies accessed and adopted by farmers
Production and productivity of selected crops , and income and food security improved
Linkage among different stakeholders at all level strengthened
Best practices, experiences and lessons of full package LSD documented and shared
Target Areas/Location: North Shewa, South West Shewa and West Shewa zone of target districts of
Person Responsibilities:
Extension Team (Chernet A., Hana A., Endale M., Ayalew A., Liyusew A. Telila)
Protection- Dr, Girma, Belachew/Yitagsu, Bogale
Crop- Dr. Brehane, Dr. Asnakech. Endeshawu, Nigusu
Economics – Dr. Ali.
NR/ Acid soil- Getahun, Yohanes
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Agronomy- Medemdemiaw
Expected outputs:
Full package technologies accessed and adopted by farmers
Production and productivity of selected crops , and income and food security improved
Linkage among different stakeholders at all level strengthened
Best practices, experiences and lessons of full package LSD documented and shared
Target Areas/Location: North Shewa, South West Shewa and West Shewa zone of target districts of
Person R Responsibilities:
Extension Team (Chernet A., Hana A., Endale M., Ayalew A., Liyusew A. Telila)
Protection- Dr, Girma, Belachew/Yitagsu, Bogale
Crop- Dr. Brehane, Dr. Asnakech. Endeshawu, Nigusu
Economics – Dr. Ali.
NR/ Acid soil- Getahun, Yohanes
Agronomy- Medemdemiaw
New Activity (1)
Activity 1: Demonstrations and commercialization of advanced chickpea technologies using Large
scale demonstrations
• To improve farmers’ awareness, access to and adoption of full package production
technologies of selected commodities.
• To improve production and productivity of the selected commodities.
• To strengthen agricultural education, research and extension linkage for joint technology
dissemination efforts; and
• To document and share/or scale out best practices, experiences, and lessons learned
from full package large-scale technology demonstration of selected commodities
Expected outputs
Full package technologies accessed and adopted by farmers
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Production and productivity of selected crops , and income and food security improved
Linkage among different stakeholders at all level strengthened
Best practices, experiences and lessons of full package LSD documented and shared
Target Areas/Location: North Shewa, South West Shewa and West Shewa zone of target districts of
Person Responsibilities:
Extension Team (Chernet A., Hana A., Endale M., Ayalew A., Liyusew A. Telila)
Protection- Dr, Girma, Belachew/Yitagsu, Bogale
Crop- Dr. Brehane, Dr. Asnakech. Endeshawu, Nigusu
Economics – Dr. Ali.
NR/ Acid soil- Getahun, Yohanes
Agronomy- Medemdemiaw
Expected outputs:
The accesses, availability, & utilization of improved seed of bread wheat varieties will
The capacity of farmers to produce improved bread wheat will improved
The institutional linkage among actors will strengthened
Target Areas /Location: Tio,Ho/Wabi, Lemu/B,Munesa & robe arsi, Zewaydugda, Asasa, Hetosa,
Lodehetosa & Dodola
Person Responsibilities: Marta G. Sintayehu A., Messay.H. & respective crop breeder
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Activity 2: Demonstrations and commercialization of advanced faba bean and field pea
technologies using Large scale demonstrations
To demonstrate and create demand for improved fababean and field pea technologies
To popularize faba bean and field pea technologies and meet farmers’ demand for
Expected outputs:
Farmer’s awareness towards fababean production and utilization will improved.
Farmers will be acquainted with the improved varieties of the fababean and demand will be
created among farmers
Taget Areas/Location: Tiyo, Hetosa, Munesa, Chole, honkolowabe and Robe Arsi
Activity 2: Demonstration and promotion of commercial avocado production villages for agro-
industries and export market
To introduce and create awareness on availability and importance of Pinkerton & Hass
avocado varieties.
Research Extension 2020 Directory
To evaluate the economic return (profitability) of selected varieties under farmers practice.
Expected outputs:
Pinkerton and Hass avocado varieties will be introduced to the target area and 20 farmers will
be selected for hosting the activity.
Knowledge and skill of farmers will enhance via method and result demonstration, group
evaluation, tour and field day.
Feedbacks (input) will be generated from farmers for further technology advancement in the future
Activity 2: Demonstration and promotion of commercial avocado production villages for agro
industries and export market
Improve income and nutrition of farm households
Improve awareness and wider avocado technology adoption
To document and share best practices, experience, and lessons
Expected Outputs:
Three avocado production villages established
Avocado production area enhanced by 9 %
300 farmers directly benefited
Best practices, experience, and lessons documented and shared
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Source of Fund: Public Fund (Government Fund)
Target Areas/Location: Central rift valley area (Lume, Dugda, ATJK, Adama and Dodota districts)
Responsible persons: Fistum M., Gadissa G., Belay R., Girma K., and Abebe
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Activity 2:- Demonstration and commercialization of Advanced Rice technologies using large
scale demonstration approaches
• To select the best yielder variety of rice
• To improve farmers productivity by using improved rice variety.
Expected outputs:
• The selected soybean variety is recommended for future popularization activities
• Soybean production and productivity increased.
Expected outputs:
The selected soybean variety is recommended for future popularization activities
Soybean production and productivity increased.
Research Extension 2020 Directory
To create access and awareness of Soybean technologies production and management
Expected Outputs
Proven lowland soybean technology will be promoted or disseminated
Access and awareness of soybean technologies production and management practice
Expected outputs
Nine (09) Proven lowland irrigated wheat varieties will be promoted at lowland areas
In sum 40,000 farmers and agro pastoral households, 1300 (DAs, experts, researchers and
policy makers have aware on low land irrigated wheat production.
One socio-economic contribution irrigated wheat document will be prepared and published
Source of Fund: Public Fund (Government Fund)
Responsible person: Adem K., Getenet B., Mihratu.A., Tadious B., Haylu M.
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Source of Fund: Public Fund (Government Fund)
Duration: 1, July 2011- 30, June 2013(2 years) EC
Responsible person: Mohammed, Feta, Takele, Mesfin, Tesfaye, Bethel & Teshome
Expected output
Full package technologies accessed and adopted by farmers
Production and productivity of selected crops , and income and food security improved
Linkage among different stakeholders at all level strengthened
Best practices, experiences and lessons of full package LSD documented and shared
Target Areas/Location: four potential bread wheat-producing woredas (Endegagn, Sodo, Kokir,
Marko and Ezha).
Person Responsibilities: Mohammed, Feta, Takele, Mesfin, Tesfaye, Bethel & Teshome
New Activity (1)
Responsible person: Mohammed, Feta, Takele, Mesfin, Tesfaye, Bethel & Teshome
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Target Areas/Location: Hawela Tula, Boricha ,wondo, Arsi negelle, sankura, Aleta wondo and
Responsible person: Yuel T., Obsitu S., Habtamu G., and Muluken P
Activity 3:- Demonstration and promotion of commercial avocado production villages for agro
industries and export market
To demonstrate and evaluate the potential of improved avocado varieties under farmer
To promote avocado technology in cluster farming
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Target Areas/Location: W/genet, wondo, Soro, Aleta wondo, Sankura
Activities under the first research project and Implementing Centers are shown below.
Responsible Person(s): Alem J. Soruma G., Azeb B., Yenenesh D., Aynalem D., Bedaso J., and Gutu
Activity 2: Training and awareness creation on Safe use of Agro- chemicals and their
Application methods for youth group/Service providers in selected districts
• To transfer knowledge and skill of safe and rrecommended pesticide application for youth
group (service provider)
Specific Objectives:
• Reduced in appropriates pesticide application
• To create awareness on pesticide handling, spray application techniques, personal safety and
disposal systems
• To reduced hazards of pesticide on human envt and crop
• To create job opportunity for the youth
Research Extension 2020 Directory
• Created Job opportunities for youths’ group
Responsible Person: Azeb B. Soruma G. Alem J. Yenenshe D., Aynalem D., and Bedaso J., Gutu D
and collaboration with plant protection research team
Specific Objectives
• To enhance the regional seed system in general and community based systems in particular
through timely transfer newly released technologies.
• creation of sustainable institutional linkage among actors of s seed multiplication
• capacitating actors of seed multiplication
Expected outputs
• Awareness about the technologies will be increased
• Access to improved seed will be improved
• It will contributed for production and productivity, and food security,
• The linkages
among, research, and extension for agricultural technology transfer strengthened
• Best practices, experience, and lessons of full package large scale sorghum technology
demonstration documented and shared.
Responsible person: Hawa M. sorghum researcher, NRM researcher and other discipline
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Responsible person:
General objective
• To improve access of communities to productive seed and Capacity leading to sustainable
agricultural production and equitable returns.
Specific Objectives
• To enhance the regional seed system in general and community based systems in particular
through timely transfer newly released technologies.
• creation of sustainable institutional linkage among actors of s seed multiplication
• capacitating actors of seed multiplication
Expected outputs:
• Awareness about the technologies will be increased
• Access to improved seed will be improved
• It will contributed for production and productivity, and food security,
• The linkages
among, research, and extension for agricultural technology transfer strengthened
• Best practices, experience, and lessons of full package large scale sorghum technology
demonstration documented and shared.
Activity 1:- Strengthening seed producer farmer organization to enhance adoption of improved
General objective
Research Extension 2020 Directory
To improve access of communities to productive seed and Capacity leading to
sustainable agricultural production and equitable returns.
Specific Objectives
• To enhance the regional seed system in general and community based systems in particular
through timely transfer newly released technologies.
• creation of sustainable institutional linkage among actors of s seed multiplication
• capacitating actors of seed multiplication
Expected outputs:
• Awareness about the technologies will be increased
• Access to improved seed will be improved
• It will contributed for production and productivity, and food security,
• The linkages
among, research, and extension for agricultural technology transfer strengthened
• Best practices, experience, and lessons of full package large scale sorghum technology
demonstration documented and shared.
Production objectives
• To improve yield losses using improved management practices
• To evaluate yield performance and socio-economic feasibility of the technology under
farmers’ management
• To create awareness on the availability and importance of the technology
Learning objectives
• To improve knowledge and skill of farmers and development agents
Expected outputs
• To improve yield losses using improved management practices
• To evaluate yield performance and socio-economic feasibility of the technology under
farmers’ management
• To create awareness on the availability and importance of the technology
• To improve knowledge and skill of farmers and development agents
Target Areas/Location: North Shewa zone (selected schools in Kuyu. Degem, Yaya Gulele districts
), West Shewa zone (selected schools in Ejere, Dendi, Ambo
districts), South West Shewa zone (selected schools in Tole,
Sedensodo, Goro districts)
Responsible persons: Chernet A., Ext. team; breeders from selected commodity; NRM/Acid
soil, Pathology; Entomology; weed; technology multiplication
and seed research, Agri. economics
Activity Title 2: Training and awareness creation on Safe use of Agro- chemicals and their
Application methods for youth group/Service providers in selected
General Objective:
To contribute for improving safe use and proper Application of pesticide through
knowledge and skill transfer
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Specific Objectives
To build the technical skills, knowledge and attitude of youth group, retailers, farmers union
and experts on safe use, proper application and handling of pesticides.
To reduce risks of pesticides miss use and abuse
To increase crop production and productivity
To create job opportunity for the youth
Source of Fund: Public Fund (Government Fund)
Person Responsible: Chernet A., Dr. Girma D., Bogale., Belachew., Takele M.
Target Areas/Location: Jimma (Manna; Limmu Kossa), Bonga (Chetta), Awada (Dalle, Kercha),
Mechara (Daro Lebu).
General Objective:
To contribute for improving safe use and proper Application of pesticide through knowledge
and skill transfer
Specific Objectives
Research Extension 2020 Directory
To build the technical skills, knowledge and attitude of youth group, retailers, farmers union
and experts on safe use, proper application and handling of pesticides.
To reduce risks of pesticides miss use and abuse
To increase crop production and productivity
To create job opportunity for the youth
General Objectives:
To contribute for improving safe use and proper Application of pesticide through knowledge
and skill transfer
Specific Objectives
To build the technical skills, knowledge and attitude of youth group, retailers, farmers union
and experts on safe use, proper application and handling of pesticides.
To reduce risks of pesticides miss use and abuse
To increase crop production and productivity
To create job opportunity for the youth
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Activities under the first research project and Implementing Centers are shown below.
Expected Outputs:
Increased income source household
Improved poultry breed disseminated into three districts
Increased poultry production and productivity
Family diet status will improved
Create skill about modern poultry management and husbandry
Target Areas/Location: Ambo, T/kutaye and Dendi districts of West Shoa Zone
Responsible person: Yenenesh D., Soruma G., Azeb B., Alem J., Aynalem D., Bedaso J. & Gutu D.
Research Extension 2020 Directory
To enable & enhance the transfer & availability of dual-purpose chicken breed in the
To alleviate the prevalence of shortage of improved chicken to enhance food security
and the economy of smallholder farmers and
To accelerate technology, skill, knowledge and management practices of the producers.
To demonstrate and promote potato production technologies
To create awareness about newly released potato varieties
To improved post-harvest and preservation management practices
To improve the livelihood of the smallholder farmers
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Person responsible: Truayinet M., Mohammed A., Abune G., Desalegn W., Kefelegn Y. and chick
pea team
To demonstrate newly release potato varieties with associated package & create demand
among farmers particularly women farmers
To capacitate women farmers to produce improved varieties potato at their own locality
Expected output:
The availability , accesses & utilization of improved potato seed varieties will improved
The capacity of women farmers to produce to improved varieties potato will improved
Source Fund:- Public Fund (Government Fund)
Duration: 1, July 2012- 30, June 2015 (3 years) EC
Target Areas/Location:- Addis Ababa, Finfine Special Administration Zone
Responsible persons:- Hana
To demonstrate newly release potato varieties with associated package & create demand
among farmers particularly women farmers
To capacitate women farmers to produce improved varieties potato at their own locality
Research Extension 2020 Directory
Expected outputs:
The availability , accesses & utilization of improved potato seed varieties will improved
The capacity of women farmers to produce to improved varieties potato will improved
Responsible persons: Muluken P., Yuel T., Desta F., and Obsitu S.
Activity 2:- Demonstration and promotion of dual purpose poultry breeds for women
households in Ethiopia
To promote the dual-purpose chicken production
To enable & enhance the transfer & availability of dual-purpose chicken breed in the
Research Extension 2020 Directory
To alleviate the prevalence of shortage of improved chicken to enhance food security
and the economy of smallholder farmers and
To accelerate technology, skill, knowledge and management practices of the producers.
Expected Outputs:
Farmers and development agents gain sufficient knowledge about poultry production
The Koekkoek (dual purpose) chickens and production technologies is promoted to women
Income of low-level women is enhanced