2.2 Assessing The Legitimacy of The EUs TreatyRevision Methods - Risse e Kleine

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JCMS 2007 Volume 45. Number 1. pp.


Assessing the Legitimacy of the EU’s Treaty

Revision Methods*

Freie Universität, Berlin
Freie Universität, Berlin

How legitimate are the EU’s treaty revision procedures, that is, IGCs and the Con-
vention? Since the rejection of the Constitutional Treaty the recurrence to inter-
governmental procedures appears as one way out of the current dilemma. We argue
instead that the Convention method is not to blame for the current crisis. On the
contrary, it increases the legitimacy of EU constitutionalization considerably.

How legitimate are treaty revision procedures in the European Union? Since
the 1980s, the EC/EU has been in a semi-permanent reform and subject to
various revisions of its constitutional structure. Several multilateral negotia-
tions were convened in order to amend the founding treaties or to create new
policy areas outside the Communities, respectively. The considerable effect
that the EU’s policies have on the European citizen’s daily life necessitates
asking whether the method of these adjustments is legitimate. In this article,
we focus on two basic models for treaty revisions, namely Intergovernmental
Conferences (IGC), on the one hand, and the combination of an IGC with a

* Research for this article was undertaken in the framework of the NEWGOV Integrated Project (‘New
Modes of European Governance’) as part of the European Commission’s 6th Framework Program for
socio-economic research. We thank an anonymous reviewer for comments.

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Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148,

Convention1 as its preparatory body, on the other. We therefore ask whether

and how the Convention method such as the Constitutional Convention adds
legitimacy to the original intergovernmental treaty-making and constitution-
alization procedure. Yet, since the rejection of the Constitutional Treaty in
France and the Netherlands in 2005, the excitement about the Convention
method has fallen silent, and a recurrence to good old intergovernmental
procedures in turn appears as the way out of the current dilemma. We argue,
however, that the Convention method increases the legitimacy of EU consti-
tutionalization considerably by
• shortening the lines of accountability from the citizens to their repre-
sentatives at the EU level through the participation of national and
European parliamentarians (better input legitimacy and accountability);
• increasing the transparency and publicity of the EU treaty-making
process as well as introducing elements of deliberative democracy in
this process (better throughput legitimacy);
• enhancing the problem-solving capacity of the European Union through
better institutions and improved decision-making procedures (better
output legitimacy).
At the same time, the Convention method cannot solve the fundamental
legitimacy problem of a European Union of 25-plus Member States that
deeply affects the daily lives of the citizens: the lack of a fully politicized and
transnational public discourse on EU policies and politics as a pre-condition
for a developed European democracy beyond the nation-state.
We proceed in three steps. First, we ask why we should bother at all about
the legitimacy of European governance. Second, we clarify the concepts of
legitimacy and accountability as applied to policy-making beyond the nation-
state. Third, we compare the legitimacy of traditional intergovernmental
conferences with the Convention method using the Constitutional Convention
as our illustrative model. We conclude with some notes on the larger legiti-
macy deficit of the European Union.

I. Legitimacy in European Governance – Why Bother?

For almost 15 years, since the French and Danish referendums on the Maas-
tricht treaties, the notion of a ‘democratic deficit’ has resounded through the
European academic and political landscape. Yet, scholars as well as politi-
cians could not differ more in their assessments. At one end of the spectrum,

In 2000, a Convention drew up a Charter of Fundamental Rights. In 2002–03, the European Convention
negotiated a Draft Constitutional Treaty. In the following, we will mainly focus on the latter.

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Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

it is argued that the EU constitutes a federal polity in the making. According to

this view, the EU’s democratic deficit stems from an institutional setting that
does not meet basic standards of governance common for liberal democracies.
Consequently, the EU should improve the democratic quality of its decision-
making processes through, for example, European-wide referendums, the
direct election of the EU Commission president, the empowerment of the
European Parliament and the like.2 At the other end of the spectrum, the EU is
seen as an international organization that accommodates co-operation between
its diverse Member States. In its extreme form, the argument of a democratic
deficit claims that immoderate delegation as well as the craving for power of
supranational bureaucracies has turned this organization into a technocratic
super-state that short-circuits democratic processes at the national level. It thus
runs the risk of overstretching the limited acquiescence of EU citizens.
Accordingly, the solution is not to improve the democratic quality of EU
policy-making, but to reduce the supranational powers of the EU.3
Yet, as Andrew Moravcsik reminds us, these contributions are generally
based upon stylized ideal-types that are rarely met in reality. The debate,
therefore, runs the risk of largely exaggerating the severity of the problem. In
fact, one might even contend that the ‘near consensual criticism of European
integration as democratically illegitimate is [. . .] unwarranted’ (Moravcsik,
2004). So why bother? While the debate on the ‘democratic deficit’ sometimes
appears shrill and biased, there is nevertheless a widespread sentiment that
the permissive consensus supporting European integration, almost no matter
what, shows signs of erosion, which is mirrored in, for example, decreasing
turnouts for elections to the European Parliament and protests during European
summits. Moreover, the acquis communautaire has reached a degree of intru-
sion in the lives of European citizens including regulatory policies with
distributive effects that we may ask whether the democratic quality of EU
policy-making matches the severity of its decisions. Finally, we can observe an
increasing alienation and disillusionment of citizens from the policy-making
process, both at the national and at the European levels. ‘Europe’ and ‘global-
ization’ fears are frequently exploited by populist and simplistic arguments in
See, for example, contributions by federalist policy-makers and MEPs to the debate. For academic
contributions see Lodge (1994) and Williams (1991).
This line of reasoning is often voiced in the British debate. In more modest academic contributions, it is
maintained that the EU’s main task and source of legitimacy is the efficient fulfilment of its delegated
functions (e.g. Majone, 2005). A democratic deficit either arises when governmental actors pursue their
own agenda and do no longer represent their citizens’ interests, or when their ability to pursue national
interests is constrained in a way that it undermines legitimate governance. Fritz Scharpf argues that EU
Member States are in an institutional configuration which privileges market regulation over social protec-
tion (Scharpf, 1999). Since this configuration is difficult to change, Member States find themselves trapped
in a situation in which their ability to accommodate neoliberal policies with social protection at the national
level is largely restricted – the resulting policy mix is suboptimal and illegitimate.

© 2007 The Author(s)

Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

national election campaigns. And as far as the EU is concerned, this problem

is exacerbated by the well-known scapegoating behaviour of national policy-
makers who frequently blame ‘Brussels’ for costly and unpopular decisions,
while claiming the better accepted policies for themselves.
As a result, we have to ask the question how legitimate and accountable the
EU decision-making process is, particularly if one is convinced – as are the
authors of this article – that scaling down the supranational quality of EU
integration is not an adequate solution to the challenges Europe faces in a
globalized world. Indeed, the growing awareness of a legitimacy problem
among European policy-makers resulted in the post-Nice process and the
Laeken Declaration in 2001. The heads of states and governments declared that
the Union needed to be brought ‘closer to its citizens’. What is more, intergov-
ernmental methods, and the style and outcome of the 2000 Nice IGC in
particular, seemed to have even aggravated the problem. Against this back-
ground, the Convention method that had just proven surprisingly successful in
the elaboration of the Charter of Fundamental Rights appeared as a panacea to
achieve better and more legitimate outcome. Before we evaluate whether the
Constitutional Convention did improve the legitimacy of EU treaty-making,
however, we need to clarify what we mean by legitimacy and accountability.

II. Legitimacy and Accountability in the European Union

Following Max Weber (Weber, 1980), a social or political order is legitimate
if the members consider its rules both appropriate and binding. Legitimacy
then generates voluntary compliance with costly rules because of a logic of
appropriateness irrespective of either sanctioning mechanisms or the utility of
the rule for those who have to comply. In this context, Fritz Scharpf and
Michael Zürn have further distinguished between input, throughput and
output legitimacy (Scharpf, 1999; Zürn, 1998, 2000). Input legitimacy refers
to the probability that those being ruled have some say in the process of
rule-making itself. Notions of input legitimacy that stem from models of
representative democracy are generally based upon the assumption of a con-
gruence between rulers and the ruled through mechanisms of representation
and public contestation. Beyond the nation-state, however, power wielders
must be held accountable in a way that institutionalizes crucial features of
representative democracy without simply replicating them. Input legitimacy
and accountability, thus, are closely linked concepts. According to Ruth Grant
and Robert Keohane, accountability ‘implies that some actors have the right
to hold other actors to a set of standards, to judge whether they have fulfilled
their responsibilities in light of these standards and to impose sanctions if they

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Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

determine that these responsibilities have not been met’ (Grant and Keohane,
2005, p. 29).
At first glance, the EU does not face problems of input legitimacy or
accountability. The governments of the Member States that are represented in
the European Council and in the Council of Ministers are all democratically
elected. The European Commission is accountable to these democratically
elected governments as well as to the equally democratically elected Euro-
pean Parliament. Thus, citizens who do not like what they get in terms of
European decisions can sanction their representatives through voting them
out of office. Yet, this is an idealized picture. The real problem of input
legitimacy in the European Union is the combination of multi-level gover-
nance and supranationalism in the absence of strong transnational interest
representation. As a result, citizens often have no idea who can be held
accountable at what level of governance, particularly when their national
governments can be overruled in the Council. This problem is exacerbated by
the all too common ‘Brussels made me do it’ attitude of national governments
mentioned above. One has to acknowledge, though, that EU treaty-making
faces fewer problems of input legitimacy and accountability than everyday
decision-making in the EU. First, Member States remain the ‘masters of the
treaties’ as a result of which national procedures including referendums for
the ratification of international treaties apply. Second, EU treaty-making
requires the unanimity of the Member States so that the accountability prob-
lems of supranational decision-making are less severe.
Another aspect of legitimacy concerns the quality of the decision-making
process itself, throughput legitimacy. Three components are of interest here.
The first one is normally not disputed either at the EU or at the national levels,
namely the legality of the process which is guaranteed by the rule of law in a
democratic polity. The second component constitutes another ingredient of
accountability, namely that it has to be crystal clear who is responsible for
which decision at what level. In democratic polities, the transparency of the
decision-making process and publicity shall ensure this ingredient of through-
put legitimacy. In multi-level governance systems such as the EU, transpar-
ency of the process is often not ensured, no matter how many documents are
being posted on the internet. EU treaty-making also suffers from a lack of
transparency more often than not, given the tendency to overly secret proce-
dures and negotiations behind closed doors. The third component of through-
put legitimacy directly concerns the quality of the process. Proponents of
deliberative democracy (Cohen and Sabel, 1997; Elster, 1998; Habermas,
1992) suggest that decision-making processes that systematically allow for
arguing, reason-giving and mutual learning rather than hard-nosed bargaining
will have a substantially improved chance of leading to better outcomes. The
© 2007 The Author(s)
Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

main reason is that arguing and reason-giving provide a mechanism to probe

and challenge the normative validity of actors’ interests as well as to check
the empirical facts on which policy choices are based. Thus, deliberative
quality constitutes a significant aspect of throughput legitimacy. There are
few empirical findings available with regard to the deliberative quality of EU
decision-making. As for EU treaty-making, intergovernmental conferences
have usually been analysed in the framework of theoretical models which
emphasize bargaining over arguing (Moravcsik, 1998). We will discuss below
whether the Convention method has improved the deliberative quality of EU
This last component of throughput legitimacy is directly linked to the third
aspect of legitimacy: output legitimacy. This concerns the effectiveness and
efficiency of the policy-making process. Ultimately, political decisions are
meant to improve the problem-solving capacity of a democratic polity. Poli-
tics and governance is about collectively regulating social issues and solving
political and social problems. A political order that does not perform well will
ultimately be considered illegitimate no matter how democratic the policy-
making process. Scharpf has even argued that output legitimacy should be the
sole criterion for evaluating EU policy-making, since the pre-political condi-
tions for a democratic polity beyond the nation-state, such as a collective
identity, cannot be taken for granted (Scharpf, 1999). This article cannot
evaluate the problem-solving capacity of the EU in general. Rather, we
concentrate on a comparison between intergovernmental conferences as the
primary method of EU treaty-making, on the one hand and the Convention
method as an innovative mode of EU governance, on the other. We now turn
to an evaluation of the Constitutional Convention according to the legitimacy
criteria outlined above.

III. The Convention Method: A More Legitimate Mode of

EU Governance?
But why should legitimacy be a problem at all in the case of treaty revisions?
As mentioned above, Intergovernmental Conferences (IGCs) comprise rep-
resentatives of all Member States that unanimously agree on a treaty under
international law. When it entails a shift of competences from the domestic to
the international level, such a treaty is subject to the various ratification
procedures of each Member State, that is, it requires approval by domestic
parliament(s) and sometimes even national referendums. And in the case of an
abuse of power, heads of state and government may be sanctioned by being
voted out of office.

© 2007 The Author(s)

Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

We maintain, however, that IGCs face various legitimacy problems. As to

input legitimacy and accountability, the concerns are probably less severe
than in cases of day-to-day EU decision-making, for the reasons stated above.
Nevertheless and in spite of the fact that EU treaties have to be ratified
through national procedures, the lines of authorization and accountability
from ordinary citizens to their representatives at IGCs are unnecessarily long.
More importantly, with regard to throughput legitimacy, IGCs face severe
problems of transparency and publicity. Their deliberative qualities are at
least questionable in the light of the horse-trading that went on at the Amster-
dam and Nice IGCs. Finally, concerning output legitimacy, most observers
agree that the Maastricht IGC has been the last one prior to the Constitutional
Convention which produced outcomes such as Economic and Monetary
Union or the Treaty on the European Union which enhanced the EU’s
problem-solving capacity. In contrast, the treaties of Amsterdam and Nice are
widely regarded as rather modest accomplishments which failed to make the
EU decision-making structures fit for enlargement and which produced many
so-called ‘left-overs’ to be dealt with at subsequent IGCs.
How does the Convention method score as compared with traditional
IGCs? At the Laeken summit in December 2001, the heads of state and
government agreed on convening the ‘Convention on the Future of Europe’
as a forum preparing the 2004 IGC. It was composed of four groups of
participants: representatives of national parliaments, of the European Parlia-
ment (EP), representatives of the Member States and of the European Com-
mission. When the Convention started its work, it quickly decided to
interpret its mandate as excessively as possible and to draft a Treaty for a
European Constitution which the subsequent IGC only altered at the
With regard to input legitimacy and accountability, the main novelty of the
Convention as compared to traditional IGCs concerned the prominent role of
members of the EP and of national parliaments. Since parliamentarians are
directly elected by citizens, this considerably shortens the lines of account-
ability from the principals in a democratic polity – the citizens – to the agents
in charge of the negotiations. Moreover, and probably more importantly, the
participation of European and national parliamentarians vastly increased the
plurality of interests represented in EU treaty-making. At traditional IGCs,
interest representation takes place via national governments who – in theory
– aggregate their respective domestic interests following a logic of ‘two level
games’, from the national to the European level (Putnam, 1988). In contrast,
the composition of the Convention allowed for a broader representation of
interests, not just along national lines, but also along party and ideological
© 2007 The Author(s)
Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

With regard to throughput legitimacy, the Constitutional Convention

strongly increased the transparency of the EU treaty-making process. The
deliberations mostly took place in public and every single document was
publicly accessible on the Convention’s website. Thus, citizens were able to
follow and to trace back the origins of almost every proposal for the Consti-
tutional Treaty. The information available to citizens was enormous as com-
pared to conventional IGCs. Publicity and transparency are pre-conditions for
the ability of citizens to hold their representatives accountable for their
In addition, we submit that the institutional setting of the Convention
served to improve the deliberative quality of the process.4 The Convention
method put a premium on reason-giving and arguing as opposed to interest-
based bargaining. First, the rules of the game, as laid out by Convention
President Giscard d’Estaing at the very beginning, stipulated that Conven-
tioneers were supposed to speak on their own behalf rather than on behalf of
their nation-state, party, or whatever group. While such a rule does not
preclude interest-based bargaining, it does require that speakers have to
appeal to commonly accepted principles and norms in order to make their
points. In that sense, it privileges arguing and reason-giving over bargaining.
Second and perhaps most importantly, the Convention’s decision rule was
consensus (not unanimity, since it was never specified what precisely was
meant by ‘consensus’). Given the plurality of interests and preferences rep-
resented at the Convention (see above), speakers could never be certain about
the preferences of their audiences. They could not know for sure whether a
particular proposal would meet the interests of a large majority of Conven-
tioneers. Empirical studies of the scope conditions for arguing show, however,
that reason-giving matters most in situations in which actors are either uncer-
tain about their interests and preferences and/or speakers do not know the
distribution of preferences among their audiences (Ulbert and Risse, 2005).
Under such circumstances, speakers have to use persuasive arguments to
convince their audience that a particular proposal is indeed in their best
interest. The institutional setup of the Constitutional Convention ensured that
speakers could rarely be certain about the preferences of their audience and/or
which proposal would find majority support. Thus, the Convention’s institu-
tional setting privileged deliberation over bargaining. In contrast, conven-
tional IGCs tend to institutionalize bargaining situations leading to the usual
horse-trading and package deals (at least during the final rounds), since the
preferences of the various governments are usually well-known in advance of
the negotiations.
Case studies on the Convention’s deliberations confirm this assertion. See Göler (2006).

© 2007 The Author(s)

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One could object to these claims that the rules of procedure granted the
Convention chairman, Valéry Giscard D’Estaing and the Presidium (a sample
of the Convention itself) considerable influence over the process and over
substantive outcomes. It is certainly true that the Convention’s particular
outcome, a Constitutional Treaty that comprises as well as recasts the EU’s
constitutional law, owed a lot to Giscard’s subtle steering of the deliberations
and his particular use of the rules. However, it is fairly common in complex
negotiating systems such as the Constitutional Convention that some func-
tions are delegated to an actor or a group of actors in order to attain a
mutually beneficial outcome. Moreover, there is little evidence to suggest
that the chairman indeed succeeded in manipulating the Convention in a way
so as to favour the pursuit of his own personal interests and preferences
(Kleine and Magnette, 2006; for a detailed account of the negotiations see
Norman, 2005).
As to output legitimacy, irrespective of the political controversy surround-
ing the Constitutional Treaty, there are several indications that the Convention
indeed produced a better outcome than previous IGCs. First, for the first time
since the early 1990s, there are no ‘left-overs’ to be dealt with in subsequent
IGCs. Second, most observers agree that the Constitutional Treaty increases
the efficiency of EU decision-making in a community of 27-plus members
(through the provisions for a “double majority” and so on). Third, the Con-
stitutional Treaty creates a single legal personality for the EU, an accomplish-
ment that the Amsterdam and Nice IGCs failed to achieve. Fourth, the
Constitutional Treaty improves the EU’s ability to speak with one voice in
foreign and security matters (EU foreign minister, EU diplomatic service
etc.), even though it failed to introduce qualified majority voting in foreign
and security policy.

In this article, we argued that the considerable effect decisions on the EU level
have on the European citizen’s daily life necessarily implies asking whether
the treaty revision procedures of the European Union are legitimate. We tried
to assess its legitimacy by comparing the Convention method with traditional
IGCs. We claimed that the Convention method indeed scores better than
conventional IGCs with regard to:
• input legitimacy (participation of members of parliaments leading to
shorter lines of accountability and to increased plurality of represented

© 2007 The Author(s)

Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

• throughput legitimacy (better transparency and increased deliberative

• and output legitimacy (no ‘left-overs’, greater efficiency of EU decision-
making through institutional reforms).
Ultimately, however, legitimacy is about people’s beliefs that a political
order is indeed appropriate and worthy of voluntary compliance. One might
ask, therefore, whether these rather abstract considerations of the legitimacy
of the Convention matter much in the light of the rejection of the Constitu-
tional Treaty by a majority of French and Dutch citizens which put the entire
Constitutional project in jeopardy. Was the whole project superfluous and
doomed to failure, as some have suggested (Moravcsik, 2006)? Would the
legitimacy deficit disappear if elites just stopped talking about it in public?
We doubt that and we suggest that the failure of ratification demonstrates a
more fundamental problem of EU policy-making that even the Constitutional
Convention – for all its merits – failed to address: the large gap between an
elite consensus on European integration on the one hand, and the scepticism
among many citizens on the other. This uneasiness about the European
project cannot be overcome through renewed ad-hoc public relations efforts.
The elite silence on Europe makes things worse and will ultimately backfire.
At best, it contributes to the increasing alienation of citizens from the policy-
making process, both at home and in Europe. At worst, it invites the
exploitation of European issues by populist parties and policy-makers on
the – right-wing or left-wing – fringes. Rather than keeping silent about the
European project, policy-makers who care about European integration
should actively contribute to the politicization of European issues. Given the
significance of EU decisions for people’s lives, European policies must
become similarly subject to contestation and controversy in the transnational
public sphere, just as domestic policies are in the national public spheres. As
long as European elites including the European Commission are too afraid to
debate Europe, they will exacerbate the current crisis. Public debates and
political controversies are healthy in any polity and the EU is no exception.
Moreover, one should not confuse politicization with populist politics. Popu-
list parties are usually exploiting a lack of public debate and they have little
to contribute to open and frank discussions in a lively public sphere. Of
course, politicization might slow down European integration in response to
globalization challenges quite a bit. But if this is the price to pay for
increased legitimacy of European governance, so be it. Only if the Conven-
tion method is embedded in a lively transnational public sphere will it be able
to translate its potential into increased legitimacy in the eyes of European

© 2007 The Author(s)

Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Thomas Risse
Otto Suhr Institut für Politische Wissenschaft
Freie Universität Berlin
Ihnestraße 22
Room 105
Berlin 14195
e-mail: [email protected]

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Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

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© 2007 The Author(s)

Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

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