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Class : 7 MID TERM EXAMINATION Marks: 80

Date : 26.09.22 SCIENCE Time: 2 hours

Name ___________________________Cl. & Sec. _____________ Roll No. ______________

Note: All the answers should be done on the question paper itself.
Circle the correct option: (1x20=20)

1. Which part of the plant gets carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis?

(a) root hair (b) stomata (c) leaf veins (d) sepals

2. How does photosynthesis help to maintain the percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere?

(a) by giving off carbon dioxide and absorbing oxygen.

(b) by giving off oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide.
(c) by releasing oxygen and carbon dioxide.
(d) by absorbing oxygen and carbon dioxide.

3. Which structure in a green plant controls the opening and closing of stomata?

(a) guard cell (b) mesophyll (c) phloem (d) xylem

4. Photosynthesis will not occur in leaves in the absence of

(a) guard cells (b) chlorophyll (c) vacuole (d) space between cells

5. The false feet of Amoeba (pseudopodia) are used for:

(a) movement only (b) capture of food only

(c) capture of food and movement (d) exchange of gases only

6. Which is not digested by human?

(a) protein (b) fats (c) glucose (d) cellulose

7. Given below from (i) to (iv) are some food items.

(i) boiled and mashed potato (ii) glucose solution

(iii) a slice of bread (iv) mustard oil

Which of the above will give blue-black colour when tested with iodine?

(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii)

(c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (iii) and (iv)
-2- (Class 7, Science, 26.09.2022)
8. Bile is produced in
(a) gall bladder (b) blood (c) liver (d) spleen

9. What is the normal temperature of a healthy person?

(a) 37°C (b) 37°F (c) 37 K (d) None of these

10 . Heat always flows

(a) from a colder object to a hotter object (b) from a hotter object to a colder object
(c) in both the directions (d) heat never flows from one object to
11. In case of _________, the cool air moves from the land towards the sea.

a) land breeze b) sea breeze c) ice breeze d) sand breeze

12. Which of the following is an insulator?

a) graphite b) air c) aluminum rod d) copper rod

13. Out of these gases which one is used in fire extinguishers

a) carbon dioxide b) sulphur dioxide c) nitrogen dioxide d) hydrogen sulphide
14. Which of the following set of substances contain acids?

a) grapes, lime water b) vinegar, soap

c) curd, milk of magnesia d) curd, vinegar

15. When the soil is too basic, plants do not grow well in it. To improve its quality what must be
added to the soil?
(a) organic matter (b) quick lime (c) slaked lime (d) calamine solution

16. Time period of a simple pendulum depends upon its

(a) weight of bob (b) length (c) both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
17. Which of the following cannot be used for measurement of time?
(a) a leaking tap (b) simple pendulum
(c) shadow of an object during the day (d) blinking of eyes

18. Time between one sunrise and the next sunrise is called a ……………
a) a day b) a month c) a year d) a decade

19. During the night

(a) sea water heats up (b) land heats up
(c) land cools more quickly than the sea (d) sea cools quickly than the land

20. Litmus is a natural indicator which is extracted from ……………….

a) vinegar b) citrus fruits c) lichen d) sugar

Class : 7 MID TERM EXAMINATION Marks: 80

Date : 26.09.2022 SCIENCE Time:2 hours

Note: All the answers should be done on the answer sheet provided.

Section A (1X9=9)

1. Suggest the organ of digestive system where the digestive juices from liver and pancreas is

2. Where do Rhizobium bacteria live?

3. The mercury does not fall or rise in a clinical thermometer when taken out of the mouth.
Explain why?

4. Which part of the digestive canal is involved in killing bacteria?

5. Which unit of speed will you use to express the speed of an aeroplane?

6. What is assimilation?

7. Name the gas that is produced during photosynthesis?

8. Name the mode of transfer of heat in which medium is not required.

9. What is the name of the device which measures the speed of a moving vehicle?

Section B (2 X 9=18 )
10. Write any two differences between milk teeth and permanent teeth.

11. Write any two points of difference between convection and conduction.

12. Write one similarity and one difference between the nutrition in amoeba and human

13. What do you understand by rumen and rumination?

14. From where do the plants obtain nitrogen?

15. Explain how Pitcher plants get their nutrition?

16. What are stomata? Explain their function.

17. Is the distilled water acidic/basic/neutral? How would you verify it?

18. If a car is moving with a speed of 5km/h on highway then find the distance travelled by the
car in 4 hours.

-2- (Class 7, Science, 26.09.2022)

Section C (3X6 = 18)

19. How are saprophytes, parasites & symbionts different from each other?

20. Differentiate between uniform motion and non-uniform motion .

21. Explain the process of neutralization with the help of an example.

22. Write any two points of difference between acids and bases. Also give one example of


23. While playing in a park, a child was stung by a wasp. Some elders suggested applying
paste of baking soda and others lemon juice as remedy. Which remedy do you think is
appropriate and why?

24. If Boojho covers a certain distance in one hour and Paheli covers the same distance in two
hours, who travels with a higher speed? Justify your answer.

Section D (5 X 3=15 )

25. a) What are villi? What is their location and function?

b) How does a starfish feed on animals?

26. a) A train is travelling at a speed of 100 km/hr. How long will it take to complete a

journey of 500 km without stopping in between?

b) The distance between two stations is 300 km. A train takes 6 hours to cover this

distance. Calculate the speed of the train.

27. a) The handle of a pressure cooker is covered with the thick plastic. Explain why.

b) The clinical thermometer is not used to measure high temperature. Why?

c) Explain in brief, why we wear dark colored clothes in winter.


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