Reading Lesson Plan 1

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Prepared by: Rosemarie B. Acapulco

Objective: To produce letter sounds m, s and blend them with the vowel sound a to read syllables
ma and sa. To read words from combined syllables and reading phrases to short sentences.
Subject: Reading
Grade Level: grade 3

Learning across curriculum:

1. Mathematics: Students can practice counting the number of words in a sentence or phrase.
2. Science: Students can explore the sounds made by different animals and relate them to letter
3. Filipino: Students can compare and contrast the letter in English and Filipino words.

Review Motivation:
1. Show pictures of objects that start with the letter sounds m and s and ask students to identify
the objects.
2. Play a game where students have to guess the word based on the blended letter sounds.
3. Sing a song that includes words with the letter sounds m and s.

Activity 1: Producing Letter Sounds m and s

Materials: Flashcards with pictures of objects starting with m and s, whiteboard, markers
1. Show the flashcards one by one and ask students to identify the objects.
2. Write the corresponding letter on the whiteboard as students say the words.
3. Practice saying the letter sounds m and s together as a class.
4. Have students take turns coming to the front, selecting a flashcard, and producing the letter

Assessment Questions:
1. What sound does the letter m make?
2. Can you give an example of a word that starts with the letter s?

Activity 2: Blending Letter Sounds m and a; s and a

Materials: Flashcards with the letters m, a, s, whiteboard, markers
1. Show the flashcards with the letters m, a, and s to the students.
2. Model blending the letter sounds m and a to form the syllable ma.
3. Have students practice blending the letter sounds m and a as a class.
4. Repeat the same process for blending the letter sounds s and a to form the syllable sa.
5. Provide individual practice by showing flashcards with different letters and having students
blend the sounds to form syllables.

Assessment Questions:
1. What syllable is formed by blending the letter sounds m and a?
2. Can you blend the letter sounds s and a to form a syllable?

Activity 3: Reading Words and Phrases

Materials: Flashcards with words and phrases containing syllables ma and sa, sentence strips,
1. Show flashcards with words and phrases containing syllables ma and sa.
2. Have students read the and phrases as a class.
3. Write the words and phrases on sentence strips and mix them up.
4. Distribute the sentence strips to the students and have them read the words and phrases
5. Encourage students to create their own sentences using the words and phrases.

Assessment Questions:
1. Can you read the word "mat"?
2. What phrase contains the syllable "sa"?

Generate more activities

Use 1 credit to generate more activity examples

Analysis: Observe students during the activities to assess their ability to produce letter sounds m
and s, blend letter sounds m and a; s and a, and read words and phrases. Take note of any
difficulties or areas of improvement.
Abstraction: Discuss with the students the importance of blending letter sounds to form syllables
and how it helps in reading words and phrases.

Application: Give students a real-life problem where they have to read a short paragraph
containing words with syllables ma and sa. For example, ask them to read a recipe for making a
sandwich using the words "mayo" and "salt."

Assessment: Teachers can assess students' learning by observing their participation and
performance during the activities, conducting oral assessments, and assigning written tasks to
assess their ability to read words and phrases containing syllables ma and sa.

Assignment: Ask students to create a mini-book or story using words and phrases with syllables
ma and sa. They can illustrate the book and share it with their classmates during the next lesson.

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