Mcqs of Endocrine System

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Coordination 22
and Integration

22.0 Introduction
>The neural system provides a point-to-point rapid coordination among organs. Ihe neural coordination
is fast but short-lived. The nervefibres do not innervate all cels of the body and the cellular functions
need to be cotinuously regulated; so a special kind of coordination and regulation has to be provided.
This function is carried out by hormones. The neural system and the endocrine system jointy
coordinate and regulate the physiological functions in the body.

22.1 Endocrine Glands and Hormones

Endocrine glands lack ducts, so they are called ductless glands. Their secretions are called
hormones. The classical definition of hormone is a chemical produced by endocrine glands and released
into the blood and transported to a distantly located target organ. According to current scientific
definition: Hormones are non-nutrient chemicals which act as intercellular messengers
and are produced in trace amounts. The new definition covers a number of new molecules in
addition to the hormonessecreted by the endocrine gland. Invertebrates possess very simple endocrine
systems with few hormones. They have a large number of chemicals that act as hormones and provide

Exocrine gland is a gland that pours its secretion on the surface or into a particular region
+ by means of ducts for pertforming a metabolic activity, e.g., sebaceous
salivary glands, intestinal glands.
glands, gjan
Heterocrine gland (mixed gland) is a gland that has both exocrine and endocrine regots
the former pouring their secretion through ducts while the latter pouring their sedre
directly into blood/lymph.

Properties of Hormones
() They have low molecular weight.
(i) They have no cumulative effect.
(i) They are soluble in water and bloo.
(V) They can act in very lowconcentrabo
(v) They are non-antigenic.
(vi) They may act slowly or quickly.
(vi) Hormone controlled reactions are not reversible. (Vil) Their excess or deficiency leads to disoroe
(ix) They do not provide energy or building materials.
()Hormones are produced in inactive form called form)
prohormones. Eg., Proinsulin Insulin(acu
(xi) They are also called messenger because the site of effect is
different from the site of synne
ordination ni hieialion
Human Endocrine System HD
22 endocrinesystem.conmpises of the endoc1ine glands and hormone lyotalan Pineal
na diffused tissues or cells located in ditlerent
paits ou body
of Pilulary
prourine glands in our body aie hypothalamus, piluitaly, pineal,
The endocrine

adrenal, pancreas, parathyroid, thymus and gonads (lestis in

thyroid, adren
Ihyroid and

andovaryin emales). There are some other organs that also parathyroid

produce hormones e.g, gast1oint

intestinal tracl, liver, kidney, heart. Thyrmus
The study ot endocrine glands and role of their secretions is
called endocrinology. Pancreas
A person who specialises in endocrine glands is known as
an endocrinologist.


diencephalon, fore brain and it regulates a wide Ovary Testis

basal part of
is the
ItSDectrum in female) (in male)
of body functions. It is considered as supreme commander
of endocrine system. It contains several groups of neurosecretory cells
called nuclei which produce hormones. These hormones regulate the Fig.: Location of endocrine glands

Synthesis and secretion of pituitary hormones. Hypothalamus serves as

an anatomical connection between neural system and endocrine system
The hormones secreted by hypothalamus are of two types, the releasing hormones (which stimulates secretion of pituitary
hormones) and the inhibiting hormones (which inhibit secretions of pituitary hormones). For example a hypothalamic
On the
called Gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulates the pituitary synthesis and release of gonadotrophins.
These hormones
other hand, somatostatin from the hypothalamus inhibits the release of growth hormone from the pituitary.
originating in the hypothalamic neurons, pass through axons and are released
from their nerve endings. Various other
hormones secreted by hypothalamuS are: Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH or TSH-RH), Adrenocorticotropin releasing
hormone- releasing hormone (SRH or GH-RH),
hormone (ARH or ACTH-RH), Somatotropin releasing hormone or growth
Prolactin releasing hormone or luteotrophic or lactogenic hormone releasing hormone (PRH, LTH-RH), Prolactin inhibiting
hormone (MSH and MIH). These hormones reach
hormone and Melanocyte stimulating hormone and melanocyte inhibiting
the hormones secreted by anterior and middle lobes of
the pituitary gland through a portal circulatory system and regulate
neural regulation of hypothalamus.
pituitary. The posterior pituitary is under the direct
Pituitary Gland Hypothalamic

Ihe pituitary gland is a shaped gland

small pea located in abony cavity called
sella turcica. It is attached tohypothalamus by a stalk. Pituitary is often
because it secretes a number of hormones
called master endocrine gland endocrine glands.
which regulate and control the activity of other
into two parts: adenohypophysis
i s divided anatomically of two portions pars distalis
neurohypophysis. Adenohypophysis consists Portal circulation
da pars intermedia. The pars distalis region
of pituitary, commonly called
hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), thyroid Posterior
erior pituitary, produces growth
adrenocorticotrophic (ACTH),
hormone pituitary
imulating hormone (TSH), stimulating hormone (FSH).
uteinising hormone (LH) and follicle called melanocyte stimulating Anterior
ermedia secretes only one intermedia is almost merged Fig.: Diagrammatic representation of pituitary
mone (MSH). However, in humans, the pars also posterior
known as and its relation with hypothalamus
pars nervosa
distalis. Neurohypophysis or
pars called oxytocin and vasopressin.
and releases two hormones and are transported axonally to neurohypophysis.
Thy,stores the hypothalamus
normones are actually synthesisedhormones of pituitary glands, their functions and consequences of their over

The following
Jowing table summarises
Or under secretion
Table Pituitary hormones, their
functions and effects eris
Hormones from anterior lobe (adenohypophysis) of pituitary
stimulating proleinHypersecretion
1. Growth hormone (GH) or Stimulates giowth by
Somatotrophic hormone (STH) synthesis. darornegaly giganti'sm
Hypoecelion: dwarfis
Stimulates thyroid secretion.
2. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
Stimulates the production ofsteroid hormone,
3. Adrenocorticotropichormone (ACTH)
called glucocorticoids from adrenal cortex.

4. Gonadotropic hormones secretion of sex

) Follicle stimulating hormone Stimulates gamete production,
hormones, development of follicles,
cells of testis and
(i) Interstitial cell-stimulating Stimulates the Leydig's
hormone (ICSH) or Luteinising induces secretion of testosterone.
hormone (LH) Induces ovulation of fully matured graafian
follicles and maintenance of corpus luteum in
Luteotropic hormone (LTH) or Stimulates the growth of mammary glands and
Prolactin lactation.
Hormone from middle lobe (pars intermedia) of pituitary

6. Melanocyte stimulating hormone Controls dispersal of melanophores in skin in Hypersecretion:

(MSH) vertebrates, in man it is doubtful. hyperpigmentation
Hormones from posterior lobe (neurohypophysis) of pituitary

7. Oxytocin Stimulates milk ejection from mammary glands;

(Acts on smooth muscle of our body) causes contraction of uterus at the time of child
8 Antidiuretic hormone or ADH Stimulates reabsorption of water and Hyposecretion: diabetes
(Vasopressin) electrolytes by the distal tubules and there by insipidus
(Acts mainly at the kidney) reduce loss of water through urine (diuresis).
Stimulates contraction of smooth muscles,
blood vessels and causes rise in blood pressure.

+) Simmonds disease is
wrinkled skin of face and
due to degeneration of anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, resulting in dy and
premature ageing.

Pineal Gland
The pineal gland is located on the dorsal side of forebrain. Pineal atonin

gland secretes a hormone called melatonin. Me

plays a key role in the regulation of a 24-hour (diurnal) rhythm of our body. For example, it helps in mainc
the normal rhythms of sleep-wake cycle, body temperature.
Apart from this, melatonin also influences malld c
pigmentation, the menstrual cycle as well as our defence
capability. Due to its location, pineal glands is albo
epiphysis cerebri.

+) Melatonin is antagonistic to that of MSH secreted by pars intermedia of pituitary. It is an inhiDitoy

for sexual maturation and excitement i.e., it opposes SSH and LH hormones.
Serotonin a neurotransmitter found in other locations in the is also found in the
brain, the pineal gland.
pineal gia
Chemical Coordnation and hiegtion

Thyroid G l a n d

aland is one of the largest endloctine

Thyroidgland glands and is
the neck just below the larynx and
sitioned on the
pOsin has two
either side of trachea Vocal
es, one on
interconnectedwith thint of connective
Its twllad isthmus. The thyioid gland lap
are a

tUssue calle

nd stromal tissues.
composed of Thyroid
thyroidfollicles Each thyroid follicle is
of cubical epithel and filled with a Iachea

ial called colloid. Small amount of lo0se

homogenous Parathyrord
stroma of the
tissue gland. Besides containing blood (a) b)
capillaries,the stroma contains small clusters of specialised Fig.: Diagrammatic view of the position of thyroid and
cells or "C' cells. parathyroid glands (a) ventral side (b) dorsal side
Thyroid gland:secretes three hormones: Thyroxine, tri-
dothyronineand rocalcitonin (TCT). Thyroxine (T) Thyroid folicdles
and tri-iodothyronine (13) are secreted by thyroid follicular Foilicular eputhelium
cells, lodine is essential for the normal rate of hormone
Synthesis in the thyroid. Both are iodinated forms of an amino Colloid
acid tyrosine. T is more active and potent than T T gets
converted into T, by removal of one iodine atom in the liver,
kidneys and some

,Thyrocalcitonin (Calcium lowering hormone) is secreted by

Fig.: LS. of thyroid gland
C-cells of the thyroid gland. It is secreted in response to high
blood calcium level. It suppresses release of calcium ions from the bones and lowers the calcium level in blood.
Functions of thyroid hormones
0 Regulate the metabolic rate of the body and maintain BMR (basal metabolic ra
i) Regulate growth of body tissues and development of mental faculties.
(Gi) Stimulate tissue differentiation (e.g., promote metamorphosis of tadpoles into adult frogs).
(iv) Support the process of red blood cell formation.
) Regulate carbohydrates, proteins and fats metabolism.

Disorders of thyroid gland

hormones results in Grave's disease or exophthalmic goitre
Hyperthyroidism: Excessive secretion of thyroid and rapid heart beat.
accumulation, loss of weight,

ndracterised by bulging eyes due to fluid

causes cretinism in intants. Symptoms are retarded growth,
Ypothyroidism: Deficiency of thyroid or gull's disease is caused by deficiency of thyroxine in
undeveloped sex organ, mental retardation. Myxoedema
to fat accumulation in subcutaneous tissue, lack of alertness, slow
I t s characterised by puffy appearance
is the enlargement of thyroid gland, may
lead to cretinism
Deat, etc. Simple goitre (iodine deficiency of 1odine.
LyAOedema. It is caused due to dietary deficiency

Parathyroid Gland the thyroid gland,

one pair each in the two lobes of
In humar
t,Our parathyroid glands
are present on the back side of
the thyroid gland. The chief cells secrete a
and oxyphil cells (large).
cells (small)
glands consist of two types
ne called parathormone
or Collip's
of cells: chief
hormone which regulates
calcium and phosphate balance
levels of calcium ions. Parathyroid
by the circulating
the blood is regulated the process of bone
resorption. This is
ot tissues. The secretion PTH
andother of bones and stimulates
PTH) reases thee Ca2+ levels in the blood. PTH acts on
stimulates reabsorption
the renal tubules and
of Ca" by

Called dis PTH also role in calcium

balance in the body.
a significant
Ca Oution or Along with TCT, it plays
puon from the digested food.
lead to the developmenl ol hiel
blood cale

Persistent excess production of PIH may alcium,

+ toas hyperparathyroidism. It may be associated witlh the develojpiiet

with increased incidence of fractures), kidney stones,

ol o,leoquntrr. (dsu
Osteitis fibrO% y'lK (118 i t u l on
on tolelebhonenet
by cysts and fibrous tissue).
the blood and t i , dio
Hyposecretion of parathormone lowers concentiation of alcdun io in

of in urine. This incteases the excitability

calcium contractions
of nerve,
in mrde, i l l j 1-Anp, ad rcon
Sustained (tetany) of the muscles of larynx, Iace, had anl loot i prolu ed Ihie
known as parathyroid tetany.

T h e thymus is located between lungs behind the steinum on the ventral side ol aorta, II 1, a 0lt, pinkish, biloted .
ymphoid tissue. At birth, it is a prominent gland but it gradually atrophies in the adult. Ihyrs plays a rnajor tol
development of immune system. t secretes the peptide hormones named thymosins which slimulate, the devole
and differentiation of T lymphocytes, which provide cell-mediated immunity, thu5, Increasing resistance to elopman
It also hastens attainment of sexual maturity. In addition, thymosins also promote production of antibodier, to are
humoral immunity. Thymus is degenerated in old individuals resulting in a decreased production of thymosin de
result, the immune responses of old persons become weak.
Adrenal gland Adrenal Cortex

+ Hassall's corpuscles are spherical or oval bodies present

in the thymus. They are phagocytic in function.

Adrenal Glands
Adrenal glands are paired structures (conical, yellowish bodies)
located on the top of kidneys. These are also called as glands
of emergency. The gland is composed of two types of tissues. Adrenal medulla
The centrally located tissue is called the adrenal medulla, and Kidney
(a) (6)
outside this lies the adrenal cortex. Fig.: Diagrammatic representation of (a) Adrenal gland accve
kidney (b) Section showing two parts of adrenai gland

Adrenal gland has two parts

Adrenal Cortex Adrenal Medulla
It is derived from the mesoderm of the
embryo. It develops from the neuroectoderm of the embryo.
It is divided into three layers: The adrenal medulla secretes two hormones: nor
() Zona glomerulosa is the outer zone that
lies just below the capsule. It secretes hormones
epinephrine (nor-adrenaline) and epinephrine
(adrenaline) which are commonly called
called mineralocorticoids, that affect mineral
catecholamines. Nor-epinephrine and epinephine
homeostasis. arederived from the arnino acid tyrosine.
(i) Zona fasciculata is the middle and widest Adrenal medulla consists of chromaffin
zone and consists of cells These cells are modified
arranged in long, postganglionic cells
straight columns which secrete glucocorticoids sympathetic nervous system and are connecteu
because they regulate glucose homeostasis. With
pre-ganglionic motor fibres of sympathec
(ii) Zona reticularis is the inner zone and consists nervous system.
of cells arranged in Sympathetic nervous system and adrena
branching cords which medulla function as an inteqrated system calied
gonadocorticoids or sex corticoids.
sympathetico-adrenal system.
The adrenal cortex secretes many
hormones, commonly called as
Mineralocorticoids: They maintain water and electrolyte balancecorticoids.
metabolism. The major mineralocorticoid is aldosterone, commonlyand blood volume in the body by mner3

in body stimulates release of aldosterone. It called salt-retaining hormone.reguldm

causes retention of sodium
and water from the kidney and
notassium and phospl1ate
eNCretion o r p o t a s s i u m ions. Ihus, aldosterone helps in the maintenance of
nd blood pressure. electrolytes, body fluid volume,
u c o c o r t
They altect
caibohydrate metabolism however, they also affect metabolism of
GIu timulate qluconeogenesis, lipolysis and proteolysis; and inhibit cellular proteins and fats.
ids include three main hormones cortisol, corticosterone and cortisone. uptake and utilisation of amino acids.
Of the three, cortisol is the most
ant Cortisol produces anti-intlammatory reactions and suppresses the immune
response. Cortisol is also involved

infaining the cardio-vascular system as well as the kidney functions. Cortisol is used for treatment of allergy as it
a e SVnthesis of antibodies by inhibiting production of lymphocytes in the lymphoid tissues. It stimulates the RBC

duction. Under stress conditions our body secretes cortisol. That is why it is also known as stress hormone.

Covcorticoids: These include both male and temale sex hormones. Androgens are important for development of male
s also stimulate the development of male secondary sexual characters. Estrogen controls the development of

female secondary sexual characters.


The adrenal medulla secretes two hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline, commonly called as catecholamines.
Catecholamines also stimulate the breakdown of glycogen resulting in an increased concentration of glucose in blood.
n addition, they also stimulate the breakdown of lipids and proteins.
Nor-epinephrine (Noradrenaline) It regulates the blood pressure under normal condition. It causes constriction of
essentially all the blood vessels of the body. It causes increased activity of the heart, inhibition of gastrointestinal tract,
dilation of the pupils of the eyes, etc.
Epinephrine (Adrenaline) - It is secreted at the time of emergency hence, also called emergency hormone.Itcauses
the same effects as those caused by nor-epinephrine but with minor differences. Epinephrine has a greater effect on
cardiac activity than nor-epinephrine. It causes only weak constriction of the blood vessels of the muscles in comparison
with a much stronger constriction that results from nor-epinephrine.

Addison's disease Cushing's syndrome

Caused by excess of cortisol. It is characterised by high blood sugar,
Caused due to deficiency of mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids.
appearance ofsugar in the urine, rise in plasma Na*, fallin plasma
Its symptoms include low blood sugar, low plasma Nat, high
K*, rise in blood volume, high blood pressure, etc.
plasma Kt, increased urinary Nat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea,

Conn's syndrome
Adrenal virilism Gynaecomastia
Appearance of male characters in female
Development of enlarged mammary
Caused due to excessive production is called virilism. Excessive production of glands (breasts) in the males, due to
of aldosterone. Its symptoms include a excessive secretion of estrogens in males.
male sexcorticoids (androgens) produces
high plasma Nat, low plasma Kt, rise Decreased testosterone may also lead to
male secondary sexual characters like beard,
in blood volume, high blood pressure gynaecomastia.
moustache, hoarse voice in woman.
and polyurea.

Pancreas 'Islets
acts as both exocrineand endocrine gland. The endocrine pancreas consists of
Pancreas is a composite qland which 1 to
1 to 2 million islets of Langerhans in a normal human pancreas representing only
Langerhans'. There are about of cells in the Islets of Langerhans are called ca-cells andB-cells.
The two main types
per cent of the pancreatic tissue. while the B-cells secrete insulin.
Ihe a-cells secrete a hormone called glucagon,

is maintained jointly by the and glucagon. Glucagon is a peptide

two hormones-insulin
Ihe glucose homeostasis in blood acts mainly on the liver
role in maintaining the normal blood glucose levels. Glucagon
normone. It plays an important (hyperglycemia). This hormone
stimulates glycogenolysiS resulting in an increased blood sugar
cells, hepatocvtes and reduces the cellular
which also contributes to hyperglycemia. Glucagon
also stimulates the process of gluconeogenesis which plays a
IhuS, giucagon Is a hyperglycemic
hormone. Insulin is a peptide hormone,
glucose uptake and utilisation. on hepatocytes and adipocytes
(cells of adipose tissua
nomeostasis. It acts mainly
major role in the requlation of glucOse
moVeincnt ol qlhte oge fron
and enhances cellular glucose uptake and utilisation.As a resul, there i, a lapid blood
and adipocytes resulting in decreased blood glucose levels (hypoqlyc omia). Iusaulinn al r) slinulater cot
of glucose to glycogen (glycogenesis) in the target cells.
wlidh is ialed wilh
hyperglycemia leads to a complex disorder called diabetes mellitus loss of gjuroe
through urine and tormation of hamful compounds known as ketone bodie. Diabelic palenl, are sticcesshulv
esully treated
with insulin therapy.

The two other types of cells in pancreas are:

+) Delta cells or D-cells (about 5 %) produce somatostatin (SS).
Pancreatic polypeptide cells or PP cells or Fcells (15 %), produce pancreatic polypeplide (PP).

A pair of testis is present in the scrotal sac (outside abdomen) of males. Testis performs dual functions as a primar
organ as wellas an endocrine gland. Testis is composed of seminiferous tubules and stromal or interstitial tissue
The Leydig's cells also known as interstitial cells are present in the intertubular spaces and produce a grouo r
hormones called androgens mainly testosterone. Androgens regulate the development, maturation and functions
the male accessory sex organs like epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, urethra, etc. These hormones
stimulate muscular growth, growth of facial and axillary hair, aggressiveness, low pitch of voice, etc. Androgens olay a
major stimulatory role in the process of spermatogenesis. They act on the central neural system and influence the male
sexual behaviour (libido). These hormones produce anabolic effects on protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

Females have a pair of ovaries located in the abdomen. Ovary is the primary female sex organ which produces one oVum
during each menstrual cycle. In addition, ovary also produces two groups of steroid hormones called estrogen and
progesterone. Ovaryiscomposed of ovarian folliles and stromal tissues. The estrogen is synthesised and secreted mainly
by the growing ovarian folliles. After ovulation, the ruptured folidle is converted to a structure called corpus luteum
which secretes mainly progesterone.
Estrogens produce wide ranging actions such as stimulation of growth and activities of female secondary sexorgans
development of growing ovarian folicles, appearance of female secondary sex characters (e.g. high pitch of voice, etc.),
mammary gland development. Estrogens also regulate female sexual behaviour. Progesterone supports pregnancy. It also
acts on the mammary glands and stimulates the formation of alveoli, (sac-like structures which store milk) and milk secretion.

22.3 Hormones of Heart, Kidney and Gastrointestinal Tract

The atrial wall of our heart secretes atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) which decreases blood pressure by dilation of blood
vessels. The juxtaglomerular cells of kidneys secrete erythropoietin which stimulates the bone marrow to increase tne
production of RBCs (erythropoiesis). Endocrine cells present in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract secrete
major peptide hormones, namely gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin (CCK) and gastric four
Gastrin acts on the gastric glands and stimulates the secretion of inhibitory peptide (GP
exocrine pancreas and stimulates secretion of water and bicarbonate ions. CCK
acid and pepsinogen. Secretin acts on tne
acts on both pancreas and gall bladoe
and stimulates the secretion of pancreatic
enzymes and bile juice, respectively. GIP inhibits gastric secretion and motnuy
Several other non-endocrine tissues secrete hormones called
growth factors. These factors are essential for the norme
growth of tissues and their repairing/regeneration.
22.4 Mechanism of Hormone Action
Hormones produce their effects on target tissues by the
binding to specific proteins called hormone locatea
target tissues only. Hormone receptors present on the cell membrane of the target cells are called receptors
and the receptors present inside the target cell are called intracellular membrane-bouna Ee
receptors, mostly nuclear receptors (present in the nui
The hormones may be cdassified into four categories on the basis of
their chemical nature:
i) Amino acid derivative hormones The hormones and

thyroxine are derived from the amino acid tyrosine.

epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine (noradrenalui

) lodothyronines Ihhiod homon

Protein, peptide, polyp°ptide, hoTmones The n.atotp, 1liyotopie and qonadotropic hormones, insulin,
oludgon, palathoinmne, hun.Un horioICJOn.alotpin, human chorlonle sommatomamnotropin (hC S), relaxin, vasopressin
3nd oytocn

( Steroid hormones - 1he hoi s sieled by th denal (otex, tostes and ovaries are composed of steroids
Placental estiadiol and piosterone e alo stemod hoOns

Mechanlsm of Hormone Actlon

CAMP mediated hormone activity Transcription and translation effect
amino Steroid hormones being lipid soluble can easily enter into
Most proteins and polypepide homones, many
specially catecholamines and some of the target cells and exert their efect by combining with a
acid derivatives,
(because of their large size, cannot enter specific cytoplasmic receptor protein in a target cell i.e., cell
to intracellular receptois. They act as the that responds to the hormone, Each receptor molecule binds
the cells) bind to one hormone, forming a hormone-receptor complex that
first messenger and exert their ettect by combining with
enters the nucleus. The complex activates DNA, stimulates
surtace of the cell
Specific fixed receptor site over the outer
the transcription (i.e., formation of mRNA) of a particular
membrane, thereby activating the enzyme adenyl cyclase gene and specific messenger RNA (mRNA) synthesis
on the inner surtace of the membrane. Hormones which increases. Ihe specitiC mRNA enters the cytoplasm, where
interact with membrane-bound receptors normally do not it directs the ribosomes to synthesise specific proteins
enter the target cell, but generate second messengers (translation). These proteins may be enzymes, structural
Ca** etc.) which in turn regulate proteins, receptor proteins or secretory proteins.
e.g. yclic AMP, IP
cellular metabolism. cAMP, the second messenger, is a basic Uterine cel
requlator of cell metabolism, it acts by conversion of inactive membrane

protein kinases to their active form. Hormone

-Hormone (e.g., FSH) (eg, estrogen)a
Receptor Ovarian
cell membrane

Response Genome

(Generation of second messenger cyclic AMP or Ca**)

Biochemical responses Physiologica! responses

(Tissue growth and
Fig.: Diagrammatic representation of the mechanism
Physiological responses (eg, ovarian growth)
of steroid hormone action
the mechanism
Fig.: Diagrammatic representation of
of protein hormone action

keeping the internal chemical environment of the body constant. Hormones help in

+) Homeostasis means

maintaining homoestatis by their integrated action and feedback control


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The given figure shows main endocrine glands in hurnar

22.1 Endocrine Glands and Hormones body. Identify A to E and select the correct option.
Endocrine glands have to carry their secretions
to the specific organ. Hypothalamus 3
(b) tubules A
(a) capillaries
(c) no ducts (d) ducts
statements regarding hormones
Which of the following
is incorrect?

(a) Hormones are non-nutrient chemicals which act as

intercellular messengers.
Hormones are molecules of low molecular weight -E
and are produced in traces.

(c) Hormones provide energy and also eftect growth

and metabolic activities of target cel.
inactive form.
(d) Many hormones are produced in
can be classified into C D E
Enzymes, vitamins and hormones A 3
a of
single category chemicals, because all of
biological a) Pineal Pituitary Thyroid and Thymus
these parathyroid
(b) Pituitary Pineal Thyroid and Adrenal Thymus
(a) helps in regulating metabolism parathyroid
of a living
(6) are exclusively synthesised in the body Thyroid and Thymus Kidney
organism as at present
(c)Pituitary Pineal
(c)areconjugated proteins (d) Pituitary Pineal Thyroid and Thymus Adrenal
(d) enhance oxidative metabolism. parathyroid
4Which one of the following statements is correct? 7. What is the effect of GnRH produced by hypothalamus?
but not a)Stimulates the synthesis and secretion ofandrogens
a) Endocrine glands regulate neural activity,
vice versa. (b) Stimulates secretion of milk in mammary glands
not vice
(6) Neurons regulate endocrine activity, but c)Stimulates fetal ejection reflex from non-
versa. d) Stimulates synthesis of carbohydrates
neural activity, and carbohydrates in liver
() Endocrine glands regulate
endocrine glands. labels A, B,
nervous system regulates 8. Select the option that correctly identifies the
neural activity nor the
(d) Neither hormones control C and D in the given diagram.
neurons control
endocrine activity.

222 Human Endocrine System

is under control of
Secretion of which of the following
neurosecretory nerve cells
(a) Pineal
(b) Adrenal cortex
c)Anterior pituitary A
d) Thymus
654 B C
A B a) Neuo Adono P
Blood vessels halamus
Anterior Posterior hypophysis hyophy', ditlr,
(a) intermedk
pituitary pituitary (b) Adeno Neuro Pars
(b) Posterior Anterio Hypothalamus Ihalamu
hypophysis hypoptiyl', nlemnod dstal,
pituitary pituitary Par
(Anterior Posterior Portal Hypothalamic ()Aden0 Neuro Pars
hypophysi hypophy, ditali.
pituitary pituitary circulation neurons

Portal Adeno Pals

d) Hypo Posterior Anterior (d) Neuro Par,
thalamic pituitany pituitary circulation ypophysis hypophy, Inemedia dstalr
neurons 15. With reference to the pituitary, iich of the follu

. TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is produced by statements is correct?

aadrenal cortex (a) Neurohypophysis synthesises vasoprescinaand

(6) middle pituitary lobe Oxytocin.
anterior pituitary lobe (b) Adenohypophysis stores 1SH and STH secreterd k
(d) posterior pituitary lobe. neurohypophysis.
10. Adrenocorticotropic hormone is secreted by (c)Neurohypophysis collects and stores vasoprerin
(6) adrenal and oxytocin.
(a) thyroid
(d) Adenohypophysis secretes vasopressin and oxtoin
pancreas (d) anterior pituitary.
16. Pituicytes are under the control of
11. MSH is secreted by
(a) anterior lobe of pituitary (a) adenohypophysis (b) hypothalamus
(Cneurohypophysis (d) both (a) and (c).
b)middle lobe of pituitary
(c) posterior lobe of pituitary 17. Which of the following hormones does not havea
(d) endostyle. particular target organ in the body?
(a) Growth hormone (b) TSH
12. FSH is secreted by
(a) anterior lobe of pituitary
(c) Oxytocin (d) FSH
18. Which hormone stimulates the secretion of milk from
(b) hypothalamus
( gonads (a) Oxytocin
(d) posterior lobe of pituitary. (6) Progesterone
)LH (d) Prolactin
13. Which of the following statements about 'neuro- 19. ldentify from the
hypophysis' is correct? following, a hormone produced by the
(a) It stores the hormones produced by adeno- pituitary gland in both males and females but functional
only in females.
hypophysis. (a) Vasopressin (b) Relaxin
(b) It is poorly developed and functionless in humans.
c)Prolactin (d) Somatotropic hormone
(c) It stores and releases hormones secreted
by 20. Excess secretion of
qrowth hormone in adults leads to
(d) It secretes its own hormones.
(a) acromegaly (b) goitre
14. Identify A, B, C and D in the given flow chart and select
the correct option.
)gigantism (d) dwarfism
21. The
Pituitary gland
gonadotropic hormones are secreted by
(a) anterior lobe of pituitary
Divided anatornically into (b) interstitial cells of testes
Cadrenal cortex
(d) posterior part of
22. LH and FSH
B are
(a) somatotropins
collectively called
Consists of Stores and releases
(b) oxytocin
(c) gonadotropins (d luteotropic hormones
23. Sertoli cells mone
C D Oxytocin Vasopressin known as
regulated by the pituitary
(Anterior pituitary) (Secretes MSH) (a) LH (b) FSH
(c)GH (d) prolactin.
emical Coondun.i
is under the contiol ol
tion in temales 33. ObeVe the given fiqures
and select the option that
)ADHand LH () H tOely identifies the label, A, B, C and D.
dTSHandLH ()L and 1SIL
ian of progesterone by corpus luteum is iniliated
15. SecTetion

(b) thyroxine B C D
(d) LH.
(Ventral side) (Dorsal side)
26. Match column I with column lI and select the correct A C D
the given codes.
ODtion trom (a) Parathyroid gland Isthmus Tachea Thyroid gland
Column Column Il (b) Thyroid gland Isthmus Trachea Parathyroid gland
A. FSH ) Transported axonally to (c) Thyroid gland Isthmus Larynx Parathyroid gland
neurohypophysis from (d) Thyroid gland Corpus Trachea Parathyroid gland
hypothalamus luteum

B. MSH (Gi) Acts on melanocytes and 34. Which one of the following endocrine glands stores its
regulates pigmentation of secretion in the extracellular space before discharging
skin it into the blood?
C.Vasopressin (ADH) | (ii) Stimulates the growth and (a) Testis (b) Thyroid
development of ovarian (c) Pancreas (d) Adrenal
follicles in female 35. Goitre is a pathological condition associated with
D. Pars intermedia (iv) In human, it is almost a) glucagon (6) progesterone
merged with pars distalis (c)thyroxine (d) testosterone.

(a) A-(i), B-(i), C-fiv),D-) 36. Exophthalmic goitre is also called.

a) Addison's disease (b) diabetes insipidus
(b) A-0), B-(i), C-(i),D-(iv)
( A-(v), B-(i), C-(i), D-) (c) Grave's disease (d) acromegaly
(d) A-i), B-(i), C-9), D-{iv) 37. The hormone which regulates the basal metabolism in
27. The function of oxytocin is to help in our body is secreted from

(b) gametogenesis
(a) adrenal cortex (b) pancreas
la) child birth
)pituitary d) thyroid.
growth (d) all of these.
38. What is the function of calcitonin?
28. Diabetes insipidus occurs due to the hyposecretion
(a) It increases calcium level in blood.
a) thymosine (b) oxytocin It decreases calcium level in blood.
)insulin (d) vasopressin.
C)ltstimulates steroid synthesis. tubules.
(d) It increases absorption of water in kidney
9. Ihe hormone, which is related to the urine
in mammals, is 39. Which hormone promotes cell division, protein synthesis
(a) antidiuretic hormone (b) testosterone and bone growth?
(d) GH
c)oxytocin (d) all of these. a) PTH (b) ACTH (c) ADH
30. ADH 40. Which of the following statements
is corect tor

(a)increases water absorption parathormone'?

() decreases water absorption (a) It increases blood calcium level and
calcium store of the bone.
c)synthesises salt (b) It decreases blood calcium
level and increases
d) controls sugar level of blood. calcium store of the bone.
1. Melatonin is secreted by level and decreases
(b) skin (C)t increases blood glucose
(a) pineal body calcium store of the bone.
(d) thyroid. level and increases
pituitary gland (d) It decreases blood glucose
32 The function of pineal body is to calcium store of the bone.
41. The blood calcium level is lowered by the deficiency
3) lighten the skin colour (b) calcitonin
(6) control sexual behaviour (a) thyroxine
the period of puberty (c) parathormone (d) both (a) and (b).
d) all of these.
42. Ca2* level in body is contiolled by 52. Adienaline diuectly aftlec
(b) parathyroid gland (a) SA node
(a) thyroid gland
(c) adrenal gland (d) both (a) and (b). (b) cells of Langeihans
(c) dorsal root of spinal nerve
43. A person is having problem with calcium and phosphorus
(d) epithelial cells of stomach.
metabolism in his body. Which one of the following
glands may not be functioning properly? 53. Which of the following is Called
the body?
ncy gland o
(a) Parotid (b) Pancreas
(c) Adrenal cortex (d) Parathyroid (a) Testis (b) Adrenal
44. Increase in bleeding time and delay in blood coagulation (c) Thymus (d) Pituitary
is due to the deficiency of which hormone? 54. Which of the following is a
(a) Adrenaline (b) Noradrenaline (a) Testosterone (b) Progesterone
(Parathormone (d) Thyroxine (c) Adrenaline (d) Aldosterone
45. Which gland atrophies in adults? 55. Reabsorption of Na* is controlled by which ne of
(a) Pancreas gland (b) Thymus gland following hormones? tre
(c) Adrenal gland (d) Thyroid gland (a) Aldosterone (b) Estrogen
46. Which one of the following is termed temporary gland? c)Glucocorticoids (d) Testosterone
(a) Pineal (b) Thymus 56. In which of the following options, hormone
(c) Pancreas (d) Kidney is a
matching with its source and function?
47. Adrenals are located above Hormone Source Function
(a) stomach (b) liver (a) Glucocorticoids Adrenal Produces anti-
(c)pancreas (d) kidney. cortex
inflammatory reactions
48. ldentify the parts labelled A, B and C in the given figure (b) Vasopressin Posterior Stimulates resorption af
and select the correct option (second figure is the cross pituitary water and electrolytes
section of 'A). c)Parathyroid Thyroid Decreases the blood Ca
hormone level
(d) Melatonin Pineal
Maintains sleep-wake
gland cycle
57. Match column l with column ll and select the coect
option from the given codes.
Column Columnl
Kidney A. Thyroid )Acts on the renal tubules
A B C B.Adrenal Gi) Regulates blood calciumee
(a) Adrenal gland Cortex Medulla C. Pituitary (Gii) Maintains diurnal rhythm ot
(b) JGA Cortex Medulla Ourbody
(c) Adrenal gland Medulla Cortex D. Pineal (v)Acts on the melanocytes
(d) Adrenal gland Pars distalis
Pars intermedia (a) A-(iv), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(0)
49. Underproduction of hormones by adrenal cortex causes (6) A-(ii), B-(iv), C-(i), D-(i)
() A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-G)
(a) Addison's disease (b) diabetes mellitus (d) A-(i). B-(), C-(iv), D-(ii)
(c) diabetes insipidus (d) Grave's disease 58. Besides corticotropin releasing hormone (h
50. Feeling the tremors of an earthquake, a scared resident of which other hormone also stimulates the release
seventh floor of a multistoreyed building starts adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)?
down the stairs rapidly. Which hormone initiated this (a) Glucagon (b) Insulin
action? (c) Aldosterone (d) Epinephrine
(a) Adrenaline (b) Glucagon 59. The islets of
(c) Gastrin Langerhans are found in
(d) Thyroxine (a liver (b) pancreas
Which hormone causes dilation of blood vessels, (c) stomach (d) alimentary canal.
increased oxygen consumption and glucogenesis? 60. Insulin is
(a) Glucagon (b) ACTH
secreted by_ of pancreas.
(a) a-cells (b) &-cells
(c) Insulin (d) Adrenaline (c) B-cells none of these
Chemical Coordination and htegiation
cOurce of
source of somatoslatin is same as that of
611. (a) thyroxine
and calcitonin C) Initiates the conversion of glycogen to
and glucagon (d) Initiates the formation of hepatic
(b) insulin excess of glucose
glycogen from
id somatotropin and prolactin
68. Select the mismatched pair from the following.
(d) vasopressin
and adrenaline
(a) Insulin Gluconeogenesis

which of the following match is correct?

62. (b) Glucagon Glycogenolysis
Hormone Effect (c) Oxytocin - Contraction of uterine muscles
(a) Oxytocin Milk ejection hormone
(d) Prolactin Milk production
in mammary glands
(b) Glucagon Decreases blood sugar level 69. Which of the
(c) Adrenaline Decreases heart rate following is not a characteristic of insulin ?
(a) It stimulates the process of
None of these
(d) (D) It binds to glycoprotein receptors on cell mem-
Which of the llowing statements regarding glucagon brane
is false? (c) Its deficiency leads to diabetes mellitus.
(a) It is secreted by a-cells of Langerhans. (d) Its oversecretion leads to insulin shock.
(b) It acts antagonistically to insulin. 70. A patient of diabetes mellitus excretes glucose in urine
even when he is kept on a carbohydrate free diet. It is
(c) lt decreases blood sugar level.
(d)Thegland responsible for its secretion is a because
heterocrine gland. (a) fats are catabolised in adipose tissues to form glucose
(b) amino acids are catabolised in kidney to form glucose
64. Select the correct matching of a hormone, its source amino acids are discharged in blood stream from liver
and function. (d) glycogen from muscles is released in blood stream.
Hormone Source Function 71. Given below are four statements (A D) each with one
a) Vasopressin Posterior pituitary Increases loss of or two blanks. Select the option which correctly fills up
water through urine
the blanks in any two statements.
(b) Norepi- Adrenal medulla Increases heart beat,
rate of respiration
(A) Thymus secretes(0 which help in differentiation
nephrine of
and alertness
(B) The adrenal medulla secretes ()which
(c) Glucagon Beta-cells of islets Stimulates
stimulates the breakdown of . i)_ to increase
of Langerhans glycogenolysis the blood glucose concentration during emergency
(d) Prolactin Posterior pituitary Regulates growth
of mammary glands situations.
and milk formation (C) The Leydig's cells or i ) presentin the
intertubular spaces in testis, produce a group of
in females
hormones called
65. Which of the hormone is synthesised in both (D) Thyroid gland secretes ) and triiodothyronine
the brain and endocrine glands? which contain i ) .
(a) ACTH (b) Cortisol (a) (A)- (i) melatonin, (i) T-lymphocytes
C)Oxytocin (d) Somatostatin (B)-(i) adrenaline, (ii)fat
the (b) (B) () catecholamine, (i) glycogen
b6. Select the option that correctly identifies A to E in
given flow chart. (C)-(i) interstitial cells, (i) LH
Islets of Langerhans
(c) (B) (i) catecholamine, (ii) glycogen

(D)- () thyroxine, (ii) iodine

has 2 types
(d) (D)- () parathyroid hormone, (i)
of main cells (A)-()thymosin, (i) B-lymphocytes
is incorrect?
A-cells > secrete insulin > causes-D
72. Which one of the following statements
B-cells secrete-C causes-E (a) Glucagon is secreted by pancreas.
A B C D E (b) Androgens are produced by ovary.
secreted by thyroid.
a) p Glucagon Hyperglycaemia Hypoglycaemia
Hypoglycaemia Hyperglycaemia
(c Thyroxine isis secreted by pituitary.
(6) Cortisol (d) Oxytocin
Hyperglycaemia Hypoglycaemia statements that define functions of a
Glucagon Hypoglycaemia Hyperglycaemia
73. Read the given
d) particular hormone.
67. Which one function of insulin? maturation and
of the following is not the Regulates the development,
membrane to epididymis, vas deterens, seminal
a) of cell functions of
ncreases the permeability gland, urethra, etc.
vesicle, prostate
glucose in the cels
Increases the oxidation of glucose
(a) A (v), B (u), (v), D (n)
() Stimulates muscular qrowth of facial and axillary
(b) A (v). B (i), (i), D (v)
hait, aggressiveness, low pitch of voice, etc
( c ) A(). B (i), (v), D (i)
(ii) Stimulates spermatogenesis.
(iv) Act CNS and sexual behaviour
on (libido). (d) A (ii), B (v), (iv), D (i)
Produce anabolic (synthetic) effect on protein and
(v) 77. Which one of the lollwing pair, ir,
carbohydrate metabolism. incor
(a) Glucagon Bela ell, (Source)
cells/interstitial cells (present
(vi) The leydig's (b) Somatostatin- Delta cell, (Sourro
secrete this hormone
intertubular space)
the influence of LH.
(c) Corpus luteum- Relaxin (Secretioni
Which of the hormones is referred to here? (d) Insulin - Diabete nellitus (Disea,
(a) FSH (b) Progesterone 78. Which of the following hormones is
(d) Melatonin development of secondary sexu.
74. Match column with column ll and select the correct beings?
option from the given codes. (a) Estrogen (b) FSH
(c) Testosterone
Column Column lI (d) Both (a) and (
A. Testis Pigmentation 79. Match the source gland with its
Ovaries (i)Atrophies in adult
and function and select the correct option. horm
C.Thymus (ii) Estrogen Source gland Hormone
D. Melanin (iv) Testosterone
(a) Anterior Oxytocin Contraction of uteng
(a) A-(ii), B-iv), C-), D-{i) pituitary muscles during die
(b) A-i), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(6) birth
(A-iv),B-(ii), C-{i), D-() (6) Posterior
(d) A-), B-(v), C-(i), D-(ii) Vasopressin Stimulates
75. Given below is an pituitary reabsorption oi wete
incomplete table about certain in the distai
hormones, their source glands and one major effect tublesin
of each on the body in humans. Select the the nephron
option that (c) Corpus luteum Testosterone

correctly fills the blanks A, B and C. Supports pregnanq

Glands SecretionEffect on body (d) Thyroid Thyroxine Regulates blood
Estrogen Maintenance of calcium level
secondary sexual 80. Match column I with column ll and
select the coret
characters option from the given codes.
Alpha cells of islets B Raises blo0od sugar
of Langerhans level Column Column
Anterior pituitary C A. Oxytocin
Oversecretion ) Stimulates ovulation
leads to gigantism B. Prolactin (i) Implantation and
maintenance of pregna
(a) Placenta Glucagon Calcitonin
(b) Ovary C. Luteinising ii) Milk production in
(c) Placenta Insulin
Glucagon Growth hormone
hormone mammary glands
(d) Ovary Insulin
Vasopressin D. Progesterone (iv) Uterine contractionduns
76. Match column I with
column Il and select the correct labour
option from the given codes. Reabsorption of water
Column Column I nephrons
A. Hypothalamus (i) Relaxin (a) A-v), B-(iv), C-0), D-()
Anterior pituitary i) Progesterone (6) A-(iv), B-6), C-(i), D-(ii)
C. Testis
(ii) FSH and LH (c) A-(iv), B-(ii), C-), D-(i)
D. Ovary (d) A-(v). B-(i), C-(i), D-0)
(iv) Androgen stimu

81. Low level of progesterone and estrogen in


releasing hormone (a) GnRH production (b) LH production

(c) GH production (d) all of

al Coon
0yCremcal Coord naion Jnd Irntegration

Hormones of Heart, Kidney

and Gastrointestinal Tract
ond G ell
Match column
alumnth column l and select the correct
Response 1
from the gIven cede
Column membrane
Column Generation of C
ANF (0) Regulates blood calcium levels
(u) Decreases blo0d pressure Biochemical responses

GIP (n) Pigmentation Physiological

D CT (v) Inhibits gastric secretion
Physiological responses
B-(0), C-(), D-(i) (a) A-Steroid hormone, B-Receptor, C-Secondary
(a) A-(v),
()A-) B-(0), C-(v), D-(ii) messenger, D-Non-steroid hormone, E-Nucleus,
(c A-(iv), B-0, C-(i), D-(i) F-Hormone-receptor complex, G-Genome, H-mRNA,
B-(), C-iv), D-)
(d) A-i), -Protein
Which part ofbody secretes he hormone secretin? (b) A-Non-steroid hormone, B-Receptor, C Secondary
8) Stomach (b) Oesophagus messenge, D-Steroid hormone,
(d) Duodenum F-Hormone-receptor complex, G-Genome, H-mRNA,
the correctly matched pair. -Protein
84. Select - Does not influence menstrual cA-Steroid hormone, B-Receptor, C-Primary
(a) Pineal gland
cycle messenger, D-Non-steroid hormone,
- Secretes oxytocin
F-Hormone-receptor complex, G-Genome,
(b) Corpus luteum
H-mRNA, -Protein
(c)Interstitial cells Erythropoietic
(d) A-Steroid hormone, B-Enzyme, C-Secondary
Stimulates pancreatic
(d) Cholecystokinin hormone, E-Nucleus

enzyme secretions messenger,
F-Hormone-receptor complex, G-Genome,
H-mRNA, HProtein
224 Mechanism of Hormone Action 87. Refer to the given diagrammatic representation
of the
select the option that
85. Read the given paragraph and mechanism of action of a protein hormone.
correctly fills the blanks in it. Hormone
tissue by binding
Hormones produce their effect on target -Receptor Ovarian cel
located in the membrane
to specific A_called hormone receptors
target tissues only. Water soluble
hormones usually need
for regulating
Breceptor that generate C_messengers can pass
soluble hormones
cellular metabolism.D
to Ereceptors,
through cell membrane and bind
hormone receptor complex
mostly nuclear receptors. The expression
enter the nucleus and mostly regulate gene
of hormone-
or chromosome function by interaction
receptor complex with the genome.
C D correct labelling of
intra- In which of the following options
proteins membrane- second lipid A, B and C is given?
3 cellular
bound intra- B C
water A
b) lipids membrane- second
cellular (a) Generation of Physiological Biochemical
bound extra second messenger responses responses
9proteins intracellular second lipid cellular (b) Activation
Biochemical Generation of

second messenger
proteins membrane- primary lipid intra of genes
Biochemical Physiological
(c) Generation of
bound action second messenger responses responses
86. The mechanism of
represents the Physiological
given diagram of the following
(d) Biochemical Activation
for of hormones. Which of genes responses
WO categories to I?
PuOns correctly identifies the labels A

lable rnlr,t, V.ilo',

say about the
homone action in 97. Ihe given
88. What is correct to dhemical nalure, srleci ihe piion which comnland ther
(a) Glucagon is secreted by -cells
of islets ol lable letes the
Langerhans and stimulates glycogenolysis. Hormone Chemical composition
(b) Secretion of thymosin is stimulated with aging.
In females, FSH first binds with specific receptors (i) Peptide
on ovarian cell membrane. lestosterone (ii)
(d) FSH stimulates the secietion of andiogens. Thyroxine (ii)
89. to the hormone action, if
accepted concept of
According then (iv) Amino-ad derivative
receptor molecules are removed from target organs,
the target organ will (i) (ii) (ii) (iv)
(a) continue to respond to the hormone
without any (a) Cortisol Steroid Polypeptide Estradioi
difterence (b) Oxytocin Protein lodothyronine Epinephrine
(6) not respond to the hormone (c) Cortisol Protein Amine
(c)continue to respond to the hormone but will require
(d) Oxytocin Steroid lodothyronine Epinephrine
higher concentration hormones
to the hormone but in the98.
Which one of the following neverreachert
(d) continue to respond
opposite way.
chemical a) Estrogen (b) FSH
90. Which one of the following is proteinaceous in
nature? () Progesterone (d) Testosterone
(a) Thyroxine (b) Glucagon 99. The signal transduction of steroid hormone across celli
(Progesterone (d) Oxytocin through
91. Insulin is a/an (a) binding of hormone to the cytoplasmic receptor and
(a) polysaccharide (b) protein the complex binds to hormone response element on
(C)amino acid derivative (d) lipid. DNA within promoter DNA
92. Insulin receptors are (b) binding of hormone to the transmembrane receptor
(a) extrinsic proteinsS (b) intrinsic proteins which initiates the production of second messenger
(c) G-proteins (d) trimeric proteins. that activates enzymes which further activates
93. All hypophysiotropic hormones are peptides except transcription factors
(a) corticotropin releasing hormone (c) binding of hormone to the transmembrane receptor
(b) growth hormone inhibitory hormone which diffuse inside the cell cytoplasm and then
(somatostatin activates the enzyme necessary for the activation
(d) prolactin release inhibiting hormone.
of transcription factors
94. Which of the following hormones is a steroid? (d) binding of hormone to the cytoplasmic receptor
(b) Thyroxine
(a) Epinephrine that initiates the production of second messenge
(c) Estrogen (d) Gonadotropin which activates enzymes that further activates
95. Hormones of which of the following endocrine glands
transcription factors.
lacks peptides, amines and sulphur 7
and testosterone are steroid hormones, 3n0
(a) Thyroid and adrenal gland 100.Estrogen
(b) Anterior pituitary (c) Testes most likely bind to
(d) Posterior pituitary and pancreas (a) membrane ion channels
96. Which of the following hormones is not a polypeptide? (b) enzyme-linked membrane receptors
(a) LH (b) FSH (c) G-protein coupled membrane receptors
(c) Insulin (d) Thyroxine (d) cytoplasmic receptors.
A&R Corner
Directions: In the following questions, a statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason. Matk the corret chee.
(a) f both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(6) f both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
( f assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.

1. Assertion: Neurohypophysis is under the direct 8. Assertion Adrenal nedullary

hormones hela in
regulation of the hypothalamus. combating the stress condition.
Reason: Neurohypophysis stores and releases two Reason Both adrenaline and noradrenaline
same organs and produce similar effects.
act ne
hormones called oxytocin and vasopressin which are
actually synthesised by the hypothalamus. 9. Assertion Cortisol produces
reactions and suppresses the immune
2. Assertion: response.
Oxytocin is called 'milk-ejection hormone' Reason: Cortisol stimulates
Reason:0xytocin acts on the smooth muscles of uterus lipogenesis and proteogenesis.
and stimulates its contraction.
10. Assertion: Insulin stimulates glycogenolysis
3. Assertion: Melatonin influences the menstrual cycle, gluconeogenesis resulting in hyperglycemia. and
pigmentation and defence capability. Reason:Prolonged hyperglycemia leads to complex
Reason disorder called diabetes insipidus.
Melatonin plays an important role in the
regulation of diurnal rhythm of our body. 11. Assertion : Insulin is
anabolic hormone.
Reason: A fall in blood amino acids
Assertion: Thyroid hormones promote physical growth insulin secretion.
also increases
anddevelopment of mental faculties. 12. Assertion : Androgens stimulate muscular
Reason: Hypothyroidism in growth.
sexual development.
adults causes retarded Reason: Androgens produce anabolic
effects on
protein and carbohydrate metabolism.
5. Assertion: PTH is a hypercalcemic hormone. 13. Assertion: The estrogen level falls after menopause.
Reason: PTH stimulates the process of bone Reason The estrogen is
resorption. synthesised and secreted
6. Assertion:: Immune response mainly by uterine lining.
of old persons become
weak. 14. Assertion: Renal cells are involved in stimulating the
formation of RBCs.
Reason Thymus degenerates in old individuals. Reason: The
juxtaglomerular cells of kidney produce
Assertion: Adrenal cortex is
not vital for survival and erythropoietin.
may be removed without subsequently leading to death. 1. Assertion Insulin forms hormone receptor complex
Reason:Adrenal cortex secretes a number of which regulates gene
hormones which have only cumulative effects on Reason: Insulin is a peptide hormone which
the can ea5ty
hormones of other glands pass cell membrane to interact with
Exam Archive
This section ncludes
previous yeaus' PMIs questions basod on NCERT Core Content

H , a hypothala thalamic hormone, necded in reproduction, 7. Assertion

(ARH) excites the anterior lobe of releasing hormone
nterior pitutary gland and stimulates secret
produce adrenocorticotropic hormonepituitary gland to
a ante.

and FSH Reason:

of LH ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to
osterior pituitary gland and stimulates secretion itsglucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid hormones.
and FSH (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason i
of oxytocin
the correct explanation of assertion.
pituitary gland and stimulates secretion
and relaxin
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is
of LH not the correct
glana and stimulates secretion explanation of assertion.
anterior pituitary () Assertion is true but reason is false.
o LH and oxytocin. (NEET) (d) Both assertion and false.
reason are
ianadotropin releasing hormone is transferred to 8. How does steroid hormone influence the cellular
anterior pituitary by activities?
(lleftcoronary artery ) hypophysial portal veins (aUsing aquaporin channels 'as second messenger
of neurosecretory cells (b) Changing the permeability of the cell membrane
d axons
al nudlei of hypothalamus. (AlIMS) Binding to DNA and forming a gene-hormone
stimulates Complex
GrRH secreted trom hypothaiamus mainly (d) Activating cydlic AMP located on the cell membrane
the release of
a) Tnyroxin from thyroid gland
9. Hypersecretion of growth hormone in adults does not
b) ADH from posterior pituitary cause further increase in height, because
(FSH and LH from anterior pituitary
(a) epiphyseal plates close after adolescence
o) Aldosterone from adrenals. (AMU) (b) bones loose their sensitivity to growth hormone
Whatisthe effect of GnRH produced by hypothalamus? in adults
muscle fibres do not grow in size after birth
a)Stimulatesthe synthesis and secretion of androgens ()
0) Stimulates secretion of milk in mammary glands (d) growth hormone becomes inactive in adults.
l Stimulates foetal ejectiorn reflex
gland is not a 'true' endocrine
0) Stimulates synthesis of carbohydrates from non- 10. The posterior pituitary
(AlIMS) gland because
carbohydrates in liver duct
a)it is provided with a
Orytocin and ADH are produced by hypothalamus and (b) it only stores and releases hormones
released from (c) it is under the regulation
of hypothalamus
a) anterior pituitary (b) posterior pituitary (NEET)
(d) it secretes enzymes.
pineal gland (d) thyrnus. (AlIMS) one ofthe following
hormones though synthesised
11. Which gland?
hormone elsewhere, is stored and
released by the master
5Srtion: Posteriorpituitaryqland releases a
which is (a) Prolactin
helpful in childbirth. hormnone
Reason Pituitary gland releases vasopressin which (b) Melanocyte stimulating
(c) Antidiuretic hornone
helps in child birth. (d) Luteinising hornione (AIPMT)
la) Both assertion and reason are true
and reason Is
which of the following hormones not
12. Secretion of
the correct explanation of assertion. pituitary dependent?
b) true but reason
is (b) Testosterone
O lassertion and reason are (a) Triodothyronine
(d Parathyroid hoimone
O the correct explanation of assertion. (c) Glucocorticoids
Assertion istrue but reason is false.
) Bot Oth assertion and reason are talse. (AlIMS)
hormones are not (a) Gastrin b) Calcitonin
13. Which of the following pairs of
(c) Glucagon (d) Insulin
opposite effects) to each other?
antagonistic (having (AMU
Atrial Natriuretic Factor 19. Parathormone intluences Calcium absorption in
(a) Aldosterone the small
Inhibin intestine by regulating the metabolism of
(b) Relaxin
(c) Parathormone Calcitonin (a) vitamin C (b) vitamin D
(d) Insulin Glucagon (NEET) (c) vitamin B, (d) enterogasterone,
14. The patient in the picture possibly
depicts an instance of 20. This gastrointestinal hormone stimulates
(a) myxoedema secretion
(b) acromegaly (a) gastrin (b) CCK
(c) cretinism (c) secretin (d) GIP
(d) simple goitre. (JIPMER) (AMU)
21. Assertion Type I diabetes is caused by destrutio
15. ldentify the hormone with its correct matching of source of B cells of Islets of Langerhans.
and function.
and Reason Insulin can be taken as injection by Tvoe
(a) Oxytocin - posterior pituitary, growth
maintenance of mammary glands. patients.
normal (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason i
(b) Melatonin pineal gland, regulates the
rhythm of sleep-wake cycle. the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Progesterone corpus luteum, stimulation of (b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason js
growth and activities of female secondary sex not the correct explanation ot assertion.
organs. (c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
Atrial natriuretic factor - ventricular wall, increases
(d) (d) Both assertion and reason are false. (AlIMS)
the blood pressure. (AIPMT) 22. Which of the following is an amino acid derived
16. Deficiency of thyroxine in an adult causes a disease
characterised by low BMR, low body temperature, puffy
(a) Epinephrine (b) Ecdysone
skin, etc. The disease is
(c) Estradiol (d) Estriol (NEET)
(a) myxoedema (b) cretinism
23. Which of the following is not a function of progesterone
()Grave'sdisease (d) Basedow's disease.
(a) Gestation
17. A pregnant female delivers a baby who suffers from (b) Inhibition of ovulation
stunted growth,
mental retardation, low (c)Uterinegrowth and development
quotient and abnormal skin. (d) Stimulation of mammary secretion (AMU)
This is the result of 24. A temporary endocrine gland in the human body is
(a) cancer of the thyroid gland (a) Corpus cardiacum (b) Corpus luteum
(b) oversecretion of pars distalis (c) corpus allatum (d) pineal gland. (NEET)
(c)deficiency of iodine in diet 25. Which one of the
following causes the mammaryglaln
(d) low secretion of growth hormone. (NEET) to enlarge at puberty?
18. Which is a 32 amino acids water soluble peptide
(a) Testosterone (b) Progesterone
(c) Estrogen (d) Oxytocin (AIPMI)


MCQs Corner
2. ( 3. (a) 4. (c) 5
13. () 14. (c)
(c) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. () 9. 10. (d)
. ()
12 15. (c) 16. (b) 17
11. 22. () 23. (b) 24. (b) 25. (a) 18. (d) 19. 20. (a)
(a) (d) 26. (d) 27. (a) 28. (a) 30. (a)
32 (d) 33. (b) 34. (b) (d) 29.
35 (c) 36. () 37. (d) 38. (b) 39 (d) 40 (a)
41. () 42 (d) (d) 44. (c) 45. (b) 46.
53. (b) 47. (d) 48. (a) 49 (a) 50 (a)
51. () 52. a ( 54. (d) 55. (a) 56
62. (a) 63 (c) 64. (b) 65.
57. (l) 58. (d) 59 (b) 60. (c)
61. (b) d) 66. (d) 67. () 68. (a) 69. (a) 70. (a)
72. (b) 73 () 74. 75. (b) 76. a) 77.
71. ( (d) 83. (d) 84. (d)
a) 78. (d) 79. 6) 80.
81. (a) 82. 85. a 86. (b) 87. (c) 88. (c) 89. (b) 90. (b)
91. (6) 92. (a) 93 (d) 94. (c) 95. (c) 96. (d) 97. (d) 98. b) 99. (a) 100. (d)
NCERT Exemplar Problems
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. 4 (d) 5. (c) 6. a) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9 (c) 10. (c)
( 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. () 15. (d)

A& R
2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. a) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (6) 9. (c) 10. (d)
12. (a) 13. ( 14. (a) 15. )
11. (c
Thinking Corner
1. 6) 2. (a) 3. d) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (6) 10. (a)

Exam Archive
(b) 6. 7. 8. ( 9 (a) 10. (6)
1 (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5.
19. (b) 20. (d)
13. (b) 14. (b) 5. (b) 16. 17. 18. (b)
11. (0 12. (d)
21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (b) 25. (

LH stimulates the Leydig's cells
gonadotropins, FSH and LH. In males
MCQs Corner of the testis to secrete androgens.

their secretions also 8. (c)
c):Endocrine glands lack ducts and pass action. hormone (TSH) is produced by
blood for transport to the site of Ihey are
9. (c) Thyroid stimulating
Ue surrounding and it stimulates production and
Called the ductless glands. the anterior lobe of the pituitary
secretion of thyroid hormones.
C: Hormones do not provide energyor building materialsbut
activities of their hormone is secreted by anterior
differentiation and metabolic 10. (d): Adrenocorticotropic
y aect growth, stimulates adrenal cortex to
secrete its
target cell. pituitary. This hormone
3. la) hormones.
secretes MSH (melanocyte
is meant ror lobe of pituitary
Endocrine system, like the nervous systen, 11. (b):Middle the synthesis of melanin granules
inta animal body. Ihese
nunication and requlation of the Sumuiating
Wc many
occasions. Many
in a coordinated way on in the chromatophores.
impotansperate under the
Important functions of the endocrine system are infact,
are often 12. (a)
Control of nervous system. Therefore, the two systems lobe of pituitary gland
13. (c): Neurohypophysis or the posterior
neurons located in
Olectively called as neuroendocrine system. consists of axonal endings
of neurosecretory
secrete the hormones secreted
(): The neurosecre cells of the hypothalamus and vasopressin are
the secieu hypothalamus. Oxytocin
(neurohormones) that regulate but stored and
released by neurohypophysis.
hOfMones actors by hypothalamus
from the anterior pituitary.
6. d) 14. (c)
the 13.
. hormone (GnRH),
(c) Referto

a) 15.
anterior Gonadotropin releast (adenohypophysis) to secrete
Pruitary gland
42. (d): G evel in the bly i: (ontuolled by
16. (6): Pituicytes are the cells found in the posterior lobe of oth
qlnd and parathyroid gl.ind. lhytol glaml role
pituitary gland. The hormones, oxytocin and vasopressin released by thyrocaleitonn whih dheck, the e
es a fiorio thiyroaid
pituicytes are actually produced by hypothalamus. bloodCaCalurn
17. (a): Growth hoimone secieted by the anterior pituitaryhas Parathyroid glanel seete, hornIone Jlld parollvyrod hor ly
paathormonewhich inerea, t (.f lovel, in the blo
widespread effect in the body. It stimulates growth of various body
cells, promotes protein anabolism, absorption of calcium fiom bowel 43. (d): Paathyroid glan. ocated bolind the thyroid
and conversion of glycogen to glucose. produce hornone illed p.alhoirnoe, fhir, hormoea
18. (d):Prolactin homone secreted by the anterior lobe o calium ad phosptiors b.ilaic n the brody. Ihus, if
if a p
pituitary stimulates the secretion of milk in temales. having problem witlh Galcin nd pho phorU, Metabol
body, this neans, his patathyroid qlanid, are not funictinninh the
19. (c) 20. (a) 21. (a)
22. (c): Aeferto answer7 44. (c): Calcium plays an nporlant role in
blood clea
23. (b): Sertoli cells are regulated by FSH secieted by the anterior
Parathormone, a hormone Teleased by parathroid clotirn
increases calcium level in the blood. Therefore, deficio
pituitary. hormone will decrease Cat level in blood, thus leadinG
24. (b): Ovulation in females is under the control of luteinisingg in blood clotting and increase in bleeding time.
homone (LH), secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. It also
stimulates development of corpus luteum. 45. (b) Thymus gland is a prominent gland at birth but Qtadke
atrophies in the adult, therefore, it is called temporary qland, It ere
25. (d): Luteinising hormone (LH) secreted by the anterior lobe
a hormone thymosin which is involved in
of pituitary gland stimulates corpus luteum of the ovary to secrete producing immunit
progesterone. 46. (b) : Refer to answer 45.
26. (d) 47. (d): Our body has one pair of adrenal glands, one each at tha
2. (a): Oxytocin, secreted by the posterior pituitary qland causes anterior end of both kidneys.
contraction of smooth muscles of the uterus during child birth. 48. (a) 49. (a) 50. (a)
28. (d): Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, ADH) released from 51. (d): Adrenaline (Epinephrine) hormoneissecretedbyatte
posterior pituitary increases reabsorption of water from distal medulla under the conditions of emergency. Therefore, it is a
and collecting tubules of the kidney, thus, helping in producing known as emergency hormone. During emergency, it is
concentrated urine. If there is hyposecretion of vasopressin, then
released ard
causes dilation of blood vessels, so that the blood flow is
water will not be reabsorbed from the tubules and the urine thus It also increases heart beat so that more oxygen is consumed
produced will be dilute. This disorder is called diabetes insipidus also increases blood glucose level. and it
which is characterised by producing dilute urine several timesa
day.52. (a): Adrenaline prepares the body for emergency
29. (a): Refer to answer 28. reactions lik
fight and flight. Therefore, it directly affects the SA node to incres
30. (a): Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) stimulates reabsorption of the rate ofheart beat.
water and electrolytes by the distal tubules and
of water through urine.
thereby reduces loss 53. (b): Refer to answer 51
54. (d) Aldosterone is a major mineralocorticoid,
31. (a)
adrenal cortex. It regulates mineral metabolism and stimulates tre
secreted by
32. (d): Pineal body is a very small,
reddish-grey, vascular,
conical, solid body located in the brain. It secretes a hormone named reabsorption
of Nat and water and excretion of K* and phospnate
ions. Therefore, it is called
melatonin. Melatonin makes the skin colour lighter in salt-retaining hormone
and also regulates the functioning of certain animals 5 . (a) : Refer to answer 54
gonads, thus, controls sexual
behaviour and regulates the period of puberty. 56. (c) 57. (d)
33. (b) 58. (d): Feedback control is a mechanism
by which secrebon
34. (b): Thyroid gland stores its hormones in the colloid. hormones is under the control of factors or other hormones. When e
Colloid is a level of epinephrine decreases in the
homogenous material present in the thyroid follicles of thyroid gland. blood, it stimulates the hypotna
to secrete more CRH which
35. (c):Goitre is caused due to the results in increased production 0
lodine is needed for the synthesis of deficiency
of iodine in the diet. from anterior lobe of pituitary which in turn stimulates the inc
thyroxine secreted by thyroid production of epinephrine from adrenal medulla.
gland. The production of this hormone decreases with poor iodine
diet. This causes enlargement of
thyroid gland which is called goitre. 59. (b) 60. ()
36. (c) 61. (6): Insulin, islets
and are secreteo
of Langerhans of pancreas. Somatostatin suppresses the elease o 0y
37. (d): Thyroid hormones, thyroxine and tri-iodothyronine
regulate the basal metabolism of our body. other hormones from
38. (b): Calcitonin is a hormone secreted 62. (a): aline-
by the thyroid gland. It Glucagon
Increases heart rate
Increases blood sugar level, Au
lowers the calcium level in the blood by
calcium ions from the bones.
suppressing the release of
63. (c) Glucagon increases blood sugar level. It is St
39. (d): Growth hormone (GH) secreted by anterior a-cells of islets of
pituitary Langerhans of pancreas (heterocrine
promotes cell division, protein synthesis and bone growth. 64. (b): Norepinephrine is secreted by adrenal medulla and

40. (a) 41. (c) increases heart beat, rate of

respiration and alertnes hareb
increases reabsorption of water from the nephrons of the kiarney
througn uline, (G gon IS eled by
arc offwater
w a t .

ns Prolactn is seciceu om anteOI pituit

o cclls of 4. (d): Pine
1 O s S

land Influence, rmenstrual cycle

tin is an
is a n inlhibitory
inthibit hormone wlhich is
COrpurs luteum SPCTetes progesterone
S o m a t o O s t

the brain
a t i n

and pancieas. Somatostatin from Interstitial cells Secrete androgens

d: in the
p o t h a l a n m u s

othalanus inhibits
the secretion of growth hormone from the Cholecystokinin Stimulates pancreatic
liom pancteas inhibits enzyme secretion
lobe of pituitary. Somatostalin the 85. (a)
from pancieas like insulin and 86. (b) 87. (c)

glucagon. 06.
(C) Mechanism of hormone action is not the same in all

alegories of hormones. Ihese hormones bind with the specitic

sulin converts glucose nto glycOgen in the liver and muscles Tereplors located in their tarqet tisses, Hormone receptor is of two
Gluconeogenesis is the process of synthesis of glucose ypesmembrane bound receptor and intracellular receptor. FSH 15 à
a):u ate sources such as fat and protein. Insulin proleinaceous hormone, has large molecular weight and is insoluble
in lipids,

punotesglycogenesis, ,ie., it enables the liver and muscles to convert

is. therefore,
it cannot
the membrane bound receptorenter the target
present cell.
on ovarian
binds with
Inus membrane.
and to store iit. It also enables the
into glycogen tissues to 89. (b): Hormones recognise target organs by the presence
as a ssource of energy. Ihis lowers the blood- of
e and use glucose
u par specific receptor molecules on the plasma mernbrane of target
a a s eleve!l.
Organs. hormone will
It these receptor molecules are renoved then a
hormone produced by beta cells of pancreas, plays be unable to give
any response.
l a(a):
i n the regulation ot glucose homeostasis. It stimulates 90. (b): Glucagon secreted by a-cells of islet of Langerhans and
proteinaceous in nature.
nersioerion of glucose to glycogen, Le, glycogenesis. Gluconeogenesis
sstimulated by glucagon. 91. (b): Insulin is a protein hormone.
is unable to produce 92. (a)
la): In diabetes melitus, a patient or
inulin hormone.This hormone helps in maintaining the level 93. (d): Prolactin release inhibiting hormone is an amino acid
olcase in the blood by converting extra glucose into glycogen. derivative hormone produced in the hypothalamus.
in diabetes mellitus, body of the patient becomes incapable to 94. (
sore qlucose in
the torm of glycogen. Therefore, he starts excreting 95. (c) : Hormones of testes are steroid in nature. They are derived
in the urine. A patient kept on carbohydrate free diet from cholesterol.
exTeting glucose in the urine, because high level of glucose in 96. (d): Thyroxineisan iodothyronine.
the blood not only depends on dietary carbohydrates but
also on
gcogenolysis (breakdown of glycogen into glucose in the liver) and 97. (d)
98. (b): FSH is a proteinaceous hormone. It does not enter its
guconeogenesis (breakdown of fats into glucose in adipose tissues). it binds to
target cells, thus, it never reaches to cytoplasm. Instead,
71. and activates membrane
the receptor present on the cell membrane a

12. (b): Androgens are produced by testes and in small amounts bound enzyme that causes conversion of ATP to cAMP. This then alters
ty adrenal cortex. the activities of enzymes in the cytoplasm.
13. 74. (c) 75. (b) 76. (a) 99. (a): Steroid hormones, being hydrophobic molecules,
the cell. Steroid hormones enter
11. (a): Refer to answer 63. freely into all cells and act within
the cytoplasm of a target cell and bind with specific receptor proteins
diffuses into nucleus and
8. Estrogen, secreted by ovaries in females, stimulates
(d): (mobile). Hormone-receptor complex then
carries out
e development of secondany sexual characters during puberty activates specific genes to form a new protein. This protein
steroid hormone.
ad maintains them through the reproductive years of adult life in the specific response tor a particular
enales Testosterone is produced by testes in males. It stimulates 100. (d)
Evelopment of male secondary sexual characters like beard,
moustache, etc. NCERT Exemplar Problems
79. (D):Oxytocinis released by posterior pituitary. Corpus luteum
KIetes progesterone. Calcitonin
released by thyroid gland regulates 1. (d)
lobe of putuitary gland.
(c) : Oxytocin is secreted by posterior
Dlood calcium level. the
secrete two hormones
. 3 (c): Medulla of adrenal glands adrenaline is
81 (a): When ecretion of mones is under the control of adrenaline and noradrenaline. During
ot blood vessels, so that the blood
released and causes dilation
\attOorss orf other hormones, it is called the feedback control. If the
level ofof progesterone flow is increased. It also
increases heart beat so that more oxygenis
it is
and strogen is low in the blood, it stimulates increases blood glucose levels. Therefore,
the consumed and it also
Norepinephrine(= Noradrenaline)
3othalamus to sec more FSH-RH which results in
also known as emergencyhormone.
oduction of FSH fromsecrete
anterior pituitary which in turn stimulates the causes increased activity
of the heart, inhibition of gastrointestinal
so forth. Because of the
ed the pupils of the eyes and
secretion of estrogen and progesterone from ovary. tract, dilation of also called 'glands of
the adrenal glands are
role of their hormones,
. emergency.
Dodenum hormone
and jejunum. secreted by the intestinal
mucosa of
4. (d)
(d) Ihe ouler 1ay1 O1 10 illo
670 whih 7.
amed thymosin ', VIl.ny u o n l lor lht
e and
hormone D.t of drenal t,
secretes a
of Iells th t l ue det
5. (c) Thymus
: nd

of sexual temovalkills te diIh,

stimulates the
It also
broadly l.r:ifiol nil
threo qo
r e s i s t a n c e to
ntections. wlich e VIZ C,
increases nd (
o! t b o l i y i a t ,,
mino Jd
matunty. hormones that ae
of metabolisms

6. (a):The

peptides o protens
are large and
insoluble in

the cell
lipids nd
surtace. Iequlate the
balane oi w.ile il ectrolte
olyt Ainetartp
Theretore, they act at stimulate the developmenl of otor
the tanget ell. the Corticoids
cannot enter
speciic receptor
molecules located on
the surtace of
They bind to
messengers e.g,
cycicAMP, R
8. (b)
generate second
cell membrane and The adrenal corter proices
9. (c) gucocortr
cells present in the connective
tissue between
stimulate gluconeogenesis, lipolysis and protor
7. (a) The Leydig's a group of
hormones called androgens cellular uptakes and utilisation o arnino acids, in os
seminiteroUs tubules produce
is the main glucocorticOid, cortisol produces ant
mainly testosterone.
reactions and suppresses the immune response.
8. (b) of adrenal cortex secretes
( : The cells of zona tasciculata
(d): Insulin stimulat conversion of glucose to
9 include three main
hormones 10.
mainly glucocorticoids
glycogenesis) in the target cells. rolonged hyperglycemia en
corticosterone and cortisone.
complex disorder called diabetes mellitus.
is a hormone secreted by
pineal gland.
10. () chiasma (in the brain)
in a nucleus,
Immediately above the optic hormone and
11. ()
that react to this
are present melatonin receptors
thus intorming 12. (a): Androgens produce anabolic (synthetic) effor.
24 hrs day/night rhythm,
synchronise the nucleus to thewhen it is night.
and carbohydrate metabolism. This anabolic efect ause
the brain when it is day and increased deposition of protein everywhere in the body, but et
11. (:Hormones of protein nature bind to specific receptor
in the muscles. Androgens, thererOre, stimulate muscular qro
plasma membrane to form the hormone
molecules located on the
13. (c) The estrogen is synthesised and secreted mainly ty
receptor complex.
14. () growing ovarian follicles. Menopause is the time in a woman's
12. (b) 13. (d)
protrusion of eye balls. This occurs
in when the ovaries cease to produce an egg every month.Tre
15. (d):Exophthalmia is
is thyroid enlargemernt in also ceases. Ihis may happen because both the oigre
exopthalmic goitre. Exophthalamic goitre
whichthyroid secretes excessive amount of thyroid hormone. It is by menopause, have run out of ovarian folicles. Witheutdieo
caused due to hypersearetion of thyroid hormone. follicles, there is a reduced supply of estrogen and progesierOTe

14. (a)
A &R Corner 15. (c): Insulin is a protein hormone which is water soue
1. (a): Neurohypophysis is also known as posterior pituitary, Water soluble hormones require extracellular receptors that gere
stores and releases two hormones called oxytocin and vasopressin
which are actually synthesised by the hypothalamus and are
Second carrying out their activity. Insulin bns
messengers tor
Its specitic receptor molecule located on the plasma membrar:
transported axonally to neurohypophysis. Therefore, the posterior
pituitary is under the direct neural regulation of the hypothalamus form the hormone receptor complex, which in turn generates R0
2. (b):Oxytocin acts on the smooth muscles of our body and messengersthat regulate cellular mechanism.Water solubienom
stimulates their contraction. In females, it stimulates a vigorous e.9, amin0 acid derivatives, peptides and protein hormonesl
Contraction of uterus at the time of child birth, and milk ejection from enter the target cell.
the mammary gland during suckling.
3. (b) 4. (b) Thinking Corner
5. (a): Parathyroid hormone (PTH) increases the Ca? levels in
the blood. PTH acts on bones and stimulates the process of bone
resorption (dissolution/demineralisation). PTH also stimulates
(b):In the given fiqure, C represents poste
hormones ie,
reabsorption of Ca* by the renal tubules and increases Ca? Posterior pituitary stores and release two

absorption from the digested food. It is, thus, cdear that PTH is a
and ADH which are actuallysynthesised by the hypotha

hypercalcemic hormone, ie., it increases the blood Ca2* level. transported axonally to neurohypophysis or postel
2. (a):Beta cells of pancreas produce insuin. itphs
6. (a): Thymus plays a major role in the development of the Catadois

immune system. This gland secretes the peptide hormones called synthesis in tissues from amino acids and reu
thymosins. Thymosins play a major role in the
differentiation of proteins. It increases the of fats in the a
T-lymphocytes, which provide cell-mediated immunity. In addition, fatty acids and reduces the akdown and oxidatio
thymosins also promote production of antibodies to provide humoral decreases the level of glucose in the blood. It a c b d
immunity. Thymus is degenerated in old individuals resulting in a
decreased production of thymosins. As a result, the immune
rate at which glucose is transported out of ne from the
of old persons become weak. responses and by stimulating muscle cells to take up sugar

convert it to
hows that the exti,ct or panaeas is inetlective
bloodsuga level. The exti.t contans secietions of both Exam Archive
palts i.e., d1. cols and slet of Iangehans
t actof endocine piit which is Islet of lanqerhans (a): (1onadotropin releasinqg horrmone (GnRH) is secreted by the
of iedcng sugau level, this shows that some ypothalanus which stimulates the anterior lobe of pituitary gland to
apable eTete luteinirsing hormone
ells are preventiny anti-vdiabetic axto1 to function, (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
wth homone (GH) stimulates body growth (b): Hypothalamus is connected to the anterior lobe o
by pruitary gland by hypophysial portal veins. The latter carry blood
synthesis dnd depositi of pioteins in tissues and
, n ) t h e s n t b .

COntaining neurohormnones (releasinq factors) frorn the hypothalamus

eficient secietion at an early stage
muscles. Its to the anterior lobe of the
nes and
1thot excessive secretion trom childhood auses pituitary.
while its
ersecretion in ulthood produces acromegaly. (c):Reler to answer 1.
4 (a)
5. (6): The secretion of the posterior lobe is known as pituitrin
cells ot kidney release renin(P)
anditcontains two hormones-oxytocin and antiduretic hormone

: nverts angiotensinogen in blood to angiotensin | (Q)

h conve
ADH) Or vasopressin. The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland does
to angiotensin ll (R). Angiotensin II, being a powerful not secrete any hormone, rather it stores and releases the hormones
v turther
Vnstrictor, increasesthe glomerular blood pressure and thereby secreted by the hypothalamus.
II also activates the adrenal cortex to release 6. (c) The secretion ofthe posterior lobe of pituitary is known
(S).Aldosterone causes
reabsorption of Nat and water as pituitrin and it contains two hormones: (i) Oxytocin or pitocin. ()

distal parts of the

tubule. his also leads to an increase in Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or vasopressin. Oxytocin is called "birth
om the
GFR.This complex mechanism is generally known
and hormone" and "milk ejecting hormone."
the Renin-Angiotensin mechanism.
7. (b)
blood takes some time (approx
1(a):Water absorption by 8. (c):Steroid hormones are lipid-soluble and easily pass
to tall in the water potential of blood that
20 minutes). It leads through the cell membrane of a target cell into the cytoplasm
AOresses the release
of ADH from pituitary. Consequently person where they bind to specific intracellular receptors (proteins) to
oduces dilute urine. torm a hormone receptor complex that enters the nucleus. In the
Felease of ADi from posterior pituitary is triggered when osmolarity nucleus, hormone which interact with intracellular receptors mostly
is sensed
i blood icreases i.e., its water potential decreases which regulate gene expression or chromosome function by the interaction
and latter secretes ADH that
t, ocinoreceptors of the hypothalamus of hormone-receptor complex with the genome. Biochemical actions
STOred and released by posterior pituitary. ADH acts on kidney result in physiological and developmental effects.
ubules that reabsorb water and excrete very concentrated urine.
9 (a): Epiphyseal plate is a hyaline cartilage plate in the
8. 6): Estrogen negative feedback in females is a very good bone
metaphysis at each end of long bone. It is a part of long
ample of negative feedback loop. Negative feedback loop is a self where new bone growth takes place. adults,
In elevated levels of GH

ulating system where increased output from thesystem

inhibits results in acromegaly where no increase in height occurs because ot
uther production. The hypothalamus produces gonadotropin ossified epiphyseal plate.
aesIng hormone (GnRH) which signals pituitary to produce follicle 10. (b)
imulating hormone (FSH). FSH signals the ovaries to produce antidiuretic
11. (c): Two hormones viz. oxytocin (OT) and
Esogen. High levels of estrogen then inhibit the production of but stored
hormone (ADH) are synthesised in the hypothalamus,
make less FSH
m hypothalamus which signals pituitary to
nd in turn and released by the posterior lobe of pituitary gland.
less estrogen. the feedback control of blood
0): In the given section of adrenal glands, P is zona
12. (d): Parathyroids are under
stimulates them to secrete
calcium level. A fall in blood calcium
9omer iszona fasciculata and Ris zona reticularis of adrenal calcium inhibits parathormone
Conexwhereas S is adrenal medulla. P secretes aldosterone which is parathormone, a rise in blood
secretion from them.
nOWn as mineralocorticoid becaus6 its effects are on salt (mineral
secreted by ovary and placenta
aance). Qsecretes cortisol that is glucocorticoid because it plays an 13. (b): Relaxin hormone is
relaxes ligaments in pelvis and softens and
mpontant role inmetabolism of gluco and other organic nutrients. during pregnancy, which Inhibin secreted by granulosa cells
is also widens cervix during childbirth.
and immunosuppressive and
ît-inflammatory secretion of FSH by anterior pituitary. Thus,
to as stress normone. R secretes sexcorticoids (androgens) in the ovaries inhibits
ditferent functions and are not antagonistic
thereas S nor-epinephrine and are secreted relaxin and inhibin have
ne time of pinephrine and is a disease caused by hypersecretion
of 14. (b): Acromegaly
emergency Or tress.
10. (a): Function of growth hormone or somatotiophic
hormone (STH). It is an
in jaws, limbs,
parathyroid hormone (PTH)
adulthood maltormation due to abnormal growth
gulate calcium and phosphate level in blood. and bones characteristically results in

increase rate of calcium absorp from intestine in children etc. Overgrowth of sott tissues
hands and feet, prominent brow ridges, broadening
large spade like
Start boneblood level of calcium.
dissolution eoclastic action) and stimulates of bridge of nose, etc
15. (b): Oxytocin produced
is by hypothalamus and generally
XCTetion of calcium
um in blood. It stimulates secretion of
milk from mammary glands,
affects the growth of bones, membrane permeability, nerve
by posterior pituitary.
contraction of uterus at the
time of child birth.
nctioning and muscular activity of body. causes
6/2 1ine
li: Fidney
Fidney, ihe
calcium and phosphale by
ot calciun
luteum. It stimulates uterus for of actiono of alri
on calcium metabolism
melabolism is antagonrlic
anlagonilic to
Io that of pata
Progesterone is secreted by corpus
pregnancy, implantation,
formation of placenta and development
(b) : Parathormone is secreted by parathyroid aland
of mammary glands.
Atrial natriuretic factor is secreted by atrial wall
in response to an function is to elevate serum calcum level. It influen es i
land.ts prir
increased retum of the venous blood. This hormone requlates the absorption in the snall intestine by requlating the netab
excretion of ions and water. vitamin D.
blood volume through increased
under secretion of thyroid 20. (d): Gastric inhibitory peptide (GiP) contain, A2
16. (a): Myxoedema is caused due to
In this, mucus becomes acids and is produced by duodenal rnucosa. The
hormone. This disorder appears in adults.
stored in subcutaneous tissue which holds water and gives a pufty releareof
stimulated by the presence of glucose in the qut. The most
appearance to the skin. function of GIP is to stimulate the release of inculin fromarirnoon
17. (c) The functions of thyroxine (T,) and triiodo-thyronine (T,), This is evident from the fact that the plasma insulin leyel ir, elep
include: regulation of the metabolic rate of the body and thereby much before the increase in blood glucose. GIP also inhibit,dented
maintenance of basal metabolic rate (BMR); protein synthesis and HCI secretion, gastric motility and its emptying. gactric
of mental
growth of the body tissues; regulation of the development 21. (b)
faculties maintenance of bocty temperature and speeding the action
of neurotransmitters like adrenaline and noradrenaline. 22. (a) : Epinephrine which triggers the fiight or fight responr
lodine is needed for the synthesis of T, and Ta. lodine binds to the is derived from amino acid tyrosine. It is synthesised in the merul
tyrosine residues in thyroglobulin, which is then hydrolysed into of the adrenal glands.
iodotyrosines that combine to form triodothyronine (T) or thyroxine 23. (d): Progesterone is secreted by corpus luteum and alco
(tetraiodo-thyronine or T). Therefore, deficiency of iodine in the
by placenta at later stages. it brings about most of the pregnanc
diet of a pregnant female will lead to improper synthesis of thyroid
hormones in newly born infant. The deficiency of thyroid hormones changes such as development of uterine lining and mammarygland
in infants causes 'cretinism' whose symptoms are slow heart beat,
formation of placenta and also maintains pregnancy.
lower blood pressure, decrease in temperature, stunted growth, low 24. (b): Corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine gland in humen
intelligence quotient and abnormal skin. females. It secretes progesterone which stimulates the uterine
18. (b): Calcitonin is a peptide containing 32 amino acids. It is glands to produce increased amount of watery mucus and is also
secreted by parafollicular cells of thyroid gland. Calcitonin lowers essential for maintenance of endothelium. In absence of fertilisation
the concentration of calcium (and phosphate) in the blood by corpus luteum disintegrate leadingto menstruation.
suppressing the release ofcalcium from bone and promote excretion 25. (c)

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